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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1914)
10 TTTE HEE: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER 1911. V i ! ! i i f f. I WANT ADS Vant ad received nt ny time, but to Insure proper classification must he pre-ee-ited before II o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours will be under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CAM! RATK3. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a word escn Insertion. Three times within one week, 14 rents word each Insertion. One time, 1 ctnli a wort. CHA ROE RATES. Onf time, 12 cents a line. Seven consecutive times, I cent a line each Insertion. Three tlrm-s within one week, 10 cents line each Insertion. Count six average words to a line. Minimum charge, 2 cents, x I The Wee will not be responsible for more than one wrong- Insertion duo to triKioTBphtcal error. Clnlmg for error mut he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued must be stopped by writ-It- n order. Ton ran place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 10n0. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Colirmn'' Hundreds of other answers have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It Is reasonable to suppose that all of the people below have made the desired swaps therefore, do not call for the, snee of their answers, lies Want bal Ads re. tet results sc. sc. n.c, sr. nr. -3 STS 107 1331 12ft". IT 74 11 12JI 12W 1 9" rrr im n:n 12m iw Wl 97 lino V2M 12VS imo i fM 1104 L)40 irms i.i"2 n no:. 1245 irx iwa tl! 9. 1MJ 1247 !!! srij im i-4 1:107 i:W !'.'4 noa 1121 l?r,l MSI l:M 9-7 1128 12.-.3 1t3 1W p? tm iilt ism iw 1400 fttt 1CH JITS 18 133 14ii2 .4 innj HSU 12 law 1 M 103 11W 134 1144 . 14"7 S3 1010 , lifts L7 1T.H 1408 f4l 10-.!3 UK, IJtai 13a 1M 43 10C7 12 127t 131 1411 SM 1031 124 1274 IW 113 !7 1077 1203 1230 1374 1416 DK4THR AND KUNKHAb NtVTICKS NAOLE Nellie, wlfo of W. J. Nagle, died September 2H, 114. She was born In ounty Cork, Ireland. June 24. 1W3. Funeral from family residence. Thir teenth street and Missouri events, Thurs day morn Ins; at ;2) o'clock to St. Agnes' (hurrh at 8 a. m. Interment Oerman Catholic cemetery. ItlRTIIN ATSIl DKA.TH". Births Charles and Nellie Adams, 4730 North Fortieth. girl; Joseph and Mary Hraida. ml South Fourteenth, hoy: .Mar tin and Frances Cavanagh. 2444 Harney, lilrl; John O. and Carrie Miller. ;CI7H Sojith Seventeenth, boy; Charles B.nd rBdlo Mann, 1409 Cass, boy: Hi-nry and Mary Vendries. 4I6 Houth KlKhleenth. girl; .1. and Fiances Hawb-ka, i7il Walnut. Klrl; Mlko and Julia Krlegler, Z4 Martha, bov; P. O. and Amy Trott, 3H Klllson avenue, boy; Koy and Mry Condon, I3 tirden avuiuo. boy. Vtoaths linn 1. liehman, C2 years, hos pital: Mrs. Hrlrisot Hrennan, 74 years, out .North Twenty-sixth. MARRIAGH MCF.KiSES. Permits to Wed have been granted the Inllowliic 'couples: Name and Address. Are Bias Biinlck. Hon t IV Omaha 27 hos OeJdlck. South Omaha. 2u Oeorito W. Wells. Creaton. 1 over 21 Ida Levi, Omaha over ID William C. Bentley. Omaha 24 Cecelia Mary Harnett, Omaha, 24 Joseph C. Nell. Omaha over 21 Christiana Htrlcker, Omaha over 18 Antonio Colanlnno, Omaha, 90 Carmela, Todoro, Omaha, 2s Hurry Stickler. Omaha.... 21 Adelaide Crawford, rlouth Omaha. 20 Henry J. Otte, Ttenson 27 Evelyn Wltte, Benson 17 Forest Swain Illokett, Omaha 3 Artwatuia . ITIi e, Omaha 20 Arthur Bradley, South Omaha 31 fcthel Wll. Koiith Omaha 21 BVILDIWO PERMITS. Hlatt-Falrfleld company, 41 73 California, frame dwelling, tlUv. P. Hhnver, M Burdstte, frame dwelling, 2,tu; lila L. Let, ZM-4 Cuming, brluk, store, u,(o. TODAY'S COIPLETR MOVIK I'JtOGllA.MS Exclusively In The lloe Dawn Tilth CAMETUPHONE. J43 DOCOLAB. The Mystery of the Sleeping . leath, J reel Kalem. Broncho Billy, a Friend In Need, Ess. Pins Are Lucky, Lubin. "eUTK'NO. 2. 13l FARNAM. The levU's Blimature, t-reel Kssanay. fienerals of the Future, Edison. For Hepairs, Lubin. FAKNAM THEATER. 1416 Famam Bt. First Run Mutual Movies. Cold, t-r.. Than. Drama. Sis, Prin. Comedy. The Only Way. Beau. Drama. HIPP THEATKH. liTH AND llAH.NEf, Home of Paramount Pictures. PARK THEATER. rhe. of the Wolf comedy. bl N. 1TH BT. Bred, and a good PARLOR THEATER. 14i DOUOLAB BT. Tho Oreat Stroke. In five reels. 1-KlNCEBrt THEA. 1317-11 lMJL'ULAri. Ninth and Latest Btnrv of Trey O' Hearts. The tihack Next loor." Western coin. Animated Weekly. latest War News, Ess. North.. ATJIAMBRA THEATER, 1814 N. i4th Bt. Mutual (ill I. Mutual. 'Ilie, 2-reel. Rel. Pra. Bsker ritieet Mystery. Royal Comedy. A LAsTo-"T H EA T E R. 24T11 AN1 FORT The Barnstormers. Powers comedy. Trey o' Hearts, No. 7. 2-reel. Sweetheart Days. Imp. DIAMOND THEATER. 2410 LAKE bT. in and Out. BterlluK comedy. Olrl and the BmuxKler. Victor drama. Million I ollar MHery. No. 7, 2-rThan. FRANKLIN, 2ith and Franklin. The Old Army Coat. 2-reel Kal. Hweedie and the Double Exposure. F.a. Hiiisrlng the Triangle. Lull. Hippodrome Theater, th and Cuming. .Million Dollar Mystery Gentleman for a Day, Than. Com. Her Mother's Neck lace, two-reel Majestic Drama. IT, loth and Locust Hesrst-Mellg. The Masked Wrestler. S-rfeU Ess. The Houeymooners. Vita. TTiTlTRf P" 24THAN D IAJTHROP ST. The Guiding Hsnd. Drama Tlie Baker c-treel -Mystery. Comedy. Their W'ordly Goods. Drama. MYAL THEATER. 24us Caldwell. Miner's Romance. Nest. Nearly Marrlt-d. I'. Ike Com. i ,u.t Oiisrd s Bride. It-reel lct PARK THEATEK, Air Tol edo. 51 N. iTU BT. three parts. PALACE THEATER. 2.103 lAVENPOHT, The Buob Nemesis. Rex. The bkuil. 3-reel Imp. And a good comedy. " Bi:hl"RBANr"ltn and Ames. As W Forriv Those. Ureal I Alb, Cutting Andy's Guui. lb. The I Pj-er Hsnd. Vita aontn. APOI-LO. i-'4 LEAVEN WORTIL No. . Diplomat, Kesansy. The Attoiiu-y's Iisiou, 2-reel Lubin. A Vlli-ise bt-andal. E'li COM t OUT THEATER. :'4tn and Vinton, lx. P. tn six parts, un upr.ft drama, direct from Rros-isay; fealurrs, Willi a cast of Broadway stars. COH'MBIA. 1710 S. i(l'H BT. S oim of Fate. J-reel Fsssnsy. I i.e Wrong Flat. Viiagrapli. J i, lieKct Msi. Iibio. TODAY'S COMri.KfK JIOV1K riMMiHA.MS Kxcluslveljr in The) Iloe FAVORITE Til KATKK. 171 VINTON. His Hrother's llol 2-recl Knliln. Secedle SprlnKn a fiirprtee, Jssnay. Trcssnre Trove. l-llson. UKM THEATKH, LX 8. MTU HT. Lucille Ixive, No. 14. 2-reel. .Mletre of 1 teadwnod ll:ieln. Ucx. 1 1 A N S 6mTI lKATKiV.i4t hJt" ( 'sMHlarl. letetive Inn t'npld. Nestor comedy. For the "Secret FervVe, lo-reel Ilex. The Mind's Awakening, Frontier. T,T UK ' TIIKATKR, 1-1 VINTON HT Kittle Sister. Tiex drams. Fruits end Flowers. Nestor comedy 7MUtjliter of the llnlne. Nextor. PASTIME THEATER. 5 A leavenwonh. An Indinn E-llpe. Nestor. Marv l'lckford In A Normandy Romance. A Mrsmntlc Mletnke. Hterllna" comedy. PALACE THEATER, Eove'a Refrsln, Imp. Htrance Plunal. Fron. On His Honeymoon. l.f. Davenport. Ike comedy. VKNKZ1A THEATER"; T211 r. 12TH riT. Tricking- the. Government, S-reel. West. MONROE THEATER. 3T..V, FARNAM. I'hlllp Nmalley and lols Weber In "Help. Ins; Mother," 3-rej Rex. Ite Neutral, Timely subject and a good comedy. Reatoa, BEN SOS THEATER. SMS MAIS ST. Florence Jjiwrence In "The Honor of the Hiimhle" In 2 parts. The Divorcee, Powers and a t'nlv. Ike comedy. losisiell Blsjffa. EI.ITE SO. 1. BROADWAY. Merely Mother. 2-reel Blosraph. The Honeymoon that Tried to Come Back, Ess. Hella s Elopement. Vltagraph, ROPER THEATER. 537 BROADWAY. Fpeclal. 4-reel Bison. Richelieu. float Omaha. BEHWE. UJH N. The Double Ilfe, 2-reel Eubln. 1 he AgeleKS riex, Vltasraph. The Cub Reporter's Assignments, Bio. MAGIC THEATER. 24TH 4 O. Borne. Victor. Tlie Prince of Bavaria, i-reel Rex. Vaadevllle. ORPIIEt'M, 24TH M. BO. OMAHA. Herles No. 14 of the Million Dollar Mys tery will be shown , hero Wednesday. Two thrilling parts. A N NOUN CEM ENTS. FLORENCE E. WOOL.LEY, Mils. II., oiwn classes In violin, harmony and ear Training, ror pmrriuuia-ra piiuiw .iiit:j &4MI ' OI0T a private booth tn my grill room for '. noon lunch. PET 10 I-OtJH. :H 3 S i7th Pt. Everett H. Dodils, H12 Paxton 14k. D. 21. Globe Van&Storage Htores. moves, psfeks, ships; l-horse van and 2 men. tl. ler hr. ; stursKe S3 per mo. Hatlslactory guar. P. 4OTI t Ty. 230. HAZICIi laf Pile Conea. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Cc postpaid; ssmplos free. Sherman at Mci'onnell Ijrug i'n , umali U. A. ATKINS, uiilioislerer drwry ile- pnrtment Brandcis stores, does mce Wtirk frm house to bouse. Tt 'KV wedding rlnKS. rlrodegaard'. Wediling announcements, i'oug. Ptg. Co. BhiNS. showcurda, Clark Ac Boa. V. W78. AK-8AR-UEN IIIVTS. 10c PLATE LUNCH for Ak-8ar-Hen visitors. Headquarters for Willow Spring beer, best grade of whiskies and wines. Our 10c plat dinner beats thorn all. Henry Pollock. 122-24 N. 16th St. SWITCH KH made from oomblnsa, L lit N. 16th Bt. Douglas 2043. Gibson's Buffet S21 South ICtb alt. CHAH, LOFTMAN Wines, llciuois, cl grs, merchant's lunch. 14th and Howard LIVE WTKTJJ BIHIXESM HEX OV OM.A1IA A, B, C of Omaha ALL WATCH Ed, diamonds and Jew elery, special prices, Hpt. and Oct. Buy now, $1 a week. Western Watch and JsweLry Co., Kooin 217, Kar bach block. B1 E Building company. Tyler !. Offices for rens In modern fireproof building, elecirlo light ana water tree. Best location In I no city. See us now. EW and second-hand electric fan and motors. Loilrun Electric Works, S H. IWth. lOUtflHS 217H. ySlAjtlA 1 i 0., iii JUUWI&4 I I Doug. ittu. Kenovauss leathers auul mattresses of all kinds, makes ftathar matresses and down covers. , IANO tunluit, It, Brandon, 1 years at liayden'a. Hecommended by best musicians. v. 4,1 M. gath Ave. REAL ESTATE DEALhtS find The IMm builUlng very desirable head quartsra. A finely located or rice available October 1. ACL'Ual cleaners for sale, vlesnlug don in the home. - hervic Co., Wti Bee Bldg. Vacuum Banllary rant, repair, sell needles and Parts for all sewing machines. ME BRAbKA CYCLE CO., "Mick- el's.' llKh and Harnsy. Dougiaa 1663. Aeeoaataats. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY, lio-AS City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tler 1M10. Adding; Marklaee. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 8. la. D. 1441. Adde7"MTh Co. ( Wales! W. O. W. D. 33S7 Aato and Mnneto airpntrtnc Magneto repsir work a si-cialty. D. 241IL Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W O. W. Red J2J5. Architects. Clarenoa W. Wlglngton. no 8. 13th. D. 427. Attractions. OMAHA film ex . 14th and Doug. Motion - picture machine and film bargains. Harfttn, 12 Cbalrs, lOo ahave. neck shsvs. 1CT7 Fa. BATHB. lbo; SiYaVbTiOc. 83t N7Wtn7" Ulna Prtntlnar. HORNBY CO. Blue printing! under new ownership. 302 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3iJ7. Rrasa Knandrlee. Paxtoa-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta. BmlMI mtm UmkmIvIuw. E. FltA.NTA. til Paxton Blk. Doug. IliT. A. J. Johnson, carpenter, rep'r g .D. 683 t allfarala Lands. W. T Smith Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 2fl. t ktrosrsrlort, J. C. Lawrence, D C.232I Howard. D. ttCL L. Ueddls. D. C. 2;snrTea"Bld"g7 Toug. 4Wt7 W.E.Purvlance, D.C. 4W Pax. Blk. uTH 1 C. IlXVES. D. C. 6fillee 14idg.R7"4.I tard Slaws. Offlcn doi,r let'g. Mynsler, Pax. Bk. D. I1S7. 4 nlna Palatioa. Ruth Letuhford. deooratlng, firing. R. 4941 C 111 Knatneera, M. J. LACY, bin BEE BLPO. D. 471s. Cnal Healers. 4; rifl Johnson's special; also -ovi nut, K.0U. Phona D. LUi. Victor 4 rea m rssrttsra. The B'.arplos Separator Co.. 12th V Fara. Itrterllvea. " JAMEH ALLAN. HI Nsvllls Blk. Er. denca secured la all cases. Tyler 113. Itssrlsg Aeadeaslea. TurplnBDanclng Academy, ISth at Fara, CH AMBKRSAcadeiiiy. c'lasslA ii7ls7lT Mackle's Academy, now open! UlsIIar7 Dentists. IT. Bradbury. No jism. ir,l Farnsm Dr. TuJJ's alvcuiar ticuUsUy, 4m LwaOwLa, LIVE WIKK Bl SIXKSS MKX OV OMAHA Ilentlsl. Ballej-.jho Ivntl"t. 7 city Nat'l Tjsnk. TaajtsTH(7onis, K.l Donalns. t. 21)& Pyorrhea." lirTFIi kes, 7.4 City Nat. Bsnk. Ilreaamaklnsr. Terry luessniAk't eoliece, S-ith Fnrnsm. HIM m'NoTT. tsllorlns; snd dresmsklng, M K. .;th St. Cell llsrnev T,l. Mrs I.altlmer, lftll Farnnm, f'r fall cos tumes, latest styles, perfer t fit. l. 2S2H. l'1'?r, I I ' t , i - t ass r non nwi ii- DHUCW4 at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Hherman A Mc'onnell Inig Co., Omahs. Neb. i;lertpln Supplies. I. EUROS Elec. Wks , i P. 12th. D. 217. oncpeie Engineers. Oaltnebln-Wells Co. 430 Ptste Bk. D. 22&r. Ktrr)ltln( for Womes). IIEMSTITCHIXO Ideal Button and PleatlnK Co.. 107 H. Woman's Exchange, 432 Put. Hlk. R. Ifith. 4nZ ACCOHDIAS, side, knife, sunburst, box pleatlnx; covered buttons, all slr-es and styles; hemstltchlns;. plcot ednlng. Ideal PleatlnK Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1!'3. Furriers. EES FESBTKR, 1410 N !4th Pt. W. 2263. Florists. L. HENDERSOS, 151 Fsrnsm. T. 1!M. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HEHS4 RWOHODA, 1418 Fsrnum Ht. A DONA H I E, 1K22 Hsrney. Doug. 1001. BATH'H florists, 1"4 Farnam fH. Hair nresaloar. Harper Method. R. . Balrd Bldg. T. 3CI1. l.le Stock llemedles. OMAHA Remedy Co., 007 8. 13th. Red. 42U Loan Offices. NATHAN'S loan office, broker. 100 So. 1.1th. licensed pawn Llwatlna- Flstares and WlrlagJ. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2411 CXMINK. IlOlXJI.Art isi. Mfra. and Window snade Cleaners. OLD ahadea made like new. Midwest Hhada Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4sfL Mewngrr end Transfer. WHITE LINK, WW Ho. 11th. Douglas 3313. Masseuses. CMKA I, EE. massage. DouRlaa KTTil. Mussaii. Miss Walton, R. 224, Neville Blk. ANNA MARKS baths, scien- iiV -UiVlVlVO TIFIO M ASH AO W. 1)2 Fa rnam Bt Apt. B, Id floor. t. mi. Miss Fisher, msss., elect, treat't. Red 5W. MAONETTC TRT Mrs. Bruit. In city for snort time. II. zzis. Z;,,,. v liming. MAHSAOE, HI9 H. 17th Ht. Mrs. Bteel. MA8H.. rheii., llye'r. kidney troubles, rjTiaT Mrs Hnydi-r, elec. trt. 1408 (4rtn. D. 43C i AviAdli1 Kwedlsh movement. 4i4 iUOCmUlJtr, Bldg. Douglas B373. MlssOould, muni 7224 Neville BlkTlb to S. K. Mack, inoHxaKO and mat:. curing. D.763. Millinery. 8 WITCHES from combings. tl.BO. Psycha freej. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 4 S. IKth. D. 7. Movina, Storaue and I'leanlnsT. W. C. FERHIN. and Ty. 1200. Oculists. Ej es examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia Physlulnna. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCaguo Bldg. D. S636. Patents. H. A. Bturres, im Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. Patent lierelopment. AMERICAN Machine Co. 110 8. 11th St Pinnies Renovnted. PLUMES A flowers made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger, 4a Paxton. D. H394. Printing;. WATER.S-BARNHART Ptg. Co., ouallty printing. Tel. Doug, 21W. 24B.13h8V. lMJUGLA.H Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY A M KKNZ1E PTG. Co. D. 21.44, R1EB-HALL Ptgi Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1108." CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUOS7M. kiMcli iliternUstor. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist. Safe nnd Time Lock Experts. ' f T- r a Opened, repaired, comb. f P P ciingrd. E. Daveu- port. 140 Dodge. D. lsil. kit oa Urpalrluar. Eluctrlo Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary's Av. slgst nnd Mhawrnrds. CTTC AT CUT PRICES. K- M- CLARK At BON, w'-v ,w 4 Bushnell Block. D. 137s. SI eel tellings. CARTER Bhcet Metul Works. 110 B. 10th. Stum nnd offlrs Fix! arcs. DESKS, safes, scales, sliowoases, shelv ing, etc. VVs buy, sell, omnia Fixture and Hupply Co., 414-lii-l.S B. Uih. D. Towel supplies. OMAHA Towul Supply. VT 9. 11th. D. 628. Trunk and suitcases. FREL1NG e,- BTE1NLE. 1S0C Jul nam Bt. Tnllora. CHAB. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. lth St Vrtrrtnariaas. DR. O. R. YOI NO. 4002 Center. H. E0R3. V Inns nnd Llqnors. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th Bt. Wlnea, llquurs, clKsrs. Plate dinner 11 to I, lOo. henry poLix:k liuugr houbkC lath and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. GLOBEDquor House. 422 No. lsth, I QtaT cold tieer. Jbc. Write for price list. D. 4J6JL BUY your family liquor at Kleln'a Liquor House, 6U2 N. Uilh, Douglas laws. IIKIJ WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of flea. WHT fret and worry, lose time and money when it Is so easy and Inex pensive to get a position through WATT 8 REFERENCES CO., Mo-41 Rrandel Thea. Agfeata aad wnleswoasen. CHINA SALESWOMEN. Wanted thoroughly experienced sales women. Apply superintendent, balcony. KltlUf.M.Plil6ll Psetsry and Trades. APPRENTICE giru Oppenhaim Parlors. OIRL to leain halrdrassliig. Parlors. Oppvnheiin MILLINERY apprentica at once. Apply Mia H M. Eck. JIM) lxtn. 1) Ubi.C llnnaekeenera aad Damesttes. WANTKl) Competent girl for general lioii sew ork. It. ti'.iX WANTEI Comiwlent (Clrl for general houeesurk. Mrs. M. U. Newman, 3A .Howard street. WANTED Girl who wants good home, for general housework and cooking. Harney 2172. WANTKl Young girl tor housework and help take car of children. Phona South WOMAN to do chamber work Id, fore noons. Call at Harney St W ANTED-Competenl white girl for gen eral housework. S'3 Dewey Ave. H 1-'X V A NT ED Young girl to assist with housework. 31 1 Cks Bt. Harney-33J. COMPETENT B"i for general housework, references required. 3'.'24 I'Kdi(s. H. 1KT. COMPETENT houaekeer. smail family. Call after p. ni.. 2U N. lvth or W. 2w t A a experiom-ad girl for general housework. Mrs. W. J. Ooad, 1U S. !T!h St. Harn-y 2- WANTKl cimi patent girl for general botatework, in new borne, near car; temporary position, good wage. Call Mrs. K. M. Sunderland. Harney 261$. WANTED Good girl for housework. Mrs. B. Crnminer. Apart. I. Beaton. OIMPETENT white slrl for general I Umianwesa. Call Harney ifcla. wtku h:mai.k Housekeepers and Domestics. THE fervsnt Olrl problem Solved. Tha Ben will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results This applies to residents of Omaha. Housn Omaha and Council Bluffs. Hrlnit ad to The Pes c I fire, or telephone) Tyler luDu. CO .M P KT K NT gltl "for g7n"crsTT)Ouse. work: email fsmlly. good wsges. 6La I'nderwfiod Ave. H. 842. (URL for general housework; small fam ily. ;;T.'2 Harney Ht. WANTED Oil"! for general housework. Oood home offered. Phono Harney 4V..V Call at O0 Harney St. GIRL Mrs. wanted inr O. W. Noble, general housework. l'J.lw., h "f"" Ave, general housework. WANTED llrl for Thone Hsrney i:2. Miser Iiaaeoas. WOM EN Get government yobs; thousands vacancies yearly; llet positions open to siomen free. Franklin Institute, Dept lt, Rochester. N. Y. YOL'Ntl women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young W omen's Christian Assorlstlun building at Bt. Mary's Ave. ahd J7th Hi., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asHl.ited. I,ook for our travelers' guide at L"r:!on fetation. HKLP WANTKO MAMS Clerical and Office. LOOKING FOR A COMMERCIAL, I'OHITION? Then Investigate our methods at once; they are nw, prsotlcal and result-getting. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE I nle position im ., ured. and then only a nominal fee. Because of 1M. amount of bjsinehs we do daJly we ran i basis OUf ppllc'l,on on ,hla I YOfJ TAKE NO CHANCES WHATEVER.' Call and personally. let tis ext,!jin our metnods G REMEMBER, NO FILING FEE KorjB'tS Ri:FERrNT? CO. r.2B tateBnnk Bldg.. 17tli and Ilamcy. HIGH-GRADE commeiclal positions. WESTERN REV. BOND A.SSN. . 762 Omaha Nat. -Bank B!d. IF you are looking for n high tirade po sition, see the CO-OPERATIVE REF ERENCE CO., 1015-16 CITY NAT'L BK. BLDG. FOR a high-jrrade clerical, stenographic, or position ns salesmen, "Bee" WATT 3 REFERENCE fX., 840-42 UrandcUi Thea, Airsta, salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesman s sell well estab lished office specialty. Btratght attlary baais. Must be sober and Industrious. Ap plicants should state sue. experience and give references. Address 8 4f3, Bee. AGENTS, HERE'S A WINNER. New 2o-o household necessity, bell a on SI. 111. GET PARTICULARS. f GANBON SPECIALTY CO.. . 1721 B. 2Hh Ht. Omaha. WANTED HIGH CLASS SE CURITY SALESMAN. EXCEP TIONAL oppoti;nity for RIGHT MAN. ADDRESS P. (J BOX 66, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Salesmen of ability, hustlers, to sell our line direct from fulnrv i dealer. Our prices tnuble vou to cell f.ic largest trade in the country, as well as tbe smaller dealers. Are you worth o.ou0 per year? We sell both tho premium and regular trade. A good Job and Kood money for the right man. We also have soma A-l propositions for side liners. What w want la producers. Would ad vise experienced premium men to get in touch With us. Address W. B. James. Bales Manager, care The. Tritt China Co., Niles, O. o IOAL salesman covering Omaha and surrounding territory, to carry with present line on commission, the Rnldwln Douhle-Bervlce line of i'atented Dresses. Give territory- covered and references. Address Y 212, Bee. SALESMAN Some railroad experience; pleasant and profitable work: railway educational cvursea. Postoftlca Box 472. Omaha. ARE you looking for a position as solici tor or salesman? "Bee" WATTB REF ERENCE CO.. MO-43 Brandels Theater. Factory aad Trades. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. WANTED MEN TO LGAKN THE BAR BER TRADE. Few weeks completes. Oood money made. Best trade in exist ence tor poor man. Machinery can t kill It Our graduates greatly In demand on account of our thorough training. Call or write. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 H. 14th Bt. M laoel Isstssi. PAXTON Blk.. Wettertna School Rm. 401 YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Oood men earn big money; largest and beat college. Big new bldg., eloc 11. and starting systsms. big machine shops. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American aun Collene, 2U Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand la great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write fur free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. 2M4 N. 3nth Bt, Omaha. Neb. MEN with patentable ideas writ Ran dolph at Co.. Washington. P. C. THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCU00L has turned out more sucoessful graduate than any school In this country. "There's a reason." Write today for our catalogue) lC. 1417 poage. uniana. weo. THOUSANDS government Jobe open to men and women; big pay. Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions rree. Address Y lWi. bee. MKN to learn Uie barber trade; tuition, !.!!; set of tools given; wases pcid. 'in City College. 12th snd 1 'que las Sts. J A N'lTOR Experienced colored man and wife for apartment bouse; good refer ences required. Address li 11.4. ee. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN WOMEN Get government Jobs. $b5 to $150 month. Write for list of po sitions available. Frankllu Institute, Dept. 21-It Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS LAWYER-YOUNG MAN, GOOD El "LO CATION, LAW GRADUATE, F-X-CELLENT STENOGRAPHER, DE " SIRES POSITION IN LAW OFFICE OR WITH LARGE CORPORATION VYIftTRbS OPPORTUNITY WILL BE GIVEN TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OR AS PRIVATE SECRETARY. AGE C7. ADDRESsi A 100. BEE. YOL'NG man of good lialuta and w, 11,1,4 to work, wants employ uienl of any kind, where there is chance of advaucsmunt. Can drive and take euro of any model car. Will consider anything. Well rcoui. mended aa to ability Call Harney uio. RELIABLE si lion. Mrs. SI In. practical nurse Hibbard. 213 N. wishes po- lMh ci. D. WANTED Work as chain uennald t-i hotel in Omaha or boulh Omaha. Phona . 3K--6 YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Boyles' college. Telephone Douslss lVvi. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes to drive private car: careiu! driver; knows city very well. Addreaw F iti2 Bee. SITUATION wanted as u.-monstrator by young dnman of good appearance with large selling experience. Address li l&i, Be. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; tan take full charge; can furnish references. Webster 7S. STENOGRAPHER and correspondent. eight years' experience, wants eveoli.g work; tunns iaaonable. Address L-uim. Bee, MlDlLt:-AG ED woman wants position as housekeeper for elderly couple or buslnvas wopiao. Address, E 3bS, care Bee. WANTKl Position as oouk. with no Sunday work. Call eiiar s o'clock. Red Viist N WAXTEI1 rMTlATIOXS RELIABLE practical nwse wishes PO sjtlon. Mrs. Hlbhard. 21 :: NJ"l,1f WANTKD-.V position as bousekeeier In a nl'-e home. 11. 2i. Mrs. E. M. Mc- poneld, 3124 Popplelon Ave. 0.MPETENT. pnersetlc man. . with collrRp education, wants connection with advertising agency, real estate or speclsl firm; commands Ensll'h, German and Scandinavian lanenares: experienced; fu ture advancement liiipnrstive. M 44-'. Bee. WANTED Position- ss house ssle-man, bookkeeper or correspondent, with w hole sale concern by experlemed man, 2a ears of nge. Address A. 4.T,, Bee. WANTED Position s cook or house keeper, first class work. Phone Hsr ney 74H0. MIDDLE-AOEli lady with one little ylrl would like r'Sltlon ss housckeeter. Tel. Mrs. Craig, tVebster i:7. BITl'ATION w an tel " b vl ad v fn "d octor s office or nursing for doctor. 'Phono Jted 77r. 20 H. P. Hupp roadster; splendid condi tion; ldg haiKnln. I'iione Douglas Z'tA, branch 47. Ask for Jodelt. CHALMERS .Vpa-ng-r car In perfect re pair; must be sold; bargain. Address 111! Howard. . 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Hayed .Her, 210 N. 11 'Lmdberg"Fore door, too. bidg..4u A Far" Oreenoimh Onmtia Had. Rep : Far. HiduHlnal .;ru,:o ' o , ttllh Harney St I HAVE a 1B10 moiiof" iSetrolfWectrK'ln good shape. Will sell lor !00. Address A 2'vl, Bee. BK snap; nearly new";itional. Must seil. l!d!!!t!i1,U!" Oarage. BARGAIN- i7i7d and OrlanZ . both in gixd condition. Will sacrifice for o' lc.k s!c. No trade. Auburn Auto ' Farnam ft. S-rASSfVCFR PnrH Inr ..1. rl,.. n . I lieen used two months. Apply' lien Cohen, 404 N. 16th Bt. BPECIAIj SALE OF USED CARS. frrklanp ai;to co., uu farnam. Slntorryclea. HARLBY-DAVIDSO:; MOTORCYCLES. Bargains lu used n.achiiies. Victor Roos, "Tho Motorcycle Jim.." "i(i3 Leavenworth 1914 Indian tw.n cylinder motorcycle, fully equipped; has been run only S26 miles. Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. 11th and Far. Llndborg Bros.. 2f,72 Leav, (Flying Merkle). 1314 INMAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains ,'n used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 72. nUWNESS CHANCES BIT1LIHNG. stock, fixtures, of grocery, lunch counter and notion store for sale, cheap for cash. R224 N. SKth Ht BARBER outfit. 3 chairs, for sale. D. 71. Confectionery and grocery, clearing tloO a month, 300. OANGESTAD Room 404 Bee Bldg-. D. 3477. C. J. CAN AN, Real Estate and Exchannes ELECTRIC PLANT-One-half of an eleo- incai nusiness in a hustling- lltUe town of 10,(100; will sell cheap on account of ill-' health; is doing a good business on cash basis. Address Y 202. Bee. EXTRAORDINARY FLORAL BEADS. Make your own beads in brilliant col ors; exquisite odors: can be sold at hand some profit. La France Rose, Irish Laddie. Hainan Beauty, Pompien Prince, Persian Bouquet, etc. Coin only. Send stamp for complete list. Miss Ekbergh Studio. 1298 Raymond Ave.. St Paul, Minn. FOR SALE 18,000 stocv or hardware and modern store building, located In good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixtures for 11.000 less than they cost two years ago. No trades. Address. Y 173, Bee. FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking business In northeast Nebraska, estab lished 15 years; big territory; will give good terms; will sell or rent building; good reasons for selling. Address Y 214. Bee. ' I-jljR BALE Bankrupt stock of general merchandise,' invoice about $3,000. Will sell at Oxford, Neb., Wednesday, Oct. 7, 114, at 2 o'clock. For further informa tion write H. L. Lee, Trustee, Oxford, Neb. GROCERY and confectionery store for sale, up-to-date stock, established trade. 2913 N. S4th. Webster 7315. HAVE 1300 to Invest, with services, in good paying business: traveling experi ence. Address Y 215, Bee. IN ORDER to settle an estlate I win re ceive bids for the purchase of the Demp ster Manufacturing plant of Des Moines, la., up to o'clock a. m., October 1, In Des Moines, la. For further particulars inquire at the plant. Estate of Martin T. Barrows, Deceased. By W. H. Baker, Executor LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY, 418 Bee Bldjr Phone Red 32M. SIGNS, sl.ow cards. Clark Son. D. 1177 10 AND 12 PER CENT INTEREST. Two gilt-edged first mortgages for sale at a facrifico. ;t first mortgage on 640 acre improved land, west central Ne braska, d ie In 3. years, with Interest at b per cent; price, It50. $2,250 flrat mort gage on 640-acre improved western Ne bruska land, due in 3 years, with Interest at s per cent; price, $1,950. ' These are choice loans and well secured, but owner must have cash. Address Box 88, Blue Mound, Kan. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 140 Farnam Bt Douglaa 1W7. TO UliiCKLV seil your business or real estate, write Kennebeok Co.. Omaha TO GET in or out of ousiness, call on QANGSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D.84T7. WAITED An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph U Co., l atent Attorneys, Wash ington. D. C. HoontlnaT Monaea tor sain. TO buy pr sell hotels or rooming houses quickly see us. BUY FROM I'd LIST WITH US. Quick Sales Co., 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Bed XTS4. ROOMING HOUSE FOll SALE. I have one of the best located rooming houses in the city for sale. House is elesantly furnished and Is patronised by good people. House Is located on llar- iinv aLreet. walking distance. Price $1,000. For particulars phone iHmglaa 26, day time, or call e osier ill ailer i 3U p. ru. Ask for Mr. Wright 11-room clote-ln; muat go; cost $Mi; can sell for 1400. (JAXGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. EDUCATIONAL EXPERT lady stenogiaphcr will take niiiuls. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ln,T at.lllltU' 1111111'! 1 1 M t W, M fC tllllirlil and coiiiplula training given for bualaoss career. Private Instruction ir desired. 4t4 Itouslas St. Tel. Harney i340. 19H FALL TEltM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN in both the dav and night sessions. Tet It la not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double youv earning capacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, hanking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, tlllug, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. Vou nay woik for board while attending. Douglas lot. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. BOYLES, PRES., Boyles Building, Omaha. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unllin llaa scholarship Iw Soyles Business col lege. Omaha; good for either sherihaad or business coursen. Apply gt the office of Oim na Ban. EDUCATIONAL mm IE11-LAM PM AN COLLEGE PALL XEUM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. t'nsur Inscd claeNca In all business and Eng lish branches. 9h.oStr.and, ftenotypy. telcgrsphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good p'sltlons. Pisces pro vided for young people to work for board. For a new free cstalocue address MOSIIER-LAM PMAN COLLEGE IMS Farnam St., Omaha. Douglas ;it. The Van Sant School Stenography Dav school, 9:00 to 4. "00. Night school. :li to 5:15. ISth and Farnam Sta Douglas W47. LrRlTY"i-rVRTTINt) AT HOME. Three months, TUB OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglns 2P1J. 1!05 Farnam. Omaha Musical Art Institute. Asaoclatrd Mnslc Instructors. Baldrldu-e Block, 20th and Farnam. WANT partner to share music studio; pert time. Address C 114. Bee. MAR'FTn W. lVrsll". pTano. H. MS. B. I-andslwrK. Piano, Harmony. D. i4S. Francis Botter, Mundolln, Banjo. D. 3X,3. HENRIETTA Rces, Piano. Douglas 4R j FTREM'tT" 1 ' A S L E R, Voice andX'oach-i inr. Hcd frWl. OR ACE HANCOCK. Piano. H. 1-0. .1. H. MMMS. Organ. Harmony. 11. 41. I-oulne Zahrlskl.-. Violin. Piano. II. oosi. Jessie F. C.iiway, Dramatic Art. D. fcOili. FOTl SALE Fnraltnre. New ft 2d-hand furniture, cash or terms, iTammnum. flim r. rurn. i.o., sjo itiin AN A NO. 1 gUICK. Meal steel range for sale, cheap. Tel. D. 4iK3. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and btorags Co.. 0fi rk. 16th SL THREE heating stoves for sale. W. 1ST. Call BEAUTIFUL solid onk buffet. $19.50, cost $S0; nearly new. Call Web. 382 after 6:d0 p. m. HOUSEHOLD furniture of all kinds. Call morning. Apt. 13, Angclus. ktnalent Instruments. WILL trade my J.T70 equity In a 750 new Baby Grand Chlckering piano for dia mond or tlih cash. Call Webster 0676. BHghtly used high-grade piano, W. 372. PIANO player; a bargain, 'lei. H. 4711. yTypewrltera. TTPEWRlTEita sold, rented, repaired. Central T vim write Exchange, 307 S. 17th. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers, Tho Reming ton Tyiiewriter Co. Telephone Douglas UM. Rental credited if you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for to for understroke machines or 13 per tnonth for latest mod-l visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 18ofi Farnam. D. n031. Mlscrlianeoas. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omnha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the cfllc-e of The Omaha Bee. AN Acorn hard coal stove and Birming ham b-cover steel range; reasonable. narne.v vivt 6x7 ti RA FLEX newpater camerri, with 11 plate holders,- carrying caso for camera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at $310. Address A tiisi, oee $5 , if Buys best coal for tbe money; try i.UV i, U.-.K xix Harmon vVeeth. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 5 veet. Tresler Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 480a. COM. BRICKS at 11.60 per M ; also 300.M. feet of lumber at works. 11th and Jack son Bts. Buildings bouakt and wrecked. 1 restor-KeJIy Wrecking Co. Web. 4i0g. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; eaty payment. The Brunswick- Balke-Collenler Co. 407-409 S. 10th Bt. t-band men. Gross Wreck Co., 21 & Paul. LIVE STOCK FOR 8 ALB. Horses and Venlelea. LARGEST stock of delivery wagona In the city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danfortn Co.. new location. 15:9-31-3 N. 16th St LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soms article would do well to call up the offioe of the Omaha & Council bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles aach day are turned In aud the company la anxloua to restore them to the rigr.tlul owner, call Douglas 48. TAPESTRY sofa pillow between 31st and Farnam and 3,-th and Dodge. Reward. ,1 1 1l I-.. I . dl LOST Auto starting crank. Harney 1330 lau rtiv I T n i u LOST Pair eye-glaasea between 26th and curl anil t-auioruia. neww u. n. 1 iw. LOST Old-fashioned bracelet; Deo. Ifith; 187S Inside; keepsake; reward. W. 6368. LOST Black ribbon watch fob; mono gram "W;". reward. Harney 87 a. BOSTON bull terrier; golden brtndle and white: male: screw, tall. Reward. Re turn A. L. Alexander. 2407 Meredith Ave. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wnte for book on rectal diseases with testlmoniala. DR, E. R. TARRY. 240 B.. 1 1 Tuberculosis jy&JS your neaitn, mis is your one chance. Ad dress E 661, Bee. Rupture Cured In a few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. Sot Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1S94. o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Wulck service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO . 90S Paxton Block, i-'c.g'is 1411. rOl'LTR ASD SUPPLIES Mixed grain, $1.66 h'dred. WagneiTSOl N. 14 STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining fur poultry housea mey are iix ; incnes, stronger and more uuracie man tarrea ten miu practically fireproof, 70c a hundred at The Bee office. PERSONAL THE .Nulvatlon Aruiv lAdusinal home so li its your old clothing, furniture, mass lilies. We collect We dlatributa. I'hnna Douglaa 1130 and our wagon will call. Call and inppeit our new home. 1110-U12-1U4 LHiage bi jvji. ,.v, .umcn iTiiuuib 10 villous as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and Si. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed 10 suitable boarding places or otherwise asiled. Look for our trav eler an ni at tin l nion fetation. MISS 4 hTeTTA KE CT call and see me at once. Important. Albert. WANTED TO BUY ' SMALL cadet suit. Tel. D. 4'jiJ. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 12Q7 Farnam. Doug (144. WE BUY 2d-liaud cloliiea 1421 N. i4th. LM'K STOCK MAKKET OP XTESI SHIP live stock to South Omaha, bave mileage and shrinkage. Your consign meat receive prompt and tareful alien- Uon. Lire lieek t'oassalaalun Mrrt ka a I a. MARTIN BROS, at CO.. Exchange Bide BWAPPFU'R COIA MV Al'ToMOBILK HlKh-grade Apjers rson. low "cat racer. 40 h. n. ; In fine' s' snap; for other nrooertv I can handle or ue. Demonstration Riven to prospective, buy ere. s. c. 144S, Bee. Al'TO A pood Stanley roadster, In first class condition, for rale, or exchange for motorcycle, diamonds, or anything. Answer quick. fr this car Is going to go. Address. S. C. ItfM Bee. A ' STOCK of millinery. What hava you to trade? Address, S. C. in4. Be. ALTOMOBILE.S For other automobile bargains see tho "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO Want to swap for a lata date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented In Pouth Omaha, on principal business St, 2f th and & Q streets. 3. C. 1344. Bee. BOOKS-For sale or exchange, one -set of 7 of A ndells engineers l-oiiks, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Address Y 193. Bee. BICYCLE Coaster brake bicycle, onlv used one year; cost Address 8.C. 144.1 BASK RURNKR-LAnorsT SIZE RIV erside haseburner; everything O. K.; also four-hole steel range with water back and connections; wijl sell cither or ' both of thepe stoves chesp. account of moving, or trade for anything of equal valno can use, S. C. 1447. Bee. CAM ERA Premo. 5x7, almost new, com plcto, with plate holders; tripod, supplementsry lenses and carrying- case. Wantjypewrlter. Address S. C. 14. Bee. CARPENTER work and general repairing done at a low cadi price, or for any thing of value taken In exchange. Ad dress, S. C. 14A7, Bee. C A RPENTKR WORTviTi exchange carpenter work as payment for plaster ing of new house; about 400 yards of work. Address S. C. 1417. Bee. CARPENTER and contractor wants to swnp work for a roll top desk. Address S. C. 14S1. Bee. DESK A golden oak 50-Inch roll top desk. In good condition. Address S. C 1441, Bee. F URN I TU R E Good carpet or chairs for electric, work. Address S. C. 14A3, Bee. FINE THO Rt l7:H bTTe d'aNGORA CAT and kitten to good home lor old-fashioned wslrlut or mahogany furniture; chest, bureau, desk, chair or bed. Ad dress S. C. 14S4. Bee. FURNITURE for a 46-room hoUf ntar Omaha, M.UOO. Low rata rent on tho building. Wtoat have you to offerf Address H. C. 1!RH. care I1e FIVE-PASSENGER Hudson car. In flrst' class condition, newly painted. Would exchange for a good vacant or Improved property. Scott Hill Co., 306-7-s Mc Cague Bldg. Dcniglag loop. FURNITURE Golden oak chiffonier and """, new; win exenange ror golden &k hliript lin- han4 .-t I brand gas hot water heater; will swap iur row iop uess. Aaaress s. c. !.. Bee. HOME Have small 6-r., house located In Omaha, where It will always rent Now bringing In $12 per month. Price $1,S00; mortkage :oo; win trade equity for Ford car. S. O. 1462. Bee. HORSE Want to swap good horse for a m ueii one-cynnaer auto in good shape. Will trive iou the beat of tha deal a r 1461. Bee. ' " HARD coal stove "Snd sanitary davenport. Will tra ,U fnw. nlDnK ... I. I , ' . ..... . ''' ui .iitLira in ytu t, pHyiiient. Aaun-M, I. t . IV10, tee. KODAK A new Anaco folding kodak, 2hixV. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment or good bicycle. Address & C. 1091. MOTORCYCLE TWIN EXCELSIOR. 1i3 model, fully eaulpned. This ma. chine has been run very little and en amel and engine in A-l shape. Will trade for roadster or runabout of equal value, or make an lntoreatlng price for cash. o. J4W. nee. , MEAT MARKET-W;U sell or trade for property, first-class meat marker, ah. dress. 'T." Bee office. South Omaha. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some food second-hanri nfflca filenittiM. . ... be cheap for cash. Address S. d. 124A, nee. PAINTING and paperhanglng, first class work done, low cash price Or will ex change for anything of value. Address o. v . sea. RACKS Two S-fewt metal double over coat racks. Address, S, C. 1440, Bee. RANGE Have a good (-hole range, large size, that I have no use for: will . change for a small alio heater. Address a. u. VKi. rare Bee. RADIATOil New stovepipe radiator, to heat an upstairs room without anv cost Address S. C. 1462, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or sate, ynone gitl. council Bluffs, la. STOCK FOR SALE DON'T INVEST blindly: look me up and buy my stock at $25 per. Company doing large busi ness and paid U per cent diridenda in 1913. Address S. C. 1439. Bee. SIGNS, showcards, Clark fe Son. D. 137 i. $4,000 This weU established business, the oricK Duuatng ana lot uiereon in the business center of South Omaha. Now paying ( per cent rental on axOta, also containing over $1,000 of up-to-date ma chinery and all appliances pertaining tn the business: nothing to buy. Known as the Globe Cleaners, Dyers, Repairing aad Pressing. This Is a money-making busi ness in full operation witaout much cozn petition. WU1 consider a late date fully equipped auto. If you want to secure JS growing business look this up. ft. 43. 144H, je. SHOESHOP Suburban location a In Sowt a, ia4lk ah4 Omaha, good trade. Machine, some stock: will trade for chei will sell cheap or lease. Addrose 13Vi. Omaha Bee. STOVES Two old heating sto able for store, etc : will anil sea, suit or trade. Andreas u. iw, see. TYPEWRITER Have a fin class standard make typewriter, two-color ribbon, eta. will sell for $30 or trade for anything of equal value I oan use. 8. C. 14o, Bee. TYPEWRITER Will exohange Fox type writer for anything of equal value that I can use. Address 8. C. 1431, Bee. WILL trsde set of World s Best Music ($ volumes), practically new, for second hand typewriter, g. C. 1444. WOODEN TANK, In good condition; t feet $ Inches high, 7 feet 4 inches in diam eter; hoops with malleable Iron lugs; tank Is taken apart and easy to handle. 0. C. 1446. Bee. WAGON Want to swap for a light cov ered single delivery wagon. S. C. 160, Bee. WATCH Lady's open face watch, 20 year gold-filled case, good timekeeper, to trade for small kodak. What have you. S. C. 1408, Bee. . . :-oi UEXT Apartments and Flats. Athlone Heated Apartm'ts Southeast corner 26th and Douglas Bts : large 4-room apartment with everything to make it comfortable and desirable. Peters Trust Co. 1633 Farnam St. Doug. St, FVL"R ROOMS, THE ROYAL. 313-15 8. 27th, have disappearing beds, making practically I rooms. E.tch apait mutit has an individual porch, opening from living room. Thaje apartments are within walking distance; half ulock to Farnam car. Summer. i; w'lnur, $4i. Ri-adv about October 1. HAST1NU3 A 11EYDEN. 1614 Harney 8t $12.503 ROOMS, gas. private bath, 27th and Iecatur. Pnono Web. RCa. SCARCE MONEY PRICES. STEAM HEATKD, HKJH OCAUTT. TILE STANDAKD DESIRABLE, handsome, modern t-r. Tata well located near business, with msny unusual features; short walking distance. Janitor er ice. in Justice to yourself examine their quality. UET Ol R LoW PRICE Lowest ever made on this grade. Prices that talk. Cbcsoer than cottages. References re quired T. J HOOK 1101 K. 18th Bt. o CHOICE lMWN-TOv'N APARTMENT; FOI'R ROOMS A.r BATH IN CALI FORNIA APARTMENTS bEE JANITOR. DoLliLAS iOl,