Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1914, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Ak-Sar-Ben Festival
Omtkt, Sept. 30 to Oot. 10.
Electrical Farad. October 7.
fraternity Parade. Ootobr 8.
Coronation BaU. October 9.
VOL. XMV-Xo. hi.
omaiia. i;i.Y ioi:xiN(i. skitkmukk m. inn- sixti:f.x packs.
On Train and at
Hot' I Haws Stands, 6a
Dispatch from Copenhagen Says !
Great Battle is Raging in j
East Prussia. j
Czar's Troops Are Within One March !
of Tarnow, Which Commands j
Railroad to Vienna.
Grand Duke Nicholas Reports Cap-;
ture of Several Fortified Towns
South of Jaroslau. j
Fight at Sadovia One of Most Im- i
portant of War. j
Thousands of Husslnn Killed hy
Machine (inn Fire Daring- Re
peated t'hargre Aeros
Open Plain.
LONDON, Sept. 2 5. Copenhagen
reports a great battle in East Prus
sia, the dispatches declaring also
that a Russian army Is marching on
Petrograd reports that Russian
troops in pursuit of the Austrlans
are now within one march of the
river Vlsula and the city of Tarnow,
which is only two marches from t'ra
row and Connected by rail with
Huda-Pest and Vienna.
Dispatches from Nlsh, Servta, re
port a continuous advance Into Bos
nia, saying that all efforts of the
Austrlans to cross the river Danube
have been checked after furious
Aualrlau Artillery Taken.
l'ETROGHAD. Sept. 24.-An oflVial an
nouncement from lira ml Duko Nicholas,
'ommantlcr-ln-olileC of the RusMian forces
In the field, says:
"On the aouthaest front the Unsnarl
troopa have taken posnesslon of tli" fortl
f1e(THt)oltlon of Cr.yschky and Foiintyn,
which coverod Khyioff and other posi
tions In the Rodymno rcKinn (between
JhroHlau and Frzemysl), taking all the
rnetny'n artllloVy. '
"The Przemysl KHrrlsnn ha vacuiited
JUiurRade and Medyka. and lias been
repulsed In the eastern smiicnt, toward
thf line of forts.
"There haw been no fighting nn the
German front'rr."
Battle Luitt Seven l)n.
PARIS, Sept. 20.-Te!i"sraPiilnU frnm
retrograd tho correspomlent of the lla
(ih News agency says that amontr the
engagements preceding the capture of
Jaroslau hy the r.nsKlRiis. that at .wa
hivla, ill Vistula) was the moBt impor
tant. The fight lasted seven days without in
terruption. The Austriunn were en
trenched on th summits of some wooded
h'.lls rising from a broad and unshel
teied plain. The Russians were forced
to charge across tills open plain against
a raking machine gun fire. Their 1 ses
were tremendous, and they were repulsed
many times, until finally their guns found
the range. Then their charge was suc
cessful." German Emperor
Has Severe Cold
LO.MXJN, Sept 1T. 4 6:2' a. m.) Km
eror William Is suffering from a severe
void, according to the (ieneva' corre
spondent of the Chronicle. lie caught It
In the trenches before Verdun where he
was drenched hy the rain when recently
viewing his soldiers.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. in. Saturday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair and warmer.
Temperatnre at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. lun.
Highest yesterday.
Lowest yesterday 4x
Mean temperature t.l
lreclpitatioii v
Normal temperature
Ieficlency tor the day
Total enes..s since March
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Total rainfall since M-u h
. .Os inch
. .' Inch
.:). VI luche.
. 3.72 inches
Deficit no' since .March 1
Del ic.ency for cor
Deficiency for cor.
period, 1 'J I : ! . R iiJ Inches
pel ipd, JS1J. .'.s incnej
Report from still Ions at T 1.
fall. .ci
btation and State
of Weather
Cheyenne, clear
Davenport, clear ...
Denver, purl c oudy.
North I'latt-. clear. .
Omaha, clear
Rap.d City, clear
Sheridan, clear
Sioux i Hy, clear. . . .
Valentine, clear
Temp. Hik'li
7 p. in. est.
T ludlcttte tiae of precipitation.
i. A. W'tLSll, L-K'al Forecaster.
i . a. ni ul
WARMER : I!::::::::::::: J
N a. m W
VfTT lA ii in 7
I m::::::::::::
8 p. in BJ
Comparative Local ltei-uril.
l!ii:j. 1SI11
- 64 :,J I
40 :in f.y
47 44 uh
T .00 .HO I
u: t
i'.'.'.Y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.i:i I
MESS TIME FOR THE PRISONERS English prisoners of war at meal time at Dcberitz, Near Berlin, where the prison
ers taken by the Germans are concentrated.
ilW 'ta. V vl v t v v , $ K V e jo. 4 -. v .! V ! ' I
Maytorena, of Villa Faction, Attacks
Forces of Carranza Commander
at Santa Barbara.
t.enernl IIHmk 'I'rlcttrn plis Vi nnh I iik
liin War tlfflee All Wire. !miIIi
of Laredo, Keltic lnn anil
J a res Out.
DUfiiLArf, Ariz. Sei t. 2."i (iovernor
ose Maria Maytorena of Sonora at
tseked the forces of Cleneral Henjamln
Hill, the ('niiH'iz.'i commando, today at
Santa liarbara. Hill sent special trains
to Cunaneu lor i oinforcenients. Nolhing
was known hue ah to the outcome of
tho fliflit, but seven of Hill's men, Includ
ing Lieutenant Colonel Arnulfo Gomez
and Captain Abad, were sent to Cunaneea
this afteinoon biliously wuundod. . .-
Hill, avecnUlng to an official announce
ment, has ordered all the garrisons in
northern S"onorji to .loin his army and tis
a!st In repHlinp Maytorena.
Wire t ut.
WASHINGTON, Hent. :'5. - Brigadier
General Ml!ss, eoinnianrilng the Wu'der
Inreesj telegraphed the S'ar depailmerjt
today tliMl all telegiaini wires had leen
cut soith of Laredo, Ksvle Pass anil
.lua re.
Wit Intra wh I of American forces from
Vera Cms now nisy be delayed In
definitely, because State department of
fic ills bnve no means of rommunlcatlun
with Mevlco City to coi:tliiue dipl imntle
i orrr.pnndrce conccrnlnir the transfer
of the Vera I'm! custom bonne.
llonrd In Meilinle.
grai hic iltspatches re. rived nere by
f-amnel lieblen. legal riprc-entative for
General Carran:a from It. V. f'euelra,
now In the city of .Mexico, announced
that, following a conf reuce there today,
a board of military chiefs has ben np
pointrd to mediate the grievances !e-twe-en
the conn tutionHllsts and the di
vision ul (lie North conimunded by
General Villa.
WASHINGTON, Sept. S. Secretary
Garrison today decide.) to. remit the fines
totaling approximately fMO.O'K) imposed
on the Hamburg-American liners
Ypiranga, l'.avarla and I'ama for alleged
Irregularities in th. Ir clearance papers
shortly after the American occupation
of Vera Cruz.
WASHINGTON. Sept. -The follow
ing formal statement w ss Issued today, by
the War department:
"Numerous inquiries were made here
and of General Kunston with respect to
the date of the departure of the Amer'
enn troops from Vera Cruz - Ih lew of
the matters which must tie first settled,
no date can at present be fKed, bur In no
event can the departure take place within
the next ten days and General Kunston
was so advised."
Secretary Garrison said in nn opinion.
"That It has not been disclosed that the
I'nited States government has Hny inten
tion of utilizing its occupation of the
port of Vera Criz to obtain finamhc!
Iienefit to Itself and therefore it does not
desire to Insist on the collection of their
fines and thereupon remits them."
Iron Workers Propose
Union Labor Bank
PKOR1A, 111.. Sept. . Resolution ap
proving a Central Ialor I'nion bank in
IndiniiMpolis were passed today by the
International Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Workers In international
Tiventy-seveii labor organizations main
tain headquarters in Indianapolis. It is
charged that the banks 'n tho city are
not in sympathy with orfc.inlznl labor, j
and have loaned the fund.i de,osited by j
unions in assisting In Ih war against
labor. I
A resolution putting the a.'Mieiat ion on)
n -ord against national pre lubii i m was'
voted down. A puise wai r.tised today to '
prov ide luxuries for President F. M. I
Kyan of Indianapolis, Ldward Smythe of I
Peoria und P. J. Morrin, second vice
presidents, all of whom art in Leaven
worth rederul prison for participation In
tho interlt transportation of dynamite.
Steel Magnates Says that the War I
Lord is Not to Blame for the j
Great Conflict. I
(roup o' He ii thnt Holes (icriiiH n
Started (be Trouble While Kiu
prror W n Away on n
eallon at Sea.
fCKW YORK, Sept -.ndrcw Carnc
gie. udvocate of international peace,
reached New York today abourd the
steamer Maurctunla. with u new version
of bow the war in Europe started. 1 11
tell you how the war started." said Mr.
Carnegie. "The kaiser was on a holiday
on his yacht In the North S! a. While he
was away he received a telegram telling
him to return to lierlin. When he re
turned the mischief had already been
"The kaiser himself Is a marcelmis
num. possessed of wonderful Ingenuity.
He has done more good for Gei nuiny than
any other man before him. lie lias built
up a greut foreign commerce and a mar
velous Internal business. The kaiser him
self Is a peace loving man.
"Tho trouble was started by tlie Ger
man military caste that rules the coun
try. Tho kaiser gathered around him a.
group of men who, unknown to htm.
acted in concert and in his absence took
the action that is not to be altered.
"As for my own country, i don't know
how to thank (toil that 1 live In a broth
erhood of forty-eight nations forty-eight
nations In one union."
America s duty to the world, Mr. Car
negio added. Is to point the way to ever
lasting pence. "What we want Is an In
ternational court to stop war. No real
friend of lusting peuce wants to stop the
war now. That would be a shortsighted
policy and would be but an armed truce."
Major Tankavitch,
Who Started War, is
Killed in Battle
LONDON, Sept. 25. (.MS p. in.) The
Rome roirespc ndent of the Kxchange !
Telegraph compntiy Bays that Major iloji.1
Tankavitch, to whose intrigues the source
of the present war was traceable, has, I
according to a Vienna dispatch been
found dead by Austriuns near Krupagne, ,
where he commanded a battery of artil- i
lery In a recent battle. j
Major Tankavitch was formally charged j
by, the 'Austrian government with supply
ing the Servian anna factory the re
volvers with which the archduke, Fran
Ferdinand, und bib wife, the pilnctss of
liohenhfrg, were assassinated at Sur
ajevo, the Bosnian capital.
German General
Orders All Wounded
and Prisoners Shot
HORDKAI'X, Sept. X.-Tbe French for
eign office today made the statement that
Genrrafl Ptenger, commanding the Fifty
third German Infantry brigade, issued an
order, of which the following is a trans
"Make'no prisoners Shoot all who fall
lino your hands, slniily or In groups, and
dispatch the wo.iiided, whether urini d
or unarmed, an the GernmiiH muM leave
no Frenchmen living behind them."
Cathedral at Rheims
Again Under Fire
liORIi:.WX. Sept. -I U::.t) p in i- It !
wius announced efficiiliy In Bordeaux
thji nftorriooii that the Geruiu i.i last
night resumed bombarding the Kheims
WANTLD A good Omaha residence
up to $10,000. Must be inoilerii und
well locatedL Will give cash u.iul a
fine quarter section of land clear of
Incumbrances for same.
Tor furtbsr Information about this
opportunity, see U Want Ad Section
of today's Be.
English and French Armies Are 1
Pushing Their Attack Upon
Roye and Feronne.
llefensCH nn llolll Side Are o
Stronu flint Lima; and Steail
Sleice at Some I'omIiIiiiim la
It ot I inproliiilile.
PARIS, Sept. 2a. According to
information reaching tho Krench
capital this morning, the Qer
niuns are continuing their des
perate resitstanco against the ad
vance of the allies in the north. This
athance was first on Roye, twenty
six miles to the east of Amiens, and
then on Peronne, twenty miles north
of Roye.
It was only hy a continuous rak
ing nrtillery fire and hard fighting
that the French und Ilrltish troops
were able to continue their advance
against the vigorous attacks of the
enemy. The left wing of the allies
now occupies positions between the
river and the river Somme,
which were traversed by the Oer
mann during their advance In tho di
rection of Paris.
From this fact is argued here by mili
tary observers the Germans will be
obliged to concentrate a great force in
order to protect their light wing, tho
out fin nking of which, 1'arla believes,
would mean n decisive vlotory for tho
In this fighting, which is in large meas
ure from improvised forts, tho allies have
advanced not only on the left, where
their mnceiiveis apparently were suc
cessful, but al;o at other points which
were strongly lortifled, such as Berry-Au-Buo,
in the direction of Craonne.
Judging from the reports coming to
Paris the GirmaiiM npiear to be sacri
ficing masses of men In tho hope of gain
ing a iUiek advantage.
Sc) strong aic sonic of tho positions on
both sides t ui t Bails believes a long and
st udv siege at some point Is not Im
probable, The allies appear to bo pre
pared for this, us well u for any other
cle velopmciHS
lie lie nil teflon on Left Wins;.
The following official communication
was given out in Paris tills afternoon:
"First On our left wing there has
begun a general action of great vio
lence between those detachment of our
forces that are operating between the
River Sornmc und the River Oise and the
army corps which Dm enemy has groiiied
In the region around Tergnler and St.
Cjucntln. These army corps have come,
some from the center of tho enemy's line
and others from ljrr.ilne and the Vosges.
These last named corps were transported
hv rail to camhral by way of LI ego and
Valenciennes. To the north of the river
Alsne. as far as Berry eu-Hae, there has
been no change of Importance.
"Second On the eentet we. have made
progress to the east of Rheims In the
direction of Berry and Moronv'lller.
Further to the east, n far an the Ar
gonne region, the situat'on shows no
change. To Ihe east of tho Argonne the
enemy has not Uen able to move out
of Varennes. On the right bank of the
Klver Meiise the enemy succeeded In get
ting on the footing of the heights of
the Meuse, in Hie legion of the promin
tory of H.ittnn Chatel, and, forced In the
d lection of St M'saiel, he bombarded
the forts of Parodies and of Camp Des
Remains. To offset this, to the south
of Verdun w remain masters of the
heights of the Menu- and our troops,
moving o it of Tool, advanced until they
reached the region nf Beaumont.
"Third On our right wing, 1-oriniuc
and the Vosi-'es. we huve repulsed at
tacks of minor importance on Nomeny.
To tile east of Lunovllle tho enemy bus
ni'ide some Mcnionst rations along the
lii.e:. of the River Vegouse and the River
ill! tic ."
House Passes War
Revenue Measure
WASHINGTON, Sept IS. -The adminis
tration war revenue bill, imposing addi
tional taxes on beer, domestic: wines, gas
oline and stamp taxes, all estimated to
produce. l'i."..viO.u within a year, was
passed by Die house lute today. The vote
was A to l'.
New Version of Delay in Sending
Aid to the Imperiled Brit- j
h Troops i
TftrPDTO' nnnrD wriT Tirnvriirn 1
Treasonable I orrepoiulcncc round
In Home of Man to Whom It
Was litlriistcil nml He Is
NHW YORK, Sept. Another v ersioii
of the reason why tho French deluved
In coming to the support of the British
when they were bard pressed by the Ger
mans at Mens, was told to her friends
In New York today ey Miss Kva Gay
of Norwood, Mass., a former Mount
Holyoke college girl, wh i has been teach
ing school In Spain, ami returned from
Kngland Wednesday on the Olympic
Miss Gay wild that she had been told
by Kngllsh friends, who hud relatives
connected with the British war office,
that General Joffre, in response to the
recti teat of General French, thev English
commander, for reinforcements to extri
cate him from his dangerous position,
entrusted orders for tho dispatch of such
reinforcements to n certain high French
officer. When tho execution of these
orders was deUiyed an investigation wais
begun. It was known that the French
officer hnd a German wife. Ills home
In Paris was searched and therein were
oiind mJlltary documents of a treasonable
nature. The officer was Immed'utely
court-martialed, convicted and shot.
Miss Gay said that she had is n told
thut tho Kngllsh authorities had refused
to permit publication of the affair for Die
fear of Its effect on Diu nioralo of Die
Ihigllnh troops.
Must Break Kaiser
If it Takes Years,
Says Lloyd George
UiMXiN, Sept. Speaking today at
a meeting of his neighbors held i-.t Crlc
cieth, Wales, chancellor of the exchequer
Lloyd George declared thut the war was
finite) unexpected.
Ilo never dreamed It would occur, he
said, until a few days before hostilities
began. He never thought any country
could he so devilish as to pretend great
friendship and at tho name time make
elaborate arrangements to attack. In
deed, lie thought war was bo fur away
that he had made urrangemeut.i to spend
August und September ul Crlceletll.
It took fifteen years to break Nupolean,
the. chancellor coiitonucd. Ilo sai l lie did
not think It would tunc anything like lus
long to vanquish Kni cror William, hut
long or short, iOngland was going to wo
It through.
Britons Occupy
German New Guinea
IjONDON, Sept. 2513 26 p. m.) The of
ficial press bureau this afternoon issued
the following statement: "The admiralty
announces that a telegram bus been re
ceived from Vice Admiral Sir George
Patey, stating that the town and the har
bor of Frederick Wllhelm, the seat of
government of Kaiser Wllhelm land
(the name applied to the German portion
of New Guiua.) have been occupied by an
Australian force without opposition."
Marconi Wireless
Station is Closed
WooDSHOLK. Mass., Sept Word !
I was received here from Nantucket this!
! afternoon that the Marconi wireless sta-I
Don at SiuBconsct was closed at 1 p. ni.
The closing was ordered yesterduv bv
Secretary of the Navy Daniels, who fixed
! the hour of suspension at noon today. ;
The National Capital j
I'rtdio, September HIM.
The Senate.
Met Bt 11 a. III.
Senator Mi loot made a speech on the
war revenue bill.
It was voted to take up Die Clayton
hill for final vote after the Alaska coal
land leasing bill.
The House,
Met at noon.
'Ihe war revenue bill was taken up for'
passage. i
Rivers and harbors committee am eel to j
recommend senate substitute cutting ap- j
proprlttUoa to l.v.ooe.wo. I
War Summary
The thirteenth day of the great
battle of the Alsne, to the north
west nf Paris, finds the Kritnco
Hrliish nml (lertiuin armies still
lighting desperately, with the
Germans fiercely restating tho
gradual advance of the allies on
General von Kluck's flunk.
The French army is now en
trenched In n position between
tho Solium and Olso rivers, in a
position approximately sixty mllei
north of Paris.
On the eastern end of tho buttle
line in Frnnce the Germans are
reported to be making a de
termined nsault of Uie Verdun
positions. One report of the
righting there places tho German
casualties at 10,000 dead and
I 0,000 wounded.
The German army headquarters
in its lntest official statement re
garding the situation in France
confines Itself to stating that
there have beep some minor en
gagements, but that nothing of
importance has transpired.
The sharpening of tho censor
ship over news passing through
the hamU of Hritlsh authorities,
as announced InKt night would be
put Into effect, Is apparent to a
marked degree today. A consid
erable amount of unofficial re
ports, comment nnd special dis
patches from tho war zone is not
being transmitted from England.
In the eastern theater, the Rus
sian pursuit of the Austro-Ger-man
forces In Galicia continues.
A liiis-sliui official statement says
tin Galicjtin fortified positions of
Czyschky and Koulstyn, together
with all the Austrian artillery,
have been captured.
Following tho capture of Jaros
lau, the Russian flag hag moved
forward twelve miles to the. west
of that position and now flies
over the towns of Prr.eworsk and
Nancut. The Russians claim to
be steadily closing in on Cracow.
A Herlin official statement says
there Ih no news from the eastern
war arena.
Zeppelin airships have extended
their operations to .he Pelglum
seaside resort of Ostend. Three
bombs dropped from a dirigible,
caused consideranle damage to
buildings and created a panic
among the Inhabitants.
The Flerne government Is re
ported to have declined Ger
many's request for permission to
send its forces through Switzer
land. Italy, It is said, is prepared
to defend Switzerland's neutral
ity should Germany forcibly at
tempt to cross the frontier.
A French official announcement
states that tho Germans are again
bombarding the historic, cathedral
at Rheims.
Zeppelin Airship Damages Build
ings in Belgian City.
tireat Cavity I Torn In the drunml,
Street I. amp Are 1'ut Out anil
Klertrlc Wire Are Dr
at ro ed.
ST I ; N I . Sept. 2r.-Vi Uiulnn.l-A
Zeppelin airship coining from the direc
tion of Thourout, twelve miles southwest
of Bruges, i Belgium) dropped three bombs
yesterday. One of thorn struck the
avenue P Do Smet Io Nayer bridge, on
the outskirts of the town, another fel:
Into the harbor and another on the prem
ises of a wholesale fish dealer In the
fish market, partly wrecking tho build
ing. The explosion here made a great cavity
in the ground and badly damaged all
surrounding nouses, xtingulshed street
lumps, destroyed electric; wires and
created a panic. The Zeppelin returned
In Die direction of Thlelt. twelve miles
iionneast or Courtraj.
The Avenue P Da Smet le Nayer
bridge crosses the canal De Derivation
at the northeast boundary of the famous
park Marle-lli nrlctle n Ustend.
The fish market Is near the tuilway
station, and on Wednesdays ajid Fridays
Is crowded with purchasers. All sales
lire by auction to the highest bidder,
1'ioni Ostend as the crow files It Is
only aliout seventy miles acrons the
North sea and the Strait of Dover to tho
Kngllsb cuuat.
New Butter and Egg
Rate is Suspended
WASHINGTON. Sept. 26-New rates
filed by practically ull the railways west
of the Mississippi rivr and east of the
Rocky mountains withdrawing the
privilege of shippers to concentrate into
carload shipments at certain points, less
than rarload shipment of butter, eggs,
cheese and poultry, were suspended to
day by tlw Interstate Commerce com
mission until January 21, KM. The pro
posed withdrawal would increase the
freight charges on those commodities 20
per cent. Vigorous protests by tdilppors
induced Ihe commission to suspend the
new tariffs and enter on an inquiry.
Troops of Republic Reinforced,
After Being Obliged to Fall
Back, on Aggressive.
Thousands of Dead and Wounded
Strew the Plains East of the
Beleagued City.
Rumor that New Battle is Develop
ing on the Left Wing Not Con
firmed in London.
Snow in Loraine Causes Discomfort
Among Allies.
People of Larope Asked to Forward
Old Sweater aim Other Wool
tiarnirnta to Me.n Shir,
erlntr In Trenche.
PARIS, SVpt. 25. -Tho official com
munication, issued at 11 o'clock tonight
regarding the battle In nortli France,
says that this ninrnlngFrcnch Hops I
reg'lon of Nyon were compelled to sir
ground before superior forces, but huv
Ing been reinforced ugaln, assumed the
offensive, the bombardment being one of
particular violence.
LONDON, Bcpt. -..From Perronno
on tho west to Tjorraine on the
fast, nlong a battle lino that would take
a pedestrian a fortnight to cover, thero
came to London during the foronoon to
day nothing to Indicate that cither of the
vast armies whose millions, like molee,
ere conducting their operations virtually
under ground had yielded at any Im
portant point.
It has been said that a new battle was
developing on the allies' left wins;, but
so far as London Is concerned this as
yet lacks official confirmation. Thero
were also reports that the Germans have
mode glgantlo preparations to renew the
siege of Verdun.
The heaviest slego artillery, according
to these reports, Is being trasported by
the Gcmmns from Metz, and they are
sacrificing thousands of lives In their
endeavors to place these monsters in
isisltlon. The plain to the east of Verdun
Ik said In London to biv strewn with 10,l
dead and lf'K wounded, the result of
lepeated German advances which have
followed each other with lightning-like
Official statements hcur out othor re
ports that there has been a comparative
lull through the center of tho battle line
(portions of this dispatch have been
deleted by the British censor) -almost
unbroken series of Russian victories
(another group of words taken out by
tho cennor)-then the situation there
should come to a head, perhaps before
the termination of the present struggle
in France.
I Whip' dispatches from Vienna Insist
that the jMisltlons of the Austrian army
I are favorable, s concentrated in their
formations in Galicia, dispatches from
I Petrograd maintain that tlwi Russians
are only three marches from Cracow.
To the north the Russians are said to be
preparing to sweep on to Hreslau, in Si
lesia, but as this has been announced sev
eral times already tho British public Is
Inclined to wait further developments be
fore attaching too much importance to
this statement.
Appeal for Warm Clolhlnar.
Snow In Alsace and rain elsewhere
along the battle line in France have
brought home to Englishmen the terrible
e rdeal their men have undergone, and
thousands are answering the appeals for
blankets and overcoats. The plea went
out today for foot ball players and other
(Continued on Page Two, Column Six )
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