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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
T1IK BKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SKITKMIWK 24, I'M 4. 11 J swArrr.ivs roLrjis RANCH tor merchandise; fim acres, all icn.ed; I.nj per .-re; mnrtg. $K'0; will ehnnge equity fur good general store. S. f. 144J. flAclvii Two fcet metal double over coat racks Artrire. 8. r. 1410. Hw. MIKTLAND pony and outfltTor" trade or sale. Phone 214K1. found! Bluffa, la. .-M I O F HO P S i ib; irb an lo at io 1 7. t . i i i y equipped for neighborhood trade. Cheap tent. On account of other htiflnepa 1 will 11 or trade reasonable. Or might Imce t responsible party. Address, s. C. 14-'u Fee. SCALE Hav a Toledo 2 lb. candy s.-ale, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can ha used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address 8 C. 12W(. Pee KTfK'K-Will exchange stock irt a corpo ration that will Fay i;ood dividends, for a Ford oar. Address S. C. 14.4. Hee. STOt ' K - For $900. with 7 per cent stock In Omaha corporation of Rood financial standing; will exchange, lor vacant prop rty in Dundee or good residential nclKh boihood. Will pay difference. Address S. C 1013. STOCK Will trade stock In Omaha cor poration worth $."6.00 per share; paid 1 per cent last year; for good auto. Ad dress 8. C. U".. Hee. SLOT MACHINE A money-making aluminum name platQ slot nuuhlne, costing some $200. Drop a penny in the slot, turn the crank to get your full name on an aluminum ribbon plate, big profits placed out on commission. Legal ized, not a gambling machine. 3. C. Wi, Bee. TYPE V R I T K H to swap for cheap finale harness in good repair, be quick. Time la limited. H, C. IOI, Hee. W I LI. exchange Fox typewriter for any thing of etual value that 1 can use. Ad dress S. C, 14X1, Pee. WATCH I have a good L-.lewol silver ciise watch to trade for a revolver. Ad dress 8. C. 1435, Bee. WANT to swap for a a ngle harness and a light single wagon. 1 have quite an assortment of personal property to swap. Ol v particulars In llrst letter. S. C. 1075, are Pee SIONH, snowcards, Clark & Bon. D. 1378. FtiR KENT Apartments and Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further information. Douglas ?88 Fidelity Storage & Van Co. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS. PA RPATHIA, M4 SOUTH 34TH STREET. Beautiful 2-room apartments, modern in every detail, newlv decornted, hard wood finish, tiled floor's In the bath room; Ice boxes and gas ranges furnished. J2J.5J summer, $.')) winter. Call at our office and wo will show you through. FLORENTINE. !X7 SOUTH S5TH STREET. 8 and 4-room aeartments, nicely deco rated, hard wood finish, very modern equipment. Attractive rents. LEONE, 832 SOUTH 24TH STREET. FK-e-room nnurtments. atrictlv modem and up-to-date in equipment: beautifully decorated: 1'fu Bummer. 140 winter. We can show vou through at any time. PAYNE & SLATER I'nMPAM, 6W Omaha, Nati Hldg. MODERN APARTMENTS HEAT FURNISHED Clyde, 1S0S Ohio. $ rooms, $21 to $24. Bos-vorth, 7217 Howard St., 2 rooms and bath; close In; up-to-date; best tsnltor service; $35. Ayers 19 S. 31st; 5 rooms and bath; fine neighborhood; very reasonable; same rent vear around; $:15. . Urbnna. 1317 Park Ave.; 5 rooms and bath; high class; sane rent year around; $40. Paradenn, 420 Park Ave;. 4 rooms and bath. $10-140. Oroc, '.tin Forest Ave.; 4 and 5 rooms; $40 to $47.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1530. Lie-lO-lJ-U State Bank Bldg. 650 S. OTH AVE. 8-room all modern flat, good location, light housekeeping, 114 S. 2!ith St., g-room all mod. house, $20. RASP BROS DOUGLAS 1663. THE CARLYLB. 'C25 SOUTH ISTIf ST. We will hav two very choice 4-room apartments vacant In thin building Octo ber 1st. Now la the time to rent them. PAYNE & PLATER COMPANY. tlt! Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' ROOT APARTMENTS. $21) AND PACirlC STK. 8126 Pacific St., beautiful 5-room strictly modern, up-to-date heated apartment, finished in quarter sawed oak through out, tiled floor in bath room, private laundry, private front and rear entrance, private porch, large yard, $A0. PAYNE & PLATER COMPANY", 614 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 10 So. 27th, &-r., modern flat, $30. )05 No. 2th. 7-r., modern flat, $20. 8013 Leavenworth. 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $20. C. O. Carlhorg. 310-1$ Brandeis The. Bldg. CLOSE IN MODERN BRICKS. Five rooms, heated over drug store, !4th and California. Eight-room, two-story. 1912 Webster. O KEEFE'REAL ESTATE CO., 101. Omaha National. Tel. Douglas 2T15. 2301 HOWARD St. 5-room brick flat, $33. 1548 S. 27th St. 7 rooms, modern. $22.50. 3716 Hawthorne Ave 8 rooms, hot water heat. $40. ALSATIAN APARTMENT. 36th and Farnam Two 6-room apartments, $42.60. U D. SPALDING Jt SON, 11 Fsrnain. Tyler 100. fT. CLARK APARTMENTS. 23d and Harney Sts., 3 room apartments, Call H. 647 or P. 6506. 4-R.. mod, ex. heat; $14. H. 8111. FOUR-ROOM FLATV5 $151501 VINTON. Modem. 4-room flat $15. 1(17 Vinton St. Phone Red 54S8 OGDEN ANNEX looms, witn kitchen tl I'oiiuei! Bluffs. Gordon Van Co Moving, Packing Storaicc. tl N. llth' St. Phone D or H. Mil STRATFORD TKRRACE. PARK. AVE. AND JACKSON ST. The choicest 6-room rteam-heated apart ments In the city with maids' rooms. If you wish exclugiveness and conveniences in a new apartment building see these. References required. C B. Moser, 4931 Un derwood . Ave. Tel. Harney 3767 or jani tor. o $16Good 6-room apartment, mod. except heat. DXs Davenport. Harney 435. ONLY ONE LEFT. One 4-room and bath in the modern California apartments. Downtown. Save car fare. Call Janitor. Douglas 6237. J-ROUM modern flat. 1112 So. llth. VERY choice 4 or 6-room, stetm-hea ted apartment on W. Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1302 FARNAM ST. C-ROOM modern, water, curtains and odme in oinlng room, frue, $22.U). No. 2sih Ave. Phone H. 5T67. The Knickerbocker Omaha's Finest Apt. House ONLY ONE WITH HEATED GARAGES. and T-room apartments of extra large rooms. Marble and tile entrances, larr' verandas, reception halls with coat closets fcun rooms, faience tile flreplaeeo, cornice cei lings, oak. mahogany and white enamel finish, mirror doora, tiled In bath tubs pedestal lavatories, elegant lighting fix tures, big closets, white enamel rerrlgera tois. double-oven gas stoves; bcnuttful lawn; low rentals compared with others E,TT,,.Y,ELY THE K1rT AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE APARTMENTS IN TUB CITY. Handsomely decorated to suit ten ants. Full Information from Ed Johnston. Phone Harney 7166. or at residence next door to apartments, or from Payne & Mater Co.. phone Douglas 1016. o THE AmTelus! IORNER fcTH AVE. AND DOUGLAS. Only two 4-room ar.urtmBiLt, i.f. , .. . , - flreproif. soundproof aparUnent house. I The electria elevators and other first- i H'oiioeni msaes inis building one of the most attractive places In Omaha o live. Janitor will show you through at my lime. PAVNE A SLATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha National Bank. THE SHEP.MAN7! Elegant -room apartment. 2501 Sherman Ave. Fnrataaed Homs. IiESlRABLE room with sleeping porch for gentleman, privato fainliv. $12 month. tobi Douglas St. FOR KKNT KaraUbrd Rooms. "KOH RENT -Front room, suitable for two; modern: 5 week; heard optional. 2.T17 Ooiila St. S I ""N N V room, neatly furnished. $i.'. JAP I "omuIhj. si. STRICTLY modern, for gentlemen only, $.",. er week for two. ;.I2 California. Kl'li. rooms, pr.vaie family. So. Wth St . or rail II. 4'K. M' 'I '.. clean, single Mom. I.'.;. 4.54 S 24th. S K. exioire, In private family; mod room for two, $4. SJ4 Ho mil St. H 8t..ti. j 1"1 liMXIK.D room for rent, near Crctgh j ton iinlversity. Phone 1'ouglna 721, WEIJ, furnished modern room, hot water ticat. LM12 Capitol Ave. Imuglas W. 211 HO. 25TH ST. Excellent location. modern, private family, close In. rea sonable. 1. 4"iM. MODERN, quiet rooms, walking distanre, il j0 week and up. THE KN AFP, 191$ Cass St HKI)I)K' 4,9 8o- 'tn- 'nod. rooms, liiUlJljVI tam rcaei.nal.l.s Neatly furn.. mod., reasonable. 117 N. JOthl Hod., private home, references. H. 61.' Fur. rius. modern. I & Cas7 Apt. t. j W'KU, KIIKMSHKU modern room, hot I water heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. loug!as 1.AKUE, mod., complete. 14.60. 2L)9 Douglas. Furnished Housekeeping Itaomn, CLEAN, modern, furnished. Call 2PO0 Hodge St. ltoasekeeplas: Konms. A PTR. , furnished for light hoUsekesp. Ing; steam heated; mod. 4758 N. 4lh. TIIKKK nice rooms, housekeeping 8. Hth. Hoard and Rooms. OOOl) table board and room. 27r Jack son etrect. Hotels Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California Weekly rates 12 and up. Uouglas 7uJ. t)OIXJfc HOTEL Modern Keaeunable. Jtoasea and loiiasee. 7 ROOMS and hall, strictly modern, hard wood finish In first story, 3 bedrooms upstairs, one bedroom and bath on first floor, $30. This house fronts on a paved street and boulevard, 2S blocks from car line. Seven rooms, sleeping porch and sun room, new and desirable, exceptionally fine view, quiet neighborhood, I30, or .io with garage. SUITA RLE FOR ROOMINU HOUSE. R-room, modern, 2-story brick house, 21st and Harney, $40. .1. H. OUMONT & CO., 1MW Farnam St. Phone Douglas fi!0. 5-R, cottage. $12. 4822 liard. W. 6763. GOOD 8-r. house, all mod. except heat, on car line. 440K No. 24th St. Web. 667. t-R. house, unfnrti., mod., hardwood fin., water, heat; also 6-r. house, mod., furn., all near cars, Dundee. Phone Harney 25M. Rent Reduced Call owner, Harney 2911. 6 and 7-room houses, 42d Cuming. One never lived In. DOWN TOWN COTTAGE. Six-room, modern except heat. See J. Relchenberg Bros.. 27 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1946. STEAM heat, all modern, 7-room house; also flat. 220 No. VA s-ROOM Ftrtctlv modern house in Al con dition, location 2812 Pacific St. Call at 1060 Bo. 2Sth St. or phone Harney 2346. 6-R. HOUSE. 2625 Parker. $20. H. 3mT Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant house and apartment In the city. This service Is free. TeL Douglas Zfes. Fidelity Storatre & Van Co. COTTAGE, 4 rooms and basement, $J1 per month, 206 S. 28th Ave. Call D. L. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2354. $30.007 rooms, parlor extending across the entire front of the house, oak finish, colonnade openings, four bed rooms and bath. Fine neighbor hood, near car. $22.00 Five-room cottage, almost new, ex ceptionally large rooms, strictly modern. Near Dodge car line. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, 17th and Douglas Sta. Douglas 6013, HOUSE suitable for two small families. Inquire 2K45 Capitol Ave. Phone H. 45.1. FOR RENT. Several well located new bungalows close to car line and schools. $22.60 to tio per month. BANKERS REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Bee Bldg., Telephone toug.-3ii6 o. HOUSE 7 rooms, modern, paved street, convenient to car, school, stores and church; small family of adults preferred; $26 rent, pay water. I. N. HAMMOND. Tel. Doug. 664. 332 Board Trade. Hmiuon ' " Parts of the city. UUSto creigh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. ROOM house, all modern, free water. '04 N. With. Tel. D. 1530. 5-R., mod., cottage, 25A4 Wool worth Ave. J. C. Reed Dlxp. Co.. moving packing A storage 1207 Farnam. D. 61 -.6; Maggard's Van and iStor- ago Co Reduced l-C f fna A A.. - -o c van, . uin, ( a per or drmy u.n. II pr hr. im Webster, Doug, i,t Fidelity Storage Co. t.wra?' movn. packing una shipping. I6tn A Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 2iA FOR KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent, ihis list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co.. sot H. 16th St tores and Oftlees. FOR RENT EMPRESS GARDEN SPACE. Space under the Empress Theater. lth and Douglas streets. 66x134 feet with bal cony.. Cn be leased on very favorable terms. Full Information at our office GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone P. 756. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg Barns. CS5iD, Larn' Jam ,0r or 10 horses. IK17 Webster fit. Call Do'iglas 41 REAL ESTATE FARM A HA.( II LAND) F4R SALE Colorado. $27 AN ACRE, Improved farm, 320 acres, close to Denver, impr.ivementa are new, fine well and water: en eneina. tr..,i and cross-fenced; one-half under eultl- uon, goou terms can De made. This is offered at low pricu, as owner needs money. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1111 City Nat. Bank Bldn. Omaha, Neb -o Montana. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS-) acres now open to entry la the famous Vailer valley. An excellont opportunity for the homeseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich soil, exhilarating climate and abundance of waUr tor irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Great for grain alfalfa, timothy, and fur stock farming! Ideal spot for a home. Write today for booklet and particulars. Valier Farm Minnesota. FOR SALE One good quarter section farm, two miles from town. No build ings except corncrlb. Price $70 per acre. Il.uo down, balance easy terms. S. F bcott. Vests. Minn. .Nebraska. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM AT A SACRIFICE PRICE 240 acres of choice farm land 24 miles from Omaha - ' milr.. , . . , - ...... w .'win luwii, line house, tsi acres in cuitivstion, 2u acres In alfalfa. 15 acres hog tight, balance In pasture and hay land. For quick sale thla farm can be purchased for $110 per acre For further particulars address K 362 care Bee. ' FOR SALE 1 acres In Howard Co 4 miles from Cunhlng. 1 mile to school; telephone and mall route; good Improve ments; 20 acres in alfalfa, to pasture, bal ance farm land. The crop, $ stacks oats stacks wheat. 10 stacks alfalfa, 60 acres com, goes In the deal If Void to two w ee ks Price. Vv. per acre, I a I f ca-h. Olc Olaou, Celling, Neb RF.U, F.STATK FtRM A H H I.Ma roil KiLR .Nebraska. BIG (.'HOPS KVK11Y YKAK ON THK 1HKU.ATKI) FA K.MS IX TIIK SUIT'S IMiUFF COUNTRY. Mr. Hontor, road this NO. Mi A fine, sightly quarter-section, all broken this year, and part wan in outs, millet and seed coin. You rou'1.1 not ask for a farm that lies nicer than tills one does, nor can ou find one with better soil. If you want a farm that will raise you a great big full crop every veer of alfalfa, potatoes, sugar bets and grain, here It la. There Is big money In sll of these crops on an Irrigated farm If you have the water, droit's Bluff tarma have a guarantee of three feet of water for every acre of land from the Government Path finder dam. l'rlce, tSj per acre; caey terms. Here la your chance to own a . farm and make a real home for your family, Oult working for the landlord. If you want an . we can sell yuu one right, on mighty ensv terms. Writ today for Scott's Bluff number of "Land Owner.-' Its free. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., WARK BIK?K. OMAHA. FOR CALK Iwst large body liigti-graue, medium-priced land In Nebraska; virf little money required. C. Bradley, Wol- l"ch. Neb. o Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best usuy and general crop stale In the unions settlers wanted; lands for sale at low pikes, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres wanted. Write about our grating lands. If Interested in fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. Boo Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. Mlsvellaneona. IB' INTERESTED In land In southern Iowa and southern Minnesota write the F. L. Jones Land company, Wlnterset. la, for their list of S&0 farms REAL KHTATK IX)AX9 CITY and farm loans, 6, 6S. per cent J.H. Dumont Co.. 10 Fa main, Omaha. W AN TEDcTTy loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms, O'KEEFE REAL KSTAfB CO., 1016 Omaha Nati. Douglas I7U. UABV1N BKUS. HARRISON & MORTON, tit Om. Nat'l. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1320 Farnam. C1TT property Large loans a specialty. W. II. in omas. ZX State Bank oiasL $100 to $10,000 made promptly. T. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Nat'l Bank Bldg. fiC CTTY LOAN9. Bsmla-Carlbern Co.. w 310-812 Brandeia Theater Bldg. SEE ua first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. RXiTljSTATKXJinnEXCliANGK HOlSE and lot In Gaa City, Kan, for sale or trade. Address 96. Adams. Neb. J20AC'RESrwcll Improved, close to town, all good farm land, value $76 an acre; trade for general store. J. J. Stephens, Newton, Kan. o WANTED General merchandise, grocery or hardware atock, city or country, for cheap western Innd. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111 City Nat'l Bank Bldg . Omaha. o THREE" hundred sixty-acre Improved farm, 20 miles from Minneapolis; fl-room house, barn, windmill and other buildings; part under cultivation, balance pasture and hay land; no waste land; one of the best stock farms In that vicinity; price, $0 per acre; will take up to $10,000 good property in exchange, balance some cash and mort gage. SCHWAB BROS,, 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE or trade, a beautiful south ern farm home. Will take eastern Ne braska property. M. Lad, 306 Richards Block, Lincoln, Neb Q- TO KXCHANGE for apartment house or good Income business block 10.000 acres Irrigated land In Utah, together with ownership of complete Irrigation System. This Is a proposition seldom offered in exchange and will bear closest Investiga te n. Price, $300,000. To exchange for cheap weatern land Prick manufacturing plant located In a live Nebraska city. This plant is a going concern, working night and day, and is fully equipped and has enough clay for the next fifty years. Price, $40,000. To exchange for general merchandise stock 40 acres In Iatlmer county, Colo rado. One mile from town, all under cul tivation and irrigation, good Improve ments, fenced and cross-fenced, young orchard. Encumbrance $2,000; equity $3,000. To exchange for anything of equal value 160 acres of land In Finney county, Kansas, near Garden City, smooth land lu a well settled community. Equity $3,200. To exchange for an Omaha home 20 acres irrigated land In Sacramento Valley. California. $3,500. Clear. W T. SMITH CO., 1111-12 City National Bank Bldg , Omaha, Neb. o URAL ESTATE IXVE8TMKNT9 To Conservative Investors We offer high-grade first mortgage farm loans at prevailing rates. Titles guaran teed and Interest collected without charge to our investors. Tax free In Nebraska. Peters Trust Co., Hi22 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST our houses and terms for sale with us. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 1603 Farnam St. o WANTED A good Omaha residence up to $10,000. Must be modern and well lo cated. Will give cash and a fine quarter section of land clear of Incumbrances for same. Address H. 371. liee. o Free Advertising Give us exclusive agency for your farm or city property, cash or ex change, and we will advertise weekly until sold. W. T. SMITH CO.. 111-12 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. o ABITRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstrsct office. KB b. 17th 6L Phone Douglaa MH7. KF.EU Abatract Co. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 201 Biandels Theater. REAL EHTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Fine Dundee Home Sacrifice Price This Is one of the best 7-room houses ever built In Imndee and la practically new. Every convenience every artistic touch, beamed ceilings, bricked fireplace, etc. Hot water heat. Owner leaving, says fell. This Is a chanoa to buy at your own price, for there is to be a real sacrifice. Hee us about this. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1r..T6. Etata Bank Bldg. HEAPKT good lot In Dundee, south front no grsdlng. street paved, etcellent vl , $ri75. Call owner, Uuuglas IMS. IlKAL KNTATK ACRF.U.F, Acreage Six acres right In town, near bciulovard sjstem ami park, fronts paved street, $50P. (Pure to grow !n value.) FHe acres on corner, two pood roads, located where land Is growing In value. $J.0i F."0 cash. Five acres Joining shove at same price. Fourteen acres virgin soil, fenced, on main road. Ilea well, 41, miles from pt t offlre. : an acre. Twelva and one-half acres, Ilea well, within five-mile circle from postofflce. $2,W. Scattered single acres near car, $'50 to $1.00. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE NORTH 8IIK Beautiful Home Owner Will Accept Smaller House In Part Payment This Is a new 7-room reslditiee on Flor ence boulevard In Norwood addition, beautifully finished in oak; large living room with fireplace and beam celling; dining room with built-in sideboard; four bed rooms and bath; laundrv tubs and toilet in basement. This Is a house worth $5.6a. and we have a price on It of $4,M0. See us at once. ' Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 427(1. Bemis Park Home Corner Lot, 80x175 Feet located at 1010 Glcnwood Ave., or at the southwest corner of tho Boulevard and Hawthorne Ave. Thla home la prac tically new, consisting of seven large looms and reception hall. First floor finished In quarter-aawed oak, except kitchen. Four bed room and bath on second floor, well arranged and good alae. Full basement, nicely camenlou, arranged tor laundry. Furnace equipped with kerosene burner; no coal to shovel and no ashes to carry. This Is one of the best bargain.- of fered at this time, and if you are looking for a home of this kind. It will be well to Investigate. We can arrange reason able terms. IUArlT-PAlRFJELI) CO., Douglas 498. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $2,6oO-BAR(jAIN Five-room cottage, largo cement base ment, strictly all modern except heat, floored attic, screens and storm sash, large east front lot, rear lot fenced, chicken house, fruit and shrubbery. lo cated near Slst and Meredith Ave., one block to car. Can arrange terms. C. G. CARLBBBO, 310-813 Brandeis Theater Bldg. AI.A, modern 7-room house with 6 lots. Young- fruit of all kinds. Nice chicken house. For sale cheap by owner. 3326 Ohio. Phone Webster 6101. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN -RtOM HOUSE AND t IXJTS ON TAYLOR ST., NEAR FLORENCE. SIZE OF GROUND, HiOxlfiO. FRUIT TREES AND GRAPES. JUST THE PLACE FOR RAISING CHICKENS. $2,500. TERMS. IF INTERESTED, COMMUNICATE WITH 8. J. ARNDT. 1S26 LAIRD ST., OMAHA. PHONE WEBSTER 2039. Owner Must Sell Five-room strictly modern home, living rooms oak finish, bedrooms In birch; plate ?:lass mirror In doors; hot water heat; Ireplace, built-in bookcases and china cabinet, open stairway, screened porch; u lit one year ago; all new homes; close to echool and two car lines. Price $S.75o. FOR QUICK SALE address 4422 N. ilst. Tel. Webster SOSd. A REAL BARGAIN -room house, 6 rooms downstairs, 3 rooms and bath nnstalrs; located 2th and Corby, modern but heat; lot 40x100; large cieierii wnn pump at Sinn; orlcKea cellar; fenced; some shade; In good repair; rented at $18; tenant pays water. Price $1,560 cash. Apply to owner, 2708 Lake. Tel. Webster 44M. FOR SA LK. 2-story houee. H large rooms, nearly new. Beat corner lot In Kountzo Place. Easy payments. Call at 21UI Plnkney St. Owner leaving city, must sell. $4,700. Facing Konnli park. Phone W. 3223. o FOR SALE New J-room, strictly modern nouse, 6116 California St. Hot water neat, oak tlniah, built-in bookcases, buf fet, seats and beam ceilings and fire place. Price reduced from $6,600 to K2.V). Must be sold this month. If not, will rent; $800 cash, balance easy terms. Might conalder vacant property as part pay Address owner, S43v Prstt St. Webster 261i! REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Cathedral District IS, 200, 7-room, modern home; hot water heat; full cemented basement, with laundry; lot 60x128, south front; fine shade trees and lawn; shrubbery and fruit trees; reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms and Dam on secona floor, will make reasonable terms. West Farnam Dis trict Modern home, 8 rooms, furnace heat, full cemented basement, hard wood floors. Will take small amount cash, balance same as rent. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1111-12 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MAKE US AX OFFER B 4 YOU BUY New 2-story, s-room house: first floor, vestibule, reception hall, wrap closet, sun room, parlor, dining room, kitchen with one-piece sink, pantry, refrigerator room; oak floors downstairs; built-in buffet, bookcase end writing desk. Second floor has $ large, well-finished bedrooms, large sleeping porch, bath and linen closet. Kull cement basement, fruit cellar, coal bin. Milton Rogers guaranteed furnace, floor drain, hot and cold water and toilet Nice large lot. One block from Harney car. In St. Cecilia parish. Paved streets, cement steps and walks. THK VOtiKI, HKAUTY A0JENCY. 1015-H W. ). '. Hldg lioiiglaa 8-room houte. to be sold by owner; 1 year old: all modern; oak and birch finish: corner lot, south front; $4.a00 Ad dress S1&2 Chicago St. Tel. Harney 1704. Sale or Trade Modern house, t rooms. In West Far nam district, adjoining Turner Park; $1,7(4 equity to exchange for lots, auto or land. Glover & Spain Douglas 3962. Bee readers are too intelligent to over look the opportunities In the "want ad" columns. They re wurth while rcudyig GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lack of Buying Power Sendi Prices of Wheat Down. j CORN FUTURES ARE DEPRESSED This teres I taffers from Influence mf Loner I.eiels of other tiraln nil Options Ire Unlit l-'reelj. OMAHA. Sept. 1914. 1-ack of I living power was the eon spicuous limine in the wheat market her,. xtcr,lay Hnd was largely respuii j"lt'lc for the nhsrp decline In prices. It I evident that the outsider has little con fldencs m h). market at the preaenl time and Is waiting for some marked rte In the news N.fore plunging laither on the buying side. That new r.'lng power Is necessary to materially advance is generally conceded, as and K'Ti. ,n,,' r"mn bold and bearish sentiment will prevail as long ground Th'' fr,t"' ,n Kl,ro'- 7.-I, , Jno "cent severe break In Pub'lo fM,"h ,h nitml of the i , "11 vividly Illustration the insecurity ,,f R war market, however h. 7nl,.y,,,kd,..u,, by m"M" "'": -.: , ,,h".,"e,:1r,r" "u,",ir f Cl,,," f.iT. W", Il"ent selling f wheat ehJx"iT.!r,rr"",r,Ur hy " lf"'"nent I oof, elevator concern, which. In view of the hanT 'renH'J ,h" nwrh'1 il! ,i f """y As stated above the Zi ri'?'",,," und he with diffh-o rvn """ w, digested faTo 15 ""V" "h-lt t 1c to Huf. .Von - d locM "lr nt Wheat to it lis were bushel. Beaboard clear" were imi.iw hushels. t orn futiin-s were deivressed hv the fr'eew'Z" I! l "' 'o s!.?d m t'h'a."s,.Ve".l,,w,;:;VtM,0r enVWn m.Xr.nV'.T nr'valle.l In the oats market and there was selling bv the same Interest,, hero that sold wheat e?r .' ? ,f,,r c "". w"h sales of Lhi!"",rl" r'Pirted here and about ?Lm' h ,,or" t the seaboard. Whip ping sales of cash oats were TO.ikm bushels; with prices In the sample market lc n.vTL .2 n,'u'sn was shown on the biilng side and the bulk of the eupport came rrom cash houses, probably in the way of taking off hedge. y tn i, ilV": w,"" V lo 20 lowr. co" was Via higher to He lower, oata were Ho lower. J,r."!'v.?.JI.,,re: wheal and flour, SliliV? l'is-m wn. 2,000 bu.; oats, ixa.ouo bu. I.lveriHiol closing: Not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were 2.W2.000 bu and shipments l.lfiS.OHO bu., against re- r!i'0f L5'.000 b- nd shipments of l.SOb.tOO hu. lsst year. Primary corn receipts were 311.000 bu. and shipments 2V..00O hu.. against receipts of l.OTf.OiiO bu. snd shipments of 3W.OO0 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.29S.000 bu. and shipments 1, 172.000 bu., against re ceipts of l.lfto.ono bu. and shipments of 72,000 bu. last yesr. CAIILOT flECKlPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chlcatro Minneapolis I'uluth Omaha Kansas City St Iiiil. ... 541 10.1 $25 SM MH 1!) 80 01 24 42 11 Winnipeg .. iimiiH'K ... , .1.120 No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, $1.0Hi; 2 cars $l.01t: 1 car, $1.01; 4 cars, $1.01. No. $ hard winter. 1 cr, $t.0l4; 1 car. $1.00; t cars, $1.0tH; 1 csr, $1.00. No. 4 hard win ter, 1 car, We. No. 4 mixed durum, 1 car, WVic. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, fSc. Oata: No. 3 white, 7 cars, 44c, No. 4 while. 8 cars, 44i4c; 2 cars, 4c. No grade, 1 car, 44c; i cars, 4.1c. Corn: No. 1 white, 1 car. 78c. No. 2 white, t cars, 7c. No. 3 white, I ears. 7'e. No. white. 1 car, 78140 No. 1 yellow, $ cars, 74Vo. No. 3 yellow', i cars, 74Sc No. o yellow. 1 car. 74VAc. No. yellow. 1 car. 7:c. No. 2 mixed. 1 car. 73c; 2 cars. 734c. No. 4 mixed, 1 HEAL ESTATE MOUTH HIDE New 5-Room Cottages, Close to Union Pacific Depot v e nivfl 1 nr n ut.AH rmif naw bungalows on tho corner of 7th and Will iam that we can sell at the right price and on very eHy terms. The bungalows are strictly modern tn every respect, full basement, furnaces, electric lights, complete hath room, five large rooma, fine large nttle with stairs, colonnade opening between parlor and dining room, built-in kitchen cabinet. These houses are In walking distance to the depots, street car barn and all the wholesale houses. Corner house already sold. Prices $2,000 and $2.1)60; $000 cash; balance monthly. Payne & Slater Co. UA Omaha Nat'l Rank. WAR TIM K HAKHAIN. Hrand new all modern bungalow: has large living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor, and two large bed rooms and hath on second floor. First floor finished In oak, except kitchen; den could be used for a bedroom; has 4 win dows and a closet; oak floor on second floor; full cemented basement; furnace heat: lot 60x133; corner, both streets paved: close to school, and West Bide llanscnm Park car line. Price cut to H.sTiO, part terms; or will take vacant lot as part of first puyment. RASP PROS.. 10K McCague Hldg. Pong. 163. doing to Oregon Must sell my l-room houso.; built by myself for my own home. The house Is extra warm and well built and will stand the closest Investigation. Priced low for quick sale, gee me at once. Owner and builder, 1007 8. 17th ft. Tel. 80. 174. VACANT LOT IN HANSCOM PARK PIHTRICK. A dandy big lot, AAxl.V). Hurrnundnd bv homes that cost from t.OOO to $'.X.UC0. All apecials paid. A bargain at $1.1)00. Want an offer. PAYNK TNVKSTMKNT COMPANY, 3rd Floor Ware Rlk. O. 171. REAL EHTATE MIHCKLL.XNKOt H Homes Built and Financed Easy Payment Flan Will furnish the money and build you a home to order and draw plans to suit your taste. Will build on your lot or sny lot you select. Telephone for par ticulars. Telephone Wehster V879 o PAItUAlNt IN HOMJiS Kight room, new ;! -story house, Mth and California Sts., snap. $4,100. Klght-room, new modern, 39th and Cen ter, only $4 $00. Seven-room, new modern, 36th and Iea vrnworth Hts.. $4,300. Knnuire 41$ Karbsch Blk. Phone D. tdOT. BIX ROOM houa to be sold at a special offer for quick service: modern except heat, rooms nicely finished, larss lot. good location, convenient to cars owner must leave town, call tied in, win Ho. 21st Pt. IIERK'H A BARGAIN. S-ROOM. MOOKRN. $1.KA Tour own terms. Neat cottage home; good lorstlon; near l-'Ui and Martha. Phone l. 14.' about this and four others. Complete Suburban Home 1', blocks to car, high ground, 150x121. 6 rooms down; 4 up. 1 Rest furnace and plumbing. Iarge basement and storeroom. Cistern Into house. City water, gas. electric light Auto house, cement floor; barn and chicken house. M.'jJH cask, or clear cottage for first payment, balance monthly. O'Keefe Ifeal Estate tt. lfil Omaha National. Phone Tiotiglal 2715. Evening. II. 33 or 11. 6134. car, ::e No ( mixed. 1 car. 7.Vc. Sample, 1 car, 73c. Omaha Csnti Prices Wheat : No J hard. $I.OnVt.nR; No. R hard. !V'ii1"4; N" 4 hard, :c4i$l.0'V No. i spring. $1 0Krt I , No. S spring, fl.0ihl t; No 4 siring. fcft$U: No 2 durum. WHi17e: No. 3 durum, wstj'.sio. Corn: No. 1 white. 77ii No. i white, oWW; No. 3 white, "miTKc; No. 4 white, 77t?77Vc; No. 6 white. 7tt77c; No. Il white, 7V,fl7Hc; No. I yellow. 74', ',-4140: No. 1 yellow 74n74V; No. S vellow, 7.1l74Ve: No 4 yellow 72V.74',c; No. IV yellow. 73' 74!4c: No, a yellow. 7nmi'74c; y0 1 mixed, 7.1 V( 74c; No 2 mixed 7.tlyh 7JNo; No. .1 mixed. 7373,c: No 4 mixed. 7:vvn7S'c, No. 5 mixed. 7:'i7.T,c: No. mixed, 72'rg' 71Uc. ists No. 2 white. 44f4.So; stsnd srtl. 44Vvi44c: No. 3 white, 44',H(io; No. 4 white. 4444'e. Rsrlev: Malting. f.(t;72c; No. 1 fwd. WHiiy-. Rye: No. 1 fc'VVWV'; No. 3, S.vuc. ( liHtn Kn FllttVKIff r'ea tores of the Tradlea anil ( Inelna; Prtres a Board of Trade. ntlCAHO. Hept. 23 -Reports of Immense foreign buying In the Pacific northwest fsve the wheat market a sudden bulge ivday .lust before the close. As a result prices finished strong. ViilSc above last night In corn the outcome varied from Vv decline to a shade advance and for osts from unchanged figures to Mic gain. The final range in provisions was I2'ic off to ;vc pp. As much as 11.000.000 bushels of wheat was said to have been sold for export st Portland, Ore., the last week and an equal amount at Tacoma and Seattle. In addi tion dispatches from the Oregon rlty told of stesmers there loading flour for Kng land. the first instance of shipments of thst kind In a number of rears. The Pa clflc coast advices caught the Chicago trade leaning to the bear side and brought on a general flurry among shorts. He fore the surmise the wheat market had been somewhat depressed by the con tinued piling ur or stock, especially at Minneapolis. On the other hand. Winni peg sent word of prices holding strong snd of fresh export btivlng. There were slso assertions that 4.000 sacks of flour had been disposed of at PC Ixiuls to BO direct to Hcotland. Fine weather and slowness of demand weakened corn. In the late dealings, however, the market reflected the new strength of wheat. Business in oats was curtailed by difficult v '11 financing Ku rnpenn shipments. Prion changes were Indecisive and of a see-saw character. In the provision pit demand for lard was fairly good, but for meats rather slow. Business wss confined almost ex clusively to the January dellveryJ Artlclel Open. I High. I Low. Close ! Tes'y. Wheat1 I 1 fM 1 Hept. 1 1 m 1 T 1 10 1 0MI 1 111)1 1 1 11 Pec. 1 lit! t 10(. 1 VW I w 1 May Corn. Sept. Pec, May Oats. 1 19H11 17 1 1 1 TO 72 7$ 1 1M6VI 71sl I 7lt4Tl'i1i 74V3V74,Vi 74174'itl, I 47 47S fxiSI sov. I Sept 471,1 47V 47 I Pe..IHNl May.l&tH-ril KoHVSI rork I Bept.l 17 7S 17 7S 30 26 45 4S 96 I 11 37Vx 17 7r. 20 10 t 35 9 s:. 17 75 17 5 10 80 40 40 H 11 4r. 10 92H 10 U Jan JO 17V I 20 25 Lard. Hept Oct. Jan. Ribs. I 35 3.1 4n h t M 7S' 87W Hept. 12 Sf-37 11 35 11 3r Oct.. I 10 W Jan.. I 10 60 10 no 10 HO I 10 Rfi 10 r.74 10 47-WilO Mi-57 Chlcaao Cnsh Prices Whest : No. 2 red, $1 Wt l.offts ; Nn, 2 hard, fl.tMifirl.W. Corn: No. 2 vellow, 7,4ier7!,-e: No. 3 yellow. 7o. Osts: No. 8 white, 47S-": standard, 4Vk ihsc. live: No. ?, MWiMo, Barley: &!t4r 7ic. Seids: Timothy. M.0OCi.r.O; clover, nominal. Provisions: Turk, $13.00; lard, $4f. rlha $11 OUn II 50. BCTTKR Receipts, 12,791 tubs; market, linchsmted. KIK1B Lower; receipts. 133 cases; at mark, esses Included, 181i21o; ordinary firsts. 2rd---ot4c: firsts. 21ig-ll4c. POTATOFM4 -t'nsettled, receipts. 50 cark; Jerseys. TOjiMOc: Michigan and Wis consin, red, tOfinr; Michigan and Wiscon sin, white. Vn7c; Minnesota and Da kota. Ohio. f.frtc. POULTRY Alive, higher; springs, 15c; fowls, ltlftC. Kansas City ftralst aad PrsvUlsss, KAN8Af4 CITY, Pept. 28,-WHEAT ' Nn. hard, $1.0SV4'(1 04: No. t red. $1.03VM 1.04; lWember, $1.04V: May, tl.Utktfl.lH. CORN No. 2 mixed, 7c: No. I white, ft2W2ific; recember. SKMj4ttic; No. 3 white, 82fifie; December, eSS'fWo; May. 72S72o. OATS No. 2 white, ff4Hc; No. t mixed. 4.11C43SC. Hi "TTKK creamery, zsc; iirsts, uc; sronds. 24c; packing, 20c. F.OOS Firsts. 21 '-eu : seconds, 17Wc. POULTRY Hens, 14c; broilers, 16c. t, I.nula drain Market. BT. T,OlMfl, Bapt. 23-WHKAT-No. 2 red. $1.HU1.07S: No. 2 hard. $1.0714411.08; September, $1.0ii4; December. $1.0w4f l.Oft'4. CORN-No. i. TRV; No. 1 white. lc; September. T7Vc; December. 70Tc. UATS-No. 2, 47c; No. 2 white. 48MH3. I Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS Bept. I3.-WHKAT-Reptember. 81.07S: December. $1 11'; No. 1 hard. $1.13t; No. I northern, $l.C6t4i l.tOTi. Liverpool tiraln Market.' LIVERPOOL. Sept. tS. WHEAT Spot steady; No. 1 Manitoba, Pa 9d; No. 1 red winter new, 8s 7d. , CORN Spot nominal. Metal Market. BT. LOUIS. Sept. 21. M ETA IB Lead nominal at $2.(6; spelter nominal at $5.30. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Klrne lloa-a Weak -keep Mostly Lowe. CHICAOO. Bept. lS.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 14.000 head; market firm: beevea, 96. 4" 11. Ui; steers ta zwiii lo; stocsers and leed ers, $f..4fnh te; cows and heifers $l.ti0i9.16; (alves. IS.noti11.73. I IOUS Receipts, 21.000 head: market weak. 10"goc lower; bulk. $S.2Mi8.7B; light $x.iki4f.10: mixed. $H.irj9.1u; heavy. $7.BT 8.M; rough $7.9M8.10; pigs. $4.7f8.0. HHKKP AND LA MRS- Receipts. 40.M0 head: market mostly low lie lower; she.ip, J4K.Vo5 7r.: yearlings, $b. 7646.50; lambs, $ii.jW7.80. Kansas t ltr LlT Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 23. 4'ATTLE Receipts, 12.000 head: market lower: prime rea steers. lui.wKaw. n: arexsen beer steers, $8 (yu.7f.; weatern steers. M OOa W; stock era and feeders. $OKij8.26; bulla, li.Zjtl ID: calves. th.iAulO.jfl. HOOS-Recelixs. 1 000 head; market lower; bulk. $8 2IM.80; heavy. $8.4078.tO. i .ackers and butchers. $8 Jfafc 66; light. 8.rns.i: pigs, r.oofiia. SHEEP AND LAM BS Recelnts IS 00) head: market weak; lambs. $7 Wfr7 HQ: yearlings $A.Mi4).2u; wethers. $4.0U4fa. jO; twes, $4.704i. t. Lonls Live Btoek Market. PT IOriS. Spt. 23. CATTLB-Recelpta. 0,200 head: market lower; native beef steers. $7. 50 10.85; rows and heifers. t tuti i;H6; slockers and feeders. $fLtc7.: southern steers $;.0048 00: cows and heif ers. $4'i04iM: calves. HUaB 11.00, HfMirt-Rcelpts, 11,200 head; market lower; pigs and light, t7.7rf.00; mixed and butchers, $i 8oS.t, good heavy, $8.70 W 90. ' 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4 2O0 head; market steady; muttons, $4.00b6.1O: lambs. $7.vWj.(. Sloas City Vtr Stack Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Sept. 28 CATTLE Receipta, 1.300 head; market unchanged. HOOH Receipts, $.5u0 head; market weak and 10jj 15c lower; heavy. $8.)M4t; bulk of sales. $8.20j.25. HHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 1,009 hesd; market steady; fed muttons, $5 7rm ft.Ui: wethers. $.'..2;H).00i ewes, $4. Y."i5. 40, Is rubs, $7.7548.2j. St. Joseph Mir Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 23. MATTLE Re ceipts. I.Sit) head; market steady; steers, $7O(ni0.;5; cows and heifers, $4 . 26tj'J. SO; calves. tb OO-olO 50. HOGS Receipts. 7.600 head; market lower: bulk. $8 3y18.Br SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 7,500 head; market steady: lambs, $7.ootg".70. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Sept. 23.-EVAPORATKD Al PLES-Dull and nominal. DRIED KRU1 Tit Iru nee, quiet and steady. Apricots and peaches, dull. Raisins, firm. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 23. DRY GOODS Cotton goods eased a trifle today In gray goods divisions. Yarns, firm. Colored cottona, steady. Worsted yarns, easy. Dress goods, firm. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET f Cattle Steady to a Little Lower on Some Kindt. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS OFT Receipts of ftheep and I. a sane t'en tlane alte Liberal Demand Cland nnd All Kinds kteady inallty nthlns; F.xtra. Sol'TH OMAHA. Sept. 23, 114. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs theep. Oft rial Mondav .IS 1.2S8 40, Ofllclal Tuesday I3.;T 4.4h4 42.4l Estimate Wi-dnegda) ... G.70Q 6,M) Sl.tsX) Tiiree (lavs this wk...Hl 11.5.12 114.02$ Same days last week..27.W2 8.811 75.M3 Bame days 2 wka. ago ls.NSJ 0.011 8!.5:7 same days 3 wks. 1.ann fc,7i:i Same days 4 wks. aso.ix.72 ?02 90.130 Same days last year..30,M7 U,3M U,6v4 Tne following table shows the receipts of (Si lie, hogs and sheep at the South umaha ive stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1914 t13 Inc. Dec. Cattle 48,;:78 82.0M Hogs 1.771.270 1.x:i,se8 812,718 Sheep 2,046.148 1.H4H.072 98,470 The following table shows the prices for hogs at the South Cms ha live stock mar. ket fur the last few days, with compari sons: , Dst'e. I 1914. 11918 '1HI IIWI.iIW.IIW.HEO. Sept. .sept. Srpt. Sept. 8ept. Kept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. t-ept. Sept. f-ept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Hept. Sept. 7 64 1 78oj 7 97' $ 0; 8 OBI 7 78 7 89; 8 24, 8 2.1 1 171 7 08 n t 941 I 7 851 C 87 9i 1 l 3 KtV 8 8 6;S 8 37 9 17 1 971 ( 85 9 Oft 1 M 1 8 981 S7 9 91 7 92 6 4 $ 52V 8 6,1V, 8 391 S ( 7 ' i 9 8 35 m 9 13 7 88 S 99 M ft 71 8 5-'H' 8 3s 7 01 : K3 8 41T 8 95 ft 91 27 7 83 T3 7 8 8 05 j 8 301, 8 2K 8 3ii"a 7 87 I 38i 6 851 t 151 8 71 8 91! 8 KS 3 W 8 92 8 73! 8 43' 6 7l S 90 81 ft 80 82 83 7 89 78 8 43 81 8 211 7 Pi 7 9ii 8 0 8 4i 3 10 8 01 7 M 9 ft". 8 ltd 81 8 17, 71 8 83! 6 4 $ 41 ft'-'! I Ml 8 4i m 8 14 4,l 8 Mi 8 40 a 17 8 47 8 121 f 87 8 08! 9 U8 8 43 431 8 101 6 81 4aj I 12 ft 73 8 SO Sunday. .', CATTl.IC Receipta today numbered 225 - cars, a fair run for a Vednsdayt which ' makes the total for the three days this week 28,81ft head. While this number Is the largest for any similar period thus - : far this year It is smaller than for the : - corresponding time a year ago by almost , head. The quality of the beef steers en sale waa nothing very extra, the majority of ;:x the rattle being common. Desirable kind V.', ff killers gonerslly commanded fully steady prices, with the market alow to v ,; possibly a llttlo lower on the medium to common kinds. 5..'.".. Good cows and canners were generally steady, but there was some oomplalnt that the medium klnda were a little hard ; -lo move, with prices possibly a llttla weaker. ' Strictly good feeders were about steady ' ' In most cases. On the other hand, the medium kinds, which hsva been coming ,... In very freely were badly neglected, and . . .i cattle of that description were anywhere from weak to as much as 25u lower than Monday. guotatlons on cattle Good t choice cornfe.i benvea. $.5.ia'10.36; fair to good '!' cornfed beevea, $S.754f So; common to fair " ' cornfed beeves, $7.7fiA8.76; good to choice tange steers, $7 4iVJlf0; fair to goe.1 range steers, $8.8iJi7.40: common U fair range steers. $ii ot4i.80: good to choice grass heifers. $6ou'J.M; good to choice grass cows. lft.254Jft.75; fair to good grades. $5.50 fi.26; common to fair gradea, $4.00(16.50; " ' good to choice atockera and feeders, 17 6008 2.: fair to good stockarg and feed ers, $6.03.6O; stock heifers. $6.504;.7.; stock cows, 4.75.25; stock calves, ftftOnfv 8 00; veal calves, $8.00$ 10.26; bulla, stags, .-. etc.. 95.t7.00. ..- HOOH Supplies today were even larger .... , than on Tuesday, about eighty-seven cara or 8,00 head being reported In. " ' Total for the three days Is 11.533 head, a '' gain of 3,0-Hl head over laat week, but almost 2,000 head, ahort of the correspond ing period last year. . other points reported declines again to- ' day and the local market opened out dull and aharply lower. Shipping orders were . . filled at figures that were at least 6?10c lower than yesterday. Tops again reached .'l.'.'C $8.1-5, but the quality of the hogs selling at this figure was considerably better 9vV than yesterday'a top load. Packers started ' r " bidding on a lOtglba lower basis, and while salesmen tried hard to get better prices the comparatively liberal receipta gave buyers the advantage, so that when the "' offerings finally began to move valuea were all of a dime lower. Buyers were ; picking nut the better gradea. leaving the . common mixed and heavy kinds until the . : . close, and when they finally started la to clean up this less desirable stuff their - offer mere around lie lower than Tues day. ' 1 . Considering the fact that the quality Is .. . " If anything better than on Tuesday, prlcen are generally a big dime lower. Most of the early packer sales landed around $8.25 but, of course, these were the better end of the supply, and some sales of aa low as 88.10 were reported late. Tops sold at 88 86, the same a the best figure paid yesterdsy. HHEEP With most outside points re porting a slow deal In sheep and lambs early In the forenoon the local market with a liberal run on hand started out active, and In general -Hre on ewes and lamna were ruuy steady witn yesterday, or 75c lower on lambs as compared with the close of last week, and mutton offer- :-;';r Ings WOc cheaper. Trade has been ac- tlve and fully steady since Monday's bad close. The better tone to the market ,..," this morning was attributed to tho gcarc- - -' ty of good killers, but later on In the forenoon the packers did not oompete so well as during the first hours, this belhg ' due to a lower tendency to prices being :;. reorted at Chicago. As It Is th level , j of prices on all kinds of killers are rel- ' , lively high, consequently th selling side j or the trade aia noi loos ior any mirni - l,nrni..m.nt The venersl market WSS talrly satisfactory from a seller's view point and the clearance was seasonable. Th decl'ne In feeder lamb prices or late brought In a fairly good sprinkling of country buyer who found another liberal run of feeder, chiefly lamb. Th bulk of the feeder offerings waa picked up In good season at prices generally steady. The befct grades of feeder lamb are quotable at pv96f,'7.2n. with the common kinds. Including culls, bringing prices around 88. 264.75. Lamb partly en the feedler order and carrying a little flesh are quotahle at $7.25177.80. The receipts f.4r the day were 11.000 head, against lft, 000 last Wednesday. 3J,2tA two weeks ago and 39.M3 a year age. Uuotstlons on range sheep snd. lambs: Umba, good to choice, $7.4!f7.5; lambs, fslr to god. 87. lVo"7 40; lamb, feeder. $414(7.20; yearlings, good to choice. 8i 80 Oift.lO. yesrllngs, fair to good. $5 so.J6.80; yearlings. feeo'ers. $3 40fJ5.90: wethers, good to choice, $5.20ft.V50; wethers, fair to good, $520ai.0n; wether, feeders. $4.30$ 4 55; ewes, good to choice. $& 0U&W25; ewes, fair to good, 84.7&3.V0O; ewes, feeder, 83 80 64 23. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. a. COTTON' Ac cording to the official report Issued at the cotton exchange today yesterday's balloting resulted In tho liquidation of I, 900 bales of the December straddle In terest at 950c.. This was the largest ballot reported sine th liquidation of the straddle was undertaken and made total of 4.600 bales, which have been closed out by the International committee. Liverpool will reduce the price of January and Esbruaty to (.Sid to morrow and the announcement was mad this afternoon that the price of Decem ber here will be fixed at 9.0uc In oon sequence. with local margins callable to that level on October 7, while margins due Liverpool must be deposited oa October 8. official statement indicating II. prosrjaa being made In the direction of reopening the exchange ure '.'Xiected In the near future. Exports continue vei y uvnt. dui a consinerapie demand la re ported from September short In th south. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 23. COFFEE Rather a better demand waa reported for snot ooffes In the local market today. ' For some time pest the spot market ha l-een very quiet and the slightly larr bi Miles waa attributed either to repien-' Ishing stocks or Increased values at the decline, owing to apprehensions of higher war risks should It prove that a steamer now overdue from Brasll has been later frrred with by a hostile cruiser. No' mt terlal change waa reiwrted in, the cot and freight market, however. In the cost rltuatlon here wss more or less unsettled with Kto No. 7 quoted at t'l and fcwuto No. 4 at 10"eilc. , f .-. is i IB . o ;: . . -I ' V t A Z .1 II ! f ' ' - i ,.:..v. ISUe i.-. "O t n