TTTE BEE: OMAITA. SEPTEMBER 1PH. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification mmt be pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7.3ft p m. for morning end Sundsy editions Want arts received after nrh bourn will be under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. Orte time. 13 rents a I'ne. Three tlmr within one week, cents a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, 7 cents a Una each Insartlon. CHARGE BATW. Three time within one week, 10 rents a Im each Insertion. Seven consecutive limes, I cents a line eic-h Insertion. Count six svenige words to a Una. Minimum rharpe, 50 rents. The Bee will not be responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due lo typo graphical error. Claims lor error must be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued mist b stopped by writ ten order. Too ran place jrotir want ad In The Bee fcy telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of .-ther answers hava been railed for and delivered during the last week. It la reasonable to suppose thst all tf the people helnw have made the dealred swaps therefore, do not rail for the bal ance of their answers. Bee Want Ads sure set results. f-C. B.C. SC. SC. C. PC. fd n 1078 1221 IT .137 fl 974 1W MX 1.H7 ' 9V 977 KWI 122S 1 1W4 91 971 not 12m i:so 11 114 1240 ll I'M ail s H"i mn 1 1393 :j w mi 1247 mi lft 19 992 111 1249 1 307 1W VA 9f'3 1121 12.2 1JW1 ISM F."7 1123 12M i::2 13M P.H 9T"9 112n 13M 1OT 140 w vn iiti ix nw I4fi2 tM 1V3 11SS lji2 1343 14 KX Ki3 1I9S 1JM 1S44 14"7 ! jnio JIM 1!7 l.T-'l 14 HI 1"23 llM 1?S 1W 1409 95 1KT7 l'.2 1271 111 1411 9- 1031 1204 1274 1W2 1413 W7 W! DOS ' 12H0 1 374 1415 Hi HEATHS AND Ft'ftERAL NOTICK9 CA VENDER Anna U. Beptembrr 1. (ed years Funeral Monday, beptember 21, at 2 p. m.. from BraJley Dorrance rhapel. Nineteenth and Cumin street. Interment forest Uwn cemetery. Friends Invited. CHRIKTIANBON John, aed 77 years. S months. 12 days. September W, 1H14. Hiin-lved by wife, daughter, Ttllle. of Omaha, and son, Martin, of Portland, Or. Funeral Wednesday at 3 p. m. from reld noe, 1744 8outh Ninth streeL Friends Invited. Auto conveyance. WALTSIAN Anna, aRed M years, from family residence. 'S1 Houth Seventh street, at 9:30, to St. Wenceslaus church. Fourteenth and William streets, at 10 o'clock. Interment at 81. Mary'a ceme tery. KANE Mrs. MarKarrt, beloved mother of Mrs. Anea Bonnell, died Septem . her 20, 1914. m , Funeral from Hoffman funeral home Wednesday 1:30 p. nr. to Ht. Peters rhurch at J p. m. Interment . Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Denver papers plcaso copy. HlRfH-John J., died, 8ptember 19, 1914. a yed 77 year a. Funeral servlrea will be held from family resldenoe. IMS Miami street Wednesday, September 23, at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Uwn cemetery. ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS. Members of Omaha lodge No. 2. L O. O. T., are requested to meet at Odd Kellowa hall Wednesday afternoon, Beptember 23, at 1:30 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Hi-other John Chrlstlanson. Services at ths family residence, 1744 South Ninth street, at 3 o'clock. Burial at West Lawn cemetery. Members of all lodges Invited. JA9. A. HKNP K RfON, Noble Grand. BAM K. QREENLF.AF. Secretary. CARD 4F THANKS. Wa wlab to extend our heartfelt thanks t friends and the warehouse employee of i.. r.r plow eomDany for their kindness shown our brother and tholr many flora, ortenng. Mra. J. P. JENBEN. M. M. BACK. BIRTHS AND DKATI1. Births Rasario and Carolina, Vistula, 1215 Chicago, airl: Y. L. and Grace Bherar. S.I1 North Fifty-seventh avenue, girl: Willis and Wlnnls PherrlgK. 966 Botith Fifty-first, slrl; H. H. and Clara Pflfer. 170J Canton, slrl: W. H. and Ivy Peraels. 1230 South Tenth, girl: Dan thi Mary Herarty. 4CTS Patrick avenue, girl; Lud wlc and Nellta Hook. 72 North Twenty seventh avenue, girl; Raymond and Char iots Foster, 1S34 Bouth Thirtieth avenue, girl Jet and Emily Carroll. 81S0 Mere dith, girl; A. W. and Mablo Burg. 804 Bouth Thirty -alBhth avanue, girl: Gaetano andAgatu Valantl. 1130 North Blxteenth. boy; Wlan 4ind Mlna Taber. 2707 Dodge, boy; Iraslo and Giovanna Eerlura, 1213 fiouth Sixth, boy; Morris an4 Irla Ros ensuln. hospital, boy; R- V. and Chrlatlna Prohaska, 2210 South Fourteenth, boy; "Will and Anna Lynch. 2404 Bouth Twelfth, boy; George and Mary I-awrenoe, hos Ilert and Ouasle Hall. 2740 Fort, boy; lonard and Haiel Huffman, hospital, boy: louts and Roe lie Hansen, 4727 North Fourteenth, boy; Alvla and Anna i Bella. 1.MS William, hoy. Deaths John J. Hlrsh, 77 years. 371! North 24th: Mrs. Minnie Alexander. 36 years, hospltsl: Mrs. Mary Ann Wal bridge. 67 years, 2.709 Templeton; Adeline Stachurekl, I years, 2914 South Twenty sixth; Helen Krakowskl. 1 year. XI 4 South Twenty-sixth; Peter Souno, 37 years, 1514 Bouth Fifth; James Corcoran, 38 years, drowning: Jerry W. Hlnker. SO years. 2C23 Decatur: Grace Pierce, 23 years, hospltsl; Mrs. Anna Hmlth, years, hospital. BUILDING PERMITS. The Byron Reed company, 2221 Bouth -rwenty-iourth. frame dwelling. 12.500: E. Le wis Holland, 3ai Decatur, frame dwell ing. Il.irt); John P. I.eary, 819 North Thirty-fifth, freine dwell ng, I3.00H. MARRIAGR MC'KNSKS. Tha following couples huvc soecured licenses to wtd: Name and Resldenoe. A tee Marley Saundreea. Creston, la 'JS JJna Hall. Creston. la 30 Chris S. Anderson. Minneapolis. Minn.. 2 Josephine Anderson. Council Bduffs, la. 34 John N. Falrman, Council Bluffs, I... l luella Grover. Council bluffs. l is Walter Johnson. Council Bluffs. la.... Sti uruaiua Boone, council Blurts. Ia.., Joseph I sure. Blair, Neb Maa Allen. Calhoun, Neb Albert Tlmmas. PlatUmouth. Neb.. Ieeila M. Everett, piattsmouth. Neb William Becker. Winner, 8. D ... TlUla Trow, Madison. 8 D llelnrlch Hansen, Benson Karollne Newhaua, Benson Cart Norgard. Omaha I'luugmand. Omaha " TODAY'S COMPUTTB MOVIE PRUGKAMS Exclusively In The Dewn Tewn. CAMERAPHONE THEA.. 1408 Douglaa The Fuse of Death. 2-reel Kalem. The Ist Cord, Vltasraph. Bronrho Billy, the Vasabond. Essanay. ELITE NO. 2. isiTVAHNAuTi. Too Much I nele, 2-reel Vltagrajih. H'.srts of the Forest. Edison. Broncho Billy, A Friend In Need. Ess. FA RNAM TH EATER, 14irFAUNATf! 1,' Hearu No. 7. stalemate, reel Gold Mai. I-ove and Graft, Joker comedy. HIPP TIIATER, liTH AND HARNEY Home of Paramount Pictures. fAXKllETf-R; IT NO. 16TI1 ST. The Kidnapped Hblreas, In three parte. Z PARLOR THEATER. 14u DOUGLAS. Romany Rye. beautiful Marlon Leonard. love drama. TOT.V8 COMPLETE MOVIE riM.R.MH Excluslvel In Thn lie Don a Town. rRTNCFSS, 1317-1 DOUGLAS. FNhth and latest sfnry f.f Trey o' Hearts. The IVar Hunter, sparkling comedy. Animated Weekly, latent war news, etc Nerln. ALAMO THEATER. 24TH AND FORT. Normandv Romance, Imp. The iiiinrmd Nlpiers. Joker comedy. Lure of th Gctha. 2-rerl Hlenn. AIJIAMMRA. Mutual Girl. The Krnken Purrler ' Sky I'llot. Kystene f 114 N. 34TH. -reel Amer. miedy. rIA.M(iNH THEATER. 2410 LA K E XT. fnl. Ike, Jr.. Nearly Married, Unl. Ikerom Pwretheart Days, Imp. Million Pollnr Myster No . 2-r Than. FRAN K 1,1 N, J4TH AND FRANKLIN. Lily of the Valley. 2-reel Vltegraph. Broncho Billy's Indian Romance. Ess. Tim the Terror. Kloirraph. HII'tDDROMK THKA., 2.M4 CITMINO. Ixiy and the lamond. comedy. Hhorty and the Fortune Teller, l-reel Bron. dra. Million Iollar Myetery. IT THKATKK. OTH AND LOCI HT. Heart-8el)t. The Ptnff Iam Are Made Of. i-r. Edl. The Woes of a Waitress Vita. IOTHROP-24th AND LOTH ROP. Our Mutual oirl. The Broken Harrier; J-ree.l Amer. Dra. Oreat Tof Mystery. Keystone Com. LOT A L. 2410' CALDWELL. In All Tilings Moderation, 2-reel Imp. There Is a Destiny, Vlrtor. , A Baby Did It, Neetor romedy. PARK TIIEATEN, tl N. 16TH BT. Air Toferto, three parts. PALACE THEATKR, 2303 DAVENPORT. The Crash. Hterlln romedy. An Indian F.cllpse, Nestor. Midnight Visitor, Rex. SUBURBAN, 24TH AND AME8. Seven Sealed Orders. 2-reel Kxranay. The Batid leader. VltHgraph. Dick Potter's Wife. F.dison. Month. APOLLO THKATF.R. 2kL'4 Iavenworth. Bv the Aid of a Film, lth story. Kdlson. The Dreamer. 2-ree Luhln. 81lipry Silm and the Fortune Teller. Ess COMF6lTF"THEATER724th ft VINTON. The Battle of the Sexes, 6-reel Griffith. COLUMBIA, 1710 SOUTH WTH HT. Birth of the Star Spangled Banner. 2-r. F,d The Difference Between learning; and Learning How, Ess. Smuggler's Wife, Bio. FAVORITE, 1710 VINTON ST. The Speck on the Walt, 2-reel fcellg. The 1 pper Hand, Vltagraph. Pweedle and the Double Exposure, Ess.. GEM THEATER, 125 SO. 13TH BT. Lucille Love, No. 13. The Divorcee. Powers remedy-drama. HANW'OM THEATER, 24th ft Ca.tellar. Ietectlv Dan tMipld. Nestor romedy. For the Secret Service, two-reel Keg. The Mind's Awakening, Frontier. LYRIC THEATER, 117 VINTON. Mysterious Mystery, l-reel Vlrtor. Broken Doll, sterling comedy. PASTIME THEATER, 24th-Iavenworth. Circle 17. two-reel Reg. Troublesome Pets, Sterling romeciy. VENEZTaHEATErT"!!!! SO. 13TH cTtT Tha Day of Reckoning, 3 rlela. West. AIRDOME TUBA, FARNAM ft PARK. Topsy Turvy Sweedle, Essanay. Tha Bond Eternal, J-rrel Kalem. Uai-K to the Karm, l.uiuii. MONROE THEATER, 2nf FARNAM, Tempest and Sunshine, 2-reel Imp. Tale of a Hat. Sterling comedy. The Man Within, Nestor Brunt, BENflON THEATER, fc MAIN ST When Romance Came to Anna, 2-r. Imp. Simple Faith, Victor drama. For Lova or Meney, Nestor comedy. loanrll Blaffs. ELITE NO. 1, M5 BROADWAY. When tha West Was Young. 2-reel. Sellg. When Macbeth Came to bnakevllle. Ess. The Barrel Organ. Vita. ROPER THEATER, t37 BROAJD WAY, Troublesome Wink. Nestor comedy. The Higher Law, 2-reel Bison. Soath Omaha. BEBBB, J4TH AND N. The Oil "Well Conspiracy. 2-reel Kalem. Bella's Elopement, Vltagraph. He Nearly Won Out. Lubln. mTgTcTT 1 1 EA T E R, 24TH AND O. Modern Melnntla, 2-reel Powers. Cattle, Frontier. Vaadevtlle. ORPHEUM. 24TH M. BO. OMAHA. Series No. IS of the Million Dollar Mya- tery will be shown here Wednesday. Beptember 23. Two thrilling parts , ANNOUNCEMEXTS. GET a private booth m my gnu room for nooa lunch. PETE LOCH. 313 8 17th Bt. Everett S. Dodda, t13 Paxton Bk.") !9KI. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves packs, ships; 3-horse van and 2 men, 31.2& per hr. ; storage 12 per mo. Batlafaotorv guar. D. 43.D ft Ty. 230. Gibson's Buffet 222 Bouth 16th St HAZEL Leaf Pile Conea. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; too postpaid; samples free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co , Omaha. LUCKY wedding rlnga. rodegaard's. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. SIGNS, showcarda, Clark ft Son. .137l AK-8AR-BEN HINTS. 10c PLATE LUNCH for Ak-Bar-Ben vlaltora. Headquarters for WUlow Springs beer. leat grade of whiskies and wines. Our 10o plate dinner brats them all. Henry Pollock, 12-lt N. 16th St. SWITCHES made from combfngs. tL lit N. Uih St. Douglas 3043. , UVE W1KB UlhlNESS MEN OF OMAUA vr- A, B, C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamonda and ) tleiy, special prices, Si.t and Oct Buy now, 1 a week. Western Watch and Jswclry Co., Room 217, Kar bacb block. B' EE Building company. Tyler luuO. offices for rent in modern fireproof building, electric light and water free. Best location in the city. S ua now. N EW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electric Works, ills S. Ith. 1'oukIhs 217 0' MAUi I 1 LXjt-j s, CO.. , CUI1UUM Doug. 24t7. Kcnovatca leathers ud matiresaea of all kinds, makes father matrasses and down covers. , I A NO tuning, R. Brandon, 7 years at tiayaea s. musicians. Recommended bv best W. 43. 4U N. 2Mh A vs. VACUUM cleaners for sale. cleaning done lu the home. H.-rvi.- r tl U MM. Vacuum Sanitary , - - ii rent repair, sell needles and parts tor an. sewing macmnea. NE BRASKA CYCLE OO.. "Mick. el's." 15th and Harney. Douglaa !. Aeennatanta. MELVILLE D. THOMAS ft COM PANT, lI-i City Nat bank Bldg. Tyler 110. Addln Machines. Da I ton Adding Machines, ill S. 15. D. 1441. Adoer Mth Cu. (Wales) W. O. W. D. 6S. Ante and Magnet Henalrlng. Magneto repair work a apectalty. D. MIL Auctioneer. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red K Arrhlteeta. Clareuoe W. Wlglngton. 220 S. Uth. D. 4227 LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA Attrarttons, OMAHA film ex . Hth snd Doug. Motion picture merhlne end film hargelns. Darken, II Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. K17 Far. BATHS. If-; BHAVE.'lOc. XX) N. 16th. line Prlntlna. HOI1NRV CO. Blue printing, under new ownership. 302 Omaha Net. Bk. D. llM. Rrnae Foandrtea. Paxton-Mltchell Co , 27th and Martha Pts. nalldlnar aa4 Repalrlna. B. FRANTA, 11 Paxton Blk. Ioug 21.7. California Laada. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Net. Bk. D. 2MS, 4 klrosrsFt ora. . J. C. Lawrence. D. C 2:2 Howard D. M1. U Geddla. I. C, 2CTlTeeHldg. Doug. 4: WTETinirvlance. D C. ) Pax. Blk. D. 4!t2. L. C. HAYEKS. D. C, Bee Bldg. R. ( srd ane. Offlca door let'r Mynster, Pax. Bk. D. 2157. ( hlaa IalntlBK. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4P4I. Civil F.nal neere. IS. i. IACY. Kl BEE BLDO. D. T. Coal Dealers. $ K( John-nn's 'oyj nut.'ir. 00. special. Phone D. also 1702. Victor Cream rssratnr Tha Sharpies Separator Co., 12th A Farn. Daarlaa; Aradraalea. Turpi n s Da nclng Academy, tth ft Farn. CHAMITpTrh Academy, rlaselc. DIK7T! Markle's Academy, now open. 114) Har. Ilentlsta. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. IMP Ftrnam. Dr. Todd'a alveolar dentistry. VQ Brandela. Ba lley, tha Iwntlst. 70-i CI ty Nat l Ba n k. Taft Dental Rooma, 1517 Douglas. D. 218. Pyorrhea. Dr. Firkes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Deter! yea. JAM EH A LI .A N, 313 Neville Blk. Kvl dene seeiired In all cases. Tyler 1138. nrriisisklsg. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th Farnam. MRS M'NOTT. tailoring and dressmaking, 320 H. 2Hth Bt. Call Hsrney KKL Mm. Ittlmer, 1911 Farnam. for fall cos t umes, latest styles, perfect fit. D. 2S2S. MI.SF STI RDY, 2416 Cass. Phone Red 7320. Dm as PRUOS at cut prices: frelirht paid on no orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. 1 lOlertrle Sappllea. LKHRON Elec. Wki 311 B. 12th. P. 2178, Uverrttflnei for Woara, v HEMSTlTanNG Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 B. llh. Woman's Exchange, 433 Pax. Blk. R. 4!U2. Kyerrtblaor 'or Wome. ACCORDIAN. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. D. 136. 4 onrrrte Knglaeers. Oagnebln-Wella Co. 420 State Bk. D. 22M. Furriers. BEN FENBTER, 1410 N. 24th St. W. 2265 Florists. . HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. D. 1268. Member 'Florist Telegraph Iel. Assn. HES3 ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt A. DONAHUE, 1S22 Harney. Doug. 1001, BATH'S florists, 1804 Farnam St Hair Dressing;, Harper Method. R. . Palrd Bldg. D. Mil. Live Stork Reaaedles. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 807 H. 13th. Bed. 42F.3 Loam Offices. NATHANS loan office, licensed pawn broker. 119 Bo. 13th. Lla-htlas: Flxtorrs mad W Irlag. THOMAS DURIUN Electrlo fixtures and supplies, contract' Ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMINU. DOUGLAS 261. Mfrs. sad Winnow Shade Cleaner. OLD shades made Ilka new. Midwest Shad Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. iSiL Masseuses. Massage, Miss Walton. R. 224, Neville Blk. Miss Jacobs. Mass.. Bath. Elec. Trt D.713. A NNXAI A RKS1 BATHS, SCIEN Jii iMAIUU) TIFIC MASSAGE. 1102 Farnam Bt., Apt. t. 3d floor. D. t Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat't Red &036. MASSAGE, 10 S. 17th St. Mra. Steele. Mrs Snyder, elec. trt 14o8 B. sth. D. 43S0. M A A nit' Swedish movement. 4:'4 JWVV1 UIj Ur jmg Douglaa 73. CLARA LEE. massage. Douglaa K7M. M assesses. Massage, Miss Gibson, R. 224, Neville Blk. Miss Gould. mi., 224 Neville Blk; 10 to g. K. Mack, massage and manicurinx. D "t2. Meeeeaaer and Transfer. WHITE LINE, 300 Ho. 11th. Douglaa 2312. MtlltaetrT. SWITCHES from romblngs. ll.fiO. Psyche free. Mfs. H. M. Eck. H 8. 18th. D. 7. Movtnar, Storage nn4 4'leanlnB. W. C. FERRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1300. Orallsta. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OateHipatnto Physicians. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 MoCigue Bldg. D. 3S. Patents. H. A. Sturgea. CM Brandels Theater Bldg. l. O Bai nell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St I'lniuea Renovated. PLUMES ft flowers made over, cleaned ft dved. Bertha kruger, 4 Paxton. D. Prlntlns. WATF.KS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality prlnUnw. Tel. Doug. 21W. 4 B. 18th Bt DoUgTlAH Printing Co. Tel. Ioug. 644? 4)REY ft M KEN-IE PTG. Co. D. 2844. UljiAJL -h- Co" liM 'P"00:.110 CENTItAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37M. Honck Katernstnator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist safe and Time Leek -xnerts- - A T Opened, repaired. comb. SAHHS cnanged. F. E. Daven -w lt)rt, 14tK Iodge. D. 15, a doe Repairing. Electgto Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary's Av. Mans and likswesrss. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES. K. M. CLARK ft BON. 14th and Dodke. D. U,. Steel 4 elllsuga. - CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. glare and Offlve Flsiarca. DESKS, aafes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy. sell. Onnlia Fixture and Supply Co., 414-1-1S 8. Uth. D. Towel Mapnlles. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 1 ranks and tlltruit, FREL1NU ft STEIN LE. XX Farnam St. Tailor. CUAS. C. LANDERYOU. lOt N. 16th St vterlnarlaa. DR. G. H. YOUNG, eS02 Center. H. 5(2. Wines and Lienor. ALEX JETES. 201-2 8. Uth St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, loo. GLOBE Liquor House. 422 No. lthT?qta. coa oeer, c. writs lor price list D. 4-ka. HENRY POUiOCK LTqUOR HOUBeI 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY yoor family liquors at -Klein' Liquor House, 6 N. 16th- Douglaa 1m. HKLP WANIKD -F-MAUJ (Irritwl and Olflce. STENOGRAPHER. f76; stenographer. IM, stenographer and bookkeeper. M: aten ograpner and bookkeeper, 140. Watt Kef. Co.. 4-4J Brsn.lels TlH'ater. aTENOGRAPHKU AND BOOKKEEPER, small oil ice. Apply at 6 btale Uank sua. nn.I M'AXTKI) FEMALE ( lerlcal anri Office. BRIOHT young IsOy anted ly n nt Omaha hunlnens firm for poMtlon as hookkcerier; good salary, eplendl-1 future; state rx ierlne and give reference. Ad des O 370, I'.oe. wTnTEI Hright young lady, who a iieBl penman and lives st home with parents, for bonkkctwr In retail store; need not be professional, but must be ac curate m work; posit-on iiermanrnt; sal arv, i to tv rwr month and advance after continued satisfactory service Ap ply In own hstidaritiiig. Address D lee B 111KK BKPKIt AND 8TK.M OKA t-H r,tt, tK CASHIER. AND ROOM; STENOGRAPHER. OCT OK TOWN. 5. CO-OPKKATIVK REFERENCE CO.. lOl.VM CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FxR hiKh Kni'le stenographic or clerical . positions, "see" Watts Ref. Co., S40-42 Brandels Thenter Blilg. Factory aal 1 radra. APPRENTICE gin. Oppenhelm Parlors. WANTED First class experienced preea ers on ladles' garnunts. Wages II- to 120 per week.- tireehcr Bros., ll Farnam St. Call In person.' MILLINERY spprenth e at once. Apply Mrs. H. M Ek. 34 S lth. D. ft".7.--o Housekeepers and Domestics. OIRL wanted for general housework; family of four. Apply 574 S. Ave. WANTED A mldilleaiied woman for light house work; family of 3; refer ences, can -ry;n2. WANTED-A young white girl to assist Ith Keneral housework. Call Ji. &si. WANTED Gin for general housework. Photie Harney 062. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. Hats, s. 37th St., or call Harney 3373. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: no washing, sat uooge m. Phona Harney 1B7. VVA NTED Experienced woman cook for small country hotel in Iowa, fiease address L. iorgensen, Oirydon, la., stat ing wages expected THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Tha Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reaulta This applies to residents of Omaha, Soush Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Bee t.fflce or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Girl for general housework. Good home offered. Phone Harney 4HA. Call . at 2KX Harney Ht YOUNG girl to assist with house and care of 2-year-old child. Call H. 1322. WANTED A good girl for general house work: family of two. Harney 2172. A GOOD girl for Tel. Houth Ms. general housework. SITUATION WANTED-Posltlon to care for babies or Invalid. Phone South 1H4. GIRL for general housework. 4103 Daven port Jt. Harney 3i. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. 110 So. 34th St. WANTED Good girl for general house work at once; good home and good wages. lnS2 No. 19th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Small family, good wages. 6115 Underwood Ave. Harney 842. WANTED a girl for general housework. M0 8 26th Ave. WANTED a maid for general housework. Three In family. 16 So. ,1th St. GIRL wanted for general housework. Mrs. G. W. Noble, 3.i06 Hawthorne Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no washing; good home. Tel. Harney 225. 1318 8. th Ave. FAMILY of two desires white girl for general housework, Including washing; new house, excellent maid's room with private bath: light work. Phone II. WANTED Flrst-claas housekeeper; fam ily of three; good wages; must be good cook. Tel. Harney 218. Mrs. C. H. lk ness, 114 N. UXth 81 W A NTED Girl for general housework. small family. Apply Normandle Apts., No. 7. or csll-Iarney R444. WANTED An experienced girl; must be good cook. 201 S. 3Hd Bt. Call H. fifi. Miscellaneous. WOMEN Get government jone; thousands vacancies yearly 1 list positions open to women free. Franklin institute, ept R. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A good nurse to take care of baby. Apply Mrs. Katx. ,M a. aim st, or call Harney 3373. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union Station. WANTED at once two first-class wait resses. New Bostwlck Hotel, Hastings, Neb. J. W. Eakin, manager. WANTED an experienced bath lady, 26th and O Sts., South Omaha. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. YOUNG MAN'S OPPORTUNITY Large Omaha business firm has perma nent placea for a few good men, 21 to 40 years old. Soim capital required. Address C 244. Bve. YOUNG man with Fire Underwriting ex perlence. Apply at 528 State Bk. Bldg. NO FILING FEE. Bookkeeper. 175 to IlilO: aaslstsnt hook keeper, IV); Junior clerk, $26 to 130; etenog tapher, 275. ROGERS REFERENCE" CO., KK State Bank Building. FIRST-CLASS grocery atore wants young experienced clerk; references required. Address M 4U4. Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN. 753 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JUNIOR OFFICE CLERhl-Apply at 628 State Bank Bldg. IF YOU are looking for a high grade po sition, see the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1U15-K CITY NAT'L BK. BLIHJ. KiK commercial positions try ROGERS REFERENCE CO. 528 Stale Bank Bldg. 17th ft Harney. STENOGRAPHER, 175; stenographer, out of town, t)0; atenographer, 11; stenog rapher. 340. Watts Kef. Co., D40-42 Bran dels Theater, . Agents, salesmen and Solicitors, AGENTS Ever sell aluminum? Biggest monsymaklng proposition out; 32. 4 out fit free to workers; every woman buys "Btauty Brand Pure" aluminum. Bolts ft Wey er (established !, Dept 27-A. WANTED Salesman to sell well esUb llhhed office specialty. Straight salary basin. Must be sober and Industrious. Ap plicants should stale age, experience and give references. Aggress r we, MAGAZINE WAR OFFER liig seller. Special low prloed to puouc. Blair nian rer wanted. Chance to make from 175 to 1100 a week. If you nave handled crews, write at once. Give experience nd references. Manager wnn working crew preferred. J. B. Kelly. Metropolitan Mugaxlne, 4W rounn Avenue, nt 1 ora City. WANTED Four single young men to solicit formers, good contract and ex. Denies. Money for rignt tarty, nee Die at Harney Hotel. F. H. Wilson. WANTED High class salesman to sell city real estate. Liberal commissions and weekly advance. In auuliratlon for this position gwe complete particulars of youiself. Address C 4Xl Bee. AGENTS. HERE'S A WINNER. New 25c household necessity. Bells on eight. GET PARTICl'LARS. GANSON SPECIALTY CO. 1721 8. grth St.. Omaha. AGENTS -To evil an article uaed by 80 per cent of people, liberal profit, no peddling, experience unnecessary. Vic tor Arch Co., 3UU-6 Commercial Bldg.. Dayton, o WANTE1 Good truck aalrsman, excep tional opportunity. See W. 11. I-ehmau, Hotel Paxton. W ANT El Salesmen. unmarried, for Introducing work to the housewife. Ap ply nt later than 6 p. m. Call for J. E. Caw, Rome hotel. FOR a high grade clerical, stenographic. or position as salesman, "see'' Watts lief. Co.. 540-42 ttrondeU Theater Bldg. nEI.r AVANTKIi IALE Factory trades. W ANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER THA DE -positively the best trade of the kind. Hundreds of positions vs snt on a-count ot foreign barbers being drafted for Eurotx-an r. Can prepare you in few weeks. Wages while I 'timing. No rrevinns exfr!eti-e necessary. Ap ply bv tn;ill or personally. 'jen to every one.' MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St., OniHlui WANTED 'nmietent rirng clerk, regis tered In Nebrnnks Sherman McCon nell Drug Co.. l'tirand Dodge Sts. W A NTED liuheimHn for altera tion work and pressing. Write The Berlin Dye Works Hustings Neb. WANTEI All round printer at once; no hooxer, steudy Job. Blade, Seward, Neb. Di uk store snaps: totm. Kneist. Be ItMg VANTKDrTVENtY SADDLE MAKKRS, TWENTY URIDLE MAKERS. TWENTY HARNESS MAKERS. COME IMMEDIATELY GOOD WAGES. WYETH HDWE. & MEG. CO., ST. JOSEPH, MO. Miscellaneous. PAXTON Blk.. itter1na School. Rm. til. YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Good men earn big money; largest and best college. Big new bldg., elec. II. snd starting systems, big machine shops. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto Colleae. 2119 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the .automobile business, the demand Is great for our graduates; we have tialned hundreds of men; let ua train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass 'n. 281 4 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED an experienced bath man. 2,'l"n and O fu., South fhnsha. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph ft Co.. Washington. D. C. TLIE XEBIIASICA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any school In this country. "There's a reason." Write today for our catalogue C), 1417 Dodge, Omaha. Neb. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; big pay, Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions free. Address Y 1S6. Bee. W A NTED Men who can write plainly and spell correctly to take names for the city directory. Apply 315 Ramge Bldg. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, $a; set of tools given; wages-paid. Trl City College. 12th and Douglas Sts. MANAGER wanted at once with capital and services to Join old established tailor in side line of business over state. l;i2 8. 12th St. Room la Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Men who can write plainly and spell correctly to take names for the city directory. Apply 315 Ramge Bldg. HKLP WANTED MALB AND FEMALE. MEN AND WOMEN Wanted for good positions with respon sible Omaha firm, paying 3200 per month. Temporary investment of IfiOO to 11.000 re quired. L-rgo returns on the investment Address E 212, Bee. MEN' WOMEN Get government Joba. $ to lloO month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute, Dept. 22-R. Rochester. N. Y. DOUBLE YOUR SAVINGS Big wholesale company In Omaha offers chance to double your money. First mort gage security. No risk. Address A 24s, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED A position aa housekeeper In country or small town by a widow lady with a 5-year-old boy. Address Gen. Pel., Omaha. Mrs. Marie Spence. WASHING wanted at home, by exper ienced washwoman. W. 2157, DAY work wanted. Phone Douglaa 8275, WANTED Work as chambermaid n hotel in Omaha or South Omaha. Phone g. 35.n1. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, can take full charge of store; references. Call W. 2673. j PAY WORK, bundle wsshtng. H. 727s. YOUNG LADY Desires to work for board and room after office hours: off at 1 o clock Saturdays. Address S 412. Bee. WANTED Position aa nurse, especially interested In elderly people or nervous cases. Address J 491, Bee. W'ANTED-ApoalUon"as child's nurse by refined young woman: best of city references given; salary t per month. Address H 4U0, Bee. YOUNG men wants place to work for board while attending Boyles' college. Telephone Douglsa 1565. GERMAN Chauffeur, 24 years, wishes to drive private car; do own repairing. Ad dress I'" 562, "tree. AUTOMOBILES I HAVE a 1910 It ft U Electric with new batteries and paint; will sell for td60. Add rest. K-4. Bee. 100 forfeit for any magneto w can't re pair, coll repar g. o. Baysdorfer. 210 N. II "Llnd berg" Fore door, body bldg..40 ft Far. OWNERS or prospective purchasera of Franklin six-tmrty automobilea in Omaha or Douglas county will receive prompt attention If they will drop a card to the Kyan Motor car Co.. 44-410 Ho. 11th St.. Lincoln. Neb. Greenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. Inoustrlal Garage '"o . 20th ft Harney SU, I HAVE a 1910 model Detroit Electric, in good ahape. Will sell for t&ui). Address A 3b3. Bee. nuisrrrcm, HARiEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." S7uj Ieevenworth. Llnuborg Bros., 2572 Leav. (Flying Merkle). 114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains .n usea macninea. OMAHA BICYCLE CO . ltilh and Chicago. D. 372. NEARLY new motorcycle, cheap. D. ". nUSIXESS CHANCES BEST OFFICH LOCATION IN CITY. Prices right Service' of the best THE BEE BUILDING CO., Office Room 103. POOL HALL and barber shop, terms reasons me. ns4 turning. Call Red 15. WOULD like to meet party that can In vest l.i) in an automobile device: noth ing like It on the market Addreas F 2ti9, Bee. C. J. CAN AN, Real Estate and Exch antes DOUBLE YOUR SAVINGS 1 Big wholesale company In Omaha offers chance to double your money. First mort gage security. No risk. Addreas H 2, Be. EI-ECTUIC PLANT One-half of an elec trical business in a hustling little town of lo.uOO; will soil chesp on account of Ill health; Is doing a good business on cash basis. Address V 2o2. Bee. TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses quickly see us. Buy from us. List with us. Quick Sales Co., iltBeelildg. Phone Red Xi. IH'SINESS CllANCES F'R SALE-Pool hall. Q St., South Omaha. very cheap. JK'I FACTORY distributers for auto tire puncture seal. Immense profits. Wrltn Imperial Mfg. Co., $ No. Main St., Council Bluffs. IS; FuR KALE--ni stock of hardware and modern store bulMing, d enied in good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell bund ling and fixtures for fl.flnO less than they cost two tears ago. No trades. Address, Yt73. Bee WANTED Hotels with 20 rooms and up. tj ilek sale as customers are waiting. Call or phone Quick Snips Co., 41s Hee Building. Red ,;2M. GROCERY for sale; 11 n up-l-1ate gro cery stock dolnc a fine business; etock and fixtures amounting to about 33, 000; reasons for selling on account of health. One of the bet locations in the city of 4'isrlnda. In. Aildress Y 2M Bee. LIST Vol ll BUSINESS with us for quirk action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 4U Bee Bldg Phone Red 32,4. I NEED MONEY-Jxp cash snd a clear lot or good auto buys my S2.2T-0 stock of notions, shoes ami dry goods: cash business; fixtures. liKht; or' will sell at m cents on the dollar this week. Ad dress G ri1. Bee, Omnlin. FOR SALE OR TRADE-A nice clean stock of groceries and an up-to-date st of store fixtures. Box D, Eldorado, Neb. RESTAURANT, close In. making money. Owner has other business Interests and must sell. Easily worth tHA. bin snap 1400. UAXUESTAD Room 404 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8477. MEN AND WOMEN Wanted for good positions with respon sible Omaha firm. graying $00 per month. Temporary investment of $SuO to ll.iXO re quired. Larse returns on the Investment. Addrees S. 247, Bee. OPPORTUNITY for young man In posi tion to Invest small amount with serv ices In an established concern, salary first year 175 per month. References ex changed, country application preferable. Particulars address P. P. II. Co., 221 N. 24th St. SIGNS, show cards. Clark ft Son. D. 1371. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 140S Farnam St Douglas 1837. FINE confectionery and bakery, right down town. Will Invoice about 12.500. Might exchange for acreage or house and lot GANGESTAD Room 404 Bee Bldg. Douglas 3477. WANTED Grocery ; will pay up to 13,009 for a good located place. Address J-372, Bee. WANTED An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph ft Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington. D. C. YOUNG MAN'S OPPORTUNITY T r Omaha business firm has perma nent places for a few good men, 21 to 40 years old. Some capital required. Address D 243 Bee. T" GET in or out of Business, call on GANGSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D.3477. noomlnsr Houses tor Bale. FOR SALE 12-r. rooming house; full; good location and exceptionally fur nished. Paid 1100 for dining set less than year ago. Want to leave e-lty. Terms to right party. Price 200. Address -374, Bee. BIG BARGAIN. I rooms, excellent furniture, good room ers; a fall opportunity. 1813 Chicago St EDUCATIONAL LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME). Three months, $4.00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglas 2919. 1905 Farnam. The Van Sant School Stenography Day achool, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, 6:16 to 9:15. 18th and Farnam Sts. Douglaa M47. M0S1IER-LAMPMAN , COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classes In all business and Eng lish branches, nhorthand, stenotypy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. I'or a new free catalogue address MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 15 Farnam St. Omaha. Douglas 8819. FOR SALE at a discount a full unllm Ited scholarship Id Boyles Business col lege. Omaha; good for either ahorthsnd or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. EXPERT ladv stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND, touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., laugni and complete training given for business career. I'rivate instruction if desired. 44 Douglas St. Tel. Harney 6340. 19H FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night sessions. Yet It I not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Cull, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno typy. typewriting, telearachv. accounting, ! filing, private secretarial cork and many other courses are open to you here. You 1 may work for board while attending. BOYLES COLLEGE, . H. BOYLES. PRES., Boylea Builcing. Omaha. MRS. Mary R. Winter, scientific! and progressive teacher and healer. 4912 No. 17th St. Omaha Musical Art Institute. Associated Mnslo Instructors. Baldrtda-e Block, SiOtk and Karuaa. MARTIN W. BUSH. Pisno. H. t63. 8. Landsberg, Piano, Harmony. D. P64. Francis Potter, Mandolin, Banjo. D. 3SS3. HENRIETTA --Reea. Piano. Douglaa 418. FLORENCE BASLE R, Voice and Coach ing. Red 60nl. GRACE HANCOCK. Piano. H. l-oV J. H. SIMMS, Orvsn. Harmony. 11. -iUA. Iau se ZabrUkie, Violin. Piano. H. "! Jessie F. C.uiway, Dramatic Art D. 79. FOR SALE Fnml 4 a re. New ft 2d nana nmji re, casri or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. Cue N. 14. h SEVERAL van loads of lurulture and some pianos. Omaiia Van and Storage Co.. too. iota bl Maalcal lasiraaxenta. WILL trade my I37C equity in a $750 new Baby Grand Chlckering piano for dia mond or 1 cash. Call Webster w75. Slightly used high-grade piano. W. 37. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central I vnewrtte Exchange. 301 8. 17th. RENT Kaiiiuigtona, Monarcha and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 144. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, three months for t& for understroke machines or 13 p,r month for latest model visible writers, KOU SALE 1 WE have some exceptional bargains In typewriters. We arc ottering for sulo 7IIOM . , Ijite Mo)e1 Monm-'h No. S, $45. No. 10 Smith Premier. '. No. 4 I mlerwond. $."1. No. 6 liemitiKton. lute model, SIS. No. 4 Smith Premier. IIS. No. 2 Smith Premier, IIS. No. S Biickenderfer. standard key board, t). No. 1 Royal. I.WV No. in Henvngton, late tnodel, 40. No. 2 Monarch. $:C!.5i. BUTTS TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, lii I'arnam St: All makes typew riti-rs nntcd. sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1 '': Farnam. D. Ml seel in neons. FOH PALF. at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boylrs Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the clll -e of The Omaha Bee. isto.M. BRICKS at II. 50 i-er M : also 300.M. N feet nf lumher at w-orka ll'h and .Tee- son Sts. Buildings houut and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 406. HAVE six iare bea"uTirul elk heads. 1 which I will sell at sacrifice or trad 1 on used car. One or nil. Brought them from Jackson's Hole. Wyo., and they are I'eneci. An'irese i joo, nee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and Docket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail Kinds; eay payments. The Brunswick-Pslke-Collenlr Co. 407-409 S. 10th Bt $0 OO l,ly best coal for the money; trv J,JJ I VC-k I1JU Tin a. .1 . 1- A NO. 1 BATH TUB, I veet Trester Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 480s. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 ft Paul SECOND-HAND SAFE CHEAP. W. 7239. AN Acorn hard coal stove and Birming ham 6-cover steel range; reasonable. Harney 6704. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. liorses nnd Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In the city; ull kinds of blacksmith work. painting and lettering. .Tohnson-Danfortn Co.. new location. U.W-Sl-H" N. inth BL YOUNG cow for sale. Florence 1 SOW with 10 pigs, I sow with 7 pigs, shoats. Florence .1124. George Palmer. LOST AMI FOUND OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STSJSET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the Street cars. Many crtlcles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas LOST Gold four-leaf clover pin, set with opal and pearls. Reward. 2204 Ohio St.. or pnone wenster 4i73. IF person who found aold thimble marked "Bess O. Myers." with package of embroidery, will return to 42-4 Omaha National bank building he will receive suitable reward. LOST Large gold rose brooch with diamond In center; liberal reward. Call Harney 6791. BOSTON bull terrier; golden brindle and white; male: screw tall. Reward. Re turn A. L. Alexander, 27 Meredith Ave. LOST An Alice blue suit Jacket; Roman striped color. Return Paxton Hotel. SHORT blue coat; reward. Benson 721-J. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee hum Tuberculosis ?i you want e t well and build tin your health, this la your one chance. Ad dress E 561, Bee, Rupture SlfT. tot Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established J 894. o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY T See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. rOCLTRT AJTD SUPPLIES AGENTS. Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co., 2021 Cuming St Mixed grain. 11.60 h'dred. Wagner, 801 N. 18 STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses They are 17x33 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 76a a hundred at The Bee office. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga tinea. We collect We distribute. 'Phone Douglas 1136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1U0-1112-1U4 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at nth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. NOTICE ia hereby given that I, the un derslgned, will not be responsible for any debt contracted by Mrs. Olive R Arnold and all merchants and others are hereby warned not to charge any pur chases made by her to the account of the undersigned. Arthur A. Arnold. LTvEnsToTAirKETvraT SHIP live stock to Bouth Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 1144. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WANTED TO RENT TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, walking d tunce. Address B. 4i4, Bee. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A FINE Stevens. 20-20 rifle, have uo use for it, none better made. 1 will swap for anything I can use, a. C. b4. Pes. 12,0(4) grocery stock, all new goods. WiTl take In good car and cosh for difference. Doing all cash business. Address S. C. 14. Bee. A SMALL hot water iron heater, suitable for garage, chicken house or smml house in perfeut condition, for a eingie wagon. Keguiate hot water system una not complicaK d. S. C. luK,. Hee. ACCOUNTS Party wants to leave city, has equity of about 2,oj worth of ac counts, being pa,d monthly;, accounts all on good notes, wanted trade for city property, not heavily mortgaged. Address e. C. 1-406. Bee. A STOCK of millinery. What have ou to trade? Addl.K, S. C. l'.4. Bee AUTOMOBILE k or otner auiomcbiid targains see the "Automobile" ciajtsili rstioii AUTO 20-H. P. Hupp 2-pussenger racer auto; perfect order; t-itt cash. Address Owner. S. C. 143. life. ,J AUTO What have you tu trade for a roadster In the very best condition; has plenty of power; recently overhauled; would consider a good lot; also one high grade piano, with outside player and roll music. Address S. C. H:m. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented la touih Omaha, on principal business St., 2Kb and ft Q streets. 8. C. 1344. Bee. BOOKS For sole or exchange, one set of 7 of Antlells engineers' books, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Address Y 4, bee. V