Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
CoTers First District in Manner
that Pleases Voters.
All t'aadldatr Wlad r Joarnrr
TaroBKh atarat Xrbraska with
Street Meetla; la Llacola
Conant hj- Win. hip.
Registration Day at Kearney State Normal
("From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. fV-pt IJ.-tSpeclaU-Thi-automobile
tour of th republican candi
dates for stata and congressional office
through the First congressional district
tu concluded here last nlitht In a mon
Star meetlnir held Just north of the Inter
section of Thirteenth and O streets, where
a lanre crowd gathered to listen to tha
candidate. ;
Ten towna had been covered during the
day, tearing PlaJUmouth In the morn
Inn and spesklnK at all of the towna en
route to Lincoln. Before arriving here
speeches wera rnafle at lUvelorlt by R.
TV. Howell, randldnte for governor, and
Dr. A. O. Thorn aa, candidate for atata
superintendent; At University place, C.
F. Reavls, candldats for congress, ad
c'reusrd a Urge gathering On the. street
and was followed by Howell and Thomaa.
Thomas Catches CrowJ.
Arriving In Lincoln, l)r." Thomaa waa
Introduced aa the first speaker, after F.
A. Harrlaon had given a' talk on the trip
made during the week and the Incldenrs
connected with the difficulties experienced
on account .of the mod. Pr. Thorns
caught the crowd at ence by hi bull
neaallk talk and h!a method which he
aaid he would lllta to tee carried Into ef
fect If he should he elected stale super-
' Intendent i received freount applause
and at tha close of his speech waa greeted
' with a demonstration which showed that
his te.ik wss appreciated.
Heavta Talks Tariff.
C. F. Reavla of Falls City was the
principal speaker at the meeting. He cap
tured the crowd at once with his eloquent
address. Ha 'covered in a short way the
workings of the preaent democratic tariff
law and explained how sadly It had failed
to bring about a reduction In the high
. coat of living.
:'The Underwood tariff' law Was not
created," aaid Mr. Reavls, "so much to
reduce tha tiigh cost of living as was
. to protect certain Industries and aroduc
: tlons of tha states from which the prssl
' dent and Mr. Underwood came. ThJ dam
Wcrata told us what free trade would do
for ua. but In creating the free list what
did they do? They put a tariff on eighty
production of .the state of New Jersey,
- eight on the production of tha state of
' .. Alabama, the home of Mr. Underwood.
The uma tariff bill puts on tha free list
;-tnty-alx of the most Important produc
tion of the ' state of Nebraska- Among
the Nebraska productions whloh are on
the free list are rya, oats, wool, eggs,
. meats, wheat, etc. In Alabama product
,. there I a protection on lice, tobacco,
peanuts, cotton fabric, ate.
Iaerna Isaporte.
' "The Increase an Importation for the
- Uwi- 'continued Mr. Reavi. "a torn
pared with tha same period under the old
law' is" potatoes, M9per cent; butter, (IS3
' per cent: sheep, 1.&4S per cent; meats, 1,877
per cent; corn. 4,210 per cent, and oats,
, 29.14C per cent."
. Mr. Reavls called attention to tha fact
that since the democratic tariff law had
I gone Into effect that fifty woolen mills
In New England alone had dosed, throat
ing out of employment 15.000 men. '
He said that If elected to cangrea h
; would do all in hi power to uphold Pres-
Ident Wilson in his policy to keep crepe
from the doors of American homes and
would stand back of him In his effort to
keep tha United flute from getting Jnto
trouble which ' would bring, death and
desolation to the (American fireside. :. .
Telia f Est? Eplsad.
K. B. Howell cloaed the meeting with a
hort address. He dJ not cover state is
. sues In hi talk, but told hi ' audlfthce
what had happened since he spoke to
' them before the primary from the name
location. He gave a history of the egg
throwing episode In Omaha on the eve
.of th primary. and aaid that if he waa
elected governor ha would do hi duty as
executive of tha atata In cleaning up the
city. He laid all the blame for the egg
throwing to the city administration and
' said that hi call for protection when he
anew tnat ne wn to be assaulted waa
paid no attention to by. the mayor of, the
city. ';,: ' t 1
t-ommeat ay Wlnahlp.
Tl- IT . nfi . . ...
, ninsnip in tb journal of
, Education of the issue of September 8.
1 make the following comment on tha
COnteet fnr 1 t rx r4nt.H4 - - v . . ' .
.M-vHuUh V4 yuouo ixi-
tructloa In Nebraska:
Tha liveliest campaign we have ever
known for a nomination of a atata super
intendent was tn the republican primaries
of Nebraska tht year. A. O. Thomas, the
: first and long time principal of the Kear-
. ney Normal school prior to last i ear. and
l'eputy btata Superintendent K. 1 Elliott,
, were tha candidate. Doth made whirl
wind campaigns and neither aeemed to
. lack for funds for any legitimate use.
We chanced to be In tha state the last
. two weeks of the campaign and we have
never eeea anything to compare with It.
No one can understand It who haa not
known the personalities tn education In
Nebraska during the last ten years. It
has been useless to warn anyone that he
was playing with fire. Ultimata con
'. sequence never aeemed to Interest them.
As to the outcome of the election, we
. . know nothing, of course, but tha primary
, contest was more vital aa a test of specl
' fic values than the state election, for tn
that party poliUoa will signify much, and
there waa no party politics In the prl
' tnarla. Mr. Thomaa won by above .UM
malortty. which Is beyond anything
dreamed of by. either side, aa we met
. them dally for two weeks Just prior to
the voting. There can be no Interpre
tation of the nomination that doea not
leave Mr. Thomaa a great gainer by tha
i outcome.
Kf ht r -"
1 f 1.
i - 1 :
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w,Ble"w'a nasawaagjs
r .wni,(nlii.i v T m -,! rit -. . , i1-- ----- i II - nimm- .i...., ., , .. n . in, h , ttmM.m m. .'li feinei-Mix
The above Illustration Is a registration
day (np at the Kearney Normal school.
Monday waa registration dav for the fn
and winter, term at the Kearney Htale
Normal school, and the new nrnadUnl
Oeorge S. Dick, had even-thing In readi
ness for the opening. The students began
to pour. Into tha city early Monday morn
ing, but not too early for the Christian
associations, who were at the Incoming
trains to meet them. The students were
greeted by committees from the associa
tions and taken to the school In one of
the auto trucks of the city, which was
decorated with bannrrs with the school
name and the school yell. Over 300 stu
dent were taken to and from the school
during the first day In the automobile.
Tho honpltiiHty of the associations was
appreciated by the incoming students,
many of whom did not know where the
i school was located.
LINCOLN, Sept lt.-8pecial Telegram.)
Tha atata executive committee of the
repuhllcaa party aaid a session her this
artereoon. A. W. Jefferta of Omaha and
(X Oi O'Neill ware the only
.member absent. Tha work of. tho. cam.
palga as It haa progressed so far was
goo over and much satisfaction ex
pressed for the manner In whl?h Chair
man Walter Oeorge and hi .assistant
. bad carried on the work.
A scheme for raising fund was pro
posed wnicn U I thought will ralae suffi
cient money to carry on the campaign.
f after a talk by the chairman la which hs
aid he proposed to be In the fight "until
' thKlast armed foe expires."
The committee adjourned subject to a
' Vl ty-tb chairman. .....
Missouri Pacific Appeals from Judg
ment Secured by John Button.
"apporte.r of Champ t'lark In Last
Election Refuses to Become Head
f Democratic! PaOllcly
Rnreaw This Fall.
(FYom a Staff Correspond, it.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. 1 (Special.)
The supreme court will be called upon to
Buttle the question whether tha Missouri
I'aclfio roadbed makes a good place to
sleep and If the company is liable for
damages If it sleeping patrons are
awakened before their nap is out by pass
ing trains, which fall to wake the sleeper.
The Missouri I'aclfio railroad appeals
from a Judgment lecured In tho district
court of Douglas county by John Hutton,
who sued the company for S3.0H0 damage
for being run over while taking a snoose
on tho roadbed. The Jury awarded Put
ton $1,800. Button say that on May 4,
WW, at tha hour of i o'clock he lay him
self down on tha right-of-way of the
company about lxty feet from a cross
ing with hi head In close proximity to
one of tha rails. Ha claim that the en
gineer of an approaching train failed to
blow the whistle when he approached the
crossing and. therefore, he never knew
the train waa approaching untlr It ran
over his hand.
Uooae Fair Rxcels.
Secretary W. R. . Mellor of tha Stat
Board of Agriculture returned this morn
ing from a trip to the Boone county fa'r
at Albion, the fair at Bcrlbner and one or
two other fair. He spoke In very glowing
terms of the different exhibitions hut
especially of the Boone county fair, where
on Thursday, despite the threatening con
lSdltton of the weather In the morning,
about 16,000 people were gathered on the
grounds. .He. said, .that the exhibit of
horse at this fair was tha beat ha h.d
vr seen, while other exhibit were very
Derrenoe Will Not Serve.
Carle Q. PeKrance. who waa aonolnted
at tha head of the publicity bureau of tho
democatlo state committee, has declined
the Office and ha written a letter to the
committee in, which he aay that he I In
coarse or tne campaign against tho re
moval of the university and therefore
cannot conscientiously take nart in tt
democi-atlo campaign. lie says also that
ne (lid not support President Wllann in
the presidential campaign because he was
ominated by both wlnxs of tha nartv
and that Mr. Bryan' elimination of
Champ Clark did not make Mr. Wilson a
poMiblllJy until tha Roger Hulllvanltes
and the Tammanylte climbed Into tho
band wagon, and thweo facts, together
with Mr. Wilson' former uttersnce re
garding Mr. Bryan, did not cause me to
become wildly entliuslastlo over the can
didacy of Mr. "Wilson.
However, ha claims to feel better now.
but cannot accept tha Job. Frank Eager,
who 1 secretary of tha same university
anti-removal committee haa not yet seen
fit to withdraw a a member of the demo
cratic committee.
Grading: for Trolley Llae. ,
SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept. 19. (Special
Telegram.) Fischer Stevens sradlna-
gang who finished up the ground for the
new Burlington depot, moved today to the
cement plunt to start work on the grade
for tha trolley Una from the plant to tha
city. An Omaha contractor got ten eon
tract to build the Burlington station.
Nebraska Wesleyan Debt Reduced
by Ministers' Gifts.
Methodist Ministers Assigned to
Pulpit. In that (Ity Today
Dr. hnmate Transferred
to Florida.
The Nebraska Wesleyan university has
been the predominating theme of the con
ference. The banquet waa attended by a
large number and the toast were given
by Chancellor Fulmer and I. B. Shreck
engast of the university and Bishop Hen
derson, John N. Dryden, J. F. Bceye, E.
K. Bowen, E. M. Fur man also responded
In speeches.
It was an enthusiastic affair and led up
to a session of the conference yesterday
In which the preachers subscribed $35,000
to apply on tha SinO.000 debt. Bishop Hen
derson led the campaign for subscription
and for an hour ho kept the conference
In good humor and at the aame time get
ting subscriptions. There were several
11,000 subscriptions made.
Shumate, to Florida.
Pr. T. H. Shumate, who ha been dis
trict superintendent for many years, serv
ing In the North riatte district and in the
Kearney district, and at present a trustee
of the Methodist hospital at Omaha and
a.' trustee of Nebraska Wesleyan univer
sity and a delegate to the general confer
ence, ha been transferred to the St
John' river conference In Florida and
wlU ha appointed to Be bring, Fla.
Dr. J. P. V. John' morning lectures
have created much interest and the pop
ular, lecture given last nigh; on "The
Worth of a Man" was listened to by an
Immense audience. No man Is better
known on the Methodist platform than
this ex-presldent of Do Pauw university.
He preaches today in the Congregational
church at Fremont '
Memorial Service Today.
. Several Omaha people are to visit the
eat of the conference today to attend
the memorial services of Dr. Jennings
and Dr. McLaugl.ltu. Dr. John F. Pourher
of Stanton will speak on the life of Dr.
Jennings and Dr. O. H. Shumate on Dr.
McLaughlin. The jilshop will pay a
tribute to the memory of Wuhop Robert
Mclntyre. This service will be followed
by the ordination services. The local
churches will listen to the visiting minis
ters today. Bishop Henderson will preach
in the high school auditorium at Fremont
at 10:30 o'clock and Dr. John In the Con
gregational church at the eamo hour.
The pulpit asHlgnntent for Fremont
churches are as follows:
Congregational Church Morning, Dr. J.
I. D. John; evening J. K. Boeye.
Baptist Church Morning. C. P. Lang;
evening, O. II. Main.
Christian Church Morning. C. W. Ray;
evening, II. F. Huntington.
Presbyterian Church Morning. J. O.
Bhlck; evening. F. M. Drullver.
The following trustees were elected for
Nebraaka Wesleyan university: E. D.
Hull, E. E. Hosman, J. A. Slater, N. A.
Martin. P. U Harper, R. N. Orrlll and:
.11. L. Talne.
Be readers are too Intelligent to over
look the opportunities In the "want ad"
columns. They're worth while reading.
Woaaded Mas TaUcw from Train.
TECUMSE1I. Neb., Sept. 19 Speclal
Telegram. -Joseph Lorkett. a young col
ored man. claiming to live In Ottawa,
Kan., was taken from a freight train here
hv the officers. He had been wounded In
I . i i - .1 - r.lkt ' ft tha
Burlington fired at him with a revolver
when he waa stealing a lid and refused
to leave tha train. This occurred at Table
Rock. A doctor probed the wound at the
Jail, but could locate no bullet. He said
the wound might have been caused In
some other way.
"Yes, I Reconnend Duffy's Always
because for more than fifty year
It has been recognised a one of the
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That's what many conscientious
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made from clean, selected (rain, thor
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used In hospitals; prescribed and endorsed by many physician because of
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Always be sure to get Duffy's don't merely ask for It insist on get
ting; It. Tou can eatilly tell the genuine! se that the seal over the cork
is unbroken that our name and monogram are blown
In the bottle that our label bears our trade-mark of(
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Sold in sealed bottles only by most druggists, gro
cers and dealers, f 1.00. "tot Duffy's ami Ker Well."
The Duffy .Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.
i 1 1
WHERE you always receive prompt, careful intelligent,
but never presumptuous service one feature only of many
that have made the "Union's" organization what it is to
OTHERS and what it is going to mean to YOU in satis
faction, economy and fair dealing when you are ready to
Belect the HOME OUTFIT.
Price, quality and liberal terms considered, this big organ
ization is YOUR protection against ANY unsatisfactory
dealings. The "Union's" advantages are at YOUR ser
vice if it'3 fae furnishing of a home, we have a number
of splendid three, four and five room HOME OUTFITS
that we offer at SPECIAL prices and SPECIAL terms.
This great range uses EVERY
bit of fuel and for EVERY bit of
fuel uaed you get MORE satisfac
tory results than from any other
range there is ABSOLUTELY no
waste heat. We will show you HOW
and WHY. Let us put one of these
famous ranges in your home on
39 Bays' Free Trial
With one of these ranges you will
have THAT delight and enjoyment
which can come ONLY to one hav
ing the HIGHEST grade and BEST
article of its kind made. A GUAR
SOLD. Sold on
$1.00 PER 1'JEEK
Just Think
Yourself stand
ing before you;
never tired: al
ways ready for fit
ting and draping.
Instantly dupli
cates your body
measurements and
proportions (or tU.
of any . feminine
member of your
family), gives you
your "very image"
to work with. Is it
any wonder every
gown Is a perfect
stylish fit?
Independently ad
justable at Neck,
Bust, Waist, Hips
and Skirt. The
'Ideal" is- a money
Having, labor saving
necessity to every
household. Special
$1.50 Cash, $1.00 Monthly
mSBMm So,d flgcnls for the Rcncwncd
py"0Ward f "Dra" HCa'er
Sit '!2Sfo yWM NSS &v I' ' 4
jyPfA TJ.-j1 K2BfflSJriBTM I MP I M
n'T" ?!Tiiuiipiiiiiiii ijisjiiiii
Fumed Oak Loose
U Cnshion ROCKER s&ssmSiism
A shovel full of coal will give more
heat and lasts longer in a Howard
Heater than in any other make. The
"Union" has the sole Omaha selling
on these marvelous heaters. The above
illustration shows the wonderful pat
ented over-draft system used only in
the Howard. This system enables this
heater to consume ALL the gases and
combustible elements in the coal, ren
dering the stove almost smokeless.
Burns every kind of fuel. Many dif
ferent styles. Easy terms.
Exactly like the illustration pic
tured above and a rocker every line
of which speaks comfort and rest.
It is made of solid oak; finished in
a delightful fumed and the loose
cushions are upholstered in Fabrl
coid leather.
For a Beautiful $16.50
Empress Brussels RUG
They are 9x12 ft. in size; there is a nice assort
ment; designs and patterns are desirable and
there are no mitre seams,
mtm m- ') v"wwiiii! mmuu mi m iimm.w'j nt i ij,m i i in th m in iinimi m i n i in n i isini" i.m nsiniiiiuim.ii
lir ITT a ill nt-1 -"- rr Hnr-T-n-ni l-i-r-rr-i i 1 lii "n '-p'-rTl T" i fl 'i i j m"n f i' nJl''in'illlii-i i --4 II II
;.v i--f J tyzXZ '-jL4-r muuu.itiy .
s&O.OMAHA.NSB. . , "
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In tha West.
Family trade supplied by: South Omaha W'M. JliTTER, 2503 N Street
Telephone South H03. Omaha IIUUO F. B1LZ, 1924 Itouglas Street;
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bbreetv IhoM 368:
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Day in and day out
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"Board and Rooms" 'column of
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Don't waste any more time wondering where
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go out today to any one of the places advertised in
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Telephone Tyler 1000
Eerbody RaJ Want A d.