Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Deteotiye Sheahan Find Charles
Brown on His Way to RireT.
Tonne Parkins Hoih Laborer,
After PomrMlc Troubles, Pre
ented from Enli Ills
Hie by Officer.
Depressed over domestic difficulties,
Charles Brown, a young white mui em
ployed at the packing houses, wm ar
rested yesterday afternoon by Chief of
detectives James Sheahan, who Inter
cepted Brown on his way to tha Missouri
river, where he said he meant to end hl
life. Brown and hla wife lire near Twenty-fifth
and K atreeta. A few daya ago
the woman had her husband arrested for
mistreating her.
Brown was later released, but was very
despondent over his arrest and domestic
difficulties. Yesterday he wrote a letter
to his mother advising her of his Inten
tion to end his life. He told her of his
troubles and of his desire to escape them.
He explained that he would drown him
self In the Missouri.
He left the house and later his wife
discovered the letter to her mother-In
law. She read It and then called the po
lice. Chief of Detectives James Sheahan
Immediately set out to search for Brown
He met him a few blocks from the river
bank on N street. Brown admitted his
intention and told Sheahan of his troubles.
Sheahan locked him up until such time
as he Is able to control himself.
Stockmen Are, Handicapped.
Despite the dally assurances that tvery
thlng la lovely and that there Is no cause
for dissatisfaction over the money mar
ket, stockmen from the state and many
doing business here In South Omaha are
beginning to wonder when conditions will
change. Bankers out In the state are
charging 10 per cent on renewals and will
not lend any money except for running
expenses and that at a high rate of In
terest, according to ranchmen coming here
to market.
In South Omaha on the Live Stock ex
change many of the dealers with money
tied up have had to sit by without ready
cash. The banks shut down on loans on
cattle at the beginning of the war and
they have not opened up to any notice
able extent to date.
Complaints are bitter among men who
have done business with banks for years
now that they must put up with the re
fusal of a loan from the same banks.
Said one man yesterday: "Before the
democrats were in it was the high tariff
which caused high prices and high inter
est. After the democrat got in it was the
unsettled condition of business. Now it is
the war. In between it is the scarcity of
Elarhtb. Grade at Jong-man.
Petitions looking to tl.e creation of an
eighth grade in Jungman school and the
retention of Miss Margaret OToole at
the head of the school are being cir
culated by residents of the Jungman
school district. The addition of a new
grade will give the principal an addition
in salary.
Miss O Toole has been at the head of
Jungman school for some years and Is
highly regarded by the patrons of the
school. Besides her work at the head of
the school sha has won much praise for
her quiet work among the poor and un
fortunate of the district.
' " " A year ago she arranged for the keep
ing of a very small child whose mother
was compelled to go to the packing house
during the day. Another child would have
had to stay home from school to take care
of the Infant. Miss O' Toole saw that the
older child went to school and herself
took care that the youngest did not want
for food or warmth during school hours.
Hoctor Leads Raids.
With one arm In a sling, due to an au
tomobile accident a week ago, Mayor
Thomas Hoctor last night led three raids
along lower N street The raids were
commanded by Captain of Police John
Zaloudek and it tok several trips of the
big patrol wagon to carry the "loads" to
the Jail. The places were "pulled" on
the ground of dlsorderllness.
As soon as the word went out that the
police were on the rampage the lid went
down on the town. Of the three gam
bling joints alleged to have been doing
business, all were dark except one. The
word has trickled out that Mayor Hoctor
means to keep disorderly houses out of
town if nothing else.
Those taken In the raids last night were
(Harry Loses, George Mike, Pete dock,
P. J, Martin. John Staneacl, Al Hlnkle,
Percy Doun, Jessie Ryan, Marie Ryan.
Alice Ryan. Nettle Davis. Mary Wolfe,
Helen Wolfe, Erma Ireland, Dorothy
Drum, Mattle Munson, May Chenowlck,
Maggie Dalley and Grace Cruise. The
places raided were upstairs over 8407 N
street and S34 North Twenty-fifth. In the
i Arcs Over War.
An academic argument between Serbs
and Austrlans at Thirtieth and R streets
last night resulted In the wounding of
Mike Lemlsh and Boltsh Memory. Lemlsh
was cut over the head and surgeons, af
ter dressing his Injuries, ordered him to
the South Omaha hospital. Boltsh
Memory, with six other men, was locked
up at the South Omaha police station.
Memory had a knife wound across the
left hand.
Captain John Zaloudek, who arrested
the men, said that the fight was caused
by a partisan dispute over the war. The
Serbs and Austrlans live in the same
locality near Twenty-eighth and R streets
In South Omaha.
rally this evening at the corner of Twen-ty-tourth
and M ttrrits.
Washakie tribe No. W, Improved Order
of Hedmen will grve a benefit ball In
honor of Frank tlolda this evening at
their hall, 318 North Twenty-fourth street.
The Loyal Order of Moose will give a
big danre at the Moose home. Twenty
firth ana M streets, this evening. A
dance will be given every Saturday even
ing hereafter.
Floylan Hsltiel, who died last Thurs
day at his home, Thirty-second and B
streeta. will be burled this morning kt
St. Mary's cemetery. The funeral serv
ices will be held this morning at o'cIock
at St. Bridget's church.
Bellevtie college foot ball team defeated
South Omaha High school foot ball team
yesterday afternoon on the Bellevue. foot
ball grounds. 10 to 0. This Is considered
a remarkable stand for the IochI team
to make, having been practicing together
only two dsys. The game was only for
Messenger Boy Paid
For Not Doing as He
Is Instructed to Do
To carry out Instructions Is generally
considered the height of virtue in mes
senger service, yet John Hammer of
Council Bluffs, a Western Union boy
working for the Omaha office, made a
big hit Friday when he did somewhat
different than he had been told to do on
an errand.
William Sproule. president of the South
ern Pacific railroad and nationally known
In railway circles, was passing through
Omaha and there were some telegrams
for him at Union Pacific headquarters.
Young Hammer was sent to get them,
with Instructions to leavo them at the
Union depot telegraph office.
iTnwover. h managed to locate the
rsilroad president at the depot, and de
livered the messages to him personally,
Instead of leaving them as directed.
Pleased with the boy s enterprise. Mr.
Snroule save him a good slied bill and
thanked him. When Johnnie returned to
the office he was all smiles from his
'Gee!" he exclaimed to the other hoys.
that fella pulled out such a big roll, I
don't think it could ever be counted. He
slipped me a bill that nearly doubled my
week's pay."
Now all the Western Union lads are
hoping to run errands for railroad presi
dents. Paul W. Kodweiss
Dies Very Suddenly
of Heart Failure
After doing his regular work on the pre
vious dsy and retiring in -normal
health. Paul W. Kodweiss. one of
the incorporators and active managers of
the Drelbus Candy company of Omaha,
died of heart failure berore mrann.u
Thursday at his home in Council Bluffs.
The funeral will be held this atternoon
at 3 o'clock at the residence. The serv
ices will be conducted by Rev. Edgar
Price.. Burial will be In Walnut Hill cem
ave moot rrlnt It Now Beacon Pre
Lighting Fixtures, Hurgess-Orsnden Co.
fidelity Storage and Tan Co. Dong. BBS.
City Property Kor results, list t lint
house with Osborre Realty Co. 1. 1474.
Beautiful All Modern Homes Tor Balo
or. the eusy;.' plan. Hunker.--Realty
Investment Co. rhone Poult. r?i
"Today's Complete Movie rrograms"
may be found in the first pawe of the
classified section today, and appears In
The Hoe F.XrLVSI VKl.Y. Find out what
the various movlr.g picture theaters offer.
Davison Beoovsrs Preston Havlaon.
chief clerk In the passt'iiger offices o.
the Union I'aclflo. operated on for ay
pendlcltls, hss recovered to such an ex
tent that he ex:rts to be brck at his
desk next week.
Sam Joe Is Tlned Sam Jo, proprietor
of the KLte cafe at Fourteenth and Ihnig
las streets, was fined $100 and costs on
a chai'Ke of operating a "disorderly
house.'' The "disorder" consisted of thir ,
alleged sale of beer. !
Vtt Returns Sunday John K. Utt,
general ugent of tho Rock lslund, str.ckm i
with purely s s and who went to Colfax I
Springs to recuperate, writes that he
will return to Onmha Sunday, feeling
that he has fully recovered.
Walters Goes to Wyoming (Irneral
Manugi'i Walters of the Northwestern 1
has gone to Lander. Wyo., where he w.ll I
look Into the live stock bus ness of thut
portion of the state and ascertain about j
how many cattle and sheep are to oe .
shipped out this fall.
Spooners Are Fined A man and
woma:i describing themselves as Arthur ;
Moss, Henson, and Nellie Morris, 711 Han- '
croft, were fined $50 each for spoonlru; ,
In Miller park. Special Officer Melvln,
who niHdo the arrest, says the couple
was so engroeeed that he rame upon j
them and was not seen for ten minutes
before he made the arrest.
Brigadier Dubbin to Conduct Meeting
Brigadier Robert Dubbin, chief alvlalonal
offlctr for the Iowa and Nebraska di
vision with headquarters at Dea Moines,
will conduct a special meeting at the
Salvation Army hall, 1711 Davenport
street Monday evening. This will be
Brigadier Dubbin's first visit since Ms
arrival from the army's International
cotiRress campaign, which was held at
London. Eng.
Wires Out of Pola
Are Reported Cut
ROME, via Paris, Sept. 19. It is re
ported here that the telegraph and tele
phone wires out of Pola, the great naval
port and arsenal of Austria, situated on
the bay of Porto Delle Rose on tho
Istria peninsula have been cut and that
bombs have been thrown Into the bar
racks. Report has it also that mines
have been discovered In the ranal lead
ing to the arsenal, which were not laid
by the Austrian authorities.
Illinois Republicans
For Equal Suffrage
FEOR1A, 111., Sept 15.-The Illinois
republicans met In convention here today
and in a harmonious session elected Gar
rett De Forrest Kinney of Peoria, chair
man of the republican stats central com
mittee and adopted a platform, which in
cludes a plank for unlimited woman suf
f rs ge.
LONDON, Sept 19.-A dispatch to the
Dally Telegraph from Paris says:
"An American army officer who ob
served the fighting on the line of the
IRebals-Champcnolse last week declares
that he saw 20.000, a large part of them
being killed by the French In bayonet
charges. These charges, ho said, were
not sporadic, hut general, being re
peatedly executed against the Germans in
the trenches by .Senegales or Turco troops.
VIENNA (via Paris), Sept. 19. Fritl
Krelsler, the Austrian violinist who has
been serving In the army, has returned
to Vienna to recover from Injuries sus
tained when h was ridden down by
Coksacks during the first battle at Lem
Church Notes.
First Presbyterian, Twenty-third and J.
Rev. Robert L. Wheeler. Pastor Mora-
lug topic, "The Destroyers of Our For
getfulnees." Bible school In all divisions
at 9:45. Topic, "The judgment of tho
Nations." Catechism question No. IT for
the pastor's class. Evening services at
. Pastor's topic, "The Supreme Wish
of the Master.'
First Baptist. Twenty-fifth and H, Rev.
William M. Hill. Pastor Regular serv
ices at 11 and 7:30. Sunday school at 9:46.
Young people's meeting at 7:30.
St. Luke's Lutheran, Twenty-fifth and
K. Rev. S. H, Yerlan, Pastor Sunday
school at 9:45. Morning services) at 11.
Preaching by tho pastor. Everyone Is
United Presbyterian, Twenty-third and
H Morning services at 11. Preaching by
the pastor. Sunday school at 9 45. Even
ing services at . Preaching by the pastor.
First Methodist Episcopal, Twenty-fifth
and K, Rev. J. W. Klrkpatrlck, Pastor
Morning services at 11. Sunday school at
8:45; Dean Ringer, superintendent. Ep
worth league at 6. SO. Evening services at
a. All preaching by the pastor. Choir
sings at both services.
Maglo City Uoeslp.
The Progress club will meet Monday
afternoon at the Moose Home In South
Dr. and Mrs. F. O. Beck left last even
ing tor Dr. Beck's old home at Union, la.
They will visit with relatives over Bun
day. Mrs. Anna Sheatak, aged 47 years, died
yesterday morning at the South Omaha
hospital. The body will be transported
from the Larkln chapel to Wllber for
burial next Monday morning.
L. I Mellvalne and' Mrs. George W.
Covell of Omaha will speaJt at a suXtra
Runaway Mules Are
Stopped by Dresner
And now Al Dresher is hero of Auto
Al has some mules to haul some of his
dry cleaning wagona around town and
fho also has some automobiles. One of
his autoa gave forth a loud explosive
noise like unto ono of the German siege
guns and pair of the mules, standing
In front of the plant on Farnam street,
started to run.
Drivers and chauffeurs and policemen
tried to stop the mules, but they had a
mission on hand and did not propose to
be headed off. Al Dresher started after
them and after they had run down a
traffic cop on Twenty-fourth and Farnam
streets and rubbed against several autos
and startled several horses uresner o!r that ,t WM of a mogt dpgperate character
took them as they were headed In on a ne eBtmates the German losses In this
sidewalk. The crowd of hugs proportions ,lrectlon during the four days fighting
which gathered voted mm a neio mrum,
but Al only swelled out his chest and
went back to checking In suits.
"Th troubls with most folks is that
they bellevo tneir qui , .v. y
after they art able to make a living.
Prof Bernstein torn a iars
sombled at Washington hall last night,
the occasion being a social given by the
National Association of Stationary Engi
neers' local lodge.
Mr Bernstein was the principal speaker
of the evening. He was followed by
W A. Berger, engineer at the Rome.
After the talks there was dancing and
Echoes of the Strife
Devotion of Nans.
BORDEAUX, Sept. 19.-flx nuns In the
convent of St. Charles at Nancy are
mentioned In army orders for the devo
tion they displayed in nursing more than
1000 woundod soldiers In their establish
ment, despite the Incessant bombardment
ilnc. August 4. The sisters stuck to their
post while the Civil population abandoned
the town.
Wants French Horses.
BORDEAUX. Sept. ll-An American
horse exporting firm of Sioux tails, P.
D Is trying, with the aid of John W .
.'-.. minister to Argentina, who Is
now with tho French government here, to
have Franco remove the prohibition of
shipment to the United States of Perch
erons for which the French army has no
nrd It Is expected thst the govern
mcnt will allow the shipment.
Wheat Via tho 1 .-tw.
CHICAGO. Sept. 19.-Almost twice as
much wheat has been exported from Chi
esRo to Cansda by way of the Great
Lakes since July 11, than in the entlrs
preceding six years, according to a table
made out today by the customs depart
ment here. Since July 1. a total of il.069,.
960 biishsls, valued at $19,36,114, was sent
from here to Canada In the six preced
ing years only 10.SC5.4-I9 bushels, valued
at Jin.7iT7.194. were exported.
Admitted to V. . Registry.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 19-Twenty-four
foreign built vessels with a total tonnage
of I'ju.SSO have been admitted to Ameri
can registry under the nw shipping law
and customs collectors are acting on reg
isters for twenty-seven additional ships
of lOd.NO aggregate tonnage.
To Visit Detention ( amps.
BORDEAUX, Sept. 19. John W. Gar
rett, American minister to Argentina,
has received permission as a representa
tive of Myron T. llrrrlck, American am
bassador to France, to the deten
tion camps and the prisoners of war. Mr.
Garrett each day receives from the pris
oners a number of letters, which, after
being scrutinised by French officials, are
returned to him to bs forwarded to. their
Tightens Her Skin
Loses Her Wrink les
"I want to tell you how easily I got rid
of my wrinkles." writes Luella Marsh.
"While In Lonuon a lrlend, much envied
because of her youthiul looks, gave me
a formula for a norm -made preparation
which has the effect of Instantly tighten
ing the skin, thus smoothing out. wrinkles
and furrows.
"Th principal Ingredient Is powdered
saxollte, w hich can be had at drug stores
here. An ounce of saxollte Is dissolved In
a half pint witch hazel. After bathing
my face In this but once the transforma
tion was so marvelous I looked years
younger, fcvtn the deep crow s feet were
aflected, and the annoying creases about
my neck. It semes dirticult to believe
anything could produce such results. Sev
eral to whom I recommended the recipe
have been similarly helped, one sn el
derly lady whose cheeks had become
quit baggy." tioclai Mirror. Advertisement.
Tho Caase of Rheamattsm
Is stomach trouble, lazy liver and de
ranged kidneys; try Electrlo Bitters; reg
ulates liver and helps kidneys to work.
tOe and H.4J0. All druggists. Advertisement
For Grip, Influenza,
Coughs, Sore Throat
As a remedy for common Colds,
Humphreys' "Seventy - even" bag
many etauntb adherents.
To get the best result take "Seventy-seven"
at the first sneeze or
If you wait till your bones begin
to ache, till the Cold becomes set
tled and hangs on, It may take longer
to break up.
Two sizes, 25o and $1.00, at all
druggists or mailed.
Hampaxeys' Homeo. Medicine Co.. Ibt
William Street. Nw York. AdvertMs-mnc
j '
Proclaiming Our Autumn Exposition
Beginning Monday, September 21st
And continuing throughout the week, introduc
ing the authentic fashions opening before you every idea as
decreed for the coming seasona magniiiCwiu and dignified
assemblage of all that is new in
A new season begins and this exposition
is of particular service to the entire community
in revealing the most becoming fashions bringing into relief
the most salient and distinguished features of the style trend so
that to see is to know and understand.
From another viewpoint the exposition is
a declaration of readiness with new lines of mer
chandise. Fall stocks assume their final stage of completeness,
with greater assortments and varieties than ever before.
Tfs our constant aim to be of: "The
greatest service to the greatest number" that our
co-operation may be keener and our merchandise more worthy.
Qur initial displays represent the world's
best merchandise, in assortments and varieties
at prices that will appeal to you most favor
ably, and that we appreciate your business
As best expressed in our earnest endeavor
to please you.
'J'hat we have succeeded in
our unceasing ambition we
want you to come and judge, for we launch
the new season with the sincere conviction
of having done our part well.
nd we await your
verdict with confidence.
'Evtrybody'$ Store"
1 XyS T'?! i". ' I