1R THE BEK-. OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1014. MEAT PRICES HAYE DROPPED Round SteaX Ka Drrpd to Sc?f n ' tees and Half Cents a Poufd. WAS TWENTY-EIGHT- CETTTS flams A rwn Pnltar IIaa area Wkeleaale aart Cklckeaa At SelHa tur F1ftea A substantia drop In nnt prirna la th feature of the market on necessities of lira this vwk. It la decidedly -rlroniol Toy the consumer, llama are down $1 a hundred, chickens arc 15 cents a pound. J .em be are down & centa a hundred wholesale, which la somewhat unuauaJ, as they hare been In the haMt of oln tip rather than down rather steadily. Hound steak, which enared out of elslit for a period of months, has dropped lack to 17H rent a poun'i. For n time, shout a month aa-o. It i ellp as hlh a I renta a' pound. Other beef la largely steady. ' Pork la allprhtly hlRhrr. pork lolna be In IliM i hundred wholesale. This brings pork rhopa to 2S renta a pound. FUh are selling at a reasonable flsjtire. all meat prices heJns considered. Halibut ateak la aejlln at 12S4 cents a pound. Sal mon la seWna; at ' centa. Freah cat fiah la offered at IS renta. Pnareribs ran be had at 1IH centa a pound. Rib boiling beef la aelllna; at 8 '4 oenta a pound and neckbonee, the cheap eat of meat at centa a pound. The first sauerkraut of the aeaeon la u the market at S centa a pound or 10 centa a quart. Both a-reen and ripe tomatoea are itIU abundant and will likely he on the mar ket until rroat cut them off. Oreen ones ran be had at 15 renta a market basket and ripe ones at centa a basket. Applea of varloue klnda and aplendld quality eaa be hM at what are eoneldered low yrtcea for the time of year and the quality. Boma of the flneat cooklns applea, without a flaw, ran be had at Zft centa a peck, while the choloeet bell flnwera. rrcmhin and wealthlea can be had at fl-tS a buahel box. Al King of Harden Broe. aaya that Omaha haa not only the advantage of a aplendld home crop, but that many New Tork applea aa well are ahlpped In. Sugar haa taken a welcome drop, how. soever email, ao that sixteen pounda are aold for $1 now where but fifteen were old a week ago. DR. M.J.SCOTT ENR0UTET0 NEW YORK AFTER VISIT HERE lr. M. .1. rVott or Butte, Mont , had aurgeon at the St. 1'ranrla hoepllal of that place, haa left here after a brief vl alt enmule to New Tork City on a biialneea trip. Pr. 8rott la a graduate of the OHghljin Medical college and re cently donated a e"i.on0 library to that In aiitutlon. He waa at one time preeldent of the CYeiahlon fan Alumni aaaoulatlon. Juatln Toung, senior at the ('relaMon Medical i-ollrae, hna relumed from Chi cago, where he attended Iho bi-annual national convention of the 1'hl Itho Hlgma National Medical fraternity. The conven tion waa attended by ronrraentatlves from Harvard, Tale, all the lancer eautern arhooVe and by mm from ,ae far wet aa I.os Anrelea. Bee reader are too Intelligent to over took the opportunities In the "want ad columns They're worth while readier Doughnuts Sold on Highway for. Child Saving Institute Donated dotighnuta are aold at the booth of the Child Paving Inetltute on the Klnaa Highway, along with home made plea, delicious coffee and lunch. The place la a popular center for hungry merrymakera, and M waa taken In on Thursday alone. The recelpte are clear profit, aa all the food la given by frlenda of the Institute. The committee hand ling the booth conalata of Mra. TV. E. Heed, Mra. Barton Millard and Mra. A. A. McOraw. Those serving Friday were Mra. George A. Joalyn. MrX W. W. Bla baugh, Mlaeea Orace and Ruth filahatigh, Mra. H. R Tatteraon and Mra. Frank Barrett. lellrloti home-made plea will be aold Faturdey. IJILB IHi,atMill,MI JlatuiMMMUSj yajrflaj 0 Premium Demonstration Sale The Great Majestic Oange Voters Will Have Five Ballots for .. . the Next Election Voters will have to handle five ballota, one of wtlch will be seven feet and one ttalf long, and muit pass on four pro posed constitutional amendments and three statutes under the referendum at the November election, according to In formation received from the secretary of atate by the election commlasloner. Democratic candidates will be first on the ballot, the progreaatvea next and the republicana third, thla order being baaed on the vote caat at the last election for governor. Next In order will come the socialists and prohibitionists. The main ballot, which will be seven and one-half feet In length, will carry at Its top alx propoaitlona on whioh the voters are to pas -the three constitu tional amendments endorsed by the par ties In the primary, the woman suffrage amendment and the workmen's compen sation and Nebraska City armory ret. reoduma. The other four ballota will tte nonpartisan, the water board and school board Hits of candidates and the u Diversity removal ballot Ne mora names have been added to the list of seven candidates who have filed for the school board. Next, Monday la the last day en whica fJUaga will be ao veptoa. - FEDERAL PETIT JURY TO REPORT ON THIRTEENTH C. A. Roberta. 1234 North Forty-first street, la the only Otnahaa selected to eerva on the federal petit Jury during the term of court starting October IS. The others are John W. Black. Allen; Ernest JFtergman. Columbus; George J. Houoher, Sioux; Charles N. Bernham. Oedar Rapids; P. A. Carlson. Ldndsay; Joseph Chapman, Arlington; Charles M. Ctiapin, Oconee; Hal Christie, Berlbner; John Clattenof. West Point; John B. Evans, Dakota City; Frank C. Rvana, W tamer; ron Forbea, Xakota; Henry A. Fitch. Belgrade; Car son C. Goodrich, Cedar Rapids; Albert R. lUsson. Dodge; W. P. Hill, Randolph; Henry Koch, Newcastle; Ernest Kern, North Bend; William II. Kelso, Wlsner; II. B. Miller, Lindsay; Chester Marshall, Arlington; Loe Winter. Oakland; Christ klartens, Jr., Platte Center; Joseph A. Newman. Laurel: Clayton B, Nichols. Valley; "L'barles B. Ntckodemus, Fremont; Kdward O' Flaherty, Dixon; John Orton. rullerton; J. C. Flnker, West Point; C. R Peterson, Oakland; Dillon Robinson, Albion; C. A. Roberta, 1321 North Forty first street. Omaha; Oeorgs P. Rich, fit Edwards: Ed Ross, Homer; J. Walter Itoberta, Albion; Edward Huwe, Fremont; Henry Helts IwKnta; Ray O. Thurber, Craig; L. C. Thompson, Wlsner; Samuel K. Thoroburg, Belgrade. a i" JBfl ISSJ Beginning Monday. Oct.' 6. and continuing nn. w win x KiIOWithe 0reat M-JeBtlc range In actual operation, baking tempting lurca ujiuuvuB, ubiuk meanwniie stove pipe made of com mon wrapping paper. With every range ordered during the week we will give an $0.00 Set of Kitchen Ware Froo The range does not coat a penny more. Vou do not have to lake It at once. Simply place your order and make a small payment to hold it. No expert la required to bake with a Majestic. Just an or dinary houHekeeper. No gray iron or steel Is used In its construc tion. Nothing but malleable, unbreakable iron and genu I tie char, cool iron. We are prepnred to prove that charcoal Iron used In the body of a range will last three times as long aa steel. It costs you nothing to see the range operate. Coffee and lUscuits Served Free Each Dy. John ISussie Hardware Go. a: . . H Z4B7-C3 CUIXS 5T. "If you buy It of Hussie, It's Right' Mere's the Beet Shoe Value in Omaha Handsome snug-fitting dull or patent, with cloth top looks like the regular $5 kind. Shown in every size and width. We contider thU the bett tho ever built to ell for $4.00 made specially for thi hoa$t. Atk to tee this "$4.00 Special" Mail Orders Filled. ) GM1 O Jn r -elfish V- Lots off Mem: i 6 -Come Mourned t i In the Fall, to spend a few days in ' "The Old Town." A good many of them are wearing j Schaffncr S t.jarx : Clothes they're clothes that - are sold in , nearly every good town in the country. - : If you're a" Home Comer" or a "Stay atl Home" you want these clothes they're world's best styles. You'll look' right in them wherever you are come in and see the new styles we re showing for fcall m suits and overcoats at $18, $20, $25, $30 and $35. Special Values at $25. If SI 5 .00 It What You Want to Pv (WrVtlUrtScUlMiaVU " ww. " "" For a fall suit or overcoat we would advise you to come to Hayden's. Tartan checks, chalk stripes, overplaids and plain colors, made both soft oppressed fronts English or conservative cut; the snappiest lot of suits ever gotten together. ' Every suit "sold at $15 by us is .guaranteed albwool, and seams sewed with silk a new suit for any one that does not give perfect satisfaction. We are showing a very large line of suits at $10 for men and young men. It is worth your while to look them over. . Men's Raincoats and Cravenettes at Special Prices Sup-On Uouble Texture Cotton, $o.0U..Jand at $3.00 Special lot of Coats, iVn. $2.00 Bring the Boy to Hayden's. Headquarters for Boys Clothing All Wool Suits with two Pants at $4-95-both pants lined. Blue Serges, worsteds and cassimeres, big selection of patterns in the season's most wanted colors,- Bulgarian Norfolk with patch pockets and three styles of Norfolks that are shown exclusively by us. These suits are made well and every one has a Hayden guarantee label sewn $ JC on the coat. The perfection of boys suits at . wvil Boys Suits at $2.95 to $15.00 best selection in Omaha. - BOY'S OVERCOATS Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats, ages'to'lO years, at. .. .$2.95, $3.95, $4.95 to $12.50 111 MillU'i,JlhiiliHf'TL'J'1L'-'-,-' Bankrupt Stock on Sale Bought from the receiver the entire stock of The Skirt Store 322 N. 16th St. CLOAKS, SUITS, SKIRTS, DRESSES, WAISTS, FURS, ETC. Must Ce Sold at Once At Less Iffo onthe ThM'TfUG Dollar Sale starts Saturday 9:C0 a. m. ' 322 North 16th Street. (Near Chicago St.) Priestley Cravenettes, $15 00 kind.. $10.00 Slip-On Double Texture Cassimere, $12.50 kind at . ..' : . S7.50 Boys' Overcoats, ages 8 years to 18 years, at. $4.95, $7.50, $10.00 to $15.00 Boys' and Children's Mackinaw Coats, ages 4 to 18 years. .$3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $7.50 (B-sry cost aJl wool.) ' Boys' Wooland-Corduroy Knickers at ..50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Hayden Brothers BUILDING OPERATIONS FOR YEAR HOLDING THEIR OWN Although building operations in Omaha, during the month of ttaptombsr decreased by nearly llOA.ooo. the total for ths year is but SS.000 behind the total amount spent during the entire year of 1 All. aiid the city building of (loe predicts s decidedly prosperous showing at ths close of ths year. The statistical record, follow: Build Ing permits lu4 in September. 1914, seventy-four; money expended. WO.WX Permits issued In September, ninety, seven; money expended, Ml.kMX fapltal In excess by fTOO.OUO of the ex penditures during the same period of If is have beea used tn building ora tions up to October 1, UU. Building Inspector Ura Bridges Said: -"The war has had a noticeable effect os building operations, there Is ho deny ing, but conditions within the last two 'keeks have seemed to become normal sssln." X Usm BMWKlMtr Treahla CSUM It. It don't take long for kidney and bled or trouble to gira yon a lame back, and s-ven worse If not checked. Mrs. H. T. btrsynge, GalnsvtUe. Oa. was fairly flown on her back with kidney trouble and inflamed bladder. Bhe says: "J look roley Kidney pills snd now my back Is stronger than In years, and kid. Uey trouble and painful bladder sensa tion have entirely gone." Good drug guts are glad to sell Foley Kldniy I'll la because they always help. Thy o.m'eln lie babit furralng duga All dealcra Ak-Har-lU-n visitors welrunte to th nrvr EmpreM Hanltary Market. 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chickens. . . . . 12 3-40 1914 Spring Ak-Sar-Ben Ferequarters Larab. ... 9 1-2. iaii iprmj flu-aar-usn Kinsqssrters Lamb ... 12 3-4c Choice Steer Pot Roast 1 Sc. It He Pis; Pork Roast 12 Ho Pig Pork Butts 14 94 c Young Veal Roast l.V, He Young Veal Chops 13 Choice Steer Round Steaks 17 He We hand I. all kind, of freah and amnk.d flan. Choice Mutton Chons laue Extra Lean Hams 17H Extra Lean Bacon .21 He Small Hams 124e Sugar Cured Bacon ....... .19 Me 10 bars Whit. Itusulan. D. C. or Beat- Em-All soap bsc l-lb. aack let flour . 91M -lb. can Kumfnrd bejtlng powder for , too Tall cane mil . .-. THe tipahttT or macaroni. par.pkg.TsO 1 KUon rmni ayrup ' 3uo Kai o whli. ayrup. per. can . wo Tall Alaaka salmon, per can lOo 1 tall cans augar corn 85e 1 lba. srwtnd pineapple ......... loo l-lb. pkg. tlloaa starch so Heat country Imtl.r. per lb.,..,.B8o Heat creamery Imtter, per lb 3to t-lb. roll butterine S6e !5o Jar. presnrvea ,.15o tic. iMiitlea MhlKet pirkl.a lfto i-anry large blue pluma, per bas ket .ase Kanoy red plums, per basket BOo 1 bu. Kanoy KlefTer pears ..,.l.oo I rice rue bananaa Market baaket beeta per baaket. . .Sue Sweet turnips, per market basket. 80s Iatk. Jersey sweet potatoes, per basket gg, Maniclo peppers, per baaket SOo l4irna, fancy oranges, per dym. . . .oo Ureen string beans, per market bas ket gs Fweet oranges, per dos oo Market bank.t turnips.,.., s Market baaket rarrota Sao l-aticy large lemons, per dos aoo 1-ancy t'olorado Cauliflower. pc poumt (4 Muae duiiainan apples, DU. Iox.gl.04 " -. .Ss I uu-iie Jonathan apples, bu. bux.g THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth ffr and 10c Store. H3 South lSUi St. TeL D. 2307 bSsCjBbsSS Always On The Go; - That's the Boy. Eternally wearing . out shoes. That is why go many thousands of parents buy STEEL HOD HOES They wear better, fit bet ter and look better than any 'other boys' shoe made. Boys'. l to BW.. . 32.50 Little Gents'! 9. to 13W t 82.25 PARCEL POST PAID - 1419 Farnam '1' ' "ATTKACTIOWS" AT THE FOU REXALL OIU ST ORES Ak-Sar-Bcn visitors arc Invited to visit the four Rexall Drug Stores Omaha's most modern drug stores. You will be pleased with our methods and low cut price? SOME CYERY-DAY PRICES ON PSOFRIETARY U EDICIKES tl Borden 'a Malted Mllk.G44 11 Plnkham's Compound 59 11.25 Fepto-Mangan (Oude) at 89i! 1 Ltsterine, for 58 60o Doan's Kidney Pills. -3 1 1 S. S. 8.. for 5t 35c Caatorla (genuine) 21c 25c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne, for 14 26c Mentholatum, tor . . 14g 25e Carter's Little Liver PI"" 12 60c Pape's Diapepsln for $1 Smith's .Qreen Mountain Renovator, Saturday . . 54c Steam's Menthol and Butter Cough Drops. I boxes for 5t Eagle ltranii Condensed Milk, per ran 12 in BIG RUBBER GOODS SALE VV Saturday eeww. - 1 aVS Water Bag Warranted Rubber doves, For Household 00a Use. for. ..... WiU 2-jt. Fountain Syringe, rapid flow, .full set fittings, for 890 .We soli l.OOO Items in the Kubber Uoods line. Kxperienred salesladies in the Dept. 3So Genuine Prophylactic Tooth A (I A Brushes, in yellow box, m sell DEEPLY CUT PRICE$ D TOILET GOODS rr -1 Palmolive ; Soap, Cake Cc 60c Hind's Honey and Almond cream, for 20 60c Melorose Cream, for 29 25c Woodbury's Fac'l S'p 14, 50c Pe-Be-Co Toothpaste 3D 25c Houbigant's Rice P'dr 14J 75c Violet Loulsette P'dr 4J 60c Imp. Jicky Perfume, oi 69 50c Benzoin and Almond Cream, for 34 l-lb. ran Tr. Arbutus Talcum, Saturday -14c S27 1 TaKe War Adas Rat. unlay, for . . . -25s SHERMAN a McCONNELL DRUG CO. PROPUIKTOltS OF THE FOUK OMAHA KEXALL 'STORES. Sherman A McOonnell Drug Co., Cor, 16th and Dodge. Loyal Pharraaci. Hotel Loyal Block. OhI Drug Co.," Corner 16th and Harney. The Harvard Pharmacy, Cor. 24th and Farnam. public notice Since the recent advanca In maata and provlslona it becomes my duty to inform the public that tha major ity of the so-called Rood 'Btaurants are unlnif inferior meats, etc. Instead of advancing: th prlcea to conform with the advanced coat. THS BXI. MOST X.EBTAUBVA.XT haa neither cut tha quality nor advanced any prices aa ia evidenced by tha satis fled took on the faces of all who dine here. Table &' Hots Dinner, Sunday 11 a. m. o o p. m 1516 Dodge St. Open All Night. C. N. BALL, Prop. AMUSEMENTS. . la dowa 85 the dollar at tas rablts Xarket. SMctal fa ku arday aad Ak-Mar-Baa weak. at- We purchased carlowta of meata Buyln In such lares quantities en ables us to sell cheaper than anyone else. We aupply the lilln hotels ami restaurants with ths kJaTkaat aaallt f meats at tae loveat prtoea. "ay JO.OOO I As Milk Fel Spring chickens, dressed to your order fi l'lO PORK ROAST 12se Pteer pot roaat. t 15a aad lilts IMS purk bulls I41s Choice youiia veal roaat 16s aad lis Choice veal chops 18 lo l4imb less , .la a Mutton roaat T'as Mutton chops ........ lo aad laVas V xtra Wan iiama lTVe t.xtra lean baoon SI Ha Hmall liaius .18,a Pugar cured bacon ISHa anoiAU rrora n. m. tin $ p. tn. La nib chops a Krora p. m. till it p. m. lb. pail compound lard pea w mmu aAiaa jrAJaai ttuauuiTfO BUUAJa at oa lVita 1 la. Japaa. Kasllak Breakfaat. (eoapowdes T r Bast OooW.'.'.V. .SSa l-lb. can Calumet linkliia powder ISO l-oa Ixillle White llorae cataup loo 4 cans sugar com Bs 10c catia peas or baked beans So hweet Wriukle beet peas. I for..aoo &c matches or toolh picks ISO !2-o. Jars purs assorted flavor pre serves as V Kaiion Kaio syrup, red or white, for soc 7 tana evaporated uulk S6o Tall can milk TVe PUBLIC MARKET If nssH7, or line . for , a6o AVith waahlna soda 10 rajtcy comb honey .ITHe ti. cheeaa, per lb .......8e K'uli cream cheeaa, par lb. ....... SO Imported sardluea, per ran .tVa large Queen olives, per quart... Sfre Ripe ollvea per ran. ., ,0mt tlolden hantoa coffee so I'axton lias Itoaated coffee, per tan aa St. Douglas 2783 AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS You'll find some very fine shoes here for $2.50 and $3.00; iu fact, they cannot be equaled in town for the price. These are desirable prices to most men; we've made the merchandise even more de sirable. E.R.NEEDHAM . 1512 DOUGLAS, STREET I buy the same quality of ma terial, the beat, for use In my eat ing place s.s I use In my home. No matter what you pay elsewhere you are not getting better, and seldom as good food as you will get at The Pure Food Sign. Quickserv Cafeteria Basement City Natl Bank BIdg, Or Boston Lunches. 210 Soatfc. 10th Be. 1406 liongla 8b 1408 ram am St. -OMAHA IO CIXTIV LAST TIMES TODAY gj SlSrrVt. Beautiful Princes! Meroff and HAPPYLAND GIRLS JS!2J-. Z.ADIKS' StsIX MAT. WItK SATB Sua. It Week I Karri- Haetini"e Bis; Skew. BRANDEISS: 5.i80aLTo.,n: MB. OlOBOB 11USI -In Bis Greatest Buooasa, "DISRAELI" Eiss. soo to a 4 Bays, Beglanlna- Buaday. Mat. W4 "IHB S Or FAKADiaa," . A Btory of Hawaii. oce in TTuiiuruuiiy neauauc volcano Emptton. Seats Selling. raeae Borngtas asa. ASTASTCXa TAV9BTIXAB. "STBFTUirB'B OAjaSKM" Other Will Burnt a rlUtera Kl H aou Ula weak: a weir m. Fvltaa. Clare Slelera, Bertia a Vudi. uii,,(f roi-d Unkum Tra.nl Weeklr. Prion: aUtlaee OaUe". tee: bmt eaau anqt SatureaF sa buadan t Nisbta lOo-tecSs-tec. tAIEU TBBATBJS aaa a iti, I Today Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale" column; read it - - i , j I I 1 i Harney 4 Mary Mokfora la "Buoa a Xattl Qoea" starts at i , ii.jv, u:, t.io, 4 40. S 00. 7:15. 8 30. :4S. ua.. "The Oeatlemas from Mississippi' STADIUM SPEEDWAY EAST OMABA TODAY , Where World's Mpeed Records Are llrokeu. Champion Motorcycle Riders la Keren Races Daily 1, 3, 5, 10, IS and 23 Miles. Ita.-ea start it I P. M. ' Positively the Greatest A-(Te(ation of trel lemuns Kver AaaoinbUJ: in ths United tntatps. American Frileratinn of Motorists Rules Govern Kach Kvent. Cars Direct fresa 14tk aa4 Varaam. aSuuaalua Ckuafea aader It, ssai AAuita, 60s.