Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
2 Trn; mkh: omaka, fin day. skitembkb 2:,. inu. An Unequalle m .a, a dOii eriiig off-; New 75 Suits lift These suits are underpriced from $7 to $10. IN OTHER WORDS THEY ARE $20 TO $27.50 VALUES. Every suit a new fall style, In the season's most popular colors of black, blue, green, brown and wisteria. Both plain and novelty style. - We purchased these garments from one of the best makers in the United States, after the order was cancelled by one of the finest 'stores of the south, for" whom they were originally intended. OUR BUYER, BY BEING ON THE GROUND, purchased them at a great reduction. A wide range of fabrics, including men wear serge, heavy serge, poplin, gabardine broadcloth and novelty weaves. Sizes 16, 18, 34, 38, 38, 40, 41, '42, 43, 44, 45 and 46- ' $12.75 $15.75 $18.25 Because of the remarkably low prices we are compelled to make a' small charce for alterations. . r . DON'T MISS THIS SALE FRIDAY .Nl-GlHT LETTER ' form afia .THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY yfiSPi?8 IN AMERICA. 'CABLE FeRVICE TO ALL THE WORLD. asoxrrEB'a if. timjb riLio OUOI SEND the following NIGHT LETTER subject to - ( the terms on back hereof which are hereby agreed to ... i ' ' ' ' Lynn, Mass., Aug. 31, 1914. -.Thompson, Belden& Co., 4 . . Omaha , Neb ., , 4 ' V-ue0?? PrPsiton accepted. As you decide to offer : tnisline of Sorosis Shoes for sale at three eighty c ,fiye, per pair -fdr quiok clearance, we will, ship you at. cnoo, the.- balance of the forty-case lot made for our- export customers at Prague and Trieste. ...... E. A. LITTLE &' CO. $31 SORQSIS SHOES We - have been fortunate in securing two large shipments of . iORQS: SHOES hiade for 'their export trade. toots, Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers Values $5.00 and $6.00 To these wo have added many lots from our own regular stock the whole consulting one of the most important Shoo Sales of the year. ANTICIPATE YOUR WANTS The makers of the well known Sorosis Shoe have decided to co operate with us for this sale; REMEMBER, . VALUES .$5 and $6 CLEARANCE PRICE IS - - - . Value the annie . at . (iipse reductions- as . when you pay ny?u" " . lar prices. J3 I ca 7 ea 1 ca V .... 1 m a . i ii . ..- tmtmmm HOWARD AND . SIXTEENTH -STREETS GERMANS FIREJN MADRAS Cruiser Emden. Makes Two Attack! on Town in Britiih India. SECOND DOES SOME DAMAGE Three Natives Killed, Tw nil Task Llaer. art an Fire and several Balldlna Arf lilt r ta avlla. CALCUTTA. Hut. J4.- J The patwri puhllgti an offlrlal dliipatoh I tat!n mat the Oermsn crulier Kmrten, wiii pasdlnc Madras, ftred a few ahells. but that the damage 'to the city win allKht. . . . Madraa la a port of BrltlMh IndL T tovernroent and headquarter! i opening between Verdun and Toul. be GERMANS FLINCH ON RIGHT UNDER - ALLIED ATTACK (Continued from Paa-e Ona.) of tb Franco-EngUflh battering: ram. Kven the famous guards,' as in the battle of the Marne,. are unable to atand the prennure ana are giving a little more ground every day. The dlvernton attempted In liorralne hnvlnn proven Ineffectual, the Germane are now tnaklnK a flerre drive In the Woevre dlatrlct, rrortheaat of Verdun. The object, no doubt, la to rut off the rmjr operating around Nancy, but th German already h4 tried to make an of the Madraa army. -It la the third aea port of India, ranklnf after Itombnv and Calcutta. Among the principal building i nrv ine cainearai, tne Scotch church, government hounf. senate house. Mem orial hall andChepak 'palace, formerly the residence of thaCawab of Arcot. but now containing the revenue office. , The German cruiser . Emflen waa re cently reported as having destroyed ' alx British merchant vessele'-ln the Bay of Bengal. Uearrlhea Attack oai Madras. LONDON. Sept. 24.-A Madras dispatch to .Reuters Telegraph company, i dated Wednesday, '.describes the attack ;of the German cruiser Emden on that port. It says: ; . "The German cruiser 'Emden appeared off Madras Tuesday evening and shelled the city. To ol tanVers'were et on ffre and are still burning.' The telegraph office and some, houses on our. harbor were also hit, but the damage generally Is alight. 1 "On our guns replying,' the crulsei ceased firing, extinguishing its lights and disappeared. . .'' . , "The whole engagement lasted fifteen minutes. There was little or no exlclte ment and only three Indians were killed." RUSSIA DRIVING HUGE WEDGE INTO KAISER'S DOMAIN (Continued from ' Page One.) Bargains in practically new articles in 'the "For 'Sale" column; read it Austria a domestic supply of gasoline, but the ban on the exportation of coal to Austria reported from Roumanla may be followed, it Is Jiold -here, by a similar measure with regard to gasoline. This would virtually deprive Austria and Its ally of this vory necessary product for their automobile transport and . aerial service. With all the necessary motor transport," together with absolute command of Its few railroads, which are no longer threat ened by invaders, English observers ex pect Russia to continue to move with that raoldlty which has amaxed military ex perts. It has been predicted that on ac count of Its lack of railroad facilities Russia would take six months to get as many men Into the field aa its has al ready 'stationed along the line of this great wedge in two months' time, ftervla aad Moatenearr. Combined Montenegrin and Servian forces are said today to be In occupation of the entire southeast section of Bosnia and Hersogovlna, No official confirmation has been re ceived from Russian sources of the report that a Russian cruiser has destroyed Oerman cruiser and two torpedo boats In the Baltic, . ,.: : The British public this morning is ex pressing elation In the feat of British air men having dropped ' bombs : on Zep pelin airship sheds near Cologrie, and con fidence Is growing that Great Britaln(te better protected than hitherto believed from an aerial assault by Germany. ' In Belgium, defenders and invaders hold their relative positions ; without change, but many reports are being' trans mitted to England that the Germans are feverishly entrenching along their line of communications. . , Praenarsl la Iaveated. LONDON. Sept. 24. "All possibility of the Auatro-Uerman forvea near Prsemyal effecting a junction with the other arnfies further west nas now uoen exciuaea, as the Russians have reaohed the river Wis- lok," says a dispatch from Petrograd to the Morning post. .The messages con tinues: "To the south of Prsemysl the, Russians operations are now being directed with a view to the capture of KhyruV, a Junc tion station twenty miles north of Prse mysl, uhlch will completely cut off the Austrian' last UallcUn fortress from railroad communication In any direction and" give the Russians command of all routes toward Cracow and the llniea pass ing Into Hungary. "The position now held Indicates the rolling up of the Austrian forces right up to Craoow. It is believed here now that the Investment of Prsemysl pas been completed and that within a . week, at least, will bring ncWs of the final crush ing of the Austro-Uorman . forces. Aastrtaas Hark Healawav. The Russian troops occupying Senla'wa, eighteen miles north-northwest of Jaros lau, aays the Petrograd correspondent of the Reuters Telegtam company found that the town had been sacked by the Austrlans. A large number of Austrian solders were captured. Jtasalaaa R-Kat East Praesla. The Paris. Matin prints a dispatch from Petrograd stating that the Germans who drove . General Rennenkamp back Into Uusata are, report! to havfe suffered a great defeat at Pubir. . The Russians have reoccupled Boldau In Eaaa Prussia on the Polish (runtler. It is stated that the Germans aro evacuating Fast lYusala to reinforce the ltie from Thorn In West Prussia.' en the border of Poland, to Kaliss. a tuwn In Russian Po land. , ' - Parte" Take by atarat. PETHiKl KAl. Kept.. tVIa Parts An official .communication tsaued by the general staff today says: "On September 21 the Russian troops took by storm the fortifications of Jsres lau. on. the: right bank of the river Han. They took twenty-two cannon. The en emy offered hard resistance and blew up IhSibrtdge over the Kan. ,T days pre viously the Russians had. occupied Star omlaate, .Prseworsk and Lancut (to the north and west of Jeroelau). "The Russian cavalry Is pursuing the retreating Austrian rear guard and in flicting . heavy kisses, although the A us trlana destroyed many brldgoa. . , "Every day the number of prisoners apd seised cannon Increase. The demoralisa tion of the enemy- la shown by the pil laging" and panicky retreat. Prisoners unanimously assert that a majority of their officers are killed or missing and the soldiers feel the loss .eenly, . ' "Russian soldiers have covered tbsro selves with glory fighting side by side with the vtlersna." , sieging Troyon at the same time. The mar euver constitutes a grave men ace to the aHI", who are resisting despe rately and nave thus far repulsed attacks , with heavy losses. tattle End Heon ; That the Oermans are losr.jg heavily on their right hi alio attested by the constant arrival here1 of prisoners and wounded. This morning many automo biles were seen with wounded, both Get man and allies, passing through the streets, but some of, those were conval escents returning from the seashore and rejoining their corps. The steady progress of the allies' left fortifies the confidence here. J This morning's press- is unanimous that the battle of Alane cannot last much longer, for the steady retirement of the German right must entail a weakening of the center elbow that the Germans threw out- along the river Olse to prevent being turned. Flghtlne- at Woevre. IX)NDON. f Sept. 24. interest In the fighting today centers In Woevre, says the Bordeaux correspondent of the Times, where the enemy Is making a serious effort to pierce the line of' forts Unking Verdun and toul. "To the northeast of Verdun." the cor respondent continues, , "east of the Meuac heights and in the dlrectloh of Moully and Damplerre, . their furious attempts have failed. In the south' of Woevre they hold line positions running through Ralchecourt, Selchoprey and Uronvllle. The general situation remains un changed. "On the left and center, the allies have the best of reasons' for confidence in the result of the battle. Let there be no mistake, the enemy Is going to give serious trouble along the Una where, with striking ' recuperative power, U managed to gather their routed hosts, fleeing from the battle of the Marne. Kind Fortified Positions. "A week has elapsed since It first be came clear that, althouch. forced to abandon successive positions prepared for defense, the enemy had found to Xhm north of the Alsnc, north-northwest of Rhelms, formidable fortified positions on which they might hope . to maintain tnemseives for many days while their j own troops were recovering from the ! retreat and while the fire of victory i among the allies was burning out. I 'The positions, enormously- strong by 1 nature and dominating, the valleys and : the towns, have been turned Into regular ! fortresses. The line of trenches, built ' with science and, the. solidity of perma- rtent works, are covered by flanking I trenches bristling with mitrailleuses and ' reinforced by main of barbed wire and ' block houses, whose quick flrers and mitrailleuse sweep the whole front. To 1 the rear of these works the heavy artii-.i lory is placed in position, and from Its ; fire such places as Bolssona and Rhelms have suffered great damage. , , , f frown Prince la Danger. j : "Most of the work on this line was ! finished wkile the battle of the Marne t was atlll In progress. The allies did (hetr 1 best to' prevent Its completion and there ' has been some desperate fighting along j the Atsne. Gallant rushes have beenJ made toward the trenches and fierce hand 1 to hand struggles have taken place on ; the ton of the Crnsinna nlan .v.- .u. i of which rises) like a cliff against the allies. "Attack and counter attack succeeded one another while the endangered crown prince's army has. been picking a way out of a difficult country. Into a still more awkward position. On our right the enemy's army has been seeking for an opening or a weak link In the chain of forts between Toul and Verdun. "The allies for their part have been Progressing slowly on the enemy's right, pushing up a way In ,the center, between Rhelms and Argonne. Troops R naked to the Front. "Still the actual battle of the Aisne haa not yet begun. There haa already been enough fighting to constitute half a dosen Dames, out only the preliminary aLa of the big struggle have been reached. The railways on both sides are massing- troops along the front, the Germans com- mg front Lorraine, .the British from the wnoie empire and the French from the south and west. "Meanwhile the. siege operations con tinue. The deceptive lull which preceded the battle of Mao Yang has fallen on the field. The situation remains changed In spite of the furious cannoned- mg ana the desperate fighting, but with each fresh engagement the situation be comes more clear, the plan of the staff more oennite and the da of Its realisa tion more Imminent." FRIDAY si SATURDAY Sale of Broadcloth and Velyet Suits Values to SSO.OO, Only 77I II L2 ii Sizes are mostly 16.' S 6, 38. .Included are some of the finest $50.00 suite that will be . offered in Omaha this season, and are made from the finest velvets and broadcloths.. Every suit has been passed on .by our style and quality expert, insuring you of tha regu lar ."House of Menagh" quality If the sui(s were priced at their regular worth. But now, Friday and Saturday, you can have your ,. choice at S24.50. come early. '.' $3.00 Silk Jersey Underskirts. - nt only . . p 1 eOi $3.'98 Sale of Fancy Waists Crepe de Chine waists. Crepe Taffeta waists, Lace waists. A' dozen different styles; worth to $6.00, are on sale Friday and fj o n f Saturday at only pOea70 . Si HOUSE OF MENAGH ".The Store for Gentlewomen' Opens Every Day of the Year at 9 O'clock Located at SIXTEEN THIRTEEN FARNAM STREET Notice of Removal Owing to large increase in our business we are obliged to; taie larger quarters. On and after Sept. 8th we wiU be pleased to meet all our old and as many new customers as possible at our new office at 209 So. 18th Street .. Come in and let us explain to" you how it will be to your advantage to place your order-with us for your fall and winter fuel ' :' ' " ' Come in and see us at our new office. Aifchison-Cook-Corneer UNION FUEL CO. 209 South 18th Street Phone Douglas 268 Omaha Distributers for Petroleum Carbon Coke BODY OF GRIER ON WAY TO LEAD, S. D FOR BURIAL iip8. ANGKL.BS, Sept. H-The. funeral ear bearliii- the body of Thomas Johnston (Irler, eral nianacer of the Howeetakr mine at I-ead. 8. p.. who died here Tues day after ap attack ef heart trouble, left here last nlht for Lead, where the funeral will probably be held. Monday. sirs, imtr accompanied the body. Fresh Fish--For Friday-Frosh Fish otb stock or rmnsx roif ra cotpi.stti. wx bajtbu aroTauva but TKB rESHEST Or rUH. ' Baby aTsllbut, per pound , lttie BUver Balaaoa. red meat, per pound la We Also fresh Cod, freeh HtuKlnck, fresh Kel, Cat Fish, Black Bass, Lake Trout, Perch, Pike and fancy White Fish. PUbLICMARKET Doug-las 2793. . . lei Xaraey Btorset. Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale column; read it i -" ' f I ' AMUEMEXTI. Bee Went Ads "Are the rresr-Buiiness I'vofvrs.. When an article is not -price marked, the seller can have a fluctuating Erice, charging whatever e thinks the buyer will . "stand." We price mark ail our caskets and furni&huaga in plain figures, the only aafc guard against the "get what you can ' policy. 2 4 Hi and PoJgi fkjM Dutig. 390t Genuine REFLEX Mantles . - Parmer HOW Prlee REFLEX - 25c ISc Wei. Reflex 35c 25c These prices Include install ing mantle and lamp adjust- ments. i Omaha Gas Co. Phone Dooglas ' 494. Aflyaneed TaodeTtlle. Week ' Bee, to l Itsrlla MowarS Oa , Ioctoa. LMctvr 'o-. Miru r la Rase, Laa jiar.n. . ' i m wa. th.. tiiHx... i), Trawl Waekly. Prlceai Mat. tiarr, J! saau (a?apt SalaHar an4 Sua)). ,M; Nlfbla.. sK Zc. Ulc tat He. Xaaue Carrara ' Aana Bald's Daoirhtar Oaf ASA'S Ulf CBITTXB" XyJJ-m rs, is-aa-au-Taa., WarJa'a Craairit Grotatqua Dasear E0. STORE and ETTA PILLABO Social Maids BS5SS- hniiiaat, ToDrul Marrltarnt of tka klsbaai Urada. rrti wt hania t:a tf- Yat. Tamta at 10 .t I.AUIZB' Dm MAT. WIIK SATB Baoaar and aak: : tlprlnl OtrU" sad Prla cM Maro(. AMI SEM.MTa. R&&HQFIS B:0 Trlees, OsJ., BBHWalfcl gttc, KaX, eoe; Oreh, T5e-St Beinart-Arosemaa Yiddish Co la -TB LOST BAlPPIjrBaV Sept. 87 rte Bays -The Ba Wolf." fiiceai Daily Mavs l&o-6ci vf s go laaium peeaway 100 Knilaa an Hour Every Hour September 26-17 World's Greatest Motorcycle Riders In Seven Races Dally 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 and 25 Miles. Races start at 3 P, 11, Positively the Greatest Aggre gation of Speed Demons Ever As sembled In the I'nited States. American Federation of Motor ists' Rules Govern Each Event. IxM-Uht Ktrtet Car at Sixteenth to Kig Kntrancp. AduiUMnn Children under 12, S.V; Adults, 50c.