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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1914)
10 Till', I1EK: OMATTA. SATUHPAV. OCTOBER .1. )!)14. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, October 2, 1914. HO will be crown Queen of Ak-Sar-Hcn XX? This in the filiation W being asked at all of the social affairs. There are two leading favorites, both brunettes, both charming and attractive. One la a well know society girl and the other ft a debutante. The Pee has decided to offer a $10 prUe, to be awarded after the ball, to the first to send In the name of the Ak-Sar-Iten queen to be crowned Friday evening, October !. The gueses will be numbered as they are sent in. and I think we will have to bar the Ak-Sar-Ben governors, the queen's family and her dress maker. J believe tho?o are the 'nly one who really know her Identity, and only three of the governors are Informed, I am told. ' It will make a hit with the society editor if the feminine readers who tend In the name of their choice, will also send in a description of the frowns they will wear to the ball. : For Newspaper Women. Quit a number of newspaper womn I'are taking an active Intercut In auf- fraa and anti-suffrage, and this week I there are five welt known, women In this jj field In Omaha taking active part In the j; ra.mpe.ljrn. The visitors expressed a wish to meet V the local newspaper women and this noon r the Omaha feminine scribes will entertain at luncheon informally for the visitors. Including Mrs. Bheta Chllde Horr, the well known authoresi of New Tork nnd ' formerly from Nebraska; Wise Elsie Van- dergrfft of Denver, Miss Jane Thompson, ' a Smith graduate from Chicago; Miss T.ury Trice, a graduate of Vassar from ' Cleveland, and Mum Marjory Dorman of New Tork. . As some of the visitors are here la the i cause of suffrage and others for antl suffrage, this subject of conversation will "." r tabooed and a fine of 95 placed on any -i one who apeaka of politics at the lunch t eon. Cover will be placed for fourteen. At the Country Club. One of the larger dinner parties was given at the Country club by A, B. War- : ren. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane. Mr. and Mrs. T. U 1'avla. '. Mr. and Mrs. A. V, Klnsler. ' Mrs. Hen Cotton. Mrs. Josephine Hosran. ' . Mrs. Pauline Kldrlge. . Mrs. John P. Nrady. ' Mr. Randall Hrown. . Mr. HaJ Brady, v, Mr. A. B. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Burgess had aa their guests at dinner Wednesday even- r. ,n": Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mf. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountse. ... Club Luncheon. The literature department of the Omaha P Woman's Hub win hve. a luncheon cat ' the Hamilton' cafe-Immediately follow S Ing the first meeting of the season, n;.juu4. n.4.,tu. 1 m 4 fnr memhera TV W HW1WJ . ., . of tha department and. thMr friend. ... ii W War PiafcarJaktr- Alt inTvnxmnB mum., om noon prwcuini. R of Mew1Jn C. U Hempel, U M. Lra tad H. a McDonald. . . sbsbsssbssb i Collegiate Club. The Collegiate clun win nwo ua nrst dancing party f the season at Metro politan hall this evening. Mlsa Mary Coll. the club's dance Instructor, and Mr. i Reynold Dates will demonstrate the new. i est dances. For Misi Sadler. Mrs. tavld Raum entertained tnfor ! mally at tea at her home Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mlsa Kittle Badler ! of England, who Is the truest of Mr. and i Mrs. C. N. Diets. 1 Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall aava a plcnlo 4 Monday at her country home, Klrkwood, ,J'tor Miss Badlor. The guest motored out la the morning and spent the day, In nnd Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Butler and family are moving this week from 119 North Thlrtysecond avenue to 101 Bouth Thirty third street. Mr. John J. Phank of Qrsnd Rapids Is In the city, tho guest of Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Mcts. and will remain here until after the Ak-Snr-IJen ball, Mrs. A. IT. llennings, who has been visiting the family of Walter B. Graham this summer, returned to her home In IO Angrics Inst week, accompanied by Mrs. Oraham snd children, who will spend several weeks on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Newbranch returned Monday from long liearh, ("al., where they have spent the summer, and after a few days' visit with their son, Mr. II. K. Newbranch, and Mrs. Newbranch, left this morning for Nebraska City, where they will spend a month with their daughter, Mrs. N. C. Abbott,' and Mr. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haynea and daugh ter, Janet, of Flits, Neb., will ar rive Friday to be the guests of Mrs. Haynea' parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B.' Pake, until after Ak-Sar-Ren. They will make the trip by automobile and will be accompanied by Mrs. O. B. Dake, who U. S. SENATOR HITCHCOCK SUDDENLY BLOWS INTO TOWN h Informal Bridge. h Mrs. J. J. 8ulllv i mallv at bridge tl Sullivan entertained Infor- i mallv at Dnace mis uitrnuin w S home OA Bouth Thirty-seventh street 1 Garden flowers were used In decoration, Three tables were placed for the game, n il... D.-l U7.J11.M i. The wedding of Mlsa Cecilia Mary Bar Ik nett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas if. 0. Barnett, and .SVllllam Coulter Bentley took place Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock at the St. Cecllla'a Fro-Cathe. J dral. Rev. Father D. P. Harrington off! jt dating. The bride wore white erepe de chine. Taking advantage of the lull In the patronage squabble at Washington, Sen ator Hitchcock has run out home to look after business and political Interests. The senator blew Into town yesterday "and got down at once to the entertainment of a waiting list of vlnltors. ' Fashion IT ' a ' !. It; ('': U f Jim : . M: & l c-j Ky LA RACONTECSE. Quaint suit of mahogany and white checked cheviot. The whole gown hangs in a straight line from the shoulders over the narrow underskirt. The. coat Is gath ered up at the neck In a band of chest nut serge bowed In front under a small turned-over collar of white linen. has been spending the rummer with her daughter. I SMs'4Me"Tl miTTjrfBa II itstrl m- ' II ' lul Wlt,lr sy f2L ; II j .lllX Din jlrWl. T II Buy it by the Dozen and you'll always have a supply of fresh, clean, purs, sweet crsam and milk on hand for every purpose, . &4atf trimmed with shadow lace. Iter veil was t? held In place by lilies of the valley, and J- he carried a shower bouquet of Ullos i of the valley with bride's roses. - , Mlaa Agnes Harnett, sister of the bride. ti was bridesmaid. She - wore a gown of t pink crepe de chine, with trimmings of 19 pink lace. Mr. Charles McDonald was . beet man. Following the ceremony a wedding J; t;rea.kfat waa served at the hnme of the 'it brlde'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley I will be at home after October 15 at 4KB 2 Perker atreeL W , At the Loyal. ;.' , Mrs. .Cora P Ionian and daughter, V; Dorothy, of 'Detroit, will arrive Sunday t; morning for a few weeks' visit They will j stay at the. Hotel Loyal and will be at home Sunday to their friends. . Colonel and Mrs. 8. B. Curtis, who re- ! t$ oently moved to New York, are at the j V Hotel layol for few weeks. j l Misi Pauline Bourke Wedi. p Miss Pauline liourke, daughter of Mrs. John Bourkt. and Captain Alexander W. f K( . i . . ft ( lia Anlninpa Aetnu r muni KKn fr Is now stationed at the arsenal at Water t. town, Mass., were quietly married Wed- j neaday. The ceremony was performed In r. I'hlladlphla. I'a. Two wars postponwl ; this' wedding. The first time waa owing f to the Mexican situation. Captain Malsh ! had Intended to go to Bwltserland, where j Mrs. Bourse and her daughters, the ' L Mlsea Anna and Pauline, have spent the Jj last year. -, The trouble In Europe at the present K time made it necessary for them to re p turn to this country, and they landed ,! Monday In New York, where they were Lj met by Captain Malvh. Mrs. Bourke and Miss Anna will remain tn the eaet for a - few weeka. f , ' Captain anj Mrs. Malsh will make their 1 home In Watertowa, Mass. Personal Mention. . Mr. q. A. Benedict ct Portland, Ore., i Is the Ak-tar.Bea visitor of Mies Amy I King. I EVAPORAT ED Sterillxcxi Unsweetened tellerei you of all milk worries. It keeps better than bottle milk. It la always of uniform richness, and li mors economical and convenient Cottaft milk la mad under ths most unitary conditions right In the heart of the best dairy country bj a process that tlimimmtes tt noirJtaU which makes some milk objectionable. The Cottage process assures the highest Quality at all times. It is delivered direct to your grocer from our Condensaries so that It reaches you quickly and always fresh. Oet a supply of Cottage Milk today. Once you know Its quality, convenience and economy you'll never go back to bottle milk. TU Milk Without the Cooked Taste In Two Sizes S and lOc At all Good Dealers L Douglas 4 11 , Ameri Or Vhona OTSUiraT BROKEN OX OOlTPAjrT, 1 4413 81 Brandela Theater Bldjf. Omaha, Hen. American Milk Company! Chicago Burgess-Nash Show a Miniature.Battle in North Window A miniature battlefield, mapped with careful accuracy, so as to depict the rela live positions of the various F.uropean armies now i ngnged In conflh t across the big pond, has been built In the north win dow on Flxtcenth street Ur the Hurgess Niuih compeny. The window shows each country In Kurope and tiny tin soldiers are stationed at the points were the fluWIng la In progress. The Infantry corps, the cavalry companies and the squads - of artillery are shown by the metal men. Overhead monoplanes, bi planes, dirlBllih-s and Zeppelins, flying the flngs of the different countries, are on s-out duty. The window Is very realistic and s attracting much attention. Bee Want Arts Are tho Best Business Boosters. OWNERS MUST KEEP AUTOS OUT OF WAY OF PARADES Antomnbile owners are warned by the police not to leave their machines on the streets upon which the Ak-Bar-Ben parades will pass. Owners of machines who neglect the order will be put to the difficulty of locating their curs after the parade, as the police will take the re sponsibility of moving all machines out of the way. , ' . year two parades were all ' but ruined. on accojunt of the careless man ner In. which machines were allowed to stand . about the streets. After the parades the machines not only blocked traffic, but were the cause of two serious accidents. Woman Suffrage Would Not Help the Woman Labor Laws The labor laws in the country tan scarcely be bettered except In some states where we have had women suf frage for years," said Mine Lucy l'rle of Cleveland, In making tin antl-suffrrge speech at 411 South Slxtecntn t-trert Thursday n!ht. Crowds of carnival visitors drifted Into the room of the anti suffrage headquarters, as the door was left open for the purport. The speaker said she feared by woman R'JfTraije women would lose the many advantages they now enjoyed without il. Ph'j feared if they were put on a political equality they would" have to fight for their local rights. l.ame Rark and Weak Kidneys greatly helped and often cured by Elec tric Bitters. Keeps kidney and stomach In healthy condition. (Jives prompt relief. 80c and l. All druggists. Advertisement. David FrLohnes is Buried at West Lawn Funeral services for David Ti. Ioahnen, 224 North Nineteenth street, were held at 2 p. m. from the residence, with burial at West Uvo cemetery! Deceased came to Omaha In Wl from Rome, N. V., and had since .made his home here, following the carpenter's trade. He was 71 yesrs nld and a member of the Ancient Order of. United Workmen and the Woodmen of the World. Surviving him. besides his wife, "are' two. children, Mrs. A. C Godwin, 2348 North Nineteenth street, and It. Ixmhnes, Council Bluffs. Radical Change in Vamps of Women's Shoes Short Vamps Are It We saw it coming and are prepared to supply you in all the new patterns and heels. When you want the Live Styles We've got them pi 'MJ Phcenix Guar.r.'ffd Hose for Men and Women $3.50 to $7.00 C Fort MKX FOR WOMEX rALK VER Walk Over Boot Shop 317 So. 16th Street Bee Readers are too intelligent to Overlook the Opportuni- ties in the "Want Art" Columns. They're Worth Reading. igsest Values for Smallest Prices Always to Be Found at Hartmatrs that there are no Daynients reaulred at Hartmatf when 111 or out or empioymeni. Aiwaya gei u..r iin u .o w.,v. THE STORE THAT KEEPS THE PRICES Without an Equal COMBINING COMFORT, QUALITY AND BEAUTY -TERHS-50c Cath; 50c a Mouth THIS IS ft GENUINE BARGAIN In a magnificent large comfortable rocker. Another Instance where our ability to sell you iurntture at factory prices loomi up. Our tremendous, purchasing power cutg the cost price In two and you get the benefit by purchasing from ua. GUARANTEED IMPERIAL LEATHER Is used In upholstering this elegant rocker and of the best quality. The entire back Is fully upholBtered, beautifully tufted and neatly ruffled. The beet of materials are used for stuffing and make the broad seat and back exceptionally comfortable. OIL TEMPERED SPfiltlGS are used In the seat construction of rocker and are placed In a manner that prevents It from sagging. There is no more genuine comfort than to sit In a restful rocker. It Is one of the most im portant pieces of furnlure In your home. EXTRA MASSIVE FRAME Is made of fine qually, American quarter sawed imitation oak. Posts and panels are . beautifully . carved. Your opportunity to secure this $8.00 rocker for tomorrow only at this very low price quoted. IBSl 1 0f( AK-S AR-BEN . " WELCOME. Eienlng. ! ; H BSZ& f , Hrmt Kaowsi C'aaarb Resaeislr. I? ' Ur. Kind's New Dlacoverr, best for i cvuuh: colds, hoarseness and all lung troubles. First dow helps. Mc and tl. f; Ml dmsyUta Advertisement, ; Horn Wtsjit Ads fruducs Hesulls. R X 1 -C II SW 4aWS -e, Jill - u 1 Wc match any color for you in McCallum Silk Hosiery No. 153 on a few "days notice. That is but one of various ways in which Callum1 o service to vou. The unusual beauty of lite Itosiery and tiicir stronif even weave will rmike you want them always after wearing litem once, la bltct, tut lor Not, 113 snd 122-unequaled at he (vice. Oilier Mylo si pnct lu wul all rouu ancnu, Msndins yni wita every pair. Sold at the Best Shots Send for eur dainly hoollsl "Vou Kso She W ean Tlwin." ilUCaUum Jogif rp Ccmpan? ' NonhsiniMon, Mam. KI.KOANT COLONIAL BlTFhKT. Mad thrnushout of hard wood, beautifully flnlalied tn American quarter-sawed Im itation oak. Uase la of larsre alse. with three drawers and large cupboard. Top la fitted! with large slsed French beveled plate mirror. Altogether a f O IC handsome piece of furniture. Z. JJ ttpeclally priced for tomorrow . A GENUINE SOLID OAK EXTENSION TABLE. As shown above. . Beautifully finished golden. , Has large 42-inch top. extending 6 feet. The pedestal -is massive and supported by four carved claw feet. One of our very special values regu larly priced at 117.60. Our very Q kC low price for Saturday's selling AN AMAZING VALUE IN A 2-INCH CONTIN UOUS POST VERN1S MARTIN BED. Entirely made of tubular steel with five heavy fillers, the enamel used is absolutely guaranteed not to tar nlsh or rub off, and superior-to many brass beds offered. This bed represents an It Or unusual value at this price ". -21 I '1-iJ.Vsav Jlp Cole's Ftmous Hot Blast Heater Famous ths world over. Per fecUgaa itnd amok consum ers, liolda fire 4 hours. A marvel and a wonder. No other heater In lis class. Hums eoal, coke, wood or rubbish. Wonder fully economical and Kuarauteed In every respeet. Priced -up from 10.95 HARTMAN'S Great SPECIALS A H A A A COMPLETELY C 4 HOOmS FURNISHED, $5.00 A MOT4TH VJbito Ensneled DATII ROOM CABINET $1.19 rnrrw win m- I" iILL el""! with very cab inet sold tomorrow It packages of woll knostn toilet articles THIS MEDICINE OR HA'IH KOOM CABI NET la It Inches huch, im Inches wide. 4 Inch es deep. Interior Is fit ted with three iclua shelve. Mirror door measures ltxli Inches, llu nickel-plated trim mings. A I3.U0 value, of fered tomorrow at this ridiculously low price. Elegant, Large Size Base Burner Built on the new triple flue plan. insuring perfect distri bution of heat Una large 16 inch fire pot. automatic a as cover, duplet grate nnd pat ent aliaker ring, n e a u 1 f u lly nickel trim-; med. with nlen leg K'irte, mak ing this a very tall and effect ive heater-s- 29. 75i If W APfl V B NEW STYLE OENTINK OL'AKTEKKD OAK I I 13 KA HY TABLE, Tho top Is of larKs slue with convenient drawer urrangemeiit Tlie shanelv col umns are very heavy, set on artistically shaped buBe, supported by heavy ct.l- ritu.1 turoea reeL An ele gant table at a very small coat. 12.75 b 1 s, - .Aasmvr t; t - jt, - V COMBINATION KITCHEN TABLE. A sanitary cabinet base. ' Has two bins, two utensil drawers and sliding kneading board. A well constructed article, of exceptional merits. Saves many steps around the kitch en. Special for tomorrow, at. . . 3.59