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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
it. H1K UKK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SKITKMBKU 24, 1914. 7 7 BRIEF CITY NEWS Bar Boot Print It Now pacon Ptm Mffbtinr Hataraa, Burgii-arani1n Co. ridallty Btorar and Tarn Co. Donf. 188. City Froparty For reaults. list that rouaa with Oaborrs Realty Co. D. 1474. Bsaatlfnl All Modarn Somas Tor Sals' CP. the easy payment plan. Bankers' Healty Investment Co. Thona Doug. ISA Wakalay for Sohool Board Arthur Wakoloy Is to romo out as a candidal for the school hoard from the Eighth ward. rrtltinn! will be circulated at onca. Manchester to Bins; Bandar Will Man- hPntcr, well known In Omaha musical ilrrlcs. now residing In ft. Icon's, has consented to sin a solo at the All Saints' services next Sunday. Toda'e Complete KotIs Frorren'' may be found on the first page of the classified section today, and appears In The Pee EXCLV3IVEIV. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Chanoe to Pass Throng-h Omaha Clarke O. Powell hps received word from Frank Chance that he will. psi" through Omaha some time next week, driving nil car from New York to his home In California. DESCRIBES ACTION OF BRITISH FORCES Sir John French Gites Account of Fighting Since September Eighteen. BATTLE NOT VS VALLEY ALONE All Counter Attacks of tJermana Kail and In me Places They ' Are Repulsed Half loaen Tl Blomberr Is Released William Rlom- herg, who has been held for the last week pending an Investigation of his bavin In his possession a spurious silver dollar, was released by Vnlted States Commis sioner Daniel. Chambers' Dancing Academy The home of modern and classic dances, In structor of teat hers, who aro successful both In Omaha and other cities. Classes reopen September 23, 1314. Telephone Douglas 1871. The school to depend upon. Wants Damages for Fall The Y. M C. A., Is defendant in & suit in Judge Les lies' district court. brotiRht by Frank Robellng, a school boy. who fell off .a bar In a locker room. The Y. M. C. A. appealed from a $1 Judgment secured In justice court. fence Being Moved Back The fence that for six months has been obstructing the street at the corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets pending the building of the new Vnlted States National bank is being removed back so that the corner re sumes Its natural appearance. x Hew England Sinner Cottagers Ht Carter Lake club will give a New Knglaml dinner to members of the club and their friends this evening at 6:30 , at the club house. Kntertnlnmcnt will oe pro vided during the dinner, and dancing will follow. Scial moving pictures will be provided for those who do not dance. Taminoslan Denies Chare John f. Tamlnosian, who was recently arrested and placed under bond for an alleged offense against the United s-'tates Land office In It operations for Justice to settlers, denies the charges made against him and declares that he will exonerate j himself when his case comes up for trial. Special Oar for Races For the races at the motordoine on tnc Hast Omaha car line, extra service to handlu the crowds will be put on. Extra curs will be run from the Sherman avenue line to the Carter lake Junction and If the crowd should be large enough to demand it, can will be run through from Fourteenth and Uouglas streets, switching onto the Carter lake line at Sherman uvf.nue and Locutt street. withdrawal of part of the enemy In fantry and artillery. "Further counter attacks made during thn night were beaten off. Rain came on towards evening and continued Intermit tently until a. m. on the ltith. Resides adding to the discomfort of the soldier holding the line, the wet weather to some extent hampered the motor transport service, which was also hindered by broken bridge. "On Wednesday, September R there was little rliantn In the situation opposite the British. The efforts made by the enemy were less active than on the previ ous day. though their bombardment con tinued throughout the morning and even ing. Forty prisoners were taken by thu Third division. (nation Hr. me. "On Thursday, Septemter IT. the situa tion still remained unchanged In Its essen tials. The Herman heavy artillery fire was more active than on the previous, duy. The only Infantry' attacks made by the enemy were on the extreme right of our position and. n had happened before, were repulsed with heavy loss, chiefly on this occasion by our field artillery. "In order to convey ome Idea of the nature of the fighting It may be s.ild that not entailing material delay to our prog-, numg me irram.i. . res. has developed and has proved to be ""mans have been drk en back from the serious than was anticipated. ! forward slope, on tne nnn o r. . LONDON, Sept. 2J.-The following de scrlptlve account from Field Marshal Sir John French's headquarters of the Rrltlsh army operation up to September 18, was Issued tonight: "General Headquarters. Sept. IS. 1314. "At the date of the last narrative, Sep tember 14, the Germans were making a de termined resistance wlonf the RTver Alsne. Opposition, which It was at first thought might possibly be of a rear guard nature. more The action now being fought' by the j Their Infantry are holdings strong line, rman alng their l-ne. 1. true.1, f tranche, amongst and along the edges.' Boy or Girl? ' ' Great Question! Ocrm have been undertaken In order to gain time for somo strategic operation or move, 1 and may not be their main stand. But if! that Is so, the fighting Is naturally on a scale, which s to what extent of ground covered and duration of resiftance, makes it 'indistinguishable In Its progress from what Is known a a "pitched battle' though I I the enemy certainly showed signs of con- slderahle disorganization curing the earlier uay of the retirement phase. Cannot Yet Re Said. "Whether It win originally intended by them to defend tho position they took up as strenuously as they have done, or whether tho Celay gained for them during tho 12th and 13th by their artillery has enabled them to develop their resistance na bring to many minds an old an4 and force their line to an extent not orlg- tried family remedy an external an inally contemplated, cannrtt yet be said. plication known a "Mother's Friend." "So far a. we are concerned the action .PrtJ f ."J. 'I ! -in . . . ... app led to the abdominal muscles and Is still being contested Is the battle of tho L.A to loothe th. intricate network. Alsne. The foe we are fighting Is Just f nerves Involved. In this manner It across that river along the whole of our ha uch a splendid Influence a to Justify front to the east and to the west. Th? Its ue In all case of coming mother rtrugg,e ,. not confined to the valley flJ'U that river, though It will probably bear Its who hay U9ed ,t peak tn hlghoat rralss name. , cf the Immense relief It afford. Partlo- "The progress of our operations and the uiarly do these knowing mother speak French armies nearest us for the 14th. of the absence of morntns; Icknes. Klh ,A(V. , ,,.., H , absence of traln on the ligament and 15th, 16th and will now be described. ,reeJom from thol!e mttny othcr dis- llold Their Foot lag. j tressed which are usually looked forward "On Monday, the 14th, those of our ' to with o much concern, troops which had on the previous dav There Is no question but what crossed the Alsne, after driving In the . 'Mother's Friend" has a marked f"'n . . . , to relieve the mind and thla of Itself In uerman rear guards on that evening, Mltlon to the physical relief has given found portions of the enemy's forces In ! very wide popularity among women. prepared defensive positions on the right i It Is absolutely safe to use, render bank and could do little more than get a the akin pliable, Is penetrating in It footing north of the river. This, however, nature and Is compowd "'those mbro- .u... i . . ' cations best suited to thoroughly lubrl- they maintained In splto of two counter j ,. th- nnrv-. muscles, tendons and ligament Involved. Bee renders are too Intelligent to over look the opRortunltle In the "want ad" columnB. They're worth while reading. In Sage and Sulphur . Darkens Gray Hair It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Thickness. Hair that lose Its color and lustre, or when It fades, turns gray, dull and life less, is caused by a lack of sulphur In the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thou sands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which 1 o attractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowaday we get this famous mixture by asking at any drug store for a M cent bottle of "Wyeth's Page and Bul phur Compound," which darken the hair o naturally, o evenly, that nobody can possibly, tell It ha been applied. Re sides, it takes off dandruff, stops scalp Itching and falling hair. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small atrand'at a time. By morning the gry hair disappears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur ii that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives It an appearance of abundance. Advertisement. attacks delivered at dusk and 10 p. m which the fighting was severe. "During the 14th strong reinforcements of our troops were passed to the north bank, the troops crossing by ferry, by pontoon bridges and by the remains of permanent bridge. Closo co-operation with the French .force was mulntalnod and tho guneial progress made was good, although the opposition was vigorous and tbe stato of the road -after the heavy tain, made movements slow. "One division alone failed to secure the ground It expected to. - Take- !' Hundred I'flaonera. "The First army corps, after repulsing repeated attacks, captured 000 prisoners and twelve guns The cavalry also took a number of prisoners. Many of the Oermans taken belong to the reserve and landwehr formations, which fact appears to Indicate that the enemy Is compelled to draw on other classes of soldier to fill the gaps In its ranks. "There was a heavy rain throughout the night of September 14-15 and during the 16th the situation of the British forces underwent no essential change. Rut It became more and more evident that the defensive preparations made by . the enemy were more extensive than was at first apparent. I "In order to counter balance these. measures were taken by us to economise our troops and U secure protection from the hostile artillery fire, which was -very fierce, and our men continued to Improve their own entrenchments. The Germans bombarded our lines nearly all day, using heavy gun brought, no doubt, from be fore Maubeuge, aa well a those with the cor?s. Counter Attnrks Fall. "All their counter attacks, however, failed, although In ome places they were repeated six times. One made on th Fourth guards' brigade was repulsed wttn heavy slaughter. "An attempt to advance slightly, made by part of our line, was unsuccessful ir regards gain of ground, but led ti th You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at almost any drug store. It is prepared only by Bradfleld Reg. ulator Co., 401 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. i ,( mjnmiiji ni i hu . j i i L,ftiii...T,i'..,,- - r i.i. i!ir.n - ---it w. I i CALENDARS FOR 1915 Order Now 1 A Calendar ta a dally reminder, keeping your name constantly bo fore your patrons and proEpoctlvo customer. We have a varied 11-. ot attractive foreign and domestic subject that will Interest you. Call and see them, or lot one oi our finlesmeu call on jou. Phono Douglas 3535. M- F. SI3AFER & GO. 12th nixl I'nrnam Strcx.-U, Omaha, ebrakka. Eg- Just Arrived. The Greatest Little Gas Heating Stove to sell for Heat to make the bathroom comfortable for baby, mower and you; heat for the bedroom, dining room or fitting room these chilly mornings or evenings. Small, light, handy, ready on the minute and many times cheaper than a booming fire in the furnace. Deferred payment plan 65c down; 65c first month; 65c final payment 11.05 in all. At the gas office or from representatives. OMAHA GAS CO. 1509 Howard Street Douglas GOG 1IM Mi m Wm, i ;i- 111!"!! rirfin k:'' "V'tf HiUUlaimf:--Hitl.- O J'Silwi! jjlnllt mmmm nl J'l :iUitnti1iiHiH!;!l!ilJii;i; HJ4JSIH tlEssqiitiiJsite Ewimimi 1 ra Ti Danu FiP(0)(sik pprtuiun tfimm t s- cunr a chcurinnilinig nuw cir2i tion Ir th Ak-Saip-B!!! Ball anudl othi? social lMini- tfioims schcdliuildl Ir th nueair 'iMttLur. Just q Mxt c! what thsea exquisite creations ere Cavxs. the like of which no preticuo eeescn hes produced, ti dfeylay that will bring forth the most enthusiastic admiration; D&r.ce firocks Acknowledged by ell to be unrivaled in variety and in style distinction. IHlundreds o( beautiful, exclusive models are here. Emiilinig (Gowms, 36 t JS Danuc Frocks, 91B t $59.60 e Abu Attirai(5tn Pnplaif i S EVEMHMS WRAP Charming Creations that ere exclusive end distinctive. Ei ch with fur and gold and silver embroidery. The new shades of blue, green, coral, pink and tan, $40.50 to $H6. (MM ,4, ! mm isK Wilt' "J ffigh 'Oass N w FALL Anathiritatllvly Conrcct tyls nnu iairaiL i.ssrtinniinit, at Each express during the past few days has brought in the newest end moat advanced models In Fall Suits. . The showing for Thursday comprises ell the newest fabrics, all the newest colorings and dozens upon dozens of the most beautiful and effective styles we have ever shown' at this price. You'll.flnd tailored suits and dressy suits. You'll act suickly, for the values are the best in town 'for the price. 3 LOVELY TWIMED EATS, INDI VIDUAL and BIOTMCTHVE, $6.00 All the new features of fashion are represented, many of them exact copies cf Paris models and made of fine quality silk velvet. There's a wonderful variety of styles and you'll find the very shape best suited to you here. The trimmings consist of os trich, burnt pheasant, fancy wings, flowers and the new mon key fur. These hats are euel in style to any hat in town at the price. The price Five Dollars. Burgss-zrab Co. Bsoood rioor. ECONOMY BASEMENT- $22.60 TAEL03RED SUITS, 914.G8 Splendid (piallty In serges and fancy. weaves. Navy, ' black, brown,' plum, and green. . Coats are full satin lined. Hew yoke skirts. Positively worth 922.60-for 014.03.' ' THE NEW. CLOTH .DRESSES, $6.63 - ' Men's wear serge with silk girdle and medid collers, tunic style skirt, black, blue, brown end gray. These dresses are just as pretty as can be and you muat see them to know what splendid values they ere at $8.03. . : $4.80 CLOTH SKIRTS AT $2.08 It's a big sldrt value. Serges, plaids, chev iots end mixtures, plain style or with tunic, wdst band 22 to 2. $4.60 values at $2.00. Borgess-Mash Gomiwjy. '-m F ..... EVE R YD ODYS STORE . .. . u iniitxirisTi7ni AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS Have the M. & L. Do Your Dental rr A Full and up l-ttiuiale and Kxanilnation Fre You Get the Most Gentle Carful Treatment an d Wi take a ympoihetlc lcterst In our patient; gtve tbeiu more thought and more time. SPECIAL, COXSIUKRATION FOR NERVOr?. PEKBONS. We du lilKh grade work. Our Crown aro reinforced; our Gold heavy nuaye. The hlghent prlre dentlHts In Omaha can do no more for you than wt do yet our prices are HALF! Come to us! Get un absolutely square deal! Teeth Extracted Without Pain by Our New Method M. & L. DENTAL CO. Corner 14th and paniam KU., Omaha, Over I'nlon 1'arlfic Ticket Office. Hour 8:30 to 6. Mumlays, JO to 1. Phone Douglas SM7U. Gold Crou-na, 22-k . . . 5 White (Yowns J&5 Hi-Mice Work, tooth. .5 1 For Goflee.Gerealsor a Hr. ti sn ariporatati milk WITHOUT THAT COOKED TASTE a milk that hat ovsicoma ihs latt objectlcm to an tvaporatsd milk. ' Cottaqe can b ued for evsry purpose for which fresh milk or rream ii used for bevsrsgc, for rsrcali, for tht baby's milk and tor cooking. And it M always fresh, sweat and pure, Mo dtngtr ot touring. It is good and vt uniform rjchnsss to tht last drop. Cooking r The MUk Without tie CooUd Taite i