Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, SPORTS SECTION, Page 3-S, Image 39

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    Bringing Up
'1 SSlf I oukwH Ujft - TR?Sr xo52:,,lT" m V to do with that?
. - 1 I ,,V ffJ -
At Least that is What Griffith of
Washington Says of Boston.
Xld Not Get I p the Right Amoant
of Steam 1'ntlt Rich a Time aa
the Race Tamed Into a
Routine Procession.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. "The best
ball club Jn the same today will not take
lart in the coming world's series. But
this club will surely be In It next year
with anything like an even break In luck,
for class will tell.
The above words were spoken by Clark
Griffith, manager of the Washington
team, the other afternoon. If Urlf had
supplemented this statement by naming
Ms own club as the strongest in the land
he would only provoke smiles. But Re
Pins the bouquet on a rival team of
his own organization, at. the same time
admitting that he cannot hoie to win a
pennant with the Washington team as it
stands today, because of its weakness
with the stick.
"The best ball club In the world today
Is in Boston," said Griffith, "and I am
not referring to the Braves, who are In
the thick of the pennant fight. I mean
the Red Sox, who have hardly a remote
chance, if any at all, to win a pennant.
Before another season has gone very far
the fans will admit that I had a proper
line on Carrigan's team In making that
ktatement. They will beat out the Ath
letics next season Just as sure as they
will beat my team out this season. Ami
right here I will say that the Athletics,
thoush I rank them as poorer than the
Red Sox now, are tn no danger of losing
the coming world's series to either Giants
or Braves, which ever team may face
Soonds Illogical.
"Sounds illogical, doesn't It? One may
ask why the Red Sox are not out In front
if they arc better than the Athletics. I ll
tell you why: the changes that have
made the Red Sox snch a wonderful ball
club were not made until the American
leugue race had ceased to be a race and
had turned Into a procession. With the
neent acquisitions the Red Sox are
clearly the best balanced ball club In the
game today.
"I fully estimate the strength of the
wonderful infield of the Mack men and
Wally Schang, the great catcher of the
Athletics. But Boston Is now a much
better club, all departments considered,
than the world's champions. Mack Is
weak In pitchers, though, those two wise
old birds. Plank and Bender, will be
properly fitted for the short series next
month. On the other hand, Carrlgan has
the best pitching staff in the country,
one of the best ever gathered together
on one club. Wood hss had a rather
poor year, due to appendicitis, but he Is
a wonder and he will be back next year.
Leonard Is another great pitcher, aa his
record this season lias shown. Foster,
Vean Gregg and Ray Collins are also
something abov he ordinary in plUhtng
skill. But to my mind the star of the
entire collection f have not mentioned.
This Is Shore, the youngster who was
purchased by Lannln recently from Bal
timore. He is the nearest thing to Wal
ter Johnson who has come into the ma
jors since Walter arrived and I look for
Shore to develop Into another Johnson,
lie is one of the main reasons why the
Red Sox are better than the Athletics
now and Hoblltzel Is another.
Infield More Than Half.
"The Athletic infield is more than half
the team, ranking so far ahead of other
departments in strength that there Is no
comparison. Well do I know the strength
of it. But Boston is now looming up
with a remarkable quartet of inflelders,
every one a star. I had Dick Hoblltzel
in Cincinnati and I consider him a tlO.OOO
ball player. How he ever got out of the
National league will always be a mys
tery to me. When 1 got the request for
wai.-ers I thought it was simply a feeler
for a trade, not having the least sus
picion that the National league would
let him escape. If I had realized that
he might get out I would have got in the
bidding myself. I have a fine first base
man myself and I give him credit for
making my club a 1-2-3 aggregation, but
I would have found plenty of use for
Hoblltzel. Normally Dick is a .290 hit
ter, as he showed In every campaign up
to the present while with Cincinnati. He
' is name,' always fighting, keeps In good
condition and Is a great man for a club.
He has rounded out a great Infield for
Two C'omlasj Stars.
"At second base and shortstop Carrlgan
has two of the coining stars of the pro
fession. Toung Scott, who stepred In
w hen Wagner's arm went had, k my Idea
of a remarkable ball player. He Is a bit
weak with the stick now, but he will im
prove. His fielding could hardly be Im
proved upon. At second base is Hal Jan
vrin, one of the most brilliant all-around
stars tbe game has recently developed.
He tan play anywhere on the Infield from
first to third, and now that he has a
chante to specialize at on position he
will be a star. Gardner at third is one
of those steady and reliable players who
are always doing something and doing It
well, though he is not played up aa one
of the game's great stars. He Is a good
ball player. With two youngsters full of
natural ability and Improving all the time
there are two veterans on the opposite
corners, this combination making a fine
"Now take the outfield. There Is no
well Informed fan who wilt deny that the
lioston outfield is well ahead of the Phil
adelphia gardeners for ability to cover
ground aa well as to hit. In fact, Boston
carries the best outfield In the game as
well as the best pitching staff. Speaker
and Hoopt r are wonderful outfielders;
Tris Is a great hitter and Hooper is al
ways dangerous with the bat. Lewis In
j left lacks the speed of his two partners.
but he carries a dynamic punch In that
old bat of his.
Catrhlns Staff Able.
"The catching staff of the Red Sox
may not bo the lx-st in the game when
one figures the throwing and batting as
well as the receiving, but It carries plenty
of ability. Carrlgan Is a wise fellow and
a fighter, and he has his men working
hard all the time. Cady and Thomas are
good, dependable backstoppors.
"Figure the team as a whole from back
stop to outfield and it Hands out today
as the best balanced hall club In the
country. Furthermore, It Is able to beat
the Athletics. My team has always found
the Mackmen a stumbling block, and this
beat us out of last year's pennant. But
the Red Hox have already won eleven
games from Connie's team and they have
lost only eight. Even before the recent
changes the Red Sox were able to hold
the world's champions practically even,
and now they turn around and take four
tn a row.
"It Is not to cast any reflection on
the teams in the coming series that I
say the beet team In the country Is out
or It. It Is simply to give credit where
credit is due. We all try to get the
stars and Carrlgan has picked up enough
within a few weeks to make a near-contender
loom up stronger than any other
club playing ball. His capture of Hobllt
zel was a master stroke, but the pur
chase of Shore was the kingpin move.
The trado for Gregg ought to show great
results In another year. To all this newly
acquired strength add the ability of two
sterling youngsters, full of speed and am
bition, around 'that second sack, and then
back up thia crowd with the best out
field In the game. If this entire aggre
gation of playing talent does not loom
up aa the best balanced ball club in the
game, I'll admit that I don't know a
real ball club when I see one."
Coa td n't Pick Winner.
"How about the National league race?"
Grif was asked.
'"I won't attempt to pick a winner," he
replied, "but I will state that It Is more
than emphasizing the honesty of base
ball. Here we fin on one hand Wll
bert Robinson, a friend of every Giant,
fighting tooth and nail against his old
pals, and on the other the Phillies, who
are not over strong for New York, mak
ing the Bravea go Into extra Innings
for a game that they had apparently won
with a four-run lead. Regardless of per
sonal feelings every player on the op
posing club la working his head off to
win, even though victory means nothing
to his club. It is part of the game, this
desire to win, regardless of consequences
to friends. In the American league we
find .the Athletics working for every
game, even though they have a big lead.
Their big lead has killed Interest In Phila
delphia and la costing the club thousands
of dollars, which any kind of a close
race would mean. But the players are
not letting up any In order to let their
employers reap a harvest. It is a case
of win all the time, and this honesty is
the health of base ball. It Is Inborn In
every player.
"Put a crook Into base ball, and he
would be an honest man In two years."
Receipts of Game to
Go to City Mission
A ball game for the benefit of the City
Mission will be played next Saturday
afternoon at Chris Lyck park, Benson,
by tbe Council Bluffs Young Men's Chris
tian Association team and the First
Methodist Baracaa of Omaha. Each of
these teams Is a pennant winner, the
Bluffs team in the Commercial league
and the Baracaa in the Church league.
All the receipts from the game will go
to the City Mission.
The first soccer foot ball game of the
year will be staged this afternoon at
Miller park, when the Omaha City team
will play a practice game with a view
toward selection of players for the ap
proaching season. Players who may
wish to sign up with any of ths several
Omaha soccer teams may do so at Miller
park thia afternoon, as the secretaries
of the various squads will be on hand.
Jack Johnson. Will Retara.
Jack Johnson, negro pugilist, will face
the federal court and receive his sen
tence for violation of the Mann act of
which he was convicted. This is the re
port following receipt of a cablegram
from London saying that the negro pugilist
had left there en route for Chicago to
face bi sentence.
Copyright. 1(14. Internationa;
News Pervtce.
Valentines, Class A, Champions Omaha City League
i i i i Tj rj n
The F. M. Valentine team, by defeating
such teams aa the Black Kats, the Lux us,
the Atlantic's and the Townsends, has
won the Class A amateur championship
of Omaha, and would now like to test
Sandlot Teams Wind Up Schedule
with High Honors,
Amateur Iliue BaJI Players Will
Gather at Ronrke Park and
Show Themselves in Ath
letic Prowess.
After a tough and gallant fight against
overwhelming odds, the Omaha Amateur
Base Ball association has closed Its first
season successfully. Omaha fans are also
coming to the conclusion that Omaha has
an amateur association that will soon be
equal to any of Its kind In these United
States. With this much accomplished, the
directors of the association will improve
conditions, considerably next season. The
most important thing left on the blll-of-fare
for the directors to handle before
taking their six months snooze. Us the
big field meet, which will be pulled off at
Rourke'a park, Sunday, October 4.
, Cause a Good One.
Of course, nothing similar to this meet
has ever beetn Jerked off In this town
and it is a cinch that a record breaker
crowd will be on hand to witness these
events. If the fans fall to decorate the
stands on this Cay, there will be a an
tral bunch of ball tossers. Now, fans, you
really owe it to these boys to slip them
a few Jitneys, because they have played
all teason without asking you to dig In
your Jeans, and it Is only an equitable
play on your part to reciprocate now that
the opportunity la afforded you. All you
have to do la to slip two bits over the
counter. Just the price of a couple of
gcod weeds. The field meet will start
about 180 o'clock and will last until 4
o'clock. To Instill more Interest, the as
sociation haa secured the St. Paul cham
pions to buck up against the, Omaha rag
g lorn mere.
Bis Ciame Today.
At Rourke park today the Storz will
egaln do their utmost to slip the All Na
tions a package labeled defeat. Donald
son, the elongated-tar-baby pill shooter,
will utilize his left lum h hook to ooze
his puzzlers, while Roy Sanders, the 'local
hurlster of repute, will endeavor to con
quer the world or rather the All Nations.
At Chris Lyck park, the O. D. Kip
lingers and the Auto Row will fight or
the Class "C" championship.
Other Live Kneonntem.
The big pow wow for the championship
honors of tbe Class "B'' circles, will be
staged at St. Paul, Minn., today, when
the Vinton Street Merchants will buck
up against the strong St. Paul contingent.
If the team representing Omaha doesn't
catch cold while en route. It will un
doubtedly Journey homeward with the
Todsy the Chicago and Louisville teams
will collide, and the winner of thia game
will buck up against the winner of the
St. Paul-Omaha mix next Sunday, In all
probability, at Chicago.
That proposed Class "A" tournament la
all smashed to smithereens.
. Diamond Dul,
Old man Kocher says ha will be back
In the harness next season.
The chsmps of the Omaha Amateur
association left last night for St. Paul,
This season James McAndrews and
Harry Sage Iced moit of the Jobs out of
town umpiring.
When you managers are In need of a
their skill with the . Stori team. The
Valentines won twenty-two games out ol
twenty-five played this summer and the
batting average of the entire club was
.825. while the fielding average was .m.
good adjudicator, call Douglas 5901 and
squak for Louis Feltman.
This aeaaon, Durkee, the crack third
baseman of the Store, Is not cracking
the pill In his regular form.
Next Sunday the Alamltos wlH honk up
with the A. O. U. W.s at Fort Omaha for
the final game of the season.
Six of the geezers now associated with
the Luxus team have been playing to
gether for the last six years.
President Jake Isaacson of the Omaha
Amateur association, accompanied the
Omaha champions to St Paul.
Next week Holland And Danze will roll
In. To date they have had a very suc
cessful season among the bustiers.
Frank Qutgley will probably umpire the
game between Dow City and Dunlap, la.,
today, to be played at Dow City, la.
Several teams have been after John
Gentleman to hold the managerial reins
this season, but he failed to hook up.
Joe, the Jap, who had his Ick broken
during the West End Merchanta-Krebb
Transfers' battle, Is fsst recuperating.
Regardless of climatic conditions, sev
eral good arguments will be dished out
by the local sphere heavers this Sunday.
Even the Trimble Brothers registered a
protest at the last minute In regard to
the umpire's Judgment against the Auto
Reed, who la well known by the local
leather heavers, Is now pitching for Dun
lap, la. He pickles ten and rations per
Pinault of the Auto Row struck out
three of the four Krebb Transfers that
faced him during the championship
Wally Bpellman, the Alamltos' doughty
catcher, seams to be able to keep his
fins out of the way belter 4hVUiu',e:
I-ast Sunday during the Inning and n
third that John Norton worked against
the Auto Row, he struck out every man
that taoed him.
Probably the reason why the Black
Kats have been, eo successful Is thai they
have got their opponents' goat by cross
ing In front of them.
Since the A. O. U. W. team grabbed
Oreko of the Dundee Woolen Mills, sev
eral other teams have offered him ma
suma to work a game or two for them.
Next Saturday a gang that hang around
the Smoke House led by Dirk Murphy,
mill buck up against a bunch picked by
Frank Qulgley at Chris Lyck's park.
Now that Colonel Grant's thrower Is
In shape the Valentines are again well
fortified in the twirling department.
Baker and Grant are a pair of nifty
m Ingera.
Some time ago the South Omaha Mer
chants challenged the Krebb Transfers
and now that the league season Is over
the Krebbs are ready to play for a pot
of dougb.
Several teams have been after Doctor
Wlllard Qulgley, to handle the Indicator.
He Is sorry thst he has to disappoint
the boys, but business comes first with
the doctor.
Hazen of the Dundee Woolen Mills was
wanted, by the Brandels Stores to fill the
gap left open by one of their fly catch
era, but the directors refused to grant
this request.
If the Saturday Claas A league had
Joined the Omaha Amateur association
they would make the Class A teams of
the other towns hustle to grab the win
ning number.
Against the Storz. Russell Rout showed
flashes of his former skill, but, accord
ing to hla fellow base balllsts, although
he shut out the Storz, Russell Is not what
he used to be.
On corner three, the Luxus brigade have
a reliable gent In Philip Tracey. He Is a
sure fielder, has a grand arm, can throw
from most any position, uses his bun and
Is a good hltsmlth.
Somebody said that George Kennedy
was through with base ball, but still he
bobbed up to do the barking during the
Vinton Street Merchants-Brow, n Psrk
Pharmacy Jamboree.
F S. Hunter, associating with the
sporting department of the Bee, was re
cently unanimously elected a member of
the board of directors of the Omaha
Amateur association.
When the leaders of that proposed
Class "A" tournament were unable to se
cure the Ancient Order of United Work,
men. Armours, Luxus and Alamltos to
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
JL 1
1 "Ci:
With Wea Baker and Smoky Grant as
pitchers, the Valentines believe they have
an excellent chance to give the soml
pro. team a battle for honors.
Starts Practice Monday with Large
Bunch of Candidate!.
Assistant t'oach to Be selected Mon
day, Whe.n lloeffel Will Be the
Probable Choice of the
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 19.-(8peclal.
Coach SUehm and his gridiron workers
will open the season Monday afternoon
In th first practice of the season. Be
tween sixty-five and seventy men are ex
pected on the field for the opening prac
ticeone of ths largeat squads in recent
Htlehm and Athletic Manager Guy
Reed have already made provision for
thirty-five varsity players and twenty
five freshmen, having checked that num
ber of autta out. At least ten more will
be on hand for the opening of the season.
The.fleld Is In perfect condition, already
marked and the seating arrangements all
attended to.
There Is much Joy In the Cornhusker
camp, owing to the return of Chamber
lain. After having nearly given Cham
berlain up as lost to the Cornhusker
this season, Manager Heed talked with
him over long distance phone and Cham
berlain assured him he would be on hand
promptly at the opening of the season,
llallla-nn on Deck.
Captain Halllgan Is already here, with
nine other varsity players Including
Cameron, Abbot and Balls, three star
linemen of last season; Rutherford, the
Beatrice boy. who shared honors with
Captain Halllgan last year; Howard, the
Omaha High school star, and Hawkins
and Shields of South Omaha, two sub
stitutes. Potter, a varsity quarter of two years
ago, Is back In school and will be eligible
for the team. Potter Is exceedingly fast
and will undoubtedly find a place In the
Cornhusker backfleld.
In addition to Chamberlain there are
several other new men who will be eli
gible and of whom much la expected.
Corey was one of the best first year
tackles Nebraska ever had. He arrived
in Lincoln thia afternoon from Wlscmn-
enter, they fell back on Tom Noone of
the Townsends. but Tonimte wouldn t
listen to their birdseed.
Next Sunday the amateur foot ball dope
will float in. New teams are kindly asked
to commune with Frank Qulgley at Doug
laa ZllA or Webster
Because the Kreb Transfers are a lit
tie peeved at the Auto Row gang, they
want to play them for one hundred rocks.
For further Information, call Harney
2Kb! and squak for Blllle.
i -. 9 lniM.tlnv rnwa will h
staged at Fort Omaha this afternoon,
when the wiaca ivais in""'"-
and the Ancient Order of United Work-
ment buck up against the
The directors of the association
wouldn't let Baker or Oreko twirl for the
Urandela Stores because It was proven
that they have been compensated for
their services while on the mound.
To correct a wrong Impression that the
Council Bluffs Young Men's Christian as
sociation is composed of Joe Smith play
ers, wish to state that Phillips Is the
only man affiliated with the Joe Smiths
that plays with the Y. M. C. A.
Whenever a team In the Omaha Ama
teur aasu-.latlon registers a complaint in
regard to the umpire's Judgment, they
might as well forget It, because the as
sociation only rules on the proper Inter
pretation of the rules and the umpire's
decisions of Judgment on our balls and
strikes Is never changed.
HE. HA.D ANf "Thin4
Steady. Men. and
:bt r. a.
Roarhe Hopes.
A pennant 1 wonderful thing. It sure
Is a wonderful thing.
It makes the people Joyous and their
Khntit with gladness ring,
In Manhattan they are happy, In Bean
town they have hope,
The cards are mill up fighting and with
the leaders cope.
In Denver, rluht up next the sky,' the
Besrs hnve won a lot,
Whlln the lead of gay old Sioux town Is
burning awfully hot
But hern In our own Rotirketown, not one
bright rsg have we.
But we sre sure we're going to win
In 123.
Almost McAred.
"Well, anyhow," quoth Kaiser BUI, "I
hod the ball on their ten-yard line."
It Is ssid the German offlclel rltclos
are depressed by the news from the
front. But they have nothing on offl.-lal
circles In Manhattan.
It la said Joe Wood will cop off about
l.onn plunks for each game pitched this
year. Truly the' athlete Is, a troddva
Sacramento, Cal has Invited the Fed
eral league to enter the city l!h an in
dependent ball club. If It's as 'sny as
that we tender the same bid from Onirlu.
Mr. Farrell opined that Frank Chance
would not want to accept money he didn't
earn hen Chance put up a yell for his
alary kale. No, he wouldn't accept It.
Our brave college correspondents are
now slinging the same old line jt bull,
"thin, but as hard aa nails" or 'over
weight, but In the pink of condition." Jf
we ever read about a player coming back
sin. where he .pent the summer. Wilson
and Doyle, two old Lincoln High school
players, are promising In the backfleld.
Amack of Red Cloud Is another strong
backfleld candidate. Noma Is a likely
looking linesman and Dale and Caley
are two other good men who are eligible
for the varsity. Lyman of South Omaha
la a linesman who will be given a chance
to show what he can do, and Porter of
Nebraska City will be tried out at
lor Aaalataat Coach.
Joe Hoeffoll, all western end and the
star of the Wisconsin eleven for three
years. Is In Lincoln In support of his
candidacy for assistant coach. Hoeffel
Is a short, stock built plsyer and made a
great record under "Germany" Schulta,
playing his last year of collegiate foot
ball In 1912. His application will prob
ably be acted favorably upon by the ath
letic board.
The Cornhusker athletic board will meet
Monday and elect an assistant coach,
Hoeffel being the probable choice. It
will also approve the summer's work.
Cross country practice will start Mon
day under the direction of Athletic Man
ager Reed. Captain Goetze, who spent
the summer In Europe, hsd quite a
thrilling war experience, but has finally
reached this city and will be on hand to
take charge of the squad. Goetze, In
company with a friend, started to tour
Europe on motorcycles. They were in
Oermany when the war broke out and
beat a hasty retreat to Holland. They
were twice arrested as spies and finally
compelled to give up their motorcycles.
Goetze reached St. Joseph, his home,
Monday, and will arrive In Lincoln Bon
day. The freshmen foot ball eleven will
again be under the tutalege of Dewey
Herman and will be fully as strong as
last season. Gardner, the Omaha High
school star, la here and haa already se
cured a suit. Conk and Rlddell of Bea
trice are two other likely looking young
sters already on hand.
English "Y" Helps
Territorial Soldiers
LONDON, Sept 4. Throughout Eng.
land the Young Men's Christian associa
tion has established S50 recreation and
refreshment centers where territorials are
encamped, training for active service on
ths continent.
The tents are provided with writing ma
terials, desks, newspapers, games and a
temperance bar at which drinks are sold
at a nominal price. Pianos and organs
ara provided whenever possible and the
soldiers are encouraged to sing and make
the tents a sodnl center. A bank la also
maintained, which enables the soldiers
to put their money away for safe keeping.
Most of the association tents are In
charge of young university men, who di
rect the games and are ready at all times
to serve coffee end lunch for soldiers re
turning from exhausting drills and picket
To Settle Dlspate.
The Kohouts Kolts and the Neilson
Kolts will settle a grudge of long stand
ing at Eylera' park this afternoon at 3
o'clock. The two enemies will battle for a
purse of $300. Baker and Coe will work
for the Kohouts and Dyke and Mlrasky
for the Nellsona
3 M
ANOTHER, punrwl
Tvns door.:
Aim at His Eyes
to his alma mater In bum ahape we'll
probably go crose-eyed trying to lamp tile
From reports we presume that the
trouble In New York was that Chance
thought he was manager of the club
Kraakle's Swan Bona.
I've been called the peerless leader and
given lots of prslse,
I've plsved the game a long time and al
ways got a mine,
But when I bucked with Farrell, Devery
and other cranks,
I've changed from peerless leader to
cheerleHs lender of the Yanks.
Fritz Schllehner Is regarding a certain
pal on the Rourke squad with suspicious
eyes these days. Frlta and Krug and
Willis and a few others were engaged In
a gentle game of poker. Frits drew three
cards on the draw, Willis a couple and
Krug stood pat. The bet went around,
with Krug and Hchllrhnnr sticking: Willis
dropped out. After feveral rounds Frlta
called and dropped four eights on the
board. As he was getting ready to lift
the coin Krug dropped four kings. Now
Schllcbner haa suspicions of Krug because
Krug only had four kings and didn't draw
a single card on the draw. (
By Connie. Slack.
.,!.mp" conn tra" to ten
"Stalllnga out," I II cop the yen.
Not that we want to butt In on the war
game, but we have a hunch the Jap will
be a nasty little Individual when the allies '
tart to divide up Europe, as they hop.
to do.
By the Feda.
Wo ll claim the cherished championship If
... . ou won't play with us. ,
e II cop off ,ii your gory ,nd K
and awful fuss.
By O. B. B.
Take the credit If you want It, we will
cop off all the dough,
will let the credit go.
hen you speak of war and fighting
where shoU fall thick and fast
And they kill a hundred thousand and
hang a million from the mast,
Just figure what would happen, how
awful It would be
If Tyrua Cobb should take a allde feet
first Into Pares.
Stlehm Is now working In mldseason
form. The usual run of bear stories haa
When It comes to bear stories, Stlehm
and Alonso Stagg run neck and neck.
Farewell, Heroes.
Our athletes have departed from our vil
lage fair and gay.
While here they didn't cut much lee and
lost most everv fray:
But still there's this, that those who
fight and then run far away
Will see another season com. and live
to draw their pay.
Probably some of you cynical glnka
will say "Whaddyemean heroes," but If
you ever saw our athletes draw their pay,
you'd ssy the term wis well chosen.
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Is a Powerful
Influence in Blood
Works With a Definite
pose and Is a Known
There are some things la medicine that
re certain and definite. Taey do tbe
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and Is a known antidote for all blood
troubles. More than that. It Is harm
Iras, for It does not hurt the stomach,
does not affect the bones and Joints, nor
does It alter tbe Integrity of the nerves
and spine. But It does sweep through
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ing Influence, remarkable for results aad
a tremendous relief to tboss who culler
ths humiliation of skin eruptions.
Nearly all skkaess Is due to sluggish
blood. Aad If yoe let 8. 8. 8. bathe your
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Ilstlets, lifeless body will revive and be
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able health you will scarcely know your
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at any drug store. It will rut you oa
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8. 8. 8. Is not a "dope." not a physic,
but a fine, bracing, purifying medicine
that is sure to do you a world of good.
It is Just what you need. 8. B. 8, Is
prepared by The Swift 8 peel At Co., 60
Swift Rldg., Atlsnta, Ga., aad If you are
troubled with any stubborn blood disease
tbelr medical department will guide you
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