Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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In the New Autumn Velvets
The reign of velvet has begun Vel
vet everywhere in Suits, gowns and coats,
made either entirely of velvets. or velvet
in combination with other fabrics. Milli
nery, inclines strongly toward the use of
velvets and touches of velvet appears on
many Autumn blouses.
Out of 75 shades it's hardly possible
not to find a match.
Colored Silk Velvets $1.25 to $5.00 a yard.
Black Silk Velvets $1.00 to $5.00 a yard.
Special 20-inch Black Collar Velvet $3.50 a
yard. Corduroys 75c to $1.25 a yard. ,
. , .. We are selling agents for
Wayne Knit Hosiery
in cotton, lisle and silk. One
of the best wearing American
knit hose. Stocks Complete.
(Continued from Page One.)
Their looses were heavy, mainly from
.artillery fire, which broke the attempt to
mova upon Drushkenlk."
flenaaaa Retreat.
FKTROORAD, Pept. tt.-The following
Official communication has been received
from the staff of Grand Duke Nicholas,
commander-in-chief of the Ruialan forcea
In the field:
"An encasement near Bopotakln, on the
Kleman, river in Russian Poland, and
pruaeniki. came to an end with the re
treat "of the Germane.
"The enemy haa Approached Oaaowett
from the north and has begun the bom
bardment of the fortreaa.
In Gelid w have occupied Dem
bica, on the railroad sixty-five miles east
oC .Cracow ' and between Raesaow and
, 'A numerous column. of the enemy Is
retreating: from Prsemysl in the direction
of Sanok, thirty-eight miles southwest of
Jaroslau. In their flight they abandoned
artillery and automobile transport.
"At Coloujok we defeated a detach
ment or tne enemy and captured many
prisoners. Continuing the pursuit, we
entered Hungary." ;
Servians AaTSset la DMalt.
PARIS, Sept. M. (1:06 a. m.)-A dispatch
from NLsh to the llavas agency dated
&erunber J? says: w
"The Servian troops advancing in Bos
nla have occupied Roumanla mountain,
near Sarajevo. , '
"The Servian troops from Belgrade
drov Uia enemy, from Ada Tslgnlla and
from Ada Mala, inflicting heavy losses.
The Austrtans. are, redoubling their, ef
forts tpore o the north, to cross the Bave
and Uie Danube. The last attempt to pass
Into Bervla. near . Belgrade cost them some
hundreds of dead.' among them a number
f officer, ' ,
"Otherwise there Is practically no change
In the situation on. the various fronts." .
Oaty Grfe.'BROMO qUININE. '
tTo get tho genuine, call for full name,
(or slgnsture of B. W. QROVtt. Cures
a Cold In One Day. So.
Two boats quite near the one' on which
Cart Wall of Omaha crossed the North
sea. were sunk by mines with heavy loss
of life, the night that he went from Den
mark W England. The Walls have Just
reached here. Mr. Wall, who Is foreman
for the Itaarmann Vinegar oompary,
went to Sweden with his wife and sister,
but their plana were spoiled by the war.
although they were at no time in danger.
Eat Less and Take
. Salts for Kidneys
Take a glass of Salts If your
isacx hurts or Blad
der bothers.
( The American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trouble.
uevmuse a rai too mucn ana all .our
food Is rich. Our Hood Is filled with urlo
acid' which the kidneys strive to filter
Out, they weaken from overwork, become
sluggtiih; the ellmlnatlve tissues clog
and the result is kidney trouble, bladder
Weakness and a general decline In health
When your kidneys feel like lumps of
lead; your back hurts or the urine Is
rloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to sek relief two or three times
Curing the night; If you suffer with sick
headache or dlisy, nervous spells, acid
stomach, or. you have rheumatism when
the weather Is bad, get from your phar
macist about four ounces of J ad Baits;
take. a, tableapoonful in a gloss' of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
Tills famous salts is made from the acid
ef grapea and lemon Juice, combined
with lltbla, and boa been ueed (or genera
tions to flush and stimulate clogged kid
neys; to neutralise the acids in the urine
so it no Jontjer is a source of Irritation,
thus ending bladder disorders. '
, .tad Salts is Inei pensive; cannot ln
Jjrr, makes a delightful effervescent
llUila-aster beverage, and belongs In
fvrry lionpe, because nobody cog make
a mUtske by having a good kidney flush
ing any tliie. Advertisement.
(Continued From Page One.)
tlon of Asscbe, sis miles northwest of
The correspondent says a Zeppelin air
ship yesterday flew over Ghent and the
Aetleaa Beas Geaeral.
PER LIN, Sept. . (Via London.)
The correspondent of the Local An-
selger, In a dispatch published here today,
points out that a decisive turn in the
battle ' which has been raging In the
Woetern theater of war need not be ex
pected for some time. Sugordlnate ac
tlons are geoomlng general,, the oorre
spondent decalres. The losses of the Ger
mans have , been extraordinarily heavy
and the fact tha those of the enemy have
been even greater Is poor oonaoloilon
The troops are confident that Jn the end
they will win the action.
A long column ofKrench prtsonres of
war arrived during the week from the
direction -of Rhelms. Last Monday the
correspondent met a -eoJumn -f -about
1,000, men whose facet 'stowed that they
were glad to have at' last esraped the
turmoil and terrors of this) greatest of
modern battlefields.
' ' (Continued from ' Page One.)
the military experts here cannot sea
now what resource the Germans can
call on to retrieve their fortune.
''The Matin expresses the opinion that
the new troops the allies found fronting
them in the left were not from the Ger
man left, but were part of the forces de
tached after Chapleron and sent to East
Prussia, but now brought back' id haste.
Critical Polat.
The general oplaloti Is that the battle
has reached the most critical m well as
the most violent phase, and that the issue
cannot be delayed much longer.
The losses of the last few days on. both
sides are said to exceed all other en
gagement of the war. Stortee have
reached here from Belgium that the Ger
mans, unable to bury their dead on the
field, have shipped them behind the army
by tralnload In order to avoid epidemics.
Arsalee Claee ts Kara Other..
LONDON, Bepf 21 Telegraphing from
Rordeaus under date of Sunday the
Times correspondent says:
"The rival armies are now close to
esch other. A few hundred yard sep
arated the trenches yesterday. Every
where the German fury was unavailing
and the close of the day found the allies'
left reaching up still, further north.
"The battle has become to some ex
tent a race between this movement on
the left and the enemy's offensive against
the center and the right ' The failure
of the enemy to shake off the tightening
grip of the allies on the Olss and north
of Homme was accompanied yesterday by
a renewed attempt to smash the center.
Here was massed the flower ef the army
the Prussian guard, whlck distinguished
itself from the outset of the campalga
by lu ability to give and take hard
"Further to the right the Oerman of
fensive at first met with some success.
The attack was launched in the morn
ing through the hilly, wooded country
between the road from the Homme to
Chalona and the railway from St. Menn
hould to Vouslers. At the end of the day
the French recovered the lost ground."
(Continued from Page One.)
man was bleeding from a wound near
the right temple.
a zj cauoer automatio pistol was
clutched In her hand. Miss Graham said.
Had Ur Dim .
Mrs. Hlcklns was expensively dressed
and bad several thousand dollars' worth
of diamonds on her fingers.
Besides ber husband, a former employe
of the Union Pacific, she bad but one
son, Howard J., employed as a clerk In
the Cora Exchange National bank.
Hanson Is married and his wife, who
Is at present lu Minneapolis, la on her
ay to Omaha.
Mrs. William Proebstruig, ill South
Forty-fourth avenue, sister of Hanson.
said the Utter disappesred last 'May and
has not been heard front slicw. He left
arrow shows point of fiercest fighting in center, where German officials say the allies were driven out of Varennes.
On extreme left allies have taken Peronne, extending the "shepherd's crook" a little closer around General von
Kluck's German army. Germany's heaviest siege 'guns are now concentrated upon Verdun fortress, the key to the
allies right wing and controlling the gateway to Germany.
J ) cry TtjL. n urv
la. 1 . a. ova evara. iie IW -l S I
It Nfinvrtv ijitivriM y sumkui r i""' iuui
o to so o 40 SO I . . ' . - .. Ss '
his wife and a young daughter, whose
first news of Hanson was received yester
day. Howard Hick Ins, aon of the woman
supposed to hove done the shooting, told
reporters thst 1m has not seen his mother
In five months. He rooms with his father
at the Young Men's Christian association.
"I heard she was in town last night,"
he said, "but I did not want to see her."
The I,oyal hotel register contains the
names of Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge V. Hlcklns,
Omaha. The taxlcab driver said he
picked the woman up there at about 10
Had Reea la ftoath America.
Information received by Coroner Crosby
la that Hanson for the last year has been
In South America and returned to Omaha
only a short time ago. He was bordering
on a state of nervous collapse, It was
said, and he went Immediately to the
hospital for rest. He had few visitors,
except his father, who came here from
Tlldcn, and he spent his time writing let
er or playing the piano. '
Late yesterday afternoon Mrs. Hlcklns
was still alive and occasionally would re
gain consciousness for a few moments.
She was too weak to talk to hospital at
taches said.
'Continued from Page One.)
in poaltion gained and a tremendoua quan
tity of ammunition had been exploded.
Retreat la Nlsrat.
"Then on the birth of the sixth and
seventh came the mysterious Oerman re
treat Various theories were advanced to
explain' It: First, there may have been 4
sortie from Verdun; such an operation
while the main force was heavily engaged
would bring baveo to any army. Second,
the army transport service may have
broken down. This, after the enormous
expenditure of ammunition might have
compelled the crown prince's army to fall
back or be captt red.
"Of course, the fighting on this wing
continued for several days, but the Oer
man were only trying to save what was
left of the badly crippled army from
complete destruction.
"With the crown prince retreating there
was nothing left for Ueneral von Kluck's
and General von Buelow's armies but to
execute the same maneuver. This brought
about the battle of the Oiae, and alt sub
sequent fighting, end the rumor persists
that the crown prince was wounded.
Whether that is so or not. his army al
most disappeared from the theater of op
(Continued from Page One.)
there had been shots fired out of a cer
tain building always Is offered. Estates
belonging to nobility aa a rule escape de
struction. In the first place It is the
general belief that within these estates
rich booty Is to be had and also that
they can serve as quarters for the offi
cers. Thus the saving of my own dwell
ing Is explained. But why they should
want to burn our herd of cattle, when
It could serve them as food,- la a riddle.
"A termer's wife, whose husband Is In
the field and whose dwellings were located
close to the Russian frontier, tells me the
" 'Shortly after mobilisation a number
of Cossacks appeared In our yard and
Immediately set fire to a barn. I gath
ered all my courage and commanded them
In Russian Immediately to extinguish the
fire; that then they might report to me
In the kitchen and they would be treated
to a cup of coffee. This seemed to im
press them. They put out the fire, drsnk
their coffee and left with profuse thanks.
But when a neighbor of mine tried the
same ruse he was promptly shot down.' "
Miss Ida Pearl Headley of Waterloo,
Neb, and Mr. Roy Henry Hester of
Nevada, Mo., were married by Rev.
Charles W. Bavldgt at his study Monday
morning. They were accompanied by the
bride's father. Mr. William A. Headley
of Waterloo, Neb.
I'Hagg-a AULIES I i
A Urals or Cat
Is rendered antiseptic by Bucklen'a Ar
nica Salve, a sure remedy for sores,
bruises, piles, ecsema. 36c AU druggist.
m m . i,nr , ,r V S S S S S S S S SL i m ' ' ' - ' . r- SIS S SS J
Disguised German
Ship Tries to Mine
Harbor at Guernsey
NEW YORK, dept. 2ft.-An unsuccessful
attempt to mine the harbor at Guernsey,
England, said to have been made by a
dlsgulaed Oerman cruiser, which had on
board 1.000 Oerman marines and enough
explosives to Mow up a dosen warships,
was reported today by Miss Margaret
Daniels, a . missionary of the Baptist
foreign missionary society, on her arrival
aboard the French liner Espagne from
.Havre. , -
The vessel, according to Miss Daniels
was disguised as a Dutch merchantman.
The Dutch flag at the topmast aroused
the suspicion , of . the British authorities,
who had made arrangements with the
(Dutch that all their vessels entering
English ports- should fly the Dutch flag
at half mast, The ship was accordingly
surrounded by torpedo boats and a search
revealed 1.0CO Oerman marines hidden
below decks. The marines were arrested
and sent to a detention camp.
Ignaalo da La Barra, brother of the
former provisional- president of Mexico,
was among the Eepagne's 306 passengers,
lie came from Monte Carlo. Gambling
paraphernalia there, he said, had been
replaced with hospital beds and operat
ing tables. .
Atlaatle Maa Graateel Pateat.
ATLANTIC, la.. Bepu . (Bpeclal.)
8am Ooss, son of J. 8. Goes, has Just been
notified that his application tor a patent
on a package carrier has been allowed
by the United States ' patent office. Mr.
Ooss has devised a collapsible package or
bundle carrier to be attached to automo
biles or other vehicles without . the use
of any special tools.
i De.aartaieat Orders.
WASHINGTON. Sept 2.-Speclal Tel
egram ) Poslofflcee at Bailey and Rice.
Neb., will become domestio money order
offices on October 1.
Postmasters appointed:
Iowa California, Harrison county, El
mer Knilth. vice u. M. Mltcneil. rewignea;
Pulaski. Davis county. oJe O. Mtlllsant
vice W. W. White; Thorpe, Delaware I
county, DeWltt, T. Wonielghton, new of- I
f ice. "
South Dakota El rod. Clark county.
Mary J. Maltby. vice J. A. Malt by; Fair-
view, Lincoln county, Albert G. Stein- .
feldt. vice M. W. Uoble: Jordan. Tripp
county. Henry L. Antea, vice A. N. Ream;
Kidder, Marshall county, ertnr js. nanon.
vice John Haveny; uoyaiton, Kumunas
county. Anna C. Voss, vice Hlrerae
wolfe. Postmasters reappointed:
Robert M. Loyadel, Ladora, Iowa
county, la., and A. W. Wright, Haven,
Potter county. B. IK
Postofflce at Huseboe, Carson county.
8. !., has been discontinued; mall to
n& l&v Baby
is World's Vcnder
Every tiny Infant makes life' per
peotlve wider and brighter. And what
ever there la to enhance Its arrival and
to ease and oomfort the expectant mother
should be given attention. Among the
real helpful things la ar. emteriuu ' ab- (
domtnal application known as "Mother's
Friend." There Is scarcely a community
but what haa Its. enthusiastic admirer of
this splendid embrocation. It la so well
thought of by women wbt know that aaast
drug stores throughout the United Btatea
carry "Mother's Friend" as one of their
staple and reUab.e remedies. It la applied
to the abdominal muscles to relieve the
train on ligament and tendons.
Those who have used R refer te the
ease and oomfort experienced during the
period of expectancy: taey particularly
refer to the absence of nausea, often so I
prevalent as a result of the natural
expansion. la a little book are described
snore fully the many reasons why I
Mother's FtWnd" has' been a friend .
Indeed to women with timely hlats. sue
gvetlona and brlits for reHe refereur. It
tieuld be la sll komea. 'Mother's Friend'
easy be bad of ahaoat any druggist, but If
you fail to Bod It write u direct sad alto
wte for book to Pradneld kegulatar Co
sV4 Lamar btdg Aouia, Ca,
Foreign Exchange
Market Demoralized
NEW YORK. Sept 2S.-The foreign ex
chsngo market was demoralized today by
a further material advance in cables and
demsnd bills on London, which quoted
at 15.02 and $T.01 respectively. These quo
tations represent an advance of 2 cents
a pound sterling compared with last Sat
Golds, Headache, Sour Stomach?
Regulate Your Bowels 10 Cents
You men and women who - get a
cold easily who have headache, coated
tongue, foul tastevand foul breath, dizzi
ness, can't sleep, are nervous and upset,
bothered with a sick, gassy stomach.
. Are you keeping your bowels' clean
with Cascarets or merely dosing your
self every few days with salts, pills, cas
tor oil and other harsh irritants' Cas
carets Immediately cleanse and sweeten
ALSO 23 Sx 00
A Little Sun
for a Little Cost
Big Bargains in the most Artistic
Gas Domes, Portabtes and Showers
(Combination and Gas,)
Showers, $9,00 and Up.
Domes, $10,00 and Up,
Portables, $5, 00 and Up,
Make Your Selection While They Last
1509 Howard Street
jtikfor JMa
He Food Drink (or
Y. t ftUNtVILLt
urday's rates and . efface much of the
ground recovered in the last two weeks.
The advance was explained in part by
the existence of a large speculative short
Interest which based Its hopes on large
shipments of grain and cotton.
Tho proposed 1100,000,000 gold pool also
had been expected to effect a reduction
of rates, but delay in the completion -of
this plan has worked to the disadvantage
of the short interests.
Bee Want Ads Prour Results.
the stomach, remove the sour undigested I
and fermenting food and foul gases; take I
the excess bile from the liver and carry
off the ' constipated waste matter and
poison from, the bowels
A Cascaret '.tonight straightens yeu
out by morning- 10-cent .box keeps
your head cleor,tstomach sWeetv liver and
bowels regular and yoti 'feet bully fer
months. Don't forget the children.' .
MXV Vfii
U Axci- OtLcn are ImitatiaM
Cotton Men Plan to
Curtail Next Crop
J WASHINGTON, Sept. if. Curtailment
of the cotton crop next year because of
tho amount of tho 1D14 crop remaining
In hand becnuee of the closing if the
European markets by the war was dlo
cussed here todsy by governors and con
frres.Monal delegations of cotton growing
states. -Committees were selected to de
vise a plan. .. .
Attorney General Gregory today began
an Investlgat'on of complaints that
i tumiHainii mat a.
ution of the PhermsrJ
fhe 'price ef rv.tton-j
combination in vlolatic
law has depressed
erea. ccoraing to reports Drought to
the department seed dealers are now pay
ing about one-half thfj prce ' paid for
cottonneed In former years.
Have Dark Hair
and Look Young
Don't stay gray! Nobody can
' tell when you darken gray,
faded hair with Sage
Tea and Sulphur.
Grandmother kept hpf hair beautifully
darkened, glossy and abundant with a
brew of Page Tea and Sulphur. When
ever her hair fell out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with wonder
ful effect. By asking at any drug store
for "Wyeth's Page and Sulphur Com
pound",'" you will get a large bottle of
this old-time recipe, ready to -use, for 1
about BO cents. This simple mixture can
be depended upon to restore natural colof 1
and beauty to the hair and is splendid
for dandruff, dry, Itchy scalp and falling
A well-known downtown ' druggist says
everbo8y uses Wyeth's Sage and Sul
' phur, because It darkens so naturally and
evenly that nobody oan tell It has been'
applied it's so easy, to use, too. You
simply dampen a comp or soft brush and
u-w.. iu.ii.igi, juur iiHir, iBKins DM
strand at a time. By morning the gray
hair disappears; after another application'
or two, it is restored to its natural color
and looks glossy, soft and abundant.
For King Ak-Sar-Ben's
For the twentieth year
we announce our readi
ness to gupply the ladles
ofv AkrT5r-3e?'" ralm
with fitting" footwear for
the Coronation , Ball.
Dainty Slippers in ev
ery shade to match your
gown. ' We now have
ready for you the largest
display of Dress and
Party Slippers west of
Chicago. Any size in any
style or any shade;
$2.50 to $7
Parcel Post Paid
1419 Farnara
V..' $' ih .!! I
4 am M i
BRANDEIS Dally Mats., l&o-aSo
tn MBA WOIT," By Jack fcoadoa.
T stoats anpere snuuu ureaesira.
CPFfTT AT. Wednesday rf, Sept. SO.
V'Ui.A . . ,r Special Keee4.
BeUbarVQrossmaa Yiddish riayers
rresent "KBlgTalUs BOM ATA."
Two sTlgUta, Oct. S-3. Matinee Saturday,
ta BUa Oreatest Bnooeaa,'
"DisRAELi" jarawtgis
tStri and Harnay
Today and Tomorrow, the Photo-play
Extravaganxa, with Violet Mao. Ml lion. In
Starts at 10:00. 11:15. 13:30. 1:45. 1:00,, :30, .5. t:00. :lf.
Thursday, Friday aad Saturday, Mary
snakier la "Book a Uttle Qaeea."
Beautiful Princess keroff
! J U.DUVI A Kin riDIC Musical
ana iiau wuiw uiui Burieae
lo Stevens. Helen Jessie Moore, Prank
liarcourt. Ward A Bo hi man. Nelll
LrfM-kood sn.i BIO BEAUTY CkOra,
Other aU Ikts
Bur A Keltem. rUr
Venll. . AltWf Kwia, SI fley SIMnk kerne
yore, Oreliew True! weeair.
FtIm: Vatteee Gallery, ie; Seat eMte feiop
OMereey sag kaaaer) iec Jilaale leao tei 7k.
Ill' -