2 S THK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: SKPTKMBKR L'O, 1014. BOWLERS MAKELOW SCORES New Alley and Ruity Arms Keep Totals Down Below Average. LEAGUES GETTING 15 SWING Varleue Orailmlni Already Buey to tar Senaon la IS'ut Tiro Wnkh Bowline Schedule. MORRIl-'OV ALLEYS. Fairmont Creamery l-eaguc Monday, Better Butter agalnt Fairmont Farma. Dcllcla agatnxt Mquld Gold, I Madcm i against Turltii Broilers, f Gate city leig.ie-T.ieMiay. Drel Shoo i Co.. against HorrtHm ."horn, A Hays i against American Express, Thursday, t-ew!n H'.ii'ett agnlnt Fnlr. mont Creamery. Ragati's Falataff agalnet Rumnhr'a old Taverns. Omaha league Frldav. Storr. against Old Style larger, Hurgesa-Nash agaln.t Jetter s Old Age. Mickey U I boons against Luxus UPTttriPO! TTV AT.T.W.I Standard Oil 1eaKue Tueaday. Polsrln Auto Oil sgalnat Crown Gasoline, Mica Axle (treaac against lerfcctlon HI. Clan Gordon Leagu Thursdsy, Bonnie Doonn against Kllpls. Thistles agulnst Bobhle Burns, St. Andrews agalnn Tamo O' Shantera. BRUM-WICK AT.LKYS, SOUTH OMAHA. Magic City a -ague-Monday, Jotter's Old Age against Willow Springs. Farm era' Exchange sralnst While Sox. Wednesday, Boyal Order of Moose against Cur'o Mineral Springs. All Stars against Welch Oroccrv Co. Scores were aomewhat low In the regu lar league matches laat week. lAik of practice, combined with new acta of alley, ceused the poor showing. A few, how ever, have Overcome these condition and are rolling la mldaeason form. Tha Omaha, Fairmont Creamery, Gate City, Lithographers and Standard OH leagues are now In full swing and during the coming week they will be Joined by the Clan Gordon and Magic City league. Tha Booster league will open Its sea aon Tueaday, September 29. On account of tha work on the Association alley not being completed the opening was post poned one week. Last year champion, the Clara Belle, will have In In their lineup Eldaon, captain: Neale. Cummlnga, Jarosh, O. Johnson and Cain. Other Booster I.engue Teams. El Paxoa Conrad, captain; Fanion, Ter rell. Doherty, C. Rice and loam. Flloo Powell, captain ; .Toman, Yousem, Hammeratrom and Ced Potter. Beacon Press Mokry. captain; Martin, Balxer, Goff. F. Jarosh, Greene and Oa tronlo. Rateklns Ratekln, captain; Melum, Howell and Zimmerman. Corey-McKenslea Pleronnett. captain; Bland, A. Bowers, B. Bowers, J. Weckes, R. Srlple and C. 7.rp. City Offloials Grotte. captain; Butler. Hoffman, Prlmeau and Hartley. . They will meet on the Association alleys. flf.w Organisations. Tha Clan Gordon will be a six and three man team organisation. Their season open Thursday night on the Metropolitan alley. Their lineup consists of the Bon nie Doons, Kilties, St. Andrews, Thistles, Bobb'e Burns and Tarn o' Shantera. The Magic City league will hold it opening Monday night on the Brunswick alley. In (South Omaha. Thla aeason'a lineup conalsts of the Jetter'a Old Age, Willow Springs. Farmer' Exchange, White Sox, Curo Mineral Springs, Welch Grocery Co., Royal Order of. Moose and. the All-Stars. This leave the Commercial, Metropoli tan, .Benson. Knight of Columbus and Sunderland Bros, leagues yet to be heard from. Bowling; Notes. The opening of the Booster league, scheduled for, Tuesday,' September 22. has been postponed One week. Take a squint at the Luxus Una up. They ought to make tt interesting for any of the other lineups. Some of tha Gate City leaguer took a drop n their second week's play. White and Btlne will be glad to furniah alibis. The lewla Buffet team will he a con tender for the Gate City flag. They have bunched up a strong combination of player. 1-ook for lower averages. The new alleys are already causing a drop In scores The spare bowler will be the big gun this season. , Fitly Flgenschup seems to have grasped the bowling situation better than any thus far this season. He ha been going it ( Ml clip right along. The work onhe Association alleys will not be completed until Saturday night. By delaying the schedule one week all teams will be placed on an equal basis by rolling their games on new alleys. The Sunderland Hroa. leaguer have not awakened from its slumbers thus' far this season This was one of the beat leagues In the olty last year and should be in. the fluid again. A few seem to have tha Idea that the Commercial league will nut reorganise for l ms season. The l ommnrclal league Is VI ready organised with, eight team and will open after Ak-Sar-Bun. Pat Angleabura- la again publishing the "Bowler' Schedule," a hamiy veet pocket book containing a complete schedule of the A and H class leagues and other Intoi-mattca abuut the leagues. . The Booster league teams will be strong again this aeaeon. b Ik'ht well matched lineups were handed In to the secretary Isst '.week. Red Katekin ami Harry Kidson will again Im the king pins o the league. l-at year s rules win be used The work on Pchoeneman's new alleys la progressing rapidly. The Interior work is practically complete and two carload of equipments are now In town. The cement baae la now being lall and when this Is dry, the alley can be placed in a snort ume. The prettlekt Omaha bowlwi ittlekt picture in the eye picture In the eye of awlws is the nene at the As- aoctalion alleys, where men are busily en gaged crosUtning the alleys and fixing up tr.e Interior In general. It was thought list this famous place would be thrown Into the discard this aeaeon nut the man rgement soon put these loeaa In the bak- ioun. one of the big improvements Is placing Tad Huntington In charge "Dad' Is an eJd time kwler and a thnrottch ruent of the game. He has a conn'letu understanding of bowlers ,-nd of iie reeds arid lias been foremost In bul!Tlnij up tlx- Hume here. - Omaha rollers will be gtad to- hear of the arrival of i'a Klnnamen In thla city. He haa taken up his residence here and will ally himaelf with a local bowling organization. He hag been one of the atauncheat supporters of the game and was practically Its life in St. Josenh, his former home: He was Instrumental In organising the Midwest Bowling associa tion and was the promoter of several Sue ceaafu) tournamenta held by thla body. He la also an artlat at the game Itself and will be a great strength to any team signing hint, ilia first act In the game here was to arrange a money match with I 'ad Huntington, which will be rolled Monday night at the Association alleys. Pitcher Beta Two Marks. Two records were set In the double header between Ptttafleld and New Britain In the Kaatera league here laat weea. Barrankamp of Puiefteld pitched both games and scored a shutout la eafh, the tMihea helnc 4 to and i to . Both games were over in the first game taking :b and tha aeeond 106. . TssesaTtr 'Win Flag, ' The Northwestern league has closed Its season after a summer of mixed suc cess and disappointment. Vancouver look the flag, with Seattle a eloee second. These two cluba have foug'it for the lead all summer, heattle occupying the post Uon in July for mora than tbrea weeks. Bee Want Ads. Produoa Results. . Bee Want Ada Are tha Beat Business Jkwslexa. FOOT BALL SEASON IN WEST AT HAND (Continued from I'njre One ) Stewart. guard; Marqiisrrtt, full: rrhliyl ridge, half, and Shanks, half. Situation at Minnesota. Report from Minnesota Indicate thai Coach William will have a hard time rounding out a team of the tiasa which formerly represented the Gophers. Gra duation, scholastic troubles and parental objection have robbed the school of some Of lat year's atara and around four rt-THna CAptaln Rosenthal, tackle; Dun- nlgan, gunrd; Solon, end, and Blcrmnn -nH wminm m,.t niM hi. team Kolnn . - . . - .. , .. may he transferred to full.ack. Of the. T rerves.tne folios, ing are sale to re HKeiy randiilates: Wallace Hamilton, half: f'arl Haedge. half: Utile, tackle; Stlckney, tack; Kllrrhe, lineman; Wyatt, end; Claude Ehrenberg. tackle; Bcholter, hack; Kelahan, back; Rafferty, line; Anderson, back; J. H. Munfly. end; Farrell, back; Deldrlch, line; J!unby, line; Moss, end; 'Meyer, line; Motidry, line; Young, line; fjulst, end; Fpralka, line, and Connolly, back. Only three veterans have been left on the Iowa squad, Barron, tackle; Gross, quarter, and Parsons, quarter and half. Of the new men expected to turn out, Wayne Gorrell is the only lineman, and early reports from Iowa were that 200 pound men were extremely scarce. The best of the candidate so far appear to be Karl l'enlo. Gorrell. Ernest Wills.! William Oonntlly and Herman Garrett kon. It Is said. Rcixirts from Northwestern and Ohio State indicate the gridiron leader are still In doubt as to the men likely to show up. Both Nqaads Working;. Added Interest will be drawn this year to the careers of Michigan and Notre Iame because the former plays Harvard at Cambridge October SI and the Utter moels Vale October 17. Both squads al ready have begun work. Exponents of modem foot ball as played In this part of the country, both are expected to how the development of the forward pass, which last year made their game par ticularly that of Notre Dame note worthy. 1 With the problems of fUHn the hole left by the clever Craig and tho devel opment of a line facing; hlro," Coach Tot already haa begun work on tha Michi gan squad. Ten men classed as regular are expected to have reported by the opening of the achool year. Including Captain Raynsford. tackle or center; Krneat Hughltt, quarter; Charles Barton, center; John I-yons, end; Efton James, end; J. Bland Catlett, half; Martin Gait, half; W. II. Pochran, guard; Frank Mo Hale, guard; Thomas H. Buahnell, half. Leading candidates among tha reserve Include Frank Millard, tackle; Harry Mead, back; Walter Niemann, center; Karl Staata, end; C. O. Skinner, tackle; Robert Watson, lineman; Carl Graven, end; John Maulbetach, full; Maurice Dunne, end; Kugcne S. Cohn, back; Don aid Flnkbelner, lineman; Frank D. Quail, lineman; Iceland H, Benton, lineman; I C. Relmann, lineman; Clyde- B. Baatian, back. U I gplawn, who made a good showing on tha Freshman team last year. Is expected to rival Hughltt and Cstlett for tha kicking honors. Chief among the problems which con front Coach Jesse, Harper Is that of find ing a quarterback, to take the place of Dorala. Dorals's work with the forward pass was one of the features of Notre Uame's play last fall. Elohenlmub, the famous fullback of the gold and blue, win return, and others expected back are Fln negan, Dugan, rilska and Bergman. Among the most promising of the reserves Is Cofaul, a halfback of the smashing type who I likely to prove a star, ac cording to those who have seen hi work this season. Coach Mackllrt expects another good year with the Michigan Aggies, claimants of the western championship. Captain Julian lead a act of fast veterans which will form the nuclelus ot the eleven. Nine veteran are expected to report at Western Reserve to Coach Walter Pow ell. They are Captain Ray Englehart. full; Tubby Roe. center; James Bowman, tackle: Ray Portman, guard: Jack Price, end; Maynard Sheldon, tackle; Herman echuele. quarterback; Ixml Landy, half- bark. Reserves Include Frank Balrd, end; Will HUes. end; Leonard Hole, lineman; Persky. lineman; Curry, end; Oetiaplo, halfback; Pentland, halfback; Cralgan. lineman; Enimerman, lineman; Novarlo, lineman; Oatman, halfback; Young, half back. Knglehart. Price and Portman are expected to do the kicking. At Case, Coach Wesley expects back Captain Pan Parshall. quarterback; Will Allan, end; John Perkins, guard; George Horasly. tackle: Jack Jenkins, halfback; Huffy Powell, fullback; Harrison Fisher, halfback. Tha reserves are Diver, line; Mltchel, line; Black, line; Welt, line; Hense, end; Poe, line; Newell, line; Frew, quarterback; Jones, end; Post, end; Er ben. Ine; Graves, end. Parshall prob ably will do the kicking. A big squad Is promised Coach George IJttle of the University of Cincinnati. The veterans he look for are Captain Leonard Baehr, full; Lewlle Bryant, ren ter; Paul Scallon, uard; Ellis Gregg, tackle; J. Morris, ta:kle; B. Morrla, guard; Gobert Olebel, end; James Monti gomery, half; Edgar Baker, half; Roy Talmer .end; Anton Schneider, guard; R. Vangchelm, half; 11. Portor, tackle; Joseph Olns..nier. guard; H. Goosman. half. Promlaln reserves are: B. Rich ardson, Cliff Gregg. Dan Price, H. Green berg. A. Boss and A. Butterfleld, linemen. and J. Stark, Ben Kchuoldcr, Ralph Mc Hugh, A. J. Langhammer, Joe Hall, Will lam Peaae and eUorge Hodapp, back a In the Mtrsourt Valley, veterans ap parently will be scarce. At Nebraska, Coach Stlehm expect back Captain Vic tor Halll an, tackle; Warren Howard, fullback: Dick Rutherford, halt; Roy Cameron, center and tackle, and Earl Abbott, guard. Howard will be depended on for the kicking. The reserves from whom Stlehm hopes to draft the lest of a good eleven are: Earl Hawkins, half: Ejwln Hugg. end; Russell A mack, end or half; Berllu Chamberlain, end or half; Harold Corey, tackle; llu h Otaupollk, galrd; William Norrls, guard, and Cun lond Wilson, tackle. Coach John J. Griffith at Drake, ex pects but four of last year's team back, Captain Volney Gtltxm, tackle; Donald, quarterback; Blackburn, full, and Hewitt, center. A large squad of sophomores and scrubs includes: Moe, guard; Han son, guard; Sheerer .half; McCoy, end; Wamock. tackle; Smith, end; White, full; Jernl on, quarter; Esoh. tackle; Scott, end; Lambertaon, center; Brown, end; KrulL' half, and Davidson, half. Sevan ot last year's team will report to Coaches Brewer and Schult of Mis souri. Lad by Captain James A. Clay, they are: Jaoob Bpeelman. end; Frank HernAon, and; Paul Shepard. half; Kara chel Lake, half. WUUara Punrkel. full; Clinton Collins, quarter. Chepard and toby Graces, are new comers, or ex Oh, ALL VMS MuS& JeLy 1 YrWr e.UrAOR tht the M'yIIv 1 GBR.a,m hang TWO ftoMrVvr rtfeta tACAro pected to do the punting and drop kick ing. Second string-men, who look good are: Lee Groves, guard; Richard Rut ledge, quarter, and John Sktllman, tackle. At Ames, Coach Hubbard will have eight veterans. Captain Lew Reeve, tackle; Homer Mgttlson. tackle; Earl Holmes, guard; Harold McKlnley, guard; Edward John, center; Nile Klnnock. quar ter; Edward Vhl, full, and Ray Wilson, half. Sophomores and srrubbs are; Roacoe Packer, end; D. Jones, end; Drury Moss, quarter, Mose Harrison, full; E. McDonnell, half; D. McDonald, quarter; John Evans, quarter; Jim Tal cott, half; Moverman, tackle.; W. Evans, Kuard; Von Mauer, full, and Edward M. Axthelm, guard. Four good kickers are on the Ames squad Kinnick, Mattlson, Mo as and Packer. Grinnell Foot Ball Outlook is Dubious GRINNELL, la.. Sept 19.-(Speclal.)-Foot ball practice has begun In earnest at Grlnntll with only four members of lost year's team out In suits. Munneko and Andrews are the only line men who have returned with the Intention of play ing this year. Norrls, who played end last year, will be kept out by old Injuries. Captain Witters, quarter, and Little, half, are the only survivors from last year's backfleld. The prospects, however, are fair for a fast and heady backfleld. Sutherland, the 1913 fullback. Intends to enroll, and will probably be worked at half. Barrett, who did good work on laat year's fresh men team. 1 the logical candidate for the other half, and with Little at full and Witters at quarter a very strong backfleld should be developed. Severelde, the star shortstop, and captain-elect of the base ball team, is being tried at quar ter and If he shows up well Witters may be shifted to end. Smalley, McLaughlin. and Macy ot last year's freshmen team j are canaiaates tor oacKneia positions. The outlook for the line Is far lees promising. Although there Is consider able material, the lark of experienced men la liable to prove a great handicap. Munneke and Andrews are trying Tor their old positions at guard and center. George Nelaon, a member of lost year's squad, should find a permanent berth either at renter or guard. Gould, Mat thew, Schwab and Dewey are promising candidates from laat year's freshman squad. Krneat Martin and Cross, two upper class men, with good high school records, are out In suits for the first time on the Grinnell field. Prelim, Mc Cleary, Turner, J. and P. McGregor, are among the other candidates for line posi tion a. Atlaatle RaeM, ATLANTIC, la.. Sept- l.-Spclal Tel egram. Today ended the Cas County fair. Summaries: Trotting, 2:22 class, purs MOO: Deory, s g. iChrlsman) I 1 1 I C'onroy Blake, b. m. (Anderson)...! t 2 Pensacot. b. g. (Long) I I I I Cedrlc Max (Black) 4 S 4 Time. 2 V. Pacing, t rlaaa. puree S3S0: Stamina B.. b. m. (Clem Burfleld). . .1 1 1 Harrv. rh. . (Heather) X t ! Dan W. (Coiwelll .1 t t iianner Pete (Eggers) t 4 4 Time. 2 J4. Bee Want Ad Are tha Best Business Boosters. Look Who's Here! Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher. we TINX WIN AN EXCITING GAME Chifeds Defeat Terrapins in Thriller, Seven to Six. RALLY IN NINTH , DOESN'T AID With Score Seven to Three, Balti more Hammers In Three. Bans, bat Next Three Men t.o Oat la Order. BALTIMORE, Md., Sept. 19-Chlcago won an exciting game from Baltimore to day, 7 to I With the score 7 to 3 In Baltimore's half of the ninth Inning the locals scored 'three runs on two singles and a double, but the next three men went out In order, leaving a runner on second. Baltimore made five two-base hits and Chicago made three. Score: HUE. Chicago 2 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 07 10 0 Baltimore 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3614 2 Hatter lea: Henrrix and Block: Kalley. Smith, Conley and Jacklltsch, Kerr. Buffalo Keeps on Winning. BCFFAIX), Sept. 19,-Buffalo kept up It winning streak today by defeating Indianapolis, 4 to 3, with Russell Ford In the box. The 'Schlalyltes scored the first tally In the opening Inning. Indianapolis tied them in the third and gained a two run lead In tha next round. In the eighth Buffalo brought home three men on two singles a pas and a double to left rield. Score: R.H K Buffalo 1 0000 0 0 3 4 7 2 Indianapolis 0 0120000 03 9 0 Batteries: Ford and Blair, I.vlgne; Moselcy and Rarlden. Bakers Brat "Infeda. PITTSBCRGH. Sept. W.-Plttsburgh batted the offerings of the St. Louis pitchers hard today and won by a 10 to S score. Knetxer was unhlUable until the ninth. Score: R H E St. Ixuls O0OOO01O23 0 2 Pittsburgh 0 39000(3 10 1J 1 Hatteriea: Wataon. Groom. Keunner , and Simon; Knetier and Berry . Williams in Charge of Ames Foot Ball AMES, la., Sept. 19. (Special.)-A de cided tendency toward th forward pass, and the presence ot Director Clyde Will- lams on the State field In direct and active charge of one of the two varsity squads which the coaches started to work with, these are the chief Items of news that developed with the beginning of train ing and practice for Ames foot ball this week. Director William and Coach Hubbard took the field Monday afternoon the min ute the Missouri Valley conference whistle blew for the opening of the foot ball year, and they had about forty men In war clothes. Williams' being on the field gave Cyclone foot ball stock a great boost The entire 1913 varsity lineup reported to the coaches Monday afternoon save the ends, who were Cowan and Tlernan, and Quarterback Brennan. Judging from the number, general clams, conformation and seal of ths near half hundred appe who are out for the varsity. It appear to the observer on the sidelines that about two-thirds of the old varsity would not wager a dim on absolute certainties with respect to Indefinite continuation on th varsity. Th old men of the line seem to have the most secure vocations. j Standing of Teams WE8TERN LEAGUE, Played, ... 132 ... 165 ... 151 ... 153 ... 157 ... 154 ... 153 ... 154 . Won. lost. Pet. 96 56 . 632 90 66 .677 M t"7 .566 79 74 .516 74 83 .471 72 82 . 4' H3 91 .m 68 96 .377 NAT. LEAGUE. W.L Pet. Sioux City. IVnver St. Joseph . Des Moines Lincoln .... Omaha Topeka Wichita .... AMKR. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct.1 Phtla 9 48 .6501 Boston ..78 55 .5M , Bomon a 54 . 6001 Nw York... 76 69 .163 Detroit 75 64 .540 Chicago 72 66 .522 Washlngtn..71 64 .626 St. Louis.... 71 66 .518 Chicago ....61 78 . 467 Phlla 67 71 .614 St. Louis. ..62 75 .453 Pittsburgh ..62 73 .459 New York. .62 76 .4491 Brooklyn Cleveland ..44 94 .319 Cincinnati .62 74 .456 .56 80 .412 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN LEAGUE. St. Joseph, 8-2; Denver, 9-3. Des Moines, 2; Lincoln, 3. Sioux City. 4; Topeka, 0. Omaha, 1-3; Wichita, 0-10. Called end of seventh by agreement. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York. 4; Chicago, 1. Washington, 4-3: St, Louis, 1-S. Philadelphia, 3: Detroit. 4. Boston, 1; Cleveland. 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh, 3; Boston, 9. Cincinnati, 0-6; Brooklyn, 6-8. Chicago. 4; New York, I. St. Louis. 0-6; Philadelphia, 7-7. tisrnn Today. Western League St. Joseph at Denver, Des Moines at Uncoln. Sioux City at Topeka, Omaha at Wichita. (Double headers at all points.) American League Washington at Chi cago, New York at St. Louia, Boston ut Detroit, Philadelphia at ("Cleveland. National league No games schedirle.. Federal League Buffalo at Inclanapolla. American Association Louisville at Columbus, Milwaukee at Kansas City, Minneapolis at St. Paul, Cleveland at In dianapolis. N Regular Gymnasium Classes Will Start at the."Y" Tomorrow . The Young Men's Christian association claiees will begin Monday, with the larg est enrollment In the Organisation's his tory. Beside J. Trultt Maxwell, to di rect the exercises, there will be Ralph A. Leake of Baltimore, Roy A. tswan of Omaha, Dennis Ryan, as boxing In structor, and Clarence Peeley. who will care for those lnterestd In wrestling. The policy of the association this year will be, to promote more than ever be fore, competitive sports, such as basket ball, swimming, track and field athletics. It Is the aim of the association to send a basket ball team to the Central Ath letic union championships in Chicago next spring, and to enter a team in the Kan sas City Athletic club truck meet, also to make a tour of the state with the swim ming team. There will be the usual number of basket ball leagues and hand ball tourna ments within the association. Notably tl.s Commercial Church and Hero leaguea. fab! to Take Trio. Cub players threaten trouble If Presi dent Charles Thomas refusea to sanction the proposed barnstorming trip to Cuba next month. When members of the team learned in Pittsburgh that the Cub head bod announced that he would not permit the trip, they aaid that they would make tbe visit to Havana regardless. SIX GAMES FORUNI OF OMAHA Light Foot Ball Schedule at Local School for This Year. STAUT WORKOUTS ON MONDAY Effort Will Bo Made to Get Every Male Student at 'the School to Try Skill at Handling; the, Ptgakln. One of the llghtet schedules In the history of the school has been arranged by Manager Weinberg of the University of Omaha foot ball team. The schedule as now arranged calls for six games, two of which will be played In Omaha and the remaining out of town. No game will be played with Crelghton col lege or Wesleyan university thla season, although Manager Weinberg had an op portunity to schedule both of these con tests. The reason given by Coach Dow for not playing these team 1 that they vianted games too early In the season. As these teams are materially stronger than the University of Omaha the result haa often been such as to greatly weaken the University of Omaha squad for the rest of the season. Both Crelghton and Wesleyan start their practice a great deal earlier In the season and are In much better condition In the opening games than the Crimson and Red. Tentative Schedule. The tentative schedule Is as follows: October 3 Tsbor at Tabor, la. October 10 Central college at Central City. October 24-Tarkto college at Omaha. October 31 York college at York. November 13 Cottier university at Omaha. November 26 Hastings college et Hast ings. Manager Weinberg Is trying to schedule a game for November 6. making a total ot seven games. TOM TENARD WINS FIRST IN HURON COLT PACING STAKE HURON, ft D., Sept 19-The twenty. fifth annual South Dakota state fair closed Friday night. The results of Friday's races follow: Teeplng Tom. 2:14 pace, purse $1,000, first; Dad Mix, Miles. Brookings, second; Amby W.. Westerndorf, Kimball, third. Best time 2 11. Two-year old pace, purse V10, Tom Ten ard, first; The Due Guard, Kingman, Selby. s'ocond; Godlie Direct, third. Time 3:14. ilias Parkwood. a 2-year-old to beat 3:16Vl. but after pacing the first half In 1:08 lost a boot and finished in 2:2K Miss Parkwood is owned by K. J. Mid bo of Huron. Five furlong running, purse 3100. Way mark, Kedle. Lake Andes, first; Dixie Gem, Chapman Oelweln, Iowa, second. Time 1:06'.;. Purse of 3300 for 2:25 trot. Mwrgaret Helm. Miller. Geneseo, 111., first: Fannie Simpson. Betts. Shell rock, la., and IJla G.. Edman, Meridian, Minn., divided sec ond and third money. Best time 2:214. Gentlemen's road race for silver cup offered by the fair board. Joseph W. Mo KJnney, owned by Lawler. Lake Pres ton, first; Frank Wright, owned by By ron, Selby, 8. D., second. Best time t:34!4. TY COBB BACK TO HIS OWN Georgian is Again at Head of the American League Batters. EH WIN HEADS THE NATIONALS Bender Lending American Lesgs Pitchers, with James and R- olph f Boston Topping he Nationals. CHICAGO, Sept. 19 -Ty Cobb, the a ug glng Georgian of the Detroit club, batted himself to the front during the last week, according to figure published here today. He Is now leading his neareat rival In the American league by 27 points and at the rate he Is going there Is little likeli hood of his beiruf headed. The averages as published here show eleven hitters in the 300 class. They are Cobb, Detroit. .3T6; E. Collins. Philadelphia. .34S; Jack son, Cleveland. .347: Hoblltrel. Boston, M7; Speaker, Boston, .J28; Cree. New York, .327; Crawford, Detroit. .321; Baker, Philadelphia, .319; Mclnnes, Philadelphia, -316; C. Walker, St. Louis, .307; M. Mitch ell, WsshinKton, .305. Philadelphia and Detroit continue to lead the league In club batting, with fig ures of .270 and .255. The home run honors remain with Baker, Philadelphia, who has nine. Malsel of New York leads In base stealing, with 62, while E. Collins of Philadelphia Is pressing him, with 65. The Brooklyn club of the National league Is still honored with the leading hitter. This Is Tex Irwin, who heads a list of thirteen hitters In the .300 clae, with an average of .34S. Other teams In this select group are Dalton, Brooklyn, .328: Daubcrt. Brooklyn, .314; Becker, Philadelphia, .321; Wheat, Brooklyn, 8. Magee, Philadelphia, and Connolly, Bos ton, tied with .311; C. Miller. St. Louie. .30S; Stengel, Brooklyn, .305; Plielan, Chi cago, and Wlngo, St. Ixmis, tied with .304; Grant. New Tork. .302. and G. Burn. New York. .300. Club hitting honors go to Brooklyn, with .270, with New York next, with .264. Vic Paler, Chicago, lead a the home run king, with 17. while the honors for base stealing go to G. Burns of New York, who has 52. Bender Leads Pitchers. American league pitchers who lead their league are Bonder, Philadelphia, with 15 and 3; Leonard. Boston. 19 and 5; Plank, Philadelphia, 15 and . The Boston club of the National league has the leading pitcher. He le James, with 24 and 6. Rudolph, his teammate, is next, with 22 and 8. while Doak of !?t. Louis Is third, with 18 and 7. Manager Bill Htnchman of Columbus remains at the head of the batters In tha American association, with .3fii Benn'.e Kauff is the daredevil of the Federal league In both batting and base stealing He leads the batters, with .369. Kauff bae stealing mark la 61. The leading batters in the Western league are Lejeune. Sioux City, .375; Butcher, Denver, .841; Kane. Sioux City. .338; Coffey, Denver, .337; Koerner, To peka, .3":.; Edlngton, Denver, .334; R. Wil liams. St. Joseph, .3CS: Baird. Sioux City, and Patterson. St. Joseph, tied, with .32J, and Thompson. Omaha. .351. Denver leads In team hitting with .297. W. Fisher. Den ver, has tied W. Jones of Denver for the home run honors, each making 19. Nichol son continues to lead the base etealcre. with 54. The leading pitchers are Gaspar. Sioux City, with 23 won and lost; Gas kell, Denver. 24 and 9; Etcner, St. Jo seph, with 26 and 11. Pigskin Warriors at High School Ar " Tuning Up for Game Pigskin warriors of Omaha High school have been laboring hard on the foot ball field at the school grounds for a little over a week and the results are a rgeat deal better than could ' be expected, or were expected when the squad first came out. Owing to the graduation of most all )of Inst year's stars, the chances of Omaha to drag down the championship ngnln looked very slim and the coach and playrs were feeling blue over It. But now after a week of hard and steady work everyone has changed his mind and all are working the harder because of the Increased enthusiasm. The first game of the season will be held on Crelghton field with Crelghton High on next Saturday. Crelghton Is reported to have a great team this year, with an average weight of 160 pounds, and they are talking about "doing things" to the high school, but the cadets, of course, don't agree with them In the least. The men that the coach is placing most of his hope on for the first game are all good In weight and speed s:l as a unit they show more team work for the first week of practice than last year's team did for the first month. Team" work ha been the echool's weak poi'J for a number of years and it seems that the Jinx is at laat broken. Leroy Kelley, a colored lad from Kel lom achool this September, Is rounding Into fine form. Berry, the new captain, la In the ranks working hard. Lutts and Johnson, two new men, are showing up In great style In the back field. Collegiate Double Title to Crimson PH1LADEI-PHIA. P.i., Sept 19-Har-vurd won the Intercollegiate doubles championship for the second successive year today, when R. Norrls Williams, II. national champion and former college title holder, and Richard Hart, 'defeated George M. Chorch, the new in tercollegiate champion, and A. M. Gidder f Princeton, in the final match of the 1914 tournament at the Merlon Cricket club, Haverford. Williams and Harte won easily, tak ing the first two sets by the same score, 6-2, and only having to work a bit to win the third set, 7-6. Concentrating their Attack on Kidder, the Crimson pair gave a fine exhibition of tennis and were never In danger from first to last. Championship doubles, final match: R. N. Williams. II, and Richard Harte. Harvard, defeated George M. Church and A. M. Kidder. Princeton, 6-2, 4-S, T-5. Fielder Jones Seeks Southpaw. Fielder Jcnes. manager of the St. Louis feds, ia ssld to be afu-r Wllber Cooper, the star southpaw of ths Pirates. Jones' pitching staff needs strengthening very badly and the new leader fur the 8lou frvla thinks Cooper will be tlieanan to aid his club in the climb for a htgiVr berth. Cards Purchase Syracuse Twlrler. Pitcher Louis North, star hurjer for the Syracuse club In the New York State league, has been purchased by the St. Louts Cardinals. North has twirled great ball this season, winning a majority of his games and was sought by several major league dubs.