T1TK r.KE: OMAHA. SKW'EMDKK 1914 WANT ADS a i i i ii ii Want ads racssved nt any time, but to Ineur proper cla1 flostlon must he pre sented before II o'clock noon for evening edition and 7.90 p. in. for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received after such hour will be under m neaaing. "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. fM time, 51 renta a lino. Three, times within on week, cents Una esch Insertion. 8 vn consecutive time, 7 oenbj a Una each Insertion. CRARGE RATES. Three time within on week, 10 cent Una wh Insertion. Beven consecutive times, I cent a Una earn Insertion. OYwint six average words to a fine. Minimum charge, M cents. Tha Re win not he responsible for mora than one wrong- Insertion do to typographic al error. Claims for error must he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run nn ttl discontinued must be. stopped bjr writ ten order. Ton ean place your want ad In Tha Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER WOO. Unclaimed Answers to the ' Swappers' Colonm' Hundred af other answers hare been flailed for and delivered during tha last week. It la reasonable to suppose that all f tha people below have made tha desired ape therefore, do not call for tha bal ance of their answers. Be Want Ads sura ret results. C, B, BC B.C. BC. IC. f3 rri m mi 125 in J' 74 10M n J2RT m www ir 12M jn Jl n llfll) 12.-H 1?X l:o 91 jjn 14 1M fU ! 11(16 24 lam S9 'l 1111 1247 1312 1.14 ' $ UK 1249 ' 17 1SW7 24 11?l 1352 1331 139. W 1123 lay uu i,r ? 1129 12M MW 1 M , 1"H Jtt 12f.ll U 14o2 94 lu2 11M yjul 11U2 14f 1 1191 14 1.144 I? 929 1010 JIM . 127 jri 14rt 41 . 1"2 1196 . 121 13UI ! 42 in?7 l'jr2 1271 11 1411 91 1031 , ijoa 1J74 1362 1418 M7 1077 1206 1290 1374 1416 2 BATHS AND Pl'ltEHtL NOTICES EHMANN-lImu r., aged O yeara, T months and K days, died Beptember 2, we Funeral Tuesday afternoon at S: o'clock from the N. P. Bwanson rhapel, a Seventeenth and Cumins: streets. Inter ment forest Lawn cemetery. Friends In vited. IvAGLE-Nellle. wife of W. J. Nsgle at residence. Thirteenth and Missouri ava- nue, Beptember 2S, 1914. Hh su born In . County Cork. Ireland, June 24. ISfifi. Interment at German Catholic cemetery. Funeral notice later. COOK Dorothy, September !7, aired M. ' Funeral services at family residence, 4w Dodge street. Tuesday,. p. m. Inter' meat. Forest lawi cemetery. , ADAMH William F., died at" hla real dence, 934 North Twenty-fifth Avenue, Hp tern ber 2. 1914. aged 72 years. Funeral from resident Tuesday, Sep tember . at 1 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. ATTENTION. Mem here of D. B. 8.. No. 1 are requested to attend the funeral of H. Uhmtnn, .Tuesday, September 29. 1914. at 2 p. rn , from N. P. Swanson'a chapel, Seventeenth and Cuming streets. C. M. JKSFRRBBN, President BIRTH AND DBATIIf. Plrths-Ben and Mary Blakoly, W Wlillajn boy; ralvatore and L,ucia Cam , Inara, lfeN South Twellth, Rirl; a. and Oluseppa tilacumo, 27W South Seven teenth, rlrl: Jamea A. and Hess Flynn, . bospltal, boy; Christian and Marie Frlcke, 21 Kouth Twenty-third, mrl; Ueorite and bertha Helgeson. y4 Hurt, boy; Will B. and Ina Haley, 2HJ6 Charles, boy; K. W. and Ottilia Klrmpnauer, 1U3 Missouri av enue, flrl; Oeorgs and Ijiicllla Madden, !! Farnajn. nlrl;.JIm and Cora Miller, Klfty-elKhtn and Ieavenworth. flrl; Jaoob and Parah Plner, 1526 North Twenty first, srlrl; Rrnest and Anna Wltsck, J22J California, alrl; Charlea It. and Edith A. t Tounr, hospital, boy. Deaths Mrs. Rrlditet Brennan, 74 years, rV.J North Twenty-sixth; Mrs. Mary F. , TMxon. M years, hospital; Blsle Flck. 14 years, 2417 Dodge.; Mrs. Kva D. liamb n. 47 yeara, 24!tt Bpauldln; Klmer L. len. !0 years, hospital. MARRItOK I,irMB . , t.lcense to wed hav3 born Issued to the frllowln: Nsme and Address. Aire. P. Paul tlerhard, Omba 2-1 , Anna V. Ilaier, OniAh , " Jesse I. Norton. Omaha (iladys Whltmarsh, Lincoln 19 Roy Henry Hester, Nevada, Mo 22 Ida Pearl Headle. Waterloo It v Walter A. Cummlnm, Winner, 8. D,... 8 I-aura A. Newly, I attonsburg. Mo.... S3 Herman Maume, Omaha Z2 Lena WeltceJ, Omaha 1 TODAY'S COMPLETE MOV1K rKOGKAMS EscJuKlTelv in Thr Boo Dow a Towa. CAMERAPHONK. 1401 TXilTOIJB. Krandon'a lt Hide, 2-reel Vilaraph. Ramus Knew It Wssn't, I.ubin, A Typographical F.rror, 8ellg. F.I4TK. 1318 FARNAM bT. The Itrwar of Thrift. -reel Vltagraph. hophle's Legacy, KasanHy. The Man In Hlack. rW-Hit. VAKSAMTHEATKR. 141& FARNAM ST. Kittles t'ncl. "j-reel Victor. , II t K (Ml. 1.' r AP . 1 lill'P fiiK-TKll. 15T1I AND IIARNET. Home of Paramount Pictures. PARK THEATER! 616 N. 1TH fST. fhe. of the Wolf Bred, and a good comedy. PARLOR THKATfcK. lt DOUGLAS. .Ml Glory-Military drama in four parts PKlNCtt-S THEATER. 1317-1 lLiiLA8." Richelieu. 4-reel Bison. IS art k. AI.AMO THKATEK, 24TH AND FORT Normandy Rmnance, Imp, The Diamond Nippera, Joker comedy. lire of lh CeiKha. Vreel Bison. AIwVMO THEATER, 24lh and Fort." Pransferd In Arcadia, t-ree Eel. R.-a f.ir Ijfe. tileiling Com. MAMONU THEATER. 24!0 Lake bt Prince ef Bavaria; 2-r. Reg Com. Dr. rvoee ui iesieroajr. rrotit f'arecrow and tne Jiai aperone. yn. Ike. FRANKLIN. 2h and Franklin. The fild Army Coat. 2-reel Kal reeedie and the Double Exposure. Es equaring the Trtnrle. Lub. HIPiuDKOME THEA.. 224 CIMINO. The Perils of Paulioe, nfntb aptsode. The (iuldlng Hand, Than. 2-rel drama. The Kvelroppr, Keystone comedy. IT. Iwh and Locust! Hearst-Seilg. Tie .Mj.jI Wrestler, t-reel. F. Ike H"iteymooners, Vita. UjTHKOP. SUTH AND With j-.i I he Battle of the Bexea. lo s reels. A big lirifflth production. This Is the moat siter mumpie reel pnotn-drama. 1tVAU THEATER. 2 Caldwell. Mlner'a Humane. Neet. Nearly Married. IJ. Jke Com. CottMt Guard s Pride. 2-reel Vict. WBKIUtATfch, Air Topedo. su n. wi n sr. three parts. PAICK THEATER SeJj DAVENPORT" 1'rey o Heitna No. 4. ai.gers or a ureal city, Univ. Ik nl a good uinwdy. H HI HrtAN, etih sod Ahm. As W r oirlv ThiiM. 2-rae Lua, dvtung AbJy'a rot. UM. 1 I pper Hand. Vita. AlOIjy 4 LEAVENWORTH". No. to. Diplomat Eeeanay. Th Attorney's Urci-.ou, Lubin. A VUJ.je bbaodai, k-lL TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PlMHiKAMS Exclnslvely In Thn Ite nn i at. fOMPTiRT TIIK ATL't, Kth and Vinton. The Old Im-e s Pent, 2 r. K. B. The Stolen Ore. Reliance. Her Htg Hrother Thnnhauser. COI.I'.M HI A, Mr-aret-ell. 1210 fO, 10TH. The Mysterv of the Peeplnf Death, l-r. Kal. The Barrel Orsan, Vltagraph. FAVORITB THKATFR. 171 Vtliton Joule's Conev . Island Nlshtmare. 2-r.VI. Hronrho Rllly's Indlsn Romance. Ess. The Cur of Death. Kal. GEM THEATER. 1Z 8. Thirteenth. The flllent Valley. 2r. Raggdc Imp. ARsby Did It, Nestor comedy. HANHi'OM THEATER. 24th Castellar. Ietectlve Dsn Cupid, Nestor comedy. For the Becret Bervlce. two-reel R. The Mind's Awakening, Frontier. LOTH ROP 24th and Lothrop. A Man's Way. 2-reel American. Iave It to Bmlley. Comedy. Our Mutual Clrl. LTRIC THEATER, 1817 Vinton The Higher Law, I r. Bison. Pweethesrt Days, Ptckford Imp. PASTIME TirEATER, Ui and Ieav. When the World was Bllent, 2r. Imp.Bhay, Pii icM TrntATKit i3a Iisvenoort. fxive'a Refrain. Imp. On Hla Honeymoon, V. Ike comedy. VENKZIA THEATER, 12U 8. 13TH 8T. Tricking tha Oovernment, I-reel. West. MONROTC THEATER. 2tt Farnam Trey O'Hearts, No . Mock Rose. Ths Dear Hunter. V. like comedy. Cross tha Mexican lilne, Nestor. Braioi. RF.NSON THEATER. MAIN 8T, Trey o' Hearts, seventh episode. J Rob Leonard In Pympethy of Houla. Mesqulte Pete's Fortune, comedy. Caaaetl Blaffa. FJ-ITB NO. 1. M6 BROADWAT. Ilearst-Hella Weekly No. IS. As It Might Have Been, Rlograph. He Danced Himself to Death, l-r. vita. ROPER THEATER. 637 B' WAY. As tha Wind Blowa. I-rl Rex. Fruits and Flowers. Nestor comedy. oath Vmaka. BEBSH THEATER. 24TH AND N BTB. On Lonesome Mountain. 2-r. Iibln. Fsble of one hamaritan Who ut Paralysis of Helping Hand. Baana. Tha Peddler's Rag. Rtograph. . MAJEeTIC THEATER 24TH AND O BTB. Animated M(eekly, 1S2. Man Who Was Misunderstood, t-reel Imp. Vaadevllle. ORPHBtIM, 24TH M. BO. OMAHA. Herles No. 14 of the Million. Dollar Mya . tery will be shown here Wednesday. Two thrilling parts. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FLORENCE E. WOOLLEY, Mus. B.. Oberlln Conservatory of Music, will open classes tn violin, harmony and ear training. For particulars phone Harney S4NI. OET a private booth m my grill room for noon lunch. PETE LOCH. J13 8 i7th BL Everett 8. Dodds, 613 paxton Ilk. D. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packa, ships; k-horse van and 1 men.v 11.26 per nr.; storage. 12 per mo, Hatlsfartory guar. D. 43.1ft A Ty. 230. HAZEL I eat Pile Cones. Rest remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; (Oo postpaid; sample free, Ehrunan 4k Mrionncii irug t'o , Omaha. Q. A. ATKINM, upholsterer drapery de psrtment Hrandels stores, does nloe worn irom nouse to nouse. Ll'CKY wedding rinss. rirodessardj's. Wedding announwinents. Doug. Itg. Co. iflQNS. showcartls, Clark 4k Bon. D."u7t AK-8AR-UEN HINTS. , 10c PLATE LUNCH for Ak-Bar-lten visitor. Headquarters for Willow Springs beer, best grade of whiskies and wines. Our 10a plat dinner Dfais mem ail. Henry Pollock, 122-24 N l&th Ht. SWITCHES made from combings, L il Gibson's Buffet 822 Bouth IBLh Bt. CHAS. LOFTMAN-Wlnea. liquora, cl gars, merchant's lunch. 14th and Howard LIV E WTKB DV8INESS MEN OF O.MAILA Ai B, C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamonds and jw elery, special prices, twpt. and Oct buy now, 1 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217 Kw bach block. - BEE Building compuny. Tylxr . lOU). Offices for rent In .modern fireproof building, electric light and water free. Dost location In tna city. Be us now. N KW. and secoud-liand lectric (ana and motors. LeRron Electric Works. Kill H. r.'th. luglaa 217a. OsiAnyk. triiijn Co., Cumitia Doug. 247. Renovates feathers ai mattresses of all kinds, maksa reatner iikairesaea ana oown cover. I 1ANO tuning, R. Brandon, 1 years at Hardens. Recommended by best musicians. W. 4332. 4blg N. 2lh Ave. REAL E8TATK DEALFJta find Th Use Building very deairabl head, quarters. A finely located ofllo avai i lile October 1 'ACUl'M cleaners for sal. Vacuum cleaning dou In the home. Sanitary nervics Co., Wa Re Ring. WE rent, repair, sell need) and part for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA OVCLE t'O.. "Mluk. el's." 1Mb and Harney. Dougiag lflJ. Aeeoaataats. MELVILLE D. THOMAS 4k COMPANT, v njr xai. nana niag. lyier 1S1U. AAdlagr Macklee. Dalton Adding M achlnea. 431 B. IS. D. 144. Adder Mih Co. (Wales) VV. O. W. D. 6siC Aalo and Magaeto Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. MIR. Aactisstst. Dowd Auction Co.. Ill W. O. W. Red 6. Arrhlleeta. Clarenc W. Wlrtngton, r S. Wth. D. 4W. Af travtloaa. OMAHA film ex.. 14th and Doug. Motloa picture niaotilne and film bargains. Marker. II Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 11T Far. BATHS, Uc; 811 AVE, 10c. 320 N. ltb. HI Irt.l. HORNBY CO.-Blue printing, under new Itraa Kodrla. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 7th and Martha Bte. E. FRANTA, gll Pax ton Blk. Doug. B15T. A. J. Johnson, carpanter, rep'r'g .D. 4W92 tltrorai l.4i. W. T 8mlth Co.. 1111 city Nat, Bk. D. 2S1. I fcirouraetora. J. C. lwrenoa. p C 221 Howa rd. D. X461. L. Ocddla. D. C. te Itee Jbldg'lous:. 4JMT Y.'JC Purvla pee. D C. v Pax. HI k. D. 4iHl7 U C HAVE8. D. C. i.m H Rldg. R. Card Slgaa. Offlc door let'g. Mynster. Pax. Bk. D. 2157. (kiu Paiatiaa. , Ruth Lstchford, deeoratliig. firing. R 4M1. Civil Esitaetn, M. J. LACY, til BEE BLDQ. p, TH. Coal Dealer. StS 5fl Johnon'a special; also Victor ipJ.UV nuti Phon D. l,t w Creaaa !"' Th BnarpWa Separator Co.. 12th 4t Parn. Irlelva. , JAM EH ALLAN. 212 Neville R!g. Evl. CwA scute4 tn ail caatia. T) its 11 LIVE wiiu: Bl'SIXESH MKX OK OMAHA llaarUf Aeadeaalea. Turpln's flanging Academy, 2th A Fsrn. CHAM HERS Academy. crasl I 171. Markle's Academy, now oten IHI Har. Deaflsta. i'r. Uradhury. N'o pain. 1M Farnsm. Dr. Todd's sK eolar dcntlwtry. e 3 Hrwndels. Bailey, the lenttt. TQH City Nat l Hank. Ta"f'ti:ental Rooms. 1I.T7 IoiigIas. D. 21 Pyorrhea. Dr. FTckes""724nty Nat. Hank. Dreasm n b I a. Terry Dressmsk'g college, 2Hh A Farnam. MRU M'NOTT, tailoring and dressmaking. 320 8 Wth Bt. Call Hsrney S77. Mr. Iattlmer, 1911 Farnam, for (all cos tumes, Istest styles, perfect fit. MIhTbtCrTiY. 2m I'mV Phone Red 73:n. ii... DRUtW at cut prices; freight paid on $19 orders: rataloiMiea free Sherman 4c Met'onnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Kleetrle Supplies. LBBRON Elec. Wks., SI8 B. 12th. D. 2174. Concrete Knarlaeers. Oagnebln-Wells Co. 420 fltat Bk. D. 2KS. tCverythlng for Warnn, JIEMSHTCII1NG Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 B. Idth. Woman's Kxchnnge, 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. ACCORDtAV, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. M iHiugfas Block. D. 13A. Farriers. BEN FENBTER, 1410 N. Wth St W. 2266. Florists. L, HENDERSON, lfil Farnam. D. 12SS. Memler rlorlst Telegraph Del. Assn. HEBB BWOliODA, 1416 Farnam Bt A. DONAHCE, 1C72 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH H florists, 1M4 Farffam Hi. Hair Dresslag. Harper Method. R. . Balrd Bldg. D. Mil. Live Mock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 B. 1.1th. Red. 42(2 Loan Offleea. NATHAN H loan office, licensed pawn broker. l' Bo. 13tli. Lighllna Kl st arcs and Wiring. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repHlr work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOU I J LAS Si 19. Mfrs. nnd Wlaaoer Bnade C'leaaera. OLD shades made Ilka new. Midwest Bhade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4WL Messenger and Transfer. WHITE IJNE, 809 Bo. 11th. Douglas S311 Masseuses. Massage. Miss Walton. R. 224, Neville Rlfc. NNA MATlikS baths, scienI .-ilMXV iUiYLUYO tutjo MA8BAOK. 1802 Farnam Bt, Apt. . Id floor. D. twXL Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat' t. lied 609a7 MA ijSAQE. 8. 17 1 b Ht. Mrs. Bteele. MABH., rheu.. liver, kidtiey troubles. Djis! Mrs. Snyder, elec. trt. 14 8. 8th. D. 43KOT M AKSAdK riwetilHh movement. 4-4 lUnOOAUU b(, Douglas S371 MAGNETIC THT., Mrs. Brott, In city for .. l. . .i ir n.u Miss Ooiild, maa..,224 "Neville Blk; 10 to 8. K. Mack, message and manicuring. D.75&2. Milliner r. SWITCHES from combings. $1.M. rsych free. Mrs. H. M. Kok, 3H B. Uthj D. 667. Movlna, Moras aad Cleaning;. W. C. FKRRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. orsnais, Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as yon can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteonathlo Phyalelana, Dr. Rerucha, 202-4 MoCague Bldg. D. I636. Palenta. H. A. Sturgea, (36 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Pax ton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 B. Htli Bt I'Inmea Henvntd. PLUMES flowers made over, cleaned A dyed, t-lertha Kruger, 4J9 Paxton. D. 8394. Printing;. WATERii-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Ttl. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th 8t DOUOLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 6447 COREY A M'KENZIE PTO. Co. D. 2644. HI EH- HALL Ptg. Co., lfaJO Capitol. P. 1102. CENTRAL PRLNtTnQ CO. DOUO. 871 Roach Kxtermlaator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist Sat and Tim Look. Kxperts. O A TT0 Opened, repaired, comb. A H KS cnanged. F. E. Davsn. port. 1408 Dodge. D. bbioa Repairing. Electrlo Bho Rep. Co., 1807 Bt Mary's Av. Via a and Baowcarda. SIGNS eA" -'-LVJA1J 4 Bushnell CUT PRICES. I .A W W UI Kr Hlock. D. 1378. kieei telling. CARTER hheet Metal Works. 110 g. 10th. Store and Office Flalarea. DE8K8. aafea, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell, (mima Fixtur and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S.'uth. D. 'J4. Towel gapplles. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 52S. Tranaa and gnlteas. rRELINU A MTE1NLE. 1808 Farnam 8t Tailor. I'HAH. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 16th Bt Veterinarians. DR. Q. R. YOUNG, 4002 Ontsr. II. 5063, Wine nnd Llavr. ALEX JETES. jsoi-4 8. 15th Bt. Wines. Jlquors. cigars. Plata dinner 11 to 8, lOo. HENRY ,POLIiCK LIQUOR HoTjSET lilh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. Wlaeia aad Llqaora. QLORB Liquor House, 422 No. 18th, 1 qta. cold bear. Uc. Write for prii-e list D. 43ui. BUY your family iltiors at Klein's Liquor llousa. 622 N. 16th. Douglaa laOa, HKLI WANTED 1K.MALU Clerical and Uffle. WHY fret and worry, lose time and money when It la so easy and Inex pensive to get a position through WATTS, REFERENCE CO., H40-42 Brandels Thea. GOOD, experienced stenographer. SU He. Rldg. Fnctorr and Trades. APPRENTICE! girt Oppenhalm Parlor. OIKL to learn hairdreaelug. t)ppcnheiin Parlora lienkeenr and Dumeatlo. WANTEI Young girl for housework and help take oar of children, Phone South J3, V'ANTED-Compeient white girl for gen 'eral housework. 8.3 Iewey Ave. H. Hi'-3, N ANTED 8. andanavian girl for general housework; family or three. It. MH COMPETENT gill for general house, work; small family: 'good wagea. els Underwood Ave, H. 41 WANTED A good girl for general Housework. 4ovl I lodge rtt. WANTED Uirl for general housework; small family; no laundry work. 131 8. tMh 81. Harney Hit WANTED A competent white girl for general housework; two In family,' no laundry work. H. 1463. WANTKIv-A general housework girl wages 15 Mra A. W, Friend &4 Daven port ht. Harney 23. W AKTr?l A girl tor light housework and house rare of 2 children. Call at 21 So. h befor 11 a. m. COMPETENT housekeeiwr, small family. Call after p. m.. 24S N. lth or W. 2wL GIRL wanted for general housework; na washing. Mrs. E. A. West brook, Zu Harney ht. Tel. Harney 8as. GIRL to assist alth care of ctiU.TTeiu Mrs. E. A. Westbrook, 3601 Harney ttt TeL Harney tm. WANTED Aa experienced girl for general housework. Mra. W. J. Goad, 118 8. 37th (St. Hamer tivs. W ANTEI Competent girl for gemtral houeework. in new liome, near car; liniKrary iosition. good wages. Call AU t M. buiiuacUMO, aiaruay lli-'D WWTKIl FEMALE llonsekeeper nnd llomeatlea. W'A NTEDUood girl for housework. Mrs. R. t'riirniner, Apnrt. I. Beaton. COMPETENT white girl for general n-mseworK. fan tinrncy 3f,4. THE Servant Girl Problem 8oled. The Pee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result This null... A Mi.An. . , . . " ' ' ' ... I . nint n i. viii.iib, p.iuni Omaha and Council Hluffs. Bring ad to fee cmr-e or icipnone I yier ion. WANTEI Young girl to Sfsist with housework. 31IS Cass Ft Harney-:. Cf)MPETKNT girl for Keneral houeework. references reoulred. S.74 Dodge. H. 1ST. GIRL for general housework; smaTl fam- n . jisrney pt WAN"TEI Girl for general housework. flood home offered. Phone Harney 4TM. Call at W Harney 8t. tilRL wanted for srncrnj houxework. Mrs. O. W. Noble. a-VK Hawthorne Ave. WANTEI Girl for gcnoisl housework. Phone Harney 1.122. Mlseellaaeona. WOMEN Get government yoos; thousands vacancies yesriy; list positions open to women free. Franklin Institute. Dept 668R. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNU women coming to Omaha as stranters are Invited tn vil ih. Vmme Women's Christian Associstlon building at Bt Mary's Ave. and J7th Ht, where they will be .directed to aultaMa hmniin. plaoes or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide nt Union Ktatlon. PLAY THE PIANO RY EA R In one week. Write today. F. W. Little. IM. 46th St.. Pittsburgh. Pa- HKI,P WANTKD MALK ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A COMMERCIAL POSITION? Then Investigate our methods at once; they are new, practical and result-getting. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE I nlaes position is secured and then only a nominal f. i. - , ' amount of business we do dally we can afford to take your application on this vstniPt TOU TAKE NO CHANCES WHATEVER Call and let us explain our methodg personally. v REMEMBER, NONFILING FEE. ROGERS REFERENCE CO.. tZH State Rank Rldir 17th and Harney Sts. For Commercial P.,.o Tir ROGERS REFERENCE CO.. 628 Ptate Bank Bldg. 17th and Harney. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REF. & BOND A8SN. umni rvai. HanK King. IF YOIT ARB LOOKLVG FOR A HIGH- OR A 1 f0 trilTIM ttirir TU y , rv OPERATIVE REFERNCB CO., 1015-16 ' "I nIIIUINAI, HANK HI II.IIIMI FOR a high-grade clerical, stenographic or position aa salesman. "See" WATT8 REFERENCE CO., 840-42 Rrandelg Thea. Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED To salesmen having regular territory we will pay good commiFslon to sell drug and con fectionery stores; no red tape; reply treated confidential; a high class line. Address Y 204. Bee. ARE you looking for a position as soilrl tor or salesman? "See' WATTS REFER ENCE CO., 840-42 Brandela Theater. ONE OR TWO GOOD BTOCK SALESMEN WHO CAN FURNISH GOOD REFERENCES WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH. , THE IN VESTING MARKET FOR DIVIDEND-PAYING BTOCK. ' NO BLUE 8KT VENDERS NEED APPLY. ADDRESS p. O. BOX 666, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Salesman to sell well estab lished office specialty. Straight salary basis. Must be sober and Industrious. Ap plicants should state age, experience and give references. Ad drees 8 3. Bee. AGENTS, HERE'S A WLNNER. New 25-c household necessity. Sella on Sight GET PARTICULARS.- G ANSON SPECIALTY CO., lTjil 8. 2th 8t, tlmaha. SALESMAN Wome railroad experience; pleasant and profitable work; railway educational courses. Postofflce Box 472. Omaha. Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps; loos. Ktiemt. Bee Bldg. WANTED TWENTY SADDLE MAKERS. v. TWENTY BRIDLE MAKERS. TWENTY HARNESS MAKERS. COME IMMEDIATELY .GOOD WAGE8. WYETH HDWE. & MFQ. CO., ST. JOSEPH. MO. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE. Few weeks completes. Good money made. Best trade In exist ence for poor man. Machinery can't kill It. Our graduates gruatly in demand on account of our thorough training. Call or write. MOLER BAHBER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th St. Mlacellaxeoaa. PAXTON Blk.. lettering Bchool Rm. 431 YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Good men earn big money; largest and best college. Big new bldg., elec It and starting systems, big machine shops. You de the auto work yourself. Free catalogue, American Auto College, ill Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand Is great for our graduates; w have trained hundreds of men; let us train yeu. Writ for free booklet , Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. 14 N. Mth Bt.. Omsha. Neb. MEN w 1th patentable idaa writ Ran & Co. Wasntngiun. D. C. Uolph & "NEBRASKA AUTO- MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduate thun any school In this country. "Tr-ere s a reason." W rite today for our catalogue tO. 1417 Dodge. Omaha, Neb THOUSAND government joba open to men and women; big pay, Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions fiee Address Y 16, Bee. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, tS; set of tools given; wagea paid. Trl City College, lith end touglas Pta IF YOU ARE A GOOD MAN WE WANT YOU AN OMAHA CORPORATION RE Ql'IREtt THE SERVICES OF A FEW FIRST CLASS MEN, WHOSE SALARY WILL INCREASE WITH EFFICIENCY. SOME CAPITAL REQUIRED. AD DRESS M 6WI REE. IIKLP WANTED HHH AND KKMAI.H, MEN WOMEN Get government lob. to JIM month. Write 8pr list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute. Dept 22-li. Kocbustsr. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS LAWYER YOUNG MAN, GOOD EDIT. CATION, UW GRADUATE. EX CELLENT STENOGRAPHER, DE SIRES POSITION IN LAW OFFICE OR WITH LARGE CORPORATION WHERE OPPORTUNITY WILL BK GIVEN TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OR AS PRIVATE SECRETARY. AGE 27. ADDRESS A 1UXI. BEE. WANTED Poaitiou as D. 6145. chaiiioeijiiatu. CHILD'S aurse wishea position; best ref erence. Call Red 6640. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishe two or tfiree hours' evening work, transcribing to be done at hum. Tyler l.4 W'ILL do sljoraphio wora partly or ex clusively; : kcp books; young man looking for connection with small firm aera merited scrvlc will count IL irA. WANTKD SITUATIONS WANTEI. Position In sales department of automobile or supply company by y"nung man having 3 years' exerlcn-e at same In Canada. R. Johnntunc, Room r-t:.. Rome Hotel. WANTKD Work as clisniuerinaid In hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone S. YOUNG itian wants place to work for board while attending Boyles' college. Telf-enne Douglss l.vn. fjERMA.V ClisufTeur, 21 ears. wishes to drive private car; do own rcpaiilng. AJ dress :n, Hee. t-iTUATlON wanted ss demonstrator by VOIlniT n ... ,,t VnAil n I ton ca .... m mi I h l.i r selling experience. Address H 62, nee. EXPERIENCED grocery cletk; can take run tharge; can furnish references. Wehxter 2i,7.1. ST E N CM HIAPHER and " correspond e n t, eight years' experience, vants evening work; terms reasonable. Address L-.VIO, Bee. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper for elderly couple or biiFlncss woman. Address, E 3' care Hee. WANTED Position as cook, with no Sunday work. Call after 6 o'clock. Red rrtj v RELIABLE practical nurse wishes po sition. Mrs. rti'jtiard. Jia n. itn nt. WANTEI A pos.tlon as housekeccr In a nice home. H. mi. Mrs. E. M. Mc Donald, 3124 Poppleton Ave. COMPETENT, eneraetlc man. 26, with college education, wants connection with advertising agency, real estate or special firm; commands English, German and Scandinavian languages; experienced; f u ture advancement Indurative, M 442, Bee. vVANTED Position as house salesman, bookkeeper or correspondent, with whole sale concern by experienced marrf 28 years of age. Address A, 4-'H, Hee. WANTED Position as cook or house keeper, first class work. Phone Har ney 74X0. MIDDLE-AGED lmly with one little girl would like position as housekeeper. Tel. Mrs. Craig, Webster 1SK7. SHIRTWAISTS laundered. 15c"j other clothes 2Vic apiece; mending free. W. 4j. AUTOMOBILES 20 H. V. Hupp roadster; splendid condi tion; big bargain. Phone Douglaa 30v4, branch 47. Ask for'Joedelt. CHALMERS 5-paasenger car in perfect re pair; must oe soia; ourgain. Address 1113 Howard. 10t forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. I.OU repar g. u. Mayadorter, 210 N. 18 "Llndberg"Fore door, bod bldg.. 40 & Far. Groenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th A Harney Bt I HAVE a 1910 model Detroit Electric, in good shape. Will soil for $800. Address A 263, Bee. HAVE new 1914 Jackson automobile, com pletely equipped, to exchange for good building lot or mortgage. Charles Ilorn, Omaha, Neb. Phone Harney 6210. BTO snap, nearly new National. Must sell. Middle States Garage. BARGAIN Used Velle and Overland, both in good condition. Will sacrifice for Quick sale. No trade. Auburn Auto Co., ai:,9 Farnam Bt. 6-PA.SSENGER Ford for sale cheap; only been used two months. Apply Ben Cohen, 404 N. 16th. Bt. Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES, Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. 1914 Indian twin cylinder motorcycle, fully equipped: has been run only 325 miles. Hayward Bros. Bhoe Co.. 11th and Far. Llndborg Bros.. 2572 Leav.(Flylng Merkle) 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 372g. NEARLY new motorcycle, cheap. D. 7686. BUSINESS CHANCES 10 AAD 13 PER CENT INTEREST. Two gilt-edged first mortgages for sale at a sacrifice. $900 first mortgage on 640 acre Improved land, west central Ne braaka, due In 2 years, with interest at 8 per cent: price, ISM. $2,250 first mort gage on 640-acre Improved western Ne braska land, due in S years, with interest at N per cent; price, ll.ft.'irt. These are choice loans and well secured, but owner must have cash. Address Box 88, Blue Mound, Kan. BARBER outfit. 8 chairs, for sale. D. 718. C. J. CAN AN. Real Estate and Exchangea ELECTRIC PLANT One-haif of an elec- lrli.nl Kt.alnodu la. V I . .. I ... I - . ' in a iiuviiiiih iiiiio lown of lO.OuO; will sell cheap ou account of ill health; is doing a good business on cash bawls. Address Y 2oi!. Bee. EXTRAORDINARY FLORAL BEADS. Make your own beads in brilliant col ors: exquisite odors; can be sold at hand some prune, ia r ranee none, lrin Laddie. Roman Beauty, Pompien Prince, Persian Bouquet, etc. Coin only. Bend stamp for complete list. MUs Ekbergh Btuaio. izs Raymond Ave., Bt Paul. Minn. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and garage CHEAP. Will take one threshing engine or automobile at cash value. Box 106, cimwooH, ieD. FOR SALE 88,000 stocw or hardware and modern store building, located In good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixtures for 11,000 less than they cost two years ago. No trade. Address, Y 173. Boa. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us fur quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 82R4. POOL HALL and barber shop, terms reasonable. 19Q4 Cuming. Call Red &15. BIONS, show cards. Clark Bon. D. 1271 THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchaugo Co., 1406 Furnam bt Douglas l8V. ' , TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co.. Omaha To GET in or out of ousiness. call on OANOSTAP. 404 Be Bldg. D.3477. WANTED An Idea.-'" Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Wrlto for 'Needed Inventions'' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money " Randolph A Co.. Patent Attorneys, Wash ington. I). C Moonlit Hemae for Sal. TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses w'Vrti 'us BU,f FROM Us- LIlT Quick Sales Co., 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 2264. EDUCATIONAL 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both th dav and night sessions. Yet It la not too late to enter. Begin at once to get tnat mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Call, writs or telephone fur new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting filing, private secretarial work and many ather courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending Douglas 1M. BOi'LES COLLEGE, H. H. BOYLES, PRES., Boyle Rullding, Omaha. MOSHElt-LAMPAlAN COLLEGE FALL TJJliM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed dames In all business and Eng lish branches, horthad, sleiiotypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good poslllous. Places pro vided for young people to work fur board. For a new free catalogue address MOSIlEIt-LAMPMAN COLLEGE ins Farnam Bt. Omaha Douglas (611. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, 1:00 to 4:00. Night school. to .U. 18th and Farnam tu. Douglaa 4447. EIHCATIONAI, LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, I4.no. THE OLIVER TYFEWRITINC! CO., Douglas a19. 11X16 Farnam. FOR SALE at a Miscount, a full unliin Ited scholarship Id Boyles Busines col lege, Omsha; s-kxI for either shorthand or business courses. Apply al the ottice or Omsha Bee. EXPERT ladv stenographer will tske pupils. BIHjRTHANU. touch typewrit ing, snelllnx, punetuaTlon. etc., taught and complete training given for business career. Private Instruction if desired. 4H.'4 Douglas St. Tel. Harney 6.140. Omalut Musical Art Institute. Associated Masle Instractors. j Baldrldae ft lock, 30tk and Farnam. WANT partmr to -hare music studio; f ri i tun.?. Aiiurcpn I. 111. mr. MARTIN W. HUSH, Piano. H. Ma. B. Land-herg, Piano, Harmony. D. M4S. Francis Potter. Mandolin, Hanjo. D. 3.N&3. HENRIETTA Rees. Piano. Douglas 4hl8. FLORENCE HAULER. Voice and Coach ing. Red Wl, GRACE HANCOCK. Pit no. H. 1"V. J. II. MM MS, Org a n. Harmony. H. 4U3. Iiu w Zm hi inkle. Violin, Piano. H. 6n61. J e isle F. C,,l,ay. Dramatic Art, D. ooi'K. FOB SALE . Fnrnltare. New 2d-hand furniture, cash or terms, reasonable. Amor. Furn. Co., 6"5 N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of turnlture and some pianoa. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. H06 Ko. 16th 8t . HIGHEST grade solid oak dining room suite, nearly new. Webster 382 alter 6:30 p. m., or all day Sunday. THREE heating stoves for sale. Call W. 1876. BEAUTIFUL solid oak buffet. $3.."j0, rust $80; nearly new. Call Web. 3h2 after 8:30 p. m. HOUSEHOLD furniture of all kinds. Call morning. Art 13, Amrelus. Musical Inatrnments. WILL trail jny $370 equity in a $750 new Baby 'Jrand Checkering piano for dia mond or .1 cash. Call Webster 6675. Slightly used hlgh-graf.e piano. W. 8726. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Tvtmwrlte' Exchange. 207 S. 17th. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $6 for understroke machines or $3 per" month for latest model visible writers. Ail makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Hutu Typewriter. 1S6 Farnam. D. 603L Miser Iknneons. FOR BALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles ' Business college, Omnha; good for either short hand or business course Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. AN Acorn hard coal stove and Birming ham 6-cover steel range; reasonable. Harney 6704.. FOR BALE A 6-griddle kitchen range, almost new. 2787 Capitol Ave. H. D. Walker. t flfl Buys best coal for the money; try 5J.OV (t Web. IMS. Harmon vVeeth. A NO. 1 BATH TUB, 5 et Traster Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4808. 600M. BRICKS at $1.50 per M ; also 800M. feet of lumber at works. Uth and Jack Jon Kts. Buildings bougat and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 4K8. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Rrunswlck- Balke-CollenJer Co. 407-409 S. 10th St 2-handi mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 & Paul. LIVE STOCR 4-XIR SALE. Horses and Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In the city; ull kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co., new location. 15?&-3W N. 16th St YOUNG cow for salo. 721 Harrison St., Florence, Neb. LOST AN1 FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha, & Council bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles tach day are turned tn and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. Found Delivery auto. Tel. Tyler 2303W. FOUND RED STEER. CALL W. 2739. LOST Cameo ring, either at Hayden's or Brsndels stores. Reward. D. 2787. LOST Sunday, Sept 27, between liOtli and Ames and Bennington, two children's coats, one blue astrakhan, for 8-year-old child; one black bearskin for 6-year-old child; finder phone Webster 4232 ami claim reward. LOST Auto starting crank. Harney 1330 and receive reward. LOST Pair eye-glasses between 26th and Burt and California. Reward. H. 1669. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 He t.iuu Tuberculosis 11 you want gat well and build ud your health, this'la your on chance. Ad dress B 561, Bee. llupt tiro u'ea in a lew nays wnnoui Ulc pain. Call or write Dr. Wrav. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894. o MOXEV TO LOAN NEED MONEY'? See us. Quick service Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO . SOS Paxton Block. D:ugss 1411. roi'LTRT AND SUPPLIES Mixed grain, $1.W h'dred. Wagner, 801 N. 1 STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry house They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. PERSONAL THE Salvation Armv Industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect We distribute. Phona Douglaa 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. U10-1U2-1114 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers ai invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian Association building at 17th t. and St. Mary's Ave., where tiiey will be directed to anitabl boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Stulion. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. Dousr. 4146. J. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Board and furnished room by single business man; located near Hhr nan Avenue car line; between Lake and Blimey streets; must be good room, well heated; good breakfast and supper re quired. Address P &Mi, Bee. LIYK STOCK MARKET OF WEST fclilf live stock to South Omaha Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live glk l'mmlaala Mercnanta. MARTIN BROS- 4k CO.. Exchang Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILE High-grade Apperaon. low Mr at racer, 40 h. p.; In fine shape; for other property I can handle or use. Irraonstratlon given to prospective buy era S. C. 1446, Bee. AUTO 20-H. P. Hupp 2-paasenger racer auto; erfect order; $-t& cash. Address Owner, b. C 14Ja, Bee. SWAPPER'S COLUMN Al'TO A good Stanley roadster. In first class condition, for Ssle, or exchang for motorcycle, diamonds, or anything Answer quick, for this car Is going to g Addre. K. C. 16, pee. A STOCK of mililneiy. What Ias ou to trade'' Adilrrss, S. C. 1''4. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobtU bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO What bav von to trade for 2 roadster In the very best condition; has picntv of power; recently overhauled: would consider a good lot; also one high grade plnno, with outside player and roll music. Addrrss S. c. MSB AUTO Want to swap for a late dati fully equipped . touring car. Income brick business property, well rented 1 couth Omaha, on principal buslneas 8t, Sth and J streets, a. C 44. Be. BOOKS For sale or exchange, one set ot. 7 of Andells engineers' books, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Address Y 1H6. Bee. B1C YCLE Coaeter brake blcyclel onh used one year; cost $10. Addrees B.C. 1443, BA B E BURNER LARGEST SIZE RlV eraide basehurner; everything O. K.I also four-hole steel range, with watei back and connections; will ell either et both of these Moves chesp, account ol moving, or trade for anvthing of equal value can use. B. C. 1447. Bee. CAMERA Premo, 6x7, almost new, com plete, with plate holders: tripod. ( supplementary lenxe and carrying casa. Want typewriter. Address H. C. 1460, Rea, CARPENTER work and general repairing done at a low rash price, or for any. thing of value taken in exchange, Ad drcs, S. C. 1467, Hee. CARPENTER WORK-Wfll exchange . . . . . .. v, n ,. n .. iin.iii mi j n o i . - Ing of new house j about 400 yards of w.ork. CARPENTER and contractor wants t swap work for a roll top desk. Address B. C. H61, Pee. DESK A golden oak 60-in eh roll top desR, In good condition. Addresg 8. C. 1441, Bee. FURNITURE Good carpet or chairs foi electric work. Address 8. C. 14o3, Hee. FINE THOROUGHBRED ANGORA CAT and kitten to good home for old-fashioned walnut or mahogany furniture; cheat, bureau, desk, chair or bed. Ad- urens o. I. . Mit4, Mee. FURNITURE for a 4o-room hotel near Omaha. l,ii00. Low rats rent oi the building. What have you to offer! Address B. C. 126S. care Bee $2,000 grocery stock all new goods. Will take in good car and cash for difference. Doing all cash business. Address S. C. 1435. Bee. HOME Have small 6-r., house located it Omaha, where It will always rent Now bringing In $12 per month. Price $1,500; mortgage $!HX); will trade equity for Ford car. 8. C. 1462, Bee. HORSE Want to swap good horse for a Brush one-cylinder auto In good shape. Will give you the best of the deal. B. C. 1451. Bee. HARD coal stove and sanitary davenport. Will trade for piano or chairs in pari payment. Address,-S. C. 1466, Bee. KODAK A new Anaco folding kodak, 2'ixtVi. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment or good bicycle. Address S. C. Hl. MOTORCYCLE TWIN EXCELSIOR,' 1313 model, fully equipped. This ma chine has been run very little snd en amel and engine In A-l shape. Will trad for roadster or runabout of equal value, or make an Interesting price for cash. ct. v.. j Mn. ree. ERniiKIHKP Inr.V .t h.l I offer good, small stock of merchandist (no groceries), cash business, good loca tlon, in Omaha, cheap rent, worth $2,500, sell for $1,250 cash. Might consider small house or equity in bungalow If price Verv FAAHnnnhle A dHp... a f , Bee, Omaha. , MOTORCYCLES Have a nearly new lflil Handera single oyllnder motorcycle; used only tnree months; would consider lot. or what have youT Address B. C. 1032. Bee. M WAT MARKET Will sell jr trade foi property, ilrst-clnss meat market Ad. dresa. "T." Bee office. South Omaha. OFFICE FURNITURE Will . buy aomi good second-hand office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address S. 1 1240. Bee, RACKS Two -feet metal double over- racKs. Aoaress, . c. 14W, Hee. RANGE Have a good 6-hole range, largt size, that I have no use for; will ex change for a amall size healer. Address K. C. iota, care Bee. RADIATOR New stovepipe radiator, to neat an im.l.lr. .-nr. ... CQBt Address B. C. 1462, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trsda or -".p. iionq 4iooi, council ttiurrs, la. STOCK-Wtll trails stock in Omaha cor poration worth $25.00 per share; paid 12 per cent last year; for good auto. Ad dress 8. C. 1436, Bee. BTOCK FOR SALE DON'T JNVEWT blindly; look me up and buy my stock at $25 per. Company doing large busi ness and paid 12 per cunt dividends In Wl. Address 9. C. 1439, Bee. SIGN'S, showcards. Clurk & Bon. D. 187H. $4,000 This well established business, the brick building and lot thereon m th business center of Bouth Omaha. Now paying ( per cent rental on $5,000, also containing over $1,000 of up-to-date ma chinery and all appliances pertaining to th business: nothing to buy. Known as the Globe Clesners, Dyers, Repairing and Pressing. This is a money-making busi ness in full operation wltnout much com petition. Will consider a late data fully equipped auto. If you want to secure- a growing business look this up. 8. C. 1449. Bee. TYPEWRITER Have a first class standard jiiake typewriter, two-color ribbon, etc.. will sell for $30 or trade for anything ot equal value I can use. 8. C. 1459, Bee. WILL trade pedigreed Boston bull for something valued at $-0 or over. Also have a $40 tool chest to trade. 8. C. 1433, Bee. WILL trade sot ot World's Best Music if volumes!, practically new, for second hand typewriter. 8. C. 1444. WOODEN TANK, In good condition; feet 9 Inches high, 1 feet 4 inches in diam eter; hoopa with malleable iron lugs; tank Is taken apart and eaiuy to handle. 8. C 1446. Bee. WAGON Want to swap for, a light oov ered single delivery wagon. 8. C. 1450, Bee. - WATCH Lady's open face watch. 20 year gold-filled case, good timekeeper, to trade for small kodak. What have you. S. C. 145, Bee. ' WANTED Driving iron, cutter, brass!, lofting Iron, caddy bag, for cash, b. C. 1463, Bee. FOR RENT Apartment a and Flata. Rental Service Free . Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in tha city. 'Pbona us for further information. Dougla s M Fidelity Storage & Van Co. BT. GEORGE APARTM ENTI-V-One five room suite, $60; heat, water. Janitor service: located in 'aelact Wect Farnam residential stction. 113 N. 31st Aver W. 1G74. 15 ELEGANT 4-room, flat, modern ex cept heat; -1415 Vinton Red HnS. 6-llOGM modern brick flat. 1023 No. 40th St. 2' years built. 6-7 HOOMB. 1117 N. 16TH. Biggest BNAP In Omaha, hot water heat. Janitor service; $J5 W summer, $32.50 HAfcViNGB HEY DEN, 1614 Harney Bt ST. CLARE APARTMENTS, 23d and Harney Bis.. 1 room apartments. Call H. 647 or D. s-46. OGDEN ANNEX loom, wua kllcti- rltrS COUWl! Rlllff 4-ROOM modern flat 1112 Po. Uth. Gordon Van Co 5? Stores. nt n uth st Phon D. W r H toll. VERY eh uk 4 or (-room, atewut-baated apartment on W. Famam St. ' JOHN W. ROBBIN8. lij FARNAM BT. i-R. St Louis flats, 2111-11 Chicago, $30. CRAWFORD, . 40 W are pik, vt UI jWney MT. V at