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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1914)
5 v- Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable TTIK RKK: OMAHA, TlKNDAY, SKITKMKEU 2J 1JK. Every Dollar , Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 ' Undivided pronts,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE r.lERCElAriTS NATIONAL BANK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier 3. H. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier NOTE: Votes will not be Allowed for other than bona fide new aavlnct account a. Kull number of votes will ba allowed up to elity day a before, close of couteet when a, limit of 10.000 will ba placed on aach new account. J N0TICF TO CONTESTANTS Het Tuesday wa will pnbLah tba standing of all ooateatanta who have turned la their nomination conpons or rash ohaoka for Totea la thla cob teat. Oet your receipts la by Satur day OTtnlng- ao that your standine wui appear In the Hat. thus UtMaa your friend know that yon are ooni pet In- for a trip to tba Panama ex-poaltloa. Contestants' Standing MO. IT'S SATISFACTION f UAHf and you can-get it by trading with us. "We always try to please our patrons. See us about your S Uiwm FKTIBEg' Look over our ;"stock of' electrical appliances. Get ae- '; ' . -. v . ' , k . . quainted with, our.prompt service." : Varna Tay at. Watta Buth A. Finney Charlea Ball Mra. Emma Perry . . . . Wllks Ward SJrlrta Balms O. A Jtyetrom Hobert Lewis Lowmil, Arthur Wllbeck Mary t. Aberly Daniel A. Laarfeld .. an Btalaoerff. Jioeweu rotta Mra. B. 8. Smith Clyde J. lather . . Boa Sohalek Fred Xora . Orace B. Baker. Beatrloe, Beb Herbert O. Walla W. J. mcettlea Chris Blmonaon, TTtlce, Bab.. Julian Harris Harry J. Beyeraon Minn A W ..... ..4 Herbert O. Iundon una B. Blvera .... Jennie B. Wash aura . Charlea O. Tkoinas... Myrtle O. Xarrlioa . Mra. James Mortlmore Henrietta Swenaen Mra. Bobert T. Jonea Jamea I.. Kulakofsky Myroa DePvreat T. O. Thnmti.nn Mra. Georre X. rVart of Totea, ..3,74 1.081 . .3,389, 3 , .3,081, BUS , .1,065,078 , . 3BS710 ,. 341,100 . 177,411 . . laa.uei 04,088 . 84.141 0. 640 7,811 4,7ia 3.368 1.038 1. aso . . 1.707 1,000 1,000 . 1,000 1,00 . l-ooo 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Mra. oeorre X. Brarta Xoniaa raaninrbers 1,000 Paul Burton 1,000 THEf LE'CfDIG' SEME9 WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. ; TYLER 1411 ' 'I "We are as hear to you as your telephone 1810 FARNAM ST. i Banrv W ninv Mra. zaillan Lowden smnei z.' Book .. John Flicker .... Jnle Waohetela ... Harry Xrney Mra. X. Beverldara Mra. Pinna Circle William Wlnquest Oretohen Xdrar . . wames O. Wisely . Wayne Biloy K. W. BMksf Mra. Jennie Martin Lillian Srickson. Kearney, Bob. John Oeplecha, Harwell. Bob.. Mra. Battle Oibura Cbarlea Bannlfaa Bobert W. Mulua Boele Keaaler Basel Mlchelaon, Pt Crook Otto SawaJd 1.000 1,000 1.0O0 1,000 1,000 1,000 l,"oo 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Very Popular Design Rock Crystal Cut Glass. v Water Set 7:5 Consists of 3 Pint Pitcher, 6 Tumblers, 1 Mirror Plateau. v See these sets in the Annex. . JIT7KES1GN0F rue CROWN BPJTtt G0UM fTAJRS How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana . ma Exposition Rnlra of Cnateat. 1 The Bee ofiera and will award three round-trip tlcketa and expense to the Panama Exposition, "the total cost of eijch trip to ba $200. as prises to the threa con teatanta harlnc the oeatest number of points at tba close of the contest. (--This contest open to everybody ex cept employes of advertiser on thla pare and of Tb Bee. The contest pare will be published one day each week and will run for perioj of one year. 4 Points will be f lfured on the, basis of one point for each 1 cent shown on cash 1 checks or receipts for - purchases made from advertisers on this pace. e Cash checks must be deposited At or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" The Bee not later than thirty days from date of payment of same and receipts will be Issued for them. Contest to close November 7, 1914. AU rash tickets and receipts must be turned Into The Bee office n t later than p. m. on closing- day of contest, or it mailed, must be postmarked not later than thai hour. I 1 FAIR CONSTRUCTION IS ! PROGRESSING RAPIDLY The beautiful pavilions of Sweden, Bolivia, the Philippine Islands and Cuba 'l the Panama exposition are from 80 to 90 per cent completed. Those of Hon duras and Canada the latter a huge structure. to bo filled wholly with dis plays from Canada and moving picture halls are finished. The German Kail Syndicate building, constructed' in part by the Gorman government. Is more than half finished, as is the Holland pavilion, which is set In a large garden. The huge Chinese building, as well as the two mosque-like buildings of the Ottoman Empire, are nearly half completed. The three government buildings of Japan, to be bet in a four-acre garden, are being built In Japan, to be sent '"knocked down" and erected be tween the palaces of Cyha, Denmark and France, one of them being an ancient temple. Auxtra'la and New Zealand are rimhlng tlielr building, which are over 25 per cent completed. The Chilean anil Peruvian bulMlngs will flsnk that of New Zealand, while Italy, Itrstll and Argen tina surround Turkey on thrve sides. Warring Countries " Are After Additional Space at Big Fair Within ten days after the war broke out Holland had Increased Its appropria tion for the Panama-Pacific exposition from JlOrt.OOD to 1400.000 and ordered that construction be ruahed upon the great Netherlands pavilion. Immediately adjoin ing the Palace of Fine Arts. The Persian dhiplny haa been assem bled at Teheran and Is ready for ship ment. Spain, which had not decided to participate officially before the war, has since voted an Initial fund of 1100,000 for participation. Kngland, Germany and A nutria v ill be represented by Individual exhibitors or hj associations of exhibitors. Norway Is proceeding actively with its plana, and Denmark broke ground for Its pavilion the first week lit Poptember. Argentina Republic, In view of the new trade align ments between the American continents, has Increased its appropriation from tl.J5O.0O9 to fl.7ri0.000; Italy has ordered construction rushed upon Its great pa vilion. Since the war broke out Impor tant publications In France have written the exposition for illustrations and data. The yrand Duchy of Luxemburg despite the war has prepared and shipped a mar velous exhibit of unnamed roses to com pete for the fl.000 prise for the Panama Pacific International exposition rose. The Netherlands for Its great government horticultural exhibit haa asked for and has been granted 62,000 square feet of space, and the plants are being assem bled In seven different cttles In Holland under the supervision of government ex perts. Japan haa asked for 8,000 addi tional square feet of exhibit space for Its horticultural exhibit, making alto gether In the competitive horticultural exhibit a total of 12,000 square feet. This Is In addition to a four-acre garden. Japan will be represented upon a vast scale In all the exhibit palaces. Cuba has asked for additional space and Is making elaborate arrangements for Its 0.000 display. BIG DISPLAY FROM SOUTH AMERICA AND THE ORIENT Since thai war broke out there kas been a very sharp Increase In the demand for exhibit space at the San Francisco Ex position from the manufacturers of the United States, South America and the European nations not at war. While there Is now no doubt that many European nations will be represented at the exposition,. It Is apparent that In ad dition there will be an unprecedented rep resentation from South America and the Orient, as well as from Central America, lea. The exposition has become very import ant In an extraordinary economic situa tion. Manufacturers and exhibitors from South 'America and the Orient are pre paring for a liberal representation. Co chin China, Indo China and Plain, the Philllplnes and many of the states of India and South Africa are beginning their preparations. In regard to attendance, traffic man agers are of the opinion that the Euro pean war is likely to increase travel to California In 191G rather than to reduce it. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. War Will Not Halt Work on Big Fair at San Francisco Early In August In response to Inquiries from all parts of the globe the manage ment of the Panama-Paclflolntematlonal exposition announced that the exposition would not bo postponed. Thn development of events since that time, in their rela tion to the exposition, all tends to eon firm the wisdom of tbat original decision. When the decision was made no word had been received from any European nation as to what effect the European war would have upon Its plans. In 4hn last six weeks, however. It has become evident that many European nations will be rep resented at Pan Francisco. Bo rapid has been the progress In the construction of the city of foreign gov. crnment pavilions and palaces to the weat and south of the Palace of Fine Arts dur ing the first six weeks of the European war that each of them appears to be mak ing an extra effort to surpass Its neigh bors. Of the forty foreign governments which have committed themselves to par ticipate, not one haa withdrawn. On the contrary, many have applied for more exhibit space and some have greatly In creased their appropriations. Spain. France, Italy, Holland, Japan, China, Sweden and other nattona In the War Bone have officially notified the exposition that they will proceed with their buildings or exhibits despite the war. YOUNG WOMEN'S BUILDING AT FAIR NOW UNDER WAY Oround has been broken for the Young Women's Christian association building on the grounds of the Panama-Pacific International exposition. Prominent men and women workers from all parts of the country had a part In the services. The site Is one of the most attractive and desirable on the exposition grounds, In side the floral wall and to the left of the main entrance at Scott street, with an outlook to the west on the great Palace of Horticulture, to the east Festival hall, the beautiful South Oardena bordering It on the north. lecture and assembly halls, rest rooms, quick lunch, dining, and ban quet rooms, and motion picture theaters a here films showing association work all over the world are for free use of members, and their friends. The 028,000 members have all . been Invited. i Bee readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities In the "want ad" columns. They're worth while reading. EUROPEANBUILDINGS AT FAIR WAIT END OF WAR Harry . Snyder, chief clerk to General Manager Walters of the Northwestern, Is homo from the Pacific coast. Relative to the western fruit crop, Mr. Snyder asserts that the yield of citrus fruit is going to exceed that of most former years, and that the quality gives promise of being perfect. While In San Francisco Mr. Snyder vis ited the exposition grounds and ascer tained that finishing of the buildings la progreslng rapidly, However, the build ings (hat were to have been erected by the countries of Europe now engaged In war are at a standstill. Work on them had been commenced, and some were pretty well along toward completion. Now work has ceased and the general opinion is that nothing more will be one upon them unless the war should sud denly end. ' . FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor' of the Bee and you will receive 1000 votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. ' Name v. 4 The Oldest Personally Conducted Piano House la the Writ . Sta. .a. llirK Vaat .ui -utu a - ci a a s BODflO AHD PAYER PI AHOS S he served three generations of Piano buyers In t Nebraska tuid lout... Vou co depend on, the Piano that roiue from Hotpe's, j- X- llumlli, HI i VBi-iilM nt IMaiins.. CrSnila. gMHk ull. S Upright, $jrso up. (Terms). Kimball, $U!5 up, iTermaj. Bush W Lane, $3.10 up, (Terms), -S' IlrauilMkfh (Jrands Built feince 1823.. gf.VJ up. (Term 3 Kranich & Hath, $150 up. (Terms). Cable-Nelson, 2M It (Terms). tV 3 " " ' NO ' KXTKA CHARGES! ' VOl' PAY FOK NOTHIXd KI'T THK PIANO. . j 1 a USED INSTRUMENTS J We now-have, a - nice line of factory- rebuilt Pianos. Ituy one now and get full It credit on new Piano at any time within one year. $75 to $300 Including nearly all the famou make. Come In moid aee them.'. . 73 to select from, hpecial . terms. . . , ' Address ; - "'ipftL' ' 'I'm, ji auw.';.Mvtiitt .'.''.''rig."' "jwvy.i7 "Jetfcl&l i ' THE GREAT LIGHT P i.-ilfeLrki '-Fit, V mmfl BRIGHTEST M S EEri MOST CONVENIENT kj4 DH). V SPECIAL! To Out-of-Town Bayers We will rilnl. railroad fare to pnrehaaera of plaaoa a a ring the aext t h t e e weeks. Be auxe to acme to Xuepe'e, r.-i li ?- . 4, UllalSlIP' S IsBaiTfr Mr, Storekeeper: Electricity, THE GREAT' LIGHT, is the MOST CONVENIENT LIGHT. No matches or complicated lighting contri vances just turn a switch and your store is flooded with pure white light. Let us demonstrate. WIRE YOUR STORE NOW PA Y IN TWELVE MONTHS. Our special offer Enables you and your business to enjoy electricity at little cost and on monthly payments. Phone or write us about it. , Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. OMAHA itself is going to dress up for "Ak-Sar-Ben" , -so why don't YOU? No matter whether you ARE DESPERATELY CARELESS during; the rest of the year, let It be Bald that you appear RIGHTLY during "AK-8A R-DEN." Time's short! Let us clean your clothes. Lt us dye your clothes. Let us get your swell gown and dress suits in crisp and sparkling shape. Let us clean your gloves. Let us dye your trimmings to match your dress. Let us dye your slippers to match m too. Let us clean and remodel your hat. Let us be your hand maiden and your valet all rolled Into one. Phone Tyler 34 6 (that's our private exchange num ber) and say: "Preshers, I am going to try you 'out this one time, anyway. Send your man to my house and I will give him my entire wardrobe to get . In shape for Ak-8nr-nen. I feel as though I ought to ' assume the Omaha spirit THEN at least." Detter hurry. They're ALL crowding us NOW! Dresher Bros. Dry CleanersDyers 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha. rr Uashin Yes, we are equipped to do your FAMILY WASH ING just as well as your REGULAR LAUNDRY. Let us call for your next week's washing and SHOW YOU how nicely we can do it relieve you of the bother and worry of wash day at home and save you money besides. ' Tmm "WAsmroKB- or txi boxs BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 919. DRUG STORE WANTS Are Always Lower Priced at THE "flEKALL DRUG STORES" Some Every-Day Prices on Proprietary Medicines. II Borden's Malted Milk Me II Plnkhani's Compound 6o 11.25 Pepto-Mangan (dude) ... .890 1 Llsterlne, for Sfle 60c Doan's Kidney Pills for 34o 1 R. B. 8.. for '. ,8o Sue Castorla (genuine), for 81 2Kc laxative Hromo-Qulnlne. . . .14o I6c Mentholatum, for 14e 2Go Carter's Little Uver Fills... lSo 60c Pape'a Dlapepsln, for BSo fl Hmlth's Green Mountain Reno vator Mo .Ftearn's Menthol and Butter Couich Drops, t boxes for Be Z aerie Brand Ooadsnsed atllk, ear earn 18o 'JM Deeply Out Prices on Toilet Goods. Pilmoliye Sosp, Cakt 6c 60c Hind's Honey and 'Almond Cream, for ....Ste BOo Meloroee Cream, for , .See 2oa Woodbury's facial soap . ...14o 60c Pe-Be-Co Tooth 26c lfoublg-anfa Hlce powder. .. .14e 76c Violet Louleette powder ... .4o tl Imp. Jlcky perfume, os esa 60c bensoln and Almond Cream, for . 34 1-lh, can Tr. Arbutus Talcum. 14a 397 rage War AUaa, Tn ror esdar I ...aae I DIG RUDDER GOODS GALE Good 2-o.uart water bag ft4o Warranted liubtier Ulovea, for household use, for 80 2-qt. Kountaln Hyrlnse, rapid flow, full srt fltilnrn, for 89e We seU 1,000 itema la the inbber CHmmJs llaa. Sxperleueed aalesladtee la the department. 3fto Oeauine Frophjlaotio Tooth Bruahea, ta yellow box. we tell le SlIERHAd & McCOIiHELL DRUG 60. Corner lath and Dodge Streets. Owl Drug Co 18th and Harnsy. Barrard Vharmaey, 84th and T arm am Loyal rharmacy, 807-8 Borth 1U. Efficient Employes An advertisement under The Bee's "Help Wanted" heading commands the at tention of the most desirable workers in Omaha. Every employer is up against the' problem of securing intelligent and efficient employes, but a few moments thought given to writing the right kind of a "Help Wanted" advertisement will bo a big step toward solving the problem. The nature of employment offered, condi tions surrounding the position, the oppor tunities, etc, should be stated. An em ployer will find that a response to an ad that is really informative will be from a worker who means business. TtUphont TyUr J 000 THE OMAHA BEE o4eXy AeeW - Wt Ada ( 1513 DOUGLAS ST., yOMAHA.. km