Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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School Children's Christmas Ship
Plan Grows in Interest Each Day
Sororities of UUniversity of Ne
braska Secure New Members.
WM. L. IIOLZMAX, Treasurer.
Yona. Women of Make hntre
v I f.reW Lfllfr rlrtle to W hlch
They Will Helen Darin
School Irar,
Oninha Girls Plrdvrd.
, Alpha Xi 1'clta -Jor C.reeiKiURh
J'elta Zt i-Ksther Ollnahusen
Aipha il, i Omega Kthel Kove, Huth
Ka, pa .lpha Theta Charlotte Hedwell.
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept 19. ( Srerlal Tol
gran. )-0er 1"0 coeds were pledged l.y
tiie sororities of the t'nlverslty it Ne
braska hi re this evening. The lint is one
of tin Urgent of years, dome Ureek
letter societies securing twelve and fif
teen new memlfrs. Following are the
Alpha Omi.-ron Pi Koma Rush, l.ln.
lulu; .Margaret Mitchell, l,.ncoln; Verna
Kiuii, Lincoln; Carrie Marshall, WeepinK
Wstir: Elizabeth Hickett. Superior
KMaahctli Hennnrd. Ariinnton; Helen
U-nli, Mound it. Mo., ami Ki'.na Huth
auay. St. Joseph, Ma
Achuth i ion Sheldon. Ilyannis; Hes
ter ymnn uml flee father, Lincoln.
fhl Oiiiemi-Lucil.- Arteiiiurn, Lincoln;
Ti.-tlur Little. Lyons; Miluivd Holts, Lin
toln: .Mildred Ounria.n, Lincoin, Kjnily
Mm k"tt. Lincoln; UeaMice Koch, Fuller
ton: CmuiUe Koch. Kullerton; IKrothy
Hi. rll. Slieiidan, Wyo.
. Alpha -i Delta Zoe Greenoush, Omaha;
Louise Liohhs, UeMtrlce; Honita White,
Lincoln; Llla Peterson, Cedar Knplds.
i'i Heta I'hl Miirln Pittit, Fremont;
June Ballard, Nebraska flly; Mary Knee
shaw, Lincoln; Myrtle Heeter. North
Platte: Nanle irtdinKa. North Platte: Lu
etic Wilcox, North Platte; Melha W'tgley,
Peoria, 111.; Kdna Olson. Stronisliurg;
Marie Me.ker. Lincoln; Florence Plania,
VBhoo; Wesley Wort, Kearney.
' Helta Gamnia I'orothy Uavles, I'tl-'a:
Jean Burroughs, Lafayette, Ind.; iCduu
fulfey, Chadron; Mary lledrich, Tecnm
reh; Anna lirundage. TeeuniHeh; Mar
garet Davidson, le Moines, la.; Louiri
Mull, Heutiice; Marguerite Chittenden,
I.lneoln; Virginia Galientlne, Kearney.
Helta Zeta Nettle Jeffrey, Creston. la.:
Kara Yost, Lincoln; Ruth Knyeart. I'nl
vnsltv 1'lace; Vesta Ma we, Lincoln;
Kleanor AVickett. Laurel; Gladys Houts.
Naponee; Father KlIlnghaUBen, Omaha;
Grace Mcintosh, Lincoln.
Alpha Phi Martha Lundby, Harlan. la.;
Gladys Rule. Harlan, la.; Helen Walte
math. North Platte; Helen IjowIs. Lin
coln; Genevieve Roberts', Lincoln; Flor
ence Bishop, Central City; Ruth Shum
way, Wakefield.
Helta Helta Delta Ella Hansen. Lin
coln; Edith Holeomb, Hebron; Irene
Marts, Auburn; Sue McDougal, Tecum
teh: Florence Moekett, Lincoln; Marian
Reeder, Columbus: Mary Welch, Lincoln.
Alpha fhl omega Ethel Frye, Omaha;
Genevu, Chesley, Armour. S. P.; Ruth
Jorgenson, Omaha; Winnifred Willame,
Kappa Kappa Gamma Josephine Bur
kett. Lincoln; Luclie Foster, Lincoln; Ja
net Teasardeii. Weeping Water; Fayo
Teel, Red Cloud; Zelpa Rlggs. Waterloo;
Ioretta Slater, Holdrege; Doris Clark,
Pa pillion.
Kappa Alpho Theta Katherlne Podge,
Fremont; Eva Miller, Fremont; V.'inni
ifred Miller, Lincoln; Mary Guthrie, Lin
coln; Jean Peck, St. Paul: Ermine Car
mean, Chadron; Leota Stmms. Aurora;
Helen Tynn. Aurora; Katherine Pierce,
Belleville. Kan.; .Charlotte Bedwell,
Updike Company Asks
Large Amount from
Wyoming Mine Men
. . Asserting that It has been deprived of
a profit of 25 cents per ton on 100,000 tons
of coal, through alleged violation of a
contract by the Hudson Coal company
and its successor, the Poposla Coal com
pany of Hudson, Fremont county. Wyo
ming, the Updike Lumber and Coal com
pany of Omaha has brought suit In dis
trict court for $40,0o0 damages. It alleges
that the H rdson company gave it exclu
sive selling rights for the entire output
. of its mines for five years, but that for
the last three years the Wyoming rom-
pany has failed to do so. having organ
ized the Poposia company slmplv to avoid
the contract, so the plaintiff petition
According to affidavit of Nelson B. Vp
dlke, Sunderland Bros.' company and the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway com-
pany have property and money of the de
- fendants in their possession, and Updike
'. asks for a writ of attachment of same.
Named as principal stockholders of tb
defendant companies are: insert O.
' Barber. William E. Hardin. Carey Barber
and M. E. Cantillion, with the first named
. as manager.
Hart Sues Stocking
For Heavy Damages
As an aftermath of a police court case
In which each party accused the other of
' taking ideas, pictures and slides belong
ing to the other, Edward F. Ha-t has
si4 Fred C. Stocking for 3,000 damages
in"distrtct court. Hart also asks for en
injunction against the use of the con
tested property by Stocking and wants an
order for surrender of the goods and for
an accounting of all profits Stocking is
alleged to have already received thire
from. Hart does business under the
names of the National Engraving com
panv and the New York Slide company.
Federal Court at
Norfolk Monday
The first session of the federal district
court will start Monday morning at Nor
folk, wiih a general exodus of Omaha
government officials to the northern city.
The following leave this afternoon: Mar
shal W. P. Warner, Deputy G. W. Mc
Callum, Clerk R. C. Hoyt. United States
Attorney F. S. Howell and Assistant
United States Attorney A. W. Lane of
Lincoln. Judge Paige Morris, who ts In
Omaha, will preside and is to accompany
the wjiove party back to Norfolk.
A Jury for the Omaha session will not
be s cured before October 11.
GENEVA. Sept. 18 (Via Paris. Sept.
1J. 1:30 a. ni.) Advices received here
frum Germany state that Emperor Wil
liam, who Is still In Luxembourg with
his staff, reprimanded Crown Princa
Frederick William for needlessly expos
ing himself and his staff to the artillery
fir-j of the enemy In his eagerness to
wat'-h operations closely. Several of his
staff were wounded by shrapnel fire.
Alice J. Ralrd.
Miss Alice J. Baird, aged 25 years, nurse
et I he Omaha General hospital, deld Sat
urday morning after an Illness of two
weeks of pneumonia. Khe graduated from
the hospital class of 1913 and lived at Dun
Up, la. The body will be taken to Pun
lap wbert burial will ba llondajr.
(Continued from Tsge One)
the J..y be s. nt to all. and fhrlsl
luas knows no country and no flag, no
r.tce nor kindred, hut Just one. big family
under the banner of- old Santa Clans,
wherein all msy shsre In the happiness
of the day.
And In Europe there will be many
homes to which no happiness will come
on Christmas morning, unless it comes
from the children of this countrv. That
Is why the boys and girls of America are
asked to share their happiness with the
children of Europe.
Already The Hee Is In receipt of letters
from Its readers, saying they are willing
to aid In the work. Already school teach
ers are asking how to go about organising
for the work of making the collections,
-and wanting to know Just what to do.
One school teacher out In the state writes
to The Bee as follows:
"To the Christmas Ship Editor: I read
to my pupils on the first morning of
schooi your letter "To the Children of
America." They carried the thought
homo and one mother, Mrs. Dr. Newell,
suggested that each pupil give 1 cent or
more per week until Christinas (sixteen
weekst and such other gifts of clothing
or toys as they could. It was unanimously
adopted. Below are the names of my
pupils and we. expect to send you a check
before the Christmas Ship sails and also
a box:
Blanche Mooie Bessie Nunn
Fae NHSon Elmer Traett
Ruth Bright Herbert Weedcn
Minnie Nunn laudla Mills
Una Wind 1-ols Wilson
Ethel Wells
Ross Nason Dorothy Hubliard
Fred Avertll Florence Vice
Jesse Lamb Luclie Crouch
Ben McDowell Kae Wilson
Marv Garber Incis Wells
Beth Newell Edith Ethel Avertll
Thelma Crouch Clara Joe
Madeline Averlll Rosolla Watson
Dclma Cavanaugh
Helen Vice
Frances Low
Lawrence Markey
'ha rile Proe
Roy Joe
We hope that we are the first to re
spond. Maybe we can stir up a little
Interest thereby. Yours sincerely,
"Alexandria. Neb.. Sept. 12."
The plan outlined In that letter Is a very
g'iod one. but If the children do not feel
like giving In cash, let them give such
articles as will make illablc gifts. It is
hard to furnish an eact list, but mittens,
mufflers, cap, dolls, all the wonlerful
collection old Santa CIhus carries in his
pack will be of use, for hoys and girls
are very much the same the world around.
They do not speak the same language,
maybe, but they have the same feelings,
and anything that will make one of Uncle
Ssin's little nephews or nieces hap;py on
Christmas day will bring a sparkle to the
eyes of Oretchen or Hans In Germany,
to Marie or Pierre In France or to John
or Alice In England.
School teachers, you can do more to
make this move a great and glorious suc
cess than anyone else. All you have to
do Is to organise the generous Impulse of
your children. They are willing to help
and only need to be told how. Will you
do It? Of course, ou will. In all your
lives you never had such a chance as th's
to aid in bringing a little Joy Into a world
that is overburdened by Its unusual load
of sorrow. Just a little help now means
a great happiness for someone. T"ll the
children of the plan and yon will find
them more than ready to help In It.
Parents, when your boy or girl asks
you about the plan for the Christmas
Ship, tell them it !s a worthy plan, in
which the only Kain Is for the giver.
Think of the boy or girl yours might be
on Christmas morning, were you, father,
a subject of one of the iTutrles now at
war, or had you, mother, kissed your sol
dier husband goodbye and saw him march
away to kill the father of some other boy
or girl, or to be killed himself. Look at
that picture for a mlnuto and you'll not
need to be urged to help make the Christ
mas Ship the greatest argosy of Joy that
ever floated In this world.
Write to the Christmas Ship Editor of
The Bee and you will get all the needed
Information. As fast as details are
worked out the particulars will be pub
lished, and it is now up to the boys and
girls and the school teachers and the
fathers and mothers to get busy. They
can tell what they want to give, and
anything and everything suitable will be
New Application Made in Suit
Against Rock Island System.
Nerr Allegations Are Made Alleging
Irregular Transactions In Trans
fer of Stork of Southern
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES, la.. Sept. 19.-(SpeciaJ
Telegram.) A new move In tlie suit to
(unravel the financial transactions of
various Rock Island Railroad companies,
was made by attorneys today In the suit
by a Kansas woman to compel restitution
for alleged losses by stock manipulation.
They ask an order of the court to have
brought Into court all the books.' papers,
documents and other written evidence re
lating to the handling business of the
various companies aa related to stock is
sues and other financial matters. The
court Is asked to issue this order and
get the books before another meeting of
the board of directors ts held. The peti
tion has also been amended making new
allegations about irregular stock trans
actions affecting various southern lines
of the Rock Island.
Commission Will
Reopen Rate Cases;
Hearing in October
WASHINGTON. Sept. 1!.-The inter
state Commerce comtnirsion today de
cided to reopen the advance rate case
and will begin hearings here on October
19. A formal order to that effect wh.i
Western railroads already are prepar
ing applications for Increases In freight
rates so that when the commission be
gins the rehearing It will have, sub
stantially before It applications for in
creased freight rates from the Atlantic
to the Pacific.
LONDON, Sept. 19. -Through the efforts
of the war office 1.7) military hospitals
have been organized in Great Britain.
These have been arranged in groups and
each has an adminlstritive center. Prac
tically all the sick and wounded return
ing from the continent are received at
Southampton, and from there those
whose condition Is the most serious are
sent to Royal Victoria hospital, Netley,
and the others are distributed where
their cases can be handled to the best
Rheumatism, brought on by exposure,
makes the condition of some of the In
jured very pitiful.
Some typhoid has been reported among
British soldiers In the field. Sir William
Osier's suggestion that the American's
Vlan of Inoculating all soldiers against
typhoid be adopted Is generally supported
by the press.
MANCHESTER. Sept. 19 Greatly In
creased attendance at church services is
nn of tha marked effects of the war
which has been noted by Manchester
clergymen, one of whom, discussing this
subject in a Manchester paper, says: "It
is surprising to see as large an attend
ance at a week-night service as at a Sun
day service. It Is the instinct of those
left at home to find fellowship at such
times. But the outstanding factor is that
the war Is bringing us as a nation into
the presence of the realtiea of life and
Japanese Order for
Air Motors Refused
BERLIN. Sept. 18.-(Vla Wireless by
Way of Sayville, L. I.) According to the
Cologne Gazette, Japan sent a special
commissioner to a German motor com
pany during the first days of July to
J order 400 aeroplane motors to be delivered
within the shortest limit of time. The
order, however, was not carried out.
The German governor of Belgium (Gen
eral von Goltz) has appointed Privy
Councillor Dr. von Falcke to decide on
ways and means to protect Belgian
treasures of urt against burglars and
pillage. Dr. von Falcke Is now making
a tour of Lonvain, Naraur, Huy, Nevilles
and Liege, accompanied by a Belgian art
expert nsmed Orteil, and will take what
ever measures to this end may be neces
sary. It Is announced that three aeroplanes
are again over Paris.
The British naval commission has left
The Russian general (Partos). who or
dered the shooting of eleven of the male
Inhabltantrt and the burning of all vil
lages In east Prussia, lids been tried by a
German court-martial.
LONDON, Sept. 19. In a dispatch from
Rome the correspondent of the Exchange
Telegraph company says that six Austrian
torpedo boats have bombarded Antivari,
a fortified port of Montenegro. They
made a special but fruitless effort to de
stroy the French wireless station. No
damage was Inflicted on the town.
lost Mens ole.
STORM LAKE The last fiuarterly
conference for the years 1K1S-14 of tha
Methodist Episcopal church. Htorm Iike
charge, was held last Thursday evening
with Dr R. T. Chipperfield, superinten
dent of the 6ioux City district, presiding.
Reports of officers showed last year s de
ficit paid and this year's finances to be
in a very flourishing condition. Dr. K. K
Johnson, the local pastor, is chairman of
the hoard of examiners and secretary or
the North went Iowa couicrriuc. wui. .i
meets at Forest City. September 30.
STORM I.AKE The foot ball outlook
for thfl Storm Lake High school U one
of th best for several years, notwith
standing the tact that at leant oue-tliird
of laet year's team will be niiH.ied from
the lineup. Principal H. E. Hryan and
his assistant, O. I. Dill, except to driil a
machine that will make a good account
of Itself. The gsmes are Fort Dodge at
Fort Dodge, October 10; UMan at Storm
Laka, October 17; Spirit Lake at Spirit
Lake, October 24; Cherokee at Cherokee,
November 7; Ida Grove at -torm Lake,
November 14; Sac City at Sao City, No
vember 21; Webster City at W sbstor City,
Kovamber 26.
LONDON, Sept. 19. -Six steamers, car
rying 6,000 Americans, left the British
Isles today for the United States. This
makes the total of American departures
during the week 15.000.
Among the passengers sailing today
are Andrew Carnegie and Sir Johnston
The weekly report issued by Herbert C.
Hoover, chairman of the American relief
committee in I-ondon, shows that 9T7
Americans have been assisted during the
last seven days and that the total of
Americans departing since August 6 Is
ST.Ofln, of whom 8.637 have been assisted.
LONDON, Sept. 19. The Blue Cross so
ciety, whir-h has been established at the
suggestion of Sylvia Lathrop, the 14-year-old
daughter of Ben Lathrop of Califor
nia, and which Is composed entirely of
children, has the collection of tobacco
for convalescent soldiers as Its particular
mission. Already the children have ob
tained enough smoking material to supply
200 soldiers in one London hospital and
the work la constantly expanding.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 10. Special Tel
egram.) Postmasters appointed :
Nebraska South Sioux City, Dakota
county. Gustav lilassel, vice J. R. Kno
sen. Iowa Baxter, Jasper county, Peter J.
Cool, vice C. C. Webb; Denmark, Lee
counjty. Charles W. Flint vice W. N.
Ulacklnton; Drakesvllle, Davis county,
John Myers, vice J. N. Wood; Kesley,
Butler county, Henry W. Relnts. vice
John Wetsanlls; Mount Sterling. Van
Huren county, Alvah L. Roberts, vice
T. L. Palish: Roeeoe Des M olneM count i-
Charles H. Barton, vlca J. Barton: Wi
Burlington, Dch Moines county, Theodore
r. Niemann, vice Charles Scnwarz; i'aie,
Gulhrlu county. Hazel M. .Sanders, vice
e!le lieck. resigned.
Iowa postmasters reappointed: Alding
ton, Btitler county, Dlik Voond, Arcadia
Csrmil county, Francis T. M.ihir;
Arediiie, Butlir county, Millard S Bailey
Halbur, Carroll county, Joseph Koenla:
1 JdcerdaV, Carroll couniy John F
Rohn; Maple River. Carroll county John
Flesk; Matlock, Kloux county, John West
erman; Maurice. Sioux county. John E
Mleraa; Mount Zion, Van Burn countv,
JoiM-ph 6 Wiley; Perkins, Sioux County
Everett Van Putten; Ralston. Cut-roll
county. Homer J. C. Reed. Yarmouth. Dcs
Koines county, Lauretta Jonea,
Wc Announce for Monday Only, a Great
eeing Sale of Exhibition
Gowns, Dresses and Millinery
Chir entire collection of exquisite garments, bought espe
cially lor our ojHMnnjr displays will bo placed on sale
Monday at one-fourth off. These are exclusive produc
tions of foremost makers. A sale of prime interest to the
well dressed women of Omaha and vicinity. Sale starts
promptly at S:.'!0 A. M. For the one day Monday only
at ( OFF
$95.C0 Suits YA off, Monday at $71.25
$85.C0 Suits 4 off, Monday at $63.75
S65.C0 Suits off, Monday at $48.75
$55.00 Suits 14 off, Monday at $41.25
$49.50 Suits 14 off, Monday at $37.12
at )i OFF
$1C0.00 Gowns 4 off, Monday at $75.00
$90.00 Gowns 14 off, Monday at $67.50
$70.00 Gowns y4 off, Monday at $52.50
$60.C3 Gowns off, Monday at $45.00
555.00 Gowns off, Monday at $41.25
Women's Fall Suits
And Basque Dresses. f yl QC
$20 values Monday at.V0)
New Styltex Suits
rnerpialled at $3."i. 0l CA
elsewhere. pppc-IhI at. .ys-TDU
eautiful Pattern
Our entire stock of Imported pattern hats whin h wr so much admired during our opening: display
will he placed on ale Monday at one-fourth off o tir low marked prices:
m ifl Pattern Hats
ffJL That sold for $20.00, ir nn
T Opening Sule prlre . . . J10.vU
J1C H Pattern Hats
the Marked That sold for $?.0.00
Trice. Opening Sale price .
Pattern Hats
That sold for $22.50. M QQ
Opening Sale price . . . y 1D.OO
Pattern Hats
That sold for $37.50,
Opening Sale prlre . .
ats Monday at
Pattern nats S n
That sold for $25.00. C1C7C X bTk
Opening Kale prlre ... y'lO.I 0 f mV
Pattern Hats OFF
That sold for $40.00. fcQA Aft the Marked
Opening Salo prlre . . . fOV.VU
Just Finished 100 Newly Trimmed Hats
Handsome styles. No two alike. Excellent values
These hats are exart copies of New York and Parisian models
for Opening Sale Monday:
Trimmed Hats C AA I Trimmed Hats
Worth $7.50. Monday at PJ.VU I Worth $10.00. Monday at.
Trimmed Hats
Worth $15.00, Monday at.
Clever Sailors
Made of Lyons Velvet,
Monday at
Worth $5.00.
IMMIIHMlll ASl sss
Smart Turbans
inn ipjj
r.wniT'niiaiiiiiuuJiiiiU :
And Sailors,
Monday at
Value to $8.05
French Recall Pau's !
Interesting Reply
PARTS, Kept. 19. The French papers
are recalling an interesting reply which
General Pau made a year ai?o when Ills i
a'lmirers proposed to present him with a j
sword of honor upon the ootasion of his 1
KlvlnR up command of the Twentieth
army corps.
"I certainly should not accept the
sword of honor that you and other well
meaning putrlots think of Klving me." ho
said. "Such a recompenso must be re
served for the man who shall lead our
victorious armies lieyond Metz and Ptrass
burg, beyond the Rhine, into the very
heart of the German empire. As for me,
modest worker In times of peace, enemy
to publicity and popularity, It Is sufficient
that I have the confidence of those who
have served under my orders, and the
suffrages of Rood people s;u h as you."
Twenty-four acres of low ground in the
city of Omahu, lying northwest from tho
tierman Home on South Thirteenth street,
has delinquent taxes and inte.rejit Mser(l
against It that total mora thvJoiir ies
the actual value of the property Itself,
according to County Treasurer W. O.
Ire. He sugBeBts that the city buy the
land at tax sules and hold It for a public
playground, when that part of Omaha
becomes more densely populated. The
property is known as tax lot No. 31. and
runs from the German Home to fottaee
park addition. The ownership Is unco
termolned. as title Is Involved. Since K2,
no taxes on It have been paid, and thev
now amount with the accrued Interest to
about llH.OiiO, or over t'M per acre. Treas
urer t're says the land is worth not over
"The next time I see a crap game,
Judge, I'm going to run like sixty," Roy
Kimball told Judse English In the diHtrtet
criminal ourt. He was paroled to
Probation Officer A. H. Vosburgh, after
pleading guilty to contributing to th
delinquency of a minor by influencing the
latter to "shoot craps."
Henry II Miller, held on a forgery
charge, paroled t-. M. Andreasen of th
Nebraska Prison axsoclatlon, on proinlso
to be good and go to work.
Following a change In bottled beer
agencies, by which Walter Molse became
agent for the Leisy Brewing- company,
he has now ben made defendant In a
district rourt action of replevin by the
brewing company. The latter seeks to
lecover possession of two auto trucks and
the electric etreet sign, which Molse used I
as aent for the brewery. nd to which
the brewli'P comrany alleges ihe ceased
to have a right after September 17.
as a Tire User are
Loose Treads
Note How we Combat them in
Needless Tire Troubles
Rim-Cuts the chiefest tire troubles
are utterly needless. They are ended
completely in a faultless way in Good
year No- Rim-Cut tires.
lIow-Out, in largo part, are due to
wrinkled fabric. Our "On-Air cure
eliminates this cause. This exclusive
Goodyear process costs us $1,500 daily.
Loose treads we combat by a patent
method. Hundreds of large rubber rivets
are formed in each tire, reducing this risk
60 per cent
Punctures are minimized in our All
Weather tread. It is tough and double-
Skidding is best
combated by this same
exclusive tread. The
grips ore sharp, deep,
resistless. Yet the
tread is flat and regu
lar. It runs as smoothly as a plain tread.
Save These Losses
Save the avoidable troubles. Get all
the safety, strength and mileage that you
can. Then you have the utmost in a tire.
That is what Goodyear gives you. In
the five ways cited, no other maker offers
what we give.
The result is that Goodyear leads. No
other tire commands such prestige or such
And our matchless output enables
prices which few makers meet.
Tires are not alike.
Only one tire made
offers these great Good
year features. Get it.
Learn what it means
to you.
Tbli(uiiuLusoutrUia (ktlmi with uir oUier rubber nmrem a bit h umss lu Goodreax name
Any Dealer can Supply you Goodyear Tirs. If the wanted
size is not in stock he will telephone our Local Branch.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With All-Weather Treads or Smooth
Had I.ouan to hleo.
Bud Logan, the Omaha youth who had
been so rapidly climbing to the top of
the heap as a weltereinht pug, has de
parted from his nstlva hea,th and Is qow
making Chicago his headMoxrtera. Limn
haa entered tho stable of Silver Ferettl in
Chicago and I'eivtti is arranging several
matches tor blm.
Make swaps for profit. Look into the
"Swapper's Column"