Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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1 ' 1 ' .1
Two of the Latest Creations in Gowns
Witi a Description by O ivcttc
- 1 1
Love her today. Fold your young arras around her,
Smooth back her hair where gentle sunbeam play.
fhough your wild strength, unleashed, may still confound her, J
Love her today.
Love her today. Spare not one dateling . token,
hior leave 'unsaid one love word.-you can say. .
Soon comes long silence that may ne'er be broken;
Love her today.
Of 11 . '
vV' wJ
Love her today. Let your young passion smother
The visloned grief of that grim lurking day
When your sad voice shall vainly call your mother.
Love her today.
When Woman Proposes
A I'll.
So fur an woman's happiness and well
being are concerned, women- right to
vote Is of email importance compared to
woman's right to pop the question. The
emancipation that
will do. more to free
the feminine sex
than anything; else
w 1 1 1 be achieved
when women break
the sent! mental
bonds thai bind them
far more than do
any political fetters.
When you think
about It seriously
nothing Is more
grotesque than' that
a woman should ' be
forced to take merely
a passive attitude
in the most Important
matter that ever
concerns her. Hor
happiness, her phy
sical and . moral well-being, her pros
perity, her. very bread and butter, de
fend, in the great majority of cases,
tipon her petting, the right sort of hus
band, but custom dots, not allow her to
raise a finger, to secure to herself this
desirable adjunct.
On the contrary, if she is a perfect lady
she Is supposed to sit around and suck
lier thumbs, and pray heaven to be kind
to her, Instead of hustling out after the
best thing in sight.
Nobody - denies that marriage - means
more to a woman than it does to a man,
and that it Is more Important for. her to
be' pleased in her hueeband than' It Is for
him to be pleased with a wife, because
the man who acquires' a matriiflwnlal
lemon run ret n wn v frnm-'H wl.ll t Via
woman can't. If he makes an unfortunate
marriage he "flWr h busineam or profes
sion, and a thousand outside interests to
distract 'his attention, while ' her hotixon
is bounded b her wedding ring and she
has nothing tourn her 'thoughts away
from her'mlaery. '
There Is. no valid argument that can
be advanced against giving-woman 'the
same right to select her life matt that a
man has. The only objections to it are
sentimental and conventional, and, cur
iously enough, these are put forward by
men who are .not wise enough to realize
what a delightful and thrilling emotional
experience they are missing in not being
wooed by soma charming lady.
In a reoent letter I have received from
a gentleman violently set against woman
taking the Initiative in love-making, he
raises the sympathetic point of the crush
ing rebuff that it would be to a woman
If she proposed to some eligible gentleman
ond was refused.
"She would not only risk this, but total
loss as Well, should she plump the ques
tion at the wrong time, and by giving pre
mature notice of her Intentions scare
nway some perfectly good, but too wary
provider," opines my correspondent.
Not at all. Far from it. Of course,,
there are risks In every venture, espec
ially so In courtship, and there Is no other
gamble that Is to much a matter of
change as the game' of hearts. The woman
who pops the question to a man will 'be
in the same danger of having him say
that he'll be a-brother to her that a man
is of having a woman .volunteer to be his
inter Instead of his wife.
Hut the feminine heart is quite, as much
a ruu.jer nan, and as Sure to rebound
me masculine heart, and there will be
no aiaxmmg lists of casualties, as the
rfcauitrof unreauited love' V '
fNo will any woman die of-chagrin be
cause the- man she asked, to marry her
eald "no;" Indeed.' It will add enormously
Ui' the lum 'of feminine happiness; for a
woman who is in love with a man to be
able to. put-the question squarely up to
hlro.i and shave, it derinltejy decided one
way or theother, instead of hanging on,
ar.afr,yearf' on the anxious bench
trying-by indirect methods ta attract his
attention, and hoping against hope that
In some Way she will to able to ensnare
him up te the altar. . ,' .
A great many women object to giving
women the right to propose because they
em to think' that' If women could pop
the question men would be obliged , to
marry whether they wanted .to or not,
hecaiise notgentleman could 'summon .uo
fiough courage to say no to a lady. What
i ry day of the week women
apply to men for positions In their of
fices, or stores, or factories, or women
try to borrow money of them, and men
show no hesitation In turning down their
requests. Yet when she is out' of a Job or
needs money, the matter Is of Just about
as much moment to a woman as getting
a husband would be.
Neither does my, correspondent's con
tention that it would scare away a pos
sible husband for a woman to propose to
him square with experience .or observa
tion. We are all vain, men and women
alike. Nothing convinces us- of the su
perior Intelligence, Justice and. discrim
inating taste of a person as for him or
her to single us out of a crowd for spe
cial adminatlon. Nothing" draws us to
an individual so Irresistibly as his or her
fincy for us, and we Just naturally love
those who love us.
A man would have to be more than
human if he was not pleased and flattered
by the knowledge that a woman loved
him -and had picked him out from ail the
rest of mankind for her mate. Also It
would direct many a man's attention to
the Jewel in his pathway that otherwise
his wandering eyes rnlght never discover.
Many men lack Initiative. They do not
even see the good opportunities In ther
own business uiitil somebody else points
them out to them. Nearly all men are
stupid where women are concerned, but
nowever dull women are In other in
spects, they are wise lit love, and they
know what they want in a husband, so it
would be enormously Jlo a' man's advan
tage If a woman was free to go to him
and explain why . she thought that it
would be for their mutual good for them
to' enter Into a lire partnership.
Furthermore no timid brother peed be
alarmed, for he could always decline if
he so desired. .
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'?adf Complexions Are
Now Easily Discarded
Kvery weman has it in her own hands
to okkchi a beautiful and youthful com
plexion. No, matter ,how soiled, faded or
toarse the cutlole, ordinary mrcoliaed
wax will actually remove It. and Nature
will substitute a skin an soft, clear and
loely as a child's. The action of' the
pax is not drastic, but gentie and agree
alile. Minute particlus of scarf kln- corns
uff -da-.- by day. yet no evidence .of the
treatment is dlacernibla, other than the
gradual compiex.unai inpiovenini. One
oinre- of mereoiized wax. pro-uralle at
say dr store, suffices for most case,
it is nt 911 at bed tlina like cold cream
mtl-tskftii oft in the murmurf wun Karm
vui'-y. It Is a certain method -of- dls
cs.ivhig frei-kles, liver spots, moth
j.i tviea. blakheada and pimplea.
Wiinkit-s can b" treated with benefit
bathing the face In a- lotion prepared
br dissolving 1 ounc powdered .eaxolite
in "is pint '.witt-h . baxeL -Inatantanevus
psults Ht tevured. Advertisement.
Advice to Lovelorn I
, Do .Hot Write.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl nearly
18 years old. I think very much of a
boy who was visiting In town and in the
country. He la from another town, but
he gave up his Job there. I had gone
with him for a while',' but all at once he
quit going with me. He acted as if he
wanted to, but' I don't know What was
the matter with him, unless it was on
account of one night he wanted to kiss
me good night, but 1 wouldn't because I
thought I hadn't gone with him long
enoug-h. I haven't seen him now for
about two weeks. What would you ad
vise me to do about it? What shall I
say when I see him? Shall 1 write to
nlm- DARUNE.
You were right In declining n-- wi
11 no UIIII.
Do not try to attract his attention further.
ma aoove au things, do not write to him.
If he cafes for you he will seek you out
and will think all the more of you be
cause you respect yourself. .
She la Probably Right.
?,tr M,ss Flr': I am a young grass
w thevouny,ef "rf 1 am A?'?to "
not wish ' y 18 years old- Bhe doe
f ? t0 mttrry e because she says
I could never love hr like I did my first
wife, but it seems that 1 ,m more in
love now than I ever was ' n
Please advise me In regard to this mat
ter in your Lovelorn column.
The young lady is probably correct in
her estimate of your capacity for love
t 'lVm7UoZw of 23 " not very ,lk'y
to find himself entirely trusted by de
slrable young women; his record is
against him. . If you rali. A .
,try to prove it by patient devotion,; and
v arn w n confidence
in your sincerity. "iuenc
T'" Voo7pret,.
Sdhl"fouhnedt0 r l ffSci.
ana j round out I wu nat-tino- .
il!" otKh!Tr,, u "omwitS
him. but he continued his f rn7vtait2
to. my, how Just a usual, but I u"
him very ool. In the course of half a
mearuoe 'for1 Si' W fr lookeS
me up, for we had moved. Two weeks
later he waa leaving the country? but
Wore going he came to see me and be-
no wore engaged. In the
Z"Tr 9l m?nth' H o'ns mistake!
he dW not reoeive my letters, which i
always let my parenU read beore send
ing, and we again lot track of one an
other. or the next six months I heard
iiolhinK of him and In-just one yea."
from the day he left he returned. He has
been to see me as often as he could since
A I am of age now and he says we
have been engaged two years and he Is
ready to be married, and so am I Do
you think we should be married and tell
my parents afterward, for I know they
will never consent, not that they don't
llko htm. for they do, but they don't
want me to ever marry. ANXIOL'B,.
Your .romance certainly , deaervea.'a
happy ending, and I hope it comes to all
the;' happiness you look forward to. But
don't Jeopardise your chance by getting
married' until you have-trteri all mun.
able means to gain Jthe consent of your
parents. You will never regret having
talked with tbsm about it first, and you
may negret It if you do not.
Drsprrate Mtaatloa.
' How do Scrappington and his wife get
on i . v
"Terribly! They have both turned vege
tarians. . They eat nothing but mush
rooms." "What for?'1 '
t'Kaeh Is hoping the othef will swallow
a toadstool. And neither seems to rare
much which, gsis it." Washington Biar
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Fashion still recognizes the beauty of simplicity, as Bhown by this
evenhig frock of jvhite liberty. The bodice is made of an Insertion of
beaded net passing under the arms and finished by a blouse of the
liberty. Over he under-frock df liberty is a veiling of tulle, which
forms a blouse cut square, and little Greek draped elbow sleeves. A
rose holds at the shoulder a Greek drapery that falls' oyer the skirt,
consisting of three flounces bordered In the pearl beading. OLIVETTE.
This tea gown of rose petal taffeta Is so elaborate In its lines that
It will do famously for formal wear. The bodice is a loose kimono
with small elbow sleeves, and It blouses dowQ to the hips in a long,
easy line. The draped girdle encircles tho hips softly and fastens In
back In a huge butterfly bow. From this falls a flounce of white silk
lace over the ttklrt, which shows a second flounce having a deep point
in front. A flat fold finishes the skirt at the bottom. OLIVETTE.
Madame Iselclbs
'Beauty Less on
flair I'roblrnm of Middle, Age
Part V.
I rpiinrd Hie wearing of fnlse or arti
ficial h.-ilr as m affliction. Ono that
may hnve lo bo borne, but not until every
trie-rns tor dcIiiK wlthcut It hare been
tried. The reasons nualnt falne hair, to
my mind, nrc sufficient, it Is expensive.
It lakes nriunge it properly. If
badly lntitrhcd or worn aaalnst the face
It Is iitiW-roiYilng. it Is uncomfortable find
to a certain ex'ent harmful to the scalp.
However, when Ihe moment comes that
falnc hair must be rere-rtod to. wear it to
the beet ndvnntage,
t have l'.ttle svmpathy with the writer
who attempt to frighten the public In re
gard to the danger that comes from false
hnlr. 1 am familiar with the procens of
preparing It for the. market and believe
thot when it reaches the public It Is per
fectly hyslentc ai.d tree from dirt, germe
or Impurities. If women would keep their
false lotka ss clean as they are when
they buy them, one of tho objections to
wearing' artificial hair would cease. It Is
true that ft good deal of the Inferior hair
used is "flit from the hofcds of Chlname.i
and convicts;" It la also true thrt the
wool that make pur gowns and our un
derwear is cut from the backs of eh-ep;
cue Is as clean ns the other by the time
It renchea the consumer.
Improved methods of treating false hair
Is one of tHe reasons of Its expense. A
good grade or human hnlr Is also becom
ing scarce, d.e to the change in the cus
toms amontt tho peasant women ot Euro
pan countries ho, now that the peneant
bonnet Is becoming discarded, wish to re
tnln their locks Instead of selling them in
! the hnlr mai Kel..
it hurts me very much to sea young
filrls wearing artificial additions in their
coiffure. Artifice has no place near a
young face; nothing so quickly ages it '
ami destroys Its peculiar charm. If a
vminir vlei'a hnlr la not sufficient for the
j mcderate fashions suitable to her age,
she should try. to Improve her hair ana
Increase Its amount by proper care) and
treatment. Tinning on false puffs or
m-lll overheat tho scalp, the rough
i weft that holds tho hair irritates the
J sculp; tho first step towards hair Im
provement therefore is to discard all ex
tra hair and give the scalp a chance.
A a woman grows older the scalp does
not respond so quickly to treatment and
'sometimes with the best efforts the
amount of hair can tnly be kept sta
tionary. Tho older face needs more hair
to soften it. and an elaborate coiffure
suits a mature woman where It Is neithet
necessary nor becoming to a young girl.
Artificial hair, especially the pleoe called
a lianHformt!on, Is a great boon to
women whoso hnlr has become untidy and
"strlnuy" about the face and In the napo
.1... A tt nn ar.trmAtinn COIlSlStS
; 111 111": ii, . n
of hair from 18 to 23 !nhes long woven
' to a weft tho circumference of the head
jat the hair line. This Is more becoming
If mlNi-il with one's uwn hafr and not
i worn directly against the face. , The beet
transformation, like tho best, switches,
are made of what Is sold as naturally
(curly heir, but which Is really "bked
hair." ThlM process is done by arranging
'the hair in natural waves and exposing
i It to a tremendous heit: the wave fixed
In this way Is iermanent. A transforma
tion or any piece of faltse hair maae or
waving hnlr Is not only prettier but
weighs much 1" than If straight hair
were ueed.
United States of Canada
The Imperial legislation known as the
'British North American Act" provid
ing for the voluntary union of lhj whole
of British North America In one con
federation, passed the Parliament forty
seven years ago, March 28, 1807.
Thus began the .
"Dominion of Can
ada," or, as we
may with perfect
propriety put it,
"The Vnited States
of Canada."
Thus, without the
expenditure ot a
single dollar, or the
loss of a single
drop of blood, was
established a great
and mighty nation,
larger in area than
toe Roman empire '
when it was at Its best, tond destined to
write Its name in large and enduring
characters upon the page of human his
tory. A nation Canada most assuredly Is In
very important sense of the word. It
makes its own laws, manages Its own af
fairs, and holds within Its own hands the
shaping of its destiny. '' In certain fed
eral matters, it la true, the dominion
looks to London, Just as. In similar mat
ters, New Tork," Virginia and the other
states look to Washington; but In all
essential respects the provinces of the
dominion' are quite as free as are the
states of the American union..
When tho first Parliament of the do
minion met at Ottawa, with Lord Monck
aa viceroy and Kir Johu A. Mac Donald
as premier. Its population wu about
1000,000. There are today within Its bor
ders 9.000,000 of as fine a people as -are
to be found on the faee of the earth a
people thoroughly modern vand up-to-date,
full of the spirit of freedom and
progress, and firmly dedicated to the
work of advancing a scientific, rational
and human rlvillration.
in area, the dominion extecdi tli 1 nltcd
Do Men Admire Freaks?
States by 500.000 square miles, and while
some of its territory, on account of its
proximity to the Artie Circle, is forever
beyond the pale of civilisation, the
greater part of It Is admirably fitted for
human habitation. The vast prairies of
the great northwest Include" the most fer
tile soils of the earth, and are already the
home of a large and steadily growing
population. Indeed the growth of the
Canadian northwest Is one of the mar
vels of the lastquarter oentury, and It
is absolutely certain the region is des
tined to be tho seat of populous state,
and to constitute one of the chief grun
arles of the world.
It la quite within the bounds of rea
soit and probability to think of Canada
as having, by the end of the century, a
population of 76,000.000 or 100,000,000. with
mighty cities, a network of railways,
manufacturing plants everywhere dotting
its vast territory, a commerce as wide as
the world; sod, - crowning it all, a
thoroughly up-to-date social order, rest
ing on the bedrock ..principles of dem
ocracy and progress.
Canada may never be united with us
politically; but It Is absolutely certain
that It will ever be with us in trend and
purpose, in, policies and principles, and
therefore, In the firm-set determination
to remain true to the great cause of
human liberty and rational advancement.
The Dear Child.
' There was a shriek, and Ue Mule girl
lay motionless beside the swing from
which she had apparently fulli-n. A
crowd of sympathetic visitors soom
flocked round, and first aid was prompt
ly rendered.
"Poor little thing, she .seems to be
badly hurt," observed one of the help
ers. But there wttre no signs of return
ing coisiousnes. and the watchers were
becoming seriously alarmed, when one
of the park keeiers appeared on the
"What's up?" he Inquired. "Lemme
have a look at Jer." he exclaimed after
hearing the tale. . "Hotgh gerroff wl'
y, rKt-rrof f this mlnlt!" he shouted.
Instantly the child Jumped up and fled
from ttie place like a hare.
"Third time this week she's done that;
It's weaiin'- work having' to deal wl'
sueh-llke." remarket the park keeper, re
suming ins round -Pall Mall Oaxnte.
Take two girls: Let one dress modesOy,
rofmln from using powder and rouge,
and take her walks abroad with no at
tempt to attract masculine attention.
Let the other bleach her hair, paint and
powder her face, wear her drens cut In
decently low In the neck and her skirt
slit Indecently high, and take hor walks
abroad with the plain intent to attract
the mm. nnd which of the girls la the
first to get a husband?
In other words, when girls seek mem
bership in the faxt-growlng freak family,
arc the men to blame?
You have an opinion: What do you
think? Look around you before making
up your mind Which class of girls gets
Invitations to the dunces siui thetaters so
dear to the heart of very pleasure-loving
girl? Which class stays, at home, or
Is dependent on father or brother or a
girl friend for escort? From which class
is recruited the font-growing army of
"In tho neighborhood In which I live,"
Wi 'ten a wtman, ' are three of the nicest
and sweetest girls that any one would
ever cure to know. They dress fashion
ably, but not extremely so. Also they are
good to talk to and to look at, yet I have
never seen one go out with a young man.
It Is not because there are not any nlc
' young men In this neighborhood, but
simply that they don't take an Interest
in these girls.
"In thn same neighborhood there lives
a girl who Is extremely modern In drexs
and manners. She is an artist in making
up her face and bleaching her hair. , Y'et
this girl attracts all the attention, for
she is out every Hunday with a different
boy, and is popular with ail the young
men in the neighborhood. While these
throe nice girls tx sitting on the porch
in the summer time, the painted lady Is
hiking off somewhere for a ride, or swim
or sail with some young man. From what
I have soen of the young men of today
they do not admire nice, sensible girls."
A terrible arraignment ' that, but is it
based on fact?
"1 am 21 years . old," writes- a lonely"
hearted girl, "tlerman, a good cook, mid
kimv every detull of housework from the
front to the back door. I dress neatly,
but can't uffonl all the late fashions,
and have been brought up too mixleHtly
to approve cf them. I know 1 have every
qualifies that makes a good wife
and mother, yet men pasH me by to court
and marry girln who cun't tell a waffle
iron from a vacuum cleaner, but who
art authorities on rouge and hnlr bleach.
1'e.U't s.-oli' the Blrla for dromilas 1 Ue
freak.-. My loiieilnena is proof thut the
men are to blemc."
".My mother died when 1 was 11 yearn
of age," writes another girl, ' "and (pr
ti n years I have kept bonne" for my
father, lie brliiKS mo his wases every
Saturday night, slid I send his money
so carefully that we have a nest egg laid
by for the times when work Is slack. I
know I would make same man a good
wlf, and I know also I will neeer be a
wife for the reaaon Hint I haven't the
time to paint end doll up and chase the
streets looking for a hunband."
It girls driH like frtaks, who Is to
. - . y ,
Household Suggestions
tieunslng wlth musUrd Is suld to re
move the amell of f'h frn Pta.
If a knife Is placed under a tumbler or
glass dish, boiling milk or water can bo
j.tit in without breaki,i!5 the yla.
RUbty looking allk can be mada clean
and new looking If sponged with the
water In which potatoes have been boiled.
When boiling eggs, wet the shells'
thoroughly in cold water beore dropping
In Ihe boiling water, and they will not
After washing lamp chimneys, try
polishing them with dry salt. This (rives
the glass h brilliant shine and prevents
It from cracking.
When cooking vegetables remember
that all vegetables, which grow above
ground should lie put into boiling water,
and all which grow underground la cold
water wl-.h tho exception of new pota
toes. '
Cascarets for Costive Bowels,
Sour Stomach, Cold or Headache
That awful sourness, belching of add
and foul gases; that palrf in the pit of
thn stomach, the heurtbuin, nervousness,
nausea, bloating after eating, feeling of
fullness, dixzineKS and sick headache,
means your stomach Is anir your liver
Is torpid your bowels conatlpated. Il
Isn't your stomach's fault Hlsn't indi
gent Ion It's biliousness and constipation.
Try C'aacurets; they sweeten the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and fou gases; take bile from the liver
and c-irry off the constipated waste mat
ter from (he bowels. Then your stomach
trouble, headache, bad cold and all such
misery ends.
.- ' L "BSaaSsasBBialssjBj