Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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From- Our Near Neighbors
Mr. AngTiiU McHenry of Illinois
Stops at the Capital.
Traveler wllk Ui Tram MLaea
Oat ar Ikat rrrxrmt Home
' la' la Soah Dakota.
From Flaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. S.-H.e-la1. Mrs. Au
miata Mcll.nrjr. who says she waa a
schoolmate of William Jenntnsa Bryan In
the, dsys when they both Were klila, called
at ttra stake house today to see. Governor
Mrs. Mi-Henry does not rlda In the mod
ern raanllne omD. but travrla about
the country a they did In "ye icoodo
old d.yrs." a waxim drawn by a couple
of ews brlnn the ntethod the uses whn
a-olng out to call on her trlenda. tier
coualn follows behind with another waxon
drawn "with another pair of rowa, and
whlls they may nerer run any chance of
belasT arrested for exceeding the speed
limit, they manaire to ret about the
country In pretty food ahape.
t.athe rta 'iett rsb.rc.
Mr. Mollenry aaya that her fiAher
! Colonel Miller, who commanded at
Illinois regiment In the civil war and
waa killed at the betUe of Uettyeburf.
Ovar thla matter Mri. Mcllenry.and Col
onel Prvfeon of the itowemor'a of fire
foroe were at variance, the colonel de
claring that It waa the battle of Bunker
1IIH. Anyhow the lady failed to have
the pleasure of meeting either Governor
Morehead or Secretary of Slate Bryan
and seemed ' aomewhat aurprleed that
"Billy," aa (he railed Mr. Bryan.' was
working down at Washington. Hhe said
that she had often danced "Pop Ooea the
Weasel" with Governor Morehead In the
oil ' days, but the governor wu up In
Boone county and slia failed to have the
pleasure of meeting him.
related, an Incident of her achvol
day when aha and "Hilly" used to play
together. Hlie laid that one day "Me
and Billy hitched a couple of Bhepherd
doss to one of them little red wagging
aa' ; started out fer a ride. While wo
wag a-oln' along havln'. lots pf fun a cot
tonUll ran out In the road and the dogs
took after It They re n down through
louA-h. When we got home we both got
aa awful llckhV." '. ,
fteeklas; to Aid C'onatn.
la on a Mission searching for a
cousin by the name of Hegrlat. tins had
heard that he was fn trouble and she
thought he nilght be In the penltentlury.
Whan ahe left the state house she ex
reeled to stop at the penltentlury to see
If se could find him. . She declared that
Prof. Segrlst was formerly - a rnualo
tcarher and taught the "Wilson kids'
as Wis referred to the children or Presi
dent Wilson. ,
Newspaper men who desired to take a '
picture r,t her . traveling , outfit were
promptly told thai there waa nothing
doing in that line, "i don't 'low no
klodaka 'round my wagglnt," said ho.
Bho claims aher present home la In Trup
county. South. Dakot. . ,
WATNE. Neb.i Oct :.-(pscisi.-Ow.
Ing to serious Illness la bis family, which
wlU prereat him from moving to B.U.vua,
th Alexander Corkay has returned to
Wayne and aspects to resign his position
on the faculty of Bellevue college. The
family fcad expected to more some weeks
ago. and before the packing of the house
hold goods was eomplsted. sickness of a
aerlous nature oompelled them to post
pone the removal, and finally called Dr.
Corker home from BeUeme, where he had
already entered upon his duties as a pro
fesaor., lie will preach at the Presby
terian church Sanday morning and evening.
'TEClfMSGH, Neh.. Oct. t-(Recial.)-Jamss
Qrffin and Robert Hmlley of
Tecumesh. and Ben Johnson, who claims
'"V " Kan, were taken l-for.
County Jusa Livingston, yasterdav after
aon, on charges of tlleaal - u -
here. Each pleaded guilty, and the Judge
TlaaVaa4 tKa, BtaAaV "
w aca an coats. At last
aetounta the-men were trying to raise
the money. The charge. n the complaints
were the sale of liquor here during ,h,
county fair, last week.. . . V . '. 5 .
Mlns Marraret Ware la back from a
vlatl at North I'latte. Nrb
Mr. and Mri Mark Tleaty returned from
a Malt to frlnnds at Norfolk, Neh.
Thnrnaa W. HlacaTiurn, candidate for
rnnprcaa fmrn thla ttintrlct. was In Blair
laat riaturriay.
Former County Juris ' Marshall and
wire of Arlington wrre vlaltlng Hlalr
friends on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Volrk of th Paptlat church,
and wife, motored to Omaha on Monday
and vialted friends.
Will Storktui and -wife nf .Norfolk.
V'li., are rlaltlng Mr. Mock ton mmhe?.
Mrs. John F. VMilte. , f
The hlph school f.xit IihII team waa en-
KimmM m me nome of yir. Aaa Dixon,
Jr.. laat Friday evening
Charley Htowe. outfielder of the Blair
hall team, has written a etorv for a mov
ing picture film and sold it in Omaha
for is,.
Mlrs Margaret Klaagaer of Omha and
Mra. Karly .f Harlhistun Neh.. mere
callers at the Judge K. C. Kllcr home last
Saturday. '
Mra. W. K. Klnyon. living northwem of
Illalr. ahnt a bull snake with a .22 rifle
In Ier' door yard one day laat week that
measured five and one-naif leet long and
enven in-nea arounl.
Thursday Mlaa Florence Pntitwt
went to t:raig. Neh where ahe JiIhvimI
Ihe welding march for her friend. Mls
laie StHinotnn, who waa married to Mr.
i.eiann naiiKh or Oakland.
A reward nf 1M Is offered for Warren
E. Mugger, formerly of Mlslr. who en
Uated in Company 1. Tenth Inrantry, laat
July, a year ago. and who deserted from
the Prenldlo at San Francleco In August,
this year.
Laat Saturday Hherlff Compton arreated
Ed Zybank ami a friend from Columbua.
Neh., who had appropriated the former's
father car and Marted oat to see the
world. Mr. Zyback came Sunday and
took the boya and car home.
I'r. and Mrs A. It. Kokes. Kdltor J W
Tomlln and wife. Attorney Mo ha in ami
wl.e snd Mra. KlflnM ..r t.l..i, i..,.i
Inat hunday afternoon wlih II -v. U. II I
Warren of the MethixIWt church, who
eaves m ia weeK tor his new pastorate at
Auburn. l ,
Waller lugan. wia recently worked for
Mr tleorge Mlchaelaen at OcHolo, waa
paid off In raah for hla work and rame
to Blair and lorged a check for liO.SO on
Mr. Mlchoelaon. which he paaaed on a
merchant, and slipped out. Sheriff Coinp.
ton Is locate him. . ,
Weeplnsr Water.
Cholera la taking an enormous number
of the hogs in this vicinity.
Treat Akew and wfw are visiting at
the home of hi parents here.-
Mrs. V . B. Thomes has gone to tavcji
port. Neb., to visit her mother..
Mrs. D. IT. Brann has gone t6 Atchison,
Kan, to visit her Ulster, Mrs. Kesler.
Fire which did about $100 damage oc
curred at the Gibbon hotel Saturday
Mr. James McNam has gone to Falls
city to .visit with .her, sons. Clyde and
Mrs. Ray Thompson and children of
Normal are visiting Mrs. Albert lienegar
and family.
J. C. Jnnea, wife and daughter, have
gone east for a six weeks' vlalt In the
state of Ohio.- , .
Mrs. Emma Barry has gone to Falls
City to vlalt at the home of her daugh
ter, Mra,' E. J. Moeaer.
Mrs, ia, Howard of Minneapolis Is vlaw
Ulrig her slater,' Mr. M. Ci' Walker, llv
Ing on the farm eaat of town. v s
Mrs. C. C. Balaton of Omaha w. a
recant visitor at the bouie . of ber. par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. - MrU kLiVu re
turned from their wedding trip to the
j-iiaca inn region or aouth Uakota.
Mr. Alex Mitchell haa returned V..-
hotne at WalUjlll after two. week' vlalt
who nrr relatives, in Miicneil family,
south of town. 1
In the first game ef Toot hall on the
loeiU diamond . last Saturday the. high
chool team won rrom,. the Nchswjia
school 'team II to ft, 1 " -.
Mr. W. r. Langhorrt of Wabash vis
ited with Mr. I, N. Hunter Tueeday
morning between traJn while returning
to her homo from a visit at Avocs,
A public playground association has
been organised and a number of com
mittees are at work. The finance com
mittee la arranging for a benefit moving
picture show to ruse money to purchase
playground equipment.
held from the .residence on FTlday after
noon. Valley.
Dr. and Mra. M. II. (larrlson motored
to Omaha Wedneaday,
Mr. and Mra C II, Nichols motored to
Fremont Wednesday morning.
A fine daughter waa !orn to Mr. and
Mrs. luy McCaulley Tueaday.
Mrs A. K. Hubbard and Mra. Annie
RoMiiaon went to Omaha Monday.
Mra. R F. Smith entertained the mem
ber of the Itlrlhd.-iy club Thursday aft
ernoon. Mr. and Afra F C. Kennedv tofik Mr
anil Mra. C,1. Hogers to Fremont In ttlejr
aulo VVednecilay. i
Mra. ."Imiin Bice aitended theraiiste
Women ( hrlatlan Temperance union
ronventlon at lntlnga. ' ,
Rev. B. A. Fye was at Tekamah, Neb.,
where he haa accepted a call to be Jmator
of the Presbyterian clmrrli.
The young lieoulc of the Soonnd Bn-
t1et vhurch gave a very enjoyable, re-J
cejition ror Mr. ami Mra. oacar Jnconson
Wednesday evening.
Rev. Charlea llerrnn, I. t .' of flmaha
Thoological , semlnsry preached In the
Preahyterlan church both morning and
evening laat Sunday.
The Woman's Mlaclonary society nf -the
Preahyterlan eh-irch waa entertained at
the home of Mra. Fred WhHmore on
Wednesday afternoon. Mra N It. Nlcli-I
ols hMd charge of the leason study. I
The regular nwctlnr of the Valley Woj
mini rluh was he1" rr'daV aftermion at
the home of Mra. Fltagerald. Mra. Ma
Johnaon waa leader and the a'ilJect was
"Northern European Immigration."
The official board .of the Methodist
Episcopal church entertained tho official
board of the l.nahara Methodist Efdacrt
oal church at Uie home of Mr. and Mra,.
Y. M. Butt Tueadsy evening. The-viator.
Rev. McAII'sier. will aero , both
chnrges the coming year.
Charles Insraham was an Omaha Ps
aenger. Tuesday.
I.ou'a Carstena of Berlin was In town
on bnancfs TuVsrlay.
B. M. Pollard aa a bunlnera visitor
at Lincoln Wsdneaday.
Ollbort Klme rell off of a boncti at
school and broke his arm.
Mr. and Mra. AdHiri returned Monday
from an outing In Colorado.
Msa Isadora Male of Iuvall. Wash.
Is visiting relatives here this week.
Mex Hchafer and family, from I 'ncoln,
hsve moved to Nehawka for the "Inter.
Mra. Johnaon of Genoa Is vlltlng her
daughter, Mr. Scbllchierneler, thla week.
Mrs. Fleschman gave a pre-nuptlal
shower Monday to Miss Lottie Wunder
llch. , . . .
'Mr. and Mrs. (iraber of Fremont vis
ited this week' with Mr. and Mr. Louis
Mrs. Keltner entertained Meadames
"ynn ami Slgget' of I'nlon at dinner on
Mr. Errena Chandler of Walsenhurg,
Colo, la here for a protracted vlalt with
her mother, Mr. Reynold.
Frank Cog and wife returned Wednes
day from a two weeks' visit with Mr.
Cox's father and mother at Alva, Okl.
Mrs. J. V. Hedges, left Wednesday to
be at thit bedside of her father, who is
very sick at his home In Corydon,
A new store and a new standard of values
' t aetata!. -
t Charlie Meara, th outfielder who was
inTlati .by. .'I :N! .X.- AmeruVn's
CATl .r '" t wek
mmUmm gssssMrgsBBMg.
' Irvlaarlnai
MondaA .' VUIt1 uncl Mu'f
of'' f--'.'
vlIftors'T? .nitnrk"?rvi were
- uumi luesuay.
Tha-vPllttng Workers met at the Chr
Uan church for dinner wi -nr
. JLTUJ&X?".? were
... " crania home.
. ra. Hlnse of Blair is vUlilna- ..
koine of h.i- ..,,v.. u." the
- -- -- - iienry. ttprtng
Wesley Williams and Alfred Willlaim
Wotoreo to the lair at Kikh. T.,.Ji,l,
Mrs. "ot.. - w
the home of he, brother. jlh.t'JmH
WU Haetm n
X?e? ef tlkhwrn one day Uat
..Mr- and Mra Nels Raaninsae'n vlalled at
ayof th" :." A.
li,ndrtcksorr and daugbur. Mrs
$Kti7u,'r?,m .,rw Uy' lri
Mr. and Mr, V It ' Prew.ter were en-
The Indies' AM oity met at Ue Ed
Hagee home for supper Wednesday with
large turnout... .. . , . ln
"r.' Bd Mr- 'n Fremont are
viattlng at the home of their daughter
Mra. Gus bundall. -nier.
Mr. end Mra Percy Babbit and family
or Keystone par re entertained bun
day at th Jm. Hole home. .
lire RHi Mm u n kj ...
, - -. - iircwii irr gnu
Mra S. C. Brewster attrnded the women's
conference meel'ng at Omaha Wedneday.
Mr. and Mrs Uaneon 'of WaH net on
aiui Uxir, Alina and Emma Peterson
WT a ine aiunsun home Sun
Mr. nd Mrs Allert Anderson sntor-
i . ninoinn oi omaha and
Mr. and Uri Phil Nelson of Tekamah
runday. .
Mr. and Mr. Oeorg Knight and Mr.
and Mra Josie P erce motored down
from Cherry tvualy and aj viMting rel.
alive here. .
J . , "n"ier ano airs. Ken
nedy o Omsrta end Mrs. Ariams of-Nto-
hr.r, . I . i u . . . ,
. ' . , ; '-" ounuay ai ins
Cksvriej Veetai bome,
' irsea.
Mrs. P. Durham made a trip to Omaha
Tuesday. .
Mlsa EUle Opp waa a Weeping Water
visitor Saturday,
John Klntner and - wife were Omaha
visitor Saturday.
Asa 1. Johnson and family mad a trip
mo line capita mis weeg.
Loul Weber and wife of -Cook were
vl-'tlng relatives here Wednesday.
Mrs. F. P. Kruse and daughter Lenora
weie visiting at Millard over Sunday.
Joe ' Richardson and ' wife were here
irom eagle r rtday visiting, relative.
Revival meeting will commence at th
l-nriuaa cnurcn on Saturday evening..
Oeorge Peters and slater Mrs. llenrv
Kehlbeck. are visiting felaUve at Ar-
Mrs. W 1. CMll In nf Onneett niorf. m-.
here several days this week .visiting, her
Mr. Alexander Francis of Punbar was
ner visiting ber daughter. Mra. Harry
Mareuarei. - ,
Benlamin Itetta and wife have mIufim
front an extended vlalt so Colorado and
New, Mexico.
. John Thiers ahd. wlf 'and A. J. Nut.
man of Bertram are here visiting rela
tive tnis wecK. i .
Seth Meyer has purchased a' farm In
Deuel county end will move to same
about March I.
Mrs. Peck ham and daughter. Mra. R
O Hutchlns. have returned from a visit
at Concordia. Kan. ...
Mra John .Frank 'of Cacleton. -ho hag
been vlalt ittai at th hoip of ly. M. Ho
back, has returned home., j .
W. D. Harlan and wife of Cook were
In town Monday on their aay home from
a visit with Iowa relatives.
Mr. and Mra. Edgar F. SnaveJv of Lin
coln and Mra. Omar Coon ami eon of
Manlsy were Sunday visitor at th M.
(1. Keedy home.
Henry Wehllng and wlf and Mr. Mary
Mltier and Fred Oelke. all of Nebraska
City, were Avocu vlltrs Monday.
property he lately purchased of James
Mra. James Brialey returned from
Peoria, 111, iWednesdsy. : ;
Roy Whitney ha lust finished a; fine
bungalow and will occupy It soon.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Renou, of 'MoClcl
lahd. -la.cara alaitinr Hnnrv rinttmt.
"the TTIfn-sVtirr will play the Gretna
"u" nt-nooi ciud on rnoay afternoon.
Lea Rlods-riitt. Kim Tilun, t
Johnson returned from Wvnminv u-,..
Rav Panlnirtnn ' of Plilnl.
down by automobile the first of the week
miu is viaiimg nere.
Oeorge - Howell ha moved into . the
J.- ('. KDlU-r nf'th. .... .
Tuesday ffom Thermopolls. Wyo.
L, A. Bate, A. V. Roger, W. E." Bates,
C. E. Smith and Mrs. W. H. Davidson
attended the Pioneer' meeting at Omaha.
The Rnrlna-fleM Kn i.
the arise in the base ball tournament at
Partiei jfff . . Hj , & 1
Fall lines now being shown and the satisfaction expressed!
by patrons prove that with a bigger Benson & Thome
Store has come a bigger dollar's worth of value for every ;
one expended here.
Our Superb Second Floor
Women's and Girls' Shop
filled to overflowing with fine, j
wearables satisfactorily priced, j
Suits for Women
and Young Women
Most extraordinary line all tha leading f jt r f
gtyles and colors, bnatitlfully made, in fact, ! I fA JJ
JJ sasJl
Just Buch suits aa you'd expect to pay $30.00
or $3..00 for
Suit Prices run from $17.50 to $49.50
Coals that will surprise you by
their elegance
$12.50 and Upwards. '
Dresses for every occasion rea
sonably priced, too
$8.75 and Upwards.
Waists, Waists! A Wonderful Waist Special !
New fall models in fine embroidered white organdie, also white
voile with dainty laoes, long or three-quarter Bleere dainty em
broidered 8wiss organdie collar and cuffs; sizes 34 to 44, many
styles to choose from
Some Sights for
Buyers of Little
Tots' Clothes
Children's , knitted sweater
.'suits of fine Saxony yarn, con
sisting of sweater, legglns,
toque and mittens, in grey,
brown, Copenhagen ,' . blue or
white; sices 2 to 6 years,
t S4.25
Others at $3.50 '"P-
Children's bath robes made of
Beacon blanketing in red,
'brown or Alice blue; ages 2 to
0 years... 81.25 to 82.05
e ,'
Infants'1 flannel skirts, long or
short, plain or embroidered,
t 50 to 81.05
New lines of bonnets,' bootees,
sarques and winter .. weight
vests for the infants, -VI V ) 'j
Greatest Store in town for
Girls' Clothes Just to illustrate:
clever models, two leat
ra, fin. Scotch plaiila,
black and white ahephard
oher Kb, aerrea In plain
colore; navy, enpen or
brown, alH ail wool
French ohnlllea ajid plain
white voiles; alxea 8 to 14
$3.95 to $5.00
Paul Jones Middy
Blouses Plain
white or white
trimmed with blue
or red 1
$1.00 to $1.50
Chic,' girlish ' styles,
plain or diagonal che
viots; also .mixtures;
navy. . ropen, red or
brown with smart trim
mlnirs that harmonise;
slies 8 to 14
. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
Great Store for ,
Women's and Children's:
Ladles' "Mentor;.; union suits .:'
ln a medium - weight cotton,
long or; short sleeveei at, the
it 81.95 '. 81.50 :
Ladles' "Wayne Knit" hose, i
silk lisle,' double sole; an ex-
tra good wearing hone.. 35
Or 3 for 81.00
"Ideal underwaists for girls or
boys, 6 months to 14 years, :;
at ... 25 "d 50
A new shipment of chamoisett
gloves for girls; colors blacVt
white, tan or gray . . . . -50 ;
The' "Musser".hbse jfor; bdy, T
made of the Best j 'combed'"
Egyptian yarn, war raBted'-fast ;
black and extra strong for 1
boys sard on hose, pair, 40'
... .. v- ..v.. I. .-.!'!'
Ixiutsvllle, winning very (lmj The other
rlulia ware from Manly, , M unlock and
. ElUhora ' t
The iirtle daiiKhter of Mr, and . Mrs.
Arthur Iieerwn la quite 111.
Mra. Van Alat entrrWJned the Women's
krttaington W'edneaday afternoon.
C. A. Nownoa, the new Mkhorn toat
maator, took charKe October 1. He will
move the olflce Huuday to the new loca
tion adjoining the drug store. Charlea
Baumgardner Is the new assistant post
matter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence lndl and chtl
dren. of Hooixr, came Friday for a vlalt,
and to attend the fair.
Mr. and Mr... Geonre tllgrhjr arrived
from- i rid Icy, Kan., Kunday for a vlalt
with Mrs. Itlgby'a member, Mrs. B. F.
Mla Fva Wltte, daughter of Mra
Oeorite. Wltte, and Henrv Otte of near
Benson were marriott wi..ui.. . u .
home of the bride's mothnr. A larire
number of frlenda and relatives attended
the wedding. They will make their home
on the home farm of the groom, three
miles west of Benson.
Ray Lamb of Uneoln waa looking up
former Faplltlott 'friends Wednesday.
Mrs. John Schobert and two children
have gone to Chicago lor a visit with
relatives. , ,
Mlaa Ida' Frlcke entertained the second
regular meeting of the woman's club on
Wednesday afternoon. A very Interesting
lesson was lea ny Airs. u. ri. Magaret on
tha proposed constitutional amendments.
Mlaa Gretchen Langdon of Omaha wa
the guest of her father, A. E. Langdon,
Xa Verne Tower of Collegeport, Tex., Is
the guest of his brother, C. B. Tower,
and family thla week, .
The stores will all be closed Sunday In
observance of Peace Prayer day. The
churchea are preparing, for special ser
vices. Mrs. J. M. Beadle returned the first of
the week from Greybull, Wyo., where
sne spent me summer witn ner son,
uarry, ana iamuy.
i i - . " i oarry, ana iamuy, -
KrllLf AK v-ffi l-Isi'A
Milk', I I I i II . I .Tl' . .
Men's 11. ' ,7
Hats M I
tionnl ( U
show- ' fyyr Lj
in At
$2, $2.50,
I $3.00 vy
I John B. Stetson
$3.50 to $10
D. H. Klrschner was In Omaha Monday.
Bernhard Oottach Is In Wyoming. on a
buln and pkM.ur. tdp.
Heary Jlpp took a business trip to
South Omaha on Tuesday.
Mrs. Kmart Oft and Mrs. Charle. Grau
were passengers for Omaha Monday.
Mr., aad Mra Gor. Onrt r spending
two wrrks In visiting relatives In Iowa
and Minnesota. They will 'return n.&t
Kenry and Pliant wera In Pen
son Monday to assist in celebrating th.
birthday of their inoth.r and brother
Hflry Logemanrl Is erecting a fin.
Uihl-room house on his farm northeaat
ot town, which is now teased by Henry
A part of th. Oeorg. rriel farm, about
five miles west of town, has been leasd
by th. as a br.tuk ef the
weather bureau.
Rev. J. M Lekly'wlll again conduct
Engllah services at th. ,Kdman hall.
Tha next meeting will be nrld Orlober -4
at 7.30 In the evening.
H-nry Ott. a popular membar of th.
baa. t'iM t.Min. was narrtd rn WmIiin
day to Mlaa Kvalyn Wltte. daughter of
Mr. and Mra. )orf Wltte. living near
Kikhorn. Mr. and Mra otte will be at
home on a farm west of Benson.
Grandpa Klpp died Wednesday, aaed
years. II. Is survived by to thiMren.
several grandchildren and arva.t -grandchildren.
Tii. funeral took piafe on Krt
ili aftornousi fraiu the bum. of bis
daughter Mra llsgedorn. so'ithesst of
tewa. with iai.rnt.nt at the tt.rau i.m-
lery north of town.
Mars IJimp. a pioneer of WashlnKton
rcuaiy. but for to-veral years a resident
of the villa., died very auddenlr Wednes
day inorn'ng at bis bom.. II. la sur
vived by his widow; a son.- r.mll, and
a daughter. Mrs. G , U. Matiguld. Th.
f UDeraX which was largely atind.d, was
,WM. h. IIOLZMAN, Treasurer.
AK-SAR-BEN Visitors, heme foils, old friends nd ntto, the new and greater Nebraska welcomes
you. e invite you to inspect the most modem apparel store in the West
Here You'll Find Thousands of the Most Beautiful
Mew Fall Suits and Overcoats
SUCCESS has come to our
establishment because we
have minutely, studied the
subject of clothing and our
past records have shown us to be most able.
For instance we offer high class Rochester, N.
Y strictly hand tailored suits at popular prices.
An achievement that demonstrates the incom
parable efficiency of this new organization. A
- guaranteed saving of $5.00 to $10.00 on your
new suit and overcoat.
$15, $20, $25
The greatest western showing
of the new Tartan plaid and
stripe suits Rich new multi-
Superb Hand Tailored Garments tone worsteds, new cheviota
and serges. Young men's Ultra fashions nnd
men's conservative models in all sizes. New two,
thretv'and four' button models, new double
breasted sack suits. Combining the superb
creations of America's master designers in an
amazing exhibit of Suits
and Overcoats at .... .
Finest Suit Made $30, $35, $40
Richest .imported fabrics and the utmost in fine tailoring,
stylo and fit are realized here in best fall suits on earth,
compare with $60 to $70 to-measure suits, at $30, $35, $40
. Chesterfield
Every man ran enjoy the luxury
of a fine silk lined Chesterfield
tpp coat now.. Oxford vicuna;
self or velvet collar. We'll save
you $5 to $10 In better values.
coats at. r:. $15, $20, $25
Men's Smart
Distinguished swagger models-
Raglan or regular shoulders.
Military or convertible collars.
New Drowns, Grays, fancy mix
tures. The oat of the hour ex-
vXlO, $15, $20
Men's Suits at $7.50, $ 1 0, $ 1 2.50
Hundreds of strictly reliable, well made new fall suits. We'll sava
you $3.00, $4,00, $5.00 and fit any man 7 rA CIA CIOCA
from 31 to 4 6-inch chest measure, at pf.U( plv. $1.3U
Men's Winter Overcoats
.Hundreds rf men will buy winter overcoats during AK-SAR-BEN
week. Here's tha greatest showing to be found in this territory. Dress
coats. L isters, uuara coats, storm coats, Cnln- fe .
cniuas, xancy weaves, meltons, icunas, no en
to them, and we 11 save you 25 to 334
..$10 to $50
World's Best FH Shirts
Manhattans, Arrow,
Bates Street, Faultless,
Wilaon llrow., Yorke
and many othw lead
era. Not one food style Is
mlsslnc In this wonder
ful showing- the larg;
aet shirt stock ln the
west. Superb styles at
SI, $1.50, $2.
Men's Fall
Union Suits i
Vassar Bwlsa Rlbbad,
Duo fold, Superior, Rite
' six. and Corw It h union
suits; all slsea. weights
and every prle. from
$1,00 2 $5.00
4-M V VA
Men's Neckwear
Such splendid new silks and
brocades are good to behold.
Choose from our wonderful
new assortments, . PA
of fall neckwear t.
See Our
m 1 rSOLZHAMwaaal
fwunn ur
Men's Sweaters
New Norfolk sweaters. New
coat styles, new shawl collar
models in medium or heavy
weight. All desirable colors,
.50 I
J Iff'
. i i