mi: nr.K: omaha. wt.d.vt.sday. skitkmiikis i:n. ( BWAPPKR'H QOl.l MX HdV 8 bicycle to susy fur other persons! property, or brick, ivmrnt blocks or old lumber vll what you have to offer tn firm Icttrr H. c in;, liw. OUCH A lnri;v re si leather lounge, Kod condition, cost Ma; mill swap for hijih grade ln mower and gnrdrn hose. Address S. c. CTxtTHES (n eJu-hanse fur denial work. Tailor onlv. Address Hec. CANDY MAKERS' complete n-w out fit, .urn a furnace, copper kettles, elilne; rollers. gum machine, kl!a niRchlne. cotiRh and ooustIi drop hriisa rollers. rarsmM and other cutters, all of the Infest pattern, not tunk, other re quirements for the business. H. C. 107,1, Hee. OAKl'KXTKIt work, painting and repair ln; low cash price, or will take any thing lean use. Address. S. C. 141s. Itee. OO N TRACTO IV Stu." T F I f-Wlll tTaile or sell contractoi outfit of shovels, spa (leg, pl-ks and lanterns, good a new. Address S. f. Id. Itee. I'nl.l'MKIA press. SxH, 1.1 caacs of lob type and rack: a Winchester pump-gun rnd leather rase for sale or trade. Ad dresa H, C. 14.12, Bee . KIXTI.'KES A six-door wall and a counter showcase nnd other plunder to exchange. S. C. MIS, Hee. FTn SAKE Stock in a rtliable Hash and Door Co., of thla city. Doing a large business and paid 12 per cent during liU-l Will exchange for an auto. Address s. V. 14H. Pee. . GOLDEN oak chiffonier and dresser, new; will exchange for golden OHk buffet. Have brand new "Lion" brand gas hot Water heater; will swjip for roll top desk. Address 8. C, 1430, Hee WlLL trade pedigreed Hoston bull for something valued at $.0 or over. Also have J40 tool cheat to trade. 8. C. im. Kee. MKRCHAND1SE stock at half price. 1 offer sand, small stock of merchandise (no groceries), cash business, good loca- j nun, ill viimua, inrui" nt'i in w.vrv. sell for J1.250 oiixh. Mlsht consider small house or criulty In bungalow if price very reasonable. Address. 8. C. 1437. 1 Bee,' Omaha. MAXWELL runabout, first class, for sale or trade. Address S C. 142, Hee. WILL exchange carentcr work ai pay ment for plastering of new house; about 400 yards of work. Address P. C. 1417. Hee. FURNITURE for a 4o-room hotel near Omaha, M.SOO. Low rat rent oil the building. What have you to offer? Addresa 8. C. 1W. cara Be liUlll achool cadet suit. In good condi tion; medium ilu. Addresa . C. 1422, Bee. M ITORCVCLKS Have a nearly new 191.. Flanders single cylinder motorcycle; uaed only three months; would consider lot. or what have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1C0J, Bee. HORtiK ood horse for a small delivery auto, suitable for small packages; be quick; don't care what It Is as long as It la In running condition. B. C, 106. Bee. KODAK A new Aimco folding kodak, 2Hx4K. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address 8. C. 191. NEW 5x7 CAMERA, complete. Want typewriter or what have you? Ad OreBS, 8. C. 1418. Bee. NO. 8 ateel hopper with flat cover. 4 feet dla., J-feet shell by 2-feet hopper. Ad dress B. C. 1423, care of Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy soma good sacond-hand office furniture; must be cheap for caah. Address S. C 1, Bee. PHOTOGRAPH high grade outfit com plete. Was forced out of business, as the city condemned the lot for a street. , Consisting of 1 No. 7 Series 2 Volght lander 11x14 lens, costing some $300; also 1 5-7 portrait lens, 1 14-17 camera and stand, and 1 8-10, 1 enlarging outfit, 8-ln. condenser, 1 air brush outfit, all cutters, printing frames, posing chairs, stools, etc., all In first class condition; every thing required for a first-class studio. . For an auto it In good condition. S. C. 1074, Bee. PUP Scotch Collie pup; will swap for something of equal value or sell for $.1. Address S. C. 1416, Bee. PIANO Party owning mahogany Cable Player piano, naving moved irom the city, will sacrifice same with music. Ad dress P. C. 1414, Bee. BION8. showcarda. Clark Son. 1. 1378. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or aale. Phone 21661. Council Bluffs, la. 81 IOESHOP Suburban location, fully . equipped for neighborhood trade. Cheap i rent. On account of other business I will sell or trade reasonable.- Or might lease i to responsible party. Address. 8. C. 1420, Hee. SCALE Have Toledo I-ln, candy scale, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address S. C. 12X8, Bee. -TOCK Will exchange slock In a corpo ration that will pay good dividends, for a Ford car. Address S. C. 1424, Bee. STOCK For $800. with 7 tr cent stock in Omaha corporation of good financial standing; will exchange for vacant prop erty in Dundee or good residential neigh borhood. Will pay difference. Address . C 1019. STOCK Will trade stock in Omaha cor poration worth $25.00 per share; paid 12 per cent last year; for good auto. Ad dress 8. C. 1436, Bee. SLOT MACHINE A money-making . aluminum name plate slot machine, costing some $200. Drop a penny In the slot, turn the crank to get your full name on an aluminum ribbon plate, big profits placed out on commission. Legal ized, not a gambling machine. S. C. W72, Bee. TYPEWRITER to swap for cheap single harness In good ropalr, be quick. Time Is limited. S. C, IPS I. Hee. W ILL exchange Fox typewriter for any thing of equal value that 1 can use. Ad dresa S. C. 14.11. Bee. UNDERWOOD typewriter, nearly new. cheap for caah. cr first payment for a diamond, or what have you? Address K C. 1021 Bee 'WATCH I have a good 17-Jewel sliver case watch to trade for a revolver. Ad dress 8. C. 142fi, Bee. ivamt , ..van i,cu h.mui -nrf.Tel. Done. i'.4 3-i2 Board Trade. a light single wagun. 1 have quite an assortment of personal property to swap, live particulars in first letter. S. C. U'TS, care Bee FOR REM A part meats and Flat. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment wheu we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the cay. 'Phone us for further Information. Douglas aft Fidelity Storage & Van Co. 2T.01 HOWARD St. l-room brick flat. to. IMS 8. 27th St. 7 rooms, modern, 22.i0. S7!S Hawthorne Ave. -8 rooms, hot water heat. 840. ADSAT1AN APARTMKNT. 35th and Farnain Two b-room spai tmenta, 842 W. I D. SPALDING & SON. 1818 Farnam. Tyler KX. 10 8. 27th, -r.. mod. flat.. 130. 1006 N. Sth. 7-r., mod. flat. fM. 3i."13 Leavenworth, n-r.. mod. ex. heat, $20 C. U. carlberg. Ulc-12 Brandeis The. Bldg. ST. CI.AH APARTMENTS. Z3d and Harney Sta., i room apartments. Call H M7 or D. oj6. 4-R . mod es. heat; 814. H. mi. FOUR-ROOM FL-ATVi 814-1601 VINTON, Modern. 4-room flat $1- 1417 Vinton St. Phone Red 64P8 OODE.N ANiNKX loom a, wito kllctieu ettes iounril Bluff. Gordon Van Co IS? Slsrags. SIS N 11th St I'hone D :4 or H. 11 ONE 5-roora apartment; St. George, S70; 113 N. 31at Avenue. I'hone Webster 1674. S15 Oood o-room apartment, mod. except heat. 2 Iavenport. Harney 4. ONLY ONE LEFT. One 4-room and bath In the modern California apartmenla. Downtown. Save car fare. Call Janitor. Douglas 627)7. li-HOOM modern flat. 1112 So. llth. VKlll' choice 4 or 5-rooin, steum-heated npsrtment on V. Fiirn.iq" St. JOHN W. RORH1XH. 12 FARNAM ST. S-ROOM modern, water, curtlns and odme in dining room, free, S22.M. M No. 2-Mn A . Vhon LI. .,TK7. it)k ni;xT Apartments aarl Mats, ATIII.OVK. Large. 4-room apartment, convenient, light rooms, tiled baths, kitchen well ar ranged with 1,-ebox and gas renre. fin ished In teaiitifnl light oak. Vacuum cleaner sen Ice. The Athlone la wall lo cated ith and Ioiglas sts t tn walking distance. Rental $4i In summer and S in winter Janitor will show these or rail us. TKTLRS TlirsT I'DMr.VNY. Knnmm St. Tel. I Mug. V six -in mh k.vtk'd a i' a htjTkxt. 7o, S ith St (iood romllll n. 1'KTKIIS T1UHT CO . J .V'S. THV' SMKKMAX. - Elegant ti-room apartment. l Sherman Ave ! S r;"th7"t-r.rrnod. flat. l'"W N. tm, T-r. mod. flat. 120. fc'1.1 1 eavenworth. -r.. mod. ex. heat. t-0. C. (1. t'arllierg. 3lti-12 Hrandels The. Hldg. IN looking for a de.lr.ible 3 or. 4-room apartment, strictly modern, aee those in ine wrignt nioin, ..! mm i. . CREUIlf. SUNS A COMPANY, - ",n " Knrnlahed Hooma. DKSlItA B1E room with sleeping porch for gentleman, private family, IU nivnth. IiV.H Diuiglas ft. KI R. rooms, private family, hii So. IWh St.. or call H 4'K. MOD., clean, slnule room, l.'.nO, 414 S. L'4th, j k. exiKisure, Tn"! private-family ; mod. i room ror two, . iki so. i:t n tt. i. !. . ri'RNlfHKD room for rent, near Creifc-h-ton university. I'hone Douglna T-l j WELL furnished modern room, hot water, heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglaa BUT-V j 211 S(2iTlT8Tl KxcoTlent location ! modern, private family, close In. rea-j aonahle. D 4'ISO. ! MODKRN, quiet rooms, walking instance. ! H.3U week and up. TIIK KN A PI, t ) Cass Ht. JJUllj 419 So. aiith. mod. tdeam heat; reaj rooms, ; unable. ! Neatly turn., mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20tn. r : ; - ; r7Tr '". private home, references, (1. 51.W. Fur. rma. modern, is & Caas. Apt. . WKl.l, r'l'KNlSHKU modern room, hot watur heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglas I'RIVATK fnmiiy, mod , 12 week, So. 223- STRICTLY modern, for gentlemen only; .15 per week for two. 2212 California Pt. I'hone Douglas 6528. Furnished Housekeeping lloonaa. CLEAN, modern, furnished. Call 290C Dodge St. , HoaMkeeplag Moo ma. 2 ArTS., furnished for light housekeep ing: steam heated; mod. 4758 N. Uh. THREE nice rooms, 8. 11th. housekeeping. 1112 Hotels ana Asartmrata, 30-ROOM HOTEL. Good condition; furniture at low price. Rental $125 per month. FETEHs TRUST COMPANY, ir.22 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 89K. CAUKUHMA Hotel. 16th and California Weekly rates 12 and up. Douglas M. DODUt. HOTEJ Modern. Hoaaonable. llnuM and C'ottawea. $27.60 New, up-to-date bungalow finished In oak. Built-in bookcases and buffet. Near good car line. $30.00 7-room, parlor extending across the entire front of the house. Oak finish, colonnade openings. Four bedrooms and bathi Fine neighbor hood. Near car. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, 17th and Douglas fits. Douglaa 6013, $15 Reduced from $18. six rooms, ono floor, mod. ex. heat. lfiPt No. 3oth St., near achool and car, paved street $18 New five-room cottage, mod. ex. heat. 2 lots. 40th and Parker Sts. $1' Six-room, two-story square house, entirely mod. 3S0 Sherman Ave. Ii5 Eight-room, entirely mod. dwell ing, double garage, paved street, fine neighborhood. Ifth and Pratt Sts. $50 Eight-room, two-story dwelling, two baths. Btrlctly modern, 3K15 Farnani St. Choice location. Low rent. SCOTT HILL CO.. J.W-7-8 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1001. S16 K. 2Xth Kt., 6-r., modern, $26.50. 1026 8. 25th St., 6-r., part modern. $15. 2!i24 Dupont, G-r., part modern, $9. 1412 Wcsterfielu. 4-room, city water, $5. 3810 S. 16th. 4-room, cistern. $8. .TUB S. 16th, 4-room, city water, $7. 222S S. 6th St., 3-room, rity water, $5. OREIGU, SON8 & COMPANY, Douglas 200. V Bee Bldg. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. 3308 Poppletnn Ave. 7 rooms, modern. Price $.V. and worth it.- Let us take you to see thla TETERS TRUST CO.. I'. 89". r- ... 5 h.rHannH fin -yP-Lrmt: all near cars. Dundee. I'hone Harney 2558. A 11-HOO.M cottage, strictly modern, $20 per month.t2626 Taylor St. W. 3206. FIVE-ROOM cottage, 2470 H. 18th St-, $12 per month. H. W. BINDER. 823 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 1264. Rent Reduced Call owner, Harney 211. and 7-room houses, 42d Cuming. One never lived In. DOWN TOWN COTTAGE. Fix-room, modern except heat. See J. Relchenberg Bros.. 91" City National Bank Bldg. 2"Bla8!! 8-ROOM modern house, li26 Lothrop St., or call W . 721. ; FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent, 4622 Izard. Call Mrs. Martinson. .Veh. 67,i&. STEAM heat, alt modern, 7-room house; al,o l-r'-.m flat. il No 2M t-ROOM tilctlv modern house In Al con dition, location 212 Pacific St. Call at 1080 So. 28th St. or phot" Harney W4S. 6-R. HOC SR. 225 Parker. 120. H. 32BO. Free Rental List Complete Informatlin about every va cant hous and apartment In lh city. This service Is free. Tel. Douglas Ss8. Fidelity Storatr & Van Co HOUSK 7 rooms, modern, paved street, convenient to car, school, stores and church: small fam.ly of adults preferred; I2i rent, pay water. I. N. HAMMOND. NEW -r. house. .'.i aas; siricny mourrn; in a sood location: 13b. HASTINtiS ft Hiiiiuvv 1614 Harney St. flnnuno 'n all parts of the city. av Crcigh (ions ' Bee Bldg. S-ROOM '.04 N. no'i Mth. . all motiern, Tel D. 1630. tree Ver. 5-R.. mod., cottage, 2nl4 Woolworth Ave. e . .rM h,iiae AI2 Lincoln Hlvd. Call tiarney zjiu. oTTnT J. C. Reed fx p. Co. packing k storage. 207 Farnam. D. J 76: Maggard's Van and Stor. age Co. Reduced rates for 0 day Large tan. 2 men, SI 2 per hr. : drav. 1 men, fl per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. H9ft z Fidelity Storage Co. sitrage, niuvuic. packing and shipping, i 16th Jackson Sts. Rhone Douglas 2L FOK KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apaitments and flats that are for rent. Tills list can be Men free of charge at Omaha Van 4k Storage Co.. soa B loth St. FOR RENT, after Sept. 25, six-room mod ern cottage In convenient location. 24U8 Chicago. U. Mullen. 2535 Chicago Stores an- Offices. PART of office suite with telephone serv ice In City Nat I Bank Bldg., furnished if desired. Call Douglas is.il ttaras. GOOD barn, room for S or 10 horses. U17 Webster St Call Dowlas iX. REAL ESTATE I'AHH RANCH LA.NDS FOR SALE Mualiaa. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS 000 acres now open to entry In the famous Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the horueseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich soil. exhilarating climate and abundance of water tor Irrigation as.ure. maximum crop returns. Oreat for grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for slock fanning. Ideal apot for a home. Write today for booklet and particulars. VaUer Farm RKAL F.STATF XOKTM (SIDE HOMES Belle Isle and Laurelton Additions South of Miller 1'ark and west of 24th Street. We, have some fine homes nearltiK completion In these two beautiful additions. they are mod ern and complete and "different." We invite the closest Inspection of construction and finish. $3,350 to $5,000 auu iroin a to i room an r nianen in floor, screens, shades, decoration, meters and all Improvements paid for. "Martin r complete and well built and we sell A hundred satisfied clients to refer you to. Come Out Today and look them over Charles W. Phone Tyler 187. KKAL KSTATK FARM A RANCH LAU9 FOR SAI.R In ra. Farm Bargains 4 a. close to Bartlett, la.; $10) per acre; small set Improvements; all under cultivation. 10" a., close to Bartlett, la.; fine Im- provementa; all under cultivation; $115 per, acre IsJ a.. Paundera county, close to Ashland, Neb.; $125 per a. 105 a., adj. Anoka, Neb.; price, $55 per a. 135 a , adj. Anoka; price. $."5 er a. WFiST REAL ESTATE CO.. Omaha. Neb. Minnesota. FOR SALE One good quarter section farm, two miles from town. No buihi lugs except corncrlb. Price $70 per acre. $1,000 down, balance easy terms. S. F. Scott, Vesta. Minn. Nebraska. BIO CROPS EVERY YEAH ON TIIK IRRIGATED FARMS IN THE SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY. Mr. Renter, read this NO. 615 A fine, sightly quarter-section, all broken this year, and part was In oats, millet and seed corn. You ceuld not ask for a farm that lies nicer than thla one does, nor can you find one with better soli. If you want a farm that will raise you a great big full crop every year of alfalfa, potatoes, sugar bets and grain, here It Is. There is big money in all of these crops on an Irrigated farm If you have the water. Scott's Bluff tarmi have a guarantee of three feet of water for every acre of land from the Government Path finder dam. Price, $85 per acre; easy terms. Here Is your chance to own a farm and make a real home for your family. Quit working for the landlord. If you want an an, we can sell you one right, on mighty easy terms. Write, today for Soott s Bluff . number of "Land Owner." It s free. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., WARE BLOCK. OMAHA. KIMBALL COCNTY FARMS. All tillable 4X0-acre farm nine miles from Kimball; 200 ucres under cultivation, 2,00ii 'lne aoun? trees in orchard and around buildings. Fine house and barn and outbuildings; well and mill; and is all fenced and cnxss-fenocd. Mile to school! malt delivered within one milo 8 'priced eT-Vre. This 1. . barln Also have other choice Improved and unlm- b. DID YOC SEE OLU EXHIBIT AT THE STATE r Airw Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin SSrtPB tend-- intsresud to Irult land. , i KtUht. on APPle Orchards in . a.a ior. """".'"j -f;n ret Line Ry.. MlnneapolwMJhin. . ' Mlacellanfoafc ...... IP 1NTRET1-D in land In so ithern owand iouthern Mlnnajot. rrtt. lh. P L. Jona Land company. V Internet, la . for their list of 8U farms RKAIi ESTATE WANTED t-Avy over fifty buyers with from jO0 Natl. Bank Bldg. lou. 1474. REAL) ESTATE LOANS C1TT and fsrm loan 6. 6V4. r i cent. J.H. DumonoJoiOanmin. Omaha. W ANTE D-CltyJoajuP OMA HXlTomes. Et Nebraaka far ma. O'KEEFB REAL EbTATK Wi 101S "m.hA Nat l. Dougl-a jn GAitviN rn.os.fr t'Ban: ilARRlBON & MORTON. Sin QmaCL WANTED City loans and warrant.. W Farn-m Smltb A CoS Farnam. riTV n.oertv. Large loans a sp-Ulty. I W. H. Thojas.lStateBank Bid. erji tin tm made Dromptly. K. U. eaa, ,4w w ---- ,- Wead Bldg.. l"th and Karnam Sts. i MONET on hand to, :o.ty ad farm U,a. i H. VV. tJinucr. - rrrrVtTT LOANS. Hemls-Carlberis Co.. j " v 310-312 Braaeis inwi'i "" , I 777-.-. if youwanl a farm loan. 7 nil.A si.tes Trust Co.. Omaha. Men. IIIKAL ESTATE VOH EXCHANGE ilori; s..d lot in 'V aale or trade. Address Wo. A-ams, ir Hmnou tor otuer inualcal luairu I ABSTRACT OS- T1TLK. KEUH Title Guarsnte. and Attract. Co.. a modern abstract officii. U- b. l.th o- Plione lougias ovsiL RKED Abstract Co, oldest abstract oi fica in Nebraska- 2C Uiandel. Theausr. HEAL ESTATE ACREAGE 4 Acres Beautiful View Just Off Military lload K.ne piece of fruit and garden land, all in prairie, sod never broken; land very rich: close to fine houses, face, two streets; 3.10 feel each street. Price, Sl.suo; I4i cash, balance S2S a month. 1 1 A BTINOrt HEYDKN. 1M4 HARNEY. 1.(1 Acres Military Koad $15 (.tosh $12.50 Monthly Paved atreet on two sides; on corner at Intersection f five streets; adjoining llenaon. A dandy place for raising poul try Price S1.W0. HASTING- & HETDEN. 1814 HARNEY. KKAI, F.STATK XOKTH MIK iiaantirui nnu ni n rinooi roHn u Houses" them before they are completed. Martin & Co. 742 Omaha Nat l. Bank Uldg. $:n.oo DOWN AND $31.00 PER MONTH nrvs rnns all modhhx G-KOOM HOUSK. I have for anl a new substantially constructed 6-room house, located una block from car line, I blocks from school; full cement batiement. f.rnace heat, prin cipal rooms finishes! In onk hnlanCM it house In pine; very conveniently arranged inrougnout. rreiiy location. Y or full Information, call MKS. TIIOMAS, Telephone Webster 223J. o 7-Room Modern Bungalow, 24x38 Full basement, all bricked up with good cement floor, furnace and place to do laundry; lOO-barrel cistern; house Is nicely decorated and well built; south front lot, 50x1211; cement walks, with coping from front to alley; located among home own ers, at 3028 Fowler Ave.; house vacant; key first door east. Uo. see It. II. GATES, OWNER. Room 647. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. I'hone Douglaa 12i4. NEAR 22D AND LAKE. A good 2-ttpartment house, large lot, renting for $2i per month. Price only $2,0; on terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Third Floor, Ware Block. Douglas 17S1. READY TO MOVE INTO Living room, dining room, kitchen, den and pantry on first floor, living rooms finished In oak; two bedrooms and bath on second floor, cement basement, fur nHce. strictly all modern; paved street, corner lot. close to school. Price only $2,800, $200 cash, balance mimthly. Located 630 Blondo St. Keys at 2628 Blondo. C. G. CARLBERO, 310-312 Rrandels Theatre Bldg. RKAL KSTATF SOUTH BTDH Near Field Club Newly bnllt two-story dwellings, strictly modern, stylish In design and arrange ment; built of first-class material and by day labor. Fine large living room, din ing room and kitchen downstairs; oak finish; three splendid bedrooms, large bleeping; porch and fine bathroom with tile floor upstairs; oak floors throughout. Kull slsed basement; guaranteed fur nace, owner will sell on terms or would consider good unencumbered cottago or vacant lot as part pavment. Scott & Hill Co. .'PC 7- McCague Hldg. Douglas 3009 Lots Soutli Thirteenth Street BLLVL'E BOULKVAUD $5 Ikjwn $5 Monthly All Improvements, such as paving, Water, gas and sldewslks, being Installed. The lots are high and sightly and are only two blocks from the car line. Your rhoice of thirty large lots at prices rang ing from 1100 tn M. One of the first purchasers on the ground may ocure an arre tract which has water, sewer and gas at $HT5. on terms to suit you. Sale starts today. Phone Douglaa 4233. Salesmen and automobile at your service. SHCI.KR & CART, 224 State Rank Bldg.' New Bungalows 7th and William We have Just finished four new 5-room bungalows on the corner of 7th and Will iam that we can aell at the right price and on very eay terms. The bungalows are strictly modern In every respect, full basement, furnaces, electric lights, j complete bath room, five large rooms, fine I large nine wiin siairs, ioiuiiiiu.ua uiiriuni I between parlor and dining room, built-in kitchen cabinet. These hou.ee are In walking distance to the depots, street car barn und all the wholusale houses Corner house alrejidy sold. 1'rlces S2.9O0 and 2,iKiO; ?00 cawli; balance monthly. Payne & Slater Co. 611 Omaha Nat'l Bank. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Close-In Home Must Be Sold 2513 Chicago Street I An S-room, all modern home, only H block from 251 h St. car line and within eauy wulklng oiniince or town, near High School and Creighton College. Mia fortune forces owner to sell at big sacri High Scli.l and Creighton Collie. Mis- flee. Cheap at S2,tio0, but' must be sold. What's your offer? The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 267. 212 8. 17th. 8-room houe. to lie sold by owner; 1 year oUI: all modern; oak and birch finlah; rorner lot, south front; $4.'.Xi. Ad dress Slii Clil ago M. Tel. liarnry 1704. KKAL ESTATK MISdOLLANF.OUS BAltfJAl.VS IN IlOMJiH. KiKht room, now 2-story house, iXtli and California Ma., snap, M.2U0. Klght-roorn, new modern, 36th and Cen Ur. only S4.'0. Heven-roorn, new modern, 3tth and Iea vnworth sts.. H.m Knrgulre 413 Karbui h Plk. Phone I. A1. BIX KudM bouse to be sold at a special offer for qulk service; modern except heat, rooms nicely finished, lare lot. good location, convenient to cars, owner must leave town. Call lied 74U. 2715 Ho. 21st Ht Bee readers are too lutoJUifent to over look the opportunities In the "want ail" columns. Ther. worth while read In. j RKAL K.S r AT K M I S'K M . N KO C M New Book of the latest mcdern dwelling house and fTeryT,:J published In Omaha. Price R'V. KIX'K lll'NDItKli (MI'IKS WILL TK OI i:v AWAY FUF.V. OF OHARtlK TO THOSIJ AITLY1NO LLKORK OCT. 1. Home Builders tlround Floor. Hiandela Theater Hldg . lTth and Douglaa (Sta.- Homes Built and Financed Kasy I'aymcnt Tlnii Will furnish the money and build von a home to order and draw plana to suit vnr taste win ! i.i m iftt or ioi you seicci. reiepnone ror par- Ocular 'JVlephono Wobstor ;87!) o GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Enormous Increase in Visible Sup ply of Cash Wheat is Shown. FOREIGNERS ARE GOOD BUYERS Loading I p en Heavy Shipments of Cereals Corn shows Consider able Irreor-larllr la Price. OMAHA. Sept. 22, Isll. An enormous Incrense for the week In Iho vlalble supply of wheat, both, in this country and Canada, was shown vestor day and the trade wns somewhat taken aback. A total Increase of ll.lf..,000 bushels for North America caused u large oiu.nttty of wheat to be dumped upon the market yesterday and broke prices sharply from the high points. The move ment of wheat promises to let down, bow ever, according to all Indications; In fact, iwelpts at primary markets yesterday were matcrlitlly lighter than for the cor responding day last week. Farmers are Inclined to hold for lietter prices and the abowery weather that prevailed In sec tk lis of the northwest vesterdsy Is not conducive to free marketing. However, w heat stocks at Minneapoha already show an increase of l.lOo.uw bushels since Frl dsy last, compared with ,tn increase of ;.isi.t bushels for period last year. the corresponding " he whi t market nero vohterdny was a nervous affair, featured by rapid price fluctuation. Heating spots for the active futures wero o higher than Saturday's final, whllo the Septeinlwr delivery closed a better. There was good buying early, based largely on the theory that the war gave every Indication of lasting for a prolonged period, and this was further stimulated by the strong spot wheat sltiistlon at Liverpool. Wor-lgnora were good buyers of cash wheat yesterday and export sales from hens were reported as SOO.flW) bushels, while J40.000 bushels went out Ma the gulf and some business was reported done at the eastern seaboard. I.ocal milling sales were around Ul.oon bushels. Southwest sales of flour for export were reported as liberal, but news from the northwest was more conservative and It was stated that several of the .Minneapolis n,ill wnulJ c,"" down In the near future. There was much Irregularity In price movements for corn here yesterday and much of the nervousness In wheat was reflected In this pit. Osts trading was active but the same reeling of uncertainty was noted here as In other pits. Healing spots for the day were He higher than Saturday. Ick Of activity In the cash provision trade caused many of tho longs to liquidate their holdings yesterday and prices ruled sharply lower. Wheat was lc to 2c lower. Corn was unchanged. Oata were V; lower. iiiese sales were reported today Wheat, No. 1 hard winter, 7 cars, 81. OS. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, 11.03; S cars, 1 4i.car"' XM- So- 4 hard winter. 1 car. 11.02; l ear. KM-. No grade hard winter. 1 car ismuttyl. 91c. No. S mixed, 12-5 cars, 81.0!. No. 3 durum, 1 car. 7c. Rye: No. 2. 8 J-B cars. s6c; No. 3. l car, -..OBi.: 8tHn?n". 1 car. 4.V4,.-. No. 3 CBr ,c. -0- 4 Whlte. 4H cars i VCL..No -rBdo' 1 car- 4:)"0- c"-n: No. whl'; 1 r"-, 78'gc. No. 1 yellow. 3 71 T- No' 1 y'low, 2 cars. 74Wc 5- ". 1 'r. 74'c; H csr, 74c. No. yellow. 11 far., 74c. No. 2 mixed. 1 car. 73V No. 3 mixed. 1 car tnear white), Kr.' CHI;- iMlC; No' 5 n"d' 1 73Ho Vie ' Cari 73t'- s'nl"e. 1 ur, Omaha Cash Prlces-Whest: No 2 bard Sl.O2Vol.0fi: No. 3 hard. SI.Ol'W M N hard ylM;No. 2 .prlng! IKoCV SI.04, No. 2 durum, mHc; No. 3 duruni. C learances were, wheat and flour equal osts,i,ooj,r:,::i..r,,rn- Primary wheat receipts were S.S'J.OnO oushels. and shipments 1.I7.000 bushels against receipt, of 2,032,000 bushels, and e,,i(,.,i-u vi ii,i nuaneis last year I rlmary corn receipts were ;t23 'W bushel., and shipments 367,0!0 bushels against receipts of 20, bushels, and shipments of MO.OuO bushels last year Primary oaU rerolpts were l.oifc.OoO busliele, and shipments Slfi.ono bushels agalnht receipts of ssi.om bushels, and shlpmenU of .)0 bushels last year CAKlOT RKCKIPTR. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Rye. Barley M 1IA vi. ' 'Chicago '.." Minneapolis (171 504 52 27si 124 1,273 . .1. ... ... liuiuth Omaha K. City .... St- Louis .. Winnipeg .. 21 33 44 f. tw CHICAUO (JBA1V Afii PROVISIONS Pealares of the Tradln aad lealaaj Price, on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 22.-Increasing domes tic supplies and an apparent lull in ex port trade put the wheat market today under a good deal of selling pressure, rhe close waa heavy at 2': to 3c under last night. Corn showed a net loss of .c to l'.o and oats of VuSo to o. In provisions the outcome varied from un changed figures to a decline of 25c. Wheat speculator appeared to be most Impressed by the enlargement of 1334 oio bushels In the available stock .,f n,- 1'nlted States and Canada as compared I mllh 10 lull,., K, .. .. !, , ' . . 1 ' connection Minneapolis reported an an- crease oi i..n.i oiisnels thered for two days, as against 600.000 buahela last year. Next to nothing was heard of export business In whist. Ho far as could be ascertained luu.ouu bushels wss the total amount disposed of anywhere for ocean shipment. Corn prices were handicapped by the downturn In wheat and by prospect of a yield txreedlng former estlmatea. The bulk of the crop was said to be nut of danger from frost. Sympathy with the other cereals carried down oats. Active seaboard demand formed only a part of the offset. Provisions sagged from the start. The blame was laid chiefly to the descent of values for grain slid lings. 81. I.ools tirala Market. HT. I.OI'lH. Sept. 22. WHEAT No 2 red. $1.CkV I.orti; No. 2 hard, Mi7"U'l 0. Kepteinber, SlOii; lecnnber, Sl'sfa- COKN No. 2, 7Hc; No. 2 white. &0V 81c; Hrpleniber. T7c; Iiecemlier, 70',c. OATri-No. ,217 ITV; No- 2 white. 4hi.j fj4ic. Liverpool raln MarLrl, I.IVEKItiOI., Kept. 22 -WHEAT Hixit. quint; No. 1 .-snltoLa. s 9il; No. 2 red winter, new, hs 7Mid. CoKN-Hpot, nominal. i f,hi. 7v ,"' x "lle. 7tiW78o; No. S white . Wijj7hy: No. 3 white, 7!8i;84,! ?e i?1".'' K"'-- N'"- 6 white? 77w 74Vn74Hc No. 3 yellow. 74fi74'-: No. 3 ;.vmw.'.'4c; lo. yellow. 7374. ' Au mKX,"'; 7;,"34o: No. 3 mixed. 78' 0v '"i""1. ";'"3V.c; No. 6 mixed. :.o- n,ll. 72fi7Sc. Oats: u?.aJ'Ul? 14',,V"'f"VJ: standard. 4S,u 4fi1nc; No. 3 white, 444,0 4- No , ' h 44 V44',c. Rarley : fctfri In.. n OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET i Run of Cattle Very Heavy and Price Comiderably Lower. STEADY TO TEN LOWER sheep of lit Kinds steady and I at l ambs ateady tn Te.n enta I. nvrer Feeder I amha Weak to a Shade l.orrer. KiifTH OMAHA. Sept 22. It'll Ilenlpts were: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep orticlal Moiulny si.l'ji 1,2W 4o.Hu3 EaltiiiBte Tuiidny 12.000 4.3"0 4.0l Two d;iys this wck..2l,l Same days Isst week... '... ?7 Same days 2 wks ago,.14.5'l Siime days 3 wks ago..l.4!2 Same days 4 wks ago. . Ift.fr Same days lust yenr . .2l.4; 5.V.S 4.2 4.2U.1 u.;t4 12.41 S.lHvS xi.ion (W.7 M.W2 7,ai!i Tf..i!; 77,1111 Tim following table shows the receipts of sttle. hogs and sheep ill the South Omaha dve stock market for the year to date, as compaied with last year- ... 114. 191T Inc. Dec t sttle Omi.MO r.4o,21i ru. rn l.Vfl.".,! 1.!7114 jail.tk K,1'P X0I1.72! I.SHd.i) 110,6(9 The following table shows the prices for hogs at the South '-man a live sioca mar. ket for the last few days, with compari sons: lata. 1SI4. 1.M.1 ill'll. !l0. tl!SH.!190tt. Sept. sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. S. I Vi 7 tr,"s S? 7 li W 7 ( 4.1 S.I S 4'! 7 : 27 1 I H !M 7 k7i (5 M I B .il) I M I 24 7 17 7 K III 8 2, 7 i.i S 23, 7 ( 0C HI . W S 2,1 V? V 17 7 S. . 8 4'. 6 D4 7 fill 6 61 7 S7I IS Ml S 911 7 92 1 6 W 9 C sti, S tU't! 8 m S .ID. r.) f 02 7 ftS li I7 8 MS 8 0N S 35 1 8 131 7 SSI 6 bit 7 7S 8 Mi 7 01 7 Mi A 7 S S Ai C Hi) 27 7 sl 71 7 87 8 3S 8 Mi 11), 7 Mi Sept. It Sept IS. S 41?( Sept. 14 SOS Sept. 15 8 A. 8 4,11 6 7ii 8 7ii 7 S H I 78: 8 Hi 8 Of, 6 W 8 4.1, 1 K M 8 W! 6 SI 7 K Sept. 1 6. H !' Sept. 17 S 42W 7 i 7 W 121 I lOl S 8 iMi a in a mi sept. IK. 8 8 oi x ml a ki mimu Sent. 1H.I 8 4 7 Wi 8 171 li 8 02 NS Spt. 2t) $ 6-4 8 a:t 4 8 7.1 1 8 17 1 Sept. 2l:8M'i 8 4I (12 8 47 8 12 87 Sept . 22. S 40 8 0K SH 8 43 8 10 S HI 'Sunday. CATTLK Receipts this morning wera very large. 473 cars being reported In. This makes tho total for the two day. this week 21.12a head, the largest for any similar period thu. far thi. year, but only about on a par with the correspond ing time last year. The trade on beef steer, was slow and late In openlug. largely due to the fact that some of the trains were late In ar riving In the yards, and that It took aome little tune to gel shaped up and ready to be shown. W hen the trade waa finally under way prices ranged anywhere from steady on some of the beet, to UK) lower on some of the less desirable kinds. There was nothing very choice with w hlch to make a top, but there were cmnfed steers good enough to bring !'.75, with westerns at SS.7B. Cows nnd heifers were In about the same condition as bnef steeia except that it waji the common grades or canners thai were steady, while the benf cows and heifer, were weak to a. much a. toe lower tn some cases. The beet feeders that lust haDDened to suit the Ideas of buyers commanded steady prices, hut the medium and com mon kinds were fully 10c lower, and In spot, perhaps worse than that. Quotations on cattle' Good to choice cornfed beeves, ,.l"yiM 26; fair to good cornfed beeves. S 7541 K. 50; common to fair cornfed beeves, S7.7fcniS.7fi; good to choice range steers. S7.40riiS.75: fair to good range steers. SiNO(ii7.40; common to fair range steers. t .O0r(f so; good to choice grass heifers. S Wu'l.Wt; good to choice grasti cows, S.2Mi6.75; fair to good grades, 15 50 tl1.26, common to fair grades, S4.00ftfi.50; good to choice stockers and feeders, S7.Wki 25; fslr to good stockers and feed ers, $t.ory(j50; stock heifers, S5. 504(16.75; stock cows. S4.7Mi.2l: stock calve.. SH.Oow S00; veal calves, tS.0OtM0.2i; bulls, slag. I etc., Jfi fc,(fl7.U0. HiXJ Supplies were the largest for several days, but at that were very mod erate for a Tuesdsy, something like sixty-six cars or 4.300 head being re ceived. Total for the two days amounts toS,5iM head, being about 600 larger than a week ago, but more than 2,500 .hurt of last War. Advices from other points were nis roursglng. and while good shipping kinds, being In light supply were picked up at generally steady prices, the pack era Insisted on milking their purchases at a sharp reduction. Karly bids were all of a dime, and In spots 10H15c. lower, snd while values Improved slightly later the long end of the supply moved at prices that were all of ClflOc nnd tn most Instances a flat dime lower. Trade wus dull all the way through. The general killer trade Is largely lis; lower, but with shipping grades holding firm the average does not show any more than a fr&loo decline. Klght dollars and thirty-five cent, proved to be the most popular price, although there vn a 'good show ing of heavies and the more common mixed stuff around S30 and Ss.,'12'!. hhlpplng hogs moved anywhere from ik quarter to a much as 50c above the killers, best lights selling as high us Today's average Is Just about the same as Saturday's, but prices have been un even, and while shippers are some high er for the week, packing grades are sell ing at figures that are right close to a nickel off. ... SHKKP The last ssles of lambs on Monday's market averaged 7uo lower than the close of last week, with trade lasting until late In the day. and about a doxen loads being csrrled over for today s mar ti,. general run of aged sheep of ferings yesterday showed a decline of 40 ift0e. from last rriosy, ann won- lambs were generally iuij: lower nine was little If any change in feeder sheep, there being very few feeder yearlings, wethers and ewe. available. u.d..'. Mr run waa followed by an other thi. morning, as the receipts ..,., to aomu 40.000 head, against 31 000 a week ago and 45.000 on the same day a year ago. Chicago was reported as having only 2K.O0O. The bulk of the locel ffrin consisted of lambs, and the gen eral quality of both sheep and lambs wss Iseklng there being not one choice bunch of fat lambs In the barn. Feeder huyers i - j . i.iw.rui aumilv to fill orders from The packer buyers started out on their tr.t rnim,ii esrlv as compared with the standstill trsde yesterday, and apparently wanted some good killers. They bought such lambs ss were on sale In good sea son In the forenoon, paying prices for fst Iambi genersliy steady to a dime lower sad about steady for the light supply of mutton. . There seemed to be a good demand ror all kinds of feeders, but as feeder lambs were plentiful prices were weak to a shade lower. The best grsdes of feeder Is nibs are quotable at Sfi.kf .SO. wit h some carrying a little flesh at S7.2o7.So. The commoner kinds sre going to the country largely at Pi 50r0l s.1. Feeder aheep continue scan-e and prices are Just as hlarh ss ever they were. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lsmbs good to rholcef S7.40Tif7.(; lambs, fair to god. ri.Vfl7.4o; lambs, feedera, til VTf7.20; yearlings. eonl ' choice, S5.S0 Jift.10; yearlings, fair to good, b 50a5.); yearlings. feeders. Sf 40ru.0; wethers, good to choice. S5.2flT7i5.&0; wethers, fair to good. S52OW0O; wethers, feeders, S4 30t INVITATION TO AIC-SAR-BEN VISITORS When In Omaha Come To JAKE KLEIN'S 1314 DOUGLAS ST. Headquarters for he Best And Lowest Prices For WHISKEY, WINES and LIQUORS We will be pleased to check your suit case or fur nish any information about the city. 4 S;.; ewes. gotd to choice. R. '.: rwrs. fair to good, Jl. ".'i'd "" ; ewts. feeders. $!M Vi r... rillt tlitl MVK s IOI K Ml It HUT Cattle Knsy lings Weak he.ei rirm. ntlCAOO, Sept. 22 CATTLE Re ceipts, fi.Oi heml; ninikrt easy; beeves. fi.U'rfill.nn; steers, rt.2'.i'.i.l.',; slockers nnd feeders. 4'i i.Ti : cows ami heifers, H.mi ti9 20; calves. N.0,il2 no. IH Ml-lteceltus. ll.ftm head , market weak. iiTi:,o lower; bulk. .4''.,.V,; light. S"1 7'"i'. 2. mixed. 8S 2,Viifl.2n; heavy, 8,.''' ii:'v rough. s.0Mi.s: pigs. ,.2.vni.s."i. SHi:i:P AND I.MHS Receipts. .10....I heml; market firm; sheep. SI.!r,.vO. yeat llns, .".;V'i.iW; lambs. I'i.VViiX.oo. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSXS CITY. P-pt. 22 . 1KX7S.- I!e celts, 1 S .; 1V 1 Kic lower; hulk. $V.'' i7,',; heavv, 8.V,-.isvo. packers and butch ers. SH..ru.S.S.-,; IlKhts, Sv.iCuS.!"); pls, J7..VI 11 (. CATTT.K Receipts. 21.0ffl; steady to 10 cents lower; prime fel steers. JlO.oniiu.7.",, dressril In-ef steers, $s .OHiO .7.",; western steers, M.."iiiO iiO; stockers and feeder.'. Sil "tiH.20; bulls, $.ViiB.rs; calves, $?.ti' 10 S1IKK1-Rech)ts, 11 cjnv steady to Ti cents hluher; liimbs. $7 '-"MtT.tVi: vearllnEs. ' ," 7&,iM" 2.",; wethers, iri.tHKoO .'iii, ewes. $1 ") .:. M..n (111 lire sn-k Market. SIOI'X CITY. In.. Sept! 22 -CATTI.K. Receipts '-'.in); mnrket slow; native steers, $, .wri;i..'rt; butchers. S.Y 4iM1.75; rnws and heifers. 8 1 win'i SO; canners, $ 8.o r.2o; stoi'kers and feeders. Si, .Xnu 7 M; calves, jr, (Xl'ulO.flo; bulls, stags, etc.. So. Hi ins Receipts S.onO; market lc to Ine lower; heavv. fcs XSn .W: mixed. SR.WVirf.37i; light. SsSMiiSO; bulk. SX 2Mi Vi MIKKP Receipts, r; no prices. at. I.nnls live stock Market. ST IXH'TS. Pept. 2 TIOOS Receipts, li',rm; lower; pigs and llirhts S7.7iVnA.iri; mixed and butchers. SV'Mr.lIi; good heavv, J.s 7Mif 00. CATTDF. Receipts, .oon; steady: na tive, liecf steers, S7 DiMrlo 8T; oowa ami heifers. S6 004rf.K."; stockers and feeders. S5."0rir7.all: southern, $i". OViiXOo; cows and heifers, S40i"lii .W: native calves. SO.ooriD 1 1 00 SHKIOP-Recelpts, ri.roo; steady; natlva muttons. Sl.flOlifi W; lambs, S7.00S77.7B. at. Joaeph Lire, ftlork Market. ST. JOSKPH, Sept. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,700 head; market slow; steers. S7.O0n0.?5; rows and heifers, SI.0Offi9.00; calves, WOOti 10.50. H MIS Receipts, Son head: market dull. RHF.KP AND LAMRS Receipts, 4,509 head; market slow; lambs. S7 00To7.60. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Sept 22. COFTF.B Th market was unsettled today owring to ap prehension that delsv in arrival here of a, steamer whlrh sailed from Brasll on Sep tember S with M.000 bags of coffee for New Tnrk would cause an advance lit war risks. Coat and freight offers from Rraall were a shade higher on Santos grades, but business was very quiet and local spot quotation, were unchanged, with Rio 7s holding amund 6c, whllo Santos 4s ranged from llTEpUVio, according; to description. New York Money Market. KTTW YORK. Sept. 22 MERCANTILH PAPITR 7 per cent. STKRUNG EXCHANGE Firm; cables, S4.V75U: demand. 4.rrt0. 81 LVKR Bar. KSc Rank Clearings. OMAHA, Sept. 22. Rank clearings for todav wero 2,!4fi,8424 and S2.ff70.8J7.SI for the corresponding day last year. TOPS IUCK8 BEAT COVERS TIRE COVERS LINEN COVERS CUSHIONS DUST HOODS RADIATOR HOODS TRANSPARENT SHEETING LEATHER REPAIRING . FENDERS COVERED AND REPAIRED HOWS STRAIGHTENED DENTS REMOVED FROM PANELS Anything In Ieatiier or Fabric That Can Ite Done. The Holly Auto Trimming Go. "EXPERTS" 8318 Xarney tree. Omaha, IT.1i. Soar. 378S. Oar Work Speaks for Itsslf. IS Tsars With SranunoBd. will reduce Inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Druiaet, Soft Bunco?.; Hernia BoiU, Poll Evil, Qulttor, Fistula, or any unhealthy eore Quickly at li la a potiUra anUA ' sl ftnnldde. riraMnt lowei doe. not blister sailer bu td ags or re not the hair, and yos eta work tbs born. Si. 00 ftt beoU. Sdlr. rL Book 7 K free.. " ABSORBINB, JR.. snrJwpcle llalntnt for -nMiul. gaaoeaa PaIdIuI. Swollrs VelM. Gollre. Wrna, Straliu. Bnilica. atoft pals aas laAaraaailos. frica SI. 00 per bonis st aaler or aAlirered. Will tall yea Bars 11 yos wrka, Manufarturea onlr br W.r.IUUNQ, P.O.r.,104Taml(IL,Bflnsll.l4, Matt. INVESTORS With futur onIlmitd Id d ditto to tool proflta and dlvldands now, the UNITKO CIGAR BTCRErt reduction of (he par vlu t tti Btock to flo pr Kare hai ntadn thi Wsfiio ono of lh Duist delr&b)e lnvtmenti aval labia. rfrnd for trlot4 ropy of pc.al detalUd roport Juat Itaucd hr ua ahowing pat, prcMnt and probabla futura. KKEK oa rtquwi. Att for circular No. ti N. NOTHING TO HBlJe BUT 8ERVHT. JONES & BAKER STOCK B&OXirKB, Bank floor. St 8. I- Ralls St., b Broad St. T!lrao New Verb. rHrert piivata wlra to Naw York a Boaiuu. llJstaWellJl t