Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Tin; nKE: omaiia. kt?idaa . keitkmbkk i:i4.
Women Thronjj the Brandeis Store
for the Fall Opening Week.
Hat. Mar H Any
the' Taut f the Wfrt
' Fall Halla Have Ug
' ' full,
Owtef-nwn visitors n well Omnhs
people ' throng ' tho BriiridflK -.nrs thin
wk for the tall style ppr.r. The In
terior of the mom ha beaitlfuf ilec.v
ration scheme carried cut in natural
foliage In brilliant autumn colorings. The
window decorations am irlumphs of art
tha beauty tot the Imported mode's of
aowna, wrapa and mlllilicry being won
derfully entisnoed bjf the newly-rteoirated
Circassian walnut and fronted glass back
ground, which had Just bern enmpl-ted.
Colonnade have b-n rrerted at inter,
yala on tha second floor and In each
ona la displayed an Imported model or
a creation by a Parisian milllnrr.
TheAk-Sar-Ben ball r-roml-a t 1 a
b1t of color and spsrktlng, sc-lntHlst-Ins
lights If one la to Judge, by the
gnwni that ara shown and that have
been purchased for tho cession; Bril
liant coloring! have never been more pop
ular tor evening gown and the vogue
of silver and gold lace la trennUoui.,
Entire over-drape of gjld and allver lace
ara ahown on many of the new fcon
while alt of the creations have spangled
or tinseled lace . trimmed and Jeweled
flowers. .The flower are worn In every
conceivable. . pout Ion, for evening gown,
preferably on tha left hip: for trcet
ooatume, high up on the left shoulder, !
4oa to the neck; otherwise at the cor-
mice, to catch up the drape of the skirt or
in tli back at the wai:llne.
. Higher JSeck F.f feels.
While tha evening gown arc for the
.moat part sleeveless or have only a ahear
lao drape over tha shoulder, they are
higher at tho neck than they have been
In many seasons. Entire sleeves of not
ra abown on majny of tha afternoon
gowns. Jn contrast with thl. many of
tb separate blouse have sleeve of the
heavier materials, aurh as velvet or va
lour with bodice of chiffon or net.
For the fall suit, long coats ara worn
with tailored skirt and pleated or tunic
skirts with the shorter coats.
Hats of all else are to be worn, from
the (mall, simple (hap with almplo trim
ml nr. Art Immense aailnr Shanes and dIo
tura 'hat with more elaborate trim
Germans Tell Their
Side of War in Paper ;
Sent to Omaha Press
The Associated press hcadquarteia of
Omaha Is In . receipt of a copy of the
Frank fort-on-the-Maln Zellung's weekly
edition in Germany a one of the first
step-to ba taken by the kaiser's gov
ernment to disseminata hi side of the
conflict.' Tha paper refers to the allies'
control of the ' outside telegraph -wires
and 'the subsequent coloring of : new
U takes a rap lat Kir Edward Grey In
hi declaration that'rie war meant tho
final subjugation of either the RugliHh
or Germans, and rather enrocraged the
Idea that there was room Vn tarth for
tha more sensible portions of both theso
nationalities. . .
. Then there ta a summary of the con
flicts reported to the German headquar
ters and a general reference to the Influ
ences of the war upon business and
finances. The paper reports a generul
advanca in Interest rates over i acttcally
the whole European continent
German Dyes to Come
. Via Holland Ports
''-after the non-Importation of dyes and
colora on account of the war ha Incon
venienced manufacturer of various line
of goods In American for some weeks,
come the announcement that German
colors and dye are now being shipped to
Holland to be transported from there to
the menufidturlug world under the flag
of Holland. Frank ElUck of the Omaha
Printing company "has received word that
thl plan waa contemplated and that re
lief might now be expected along thl line.
Dr. Klaa's Sew Life Pills.
For constipation, torpid , liver, sallow
complexion. ' Their frequent use will
strengthen and add tone to your system.
AH druggists; centv-Advertisement.
Echoes of the Strife
WIImm O. K.s Appeal.
WASHINGTON. Sept. -Kndorsement
waa given by J'renluent WI1im.ii n-dv to
the appeal of the American lied Cross
lor SMoniai collections in sll rhnr,.ku
.the country on peace HunUitv. ivtc.ber 4,
to swell the European war relief fund.
Th Eaallib Aloratarlaat.
LONriOV. Bent, u-lt haa bee.) de
cldd that there shall be no further sus
pension o( the moratorium. a far M t
applies to debts due by retail traders in
rPIM-t Of their business for rent, or ro
uting . to , hills of exchange other than
ehecks or btlis on druiand. As reKsnis
other debts to which the general mora
torium applies there will be an extension
lor one month from OvtolMr 4.
t.ertnaa Wuaaaetf.
MONT 1JK MARHAK, (via Hordesu.)
t.t. M. Among h. Uenimn wounded
who arrtved here are, Lieutenant lie...
on ' Birbersteln, neplirw of the late
Maron aiarschall Von Hiebersteln, ones
fennan tmlnymdnr to Great Hrliln and
IAi'Uiennt Von Jasow, a s-m of ine for.
iB minister Uotil.ib Von Jsaow.
eti Meaervtsia Ball.
KKW YORK. Kept. 24.H,trn hundred
Creek reservists sailed tonight for Tir.-aus
on lt.e Greek liner Athenai. The onlr bis
teamohlp tu dork its oassrrtser. h..
feom iAirope. was the W hile Mae ' liner
t'lyinpi. from Liverpool, wl.lrh brought
2,'JUi persons In cabins and steerage.
Washington Affairs
Officiate expressed the view that Rus
sia eireaed loodlflcallon of strinaent
riruiations agslnat the Jews, because of
ti.eir ioys-lty t the ..vernment In its
Mniirgle u the present rJur,pn wsr
riigin pave the way for aa understaoduig
Ik a new treat). "
A BpcoUJ rule limiting debate on the
war retenue bill to WVen hours end
harring anieridnieiit. aas agreed unnn bv
tii huuH rules ...mmittee. Tlie rule will
called as soon as the house eonven.a
anit a vote on the Mil telf pruhbly
"l it reau-hrd Friday.
Kuss.a s mai.if. staii.,1. of friendship for
tl.e Lnlted Mild in ths an-r-our.-,d
iRteniion of siKi.Ing a pe'
r-munin.lou treaty-may lead to negutia
t!"i.s lur a new treaty of rommtrrt and
r.ivig-auon betmeeo tho two vouniriea to
j-. i.e the one abrogated during lea
i. t imliilstrtiin.
i fejiHimt V iIm.ii ),. refused to change
' u"llud towai.1 llvo I'uli.rsdu strike
ciuaiiun. and u,at the mine
.i"rl..r in'ut avepi tue basis of seitle-ii-.,t
alrJy ssree.i u, by iu miners or
rsiuiuiill be! vie lb country foe
ln result. -
Officer of Qrcsy
Says He Saw Five
German Submarines
tJNrO.V. fept fl.-Notrtthstsndlng
that the British and Oerman naval
authorities announced that one submarine
was responible for destruction of three
British cruisers Tueedsy, Albert Imigh
erty. chief gunner of the Cresey, one of
the rrtileem sank In the raid a quoted
by the rhmntclr's Chatham correspond
ent, Insists that he esw five submarines.
one of whlrh was sunk.
Pougherty tell a story that coincides
with the other survivors.' but In regard
to the submarine he says:
. "We got closer to the other ships the
Ahouklr and the llogue to ssve as
many of Ihetr men a e Could. Homo
one shouted to me "look out, there' a
suptnsrlnx on our port beam!'- I eaw It.
It was about yards nwsy. wltti only
the periscope showing alxive the waves
I took point with a tw:eve-poumlrr and
the shot went over by two yards, but j
that gave me the range. I fired again,
h't the periscope and tne submarine dls- !
apeared. ,
Then It came up and this time a part
of the coming tower was visible. I fired
a third shot, emnehlng the top of the
conning tower and the men standing
nearby, shouted It s hit. s'r!" Then they
let out a great cheer ae the submarine
"While It was going down two German
sailor floated up, swimming hard. By
this t'me we had been struck by a tor
pedo, but the diimngn was nA vital snd
we should have kept i float, but I saw
another submarine on the starboard side.
We made a desperate effort to get It, but
failed and the toredo got home In our
engine Mom.
"Our captain was on the bridge giving
words of advice to the crew. 'Keep cool,
my ladfl, keep cool,' iie aid In a steady
voice. 'Pick up a spar that'll help you
keep afloat.' That'e the last 1 saw of
Captain Johnson."
"Although I saw five submarines, and
although our gun kept pegging away at
them, only one was hit so fsr as w
Dougherty say the crew showed a
grim cheerfulness even while struggling
In the -sea. . "I remeber a seaman calling
to tne 'It's a long way to Tipperary,' and
1 cried, back 'Yes, If you are going to
. A dispatch to Reuters Telegram com
pany - from Amsterdam states that the
Gorman consul there, according to the
newspaper telegraph, has- been advised
by hi government that submarine U-9,
which Ms credited with blowing up -the
three British cruisers in the North sea
early Tuesdsy morning, has returned to
a German port uninjured.
Commander of.U-9
Recently Married
BERLIN tvla The Hague to London),
8Cpt. 24. The death-dealing trop of the
German submarine U-, came shortly
after 'the marriage of its commander.
Lieutenant Wecldlngaen.
Lieutenant Weddlngsen returned Sep.
timber It from a Journey to the Shetland
islands and used the opportunity offer!
by repair to his craft to get married to
a Miss l'rete of Hamburg. The following
day hk returned to his submarine.
Demand that the street railway com
pany furnish a physical valuation of Its
property to (how the basis for It claim
that seven fare for a quarter 1 confisca
tory waa made by the city of Omaha In
a motion filed In district court in the
Pending Injunction suit which Is prevent
ing enforcement of the ordinance.
He Want Ads Are the Best Bu!n
Booster ,
If ?peed is what you want
in the delivery of coats, w
can eatisfy your wanta.
We have plati going
through our plant "which
must be turned out for use
in our own publication and
in neost oases your work
could be made at the same
time. ,Our own cuts show
up well in the Raper, why
not have yours mad un
der the same conditions?
Information and estimates
furnished upon request
140 Bee Bldg Omaha.
mxwtrtr or Xstvahox
Three deaths have occurred In Rrn.
tember among the policy holder in THii-
aumthi Urt:
W. W. Dunham of Hasting.
O, K. Itouek of Lincoln.
H. 11. t'hllpott, Omaha. '
Mr. Kouck had 11.000 In thla com
pany n, Mr. Uunhaw and Mr. Phil
pott e.M h hd $l.ioi. Mr. tiuiu-k took
hl Inauiance hi 1S07, Mr, I'hllpoit in
ls0. and Mr. Imn.iam In 1 9 1 0 Her
are threa com-rete eaampiea of the value
of Ufa Insurance. . fcju-h of these men
psjioed a aallftry medli-nl examina
tion In th year ha waa written. To
every uninsured and every uivlerlnaured
man. aueh a. (hesa ahould rauaa
liltu to take au iuveutury of bia esuia
uuixc Baa-rancirirus tin Dtsinga osi:
I A.fllstf Ai .i.klllCBt II1M
gr ',,
- 1 Q F E E O (
Commerce Commission" Keeps 'Down
Freight' on Yellow Pine.
reatlaatUa of ' Present Tariffs.
Jfewas mm Aaaaal Savins; at
' fifty Tknasaad Dollar '
ta OsiskSBK.
Ones more the Interstate Commerce
commission hss suspended the advance
freight rate on yellow pine from the
,., , umana ana Ufa Moines,
so that the old rate of 25 centa per 1)
pounds I still to remain In effect Instead
of the proposed 2i4 tents, whleh the rail
roads tried to Inaugurate In lin. Thl
worn ha Just come to K. J. McVann,
manager of the traffic bureau at the
Omaha Commercial club, who has been
the, chief factor In fighting the proposed
Holds Grand Opening Saturday
Unusual Credit House
King; Beddeo
at the iieddoo establishment.
V- ...-V-".
: pil:' 1 r p"
j,,,.,.lg ptosifc
feil a7jfeliati-5 IJjl.
The Newly Remodeled and Greatly Enlarged
Beddeo Clothing Co. Establishment' .
The Beddeo Clothing Company as it stands today, handsomely re
modeled and Immensely enlarged, is proof that excellent and stylish,
wearables can be purchased on terms as easy as $1 per week. Beddeo
haa brought the eay payment business down to so perfect a scale that
It Is now possible to supply all of one's own clothing needs, aa well as
all the attire needed by one's family, on one account, the same to be
covered by one oraional payment. That is, any man or woman may
assumo the indebtedness for all of the goods bought by the women,
children, boys and girls of his or her household, to say nothtng of the'
things he or she needs for personal use. In most caaes Beddeo ar
ranges matters o that a single dollar or so per week suffice to orer
the entire amount. ' . ' v
The genuine liberality, leniency and thougbtfulnes of Elmer Bed
deo is in a great measure responsible for his steady bantaetis growth.
Ills thousands of patrons like him;-he is never harsh orSinreasonable
with those a ho become slow pay becausa of misfortune or unforeseen
circumstances, tlediieo has tided, over many a person'durlng perlova
when money was tight, and thosa same people are now among hi
tauncheat adherents. .
Beddeo's establishment la decidedly unlike the usual ''Credit Es
tablishment'' one meets with throughout the country. The very ap
pearance of his store is different. Goods here axe newer. Styles are as
snappy aa money can buy. Office convenience are ideal. Each line is
departmenttzed that is. the Ladles' Section now occupies the entire
first floor, while the entire newly added second floor is given over to
nothing but Men's, Youths.' Boys' Clothing, Hats, Shoes, etc Other In
divlduallred departments are those devoted to Ladles' Sho. Hats,
Corsets. Kure, Hair Goods, etc Just atop and think what this means;
EVERYTHING a man, woman or child wears, under one roof, to be
bought and paid for on one account under pajroents of a single dollar
a week or so.
You. reader, are personally Invited to attend the Grand Opening of
Beddeo' newer, remodeled and enlarged stor on Saturday next. Come
in and see the strides Beddeo haa made. Se the largest expanse of
floor space in the west given over to nothing but Men's, Women's and"
Children' Clothing, on CREDIT. Come la and hear the music, get a
tree souvenir, and shake hands with Beddeo at least.
The location 1 handy central right In the heart of Omaha'
activities iiT Douglas St. the plac mad famous by this ex
pression: - - .
advaneft In rates. The commission hss
suspended the Increase in rates until
March 3, 1P1S.
I'p to that time the old rate of X centa
will hold In shipments of southern pine
from a tone Jn the south W mile long
and 400 miles wide. Thl is a territory
from the Arkansaa river to the Gulf of
Mlco, and from Alabama to Texas
The suspension mean a saving of about
17 a carload in freight charges to the
Omaha dealers on every car they get
fmm thl great lumber territory. It means
a total saving In a year of aome $.V,nno to
the dealers in Omaha, Fouth Omaha and
Council Bluffs. . ,
Move-meats I Ore a a tea .
Tert Arrireil. S.I1M.
rtr.w vohk...... ....." rul .
NKW vnitK...".. ,.... IKle.
rorr.iHuuitS Freank VJIt
Ht:ATTL.K Ksrsrhl
SKATTl.K l.nrfi sefton. ......
SHANGHAI (tirli'Un Bora...
Mvrsi'ool. Krnnnlsnil
IjiNIhiN. Mlnntoo
M.YMol'Tll.... BottsrcUm
NAri.K Stsmeslla.
flHAMWAl Mongolia.
From Start to Finish
A few years ago, when Elmer Oeddeo em
barked In 1 the. credit clothing business under
his own name, a half dozen opposition credit
clothing houses hummed and hawed and
boast Ingly predicted the downfall of Beddeo.
Today most of those opposition': credit
clothiers are out of the business,, while
Beddeo has made gigantic-strides and. mon
umental increases in the way-of customers,
room and equipment. '
Next Saturday, September 76,. the Beddeo
Clothing Company , will, have - a memorable
Grand Opening; nest Saturday it will 'throw
open to the public an entire newly annexed
econd floor,, including 3.000 square feet of
additional floor space;' next Saturday there
will be music and pretty souvenirs to caller
Friday, a Day
On Third Floor.
Drapery Remnants, big as-,
sortment o( values up to 50c
yd., at, yd. i5c
Splendid Bargains in New Silks
Plain and Novelty Dress Silks, broad as
sortment of weaves and colorings, in
cluding messalines, foulards, taffetas,
pongees, etc., to 75c yard values, over
3,000 yards in the lot, at, yard, 28c
and ...38c
811k Poplin. Hairline Stripe Mescaline, Plain All
811k Ireaa Mewnallnr, Tourist Bilk Stiitina:, etc.,
27 and 36 in. wide, made to sell at $1 yd. Spe
cial Friday, ytard ; G8
Drees Satins, 36 in. wide, in full line of street and
evening shades, including white, cream and
lack, special, yard 88
4 win. Silk Poplina in every wanted new shade,
most desirable for the hew basque effect cos
tumes, two values of exceptional merit
at OS5 and 51.23
40-in. All 8Uk Crepe de Chine, regular $1.76yd.
quality, on sale at, yard 81.38
Fine r.iiRllsh C-orduroys, 36 in. wide, regular $1
yd. values, in navy, black, Cardinal, Havana.
Royal Blue, Goblin and Wine, yard .58c
Hew. Lccds and Dress Tritnihings Greatly Underpriced
Our Fall and Winter Stock of Laces, Dress Trimmings, Braids, Ornaments and Fur
Trimmings is more complete than ever before and instead of increased prices we are dis
counting prices of former seasons.
Lace Flouncing.
In cream, white, ecru, black
and two-toned; regular $2
to $5 values at, yd., 98c
to $3.98
Ntw Neckwear Made to
$1.50; on sale at.'.
Friday's Specials in Drugs
and Toilet Articles
l-lb. pkg.' Absorbent Cotfon .'.
25c pkg. Borax Soap Chips
H lb. Boric Acid" ,....10
60c Cream Elcaya 85
7 So Pompelan Massage Cream 49o
60c Graves' Tooth Powder ....IBs
JBo Jad Salts
BOc Shah of Persia soap a8o
lOo Jap Rose soat ....Bo
Sloan's Liniment, 25o size ...17o
Bc Persian Lilao Toilet Water lBo
Bal Hepatiea. oc Im lo
60c alae ..30 $1.00 sis . .S90
1-1K bottle Peroxide 18o
Horltck's Malted Milk, 60o size 4
$1.00 sice ; To
IS.76 sise at a.7S
Daorook'a White Rosa or Locust
Blossom Perfume, os. ISa
iro Pond's Vanishing Cream lBo
90c, 3-Jt. Goodyear Fountain
Syringe ,e j
Choice of AH Doys1 and Children's Fall Hats
150 Dozen of them for selection, both cloth and felt; newest fall styles ;
to $1.00 values, t riday ,.t
Friday's. Bargains in linens
Hemmed and Hemstitched Table
Cloths, full size, full bleached,
$1.60 values, each . ...1.0O
Pure Linen Satin Damask, full
grass bleached, worth $1.50 yd.,
at, yard S1.25
German sllrer Satin Damask Pat
tern Table Cloths, worth $3.00
each, at S2.0S
Pure L.lnen Dresser Scarf, 20x54,
hemstitched, $1 quality, go at,
each 75
Earnsley or glass toweling, pure
flax, 15c value, yard ....10
Boys 50c Knickers, 25c.
Dark colors, well made, ages
5 years to 15 years, the
price for two days, 50c
panta . . . j . . . ' -25c
Children's Russian and
Blouse Suits, $2.50
. Suits, $1.50.
Ages 3 years to 8 years. Silk
trimmed and silk emblems.
Navy blue, brown and gray.
' All sizes, in all colors, Fri
, day and Saturday, $2.50
suits $1.50
Tailored Suit, made to" sell at
$16 and $17.50, at ... .S9.45
New style in plain and Wide ,
-Wale Serge, fancy Cheviot nd
Corded materials, coat heavy
satin lined, 42 to 45 In. long.
Surpassing bargains.
Women' and Mlsaea' Coats, to
$10 values, at. choice . .$5.00
In Mateesa Cloth with pluh
collar and ruffs. New Balniacaahs,
In shadow stripe and fancy mix
ture. tlaydcn's Kc:p
Wa don't blon to any rssoriattoa
or trust organisation, to manivalats
prica. Our aim is tha pPls.
1 lbs. asst rraaalataa sujrsjr . .91
4,-lb. sacs bast lilh rraas flour.
noihtu flow for dtmuI. pl
eakra. P"T sai-k ;"
1 bars Beat-Km-AU. Diamond i,
Iitox or Laundry Qnwu soap Ma
4 lbs. best band picksd navy Isssns
5 Iba beat rolled breakfast oatmral
..r .., S
lba. wtilta or ytJtow oormncal
irm Biltito srotirtnc sosd la
It-os. k.-On Tims sisrvli. for hot
mr. t r n,r r.kjr. ........40
Ths bst domestto mai-axonl, rra
(hstti or vemucilla. psaT ts
4 lbs. fancy Japan rlco. 10o quality
at .... sa
14-os. cans (sonArnssd milk . ...TV
Imxk bottles purs musts rd, hors
radish. pli-Kles assorted kinds or
pun tomato ratsun. butttw l-a
MctJtreus PMUiut butt sr. lb, ..ItH
Ul U U
of Qarc Bargain
New Dress Trimmings.
Almost endless variety of tho
new ideas, made to sell at
50c to$4 yd., at, .yd., 29c
sell' at 50c to j New Ribbons
. .25c to 98c a yard, at.
like cut and two other nobby styles,
Edges are bound with black gros
grain ribbon shapes, made to sell for
'$2.50. r ' ...
Large Velvet Poppies, 50c values, Fri
day at ......................19c s
Come , in white with, black and yellow centers, also t
'black; very popular trimmings. ' , s
. .
Thousands of yards of goods of ,
high cla remnants; some of our
own goods and soma from the
leading mills of the east, at a frac
tion of their retail value.
Outing Flannels, Flannelettes,
Ginghams, Prints, Percales. Suit
ings, Muslins. Towelings, Ltpings,
WThite Goods and all kind of Fall
Wash Goods placed on counteio.
No. 1. 2ttc yd. No. 2, 3 Vie yd.
No. 4, 6c yd. No. 6, 7Vc yd. No.
6, 10c yd
Infants part wool Vests, long
sleeves, regular price 25c-
at -10
Ladleb' and Children' Outing
Flannel Gown, worth to 75c, .
at 49
Misses' and Boys' Fleece Lined
Union Suits, all sizes, 2 to 16
years, at i 49c
Men' Fleece Lined Underwear,
8hlrt or Drawers, value to
ti nek vin rt?;
Children's part wool . Sweater m
Coats, sizes 4 to 10 years; col
ors gray, brown and red, 98c
values, at, . . '. 497
Men's. Ladies' and Children s
Hosiery, all sizes, 12 He value,
at 8-8
Ladies' Fleece Lined Underwear,
Veets or Pants, 60c values
at 39
Men's Outing Flannel Gowns,
worth to $1, at G9 and 49
Honse Dreaae, made to sell at
$1 and $1.25, Percales, Madraa
and Ginghams. prettUy finished,
sizes 34 to 46.. at, choice G3
Fleeced Kimonos, prettily trim
med, good assortment, special,
at ..79
Flannelette retticoata, with 1 4 In.
flounce, J9o values, spe'al lf)
Bungalow and Fancy Rib Aprons,
60c values, all color, .choice
at 29
Down VJar
H...1..V'. hro.kfH.nt cocoa, lb. ..tOe.
Ths best tea slftintss. . l8lj
golden Santoa coffee, lb. auo
Jossthsa aa sUriow ApUs
elai yushnl boM fancy or"li"
Jonathan or California Sl.35
Bellflowor apples, box.. v""
Taaoy Oallforala Tokay
Orapsa, par bask . . . .
Tor Batter, Br". Oasssa aa Bat
tsrlaa Try Xaydaa'a rirst, .
It raya.
Ths best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb , sis
Tha best Country Creamery Butter',
pr lb aao
The beat No. 1 Dairy Table Butter,
per, lb gaa
Full Cream Toun America Chee.
per lb. v.
Full Cream White or Colored Cheese,
Per lb. , aoo
v ims1
- Wa U L. 1 U J
On Third Floor.
Seamless Brussels "Rugs, 9x
12 Size, guaranteed worsted
face, special :$10
Dress Goods Greatly Underpriced
Broadcloths lead for fall dresses, and in
them we are showing two qualities, in
which -we have no competition at the
prices. . They're well worth $2 to $3
yd., our sale prices per yard, $1.48
and $1.98
Roman Stripe and French Plaid., strictly all
wool, 5 4 in. wide, all the new colorings, regular
$2.00 yard values S1.48
Novelty Suiting., Serges, sponged and shrunk.,
Bedford Cords and Diagonals, Fancy Stripe
8ultlngs, etc., worth $1.50 to $2 yard, at 08
S4-in. All Wool Granite Suiting, also 44-in.
Wool CrepeB and French Serges, in full line of
colors, on sale at, yd. ..".... -78 and 88c
New Fall Dress Materials to $1.25 Y l. Value
Serges, Crepes, Whipcords, Granite Cloths, Tan
amas, etc., 36 to 54-in. wide, on sale in S big
lots Friday, yard .38 48 and 8S
New Fall Cloaking, 64 to 60-ln. wide, in all the
popular weaves and colorings, best assortment
and values. In Omaha, yard, up from SI. 50
New Fur Trimmings.
Very popular this season,
fine assortment for selec
tion, 35c to $1.50 yd. values,
at, yd. ...... ..:25c to 98e
Made to sell at 35c to 75c
.19c, 29c; 49c
m sssis
1 case of 2 8-in. Flannelettes, good
heavy shirting styles, light col
ors, worth 8 Vic a yard; Friday
only, yard 5
10c Bleached Muslin, yard wide,
at, yard 4?
100 dozen 1 Scinch Napkins, heavy
and' good, dq;en 47'
60 dozen Mercerized Table Cloths,
8-4, 10-4 and 12, each,
at 69S 77c and 95.
Several great bargains not ad
vertised. '
Children's Chinchilla Coats.
$3.00 Coats at $1.95.
(Blue and Gray.)
Made ( with . button-to-the-neck
collar, and belt back.
Well made and well lined;
; for two days $3 Chinchilla
Coats at. .$1.95
Boys' 39c Overalls, 25c.
This item always .brings
crowds to Our domestic
room. Be here early and
get your ' fihare; they are
heavv weight 30c boys'
overalls at
2 Days Only.
$ 1 .50 and $1.08 Sweater Coat,
Oxford Gray and Reds, on sale
Friday . -98
Sateen Petticoats, "black and col
ors, 12 in, pleated and corded,
flounce, special Friday ...39
Pretty Fall Walsta, white and
colors, to 9Se values, all sizes,
choice ..29
Infant' 4-piet-e seta. Sweater.
Cap, Mittens and Drawer Le
gin, white or colors, special,
at, set 81.98
for the Pcopb
The best Strictly Fresh Eggs, dos.SSo
t lba Clood Butterine afro
Fancy Table Butterine, eual to
creamery, lb. ' 85o
Tte Tecstabla Karkst for the rsopl
of Omaha.
It lba Potatoes to the fleck. .... .S3o
Tou set "what the law requires ut
Ilaydien's. '
Large market basket "Green Peppers
for aoo
Large market basket Green Tonm-
toea fur lSe
Fancy Colorudb Cabbage, for kraut,
per lb So
Fancy Red Oniona, per lb So
4 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots So
Good Cooking Apples, peck 80s)
3 heads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce. . .5a
Fancy Waa or Green Beans, lb. . . Ke
Hubbard Squash lOo and ISHe
Tokay Grapes, basket S5o
C3 - f?iW" it
XizJ U 1 1 O &
) ?.
T- V ST.