Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1914, Image 1

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    British Warships Sunk; Sarajevo Taken
The Omaha Daily
See Sport Page
Ob Trln and at
ot'J Kill Stands. BO.
Beports from Nish Tell of Rout of j
Army of Quarter Million Along '
the Entire Front. i
Servians Destroy Bridges, but Aus- j
trians Gain Opposite Bank j
After Heavy Losses. ' j
Attempt to Capture City Forty Miles j
West of Belgrade Repulsed
After Sharp Fight.
Another Battle is i'robabie Within
a Few Days.
Army of 1.1 H If Kingdom U Within
Fifteen Kilometers of t'apMal
( Uonnln unit Has tap
turrd .Mnrh Hoot).
RlLl.i. II.N.
LONDON. Sept. 22. (4:25 p. m.)
The Home correspondent of the
Star- says Serviao tina Montenegrin
lories have occupied Samatevo (?),
which 'was abandoned by the Aus-.
irians after an overwhelming de
feat. N'ISH, BervJa, Sept.. 22. (Via
London, 3:28 p. ra.) The battle
w hich has been progressing for sev
eral days near Krupini, on the Drina
river, has, according to an official
announcement, ended . in complete
disaster for the Austrian army.
: PARI 3, Sept.H:(n;22 .. m. ) :
1 . di.n-ir.h f, ic..h .,vu
dated Sunday, SeMember 20, the
correspondent of the Havas News
agency says the Austrlans have been
forced to retreat along the entire',
front between Liotibovla, Svornlk '
and Losnitza and that they were be- j
ing hotly pursued by the Servians ;
near Kourlatritza. The Servians de
stroyed the bridges over the river j
Drina, but after suffering heavy j
losses the Austrlans gained the op- j
poslte bank. !
The Austrian attempt, the corres-
pondent cross the river
have, between Jlltrovitza and Sha
batz, failed. In Bosnia yesterday
the Servians occupieds the heights
west of Rogatnitza.
Anatrlana in Fltebt .
PARIS. Sent. .22. -A dUDatch to the
llavn nupni'v fmm vih sort ie .Bva-
"After several days of battle near Krou- i hB"d fisl'tlntt occurred yesterday. Every
I'ttiil. ten miles from the Botnlan boi dr. J where else the. invaders left the atUck to
In which CO0.O00 Austrlans were engaged, ! the "llrummtrs," as they call the im
the Austriana suffered complete defeat rnense mortars which did so much dani
and are fleeing In panic from the banks "Be to the ca,lhedral of Rhelina.
of the river Urina. 0nr in.Pe., Ietermlnatln.
Tno ferrviane, who called
advancing toward Svornik. he lavish use of thc.c m-nense pro-
"On the have an Austrian dctaeli- .W-n f.vr ami Fix Wl long, is
menf tried to capture the town of Hta-I' wood .Investment. the scrlou. dam
...n i...f f ui.. i.. .,.,! of the Kheima catheUial has had
was thrown back with great losses.'
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. in. Wednesday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair; not inuch change In temperature.
Hours. fe
n a. in.
a. m.
7 a. m.
k ii. m.
'.i a. ni.
10 a. hi.
I a. in.
12 in....
1 p. m.
I p. in.
.'I p. .n.
4 P. m.
b p. m.
6 p. in.
7 p. in.
p. m.
Highest yesterday..
Iwest today
I, oral Heeord
mil. i!i;i. yj:. v..
ii ii.". 74 M I
4ti " -Pi i
V) .! .X' .t
Reports from ftallna at T P. M.
Tern i rat u re and pi-L-ctpltatlon depai-turu
from tho niu inl :
Normal t--ni 'Tin lire
UefKleniy lor the ilay
Total fxo-m Kinfc Marvh 1....
Normal pr'iplt"' on
I 'efh ient y tor th" ila
Total ralntull mm M il h i.
Iii tkiem y siie e MmIi Ii I
I 'efioivnev lor rtr. -iIim1. 101!
Ieflck-ncy for ifir. prli..'. :1"
.: it
ON im-h
( 1 I 111
" t in. h
7 II lll.'hrj
J.77 Im-lies
station ami Slnti
of Wmliwr.
"hevennr. i-louds .
"I'emp, 1 1 igh-
tuli. r
i'i '
Ienver, pailly .-V. .:iy.
Pes Motlir. rlear
SDewle 'tty, i-h'ur
l4ii)d-r, ckar
NSortli rhiH", clear...
Omaha, clear
F'uehlo, chiudv
Rapid t'ity.
s-Hlt l.ske, i le.ip
Hanta re. i leer
Sheridan, clear
Sioux I'ii.v. clear
Valentine, partly elmnl:
T Imll' atea tia-e of in ei Itntatiiiu.
U A. S tLfH, Lvcai Forecuot
""ihTii iTa
FIRST JAPANESE WAR PICTURES As the noon guns sounded in Tokio Sunday,
August 30, the news spread about the town that the time limit had expired and that as no
reply had been received from Germany, war between the two countries had begun. The
news created little excitement, but all through the afternoon fowds of students gathered
in front of the Foreign office to cheer the government ovV
Bttle ot
. . di Sides . Neanng the
Point of Exhaustion.
Dratrurtlnn of Cathedral at Hhrlma
Mm . Inrrraaeti: Ihr Determina
tion of 1'rPBfh to Win
- Airainnt ftexmaua.
T. RIS. Spt. 22.-Tlie battle of Cliarlerol
lavted thrfe dHy and the battle of the
SJarne covn-pd fIx fayt. though the re
tirement of the Germans commenced- on
thw tlilr.1 Htiv TnHnv la rhn ikv.nth a u
J of ,he baU,p of thf. Ajmie mogt
, Ient of the lhrrp. but Uw mt of numan
I endurance eeems to have been reached
j as the Intensity of the-etruggle has dt
j mlnlshed In front of Rheima.
At ('imonne,. after a br ef lull, the fight-
; Ins has bicome fierce again
and the
lo.-L' of the OorniHns were Increased.
! Here alone, of the whole
line, hand U
. T . .......
Well be asked if the result of
only thi' i etui It of increasing the deter
mination of the French to win.
The slKnlllcance of yet-terday's official
communications, to be seen on consulting
maps, is that the allies have advanced at
points where the danger to the Invaders
Is greatest. -The progress to the west of
Xoyon threatens the Uernion right and
the auvance between Kheltns and the
Argonnt threatens 'theh- line of retreut
and communications thrrgh ("t-nay.
Tht; de'liictlon nf the milliary exrnitH
here is that the wearlnees shows more
derided in the German camp. Ttiey are
kttl'l to'l feverishly active In their work
on -the fortifications abuig the Sanihre
from iaiileiige to Namur and even on
JJSj their linen of dtfense acrosi the Orman
1 i frontier, and this I taken to indicate
'ack of entiflricnce In the final issue of
the clanli of the AiHtie.
Russian Soldiers
Occupy Jaroslau,
Commanding San
PETRtORAl. ept. j;. tVla r.oudoni -His
mii troops have ocupled the forti-
I f -d Austrian pos.llon of Joroxlau. an oJo-'
announcement nwid here
today. The Russian iUk In now 'lying
over the town.'
Janslau la an luiiMirtant railroad i en
ter. A bridge near I he ton crosses the
Snn and eommann the misname of tha'
river. The tovtn I luented sivnleen
ni.lles nirthweat of I'rziinyel unj on the
' ralh "HiJ line ltetweeii lernhem hh.1 Tru
ep'. Jl XKH' YORK.- Kepi. 'i.h.nel tiole-
iviijewski. military altuebe of tin. Russian
I euiliasry. gave out at the It ir-l;in con
j sulate lu re tiMlay the following of ! lal
. i I'iiniegraiii irom t'i;irosrrail :
'The Russian flag Is .tlrcady filiating
wt Jaroalat."
J f 1 ''-1 :f ,k ,,,'.'? I 1 '
T V A '2 1 f s..
. ' , '
C3 j; V:uf
Hearing on Measure Vital to Ship
pers Will Come Up Thursday.
earmark Amendment - Haa Una Vied
Road to t'nt Dona Ram I'nttl
Par Vlrtnnllr to Take
What He Can Get.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. (Special Tel
egram. V The house committee on Inter
state and foreign commerce will, through
one of Its subcommittees, hear argument?
on Thursday In support, of the Cumins
bill, which passed the senate some time
ago. ' ' '
The Cumins bill prohibits tho railroad
companies from limiting their liability for
loss or damage to live stock occasioned
by their own negligence while such ship
ment are In transit. Since the decision
of the t'nlted States supreme court last
January. In which the court upheld what
Is known as the Carmack amendment,
the railroads appear to have settled losses
only on the bas's which they write into
the contract.
Pit l.lllU for Loatei.
They hold the limit for a steer down to
.)0 and a hog to The ('ihiiIiib bill
proposes to make them I'ahle for the
actual value of stock lost and not to per
mit them to settle on an arbitrary basis
fixed by' themselves. This question is one
of the utmost Importance to all the stock-
raising country, and particularly to the
corn-raising belt where so many animals
are finished for market.
Among the gentlemen who will appear
before the committee ure A. F. Ktryker.
South Omaha, representing the South
Omaha Live Stock exchange; Clifford
Thorne, representing the Iowa Railway
commission;; Judge J. H. Henderson, com
merce counsel for the state of lows; A.
Sykes, Ida firove, la,, president of ' the
Corn Belt Meat Producers' association;
J. Walter Farrar, representing the Kan
sas City Uve Stock exchange, and many
shippers of the aoi'tli eel and S. H.
Cowan of Texas, the general counsel for
the American Live Stock association and
the Cattle Raisers' Association of.Yexaa.
Discrimination Alleged.
The Injustice of the railroads' position
is pointed mt In that It has shown the
largo shippers like, I he American Cattle
company Invariably s leeeed in obtaining
full coiitpeiisat (on for Ins. sustained, he
cause they are largo ."nippers. That com
pany, for Instance, handling as many as
?".,nfl0 earlodas ol' cattle per annum has
Its demands settled in full, while the smll
shipper- tho one and two-carload man
jiiusl take Just what the rsilroad ilaim
agent chooses to offer him.
It la in the interest of the smell ship
pers that the fight I being rna'ie to se
cure the amendment to the Ciinilm bill
It loines up at this late da because t lie
clause wh'.ch Is desired nei. t parti -ularly
aa originally Incorporated into what
known as the slock and bond hill, whh-h
wau cine of the measure su str.nuously
aiivocateil by the silmuiiMi.-illoii a few
mouths ago, but which hill Iihs sin e I u
The t 'uiiuns hill has already passed I he
rcnato utid the representative nf i he
slock Inleie is ille hopeful that they will
he succei.i-f il in their efforts to prevail
Upon the house committee nf inlcr.-l.ile
and foreign commerce to report It to Hie
house so thut it may be acted upon before
Liner Eerland Kearhes New terk. ,
N)V YOHK, H. pt. I?.-The Kr.l Mar
liner '.eelMiid came In toiliiy from l.iv.r-l
pool mtli 'M'- from tlio nri
40 be ot burvp.
. "
j t i
' u
, j
Seven Hundred ' and Ninety -Seven
Antony Killed, Wounded
and Misting.
Correspondent Declare KIcatlaaT
Kxeeeds In Violence Anytalosj
II nee HtroRgle at
Port Arthnr.
LONDON. Sept. 22 Oraphlc description
from correspondents hovering in the
wake of the armies In France, declare
that the last week's battles exceeded In
violence anything In history since the
struggle at Port Arthur There are stories
of charges unequalled In the annals of
British arms since Halaklava and the cas
ualty lists which filter through slowly
day by day confirm the reports, whlcb
otherwise might be taken as an exagger
ation. The part that British officers are play
ing 1m Illustrated by tho bare testimony
of the cHfcuulty lints, foven hundred and
ninety-seven olicera are among the killed,
wounded and missing, which is a per
centuge out of . all proportion to tha
ranks. One hundred and thirty officers
have been killed; JSs have been wounded
and 27!) ure missing. Many of the mlss
inx probably must later be recorded as
killed or wounded. ...
Hold llonwr Place.
j The Coldatrcam Gnaiu regiment hold
; the place of honor, with thirty-one cas-
ualtiea among Its officers' corp. The
King' Royal Rifles and the Suffolk regi
ment have each had twenty-five officers
killed or wounded; the Gordon Highland
ers twenty-three, the .Munstcr Fualleert
twenty-one. Cameron Highlander and
Cheshire regiment each nineteen.
The field artillery has lost fifty-alx and
the medical ' crps fifty-two officers.
Listed by ranks, the names of colonels
and lieutenant colonels number thirty
two; majors eighty-five and captains 24a.
v Homes In MnraUt,
The homes of many of the best known
families In the kingdom are In mourning.
IJeutonant Wyndham of the Coldstream
Guards, killed In. action, waa the only
son of the late tieorge Wyndham, at one
time chief secretary lor Ireland. Lieu-
'tenant Lock wood of the same regiment
s the nephew and heir of Lieutenant
ft'olonel A. R, M. lorkwood, one of the
j ii'ost popular member of the House of
Commons. Satiirdsy's list announced th
I death of Lord Vi jernsey, the heir f the
earl of Aylesford, and Lord Arthur Vln
Itent Hay, heir of the Marquis Tweed
Itlale. Constable Killed
by Boy Prisoner
1 IiOVLLSTON. Vn . noDi. Si'.-1 lenrv A
i Knlbe, high constable of Poyleiton, was
I si'ot through the heart and killed today
1 bv William Miller, IS years old. as be
I whs t iking the young man to Jail on a
j charge of having forged a cheek. .Miller
tried to escape, but was captured by by
; stanoers. HecHuse of wild west procllvl-
tii h Miller had lieon named "Rroncho
' Hill:"
I IIAVK a lin R ; I.. Kl.- trie with
now batteries anl p. tint; will bill
tor I9SO.
Tor further information about this
opportunity, th Want Ad 101108
of today' B.
Three English Fighting Craft, Abou
kir, Hogue and Cmy, Sent
to the Bottom.
Official Announcement at London
Telli of Naval Disaster to
Sister Vessels.
Dispatch from Hook of Holland Sayt
Dutch Ship Brings Twenty
Wounded and Some Dead.
Rumor Asserts Large Steamer Tor
pedoed in Same Waters.
Another Large Vessel "aid to Be
Standing By ohlna to ton
firm the Report fan Re
LOWESTOFT, England, Sept. 22.
(Via London.) It la reported
that a vessel of 12,000 tons has boon
eunk by a mine la the North Sea.
Another large venae! Is standing by.
No official confirmation of the re
port ran be obtained. -
LONDON. Sept. 22. The British
warships Abouklr, Hogue and Creasy
have been sunk in the North Soa by
submarines, according to announce
ment given out by the official bureau
this afternoon.
Continuing, the announcement says that
a conslderbl number of the crew of
these vessels were saved by II. M. P.
Lowestoft and by a division of torpedo
boat destroyer. Trawlers and their boats
also aided In the work of rescue.
Abooklr Torpedoed First.
The Abouklr was torpedoed first. Tha
Hogue and the Creasy drew In close to It
and were standing by to bhvs the crew
when they were, also torpedoed.
Th Creasy. Captain Hubert V. John
sou; the Abouklr. Captain John K. lrum
mond. and Tho Hogue. Captain Wllmot
B. Nicholson, wen; sister ships. They
were armored cruiser of a comparatively
obsolete type.
The lists of the casualties among their
crews will be published as soon as they
are known.
Cruisers of Same Type.
Tha warships, Abouklr. Hogue and
Cressy, are cruisers of the same type.
Their tonnage, armament, eto., are iden
tical. These vessels had a displacement
of 12,W) tons, were 0 feet long, 69.3 feet
wide and drew 36 feet of wnter. Each
one had a complement of 76o men, In
cluding offlcera and crew.
These threa cruisers had armament
consisting of two S.2-inch guns, twelve 6
Inch guns, twelve Impounders and five 3-
poundciH. The Abouklr and the Cresny t
were built at (Jovan In 1S0O and the
Hogue was huill t Harrow In the same
A dispatch received here from the Hook
of Holland says the Dutch steamer Tlton
ha arrived there, bringing twenty British
wounded and some dead, picked up In tho
North Sea after the sinking of the Hrltish
cruisers Abouklr, Hogus and Cressy.
German Wireless
Station Destroyed
liONPONVSept. 2?. The destruction of
th wireless station on th Island of
Nauru, removing tha last Uenuan sta
tionary wireless apparatus In tho Pacific,
is reported today from Sydney, New
Fouth Wales.
Th RrltiHh flag now flies over the
island, although the German governor
and his staff have been' allowed to re
main. Kightlng has taken place at
Rabaul, on Neuppnmmern, an island in
the German archipelago. The native
under German leaders proved very
troublesome, but the Australian landing
party took to cover cleverly and suficred
no losses. After a sklrnilPh, rubuul
practically surrendered.
Dr. Poekley, a number of the Australian
fUd Cross detachment, was shot by a
German officer after he had removed his
cost with the lied Cross band on the
le.cve lo cover a wounded man.
General Steinmetz
Killed in France
IjONDON. Hept. H.-Telcgrsplilng from
Amsterdam, the correspondent of the
Central News says it Is reported there
that General Htelnmeti of the German
artillery was killed In Franco Hcpteni-
j ber 16
Continuing, the corresKjndent s.-tya tliat
i reports from l.tese d-clnre that the t i r
inans have In oil), hi tin: frirtrernes nf
; Lkge into sin Ii u mttln thut tin y nirfy
isfuin be used for defense.
War Summary
Another day has gone and
neither one eide nor the other,
Germany nor allien, lays rlalm to
any decisive outcome in the bat
tle of the Alsne, where the su
preme conflict of the war, up to
the present time, has long been
The engagement seem to be
partaking of the nature of a aiege.
Both aides continue to hold most
of their strongly entrenched po
sitions. The German lines for
100 miles are described as vir
tually a continuation of forts and
heavy entrenchments. The artil
lery fire goea on day and night
and under its cover are sorties of
infantry. Counter attack follows
attack and occasionally one aide
or the other gains ground.
It would appear that noth
ing but a successful flanking
movement could have any auceess
on either army. But neither front
has been broken and neither aide
has been outflanked.
Rhelms appears to be the cen
ter of the most persistent fight
ing. It Is between the lines of
battle and the city has suffered
heavily. The Germans are said
to be most anxious to recapture
tblH position.
The French official announce
ment at Paris yesteTday after
noon says that incessant German
attacks delivered yesterday, Sep
tember 2t, have been unsuccess
ful and that the Germans have
been compelled to retire at more
than one point. The French took
many prisoners.
The latest official communica
tion from Berlin, Issued Monday
night, says the Germans have cap
tured the hill positions at Cra
onne and occupy the village of
Bethany, three miles north of
Rhelms. This announcement de
scribed the Germans also as at
tacking the strong forts south of
.The military expert ot tha Lon
don Tiroes gives positions to tha
French force on the left which.
If correct, show a remarkable ad
vance along the flank of the Ger
man right wing. The French
line had not bee previously re
ported north of Noyon, but the
Times places it at Lecatelet,
thirty miles north ot Noyon; Ros
sel, nine miles southwest ot Le
catelet, and Lasslgny, eight miles
due west of Noyon. These loca
tions have not been confirmed
from any other source, the French
War office having contented Itself
with Baying that the French left
wing was advancing along the
right bank of the river Olse.
Dispatches from Servian
source lay claim to further vic
tories over Austrian forces along
the river Drina. According to
these advices the Austrlans have
been driven across this river to
the Austrian side with havy
Colonel Delayed
Reaching Lincoln,
But He Gives Speech
fFrom a Staff Orrearondent.)
LINCOLN, Kept. 22.-(Bpeclal Telegram.)
Colonel Roosevelt did not arrive In Lin
coln this evening until almost o'clock,
and tho program for his entertainment
was accordingly altered. Train delay In
southeastern Nebraska and the fact that
It took more time to negotiate the towns
through which he passed than anticipated
was tha cause.
The local bull moon banquet arranged
In his honer htre took place without the
national leader, but he reached here In
time for the speech scheduled. A con
sldrablo number of out-of-town rnoosors
was here to greet him.
A party of a doren or so enthusiastic
Moosers went to Falls City on tha Mis
souri Pacific's early morning train, where
they met Colonel Roosevelt and escorted
him to Lincoln over the. Burlington,
In the afternoon another party of moos
ers went to Lincoln on the Burlington
and Rock island trains , Intending to i
rcucli there In time for the banquet. I
Alleged Embezzler
Killed by Train
on Way. to Trial
PHILADELPHIA, fkspt. -The trial
of John J. Dallas, bookkeeper, charged
with embezzling lio.OnO from a wholesale
Jewelry firm came to a sudden end to
day when Dalian was killed by an ele
vated train while on his way to court.
His wife and sister were with hira when
bo was killed. Whether It was an ac
cident or suicide Is not known.
On a salary of tM a week Dallas owned
a riMiidhome home In Ardniore, a sub
urb, entertained cMcn.lvcly and drove
an automobile and la addition liml
money In sever! banks
London Strategist Say Success of
Movement Will Endanger En
tire Front of Germans.
Unconfirmed Rumors Say He Hat
Been Forced to Remove Head
quarters to Hons.
Berlin Dispatches Say They Have
Captured Strong- Hill Positions
at Craoiuie.
Kaiser Also Reports Defeat of Sortie
from the Northeast -
that ti
Is Owlr Point la Cinlleds)
la BaeeeaafaUy rteststlns;
an Defeat Anntrtnas
Hetnsr Beorsrsmlswd.
PARIS. Rept 22. The official
statement issued by the French gov
ernment tonight soys merely that
there Is no change in the situation.
LONDON, Sept. 22 All eyes are
now fixed on the western section ot
the great battle lln In France,
where the allied army it expected to
descend on the German right, which
ia already bending backwards under
persistent pressure to the northward
of the river Atone. If these German
positions are once carried strategists
here believe the whole Grman front
was In danger.
- Meanwhile "a pereeptlhU prog
ress" Is all the light the official
chronicler permits himself to throw
on the great siege of the fortified
positions which now baa lasted ten
German reinforcement, according
to Berlin reports, have beaten their
opponents in the race to the fighting
zone and the result is seen in tha
rapid series of Hussar strokes which
General Von Kluck has been able to
deliver in an effort to stem the allied
enveloping movement around St,
Thus far the battle of the Alan repro,,
duces on a larger acale the chief feature
of the struggle on th Mame, but
whether In the final outcome tha victory
will rest with the same sld Is likely to
remain a secret for a few day more.
Ten Days of Mfhtln;.
Ten days of the most furiously con
tested struggle Known In modern hlstory
hus left both armies In such a position
that neither can claim definite advantage
over the other and the result must de
pend largely on what reinforcements the
opposing commanders are abl to control.
On the river, aa on tho Mame. the Ger
mans are thrusting persistently at the
allies' center, while the French and Brit
ish troops are pursuing their favorite
movement of working around the Oerraait
flank. Day by day th allied Una. thouah
(Continued on Pag Two, Column Ob.)
Why Not
Get a
of Your Own?
Instead of casting about aim
lessly for something worthy of
your lifo'8 work, why not look
into some of the attractive
propositions offered every day
under "Business Chances?"
A man ia more likely
to be successful in a ma
terial way if he ia work
ing for himself and if
you have any push in
you a small business will
grow fast enough.
Get a business of your own
and build it up on the basis of
giving full service to those who
patronize you. Let the world
know that you have the right
idea in your business and you
will succeed.
Further details may
be found in the "Busi
ness Chance" column.
Telephone Tyler 100D.
Cwrybody Rtadi Bf Want A at