Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1914, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Ak-Sar-Ben Festival
Omaha, Sept. 30 to Oct. 10.
Sleetiieal Parade. October 7.
I"rtrnlty Parade, October 8.
Coronation Ball, October 9
Cxar'i Vessel Sends Two Torpedo j
Boats and Man o' War to the
Bottom of Baltic.
Men Swimming in Water Cheei as
Captain Carried Down with
' Craft He Commanded.
Over Half of Those Aboard Doomed ;
Naval Fighters Reported to j
Have Perished. !
U-9 Single Handed Makes North Sea
Orave of English Warriors.
Jte&arded Poanlbir that l.onololl
Flahlnar Trawler Have Made
Further Hcscnce from i
Bl L1.F.T1. i
LONDON, Sept. 23. According to
8 message from Peris to the Central
News a KuFsian cruiser has sunk a
German cruiser and two torpodo
boats in the Baltic
llie.rre-d hj Men.
LONDON, Sept. 23. The corre
spondent at Harwich of the Evenmv.
News says he learns Troni survivors
of the diHaster to the British cruisers
Aboukir, Creegy and' Ilogue that
Captain Robtrt W. Johnrion of tno j
Cressy went down with his ship, ,
cheered by his men who were mvlm-
ming around the doomed vessel. I
one anbmnrlne tle II. !
AMSTERDAM, pt. U (Via tunlun. i
L'norflclul reports received Were liom
Hel'lln (ay thnt a elnle suhr.'arli". the I
t,"-f, carried out the aitreessfiil raid '
sealnst the Eritl?h fleet In the .Vorlli f-'. a :
In which tho cruiHCts Ilogue, Aboukir uml
1'i-essy were aunk.
The account says tlie torpedo atttick
w hs made Tuesday morning ol i o loek
In clear weather. The tirst slun k wns
di reeled against the Aboukir wlilrh .-ank.
in live minutes. The other two Untlli j
cruisers then began the work of leseiiinc
their comrades. In another lht"e minus n
the TtoRiie sank, and the fonnderlna of I
tho Creasy oi curred about s oeloi k.
I'.vudepi I'nranll. '
Submarine I'A the report i.lils evad-d niH tl..i llnhf. AH I'MllI 'Sl'll lil.
r.:"l"T r
r,eriui mat. iv n-i ,...i.-... r . ;
BatPty- , '
The report that live Mihuninnes took i
part In the attack
ot which luo were I
mink. i. false, the statement say. II re- :
iterates that the attack w as mad' by the j
i. -n Riunc aim mui me iiini.-.-. .i n'i-.
vessel, ereu of 1 went v men will be nub-
uirr Thousand u'ii.
low Ef toft, wept. .a.-vi i,ndon.) -
So far aa can be aserrtalned l.C7 offi-
errs and men were saved out of a total
of who were on board the three
British cruisers when Ihey were tunk by
a Gernisn submailne yesterday.
A irswier srinen ner? enti) won.
thirty-tour survivors, Im ludinK
two off i-;
cers. As fai- as ran le
three ships, the Aboukir.
tho Creasy, carried the
determined tho
th) Mobile ami
crews totalling
Y.. Ti, . ua 1
Contlnucd on l'uye Tw.j,
The Weather
Foreeal till T p. m. T'.iursday:
For Omaha, Council Hluffs and Vicinity (
-Falr; not much elianse (n temperature. 1
Peg. ;
Is. i
Ciaratl e
l.ueal Heeord.
IHM. KtKi. IS.. l"i'
Highest today ....
lxwet tixlaV
Mean lomneiat ure
Temt rature and .reripitatoti uepiirturc
from the normal.
Normal teinpciKtuie
Kxreaa for II. e ibiV "
Total earess s!ni-e Mu- h 1 4
Normal prerip'lut .! inch
Deficiency for I he day ( nch
Total rainfall Hi." Ma' -ii I..--I..I iiche
Deticien' V since Man h 1 1...'. Inches
Defcicncv c.i. peilod In Oi:i... 7.4s Inches
Defiib n j co'. lericd .n 1'1V... i- Inches
Reports from Millions H T I. M.
Th Hours.
mm.. fill .'.. 111...
HJW 5a.;.,::
J k '.t a. 111...
jjJtiJ la.m...
p. in...
p. in . . .
Station and S'ule
of Weather
I 'heyenne. '. ar ,
I invenl'orl . t b ar
I lenver, i .eer
D s Moil. . r'e;. r
1 .ander. i b e I
North F'.alte. . 1 ar...
iimaha. ebar
puebbi. Wur
Hapid 'iiy. .'ear
Sail Luke t'lty, rl si
rantt I'c. c!cu:
lriliKn, ci.-ar
Sioux ( ID. el-sr
leiitlnr. clear
I A. WtUH,
I' .:np. H'ih- Rain-
p. in.
Local Furocajiur.
IMPRESSIVE SCENE IN THE AMERICAN NAVY Admiral J'-M- takes command of the Atlantic fleet as successor
to Admiral Badger. The picture shows the scene on the deck of t S. S. Wyoming at the Brooklyn navy yard when the
formal transfer was made. ' '
Inteicepted Wire Reveals that Gali-
cian Stronghold is Not Pre-
pared for a Siege.
" '. .
rhlril I. rent llulllr In i:u( i: ml
AbobfG" Htnrt JikI orlh of
I'l jo-m j l, liErli llnlnn
'I'riions rr Siire,uiidinu.
III I.I.Kl 1 . '
m:tki)(JKAI), Sept. 2?.. The!
K'!!-'.;inn oncriU ttaff has inRiietl th6
"in coiuiniiiuK tlie pursuit of the
reirpHtine ironies the Russians
iroopn h te reached Vfchloky.
"In tho direction of VryzemyHl tlie
Cusiuns arc developing with mie
rpou Hie (JeruiHU front the
..... .... ...
iiuMiail iru)r;i i it: in iiuBw luniaii
with f ho enemy but. no battle has
arn i"n'i.
1,0.'10. Sept
i iirni..(l
special to the Rlietera
Telegram j
! company nays that the railway, lead-
j ing to l'rr.emysi are in the hands ot
jlhe Huf,sas an1 that the Austrian.
j , . . . .
Rre fall,DS behind tne fo'tB
j the last named place. Intercepted
j reports,' the dispatch declares, .how.
tbt Preinvl is not nreuared for a
" a "
In eastern Prussia, according to
i the bauie dinpatch, the Russian
t troopa are fallioK hack in perfect or-
?. ...v ... . 1
-'ider, tawing wna tnem an meir
.mores and wounded. hat they are
j unable to carry they are hurnlng. :on and drove off in a motor car. Re
: Tiie Kufliaa,Kovernruent has de-r,nl,y Emperor William Malted n. e-
.. , .. . . tabjlshment of a. proteaant rellgiou ordi r
cded to profit by the presence of. h,rh f fc l(),plul waJk,fl
the onormoiiB ntinibers or prisoners
to put into execution several large
plans for ottnal construction and
. vl. . ,
l.ermou. In I'olond Helr,i;n.
LONDON. Seut. n. -The Daily Tele.
graph's T'etiorad correspondent rays:
"The Nuvoe Vrfjnm for the first lime
lod.iy gi'es information oncerninir the!
rx"nl of the Oeiman linasbjn of I!u i
mIii'i I'ula id by announcing that the tier-.
1 j mans r.n September 17 evacuated the I
'..i:f.n.. ,.f lV'la.lutu-nn V..ll;nu-v..ikl
...!-. . . ,- . u ... '!
.vtarlammil, Ka'waria and buwaikl. Tbenet
low ns. rone of which Is more than twenty
I miles from ih
fiontier, appartntly define
tt'onllnued ill I'uge Two, 1 oluiiiu To.l
Two Trainloads of
German Soldiers
Blown Up by French
th'i t
l.OXDo.V, Kept. i.'.-Tbe Malls
corre-pondeni Halts that he hears
two trains of b (i.y need. .1 Oei man rein- ;
for-en.enls were biown i:p between
Peronm and f,. ijoer.tin through the ;
tent of a I 'cen. li .inner, w .o inancge.l
to tan a teiei.boii': wiie coniurtinK two
iernian htatloni.
Hy llc'i i.i'aiu In- ss.ned the lnfornia-
iIom thai the trains were coming and
mi able t i plai e guns to command the
lire, llv s 'iiii.'k attack he was able to
i ! un. bush t ui t rains.
'" i Th" Mail's coi Ts;iondr nl a'so that
on Sunday the entire general staff of one dislloa wr brou.vbt Prisoners
ll A rale o
i . urn iii.m mm i . . i ' " ' .
German Official Report Says French
Offensive Spirit
VASHINJTOX. Sept. ;.-TIm tleiniiti
j r iiilHHsy torluv rnceivoil the follow Ins
wlnhs from Hcrlln
"The t'l-IKli f!ennlve spirit is wenkrn
'I'lie Kvenh Ioshoh Hie eiuiniintin.
Tin renter Ih i etreiiting. Veidiili Is
In !nv Hiiei'esKfully liiinibanleil, tlii ellr.-i
of Cifimnii lnortiirs helug 8 sain tremen
dous." 'The Cierinan left wing In '.oniilne
lias croHned the French border niul rt
oceupied Domevre, simtli of Hlamont, niul
Enlperox,.JaJike8..axi-Ad(ess to the J British War. Lord- Forces Resigna
Troops Commanded 1y Prince tion When Commander Aban
Oscar. doned by Gauls.
llnnda with Womidetl Sol
diers nml Dlslrlbnles ifon
t'rosaea and Hosea Ja a lie
Tried to Keep I'rsrf.
I.ONliON. Sept. JKniperor William
after revlenintr the imperial ar-'nadierri
commanded by his son. Pihue ('r. foI -
lowing the battle of Wrdun, spoke lo the
N'erdlin S)M)Ue lo th
says a Copenhagen dWpaleh to
the Dally News.
emperor after
salute you ' said the
lembraeinir the prince. "1 have often seen
your gallant regiment at manoeuvres
"d 11 ' Krt pleasure to meet
..Th, hProic 4. ut Verdun will be
I . ......
enaravea on tne niaiory 01 nw wm ior
ever In golden letter. Your regiment
haa upheld the glorious tradtiona of
your forefathers in 170 and 1KT1. The
armlea of the crown prince and Duke
Albrecht of Wurtembern have advanced,
while our eastern army haa thrown three
j Russian army corpa over the frontier
'and two more Russian army corj have
been captured in toe iiciu.
"For all these vlctoriea e lia.e one
Cod to thank and he la our ancient Uod
who' la over us."
kIum HIi h4 Urit e Ar
Kmpnror William then again klasud hi.
1 throl)Kn the rows of wounded, shook
'.hands with the men unable to ri. and
i""1 a r0 t0 mounded soldier who
1 did not have the honor of speaking with
him. He also distributed iron
right .end- left
' Th clergymen in charge of the wounded
..h .h. M.r..r
i with too heavy n heart. '
, "We all make sacrifices in thes times."
..1.1 ..i.,hi. .i. .;..,.
'tiia'n. that he had six sons fighting.
"Yes, your majesty, "that Is our pride
and happiness, " salil the clergyman.
"I did all I eould to keep the veaee."
... .
saHl tne emperor, mil our eiieni'M voitm
! not have peace. Now we will have to
I crush them to the gr-jund. Don't o'j
: sgvee"
I.ONDON. Sei1. 2i. -The Hii-nsby'
'trawler Kilinarnoc'i was sunk by a mtno
i in the North sea yesterdav Only thre
j nirinbr rs of tlie crew weie spmi. The
1 1 1 u wler blown In too and Mi nt donl
WANT Kl '-- Hriglil young lady. i,.i I
n neat pem ian and licen st I.. .rue
with parent, nil !wokkeeier In lel.'il
ftore: n ed noi be professions I. but
piust be accurate In work; position
liermanent; alery, $) to VA per month
and advance alter contlnind Matlnfae
tory a-rlce. Apply In own handwrit
ing. For farther Information about thl.
opportuutty. aae the Want Ad Section
of today'. Baa.
' L .. J Of ' S ' W'l
is Now Weakening
NuMieiiy ;uij lilim null II of Nunry,"
l oi'iiini; In illxpiiti lies rerelveil toila
the French embus '.
I ntlbir advlees In the emliHSsy. ile
s, ribhijr Hie flliiln; " the right bank
nf tiie liver ho. say the (iernums were
fmi'eil Iwirk. They further siiy the Uer
nnms lilreeled a inmemrnt toWiird St.
Haursnnl. I.lmev niul the Iench rlKht.
Another telegram slHtes that "In Pervla
a Kenenil battle huj been In progress for
a week In tlio region of KrupauJ."
Ilepuliilr'a Minister Itefusea lo
reile In llrionnd of Field Mar
shal unit the Presldejit
'labia Hand.
NKW V()ltK. S-.t. :M-Thr KieniiiK
i Wurld today published an Interview with
lr. I're.l S. .Mavon of New York, who
eiurilt u on llie wiyniiiie, in Willi n me
phy.Mli Ian rlainiH to hae been Int.innea
bv a hUh I rr lu ll offieial that it wan
! I. or 1 Kieheiier, HrKaln'a tnlulatnr of war,
; Wlu f,ir. ed the ieiKiiation of the Frvnrh
cabinet shortly after the outbreak of tho
)'r. Mason, aecoiding ti the Kveuing
World Is a close friend of Surgeon General
Hell of tin- ltrillsli expeditionary force 'n
J'"ranee. Ceneral Hell Introduced him
to the French official. Dr. Mason aaid,
and the following In a report of the facts
aa they were told to him:
In lrerale Mluallon.
"Wlien l'.,Wj Hrltisli under tieDeral
Flench anc t posed i.y TJ.'i.kO Ciermans
of Ijeneral von K luck's army at Mons,
tieneral Frrirh anw that he was in a
desperate situation. Alter the first days
fighting and when the owr whulniiipt
forces of the i ierinaiis threatened to sur
round the entire lirilln:! expeditionary
forces, lienerHl French sent an eannvtt
apical for aid to the French military
commander of that dlstriit. He asked
that W.ijol) French troops be rushed to hla
assistance at once.
'The Fiench commander did not re
spond lo !eneral French's appeal for
three days, and by that time the British
had manageil to cut their way out of
the Cerman trap ny almost superhuman
effort, and at a tremendous loss. They
1 were in full retreat away from Mons
when the reinforcements ai rived. 'I hough
tieneral Fren.h made casual mention of
; the faiiure of. the French for. es to acslst
! 'llm " his official report designed for
i uuhlliation. he sent a more complete and
bitter complaint direct to Iird Kitchener,
SHying that tlie failure of the French to
answer his plea had put the whole army
in Jeopardy.
hili'hriu'r I'nrlona.
' "lird Kitchener was furious, lie made
i a sr. -ret trip to Paris and laid hla com-
plaint against the dilatory Fren. h com
j iiiander. bi foie l'resldent l'olncare and
the French war minister. The latter,
who was a friend of the general rum
' plained of, refused to punish him. Kitch
j ener then threatened the president of
. Frame with practical withdrawal of the
British expeilitionarv forces from tho
I Held unless the general were
Ki make
K llchener,
wliule ab-
l'resldent I'oimare, ger
C el V lOIII CbSioll to Ixird
! foiced the resignation of Ills
i inet, which was dlopos. d to back up the
j war minister in opposition to K llchener.
' This was on August M. alsiut a week
' after the battle of Mom. A very seiious
! crisis In the affairs of the allies was tbua
avoided find Kitchener triumphed."
Department Order.
' WAHIIlNflTON. Seft. (Special T-.'lt -'
grain. letter carrier appointed:
I In Nebraaka Itertrand, Verne 1'. Va l
jdell: Hrock. Harry O. Maaoner; Norman,
Daniel O. Porter: Palmyra. Arthur J
1 LAmboin.
Sinking of British Cruisers Causes!
Great Glee in Capital of the '
Kaiser's Empire. j
Spire of Famous Hhe.lms Slmeltire I
I lied ! tlx- French lo lllreel
Artillery ticalnst (he
ItKIU.IN, Sept. 23. Illy Wlr-Ieas to
Sayvllle, I,. l. The sinking of the three
Rrltlsh armored cruisers, the Aboukir,
llogue and t'ressy, of 12,2m) tons each,
by Herman submarines, Is tlie big news
feature In today's Hcrlln newspapers. Dn
talis of the liHttle Hre not yet available.
The news received with partlculnr
pleasure, as It served to reconelln -tha
German sailors with the policy Imposed
on them by higher Htralegy, under which ,
tho officers and men of the fleet are chaf
ing, despite all admonitions of patience I
from the newspapers and public opinion.
Irons Tno llomlis, j
A hostile aeroplane dropped two bombs!
near the Dusseldorf alrsllp hall yester
day. The explosion of th.- missiles
caused no damage.
No news concerning the fighting in
France was given out today, except the
statement Issued by the lernvui head
quarters staff, which said that the cathe
dral of Hlielms was rnsperlnd until the
French established an observation on
the spire to direct the French artillery
fire. The Oennans used shrapnel Instead
of shells to drive the observers from the i
spire and the lire was stopped linmedltely i
after this was accomplished.
I'nrsnr llussltins. 1 j
Scinl dispatches from the east"iu j
fighting seine report that (icneral Von'
llindnnburg pursued the Russians until j
they reached the shelter of the guns ot a
fortress. The Kovno roads are reported I
l.n jiiiu ir ,,.lr I 'fti'.un..l..lj.. t M HHHf.rt i
they personally saw at Wlrballen a Rus
sian train of forty or fifty cars bearing a
fted I'ross Insignia loaded with rifles and
artillery ammunition.
Michael Schwab, a prominent Havsrlan
socIiiIImI serving In Hie landwehr. has
been decorated with the order of the
Iron Oross for bravery on the field.
The Gorman press today emphasizes the
loyal American attitude In refusing a
loan for France. At the same time they
ay that Germany' has no necessity for
obtaining loans abroad.
Fire on it'll frnaa.
A letter from a Havaiian general staff
officer says that tho French systematic,
ally fire on Hed Cross ambulances carry
ing sway wounded soldlera from the fir
ing line.
i Ionics of the Hne Nachrichten say
Hint raptured German ambulance soldiers
were stoned by a French mob and rnbled
of their luggage.
It Is officially stated that the Russians
lost in the battles near Tauucnhcrg !i2,'n0
men raptured and IW.iOl men killed.
British Aviators
Raid the Zeppelin
Camp at Cologne
LONDON, Sept. 23. VI ii London. 11
a. in.) A HiicccHHftil rab! by a aquaflron
at five KukIImIi avlatoia on the llermi.n
aviatlnn cmiiiii ut HlckcinlnrC near '.-
b. Kne, h ie...ite.l bv the 1 iHliilclhhlail.
Hlckeii'torf Ih the center of thu Z..hI!ii
aircraft, anil, accur'ltnic to the atory, the
HrlllHh. from a helKht of feet,
dro)H (l boml.H Unit Met fire to the hung
J hih. J'our of the avlnlnra returned to the
I point of their departure, while tlifeflllh
j wan obliiteil to dem end, owing to cnKlne
trouble. Ho nil i, however, 111 land-
h.K In llelKluin.
Asiatic Cholera in
the Hungarian Camp
VIKNNA, Kept. SB. -(Via Parla)-Nlne
caaea of Aalatic cholera have been din
covered among wounded aoldiera In Hun
gary, according: to an official announce
ment by the 11 unitarian mlnlater of the
Interior. The announcement haa excited
great apprehenalon throughout tne dual
War Summary
Momentous events that may de
cide the battle of tho Aisne are
trnnspirlnu near ft. Quentin,
where the allies Hre making a
furious attempt to turn the Her
man rlRht winn.
Vague, but persistent reports,
wholly unofficial, hut coniinR
from several points, su spent that
the Franco rriltsh turning, move
ment is .lowly developing;. How
ever, in tlie absent e of official
claims or admissions regarding
this tremendously Important ac
tion, little Is definitely known.
Such official refesences are are
made to the extreme western bat
tlefield are very guarded. An
Knglish correspondent declares
that the German right haa been
turned between I'erronne and St.
The Hritlsh admiralty ha not
made public its estimate of the
lasnalties when three HrtUsh
cruisers were sunk by German
submarines, but press reports In
licale that probably from 1,200
to 1 , n 0 officers and men were
lost. Report, that two of the at
tacking submarine, were sunk
luck confirmation.
Tlie Gorman casualties so far
as reported number 63, 4CT, ac
cording to an announcement at.
Herlln. The latest casualty list
Issued last night bore 5,895
names. The deaths of General
von Wroohcm and General von
Arbou are chronicled.
An official statement Issued
at rails at 3 yesterday afternoon
says that the allies have advanced
their western wing after severe
fight Ing. It Is declared also that
Herman attacks on the east wing
of the allies have been repulsed.
Grand Duke Nicholas, commander-in-chief
of the Russian
forces, in reporting the capture of
Jaroslau says there Is no change
i the situation on the northwest
rn frontier.
It Is announced officially at
Nish that after a nine days' strug
gle the Austrlana are in full re
treat along the front from Llubo
vla to Losnitaa.
A dlHpaU'h from Rome say. t
is reported that the Austrian
cmUer. Theresla and Admiral
Staun have put Into Sebenlco, In
Dalmatla, badly damaged.
A press report from Petrograd
says that the railroads leading to
Przmysl are being held by the
RiiHHlan.s and that the Austrian
arc falling back behind the forts
at Przemysl.
The Helgt.n army at Antwerp
1 reported aa continuing occa
sional sortie, against the German
army, whoae base is at Brussels.
Northern Mexican General Wires
Constitutionalist Leader Not His
Boss Any More.
trniMirn .Neither Mr Nor II U Deje
irntea Will Attend Convention
WASHINGTON. Pept. 23. -General Vllia
haa telegraphed (ieneral ("arranxa Ula-
avowlng the latter aa firet chief of the
conntltutlonallNt army In charge of the
executive cr In Mexico. Thl. was an
nounced In a telegram from General Car
raDZft tonight to the constitutionally
agency here.
i.enera.1 II 1m. at the name time an
nounced that neither he nor his delegate
ould participate In the national conven
tion called for October 1 at Mexico City
to denlRnate a provialonal iirraidcnt.
The exchange of telegrams reunited from
tieneral t'arranza's order to suaiienil rail
road communication between Aguaa Cal
l rite?, and Torreon until he could learn
whether or not General Ohregon, com
mander of the dlvlHlnn of the northeast,
whm held under arrest by Villa.
OUT KNI, .Sept. 23.-(Yia London. U:
p. in.) The power of Free Masonry is
illustrated by a story told here by a citl
ren of Louvaln, who, with the Masonic
sign, says lie saved fifty of hla fellow
citizens from being shot to death by Ger
man troops.
This group of ritisens. according to the
recital of the Hclglan Mason, had been
lined up for execution. The Oerman fir
ing party had their rifles at "present
anus," when the narrator gave a Masonic
algn. The German officer commanding
the firing s.iuad happened to belong to
the craft. Ha recognised a brother Ma
sun and ordered the Louvaln Kree Mason
to leave the ranks. Thl. meant sparing
his life. The Louvaln citizen, however,
refused, saying: "My fellow cltlxens .re
no mora guilty than I am. If you are
going to kill them, 1 shall be killed with
The Oerman officer then ordered the
release of th. entlr. party.
Official Report Telli of Victory on
Each Wing; of the Long- Battle
Line in France.
Twelfth Day of Battle of Aisne
Finds Struggle Swaying In
British Strategists Are Not Sure that
Kaiser's Men Have Definitely
Taken Defensive Position.
Desperate Fight for Possession' of
Town of Peronne.
Desperate Attempt la Helna, Made lo
Break Line of fr'ort mentions Be
tnrra Verdnn anil Tonl
rtotu l.oae Heavily.
PARIS. Sept. 23. (3:07 p. m.)
The following official communica-'
tion was sent out from Paris at
3 o'clock this afternoon:
"First, on our left wing, on the
right bank of the river Olse, we have
advanced in the region of Lasslgny,
where there have been violent en
counters' with the enemy. On the
left bank of the Oise and to the north
of the river Aisne the situation i
"Second On the center, betweeu
Rheiius and the river Meuse, there
ha. been no change of Importance.
In the Woevre district, to the north
east of Verdun and In the direction
of Moullly and Domplerre, th enemy
undertook violent ,: attacks, which
were, however, repulsed. Io the
southern part of the Woevre district
the enemy heads a line from Rlche-
court to Heicheprey to Llronvllle,
from which he haa not Issued.
"Third On our right wing, in
Lorraine and the Vosge., the Ger
man, have evacuated Nomeny and
Arracourt and have shown little ac
tivity in the country around
"The capture by the Russian, of
tho fortress of Jaroslau, in Galicia,
is announced."
LONDON. Sept. 2.1. The twelfth day of
fighting finds the battle ot tho Aisne still .
swaying indecisively. Tho Germans, ac
cording to British opinion, obviously hold
the advantage in heavy artillery and the
formidable natural positions they occupy
would render a frontal attempt to dis
lodge them an alinoHt superhuman task.
Hence Importance la attached to the
movement of the allied army working to
the eastward with a view to outflanking
General Von Klurk'. forces and threaten
ing hi. communications. The German
right already Is reported In news ills
patches to hrve been turned, but con
firmation of this is lacking. Reports re
ceived here declare that entrenched po
altiona have been prepared by the Ger-
(Contlnued on I'age Two, Column One. i
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The Omaha Bee
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