Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1914, Page 9, Image 9
Till-: HKK: OMAHA, Tl'KSDAY. SKlTKMHKIt ron iikxt AHrlanK an Flats. ) JWR nooMs, TUB ROYAL. UJ-lV 8. 27th, have dtsappeartiiK beds, tnakinx prartkalty t rooms. Each apiirt mmt ihas an Individual on.h. opening from living room. The.e aiartmetu are within walking distance; half nlmk to Farnam car. Summer, $40; winter, $46. R.-adv about October I. HASTINGS HKYDKX, 1614 Harner St. FOUR ROOMS. THE HARNEY. 8006-7 Harney, new; will have aim parlor, disappearing- bed, making practically 5 roomt, elegant location. Hi block to Far nam car; very choice; sum. $37.50, winter $42. W. HATINOS HKTDKN, 114 Harney St VROOM modern, water, curtains and odme In dining room, free. $22.50. 219 No. Jistn Ave. Thnne H 6767. THE SHERMAN. Elegant 6-room apartment, 2501 Sherman Ave. FIVE ROOMS. THE HUDSON. 207 So. 36th Ave., new. close In, built-in buffet, panel walla In dining; room. hlock to r arnam car: mn. ., winter in. HASTWJOK HEYl'EN. 1614 Harney St. LA VF.RNA, 1812 Capitol Ave., modern apartments, also furnished rooms, steam heal, private bath. ELEGANT 4-room apartment with sleep ing porch, all modern, beautifully dec orated, splendid location, 3115 Davenport St. First floor only C. O. CARLBERO. 810-312 Bran. Then. Hlilg. SIX ROOMS, TtlL Tll-VTTllI AC 113 So. 26th Ave., vacant Oct. 1; has gun parlor; close in, warning; aisiance; veiy choice, $no summer, $65 winter. HASTINGS ft HKYUEN, 1614 Harney St. Board and Rooms. FRONT mi. newly fur., mod. with board. Single or ensulte. 2419 Poppleton. T. 2417J. FRONT room, modern, close In, for man and wife, with board, $6 per week. II. 6107. -R. HOUSE, 2625 Parker. $30. H. $at. Faralabee Hiiomi. FRONT rm newly fur., mod. with board. Single or ensulte. 2419 Poppleton. T. 24I7J. FRONT room, suitable for 2, mod.. $6 week; board optional. 2317 Douglas 1018 8. 31st St. Fine rooms Id brick, mod- ern house; handy to car. References WELL furnished room, all modern home within walking distance. Good refer ences required. 2116 California St. D. 6U07. MODERN, well lighted, reasonable. N. 20th. 411 SUNNY room, neatly furnished. $3.60. tMi Douglas St. FI R. rooma, private family, i So. 29th St.. or call II. 40f. STRICTLY mod. furnished room, private family, 110 mo.; board optional. Call Webster 3089. SOUTH front room In private family, for gentleman, $2 week, board optional. Webster 903. LOVELY room In an all mod. house, near good car line; prefer gentlemen. Call W. 8186. -e MOD., clean, single room. $2,60. 434 H, 24th. PRIVATE family, mod., 3. Tel. So. 22.38. BO. 28th. 1010 Furnished, heated front room, mod., $12. Gentlemen H. 4273. MOD., iiulet rooms, walking dls., $1.60 week and up. THE KNAPP, 1918 Cass. S. K. exposure, in private family; mod. room for two, $4. 24 So. 19th 8t. R. 8674. FURNISHED room for rent, near Crelgb ton university. Phone Douglas 7281. WICLiL furnished modern room, hot water heat 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6875. Mod., private home, references. H. 6138. WELL FURNISHED modern room, hot water heat, 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6876, J ' FRONT room, newly furn., $4. D. 6467. Fur, rms. modern. 18 & Cass. Apt. 9. PRIVATE home, beautiful. ail mod., walking die., board opt., $3. H. 2942. NURSES Mod. room for one or two, close to car, $12 or $1. 1412 Wirt. W. 8061. Unfaralahed Huoraa. -ri2? No. -inth St.; - rooms, $15,00. - Famished Housekeeping; Rooms. LARGE, mod., complete, $3.50. 2309 Douglas. Housekeeping Rooms. t APTS., furnished for light housekeep ing; steam heated; mod. 4758 N. 24th. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 1113 8. 11th. DAVENPORT, 2018 Two or three nicely furnished housekeeping rooma. flatels aaS Aymrtaseate. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7081 DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. - Hoaaea aad Cottaaee. 261$ -JONES All modern, 7 'rooms, now $20, Call Mrs. Nelson. Harney 136. t-ROUM cottage and barn; walking dis tance; $14 per month. Harney 4173. NEARLY new 6-room house, newly dec orated inside and painted outside. 24o6 Emmet. Web. 1069. FLATS for rent, nice location, also 6 room houae, mod. ex. heat, with elec tric lights. Call Doug. ROOT. 6-ROOM,' modern, paved street, one-half block to car. $J0. 4608 N. 28th Ave. I-ROOM house and garage on 4th St. all modern, $27.60 per month. Call Doug. 4759. STRICTLY modern 4-room bungalow, fine location, excellent condition; vacant Oct. 1. Call H. 6.19. A 7-ROOM. all modern house at 4216 Douglas St., $33 a month. Tel. H. 4021. -ROOM house, mod. except heat, $23. 933 S. 21st Ht. Harney 2706. 9-R. house, unfurn., mod., hardwod fin., water, heat; also ti-r. house, mod., furn., all near cars, Dundee. Phone Harney 2558. i-ROOM, modern. 1110 Georgia Ave. H. 14387 6-ROOM houae, all roodnrn. $15 per month. 4721 California St. D. W69. I-R cottage. $12. 1711 Hickory. W. 1919. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, almost new. 4709 Franklin St.. Webster 2761. I-R. mod., $16. 1702 8. 17th. W. 1919. I-ROOM house, modern. 2910 South 2th St., $21. Water paid. Tel. Red 2950. (-ROOM modern cottage, 719 So. 37th St. fine location. $'JS. Webster 2690. HFJAUTIFUL eight-room house, modern, $40. 217 California St. Harney 66 1 3. $16-6 ROOMS. BATH. 1703 MANDER SON. I'HONF. DOUOLAS 5351. $16 N. 41ST 6-room, modern, nearly new; good neignuornooa; cneap. iiarney WEST FARNAM rooma, 2 baths; very modern. 323 No. 88th Ave. Doug. 2947. W-ROOM mod. house, uplcndid surround ings. 1015 William. Call Red 6-R. cottage. $12. 462t Isard. W. 6766. OOOD t-r. house, all mod. except heat, on ear line. 4tt No. 24th St. Web. 6687. STEAM heat, all modern, )-rooin house; also -fin flat. ISO No 2M I-ROOM strictly modern house in Al con dltton, location 211 Pacific St. Call at 104U Bo. tSth St. or phone Harney 1346. FIRST floor. 4-r., moc., K6 Bo. 4th. Free Rental List Complete Information about every a eant house and apartment in the city. This service la free. Tel. Douglas lH. Fidelity fctorac-e as Van Co. COTTAGE. 4 rooms and basement. 111 per month, 21 S. Z8th Ave. Call D. L. Thomas, 418 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2364. 6-R, mod. house, 17.7 S. ltth. D. 7416. HOUSE suitable for two small families. Inquire 2646 Capitol Ave. Phone D. 4o. t-ROOM house, all modern, free water. '04 N. 801 h. Tel. D. 163a. J. C Reed p&n50! Stong' e VA,UiM Faroam. D. 61 'Ai Maggard's Large van, 1 men, $1 86 pes far.; dray I men. II per hr. 1718 Webster. Doug. IMS. We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van c Storage Co.. h S. ltiih fot. ?KNT Jloaaea aad (ottaaes. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, racking and shipping. 16th t Jackson Bta. Phone Douglas 288. II mi una in " part of the city. iAuupts crenh Hons r Bee Bldg. lores aad Offices. 2D FLOOR OFFICE VAULT. WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHT, FREE. 385 Sq. Ft., 130.00. OCTOBER 1ST. The Bee Building Co. Office Room 103. SNt FLOOR office rooms or suitable for light mfg. Wright & Lasbury, 60$ 8. lRth St. Doug. 152. ON ACCOUNT of factory falling I am going out of the automobile business; lease and fixtures for sale; rent very reasonable. See Loaier place, 2649 Farnam St. Eric Nelson. GOOD barn, room for or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St Call Do'lglas 44 WANTED TO RENT TWO upfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, walking distance. Address B. 464, Bee. WANTED Desk room In established of flce for mail address and headquarters of Chicago agency:, state rent. Address Y 208, Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LAUDS FOR SALE Mentaaau MONTANA CARET ACT LANDS-60O30 acres now opn to entry In the famous Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the homeseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. Ths rich soil, exhilarating climate and abundance of water for irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Great for grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a home. Write today for booklet and particulars. Valler Farm Sale Company, Valler, Mont Box No. 17. Nebraska. 120 A"ND 160 ACRES-12 miles of Omaha postoffice, fnlr Improvements; $150 acre. JOHN N. FREN'.KR. Hi So. 16th St FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER Fine, level 840-acre, second bottom grain and stock farm, not wet or subject to overflow, $ miles north of Blair, county Beat town of 8,600, best of school and market. Good buildings and fences. -room house, nearly new; barn for 12 head horses, with mow; large double crib, new granary, chicken house, sheds, etc. A low price and very liberal terms on this for quick sale. Will show farm and give particulars to Interested parties. E. N. PHR1STIANSON. Springfield. Neb. PLATTE county farm, 200 acres, near Columbus; 800-acre stock and hay ranch. 4118 Farnam. Wlacoastab Upper Wisconsin Best uairy and general crop state in the union; settler wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant State acres wanted. Writ about our gracing lands. If interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., 8oo Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. M laeellaaeoaa, IF INTERESTED in land In souther Iowa and southern Minnesota write the F. L. Jonea Land company. Winterset. la, for their Ust of 169 farms REAL ESTATE FOft EXCHANGE FINE 620-acre farm, 46 miles from Min neapolis, good soil, two sets buildings; will lake up to $16,0u0 other good property In exchange, balance some cash and mortgage; price $80 an acre; finest stock farm in that vicinity. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. THREE hundred sixty-acre Improved farm, 20 miles from Minneapolis; 8-room house, barn, windmill and other buildings; part under cultivation, balance paature and hay land; no waste land; one of the best stock farms in that vicinity; price, $60 per acre; will take up to $10,000 good property in exchange, balance some cash and mort gage SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. FINE 40-acre farm, five miles from Min neapolis; 36 acres under cultivation, bal ance orchard and Timber; seven-room brick houae, atone basement, bam, wind mill, chicken house, hay shed, granary, etc. Price K600. Will take up to $2,600 In exchange, balance some cash and mort gage. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. r1- REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, 6, 6V, I per cent. J.H. Dumont A Co.. 1603 Farnam, Oiaaha WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska forma. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Omaha Nat' I. Douglas 3711. GARVIN BBOa&Sjft HARRISON MORTON. 116 Om. NafL WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1330 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bta. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.' H. W. Binder. City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 6 of CITY LOANS. Bemia-Carlberg Co., O 810-813 Brandela Theater Bldg. BEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. ABTBACT8 OF TITLB. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., modern abstract office. U6 to. 17th Su Phone Douglas 6487. RKED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, 204 Brandets Theater. REAL ESTATE NORTH 8 IDE Homes Built and Financed Easy Payment Plan Will furnish the money and build you a home to order and draw plans to suit your taste. Will build on your lot or any lot you select. Telephone for particulars. Telephone Webster ,3879 o FOR 8 ALE By owner, in Hernia Park district, 7-room rrodern house, nearly new, on car line, paved street, paving all paid, fi.r t2.Uti. juO down, balance like rent. Call Person 666-J. REAL ESTATE SOITH SIDE READ AND ACT AT ONCE. Modern cement block house, I rooms, toilet and bath; furnace, electric light, city water; full cemented cellar, one part for laundry; one-third of acre ground; all fenced; modern chicken house; shade; 42 fruit trees, a rapes and small fruit: vegetables and flower garden; right by Rlverview park; 4 blocks to So. 13ih and Bo. Omaha car and Edw. Roaewatvr school; good neighborhood. Price only $3.0u0; $1.0u0 cash will get it. Biggest saap, on account of moving south, tsee owner at premises. 4111 So. 9th Street, or phone Douglas 6647. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE $500 Cash Buys a large, almost new house at the southeast corner of 80th and Davenport Sts. House faces the boulevard and has reception hall, living room, dining room and den flniatied In oak. Three bedrooms, bath and aleeplnc porch on second floor. Would take a 6-room cottage as part pay ment. Fur price see owner. A. KOI-1'K.NHAVER. 310 BARKER BLOCK. RED 2938. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Record Breaking- Acreage in Winter Wheat Prospect for Next Year. WAR. NEWS IS GROWING STALE laflaear t'pea 4h fit lacwase. aaentlal -All (iralaa from a Frartloa One feat lllaker. OMAHA, Sept. 28, 1914. That there will be a record-breaking acreage aown to winter wheat thla seaeon seems a certainty. Whether or not the effirte of the farmers will reeult In the expected bumper crop next summer can not be foretold, and thla will not be a factor this year. I'p to date the trade has not been inclined to pav much at tention to the Increased acreage, and It Is not llkelv that thla will be much of a factor while conditions continue to be abnormal. It Is true the war Influences at the present moment have become stale, but thin la due to a large extent to the fact that neither the allies nor Germans have scored any decisive victory to date. The lack of outside Interest at present rsn be laid to the general public's dis appointment in the action of war news on the market. It will take some big event In Europe or an enormous export demand to bring back outside Interest. The corn trade has fallen Into a rut from which It appears unable to extricate Itself. Many bullish theories are advanced and the market apparently la in a healthy position, but there Is lack of speculative Interest and the heavy tone In wheat Is naturally depressing. Weather conditions over the belt recently have been fine for curing and ripening the crop, but the country has very little corn for sale. Heavy sales of oats were made for ex port last week and the fact that foreign countries are now taking liberal lots ot feed barley Indicates the urgent need of feeding grains there. There was more conux'tltlon from Canada. In the mean time speculative Interest In oats has died down. Wheat was He to lc higher. Corn was He higher to He lower. ' Oats were 14c higher. "" " Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 106,900 bushels; corn, 6,900 bush els; oats, 841.000 bushels. At Liverpool wheat closed lifflHc lower; Corn, dull. Primary wheat receipts wera 8.620.000 bushels and shipments, $.448,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,473,000 bushels and shipments of 1,205.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 480,000 bush els nad shipments &6.000 bushels, against receipts of 1.270,000 bushels and ship ments of 515.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts wera 1.886,009 bush els and shipments 6ti6,CN bushels, against receipts of 1,280,000 bushels, and shipments of 11.430,000 bushels last year. These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 8 hard winter, 1 car, Hc; 1 car, 93Me; 6 cars, 99c. No. 8 hard winter, 1 car, 99c; 2 2-3 cars, 98Hc: 13-6 cars, 98c. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, 97c; 8 cars, 96c; 3 cars, 96c. No. S mixed, 1 car, 98c, No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 93c. No. 3 durum, 1 car, 91 He; 3-6 car, 91c. No. 4 durum, 1 car, 89c. Rejected. 1 car, 94c. No grade, 1 car, 93Hc; 1 car, 90Hc; 1-1 car, 90c. Bar ley. No. 4 malting, 1 car, 63c, Rye: No. 2. 1 car, N6Hc; No. 8, 2 cars, 860. Oats: No. 2 white, 1 car, 44"4c Standard, 1 car, 44Hc; 1 car, 44c. No. 3 white, 17 cars, 43c. No. 4 white, 4 cars, 43lc; 3-6 car, 43c. No. 3 mixed, 2 cars, 43Sc. No grade. 3 cars, 42c; 1 car, 42Hc. Corn; No. 1 white, 1 car, 76c. No. 2 white, 4 cars, 76Hc No. 8 white, 1 car, 76c. No. 1 yellow, 1 car, 73Hc No. 3 yellow, T cars, 73Hc. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 73Hc; 1 car, 73Hc No. S yellow, 1 car, 72Hc. No. I yellow, 1 car, 72Hc. No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 71ic. No. 2 mixed, 2-6 cars, 71Hc No. 8 mixed, 8 cars, 71Hc No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 71c. No. 6 mixed, 3 cars, 71c, No. mixed, 1 car. 71Hc; 1 car, 71c, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, SsHcfrl.M; Not 3 hard, 97Hc1.03; No. 4 hard, 94c1.01H: No. 2 spring, 99cQ'1.04H; No. 8 spring, 98cel.3H; No. 4 spring, 95c j$1.02; No. 3 durum, 91HO2Hc; No. 3 durum, ,90H91Hc Corn: No. 1 white, 754tj76c: No. 3 white, 76t4r76Ho; No. 3 white. 74eI5c: No. 4 white. 74a74Vc: No. 6 white, 7474Hc; No. 6 white, 73, c; wo. t yenow, Tiri3He; No. 1 yel low. 734f73Hc; No. 3 yellow, 72(H73V4c No. 4 yellow, 72H73c; No. 6 yellow, 72H 4f72Hc; No. yellow, 724p72Hc: No. mixed, 71H?Hc: No. 3 mixed. 7171He; No. 3 mixed. 7W71Ho; No. 4 mixed, 70 71c; xno. e mixea, ivwwiio: no. s mixed, 7071c. Oats: No. 2 whits. 44!M4Hc; Stand ard, 43, (fcc; No. 3 white, 43H& 4.144c; No. 4 white, 4343i,4e. Rarley: MaJUng, 62&c; No. 1 feed. 5r60c. Rye: No. 8b&86Hc; No. 9, S4Hfnc. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 811 66 160 Minneapolis 949 Duluth 831 Omaha 78 8$ REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOt 8 BARGAINS IN HOMES. Eight room, new 2-story house, 26th and California Sts., snap, $4,200. Eight-room, new modern, 36th and Cen ter, only $4,200. Seven-room, new modern, 36th and Lea venworth Sts.. $4,200. Enquire 41$ Karbach Blk. Phons D. 3C07. $31.00 DOWN AND $31.00 PER MONTH BUYS THIS ALL MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE I have for sale a new, substantially con structed 6-room house, located one block from car line, 3 blocks from school; full cement basement, furnace heat, principal rooms finished in oak, balance of house in pine; very conveniently arranged through out. Pretty location. For full Informa tion, call MRS. THOMAS, Telephone Webster 2233. FOR SALE 7 MORTGAGE, Due 1919. $3,000.00 Thin Is gilt edge first mortgage secured' by big Nebraska farms ralund at $9,000.00 Responsible party willing to en dorse lr required. Holder must have ready cash , quick. & . nf 1 1 ArmitroDf- waun to State Bank Bldg-. LEGAL NOTICES UNION PACIFIC" RAILROAD COlT PAN Y. AU(tlon Th f 11 1 1., n' i n . . I 1 - I gage will be sold st auction at Omaha 'r,,ro.?ft, raa Company's building. 806 fcouth Seventeenth street, Omaha, Neb , u ciuck p.i m., Wednes day. October 14. 19M ...., same hour each day until all has been ' ,nl? canvas trunks marked w SF 8".,.s tn?V S"Sb"rt Wckson. J , ... ..iuc;ci, M3Se V Ol - ysr. Zinc trunks, William Handley. Peter ""iwnw -ns, x-imer traouock R W. Jacobson, Arthur Stranty. Steamer trunks, W. B. Prather, Theater, KKK Landrum Nelson, J. W. Rodemacker, Herl bert H. DlcUson, Hubert Walsner. Box' Co. D. 1st Reg., N. N. Q ; 8 boxes. Doug las. Arts., Mra N. E. Cottrell. Suit rases. Mike Files, Jeasa Bilvrs, Wilbur Murphy A. M McCullnm J u u '' John Hart. Clifford Baldwin. J. J. Gibson.' nullum ivaisun. iren irumouii, liarvey Kroll, J. Klrby. James O'Brien. Tele 1 TiT. A I Kl l( "nil rim f.Asru r r -- - w uvnuvr. Charles McCormlck, T. B. Gates, R. F, riiuiq, vanse, i.ari maungen, 1. A. Moore. 8ample cases, E, A. Moors, Ster ling Tailoring Co., Harding Flint Co. llui All t t iriu..ll, conalMltntf of trunks. boxes, chests' uunaies, umnneia, valises, guns, watches, overcoats, umbrellas and musical Instru ments, not marked. O. L. ALLEY, General Baggage Agent H22-29-C4-13 Be Want Ads Are ths Best Business Boosters. Kansas City V 23 St. Louis itii 10 Winnipeg 1,98 C1I1CAKO CR4IX A.VI rROVIKlini lea tares of the Tradlaa ana Closing Prices aa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 28. Rumore of an ulti matum from Russia to Turkey had con siderable to do today with causing an advance In the pi Ice of wheat. Closing quotations were steady, VflS polnta above Miturday night. Corn suffered a net decline of NtVc to Stfc, but oata finished with a gain of Ho. In provisions the outcome varied from unchanged tlg ures to a raise of 4. According to unconfirmed reports Rus sia's demand was that Turkey must eltnrr disarm or light, as the entram-e ot Turkey into the KuroiH-ttn war might Involve Italy and all the Balkan states. Many wheat snectilatora made haste to cover, fearing an excited and higher market In case Turkey proved defiant. Some ex Port buying together with prospects of a sharp falling off In primary receipla gave additional help to the bulls. Advices from both the southwest and northwest Indicated that a majority of farmers were holding out for higlier prices. Fine weather for maturing corn made the market for that cereal relatively wenk. A good deal of buying was done, how ever. In sympathy with the strength of wheat. Oats hardened owing to gossip of big export sales. On the other hand, there was signs of freer offerings from the country, especially Iowa. Packers buying helped to lift provisions. An ad vance In the hog market was also a dis tinct aid. j Grain prices furnished by Imogen & uryan, office, 31s south Sixteenth street. Article! Qien) Hlgh.l 1aw. Close. Set'y. Wheatl I I I I Sept.! 1 0SHI 1 07H1 1 H1 1 1 Dec. 1 08H 1 H 1 08SI 1 01S 1 08 May. 1 15H 1 16' 1 15 V 1 ICS 1 IBS Corn. Sept. 7H 7H 75,1 7RSI 76', Dec.. WHtf", 7S ",i14fSI 70 May. 72S4J ' 72H 72H 72HJ2HBS Oats. Sept. 47 474 4T 46', 4M Dec. 49WH1 49S! 49 49ViCS 49mi May. D2Sifli2 62 63 62H S 62SnI'H Pork. Sept. 17 26 17 !ft 17 25 17 23 17 25 .Ian.. 18 80 18 87H 1 & 19 97H 19 97 H Lard. Sept. 9 66 H', Iff, 9 66 . 9 66 Oct.. 9t 9CA 9 65 965 965. Ian.. 10 10 10 16 10 06 10 12-16 10 t Ribs. Sept. 11 60 11 KG 11 60 11 95 11 59 , Get.. 10 86 It 10 10 8.'. 1110 19 89 Jan.. in 6o-C2 10 67H 10 30 10 57H 10 60 Chicago .Cash Prices Wheat: No. 8 red, 81.0SHffl.07H: No. 3 hard, $1.06fll.07Vi: No. t northern, $1.07(3l.t. Corn: No. 2, yellow, 7677c; No. 3 yellow, 73i473Hc. Oats: No. 8 white, 47Hl47Sc; standard, 48V(H8He. Rye:' No. 1 93fJ94o. Barley: 6872c. Timothy: $8.76 tJ6.00. Clover, nominal. Pork: $17.25. lrd: 89.67H- Ribs: 811.u6ftl2.05. BUTTER lower: creamery. 244f29c. EGGS Lower; receipts. 8.304 cases; at mark, cases Included, 18i800Hc: ordinary firsts, lHHc; firsts, 20Hc POTATOES Lower; receipts. lt cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red. S0ti46c; white, 40ihY6c; Ohlos, 6066c. POULTRY Lower; springs. 124c; fowls, 12Hc. NEW YORK GKCltAL MARKET notations of the Day on Vartoas Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. 28. FLOUR Quiet and rower to effect sales. WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 3 red, $1.09; No. 2 hard. $1.08; No. 1 northern Du luth. H.1014H No. 1 northern Manitoba, $1.13V4. nominal c. I. f. Buffalo; futures were without transactions; September. $1.15H; December, $1.18H; May, $1.25. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1914, 42(loj 1913, Soft 40c; Pacific coast, 1914. l'mitflc; 1913, 1701 19c HI DEM Steady; Bogota, SHHc; Cen tral America, ZiHc WOOI-Steady; domestic fleece, XX Ohio. 31 4) 32c. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow. 86c to arrive; Argentina, strictly prime, 80i;, nominal, delivered. OATS Spot, steady; standard white, 64 4Ha; No. 8, 63&64c; ordinary clipped white 56HHc. I DAY Easy ; prime, $1.06: No. 1. $1,000 l.OJH; No, 3. 80irtl6c; No. 3. 80&Re. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. Hit S2c; seconds. fc31c. PROVISIONS-Pork, easy; mess, $22.00 fi2.75; family. $28.0or27.OO; short. $32.00f( 26.60. Beef, quiet; mess. $23.0X(i-24.O0; fam. Uy, $30.0082.00. 'Lard, firm; middle west, $9.85'n.96; refined, steady; continent, $10.60 South America, $11.35; compound. $8.O0f''i8 37H TALLOW-Qulet; city, 6Hc; country, tWc; special, 674c BUTTER-Steady; receipts, 4.661 tubs; cieamery extras, SOiaaOHc; firsts, 27H t'Hc; seconds. 2."H'h'27c: Droceas nln. 2ii(J)26Hc: ladles, current make, firsts-, 22H v4m., Dnuiiui, unwise; pacaing StocK, current make. No. 2, 2092OHc CHEESE Steady; receipts, 2.164 boxes; state, whole milk, fresh white and col ored specials, 15,iffl6c; state, whole milk, fresh white and colored fancy, 16HaH5Hc; skims, 4M14c. EGGS Irregular: receipts, 8.221 cases; fresh gathered, extra fine, 2S(ti30o; extra firsts, 26427c; firsts, 2i'uX,c; seconds, 24 23c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hen nery whites, 3640c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery gathered whites. 28 ffftnc; hennery browns, 3V832c; gathered browns end mixed colored, 26-328C. POULTRY Dressed, dull and weak; western chickens, froxen, 14t20c; fowls, 14W?0c; turkeys, 21ij'26c. lOULTRY Live. weaker; western chickens, broilers. 13H14c; fowls. 16 16Hc; turkeys, 15il6c. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 28. WHEAT September. $L06',i: December, $1.08! No. 1 hard, $1.10S; No. 3 northern, $1.03V9 1.08H- Wheat advanced Ha?Hc in the early trading. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLEY 536C. RYE WfHc. BRAN 321.09. CORN No. 3 yellow. 713C2c. OATS No. 8 white, 46(a46ic. FLAX-4l.40ii1.46. Kaasas City Grala aag Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY, Sept. . WHEAT No. hard. 99HcP$l.0O; No. 3 red. (Xk361.00; December, $l.(K."ol.02H; May, $1.0BH- CORN-No. i, mixed, 77Hc; No. 2 white, 79c; DecMYiber, 66Hc: May. 70S'ft'704o. OATS No. 3 white, 4.7f4Ho; No. t mixen, 4i"fuizc. BUTTER Creamery, 28c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 34c; packing, 20c. EGrS Firsts. 21c; seconds. 17Hc. POULTRY Hens. 14c; broilers, 16c. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. Sept. J8-HAY-Prallrle. choice upland, $12; No. 1. $11 60; No. 2, $9.11: No. 2, r.'3; choice midland. $11.60; No. 2, V.Wd ff.00; choice midland. $11.60-, No. 2, $11.00; No. X 89.00W11.00; No. 3, $7.OOraO0; choice lowland. $10.00; No. 1, $9.Ali'l0.00; No. 3, r7.O0fc9.00; No. S. $f..00''d7.00. Straw: Choice wheat. $4.6o5.0ft; choice oats or rye, $5 a 5.60. Alfalfa: Choice. $12.00; No. 1, $11 (. 11.60; No. 2, 88.00ft 10.00 ; No. 3, $6.yu.00. St. I.aals Grata Market. ST LOUl.H. Sept. 28,-WHEATNo. 3 red. 1.03V('1: No. 3 hard, 11 WW1.08: Brptemher, $1.04H: December, $1.07S. CORN No. 8 red. TH . No. 2 white, 82c; September, 77Hc: Decipher, C8Sc OATS-No. 2. 4ftg4iHc; No. 3 white, 47ic Klgln Ratter Market. ELGIN. 111., Sept. 28.-BHTTER 28Hrt asked with Chicago Inspection; 29c Lrd with Elgin inspection. No salea Caffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 28 COFFEE The coffee market was Irregular and unsettled again today. War risks on shipments from Braxll have been advanced to 7H per cent owing to the reported activities of (ierman cruisers and while cost and freight offers were a shads lower, business is piactlcally tt a standstill In that department. Local aiiot situation, hoaever. waa steady with 7s quoted at (So and Santos 4s at 10Ht 11 He, with holders encouraged by the un certainty nf the Import situation and a moderate demand from the Interior. It was reported that there had been some liquidation of Dacamber through ths vol untary committee here under ths rules at 6c. or fully la a pound Under the pHoe of July 30. 1 1 Drr Goods Market. NEW YORK Sept. 28 XjTTON Mar ket steady; sales of goods for war- and hospital purposes abroad reported. Yams steady. Raw silk shipments materially lower than a year ago. Foreign dress goods advanced. 4 OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Mot Kinds of Cattle Show More or Lf8 Decline. HOGS OPEN UP FIVE HIGHER Fat Sheep aad Lambs Ten (rata Lower Feeder heea Steady ta KtroasT aad Feeder luaka Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Sent. 28, 1914. Recetpts ere: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. F.stlmatn Momlav S.Hil 4o.( Same day last week.. 9.t 1.SK8 4.S Samo days 2 wka ago. .17M7 4.44 41.419 Same days 3 aka ago..ll.72o 1.019 t-nme days 4 wka ago.. 1.4"i X4.M(i SHine day last year....l3.;3 2 814 4I..HW Tna following table shows the receipts ot rattle, hogs and sheep at the Mouth omaha 'live stock msrket for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1!14. 1913 Inc. Dec. Cattle KW.4I6 6w'.9;7 W Hoga 1.783.970 g.tktt.ffTO ilt,'V Sheep 2.115,itS 3.C.il4 Wii The following table shows the prices for hogs at the South Omaha live atock mar ket for the last tew days, with compari sons. Date. I 1914. 191S !1911 11911. iim0.llsW.M9 Sept. 18.1 $ 41HI 1 8 S5 ( l 8 Z7 1 6 71 Bept. 18. 7 $7( $ 881 6 8 9 15 T 931 HJt. 14 I 9 80Si I 4J 7i 1 9M 8 b-Pt. 15r 8 6 7 K) I 7S 8t 8 06 6 90 eepu J. 8 o't 7 m 9 43 6 31 V 8S1 8 06 81 1111 in 90 Bept. 1J g 4i I 961 H 31 Sept. 18.1 6 V M On M in 8 81 9 141 81 tuiit. 19. 1 8 43j 7 isi; I II, 7l 8 92 Do Seitt. ,Vl llki 1 .VII ft S4I M 73! I 17! Sept. 211 8 60, I I 41 Sept. 23.1 3 40 i 8 OHl KJI 8 471 8 131 t 87 68 8 43) 8 10 81 I Ml I i I2 73 I 9 441 8 18i 16 ept. ia.l 8 v 8 UNI 8 46, cent. 24. 8 UHl 8 i 8 41 Sept. 261 8 2VHI 8 071 8 491 6 461 i 8 161 6 77 !t. 26.1 8 liHwi g ii g i ft g, I 461 I 6 67 Sept. 27 8 2t g 8 2 8 46 8 1R Sept. 38. j 3 15H1 8 6 6 14 8 82 9 08 8 67 Reccllits and dlalioMltlon nf liv ml the I'nion stock yards, South Omaha, for iweniy-rour nours ending at 8 o clock p. in. yesterday: RECE1 PTS-CA RS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, H'ses. C. M. A St. P 11 V. Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific .... 1 Vnion Pacific 103 C. & N. W., west...a..4 C. St. P.. M. A O. ., C, II. A Q., east.... 9 C. B. A 4J., west.... 207 C, H. 1. A P., east. 1 C, 11. I. A P.. west. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago O. W Total receipts ..672 DISPOSITION 2 100 15 26 2 2 3 !! !! 10 29 1 2 1 1 1 - -38 li4 4 HEAD. attle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 92 478 1.9UP Swift A Co 890 Cudahy Packing Co 963 Armour A Co 683 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... 22 W. B. Vansant Co 10H Benton, Vansant A L. . 365 Huston A Co 84 J. . Root A Co 302 J. 11. Bulla 2l'3 I, F. Husx 162 Rosenstock Bros f McCreary A Kellogg... 497 Wertheliner A Degen... 7:rt H. F. Hamilton 6i Sullivan Bros 64 Rothschild 46 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 38 Christie 194 Hlggina 13 Huffman 6 Roth U Meyers ' 14 Kline 43 Haker. Jones A Smith.. 40 Tanner Bros 74 John Harvey 162 D. A V 87 Doud A Kllfer 8 Hill A Son 211 F. II. Lewis 11 Other buyers 1.071 497 9I0 819 924 3.80.1 1,187 16,686 Totals 8.059 3,619 25,968 CATTLE Receipts were large at all market points this morning, the run here being considerably heavier than last week, but only a trifle heavier than two weeks ago or a year ago. Under the Influence of large receipts prices at practically all market points were reported lower on ths opening- At this point ths best beef steers held about steady, but ths less desirable kinds were slow to lOu lower, and. in ex treme cases possibly as much aa 16o '"cows and heifers suffered In about ths same piopoartlon aa beef steers, prices ranging all ths way from steady to as much as 10c, and in spots 16c, lower. Choice fleshy feeders were in poor de mand this rmirnlng and aa t,ha supply of that particular kind was not large the market did not show much change on that sort. Oa the other hand, the gen eral run of common to pretty good Block ers and feeders sold loo and in some cases 16o lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choirs beef steers. $9.60 10.2S; fair to good corn fed beeves, $s.7ln'J.6); common to fair corn fed beeves, $7.75tt.76; good to choice tange steers. $7.606.76; fair to good range steers, $; common to lair range steers, $6.0i6.80; good to cholro grass heifers. $rt.6O'7.60; good to choice grass cows, $6.io4i4i.7&; fair to good grades. $0.60 tt'8.36; common to fair grades, $4 0wtf6.50; good to choice Blockers and feeders, $7.60 tm.25; fair to good stockers and feeders, $0.60rg7.W; common to fair stockers and feeders, t.004l H; stock heifers, 36.764 7.00; stock cows, $4.76'oC26; stock calves, $7.O098.5O; veal calves, $8O04fl0.M; bulls, stag, etc., $6.36437.00. Representative sales: CO WB AND HEIFERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. fr. I IIS IM 1 W I" 11 SJ4 4 10 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 8 heifers... 721 6 40 7 casves... 668 t 00 46 feeders... 906 40 13 stockers 646 80 21 heifers... 693 6 00 ' 13 heifers... $36 60 21 stockers 709 76 ' J. N. Burr Nebraska. 49 steers.. ..1U4 7 60 18 steers... .1001 f 70 A. i. BJomdohl Nebraska. 21 steers.. ..1194 7 36 , , M . . Oscar Turnqulst Nebraska. 24 steers.... 854 6 85 WYOMING. 94 feeders... 937 7 60 6 feeders.. .924 1 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 36 steers.. ..U8 7 9i OREGON. 13 steers.. .1380 8 40 HOUS Supplies were estimated st foity-etx cars, or 8.O1O head. This Is 1.80 larger than a week ago, but is 1.3 head short of the corresponding day last year. The market this morning; showsd a continuation of ths listless feeling that prevailed during ths greater part of last week. Other polnta reported fair ad vances and under this influence the local trade opened about a nlckls higher, when the more urgent orders had been filled, however, there was still several loads in first hands, and a there was little competition at this time prices weakened, and the trade closed extremely slowj with all of the early advance lost Shipping hogs were conspicuous by their absence, and the few bunches bought by hlpjers and speculators consisted of the fair to good mixed kinds, which sold at prices that might be quoted as strong, but certainly were not much higher. The general trade Is close to !e higher. Bulk of the supply moved at $8.108 20. with a few loads of pretty fair mixed hogs as high st 8.2:., and one bunch of sorted stuff at $8.3o. Regarding quality the offerings resembled Saturday, In that while there was nothing very good hers, the extremely common stuff was also scarce. Quotations on range sheep and Iambs: Lambs, good to c hoice, $7. 3HJ7.60; lambs, fair to good. $7.10.90; lambs, feeders. 8t;.10&7.10: yearlings, good to choice, $6.76 4l.00; yearlings, fair to good, $6.6Wf6.75; yearlings, feeders, $5.4ojt.9u; wethers, good to choice, $i.2Oii&-60. wethers, fair to good, $f.ini6.20; wethers, feeders. $4 80 4J4.86, ewes, good to clinics, $4.75tf6.00; ewes, fair to good, $4.604 76; ewes, feed ers, $3 60ft 4 30. Representative sairs No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At Mb. rr. . IM 00 8 I ..171 IM I li . 774 SO It - m it . ui ... inu ..M7 so t na ,.ir its I 94 17... M... ... U... It... M... ... 94... 21... tl... 00... H... T... ..Ul ... I 00 ..t7 190 t ..104 ... IS ..1M ... I 10 .. ... $ S ..JW U 8 IS ..til to I IS . .4 4e 6 IS ..111 H IH ..111 V. 1 ... 1 1 . . 120 1 us im t lo . .Ui IKS 8 U . S04 10 8 11 TO... ... 1 ., 01... 44... 71... ... U... i... 10... 17... ... t M ... 1 so 1 9o M I k) ... I H H 18 ... ... 8 M .141 .900 .121 Ul IM .U4 SHEEP There was not much of a market on fat sheen or lambs until after i-VfM V' ! "' HI11H lirillK Ili'MW i" Hi inn ,iii:t otherwise The receipt were amun'l 1. 1 m 1 1. .1 ....... ,m r.l m itl. ill Nirt &-lr 1 ago and 4l. a year ago. and about M I per rent con'lHted or reilers. nlio the fenersl utinllty of the fnt stuff was airly Food, there wa nothing thst could be called strictly prime Trade wss dreggy from the outset, with the sellers trying hard to get efuny prices, but In the end they were forced to accept a dime decline on ewes and lambs, the supply nf yearlings and wethers being Very meager. The clearance was lale. There were worlds of feeder lambs at the disposal of traders this morning, but as the demand for all kinds of feeders ss still sa good as last week, the bulk of the feeder laml'S waa weighed at prices showing no materlsl difference fivm the close of last week. Another scarcity of aged feeders created an act ive market on them, prices in this divis ion being slesdy to strong with the range of feeder ewea at $3 .sirl.30 chiefly Two cars of feeder yearlings sold early at 966A. Representative sales: No. AV Pr m Wvomlng ewes 99 4 60 49 Wyoming feeder yesrllngs 79 6 66 1 Wyoming feeder yearlings . 80 5 Su 2;i Wyoming feeder yexrllngs . 78 1 6S 186 Wyoming feeder ewes 8 4 72 Wyoming feeder ewes 89 4 39 S Wyoming feeder lambs .... 64 6 54 rillCAttO I.1VF. STOCK MARKET Cattle steady ta Lower Hogs traaar. CHICAGO. Sept. 28. CATTLE Receipts, 22.000 head: market, steady to 15c lower; beevea. J6.764ill.06; steers, $6.?0i9.10; stock ers and feeders, $."i an' ?0; cows and heif ers, $.1.601rH.rtn; calves. 87.50TTU.2.V HOUS Receipts, 19.0.m head; market, strong, mostly lnr higher; bulk of salea, $8.lttj866; light. $4 56419.15; mixed. $1101 9.15; heavy, $730t(8.8J; rough. $7.804f7.9S; pigs, $4 7Mf8 60. SHEICP AND LAMIW-Recelpls, 66.000 head: market, steady to 15s lower; sheep, $4 7:trt.7.; yearlings, $6.60U6.3P; lambs, $'i 25 4J7.70. Kansas City l.lve Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, Sept 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 28,000 head: market, lower; prime fed steers, $10.0il!,U.Oi; dressed heef steers, $8Hl9.7ri; western steers. 9S.7Mr9.3S; stock ers and feeders. 96.0Ori8.10; bulls, $6.26tf6.78; calves, $6.6irn 10.60. HOGS Receipts. $.309 head; market, higher: bulk, $K.oof6.50; heavy, $8.6o9.3u; barkers and butchers. $8.15960; light, $8.0OchS.60; pigs. $7.2W8.. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 23.000 head: market, lower; lambs,; yearlings, $6.6O(jj6.0O; wethers, $6.00m6.60; swes, $4.60716.26, t. Loals Lire "took Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 18. BATTLE Re ceipts, 10,800 head; native beef steers, $7.60 toll. 86; cows and heifers, $6.004i4l.65; stock ers and feeders, $0.00437.50; southerns, $6.00 tjs.00: cows snd heifers, $4.09u6.60; native calves, $6.nrff 11 00. HOGS Receipts, 10,700 head; msrket. higher; nigs snd lights, $7.7v95; mixed and butchers, $8.70ti'8.5; good heavy, $8.60 f88R. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,800 hesd; market, higher: native muttons, $4.0036.00; lambs, $7.0Mf7.H. Hloaa City Live- Stock Market. SIOUX ClTT, Bept. 28. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,R0n head: market steady: native steers. $U.0trl3.60; butchers. $4. 967? .00; cows and heifers, tila1 .on; canners, $1.761114.75; stockers and foedera $'i.riy. 7.60; calves, $5.6048.00; bulls, stags etc., $6 fXKir6.00. HtMW-Receipts, 2.000 heed; no tons; heavy tS.10qm.30; mixed. $8.O8.10; light, $8.00(ii6 06; bulk, $8.008.10. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rscelpts. 1.0J0 head; no prices. St. Joseph I.tve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Hept 38.-CATTLF-Re-celpts, 8,0)8) head; msrkst slow, lower; steers. 87.0OIS1O 20; cows and heifers, $4,000) 9.26; calves, $6. 00 10. 50. HOGS-Recelpts. l.TOO head; market slow; top, $8.60; bulk, Is.lOfca.Mi. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts. 7,000 head; market slow; lambs, $6.60477.36. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts NEW YORK. Bept. 28 EVAPORATED A PPLEX Market, weak; fancy, 0ttl0Vc; Vi r, I r. M(.ll . . r.-l uA all. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, easy; Callfor- nias, Wflivi Oregona, 10U12c. Apricots, dull; choice, 12ft 12c; extra choh-e, KkilT 12Vic; fancy, nWc Peaches, dull; choice, 64iHc; extra choice, Klttf7c; fancy, 7V 6c. Raisins, quiet; loose Muscatels, 6Vi 67kc; choice fancy sesded, 7M4fc; seed less, 6HVtc; London layers, $1.85. Bank CleartasTe, OMAHA, Hept. 28. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 82,8 36,891.10. and for the corresponding day last year, $2,859,. 634.25. . . . Trtetal Market. ST. IX5UI8, Sept. 28. M ETALS Iead, dull, nominal, $3.60 Sofclter. dull, nominal, $5.00. LINCOLN FIRM HAS CHANCE TO SECURE WAR CONTRACT (From a Special Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Bept. 28. (Special.) Boms of the warring countries of Europe would like to secure 30,000 heavy artillery harnesses and have taken up the proposi tion with firm of harness mskers In this country with the Idea of letting out ths Job. Rumor has It this afternoon that Harpham Brothers of this city, one of the leading firms of harness makers In ths country, has been given a pa rt 0? ths contract C. F, Harpham of ths firm said over ths phone that ths matter was still up In ths air. At first he denied any knowledge of ths matter, but finally admitted that there was something; to It, but only thst they had received a letter asking If they would fill a part of the contract as it was too big a lob for one firm to handle snd would have to be divided up. Falrbary !tto Kotss. FAIRBURT. Nab., Sept 28.-(peclsl.)-Lyle Purcell, who has been pitching for the Wefctern league team In St. Joseph, Mo., this summer, relumed today nnd wll pitch for ths Fsirbury Grays In ths gams witiv the Lincoln Western league team Tuesday afternoon. Purcell spent part of ths summer pitching for thu Hastings team. James E. Odey has returned to this city from a trip to Excelsior Springs. Mo., where he spent a couple of months re cuperating his heslth and undergoing sn operation for appendicitis, Jefferson county farmers are busi'y en gaged In sowing their fsll wheat Msr.y farmers are devoting their entire farms to wheat land. Extensive arrangements are being made for tha annual Jefferson cnuntv lu. stock show and agricultural exhibit to be held here. October 14, 15, 16 and 17. Miss Kate Schmidt, a former Fulruiiry girl, was married recently to Oral R. Tount In Arkansas City, Kan. Beatrice Fire Loss Mae Taoaaaaa. BEATRICE, Neb.. Bept 28.-Spacial.-The total property loss as a result nf h firs which destroysd Ayers' cafe and bakery hers Saturday night Is plsced at $9.0Ot. Ayers Bros, place their loss at $3,500. with $2,000 insurants and tha LsPoldevln block. In which their store was located. Is placed al $5,500. fully covered by In surance. Ayers Bros, stats that they will returns their bakery business at oacs. Rearkre Saperlor from Ceraaaay.' SUPERIOR. Neb., Bept. 28.-(8pecial Telegram.) Mrs. Lee Vautraln arrived last night having been a month traveling here from Hetdelham, Oermany. Ebe says ths Dutch boat was stopped three times by English warships on ths way ever. German crops ars ths best seen in years and ths country has enough to feed the people for close to two years. MINOR SEES VICTORY AHEAD Deputy Auditor Think Republican Ticket Will Win in November. COL. WESTGAARD ON WAY HOME Rrtarna from Canada After Harlsg Made I.nnsr Trip Over Meridian Head, flalreston ta Win el peg. tFrom g Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Sept. SA (Special.) "It looks like republican victory all along the line to me," said Deputy Stats Audi tor Walter I Minor this .morning, who had come In from several days' sampalgn lug with the republican candidates who have been making the northwestern part of the stste In automohllea snd ars now coming down ths line of the Northwest ern railroad speaking at the towns along the line. "The apathy which prevailed so much during the primary campaign to a great extent seems to hsvs disappeared," con tinued Mr. Minor, who Is a candidate for stste auditor. "The people are seem ingly Interested In the outcome of the election and appear to be friendly toward the republican ticket." Orertaa naak lacorporatea. Tha Farmers' State bank of Overton in Dawson county hss been Incorporated with a capital of $3,000. Tha bank, was formerly a national hank and carried the same capital stock. It was known as the First National bank. Officers of the new bsnk are: J. F. Orlm, president: Oeorge B. Brown, vice president, aad I. W. Wal- lacem, cashier. Rail Commission llearlasrs. Several hearings will k ,t hrnn w- State Railway commission this week. On i nesany ins rehearing- asked for by the Union Pad ft o on tha order mat k v,i commission for additional train service on the Fpeuldlng branch from Columbus lo the Oreeler Wedneadsy the Portland Cemsnt Case rrom cuperior. Involving rates on remsnt from that town, will he on rhnnrf.. there will two hearings, the 'first In volving a transrer switch at Nelson- be. tween Ihs Rock Island and fturi !, and the other en an application of ths ivearney water and Electric Power com pany for an additional Issue nf l.tKAna in second mortgage bonds. wrd oa Way Back.". Colonel A. L. Westgaard of New Tork, accompanied by Mrs. Westgaard and their son, James, arrived la Lincoln to day on their return trip by automobile from the west. They started oat to cover the new meridian road from Gal veston. Tex., to Winnipeg, Canada, and were with the party whlcll ' Governor Morehesd escorted through the. state dur ing ths past summer. After reaching; Winnipeg, they went to Tellowstoa. park, then back through, .Wyoming to Denver and over the Omaha-Llncoln-Denver road east to Duluth and then to Chicago. They will then go back to St Louts and then to Florida. Colonel Westgaard has driven ths sams automobile on all his trips and ssys he has covered about 47.000 miles lo dais. 1 , Deaas to Make Tear. A party of democratic state candidates will make an auto trip belntilnf Wednes. day, starting at Davy and Making Wahoo, Columbus, Csdsr Rapids. Spald ing, then back through Central City. Val paraiso and David City to Lincoln. The principal speakers will be , Will . M. Maupln, randldsts for railway commhv sloner and P. M. Whitehead, candidate for state superintendent. ' Wll Seek KeeogratHoal Members of ths chlropractlo professlen will not yield because the supreme court has decided against them, according- to reports coming to Lincoln today. They propose to maks another attempt to gain recognition through the legislature and It is understood that a meeting will soon be called for the purpose of dis cussing a line of work to be carried out which will embrace the drawing of a bill to be presented to the next legis lature legalising- the practice of that pro fession. A bill of a similar nature was Introduced at tha last session, but failed to secure enough votes to make It a law, but the friendly conslderatloa It re ceived leads the members of the organi sation to believe that it may meet with a better reception nest time. Haral Credit Affairs. f"?htrL'rT f NW Tork- l'd"nt ef the American Rural Credit associ ation, accompanied by Frank O. Odell of Omaha. secretary of the , Nebraska ? .T lB MB,u't- with ths ir.Hv r CmmlMlon th' ftemoon X ,,;urin I"""' to do busl ness In this state. CENTRA LFRUIT GROWERS WILL ENLARGE TERRITORY (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN. Bept. 38.-(Speclal.)-Ehorts of the Central Fruit Growers' association to have the jobbers of the state co-operate with them In an effort to secure Ne braska apples for Nebraska people have not been wholly successful, according; to Secretary J. R. Duncan of ths Stste Board of Horticulture. Wholesalers prs fer to handle the fruit In boxes, paying from $1.26 to $1.66 a box to Coloradoans and v growers of the northwest for the apples grown there Instead of paying Ne braska growers $3 to $3.25 per barrel for the apples grown here. This will make a difference of from 75 cents to $1.70 per barrel in favor of the Nebraska apples, which are well known to be of a superior flavor. The reason given by Mr. Duncan why the Nebraska apples sre not boxed Is that the right kind of help cannot at this time bo se cured In Nebraska for packing in boxes, consequently only a portion ot the apples can be boxed. As a general thing the retailers prefer ths Nebraska apples and by dealing direct with them the association wUl be able to place the crop of 1914 without much trouble.. . , In an effort better to control the situa tion the original organisation la being re constructed and under the name of the Central Fruit Growers' association Is tak ing In more territory. This territory will embrace alt ths apple lands along ths Missouri .river on both sides, reaching; back about fifty miles or so from the north line of Nebraska south to about Kansas City. ' Deficit la Johasoa Fair. TECUMSE1I. Neb.. Sept. 28. (Special.) Tha annual Johnson county fair and Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska races, held hero last week, did not pay out financially by a few dollars. A good fair waa pro vided and splendid programs ot good races were pulled off, but the enterprise lacked support frbm the people, notwith standing the weather was good. The men who provide amusements for the people here are at a loss to understand just what they want. r !