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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1914)
THK BEK: OMAILA, WKDNKNDAY. SKPTHMHHR. ,H 10U 11 ion nr. xt Apartments aaa Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment when we hare listed every . . . . i.t and Bi.jriaifi t in the city. 'Phone us for further Information. Douglas :W rid- i yB to ra ge Van Co. BtTTiEOROK A I'AKTM ENT 3 One five room suite, K0; heat, water, Jmiltor service; located in e"leot West Farnam residential sirtton. 113 N, 3! lit Ave. W. l-,;4. $1 ELKOANT 4-room flat, modern ex cept heat; 1415 Vinton Red MkA. 6-7 RUUMS. 2117 N. HiTII. Rlggeet PXAP in oiimha. hot water Innltnr urdi' t-f ftfl mnimar I? All AS A IN' ,3 HEYl'F.Ni 114 IIHrney M. FT. 1'I.AKfc AFAUTMKNTb. ia ana nnrncy cm., a r''oni nynri.iiic.iis. Call H. W7 or I. fc6. OGUt.N ANN t-X looms, nun kllchro Ilea i'outinil ftlllffa 6-ltoo.M modern flat. 1112 So. 11th. Gordon Van Co S tornce 9 1 a V II... I'honr l 1.H r 11 ?ll ' IT W V h..ii-i A . al .... tu-hA.. ....1 apartment on W. Farnam M. KOl'K Him.Md, THK HARXKV in. o, iiihahih prHrilcaiiy elegant it.cathm. '4 I. uric to Kir- . 'i m c ar: verv rrio:.: mum. vt" vi -tnrr A 50. JSTIXOS HKYI'KN. K.14 Harney Pt h.A Ij i if l 1. apartment rooma and bath and srrecnrd poich In Harl rian apartments, L'301-S s.iernian Ave., will vacated about Octoixr 1. t)uk finish a be autjin. wiioucr 1. itaa nnisn ana panruea ceilings 111 living room and dining room; press hrlek mantle and rub log; mirror door In Rood slz.d coat closet; dining room has paneled walla and plate rail: fine l.phtuitf flxtuies; hedrooms In white rnaiml: large, kitchen and retriserator entry. Rental $ per month, which lncltiJtt Janitor service and heat. Ak to set it. PCOTT & Mil.!. CO.. Pouglaa 100it .V;-T- MoCaKue Rldg . o 6-ROOM modern, water, curt tins and odme in dinInK roo.ii. lice. J.-...0. .u .No. iui Ave. Phone H. o7ii7. F I V KKUO MS THE iirusos. 207 So. 26th Ave., new, elope In, built-in buffet, panel wnlla in dln'ng mom. H block to Farnam car; turn. 143. winter $'0. HAST1NUS HKYlHiN. 1H4 Harney Bt. i.. ... 1:. t . U VKIINA, 1S12 Capitol Ave., modern apartments, aleo furnished rooma, ateam heat, private bath. SIX ROOMS. THE iorai.AS. 213 So. 26tli Ave., vacant Oet. 1; has nun parlor; ' close In. walking distance; very choice, $50 summer, w winter. HASTIXQ3 & HKYDEN. 1114 Harney St. FIRST floor. 4-r.. nine, A15 So. :Mth. THE KNICKKKDCM'KER. NVesl Farnam district, SSth and Jones Sts. ; 6 and 7 rooms. Positively the best and only exclusive apartment house In Omaha. Low rentals, compared with oth ers. See It first. ELKQANT 4-room apartment with sleep Inn porch, all modern; beautifully deco rated: splendid location. 3115 l'avenport St. First floor onlv. Saw. C. O. CAHI.BERO. "10-312 Bran. Thea. Bldg. 212 NICHOLAS, 4-room modern brick flflt, steel ranee. ga stove, kitchen cab inet and wnter paid, ?17. HASP BROS. 1H1I ULAM im. 219 Capitol Ave., 9-r. mod. flat. 2o.00. R60 S. 2rtth Ave., 9-r. mod. brick flat, well arranged for light housekeeping, $30. 935 N. 21th. 8-r. mod. fiat. $16o0. RASP BROS. Uouglas loS. 610 S. 17TH 6-room modern flat, $.10. 1003 N 29th St.. 7-r. modern flat. $20. S013 I-eaven worth. 6-r. mod. ex. Beat. $20. 2623 Bristol St., 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $20. C. O. CARl.BERO S10-312 Brandels Theater Blfljr. 6-ROOMS. l'UWB-1N. 705 6. 16th St., t good rooms, all modern, heat furnished; $40. PKTERK TRUST COMPANY, D. K8. Board and Rooma. FRONT rtn. newly fur., mod. with board. Single or ensulte. 2419 Poppleton. T. 2417J. FRONT room, modern, close In, for man and wife, with board. $6 par week. H. 64o7. Varnished Roemi. AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS Front room, trlctly modern, reasonable. Call 608 N. 21st St. Red 3S47. FRONT rm,i newly fur., mod. with board. Single or ensulte. 2419 Poppleton. T. 2417J. WANTED Lady roommate; $4 per month; partly modern. Call 4 to 6 p. m. 2406 Capitol Ave. FRONT room, suitable for 2, mod.. $5 week; board optional. 2317 Pouylas. 1418 S. list St. Fine rooms In brick, mod- ern house; handy to car. Heferences. within walking distance. Good refer- encea required 211S California St. P. rV07. MODERN, well lighted, reaaonable. 411 N. Krth. SUNNY room, neatly furnished. iuO. IMH JVou k I as St. 1 STRICTLY mod. furnished room, private family, $10 mo.; board optional. aii eoster aja. i.i 1 irnnr r-rwim in iiri vu t m lanii v 1 nr gentleman, $2 week, board optional. .iv 1 .v ...i.tii ,,, m n an tvt.ui nA.i.a r. .. u r good car line; preier gentlemen. lii 8186. PRIVATE family, mod.. $3. Tel. Bo. 2236. SO. ath. 1010 Furnished, heated front room. moi., iz. oentiemen it. MOU., quiet rooms, walking dis., $1.&0 'week and up. THE KNArl , 191K Cass. r uiinisih.u room xur rem, near i-reiun- ton university, h'hone oougias izm. Mod., private home, reterencys. H. U3S. FRONT room, newly furn., $1. D. 6407! Fur. mis. modern. 1 &. Cans. Apt. 9. PRIVATE home, beautiful, all mod., walking di., hoard opt., $3. II. 2M2. NURSES Mod. room for one or two, close to car. $12 or US. 1412 Wirt. W. 3061. r nrntnlieil llounekrepliiu liuoma. LARGE. mod., complete, $3.50. 2209 Douglas. llouar ker bIbii Kooms. THREE nlc rooms, housekeeping. UU S. 11th. DOUGLAS 2l"S Light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. DAVENPORT. 2018 Two or three nicely lurnishea housekeeping rooms.. Hotels anil Airi:uitu. l.lFuKMA Holel. lbth and '.dllfornlau Weekly rates U and up. DoucUs a3. iiODiik. liuTtlU- Mcderi,. Keaauuable. FOK nENT looses and I olligri. NEARLY new fc-room house, rewly dec orated lnslue and painteo outside. 2400 Emimt. Web. 114 8. 29th ST. 9-room all modern house, $20. Rasp Bros., Douglas 1V3. 2615 JONES All modern. 7 rooms, now $S). Call Mrs. Nelson. Karney 136. R-R cottage, $12. 1711 Hickory. W. 1919. 6-R. HOUSE, 2Si Parker. 2u. H. 320. 4-KOuM cottage and barn; walking dis tance; $14 per mouth. Harney 4173. FLATS for rent, nice location, also t room house, mod. ex. heat, wltn elec tric lights. Call Doug. ir,. C-ROOM houee and garage on 4th St. ail modern, t-1.60 per month. Call Doug. 47.. fcTRlCTLY modern 6 room bungalow, fine location, excellent condition; vacant Oct. 1. I all H. 6- 9. A 7-RiHJM. ail modern bouse at Uli Douglaa St., $-15 a month. Tel. H. 4021. 6-RKjM house, mod. except heat. $23. 833 a. 21st St. Harney 27U6. i-ROoM house, modern, 29)0 South 24th 64., $1. Water paid. Tel. Red 2. ' 6-HOOM modern cottage, 719 So. 37th oU, fine location. J. versier irto. BEAUTIFUL elKht-room house, modern, $H 2W7 California St. Harney 66 J. $-6 ROOMS, BATH. 17ui MANDER ioN. PHONE lXiUGLAH biil. house, unfurn., mod., hardwod fin., "XHot watr licat; also 6-r. house, rood.. Vn.. near cars. Dundee. Phone Harney a i NT IK West Farnam i?i.w nr,lk "1 stucco home. Just bring finished; three fine bedrooms and sleep ing porch 2d floor; large living room and dining room, besutlfully finished In nil noKany; Id floor white enamel, 4i on Irasa Peters Trust Co. I'u'J Farnam St. Doug. W Excellent Home SKVF.N ROOMS. SS Poppleton Ave., In the pretty field club district; completely modern. In fine condition FETFK9 TRt'ST CO.. 13 Fnrnam St. IVmg. KK. 8-ROOM. modem. 1119 Itenrgia A veI iTlCjC 5-Hoo.M house, all modern. tlo per month. 47-'l California St. D. WM. FI V E-ROOM eots"ge modern, "almoat new. 4708 Franklin Bt.. Wehstor 37GS. 5-R. mod.. 1702 fl'. 17th V, lSlsC VOll JtEXT NEW ALT j MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, V BLOCK FROM CAR LINE $22.50 lVr Month. Be sure to phone us about this tomorrow. Bankers Koalty Investment Co. Telephone D. "2926. 6 ROOM. ONIV JIB. Modern ex. heat. Fine location. 1920 Kmmet St. See thla, and Inquire up- italr o FOK KENT 8 ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE, RIGHT ON CAR LINE. HOT WATER HEAT. $33.00 Per Month. Bankers Keulty Investment Co Telephone D. 2926. 311 N. 33d St., .7-r., modern, $20. 3420 Parker, -r.. modern, $20. 228 Capitol Ave.. 8-room, modern. $3. 233 Spencer, 6-rmim, modern, $22.60. 1-117 N. 11 t St., 7-r.iom, city water, $16. 74 N. 27th St., 5-room, city water, $12.60. 1416 N. 2Sth St., H-ronm, city water, $1L 1615 N. 3id St., 5-room. city water, $11. 4712 N. 40th St., 5-room, city water, $10. 322o Franklin, 4-room, city water,- $8. 3M0 Camden Ave., 5-room. well, $11. 3723 Ohio, 8-room. well. $8. CREIUH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 2lU MKBeeBldg. SEVEN ROOMS, sleeping p'rch and sun room, new and desirable, exceptionally fine view, quiet neighborhood, $J0, or $"5 with garage. J. H. PUMONT & CO., 1603 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 690. 6-ROOM, modern, paved street, one-half block to car, tJ. 4Wi N. 2th Ave. WEST FARNAM 8 rooms, 2 baths; very modern. 323 No. 3Sth Ave. Doug.i 2947. 10-ROOM mod. house, splendid surround ings. 1015 William. Call Red 3SG5. 5-R. cottage. $12 4G?2 Izard. W. 6756. GOOD 8-r. house, all mod. except heat, on car line. 440S No. 24th St. Web. 66Si. STEAM heat, all modern, i-room house! also 4-rm fist. ?20 No. 23d 6-ROOM ttrlctly modern house in At con dition, location 2812 Pacific SL Call at 1060 Bo. 28th St. or phone Harney $346. Free Rental List Complete Informatlan about every va cant houae and apartment In tha city. Thla service la free. Tel. Douglaa 188. Fidelity Storage A Van Co. COTTAGE. 4 rooms and basement, $11 per month, 206 g. 28th Ave. Call D. L. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2354. 6-H, mod. .-house. 1727. R. 10th, D. 7416. HOUSE suitable for two small- families. Inquire 2645 Capitol Ave. Phone D. 4u9. 6-ROOM houae. all modern, Irea water. '(04 N. XOth. Tel. D. 1530. Jf T) 3 arxp. Co.. moving I KPPfl packing tk storage. V- V,CU 1207 Farnam. D. 1; MaggarcTs Van and stor age Co. Reduced Large van. 2 men, $126 per hr. ; dray. I men. H per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1496, FOR RENT We have a complete Hat of all houses, apartments and flats that ara for rent. Thla list can be aeen frea of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co.. 806 S. I6U1 8l Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th & Jackson Sts. Phone Douglaa 288. TI mi una "i Parte of tha city. tiUUBCa Crelgh Sons cV Co.. ee Bldg. MX-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN KX CEPT HEAT, 1716 CALIFORNIA ST. SEE REICH EN BERG BROS., K27 CITY NAT'L BANK BLDO. DOUGLAS 1946. Stores and Offices. 2D FLaOOR oracE VAULT, WATER. ELECTRIC LIGHT, FREE. 385 Sq. Ft., $30.00. OCTOBER 1ST. The Bee Building Co. Office Room 103. 2ND FLOOR office rooms or suitable for light mfg. Wright & Lasoury, 606 S. 16th St. Doug. 162. ON ACCOUNT of factory falling 1 am going out of the automobile business; lease and fixtures for sale; rent very reasonable. See Loaier place, 2549 Farnam St. Erie Nelson. Harua. GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horsea 1917 Webster St. Call Douglas 41 WANTED TO RENT TWO ui' furnished rooms for housekeep ing, walking diatance. Address B. 464. Bee. WANTED Desk room In established of fice for mull address and headquarters of Chicago agency;, state rent. Address Y 208. Bee. WANTED Light table board by elderly man in private family with common people; walking distance to 34th and Far nam. Address s vS, ilee. IlKAL ESTATE FARM HANOI LA.MII FOR f ALB llaaliu. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS-COOOt acres no a' open to entry In tha famous Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the hoineseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich soli. exhilarating climate and abundance of water for irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Great tor grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a home. Write today for booklet and particulars. Valier Farm Sales Company, Valler, Mont. Box No. 17. Nebraska. FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER. Fine, level 240-acre, second bottom grain and stock farm, not wet or subject to overflow, t miles north of lilalr, county seat town of 8.&00, best oft school and market I Good buildings and fences. Wroom house, nearly new; barn for 12 head '-horses, wltn mow; large double crib, nw granary, chicken house, sheds, etc. ( A low price and very liberal terms on thla for quick sale. Will shiaw farm and give particulars to Interested! parties. E. N. CHRISTIAN SON. Bprlagflnld. Neb. PLATTE county farm. acre. nr Columbus; aw-acre stuck and Lay ranch. 4111 Farnam. ' f lvellaaoaa, IP INTERESTED In land In, southern Iowa and southern Minnesota write tha F L. Jones Land company. Wintered. la. for their list of A farina HEAL ESTATE FARM A RAM II LANDS FOR IALH Wliesstts. Upper Wisconsin Best uauy and genera) crop slats In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low, on easy terms. Ask for book let $4 on Wisconsin Central Laud Grant. State acres wanted. Writ about our arising lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address l-nd Dept., 800 Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. FARMS WANTED. WE have buyers for 40, fc and 10 acres Improved farms. List with us for quick THE VOUKL REALTY AGENCY, lolf.-l W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED I wish to buy a 6-rooin bungalow on monthly pnvments; responsible party. Address A JM, Bee. REAL ESTATE: FOR EXCHANGE FINE tV20-aere farm. 46 miles from Min neapolis, good soil, two sets buildings; will take up to $16,0u0 other good property In exchange, balance some cash and mortgage; prlre $o an acre; finest stock farm In that vicinity. Schwab BroB., 1WS Plymouth Bldg., Mtnneapolte:. Mtnn, THREE hundred alxty-acre improved farm, 20 miles from Minneapolis; 8-room house, barn, windmill and other buildings; part under cultivation, balance pasture and hay land; no waste land; one of the best stock farms In that vicinity; price. $H) per acre; will take up to $10,000 good property In exchange, balance some cash and mort- ,'e" SCHWAB BROS., 102K riymouth Bldg,. Minneapolis. Minn. F1NE7oacre farm, five miles from Mln nea prills; 36 acres under cultivation, bal ance orchard and timber; seven-room brick house, stone basement, barn, wind mill, chicken house, hy shed, granary, etc. Price W.MO. Will take up to $2,600 In exchange, balance some cash and mort gage. Schwab Bros.. 10ai Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, 8, JH. par cent. J.H. Dumont & Co.. 1608 Farnam. Omaha. WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Esst Nebraska far ma. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO.. 101S Omaha Nafl. Douglas JTls. GAKVIN BROS.. HARRISON MORTON. U Om. Nat'L WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1220 Farnam. CITY property. Lars loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., isth and Farnam sts. MONET on hand for city aund farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nafl Bank Bldg. act. CZTY LOANS. Bemla-Carlbern Co.. v' 810-312 Brandcis Theater Bldg. BEE vh first If you want a farm loan. unuea mates irusi to., vnaui. nmv. A IHTn ACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. ti& b. 17th BU Phone Douglaa MX7. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, 206 Biaddels Theater. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE "little Farm" 2 Acres, $1,075 In Benson Acres Addition, adjoining Benson; all in alfalfa; some fruit. You will buy this piece If you will let us show it to you. Terms $20 cash, $15 a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney St 611 Feet Frontage Adjoining Benson Is on Paved Road 1$ acres on Military .Ave. This is the right place to buy for a country home and work In Omaha. Pavement all the way In. Price. $1,040. HASTINGS ft HEYDKN, 1614 Harney St Florence Acreage Bargain Twenty acres, 2Mi miles northwest of Florence, and but a short distance from the macadam road. Seven-room house, In good condition; good ham and other outbuildings; nice orchard, full bearing. One and one-uuarter acres in vineyard. The owner of this proporty, on account of family reasons. Is compelled to move to the city and will take aa part payment a good residence In the city; and will plica this property right. O 'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGY., Tyler 1024. 1505 Farnam St. "Little Farm" Adjoining Benson, on Paved Road $25 Cash -$20 a Month $.34 acres. A splendid corner. Will divide Into 12 lots, facing east. Pave ment all the way to Omaha. This tract will surely advance in value. Price, $1,600. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St 1.5 Acres In Benson Acres $825 $15 Cash, $12.50 Month Desirable for poultry raising, gardening and fruit; easy walking distance to car; don't delay. Acreage close to Omaha la Felling faet. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1814 Harney Bt. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE Five Rooms and Bath Modern except heat. New cottage, with five good slxed rooms and bathroom; two full lots; dandy place for chicken raising. Can sell on easy terms. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1O0H. 3Q6-7-S McCugue Bldg. $25.00 Cash $25.00 New 6-room bungalow. Prlca, $1,400. Terms, S16 50 per month. If you want a cheap, little home on reasonable pay ments, telephone Doutilas 2iM. H. H. Harper 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. BRAND NEW Living room, dining room, kitchen, pan try, den on first floor, two bed rooms and bath on second floor, living room, fin ished In oak; strictly modern In every de tail; furnace, cement basement south front corner lot, paved street, close to school. Price $2,800. payment down, bal ance monthly. Located at 2630 Blondo St Keys at i2a Blondo St C. G. CARLBERG, 310-11 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, in Bemla Park district, 7-room rrodern house, nearly raw, on car line, paved street paving all paid, fr.r $2.00; $2U down, balance like rent Call Bcrson 665-J. Small Payment Down Balance Ilka rent, buys tha fine six-room entirely modern dwelling at 2301 N.- 224 St; newly painted, nice Targe rooms, fine fireplace, good cemented- basement three nice bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, corner lot paved street. Price only $3,500. This Is a splendid value. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas vm. 3U6-1-I McCague Bldg. Coiner lot water, aewer and sidewalk, near car Una, $6 cash and $10 per month. Phone Douglas 26j6. 11 H. HARPER. 1013-14 City Nat Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOl'TII SIDE Hanscom Park Beautiful Home A nw, beautiful oak finished 7-room house. ?.arge living rimm with firvplsee, beam celling and built-in bookcases: din ing room wllh paneled walls and built-in sideboard; lnrgo kitchen with butler's pantry nnd entry; four nice bedrooma and bath on second floor; large attic; full basement with laundrv tubs and toilet; clothes chute; lot Nx1S2: paving all pal I This house Is complete and up-to-date In very detail and Is the biggest ha run In we have to offer In Ihe Field club dis trict Price. $...,W; terms. located at $338 I Jnooln Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee 111. I Thone Douglas 4:7i. REAll AND ACT AT llVi'l.- Modern cement block house. I rooms, toilet and bath, furnace, electric light city water; full cemented cellar one .... inMiinr, one-mira or acre I ground; all fenced; modern chicken house: 1 shade: 42 fruit trees, grapes and smaM I fruit l ...lnlil... I . . . ......... Km urn : ngni by Rlvervlew park; 4 blocks to So 13th and So. Omaha car and Edw. Rosewater school; rood neighborhood. Trice only $S.0i'O; $1,000 cash will get It. Biggest snap on account of moving south. See owner at premises. 4113 So. Sth Street, or phone DollslAff t,y7. $2,000 Buys It New five-room cottage, on a desirable street, nonth front lot Small payment down, bnlanee like rent. Onlv 11 blocks from City Hall. Thla Is close-in prop erty. Scott & Hill Co. 306-7-8 McCague Bldg. Douglaa 1009. REAL ESTATF WEST SIDE New Brick Home On Dodge St., near 4Hth. solid while brick house, with cement, brick and stone porch; best asbestos shingle roof; solid construction. Hot water heat; beautiful living room with fireplace; hard wood throughout; two full lots. Actually the best bargain offered. $2,000 to $3,000; leas than tha value of lota and cost of house. D. V. Sholes Co. 913 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Douglas 49. $500 Cash Buys a large, almost new house at tha southeast corner of With and Davenport Sta. House faces the boulevard and has reception hall, living room, dining room and den finished In oak. Three bedrooms bath and sleeping porch on second floor Would take a 6-room cottage as part pay ment. For price see owner. A. KOPI'EN HAVER, $10 BARKER BLOCK. RED 2 S-ltOOM MODKKN HOME FOR '$3,200 South front lot. 80x132 with a garage. Close In. W. II. GATES, Room 647, Omaha National Bank Bldg. . uuiir i.Miugiaa ih. WILL SELL TO COLORED PEOPLE $100 CASH. k- BALANcfc: LIKE RENT. Nobby little 6-room cottage, partly neur car and cno'- 1rl- '"y THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY , 101R-K W. Q. W. Bldg. Douglaa 3Wl'. MUST BE SOLD 7 2 r.? fr"me id "tucco; oak and birch finish; three bed rooms and sleeping porch; corner lot; paved street; complete throughout; big bargain. p " OWNER. Douglas li2. REAL ESTATE MIBCKLLANEOtH Stop and Think EV ElO ..v'K HAS OPPORTUNITIES Now Is the time to buy. Jour dollars will never buy as much Omaha real estate in the future as today. SOME GOOD BUYS We have three 5-room all modern bungalows, except heat; living and dining rooma all oak finish, two bed rooms, . roomy kitchen with gas and heater In stalled, bath room has fix tures and finish the same as In our best apartment houses: full size basement cemented floor with drain; sidewalks and paving all paid, and don't forget we furnish shades and electric fixtures. Price, $2,3fiO. Will compare favorably with property priced at $2,700, and we sell on payments, too. Call us up and we lll show you. Traver Bros. Red 4721. 706 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. $31.00 DOWN AND $.31.00 PER MONTH BUYS THIS ALL MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE I have for sale a new. substantially con structed 6-room house, located one block from car line, 2 blocks from school; ftri cement basement, furnace heat, principal rooms finished in oak, balance of house In pine; very conveniently arranged through out. Pretty location. For full Informa tion, call MRS. THOMAS, Telephone Webster 2233. BARGAINS IN HOMEh" " ter.'gohntlyr?4m2;XneW Md C" Seven-room. new modern. 3Eth and Laa. vcnwurlh Sts.. $4,200 Enquire 413 Karbach Blk. Phont D. 3607. FOR SALE 7 MORTGAGE, Due 1919. $3,000.00 Thifl ! HI) awlcr flNir 4 1 :Z"Zr..b'.. .b'? J",or-a farm. , w ...... IIIUI 1U I r f.VVV.VV siMponsibla party willing to an- Homer must bars ready cash Arattroog .Wabk Co. BtaU Baa Ida. UNUSUAL INVESTMENT BARGAIN "IBBdB. - A 1 ... A hoUM ). IB Wait Ftrnaml fJntrtcK jut year oXt. Beautiful Inaula an, .uusioa. Big ground. laa sww win saualftn; " Will I i aldjB- yoar Ifar far 4ruMjL AmttreBf.WabBCo. Btaaa BLaak OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow nnd Steady to Ten to Fifteen Cents Lower. HOGS STEADY TO TEN LOWER Both Feeder Sheet and Killer hee Steady Fat aad Feeder l.amha yrrr SIot aad Weak lo Ten t Lower. SOPTIt OMAHA. Sept 29. 1M4. RecelUts re: CutlU llnffa AliMlt Official Monday H.2H.I 3.V4 43 MA l.Mimate Tuesday ,0i0 4X. Two days this a eek . ,4.03i .fc4 ?l.H4ii Same days Inst eck..22.!Mi 5.732 K.X'2 Same days I weeks ago I" 27 4 :-H2 M.OnJ Same das I weeks ago 1421 4.2itt W, 1 Same days 4 weeks ago 1M!U 12.334 7rt.31. Same days last -enr..2t.0tl .0X M.'7 Tna fuliowliiK table shows the receipts of taitle, hogs and aneep at the South uinaha ;ive stock market for the year lo date, as compared with last year: 114 1l Inc. rec Csttlo 4,4H5 (S76.G70 S0.1S8 Hogs ! .7K. 824 2.1 ft 41 215.0IV4 Sheep 2,li,932 I.079.S2S S1.U0 Tha following table shows the prices for hops at the South Omaha live stork mar ket for the last few days, wllh compari sons. Date. I 1814. UPlt '191t 11911 .itHlO IlKSS nyw. Sept. II Kept 13 Sept. 14 1 41; 7 k! K i 1 27 7 3 71 I 11(1 I SKI K lt I Si 8 8S 8 K So- 4J' 8 ;i 7 ( ii I W til W 84 t k3 Sept. IS f 7HI 8 8 $ Mi $ n, 8 W sept 1. Sept. 17 Sept. W. Sept. 18. Sept. 20 Sept 21 Sept. 23. Sept. 28. Sept. S4. 7 H $ 43 II 21 I $1 8 42 v 7 W $ 3 8 10 8 14 8 36. 8 01 $ ml ( si 8 434.) 7 l 8 17 1 8 twl S 83 71 8 2 ( 641 8 7S 8 17 Si! 8 471 $ 13 ov'll - l s ft 8 40 I S OKI I 87 6 bit) 8 43) 8 10 M f9; 8 4tti 8 12 73 8 08 8 M 8 .MVkl 8 Ml 8 41 I M I li I I) Sept sept. 8 '1 8 07: 8 4VI 4fti i 8 161 t 77 4fii i 8 10S 8 1S 8 bli t! 87 1 8 4.V j W I 8 211 R 3i 8 Sll 8 8 b ' Sept font. 2Vi 8 liV.i 1 K.U I 111 I J-.'i s MI 87 Bept. 2. 8 II',. 8 33 ( Ul 8 2; 1 .i tf) Sunday. Receipts and dlsivositlon of live stock at the I'nton stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock p. m. yesterday: HBCKIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Il'r'l. C., M. & Bt P 1 4 Wnbaah 1 $ Missouri Pacific 10 L'nlon Pacific 73 1ft 72 C. A N. W., east.. 4 3 1.. C. A N. W.. west.. 110 2rt 24 .. C, St. P, M. eV O.. 10 6 C, B. & Q, east... 8 C, B. & J , west.. .138 24 73 1 C, R. I. A P., east 2 4 C, R. I. A P., west 26 1 Illinois Central 8 ., Chicago Ut. West. 2 1 Total receipts... 36 DISPOSITION 89 170 HEAD. ' C attle. Hogs. She Morris & Co Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Sch waits & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... Sinclair Packing Co.. Cudiihy. K. C V. II Vansnnt Co.... Benton, Vansant A L Hill & Son K. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Hoot & Co J. 11. Bulla U F. Hum RoFenstock Bros McCtcary & Kellogg.. Werthelmer & I linen.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. Christie lllggtns Huffman Roth Meyera Klein Baker, Jones & H. Tanner Bros John Harvey 1 1. A F Klefer Other buyers 1.017 !2 r.. 1,44 1.033 6, W7 1.1X9 2. 825 l.llSt .. 26 & 317 Ml 2fA 478 343 12H 4.t 141 3S3 274 41! lift 152 21il 211 72 13 lrt 19 KM 13 424 .. 81 18 1.8CT ss.oi: Totals 11.H43 6.007 67,785 OATTLK Another lllieral run of cattle arrived at the yards this morning, bring ing the tottil for the two days up to 24, WSi head, the heaviest run for any sim ilar period tltus far this year, but only on a par with the receipts for the same time lust year. There was a fair demand for food to choice beef steers and a bunch of very good light yearling steers and heifers sold at J 10.!. the highest price paid thus far this year, and In fact the highest price ever paid on this market. 1 ha market on the best grades was safely steady, with others slow and weak to loo lower. Cows and heifers that happened to find favor In buyers' eyes were In soma cases steady and In others they were aa much as lOo lower than yesterday. There seemed to lie a fu:r Inquiry for choice, fleshy feeders, but other grades were very slow, owing to a limited coun try demand, and prices were 10o or more lower than yesterday. It would lie safe to tiuote the market at IMiEk- lower for the two days, with a good many cattle accumulating In the hands of speculators. Quotations on cattle: uood to choice beef steers, $9.5tKj 10.2ft; fair to good corn fed beeves, (H. 7fKri 9 So; common to fair corn fed beeves, $7.7Vd8.75; good to choice tange steers, $7.&0iU.iS; fair to good range steers', tO.HiW7.40; common to fair range steers, $H(i(Ka6.80; good to choice grass heifers, f6Wq7.50; good to choice grass rowa, $6.2t&ti.i5; fair to good grades, $.VW i)6.2b; comniovi to fair grades, $4 OUQA.&O; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.M fcti.a.; fair to good stockers and feeders. U60&7.UU: common to fair stocgers ana feeders, $6.008.60; stock heifers, $5.75 "00; stock cows, $4 .Vj.2r; stock calves. $7.0&.(i0; veal calves, tti.uuijlu.DU; bulls, Moss. etc.. $6.2Mi7.i0 HOGS As compared with the runs of the last few weeks today s supply was fairly large, something like eighty-six cars, or 8.000 head, being received. This Is one of the heaviest runs in about three weeks. The total for the two days Is 8,Ka4, being 3,000 larger than a week ago, but slightly smaller than a year ago. As has lieen the rule fur several days real shipping hogs were scarce, and ship pers and siwculators had lo fill their liberal orders with fair to good mixed hogs, which they bought at prices that were In most cases steady with yester day. Most of their purchases were made at $8.108.20. with aeveral loads of pretty fair stuff as high as $8.30. Packers were Indifferent again this morning and made their first offers at a rial dime aei line. Salesmen asked steady to strong prices but even with the shippers buying freely killer bids failed to strengthen up to any great extent, and when the bulk of the supply finally started to move packers purchases were fully ftfIOc, and In most rases nearly 10c lower. Movement, while not active, was fairly continuous, snd a fair clearance was made by a reason- s hie hour. SHKKP-An outstanding feature of to day's trade was the unusually heavy re ceipts for the run was estimated at some 4.ftO head, compared with 4i.41 a week ago and 41,149 on the corresponding day a year ago This was the biggest run lor the season to date, being the largest since October 21 of lat)l year. IJke yesterday, fully tfi per cent of the receipts consisted of feeder offerings. It was another slow deal In fat stuff most of the forenoon, with tha sellers fighting for steady prices. Not, until 10 SO o'clock did any movement of fat lambs of consequence take place, the packers being slow buyers on a basis weak to a dime rower on fat lambs and about steady on anything In the line of mutton- Trade being draggy. the clearance was naturally late, bul at that It waa a fairly satisfac tory market all around from a seller's standpoint, considering the else of Ui re ceipts and the llheral supplies and lower tendency to prices at most oU other mar kets. While the feeder trade waa liberally supplied with plenty of feeder lambs, there were lots of feeder buyers here In search of some drslrabie grades, and as a result the best kinds of feeder lambs held up atmut steady, while the common to medium grades were a shade lower. The first offerings to cross the scales this miming were feeder lambs, and Uis mar ket fur them continued fairly active must of the forenoon. The Unlit supply of feeder sheep moved at piicea generally steady. Feeder lambs aie quo Libia any- where from $(00 to $7.10. Lumhs carrying a little flesh went to the country at $7-10 a little flesh went to the country at $7 v7 ' 3u. the latter price being paid rur so UiinK on tha fancy order quotations on range shep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice $7 2U4j7.40; lambs, fair to good. $7 .omul. 20; lambs, feed-rs. $V,.li7.I0, yearlings, good to choice, $6.76 6800; yearlings, fair to good, $5.5016.76; yearlings, feeders, l5.4uiJi.K0; wethers. Hoiia. khi:Mwe'tneftrV tv-w; ewes, good lo enoice, .nft.(v; ewes, fair to good, $4.-"04j 7t; twes, feed ers, $3 Attft.IO. l llll A(iO L1H STOt K MARK F.T (attle Weak Unas Blew heep ateadr. CHICAOO. Sept. 39 -CATTLE - Re ceipts, ,0i0 head; msrket week: beeves. I 7d 11 05; steers, $i 2vii 10 : stot kers ani feeders. $."..30tiiS 20: cows and heifers, $3..i0 iflSW. ralves. $7.:f 11 2.V IHHIS-Recelpts. lln hesd; market slow at 5c advance; bulk. i'UMf 70; I'ght. ! h; mUcd. $1M)!.I8; heavy, $;.HMf 8 .: rough, $7 NS.00; piss, $t.7Ml.ftn. SHKKP AND LAMIl.5-Re.-elp1s. S7.f0 ihesd; market stesdv to lc lower: sheep, i 4 T.'.W.R..; yearlings, $'..JH 20. lambs. 7.o. . Joseph Lire Kteek Market. ST. LOl'IS. Kept. 2 CATTLK Re- ceplta, 7. WO head; market, steady; beef steers, $7 frW 10..; coaa and heifers. $vrty f,: stockrrs snd feeders, $S Oi7f7.M; southern steers, fn.on.n8.ofi; coa-s snd heif ers, $4ktfr..M: native calve. $.0ftf 11.00. H MM-Receipts. I.t.ixm head: market higher; pigs and lights, t7.7V.00; mixed snd butchers, fi 7&tl8.90; good heavy, $S 60 tR 88. SlIErp AND IMBft-Recelpta, TOO head; market steady; native muttons, $4.00 IftS.tiO; lambs, $7.00tt7.S5. Kansas City Live 8lsek Market. KAX8A8 CITY, Pept 28. CATTLR Kecelpts. 8.000 hesd: market steady: prime fed steer., 110 nnr,j liVW; dressed beef steers. $S JMI-a.75; western steers. $f. 7Mf 0i; stockers and feeder.. $A.(tls.80; bulls, $f 2C')8 SO; calves, $.Wfl 10 SO. HODS Receipts, J.otiO hend: market steady and lower: hulk. 18.0fK!il.4.": heavy. f7!HH(8 1.S; packers and butchers. $S.201i tM: llsht, $ 0iv8 ."; pigs. $7 fAff.OO. SIIKKP AND LAM BH Receipts. 4 (X head; market lower; lambs. 88.7MJ7.28; yearl'nss. 88 "vjf.00; wethers, fS.OOhS.W; enes. $4 .2S66.1.V 8loai City I. Ire Block Market. fUOPX CITY. la.. Pept t. CATTLK Receipts. 1,400 head: market stesdv; na tive steers $!.SiVii( SR; butchers. $.V36j 50; ccwa and heifers, $4.0rri8 25; ranners. $4 01 Sri 50; stockers and feeders, $v0fi7-10; calves $7.0iViiI.50. HOOS Receipts. 8.5W head; market 10c lower: beive .0ffi10: mixed, J7.r,f 8 00; light, rr.WHt7.95; bulk of sales. $8 103' $.80. SIIFKP AND LAMB3-Rcelpts. 1,200 head; no price. I At. I.oala Lire Btawk Market. ST. JOHF1PH, Sept. 28. CATTLK Re ceipts, 1.000 hesd: market steady to 10c lower; steers, $.0O4l0 IK; cows and heif ers. f4 8rfT1.W: calves, $H0W10.50. HOOS Receipts, 8,on0 head; shlpp'ng prices 843'lOe lower than yesterday's packer market; packera bidding lower; top, $8.50; bulk of sales. $S.C6fl8.50 SITEF.P AND LA M PR Receipts. 10.000 head; market slow; lambs, $C.(01f7.10. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarrs of tha Tratlaar aad Closing; Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Pept I9.-Wheat prices flat tened out touay alter a uetudeil bulge uue to reports of the closing of tne Dardanelles. A huge Increase of the world's available supply total was chief ly responsible for the collapse of the msr ket. closing prices were weak at VifSc under last night. Corn finished liflflUc down, oats off ltiiriivkc to IHIn'Sc and provisions rang ing from Sue decline to an advance of Hh.: I'ntll the last hour bulla had almost complete control of wheat. The dispatches telling of traffic having been stopped In the Dardanelles were taken as evidence of coming hostilities between Turkey and Russia and of grow ing probability that Italy and Ureece would declare war on Turkey and Join the allies. Assertions that Ureece was buying flour nn a large scale In' the I'nlted States counted also on the side of higher prices for wheat and ao, too, did a big falling off In receipts north west. Corn swayed with wheat. Fine weather for maturing the new crop tended to ccelnrata the late decline. Besides, there was an estimate current that the sea son's yield would exceed by 40.000.000 bushels the Istesl Washington forecsst. Reports of large sales of oats to the gov ernment of Oreece could not be con firmed and In consequence tha oata mar ket, which had been tending up grade, suffered a sharp break. Foreign selling of January isrd and ribs unsettled provisions. Nearby de liveries were relatively strong on account of covering by shorts. Oraln prices furnished by T.ogan A Bryan, office, 315 South Hlxteenin street, Artlelel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. cioaa.l Tes'y. Wheatl v I sept, i i m Dea.l 110 I 1 iou.1 I 1 0R41 1 11SI 1 084 108HI 08 V,! OS I 1 OBI 1 0H May. Corn. Stirt. Dec. May. 1 1VW I I 51 75V, T8V.I 87'il 7RH 78H 89 W4l Til ' 72il70WAi 7' 7V, 72'a Oats. I Fept.l 4711 4Vi 45S 47 A 45SI '4 47 4Vi4YS ol 62V, Defl..!49HlNI 4M.I May.lMVuTM' Pork. I I Sept.) 17 80 117 m Jan.. I 1 7H( 18TH! Lard. I I Kept. I 8 55 I 5.". I 17 60 IT I IT 25 i rrv, 85 86 10 12-16 11 5 11 10 10 674 1 67 It 87V, t 66 55 66 Oct. . 9 MK2 5 Jan.. 10 15 10 16 Ribs. t Sept US 10-!i 11 26 Oct.. I 11 15 11 26 Jan.. I 10 66 10 66 52V4! IW7-1000WT-1000 12 07V4I 10 11 18 10 40 1TV, 40 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. I1.07V,1.(B: No. I hard. $1.0R'4ri.08'4; Corn: No t yellow, 74t7c; No. 3 yel low, 74W67M.C. Oats: No. I white. 4V 47Nc: standard. 47W!jp4iSc. Rye: No. 3. 9'Vc. Barlev. 5fi70c. Seeds: Timothy, U.7&i.oft: cinver, nominal. Pork: $18.00. Lard: $9.57. Ribs: $11.26111.71. BITTFR Receipts, 8.686 tubs; cream er v. 2misr. EHUS-Hlgher: receipts. 7 718 cases: at mark, cases included. I8rie: ordinary flr.l. 1itmouc: firsts tOVflllVtr. ItlTATOWS Unsettled; receipts, too cars; Mlrhlgan and W'sconsln red, 4vrr 45c; Michigan and Wisconsin white. 4fli 6c; Minnesota and Dakota Ohlos. 4fV 60c. POfLTRY-Allve. higher; springs. 12V4c; fowls. WiQli". Minneapolis Grain Marked. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept 29. WHEAT September, flfi1; December. $1 ; No. '1 hard. $1.10V: No. 1 northern, $'Vs; Nn. t northern, $1.04471. 07. Wheat advanced la2c In the early trading. Fl.t il'R reclned. HARLKY 62iHac. HVK Mh(lc. BRAN-$20."0. CtiRN No. 3 yellow. rtfi7flc. OATS-No. 3 wh te. 48V,H(43c. FLA X-$1.40Vrtl,45Vi. Ksskm City Gratia and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Sept 29. WI I E AT No. $ hard, $I.OI1f-l.f: No. 2 red. $101; September, 9c; Dfceinher, $1.01; May, $i.n.v CtjRN No. Z mixed. 74;; no. 2 while, 78 'Ac; December, fc'i'nc; May, 6ftc. OATS No. I white, 46SG4e; N9. 2 mixed' 41V4a42n. BUTTER Creamery, 28c; flrata. 36c; seconds. I4c; parking, 20c. Ki 1(1 S Firsts. 21o; seconds. 17V,c. POULTRY Hens, 14c; brollsrs. 16c. Bt. Loots Grata Market. FT IOUIS. Sept. 29 VHKAT V 3 red. $104'al0fi; No. 2 hard, HM'il.Mi,; Ser.tembei. $1.04; December. $l.07V,. CORN No. 1 red. 74c: No. t white, 8T4c; September. 78c; December, 67V,c. OATS No. 2. 4c; No. $ white, 48c. I Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 29. -COFFEE Anxiety regarding the safety of the two British steamers which recently cleared from Braxll with coffee for the United States wss relieved today when they were reported from Trin'dad and rather an easier tone developed In the local spot market. Cost and freight offers from Braxll were a shade lower, owing. It was -supposed, to the recent withdrawal of: buying orders here as a result of the con-1 fused war risk situation, but there was I still more or less uneasiness over tha Ira-' port situation and local prices were not I quotgbly changed. Rio 7s were held j around ic and Santos 4s, lOVgll'-tc, ac- coruing to aesrripiion. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. T7.-Mercantlle pa per. 7 PTKRLINO EXCHANGE Steady; for csbles. 6 00.27,; for demand, 4.92.5 BILVEK-Uar, 3V GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Visible Supply of Wheat Continue! to Increase in Canada. TRADING IS QUITE IRREGULAR tint Wheat Cloaca from nee te Two tejits matter, with fore aae Oat A8tssrls Fractions of a t ent. OMAHA. Sept. t, VM4. There wss a further enormous Increase In the visible supply of wheat In this country and Canada Inst week, but It was anticipated and the effect on the market was sins II. stocks In this coun try are now within .t.hno.Om bushels of what they were a yesr ago, while the present supply available in Canada is more than doiib:e that ol the correspond ing period last year. In view of the present relative cheap ness of Canadian wheat for export as compared to that of our grain these big siipplles in the dominion are significant. Trading In wheat futures here yesterday wna again marked by Irregularity. Fol lowing a rally from the initial dip tha niarket ranged higher most of the time. The corn market was small and feature less lavornhle weather over the belt for finishing tiie nop, with prospects of Its continuing so for several days at least, rurlied buyers' activities. Shipping call for cssh corn here was limited, only 86,Oi bu. being reported ild. oats were under much hedging presmira early, but lutrr were helped by fairly good local speculative buying, which waa stimulated to some extent by claims of cnuslilerHble export sales at the seaboard, local exporters claimed that bids were too low and export sales of only 60,00 bu. "'in irronen irom nere. Wheat whs lc to 2c higher. Corn wss o higher to c lower. Oats were linens nged to VjC higher. Clearances of wheat .and flour were qual to 57,on0 bushels; corn, S.OJ0 bushels; oats, 673.000 bushels. V heat at Liverpool closed VfrSc higher. Primary wheat receipts were 2,9i'5.O00 buehels and shipments 1,322.000 bushels, against receipts of l.M.T.0s bushels and shipments of 878.IWO bushels last year. 1'rlmai. v corn receipts were 4H6.0O bush els and shipments Ss.l.unO bushels, agalnet receipts of 7.000 bushels and shipments of Ht7.m0 bushels last year. Pilmary oats receipts were 1.286,000 bushel and shipments 1,277,000 bushels, aaainst receipts of 974.000 bushels and shipments of 862,000 bushels last year. CARLUT RKCKIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Rye. 824 167 727 643 91a Chicago Minneapolis ... Duluth Onmha Kansas City... R. Louis 29 15 18 Z J4. 27 U 7 11 17 .. l.Olf Winnipeg these sales were reported today: Wheat. No, 3 hard winter: 1 cars, $1.01. No. 1 hard winter: 3 cars, $1.01; cars, $1.00. No. 4 hard winter: 3 rars, 9Sc; 8 cars, 97c Rejected hard winter: 11 cars, 83c; 1 car, 92Vc. No. 3 spring: 11 cars, $1.02. No. 4 spring: 11 cars, 96c. No. 8 durum mixed: 1 car, 98c. No. $ mixed: 1 car, $1.00; 1 car, 99c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 87c. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 93c. Oata Standard: 3 cars, 444c No. 8 white: 5 cars, 43Vjc; 1 car. 43Vc. No. 4 white: 7 cars, 434e. No frade: 1 car. 42Vc. Corn No. 1 white: car. 7ntic No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 74c. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, near white, 74c. No. 2 mixed: I car, imc No. 8 mixed: 3 cars. 71Vc. No. 5 mixed: t car. near white, 72'tc No. mixed: 1 car. 704c. Sample: 1 car. white, 74c Rye No. 3: 1 car, 80c; No. 3: 3 cars, 8R'4c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. S hard. $t.TVlft'l.0K; No. 3 hard, ftlHcefl.oS; No. 4 bard, 96ci$l.0fH; No. 3 spring. $1001.07; No. 3 spring. WrffSl.OS: No. 4 spring. 95ef $1 mv; No. 8 durum, rf89c; No. t durum. 97a'."8c. Coin: No. 1 white. T64U76lic; No. 2 white. 7rr76V.c; No. $ white, 74l 75c; No. 4 white, 74'4n74'-c: No. 6 white. 74fi74V: No. 6 white, 74074c; No. I yellow. 73ViD74c; No. t yellow, 7SV473.e; No. 3 vcllow, 72tf73Ho; No. 4 yellow, T2fc 73c; No 8 yellow, 72'i72V,e; No. yel low, 72'a72Hc; No. 1 mixed, 71Vt7le; No. $ mixed. 71V4W71Hc; No. 3 mixed. Tl'.i 111-.. A 7,lA.CT1. V K I 70'-Mfi7Oc; No. 6 mixed, 70fl70V4c. Oats: No. 8 white, 44H46c: standard, 44M44Sc: No. S white,, 4SVW43c; No. 4 white, 4.1'fr 43'ic. Barley; Malting, 6?riMc; No. 1 feed, 654K10C. Rye: No. 3, 86'488c; No. 3. 654) tf'.to. , Omaha Har Market. OMAHA. Sept. 28 II AY Prallrle. choice upland, tl2; No. 1, 81160: No. 2. $9.flll: No. ?. $74(9; choice midland, $11.50; No. 3, $7.0iff 8 00; choice midland, $11.60; No. 8, $11.00; No. 2, $9.O06M1.0O: No. 3, $7.0000; choice lowland. $1000; No. 1, 89.00cff 10.00; No. 3. $7 00 9.00; No. S. $5.007.00. Straw: Choice wheat $4 504)5.00; choice osta or rye, $5.00 f. ro. Alfalfa: Choic e. $1300; No. 1. til Os. 11.60; No. 3, 88.OwrjilO.0ri; No. 3, $6.(2?8.08. Evaporated Apples end Dried Pralta NEW YORK. Bept. . Mercantile pa APPLES Ojllet. DRII0D FRUITS-Prunea, firm. Apri cots and peaches, dull. Retains. Inactive. Metal Market. ST. LOT'Ifl. Sept. 29.-MKTAI.S-I.rad. dull and nominal at $3.80. Spelter, dull at 8A.OO1n5.IO. TOPS BACKS SEAT COVERS TIRE COVERS LI.VEX COVERS CTSHIOXS Dt'ST HOODS RADIATOR UOOD3 TRANSPARENT SHEETING LEATHER REPAIRING FENDERS COVERED AND REPAIRED ROWS STRAIGHTENED DENTS REMOVED FROM PANELS Anything In Leather or Fabric That Can Be Done. Tha Holly Auto Trimming Go. "EXPERTS" 1118 BCarasy Street. Omaha BTaa. Dong. 378. Our Werk Spaaka foy Itself. 19 Years with Prnmmoad. SELDOM SEE a big knee like tliit, but your horst nay have bunch or bruite on hi Ankle, Hock, Stifle. Knee or Throat will clean it off without laying the hone up. No blister, no hair gone. Concentrated only a few drops required at an application. 2 pet eoal dsllteree. Psauibs roar raw ter Metal I Im so4 Book $ K free. ABSORBINkVjK.. autstsus llQlamu tor aunkisa geduccs Painful 8dUac. aa ItrraS Glaaoa, Gattia, Vvtaa, Braiaaa, VarleaM Vataa, ViricoiUia. OU Swat, AUarl Fala. Prlca gl aa4 84 a bottl at 4 rut rlxt or 4lli"iTl. Maanfarran4 oaly bT V. 8. YOUNG. P.O. F.,IQ4IaM U tsrlssllele. Mais. NOW IS THE TIME To bur K1KCH HEOCMAN. Bl(Sat ratars ef say loduatruU laaua a ksov 9t. hiaaxly 10S ratall atoraa now sad plana of exvaaaloa last prumlaa big tlueta for srasent shara4ii era. Curoplala pclotad raprirt KKKII se la quasi. A.k for circular NO. tbN. "BTothlag to sell ant larrW JONES & RAKER STOCK BaVOKZM Baas Floor.' LaSalla St., BrosS 4H. Ohleage new Tork Ptpart prtvaxs wira to Na Tark ea4 Boatoe. I -a