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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
TIIK HKK: OM.MIA, THl'liNDAY. KKITKMBKR 24. l!H4. DEMOS NAME WARD HELPERS Central Committee of County Ap point! Various Precinct Member. FINISH UP IN SHORT ORDER Kieratlre Committee, Which Waa Klerted Week Ag-a, Arrive at Ckolre H"lhoat Aar rial Effort. The executive committee of the fl'itio t ratio county central committee has ap rlnted the ward and precinct member of the committee. The executive com mittee, elected a week ago, flDlshrd It Work In ahort order. Ttie offlceri of the central committee re: John H. Bennet, chairman; B. J. McArdle, secretary; John It. Kllllan. treasurer, whllo the executive committee In made up of Char lei K. Fanning, James C. Dahlman. Loula J. PlatU, Thomas J. nynn and Thomaa Hoctor. rrmrr ward. Inhn N. Hennlngaon John F Pollock, William Kill. Alexander J. lan Foley, Unnohoe. SECOND WARD. James C. Ormsby, Joseph Mollner, Kdward Poxacx, lxe Bridges, V. H. Casey. P. J. Doran. I.. J. Flynn, THIRD WARD. Claude F. Bonnie, P.rm-t Worm, tleorpe Clark, James J. Silk, Gus ltlchter. Jurnm Thomson. FOCRTII WARD. wrcnce T. Finn, William J. Uttle, A. H. Schroder, K. A Schneider. Georg. tfeay, James F, Connolly. FIFTH WARD, "amen I'amhton, Louis J. Plnttl, George Yager, P. J. McAndrews, "William Slevers. H. J. Tompsett, J. F. Morliirtty. Ousa Sessemun, Jr. It. U Itcseltn. SIXTH WARD. Tom O'Connor, (Jeorgn (loff. .lumen Sherlock. W. M. Quintan. John Kelpln. Ham J. Roth well, Vincent AlrlVinoujrh HKVKNTH WARD. Henry Rnhlff. Harry V. Havaanl. Krt-d fl. Keifs, (irorxe F. Bncchsn, .1, Kd Walsh, Harry A. Foran. F.IOUTH WARD. Joseph WrlKht, William O'Mara. Dan Carroll, H. Btroeener. H. B. Flcharty. John H. Bennett. NINTH WARD. Joeph N. Flynn, Jnse-ph P. Butler, Henry A. I'ollock, R. II. Holmes, I 'an llmrlran. K. J. Waters, T. K. Morrtscy, Meyer Klein. Charles Epnteln. TENTH WARD, li. B. Fearn. John It. Kllllan. Charlea A. Rets, Joseph t Padrnos, Antonio Waantn, Dr. K. A. Sedlacek. KLKVKNTH WARD. Charlea Barrett. Thoa. McClrnaghrn K. F. Leary, Charlea J. F.niery, R W. Connell, A. W, Elsassor, W. J. Howler. TWELFTH WARD. J. 8. Pin tens. K. L. Huntley, M. U Endrea. G. II. Morlarlly. George Townley, Alvln K. Patten, Philip Mcrgon, Oeorge II Merton, . J. Cuslck, William Butt, oath Omaha. FIRST WARD. William Orchard, Harry Bockman. K. D. O'Sulllvsn. SKCOND WARD. John Zadoulek, Frank Keegan. THIRD WARD. Joaeph Marek. John Nightingale. Charlea Relmer, FOI'RTH WARD. Jamea Cunningham, Nick Wranlo. Edward Murray. FIFTH WARD. SFred Moore, Edward Jennesi. SIXTH WARD. John T. Merrell. Fred Moore, Jr. 8KVENTH WARD. Barney Cogan, Patrick Hannlghn. Coaalry PraHaete. Kant Omaha, Uua Sesaemann. Henaon, east precinct, W. K. Wright. Benaon, aouth precinct, Oeorge Hill. Heimon, north precinct, B. J. McArdle. Chicago. Jamea Qulnn. Clontarf, . iKmglas, north precinct, I. C, Wohlcra, DoiiKlna. noil I h precinct, Dundee, north precinct, Oeorge MeArdlw. Duiiden, aouth precinct, S. Arlon Lewis. Klkhorn, Frank Gelston. I Florence, north precinct. ' I Florence, aouth precinct, F. M. King. Jefferson, Charles Oraw. McArdle. K. Cnllaly. Millard. John Bull. I'nlon, George Phalen, Valley. Dr. W. It. Red. Waterloo, A. Campbell. Hotarians Decide to Buy Bale of Cotton The, Rotary club's weekly meeting was entertained by addresses by Dan Johnson, explaining aomo of the Intricacies of In mirance adjustment, and Mr. Pepporberg of Lincoln, reinforcing un Invitation from the club there to aend a delegation to a get-together assemblage or Rotarlana to be held Tuesday evening, November 10. Of the musical numbers, the apeclal lilt was mad by Will Manchester of Ht. Ixuis, here on a visit to his old home, singing the anvil song from "Robin Hood." In response to an appeal from the Jackson, Miss., Rotarlsns, the execu tive committee was authorised to help out the buy-a-bale-of-cotton campaign. HEAD ELKS TO ARRIVE IN OMAHA THIS MORNING Grand Exalted Ruler Benjamin, Grand Trustee Nicholson and Orand Secretary Robinson of the Klks reach here at 8:20 this morning, several hours earlier than first planned, and the program will be changed. They will be met at the train by officers of Omaha lodge, taken to the Henshaw and then will have a drive around town. Oolng to Council Bluffs at 12 . they will lunch with the officers of Council Bluffs lodge at the Orand hotel at 1 p. m. and at I p. m. they meet the lodge, later riding around the city. They reach Omaha on their return at t p. m.. have dinner at the Itnnsha v at p. m. with Omaha lodge and officials from out In the state, and at 7:45 attend the lodge meeting. BUTTS HEARS OF SPVEN NEPHEWS IN GERMAN ARMY At last William Butt has received word Of the whereabouts of his seven neph ews who are In the Oerman army. Only ana of them has been wounded, although all have been engaged In the fighting la France and In East Prussia. Five of these young men are the sons of Mr. Butt's brother and two are the eons of his suiter. While they all be longed to the Ninth Hanoverian corps and were first sent to the fight at Liege, they were later detailed with detachments, tintll they are now widely scattered. O'NEILL MAN FINED FOR REFILLING WHISKY BOTTLE For refilling a bottle of bonded whisky, John J. Thomaa, saloon-keeper of O'Neill, Neb., waa fined two, with $1W costs, and sentenced to twenty-four hours in the county JatL The ease, which waa tried at Norfolk, was prosecuted by' Revenue Agent Bluseer and Special Oauger Pin tles. Federal Judge Morris presided. Vmr laalaestlea ea Bllleasaese Vse Dr. King's New Ufa III la. Rid the stomach and bowels of all Impurities and tone up the system. All druggists. Ad -rlieiuent, Chancellor Avery Opens University Medical College Chancellor Samuel Avery delivered the opening adilrens at the formal Inaugura tion of the IHI4-1S term at the t'nlvcrslty of Nebraska Medical school yenterdiiy, speaking on the Importance of the medi cal man In the modern world and dwell ing some time upon medical requirements In Germany, especially In the military. Chancellor Avery told of hln experiences and observations when a student at Heidelberg and spoke glowingly of the emphasis Germany places upon the medi cal science. He told the prospective doc tors and surgeons that theirs was among the most Important prnfeanion nd that the science they are now studying Is one which Is In a rapid stage of progress and a profession for young men as well as old. Two More Cases of Diphtheria Appear Two new rases or the virulent diphthe ria being fought by the city health de partment hue appeared, D. Goldstein, 7 years, 11"7 Douglas, and Joe Domonkos, 7 yeHrs. 13a tfouth Third street,, l-!ng Infected. The brother of the Domonkos boy becHine III of the dlnease a few days ago ami is In the city emergency hos pital. The dlnesne, phyriclans say. Is proving fatal In from forty-eight hours to four ! days. There hsve been two deaths within the last week. Realty Men Favor Again Voting on Auditorium Bonds TRAIN SERVICE ARRANGED FOR THE ELKHORN FAIR Parties from Omaha attending the Doug las County fair, that opens st Klkhorn todsy snd continuing until Haturday, will be able to reach home early each evening, If they so desire.. The I'nlon Pa cific has Issued an order for the stopping of No. IX, the Oregon and Washington limited, st Klkhorn eech evening during the continuance of the fair. East bound, this train passes through Klkhorn at 7:30 In the evening. MAYOR INTRODUCES AN ORDINANCE HE IS AGAINST Mayor James C. Dshlnusn told a com mittee representing the directors of the Omaha auditorium that lie would oppose the IwHiiance of .'H0.(Xlf bonds to purchase the auditorium. The mayor Introduced In the council the ordinance calling for the submission of the bonds In November. The mayor said he was In fsvor of building a new Jail, hut thought the same condition with regard to the auditorium bonds applied to tho Jail bonds. AMBITION TO BEAT UP POLICEMAN MAKES TROUBLE William Vogel Is a farmer from Wall Lake, la., and possesses an Inordinate de sire to go back home with the reputation tf having beaten up at least one Omaha policeman. Monday he chose Officers Delahanty and Schwager as Ms victims, but was out of luck, and when he got out of the difficulty he owed a local surgeon J. Yesterday he picked Officer Wade. He Is now In Jail, and the surgeon will have his work to do all over again. Offi cer Eddie Morgan came to Wode'e assist once, but wss knocked cold when Wade missed a wsllnp at Voge and caught Mor gnn on the chin. "I'm a tough hairpin, I am," Vogel yelled as he waf pushed Into a cell. The Omaha Real Ftate exchange favors the purchase of tho auditorium I by the dty for a sum not to exceed 0") whl'h Is the sum for which It is now I being offered to the city. This was de- I elded upon at the meeting of tha ex change. The exchange debated long and i ardently on the matter as to whether or ! not to favor the voting of an extra 40.rW for puting the building In good shape. They left this undecided, but Instructed a committee of three to rote for the HW.flOO purchase at a meeting Thursday at the Commercial club, at which various commehclal and civic organizations are to be represented to consider the pro posed Issue of bonds In tlie sum of $JOO.O0O (for the purchase of the auditorium. The committee appointed conlta of Jonn W. Robblns, Harry Wolf and W. H. Thomas. DEAN SUMNER OF CHICAGO SPEAKS HERE ON SUFFRAGE Dean Walter I Sumner of the Cathe dral of PC Peter and 8t. Paul. Chicago, one of the best known sociological work era In the country and a memrer ef the vice commission inaugurated several years ago. wilt give a suffrage talk In Omaha next month, according to Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, who haa Just returned from Chicago, wheie rhe completed ananRe mcnts for the coining nf Jane Addams October 11. Iean Bumner will cither apeak on the same date with Miss Adtlams or October t. on the enm program with I'r. Anna Howard Shaw. The dean Ske In Omaha two years ago at the Nebraska Charities and Corrections conference, and aa the guest of Bishop Arthur L. Wil liams at that time. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. EXAMINATIONS FOR CIVIL SERVICE DURING OCTOBER During Oi.tober 1 lilted States civil ser vice examinations will le held for var ious vacancies. For ferryman, October 12; cadet engineer, October 11; auto mi cbinist, October 1; linotype machinist. fX'toler SI; bookbinder, Octoocr 21: tariff assistant and njiii.itanl In foreign trade marks, October H; oil and gas Inspector, Oc toiler, SI. RAILROAD MEN SAY THEY HAVE PLENTY OF CARS Freight car service men of the roads centering in Omaha are meeting at I'nlon Pac.iflc headquarters, illncuxslng ways and means for facilitating the movement of cars that handle freight. It Is assertel by all of the car service superintendents that at this time there Is no shortage of freight cars. UNIVERSITY OUTGROWTH OF NIGHTJ.AW SCHOOL As an outgrowth of the University Uw club, which was established In Omaha four yenrs ago, a night law school, to lie knows ns the FVintenelle university, has been entabllnhed with executive of fices In the Omnha National Bank build ing. The various classes which have been operative will continue In force and the officers of the school, which has' been, Incorporated, are Oeorge W. I'tynforfer, president; William A." KUilers, vice presi dent; Carl T. Self, registrar; William O. Fuller, William II. Borcherdlng and George Chrlstofferson members of the board of directors. Kidney and l.lrer Tronbra Quickly helied by Electric Bltters-sure and prompt relief. Stimulate the kidney end liver to healthy action. 60 cents and II. 0a All druggists. Advertisement, POSTAL HEADS ARE TO MEET AT WASHINGTON A call has been received summoning the superintendent and chief clerks of the Fourteenth division to Washington for a conference with tho heads of the depart ment. Superintendent C. M. Reed of this division Is already In Washington, while five clerks leave Immediately for the cap ital. Those making the Journey are E. C. Kelley and R. L. Latta of Omaha, J. M. Butler of Lincoln, W. C. Mulford of Denver and C. A. Beach of Cheyenne. Lame Troeble Back Kidney f eases It. It don't take long for kidney and blad der trouble to give you a lame back, and even worse If not checked. Mrs. H. T. Straynge, Oalnsvllle, Ga, waa fairly down on her hack with kidney trouble and Inflamed bladder. She says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills and now my back Is stronger than In years, and kid ney trouble and painful bladder sensa tion have entirely gone." Good drug gists are glad to sell Foley Ktdny Pills because they always help. They onn'eln no habit forming drugs. All dealers. PUBLICITY HEADS OFF SENSATIONAL DIVORCE SUITS Sensational divorce suits have become rare In Douglas county and will con tinue so, according to lawyere. as the result of the ruling of the district Judges last winter that court papers might not be removed from the building forthe purpose of concealment. It is now the practice for lawyers to direct clients averse to publicity In Omaha to establish residence somewhere else, preferably In Nebraska, owing to the short period of time thus made necessary and to bring their suits In their new locations. INVENTORY OF ESTATE OF W. S. POPPLETON FILED Inventory of the estate of the late Wil liam B. . Poppleton, filed In county court shows him to have been the owner of three Omaha lots and twenty acres of Douglas county land and a one-third Interest In the A. J. Poppleton trust es tate. The trust eNtute Includes 300 Omaha lots and 100 shares of stock of the United States National bank valued at 130,000. Less Meat If Back and Kidneys Hurt i Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you. Eating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble In come form or other, says a well-known authority. ' -cause the uric acid in meat exches the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con atipatlon, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary Irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you. get about four ounces ' Jad Salts from any good pViarmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore broakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous suits is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity: also to neutralise tho acids In the urine so It no longer Irri tates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thua avoiding serious kidney disease. Advertisement. NO is aww- v mSMr v. ig w's' tm uaje- - ms- , v a- r Nothing else will do iKnow 9 oHc tr f,0,k a - a a .' mm It. .vr vv.' .W trZ0-illi V . . i- aV I V- vi7 'r r i If you have been drinking other beers, it's because you have never tasted "Blatz Private Stock." People who know Brewing Experts univer sally acknowledge its superiority. It's simply ideal in every way taste-urity--nouri3hment and health giving qualities "Blatz Private Stock Leads Them AIL" Blatz Company, Omaha, Neb. DoTtlas 6663 802-810 DOUGLAS STREET x.'JJi !!,.:" t,5"V : wmmmmmm -mmmmmmm f r n i-ia-i 1 Superior Assortments and Values in September Sales A MAGNIFICENT SHOW ING OF HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX, SUITS AND OVERCOATS. DON'T MISS THE SPLEN DID SPECIAL VALUES IN BOYS' SCHOOL CLOTHES fii; J imr Fascinating flew Modes in Autumn Dress Exceptionally Attractive Values New Tailored Suits that embody all that is best in the fall fyi season's style ideas, and you'll find from the most moderately A a . . . . .1 t lit 1 . i I pneed to the most expensive ana exclusive garments tne quai- 'firiy 7ilH ities evidently superior. Made of finest chiffon, broadcloths, ,N gaberdines, tweeds, efc, including the new Cossack styles. --.'y1 p '1' t i.-t.i i va ' i i ,y jieuuirKaum vtuura air pAliilyfl ft 19.50 ?23.75 $35.00 $39.75 845.00 $55.00 Up. ill 1 fcA Vaim Vail Quits Tri ufirtrnc rlinv irkf a nit mmln ir coll nn ir ftl! 22.50; navies, browns, blacks and new blues, at. . . .812.50 . Ur Pretty Basque Dresses Serge dresses, crepe de chine dresses, $18.00 to $20.(X) val ues, all colors, special Thurs day at ... . $11.95 Women's Silk Underskirts; all colors, made to sell at $3.00; matchless values Thursday, at . 81.59 Visit the . Baby Bazar Most complete showing of infants' wear in Omaha, New Dress Skirts In newest designs and most wanted col ors and fabrics; special at ....... .....$5.00 New ..Balmaccan Coats and other light weight coats for fall wear, choice bargains for Thursday; on sale at $9.95 New Basque Waists Just re ceived broad assortments of nobby designs; special at $4.95 i vvijiM i w n. low Do You Like These Hats? They 're just ten of scores upon scores of oqually attractive and absolutely authentic fall styles in trimmed hats which we 'rev pricing this woek; special at, choice $4.98 Made of silk velvet or plush, beautifully trim med with burnt ostrich stick-ups and bands, pheasant and peacock stick-ups, gold and silver flowers, birds, ribbons, furs, etc. Come in and see the splendid collection at this moderate price, $4.98. Smart Velveteen Q Shapes, Special v Soft Crown Sailors, like cut, also other blocked and soft crown sailors, close fitting turbans, etc., the season's most popular styles, 20 dozen in the lot for your selection; Thursday at 98c 50c Ostrich Stickups 19c Three pieces; come in solid white, also white and black combination; great snap Thursday at . 19c Thursday Linen Specials Goent Twrtin(t -By tha yard, assorted designs, pure linen, values to 7 Sc. In one lot, yard, 56c liath Mat In various colors and patterns, full size, washable, val ues to II. as. each. 75c Bed Spread" -Imported Marseil les, scalloped with cut corners, values to $3.60. each 2.73 lied Spreads Hemmed or fringed crochet, full sle, worth up to IJ.50, each . .fl.4 Preserve your Table Top with one of our Excelsior Quilted Table Pads, worth 11.86, each. . . .ft.SO J Worth says ''Clothes Make the Woman But Corsets Make the Clothes Yoa eaat a4f ord t asclaet your appaarano or ipofl ths Unas of your most beautiful rowns by wearing: ths wroaf eorssts. Wear tba oorsats deslsaad by artists to snpaasUs tha oataral beauty ol 7 oar 6are ft CORSETS They are so akllfally detlgaed. so Hahtly aad eoai(are ably boned that yon don't (eel you have a corset on. Bach albrhtaat chanre of tashloa Is carefully erarched 'ey espert corset artlets. and reSected at once In RAO Corsets . Bee the hundreds ot new deshms priced treat ti.00 to Si 00. Blanket Sale Cotton Blankets. .59c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 up to $2.50 Wool Filled Blankets -t.OO Blankets, pair, $2.75 Wool Filled Blanketa $5.00 Blankets, pair, $3.50 Wool Filled Blankets $6.00 Blankets, pair, $3.98 f t. Ill OUR PUrULArt BQMtSIIG KGOft! Iflo Bleartid Muslin, yanl aide TVjo Ji,o Hlt-aj-heil Muslin, yard wide bo 8'c lirown MuhUh. 6 10c Brown Muslin 7VsO li'Hf and 15c vory lieavy Outlnirs. . . lOo li'.c PercaleH. fast colors TVo H: Prints. Sampson's fast, colors, .sc $1.00 Hf.l Spreads, full size o 11. :$ He.l MpreadK, full alu S80 $1.60 lied HprcudK, combed yarns.... 8o 12 00 Med Spreads, combed yarns. . .J1J5 t:i.00 Bed Spreads, Maraailles tl.SS Linen Damask, 7a inches wide yds. renular 11.25, at 91.00 t5.0 Thble Cloths S3. 60 $').00 Napkins, per doi .3.60 Table C'lothH. pure bleached damask, st each, 890, 7 So, SSc, 91.00 up to...S,0O IB lbs. Pure Cans Granulated BfT or SW' 41-lb. aack beat lilh grade flour, made from No. 1 selected wheat, nothing- finer for bread, plea or cakes, per ears: 91M 10 bare Beat-Em-All, Diamond C. I,eno or Laundry . Queen White Laundry aoap IS lba. white or yellow cornmeal tao I lba beat rolled breakfast oatmeal. at 4 lba beat hand picked navy beans as. 4 lba. fancy Japan Kloa, lOo quality. at lt-oa, cans condensed milk . ...TH 14 os. cans condensed soupa..S)l-3e Fancy Queen Olives, quart Saa 7 lbs. beat Bulk Laundry Starch tt cakea Blltco Scouring Soap XSa Yea I Foam, pkg S Corn Flakes, pkg Fresh, crlap iner snapa, lb. ...6a t-Ib. ran. fancy sweat sugar corn, at ,TH .10. 2-)b. cans esrly June peas . J-lb cans solid packed Tomatoes .. lOo The beat domestic macaroni, vemil- cllla or srivtchettl, pkg TW Advo Jell, for dessert, nothha7 Just as good, try It. pkg 7lo llershey's breakfast cocoa, lb. . soo The best tea slftings, 10 iao Golden Santos coffee, lb 80c ro Batter, Zrga. Cheese and But tarlas Try aTaydea's rtrst, It rays. The beat Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb 31c The best Country Creamery Butter. per lb ago The best No. 1 talry Table gutter. per lb 860 Full Cream Young America C'hee e. per lb .- 80o Full Cream White or Colored Cheese, per lb SOc The beat Strictly Fresh Eggs. dos.Sec ! lba Good Butterlne 8Sa Fancy Table Butterlne. eo,ual to creamery, lb tSc rut Up Toar Bin. Plums Bow. 4-haoket rrato extra fancy, heavy packtMl Idaho Italian Blue Plums for $1.05 The Yegstable Market for tba People of Omaha. 1.S lbs. Potatoes to the peck 35a You pet what the law requires at llayden'n. Large market basket Green Peppers for aOc Large market basket Green .Toma toes for ISc Fancy Calorado Cabbage, for kraut, lx-r lb Bo Fancy lied Onions, per lb So 4 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots 6c Good Coo Un Apples, peck ...... ,80c 3 heads Fresh Hothouse Lettuce... 6c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb... 6c Hubbard Squash 10c arid HHo Tokav Grapes, basket a 6c Special Boston Tern Sals Taoraday. J hi, strong, healthy plants, 4-lnch pots: nothing finer for house deco ration. These are sold at floilMs for 7&c to 1.25. Ow pries Qe Thursday, each PAYS PJry MAYPHGT Firsts