Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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Women Take Part in Fight Waged j
Whole Day by Population j
Against Soldiers.
Treatment of Dt, nnri It. IVople
Declared n llcrn Porrrct
TTpoa Kalarr lrn for Sake
of Self Protection.
Few pictures axe being passed by the Ge rman censors these days. These are the first
to come from Berlin for almost a week. The upper photograph shows wounded German
soldiers in the military hospital at Berlin telling their comrades who have not yet been
to the front of the terrific fighting against the troops of the allies. Below is shown an in
terior view of the over-crowded military hospital.
NEW YORK, Sept. 19. Adolph
Ton Bruenlng, former secretary to the
Germany embassy at Washington,
who is now at Genoa, Italy, has sent
to a relative here the lollowing com
munication from Dr. Alfred Zimmer
man, GoriTian iintler-serretary of for
eign affairs, with the information
that the German government re
quested that it be given publicity:
"BERLIN. Aug. :;.. (Official
Communication of the Gorman Gen
eral Staff.) The city of Loewen
(Louvain) has surrendered and was
given over to us by the Belgian au
thorities. On Monday. August 2 4,
eome of our trooi.a were shipped
there, and intercourse with the In
habitants was developing quite
Rill- rirr Onrns.
"On Tuesday afternoon, Aupust afi, our
troop, hearing about an Imminent Bol
tian sortie from Antwerp. H-M In that
direction, the commanding general ahead
in a motor car leaving behind only a
colonel with soldiers to protect railroad
(Landsturm battalion 'Xeuss.') A the
rest of the commanding general's staff
with the horses was going to follow and
collected on the market place, suddenly
rifle fire opened from all the surround
ing houses, all the hora.s tielug killed
end five officers wounded, one of them
"Simultaneously fire opened at about
ton different plaoes in town, also on
Home of our troops just arrived and
waiting on the square in front of the
titatlon and on Incoming military trains..
A designed co-operation with tho Bel
, -"tan sortie from Antwerp was established
beyond doubt. Two priests caught In
handing out ammunition to the people
were shot at once In front of the sta
tion. Town Barnlnig.
"Street f tenting lasted till Wednesday,
August 26, in the afternoon (twenty-four
Jiours) when stronger forces arrived In
he meantime, succeeding in getting the
Upper hand. Town and northern suburb
vera burning at different places and by
this time have probably burned down al
together. "On the part of the PelRlHti government
ti general rising of the population against
the enemy had bprn organized for a
Jens time; depots of arms were found,
where to eacli gun was ntt..rhcd the
name of the citizen to be armed.
"A spontaneous rising of the people has
teen recognized at the request of the
smaller states at The Hague conference
as being within the law of nations as
Jar as weapons are carried openly and
the laws of civilized warfare are being
observed; but such rising was only ad
mitted In order to fight tho attacking
Had Alrradr Surrendered.
"In the case of Lopwca. tc town had
Iready surrendered and the population
jubm'.tted without ouy resistance, the
town being occupied by our troops.
JCevertheless the population attacked on
ell sides and with a inurdero'iH fire the
occupying forces and newly arriving
troop, which came In trains and auto
I mobiles, considering tho hitherto peace
, (ul attitude of the population.
"Therefore, there can be no question
j rf means of defense allowed by the law
let nations, neither of a wntilkc gurtanens
I (ambush), but only of a trciicherotiM at
I tempt of the civil population all along the
I 1 ne and all the nvin t lc condeijine-l
a It was apparently planned long be
forehand with simultaneous nttai-k from
Antwerp n arms were not tarried openly,
ea women and young girls took part in
the fight and blinded our wounded, stick
ing their eyes out.
Justifies Severe Methods.
"The barbarous attitude of the Bel
gian population in all parts occupied by
our troops has not only justified our
severest measures, but forced them on
sis for the sake of self preservation. The
Intensity of the resistance of the popula
tion la shown by the fact that In Laewen,
twenty-four hours were necessary to
lireakjdown their attack. We ourselves
regretl deeply that during these fights the
town Tif Loewen has been destroyed to
great extent. Needless to say that
these consequences are not intentional on
our part but cannot be avoided in this
Infamous Frunctlreur war being led
gainst us.
"The. entire responsibility for thesa
i events rests with the Belgian govern
' tnent, who with cr'mlnal frivolity, have
given to the Belgian people Instructions
eontraray to the law of nations and in
1 cited their res'etunrc, and who, In spite
of our repeated warnings, "even after the
fall of Luttlch ll.iegei have done nothing
.to induce .them to a peaceful attitude."
Eebels Arrested and
Executed in China
PEKING, Sept. 20. The government has
Instituted severe measures designated as
martial law, in several provinces and
many Important cities. The discovery
that rebels in the capital were expected
to take advantage of tho government's
present financial and diplomatic diffi
culties, is causing scores of arrests and
many executions, according to Chinese re
ports. Postal communication with Teln Tau
was terminated by the JapuncKe yester
day. From liiforniutiou derived from Chi
nese and otlie sources in the region of
Klao Chow, It appears that Japanese In
fantry and cavalry "r proceeding from
J,untUow to invest Tiling Tau before
landing siege artillery at some near har
bor. The Japanese legation states that roads
must be constructed before heavy guna
ran be transported to positions near the
German stronghold.
Germans in the Klao rl.ow district re
port that an aeroplane successfully
dropped bonib.s on the Japanese troops
north of Ping-Ku. killing fifty and
wounding thirty other.
The foreign correspondents at TsingTau
have been silcmed. A correspondent a'.
C'hefoo report that members of the Chi
nese Ked Cross to the number of forty
four have arrived there from Shanghai
and established a hospital in a hotel.
ki 1 r-
'jmMf Te . 7
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w-Mf irj - t i tri
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Those New Tartan Plaids
Of course you've saw them
and that means you've admired them
for what up-and -H-coinins? man with even the
slightest npprociation of pood style could do other
than admire such dark rich colorings and splen
did patterns as our Fall exhibit of Tartan riaads
-at $10, $15, $20 and up to $35
We show extraordinary assortments at every price
The liberal variety of styles for both men and
young men, the complete range of and broad
ness of assortments makes doubly certain that this
is the store "Where you are sure to JSaJpM.
Where You Are Sure To
r" " . 1 1 i --
t. 4 i
" t
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Difficult to Say Whether Germans
Intend to Hold Their Pres
ent lines.
Defeat of Invading: Forces In that
Direction Would Imperil Their
Whole. I.lne aud t nt Oft
Klitht Wins.
tCopyrlght, 1914. Trcs; pnhlishlns Co.)
Srwi.'il Correspondent the World, Lon
don Dally News and Omaha Hee.
BUCUXJNK, Sert. 19. (Special Cable
gram.) The general position Is stationary
Forcing the Germans out of their strong
defensive position Is a question, of time
and endurance.
The French and British havs the advan
tage of position from the point of view
of getting up reinforcements by rail. Still
it is difficult to say whether the Hermans
are fighting a stubborn rear-guard action
or if It Is Intended to hold the present
The region north of the German lines
is a region of vasue skirmishing The
Germans are occupying the towns and
villages near the front with small patrols
or armored cars, but on the whole they
are contracting their web.
Lille is free and elthef array can use
it as a base. The Cmnliral neighborhood
is still German and on the line of com
munications. This country Is absolutely
peaceful for the moment. We can but
wait for the Iksuc of tyc long struggle on
the lnz.
Depends on Kest.
Of the greateNt valu wouid be the suc
cess of the French in penetrating the line
on the east against the German center
and left.
Any success on our left would be
valuable only as it would force back Von
Kluck and Vor. Buelow accelerating their
rttreat to new positions on the "frontier
without successfully defeating their com
bined armies. A success on our right
would imperil fhelr whole line and cut
off their right wing.
Bide Everywhere Into Death to
Learn Information About Forces
of the Enemy.
LONDON, Sept. 1!.-Siue the official
denial that any Russian troops hud.
passed through F.nglish territory for
France. isMied a few days ago by tlie
war office, efforts have Ix-en made to as
certain the cause of the persistent re
ports that a Russian army nas been
moved from Archangel to the Bi-ottish
coast and thence across the channel to
Points in Belgium and northern France.
According to a high government offl
cial these reports probably had their
source In the fact that a number of Kus
slan officers detailed for staff and ob
servation duty with the French and
lish army in the field, passed through
nKland accompanied by their orderlies
and servants, all in uniform. It la b
lieved that villagers in Scotland Caught
sight of thcae Russians In uniform strange
to the country folk and thus arose the
widespread report of a Kusslan troop
movement in this country.
t'OTnlrirmen Can Find Tfnmber of
Men Tbey Encounter by Gun
play with Which They
Are GreteI.
ROTTERDAM, Sept. 7 (Correspondence
of The Associated rress.) Of the Ger
man uhlans, of whom so much had been
heard In the European war, Liuigl Barslnl,
a widely known Italian war correspond
ent, says in the Coniere Delia Sera:
"As we neared a small station and the
train lessened its speed, we saw a small
troop, of cavalry guarding the railroad
crossing a patrol of uhlans. Their de
meanor, was calm. Though they were In
the' enemy's country, their carefree atti
tude gave the Impression that they were
merely In a maneuver camp. y
"The swarms of cavalry which the Ger
mans send out ahead of their advance
re to be found everywhere on any high
way, on any path. It is their business to
see as much as possible. They show
themselves everywhere and they ride until
they are fired on, keeping thlB up until
they, have located the enemy.
Riding Into Death.
"Theirs Is the task of riding Into
death. The entire front of the enemy is
established by them and many of them
are killed that Is a certainty they face.
Now and then, however, one of them
manages to escape to bring the Informa
tion (which otherwise is obtained by offi
cers in their rear making observations).
The fire with which the uhlans are
greeted Is a fair estimate of the strength
of the enemy, for they know that usually
thn soldiers shoot us noon as the cavalry
of the enemy shows Itself.
"The German uhlan Is employed en
tirely for reconnaissance purposes and
what Is known as 'screen' and contact
work. In the first of these capacities he
endeavors to locate the enemy without
running Into his fire, doing this usually
In groups of from twenty to thirty, which
move wtth vanguard, flankers and raar
Work of Iblans.
"In 'screen' work the uhlan is used to
cover infantry or artillery advances, tak
ing a position on tho flank as soon as
this has been accomplished.
"In contact work tho ulilun rides in
small liodles until he has drawn the fire
of the enemy. Instead of retreating, aa
he may do In ordinary reconnaissance
work, he endeavors to trace the front of
the enemy, riding parallel to It-usuaJly
until the last man Is shot down. The
contact action has meanwhile been closely
observed from the German front and the
advance and attack of the ' Infantry la
governed by the Information gained at
the expense of the uhlan, for whom there
la no hope as soon as he Is detailed for this
duty, but who, from all accounts, does
not seem to mind this part of hj work."
Austrian Vessel Badly
Damaged in Battle
LONDON, Sept. 19. A dispatch to the
Evening News from Venice says that one
side of the Austrian dreadnaugbt, Vlrlbus
I'nltis, was badly damaged In a fight In
the Adriatic, bit It escaped Its pursuers.
Russians on Offensive in Galicia,
but Standing on Defensive
in East Prussia.
rossarks. Leading Advance of
Mlahty Hosts of Mrholas,
t Overrunning the
IONnoN, Sept. 19. Reports received
from I'etrogrsd say that the Russian pur
suit of the Austrlans continues and that
the Russians have gained Important suc
cesses over the Austrian rear guard.
Convoys of two army corps, with thirty
guns and ammunition and S.100 prisoners,
are said lo have been captured. The
whole of the Austro-Hungnrlan border
between Yusevoff and Annapol Is re
ported to be overrun by Cossacks who
are leading the Russian advance.
The Russian army now In Galicia will
be left there to complete Its work, for,
according to a Rome dispatch, an army
of tnn.OOO Russians is marching Into cen
tral Poland, followed by another army of
2,000.000, while a third army, also anrre
gatlng 2.000.000. In coming from more dis
tant regions and will reach the front la
There are already said to he tOPO.OM
Russians In Galicia and 600,000 In east
Prussia. While thesa numbers are enor
mous, they are considered probably fair
estimate of what Russia soon will have
available for Its war. It la said It will
soon have 7,000,000 men on the mova.
While continuing the offensive In
Galicia, Russia Is standing oa the de
le n I ve on the east Prussian frontier, tu
army having been driven back by the
Germans. This army, however, la aald to
b intact.
Official Statement.
PKTROURAD, Bept U. The following
communication was Issued today by the
chief of the general staff:
"On thn front In eastern Prussia the
armies of General RennankampCf defi
nitely stopped on September IT the offen
sive movement of the Qermana, At aw
ernl points the Germans are falling back
and shifting to new positions.
"On the Austrian front the pursuit of
the enemy continues. The Russians are
approaching the defensive positions of
Flonawa, Jaroslau and Prexmysl (Galicia).
Mrs. Frank Ieslle Dies.
Nl'-W YORK, Kept. IS. Mrs Frank
Leslie, (the Hnronness De Basus), died
tonight In apartments In an uptownhotel
here. Rhe was the widow of FYan
Leslie the publisher, who dtorf In JfV
and has herself sine been prominent lo
the puoimntng world.
Artillery Slaokens
Fire During Rain
LONDON. Sept. H. Tb Paris corre-
vpoaAetit of tha Daily Mall deeorlbtng the
great battle sayst
"The Oermaaa bawe held therr around
three day, their heaviest pni hidden In
the weeds and the French artillery has
not ret obtained mastery of ftre o-mr
Tha fleams u Infantry In ntranched
along the edga of wood In which the
batterlea are concealed. It la being at
tacked alternate! y ay artillery fir and by
Infantry assaults, the FVeooh .charge
bsansT driven noma rfarht Into tha heart of
the wooda.
"At niatht th desman mafce counter
attaoka, bat these haw always bean re-
"The rtr!ghW e th German posi
tion is the height of Nemt 'Abesee.
three mOea due east f Rhedma. Thar
the Germans occupy the site cf what
need to be the forts of Khelms and from
there they are bombarding the) town of
R helms, which waa en fir In eight dif
ferent plaoes at 4 o'clock this (Thursday)
afternoon when I eame down from the
tower of the cathedral, from which Z
had been watching the ftero battle, el nee
Bee Want Ads Predrroe Hesulta.
Peruna Saved Me
Mrs. Powers, whose address Is given below
her portrait, Is an ardent friend of Peruna,
tihe says:
"I am thankful to tell you that my old
trouble has never bothered me any since you
received my testimonial. Any on wishing
to know the facts In my case. If they will
write me I will be glad to answer. Tour
medicine has saved me, and gave me per
fect health. I frequently meet friends that
knew me when I was In poor health. They
ask me what has made such a change In
me. I always tell them that it was the
nerve remedy, Peruna. I shall praise Peruna
as long as I live."
Catarrh of the Internal Organs
Mr. James M. Powell. No,
Bee Want Ads Produca Results.
Mrs. A. T. Powers, R. R. 7, Box 121,
London, Ohio, writes: "I writ to
thank you for the wonderful good
your Peruna has done for me. I was
a sufferer from kidney and bladder
trouble for twenty-two years. Two
years ago J began to take Peruna,
and I only took about three bottles
and today I can say I am a well
Catarrh la liable to affect any of
the Internal organs. This Is especially
true of the bladder, which Is very
frequently the seat of catarrh. . This
Is sometimes called cysUUa,
mo w.
Walnut St., Rosedale, Kansas, writes:
"About four years ago I suffered
with a severs catarrh of the bladder,
which caused continued Irritation and
pain. I was miserable and could not
stand up or walk for any length of
time without extresne weariness and
pain. I began taking Peruna and It
greatly relieved me and In eleven
weeks I was completely cured, and
felt like a new man."
Those who object to liquid medi
cine csn now proeurs Peruna In
Tablet forma
The Aim of Oar Advertising
To tell to you. plainly and truthfully as on fri$ni to another onr opinion ef the
merits of the merchandise we offer, hoping thereby to gain an opportunity to prove
ourselves xterthy of your confidence.
414-416-418 South Sixteenth St
WITH the appearance of "Adam" "Sheraton"
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for furniture of this sort, expressing the appre
ciation that its genuine beauty deserves.
In Mahogany, "Walnut, Bird's Eye Maple and
Enamel we are showing a great many attractive
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When yon want new ideas even if yon are not
ready to buy, come into thia store and spend an
Sheraton Buffet, hour Or two looking aboot '
Adam Bedroom Suite, in mahogany in the antique finish Dresser $56; Chiffonier $36;
Dressing Table with triplo mirrors, $42; Bed $46.
Sheraton Bedroom Suite, in Circassian walnut, inlaid lines Dresser $68; ,Chiffonier.
$76; Dressing "Table, triple mirror, $56; Bed $60.
Queen Ann Bedroom Suite, in bird's eye maplo or mahogany Dresser $44; Chiffonier
$42; Dressing Table $37; Bed $34.
White Enamel 3-piece Suite, an Adam stylo Dresser $30; Chiffonier -$23; Dressing
Table $26.
Arts and Crafts Dining Suite, in fumed oak Buffet $39; 48-in. Table $25; Leather slip
neat chairs, each, $5.00.
When You Are Ready to Buy Your Living Room or
Dining Room Rug, Look First at Bundhar Wiltons
and you will never regret it. Too much cannot be said about their wearing qualities,
and their colorings and designs approach perfection. They come in many sizes from
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$30 for a fix!); $40 for a 9x9; $45 for a 9x12; $82.50 for a 11-3x15, etc.
And a Particularly Low Priced Wilton for $35 for the 9x12 size not equal
to Bundhar Wiltons, of course, but an extremely good grade for this price, made from
good long wearing materials and in attractive patterns comes in all sizes. Just the
rug for those who want a high grade rug at a moderate price.
Our New Fancy Nets Will Make Up Very
Effectively Yard, 20c to $2.50
A very extensive showing of new designs ia
Quaker Craft I -ace, Filet and levers Lac. Coma
la add see them while the opportunity for selection
U greatest.
huiifjutt over curtain materials Mgaranteed not
Our showing include the very newest patterns and
hades and its extent in this respect in such as to
make it possible to carry out any desired color .ef
fect successfully.
86-1 n. wide, per yard 50c to 7S
flO-ln. wide, per yard 0.V to $2.50
Orchard A Wllhelm's Is the linoleum store of
Omaha. Our stock la the largest and best we
have Just received 3 more full carloads and be
cause we bought them before the recent price ad
vances we intend to continue to sell linoleum at
the same price that prevailed early in the year.
Inlaid Unoleum. per sq. yd. . .05 to 81.85
Printed Linoleum, 6 ft. and II ft. wide, square
rd 40 to 70
Ask to see oar Greenwich and Rlxdorfer pat
Detroit Jewel Gas Stoves Are the World's Best -
We have positively proved this claim and offer them to you as such. A full line
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ORCHARD & WILHELM CO.. 414-416.4.4 S. 16th St.
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