THE OMAHA SIWIUY HKK: Sl.TTEMl.EK -20, 1014. 6 U r KK.XIj l.STATF WEST SI HE GREAT BARGAIN. 6-ROOM WEST END I'ROPERTY K. rill from 14.. VO to $3 500 Rcirptlon ball, living room and dining ; in fiiiihrt In birch, three bedrooms I 'tipstairs. hardwood floor upstairs ane rti n nirelv decorated, full basement: lo' 4;xll1; at SM5 Davenport; key first door east: go see It; n pood, honest, well-built house and a nice home for someone. Some shade and four peach trees W. H. GATES, rtoom 647 Omaha National Hank Building. Phone Douglas 12f4 or Web. 2i. West Farnam $4,650 A nearly new, 6-room, all modern residence on Harney St., near 33d; finished In oak downstairs and hand decorated In oil. An attractive, ''homey" place and good value. $4,950 Seven rooms, all modern and right up-to-date. An especially well built home; the arrangement will please you. Located near 33d and Chicago Sis. The Byron Reed Co I'hone Doug. 297. 212 S. lTya st. i'TVK-KCKIM cottage, 2470 S. 18th St, $12 per month. H. V. BINDER, f.23 City Natlonn 1 Hank Bldg, Tel. P. 1364, 3226 Webster St. Kight-room modern, practically new, lull basement, all In first class condition; owner lives In house; open for inspection any time; convenient to Harney and Cum ins St. car lines; only $4,i"0; easy terms. East Front on Boulevard $4,500 HOT WATER HEATED HOME of 6 rooms with large living room, beamed celling, built-in bookcases, beautiful oak finish, oak floorB throughout, large kitchen and pantry; 3 good bedrooms on the second floor, 1 an enclosed sleeping porch. Full cement basement with sta tionary tubs. This house is complete in every detail; price cut $000. Terms. Glover & Spain 819-20 City National. Douglas 32. Read This Fine new 6-room bungalow outside sleeping porch, large lot. Snap at $3,700. BENSON & CAR-MICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 1722. REAL ESTATF SUBURBAN Benson. Two Benson Bargains 5- rooni house and three lots for $1,500. 6- room house, four lots, con siderable fruit, $3,000. 642 Paxton Block. BENSON & CARMICTIAEL, Phone Douglas 1722. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Strictly modern 7-room house In High school district of Council Bluffs, 453 Glen Ave., price $3,100. GEO. HUGHES, 103 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia. -o Dundee. Dundee Homes $4,250 Large 6-room. brand new house, with sleeping porch. The three bedrooms are large and airy. Fine arrangement throughout. Is all decorated, with fix tures in Just ready to move in. The best for the money in Dundee. 4815 Webster St. $3,250 Another brand new 6-room house, just a little smaller; The cosiest and finest arranged little place you ever saw. Just linlblied; fixtures are in and yard has just been graded and seeded. It ia 4S03 Webster St., on a paved street. Peters Trust Co. ?3 Farnam St. Douglas 8!8. See Happy Hollow Today Located between Underwood Ave. and Dodge St. and Md St. and Happy Hollow cliiii grounds. Take West Farnam-Dundee car, get off at Underwood Ave. and Boulevard, walk southerly along the Boulevard and notice the many beautiful homes already- built. A New Lighting System Is the latest convenience enjoyed by the owners of homes In this beautirul resi dence suburb. No ugly poles, no overhead Mgns. but dignified, artistic shafts with . simple globes, in perfect harmony with the spirit of this suburb. Doesn't It Pay? to live where all the surroundings have been developed to furnish the ideal set tina for a home, rather than to live on a j (.tivet where apartments or stores may eiir ng up at any time? Don't You Think? you should give Just as much thought to the beauty and permanence of your sur roundings as you do to the interior ar langement and decoration of your home? Happy Hollow lias been developed to give the home owner as perfect and permanent sur roundings as possible so that today it not t nly has the conveniences of the down town residence sections, but the added ad vantages of beautiful views over the parks and boulevards to the west and south: an artistic, efficient street light ing system and substantial building re strictions. Now Is the Time to select your location in this ideal resi dence suburb. If you haven't the money, we will assist you in buy'ng the lot and setting started on your home. Plats with prces will be mailed upon application. George & Company I'hone D. H02 City Natl Hank Rldg. fK SALENew 7-room, strictly modern house, 51H5 California St; hot water bear onk finish: built-in bookcases, buf fet, "seats and beam ceilings, fireplace. Price rtduced from $;. to $i.2S0. Must be told this month. If not will rent. $"i0 cash, balance easy terms. Might rnn t iu. r v acant proiorty as part payment. CALL UU'XtK, WEBSTER 4.14. HEAL ESTATE Si IU IIBAX Dander. This Beautiful Dun- ijdee Home Just Fin ished. Price, $4,150; Terms to Suit. At 4855 Cuming St. Choice Residence District. This Is a snap for someone, who wants a good home. This house is full two stories, modern in every lespeot. oak fin ish on first floor, pine with maple floors upstairs, has vestibule, coat closet, large living room across front, colonnade open ing to dining room, neat den or sewing room, handy kitchen with bullt-ln cup boards, refrigerator room, 3 large led rooms, 5 closets, nun parlor or sleeping porch with closet, all decorated through out, tiled bath, easy stairs to store room In attic, full cement basement, with cel lar drain, fruit room, coal room, water meter, cement walks, guaranteed fur nace, best of plumbing, screens, extra good light fixtures, duplex window shades, fine location, paved streets. Compare this home with others. For more information phone Harney fiTofi. Owner. B. K. Price. Good Dundee Corner Lots $1,650 for the southeast corner of Both and liurt sts., 60x128 feet, high, sightly corner. $1,600 for the northeast corner, Rlst and Underwood Ave., 50x138 feet, alley in rear. Overlook Happy Hollow and close to the golf club. $1,500 for the southeast corner of 49th and Webster stn., 50x128 feet; alley in rear; fine shade trees, conven ient to car line. Remember there are very few single corners for sale In Dundee. The above corners are all well located and can bo bought on easy terms. Don't fall to look these over at once. George & Company Tel. D. 756 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Fine Dundee Home Sacrifice Price This is one of the best Beven-room homes ever built in Dundee. Kvery con venience, every artistic touch, beamed ceilings, bricked fireplace, etc. Hot water heat. Owner leaving, suys sell. This is a chance to buy at your own price, for there Is to be a real sacrifice. See us about this. Armstrong-Walsti Co. Tyler 1536. 28-10-12-14 State Bank Rldg. 100-Feet Frontage 2 Lots In Dundee r 4 J V, kltrkoat rial- Af riimriA overlooking the country in all directions; also the uuy ot umann. roiceiy wimtcu lot: on paved street; in a good locality. ' , .. . . , til ll tlia.n tvun rhnlrrt lots for $2,000, or will sell one separately for $1,000. t an arrange terms. HASTINGS & HKYDElN, ibu blarney pi.- Benner's Bungalows In Dundee and north. 6-6-7 rooms. E. H. BEN NEK. Ramge Blk. D. 740. South Omaha. LOOK AT THIS $2,500 Eight-room modern house on a large corner lot. one block to graded achool and within easy walking distance of high school, half a dozen churches and busi ness section. Fine neighborhood. Terms, part cash and balance monthly payments. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1708 H ST., SOUTH OMAHA. OWN TOUR OWN HOME, $50 CASH. Balance $16 a month, 150 South 13th St., a few blocks south of Missouri Ave., 4 rooms with stairway to floored attic, large enough for two more rooms, east front lot, cistern, hard pine finish, in terior nicely decorated, electric lights, all for only $1,600. Lot 40x130 and can rent adjoining ground for pasture or garden. This beats paying rent. Keys at Victor Llndholt. 16t South ISth St., So. Omaha. C. G. CARLBEKG, 310-212 Brandeis Theater Bldg. HEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS A Real Bargain New, finely finished 6-room stucco house, two outside sleeping rooms, large lot, $4,000. This house is cheap ut $5,000. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, 042 Paxton Block. Phone Douglaa 1722. Must Be Sold On account of death of owner. Well built hotel and store building In heart of city; 4-story building; steam heat, up-to-date front; store never empty; hotel furnishings In cluded. Will accept any reasonable offer. Investigate. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National. Doug. 3962. Corner Close In 6axSS feet, on l&th St., with two houses, bringing a good yearly Income. Price ror duced to $S,500. S.P. Bostwick & Son 3o0 Bee Bldg. Tyler ;;. Like Rent $2,500 Five-Horn cottage, parlor, dining room finished in oak; b"ilt-in china i Inset, twn nice bedrooms with bath between; good tiled kit hen. stairway io attic; lull base ment; south front lot. nicely soclf.ed and terraced: cement walks in front and around the house. Near car American Security Co. 17th and Pouglaa Sts. Liuuglaa Sf.lX HEAL ESTATE MISCKI.I, NK.OtS All Real Home Bargains Owners Must Sell I Jl.l'A' I'll SIDE on Florence Hlvd V'-; 11",,',k' f,",,u V"1,',''":1 Vr!,','..KHn!ll stucco, with bilge living : r : i,;;s floor. :t excellent bedrooms on the, second with tile bath room, full cement basement, good furnace, stationary t ibs; Karate and virix o-: w.iv This is an ideal home. Terms .0fi0 t-ATHEl'liAL DISTRICT. -nwm, modern home with hot water heat; has 4 rooms on the first floor, one a den or downstairs bedrooms with fireplace; and 4 good rooms and bath on the second floor with extra lavatorv In one bedroom; has garagcand driveway, lias cistern water piped throughout the house, and is complete in every detail. This house Is practically new. and In excellent condition, and can be bought at a real bargain. r,,S0i) WKM' EN P. excellent new home, never occupied, of V rooms and large attic, can finish a good room; owner forced to sell. Hullt by day labor and exceptionally well con structed anil finished. Has large living room with built in bookcases, writing desk, buffet and clothes chute, large pantry. 4 dandy bed rooms, one a sleeping porch on the aecoud floor, tile bath. "f floors I throughout, and oak finish down- stairs ith mahogany and white enamel upstairs, woodwork thor oughly rubbed and well finished, excellent hardware. Must be seen to be appreciated. No better built home in the city Full cement basement, furnace beat; south front lot. $;,,7V-DUNDKK MOMK rsK.AUTIFVl,. eonslst'ng of large living room with a RKOULAR Kl UK PLACE, built In bookcases, lieanied ceilings, large dining room, also beamed ceilings, good kitchen and pantry; 4 good bedrooms on the second floor, one a combined sun room and sleeping porch; overlooking the beautiful homes In Happv Hollow circle. Has excellent furnace, full basement, drlvewav and gutnee. with oil and gas tanks. Too large for present owner. $,6rSiHTllV-KST. CRElOHTiVVS FIRST ADDITION, on the Boule vard: dandy good home of 7 rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, large bed room and sleeping porch and bath room on the first floor. 3 large bed rooms on the second floor with extra lavatory and toilet; bountiful lot. h'oci- from car line. Glover & Spain 91!V-;0 C'ty National. D. 3iW?. New Bungalow Harney Car Line Thla house is esnecially well built and of attractive appearance, located on a high and sightly south front lot, 40xi:t2. on paved street. Five good sized rooms an.i hath conveniently arranged and full basement and high attic. Hardwood floors and finish throughout. Best plumbing and lighting fixtures. Decorated. Ready to live in. We do not know where to find its equal in Omaha at the price. S'XMO. Terms can be airanfred. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler VM. 2OS-10-I2-14 State Rank Bldg. 1,1 e.,lllAT'?r,r'T-i This beautiful new 5-room bungalow, Including all modern conveniences 8Md with urlncinal rooms in oak. can be bought on easy monthly payments. Only a very small cash payment to bet:ln. BANKERS REALTY 1NVESTMEKT COMPANY j " . , . !, t-, nQo Ground floor Bee bldg. Phone D 2926 Must Be Sold w rninnni Kt Ti,.o hnnu are" so arranged as to make four good sized apartments. They are nearly mod ern. Are close to school, stores and. car anl you cun buy either or both on easy payments and at a low price. Live in ono and rent the baluance for enough to pay for the places. Hotter think this over. HOT? S. Wth f?t.. Is a cheap house that you can buy for $."i) cash and $10 per month. House needs some repairs, but at the price asked you will make money if you buy. 1412 Westerfleld Ave., Is a small 4-room houso that If you buy and enlarge will be worth the money. You can buy for $50 cash and $10 per month. It is worth the price asked. Creigh, Sons & Co. -none Douslas 200. Bos Res Bldg. BARGAINS IN HO.MfcS. Eight room, new 2-story house, 20th and California Sts., snap, $4,200. Eight-room, new modern' 36th and Cen ter, only $4,200. Seven-room, new modern, 35th and Lea vtnworth Ms.. $4,200. Kjiqulre 413 Karhach B!k. Phone D. 3fi07. 3 JMs S.P;Bostwick&Son!i urriuiis: J iJiiji Hl,hg. Real estate, fire and tornado Insurance careful and personal uttention given to tho management of rental proia-rtlts. We have a good demand for houses to rent List your property with us. HOME BARGAINS " 5-r. nifty new modern bungalow, 25th Ave., near Woolworth Ave., $1.4o0 7-r. new two-story modern bungalow. beam ceiling. 2otli Ave., near Wool worth S-r. new modern two-story house, 2Tth Ave., near Woolnorth, reduced to $4 .100 innuiTM 413Karbaoh RlkI'hone D. 3io7 DEXTER L. THOMAM. 4U I 'Be"e IlluV Vacant lots on terms to suit 100x130 feet. 35th and Plnkney. over- looking boulevard n,o 100x130, corner 47th and Burt ' " m 60x130, cor. 32d nnd Ohio (sightly). ij) Lots in all parta of city, iiouth Omaha and t lorence. Find where you want a lot and come ot me. o LXCHAMiK your cottage or lot as first payment for six large rooms and sleep Ing porch; oak floors; living room, 12x2.1 feet; bookcase, window seat, plate rail and paneled walla In dining room' walls all decorated; furnace heat, oil burner at tached; good auto garage, with room tor two machines; s6uth front lot, Roxl"4 ft paved street; one-half block from Kountze park. Price $4.au0; terms. For further information call. RASH BROS., ion MoCague Bldg. Douglas KU NEW $38,000 Buys Inside Business and Apartment Property; Earns 9 NET. No trades. See M'CAGUE REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR BALE OR TRADE Garage and re Pair shop. Steady customers for repair work, also gasoline, oils and grease sales. house accessories and catalogue accessory ales. ShoiJ equipped with Uthe, forgo air compressor, liV-gai sunken gasoline tank, dies and tools of every description. 0-foot pit, wash rack, etc. Reason for selling, .'cinpeiled to g. east. Will sail or trade for city i roperty. iarm or mer- uinii'iiBc biuic. rum on uiqu icauuri Wyoming Auto and huuply Co., l!)th and Thonies, Sis., Chejennu. VVyo FINE large garage building, ll"xl:".o, good equipment and machinery, f ne loatlon for distnh iting and repair place; $.'.'. . easy terrot; will take go d (imaha resi dence or small faim as part pay; give lo cation and describe fully and price wVrit you offer In flrct letter. Addreai a. fj lunter. AlLla. Ia. KKAI, ESTATE EOU EXCHANGE TO F.XO MAXii!', for apartment house or good tm oine business block 10. 'M nores It misted land In rtah. together with i ownership of complete Irrigation system. I Natl. Hank i'lrln Doug. 14.4 This is a proposition seldom offered In W ANTED -A good Omaha residence tip exchange and will bear closest lnestlga- to tio.oii Must be modern and well lo th n. 1'rli -.. .H',i. .rated Will kHo cmkIi and a tine quarter I I .,.. r -i m Mdt,... I...,.J. '. "r,' k manu.'iiclurtng plant located in al,HT your houses and farms for sula live el raska city Ibis plant is a K"llit 1 '""y nd .. na fr the next fifty years 'rice, $H.H. To exchange for general merchandise stork 40 acres in Lelinur county, Colo rado. One mile from town, all under cul tivation and Irrigation, good Improve ments, fenced and ct oss-l'cnoed, young orchard. Encumbrance $J,"i; equity $.!.! 11). To evehangw for anything of equal value MO acres of land in Kinney county, Kansas, near Harden City, smooth land In a well settled community. IVpiity $.l.iw. To exchange for an Omaha home 20 acres Irrigated land In Sacramento Valley, California. $3.Sot. Clear. TV. T. SMITH CO., 1111-12 City National Bank Bldg , Omaha, Neh. - OR SA1.K or trade, a beautiful south ern faim home. Will take eastern Ne- braFka orooeef V M l.n.1 'J,h Li..t.n-.l- Hiock, Lincoln," Neb.' ' ., , .. " -iv wen niioroven. close lo town. aM good farm land, value J7."i an acre: trade for general store. J. .7. Stephens, Newton, Kan. o WANTED tleneral merchandise, grocery or hardware stock, cltv op count i v for cheap western land. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1111 City Nat'l Hank Hldg , Omaha. o HotTSE and lot In Gas City, Kan, for sals or trade Address !W, Adams, Neb. I'lanoa tor other iiiukTcuI lustru IS. 1 Mill. ABSTItACTS OP T1TLK. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. S0 S. 17th SjL Phone Douglas MS7. REED Abstract Co , oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska nc lli.mrieli Theater. KKAL KSTATK INVKSTMKNTS We Offer 6 Farm Loans On eastern Nebraska farms. Price par and Interest : $4, Oilfl on WW acres, worth $12.0n0. $;i,0i)0 on ltiO acres, worth $H),7ik). $l.(iiiO on IA) acres, worth s,om). Ixians made to reliable farmers. United States Trust Company K13 s. street.- To Conservative Investors We offer high-grade first mortgage farm loans at prevailing rates. Titles guaran teed and Interest collected without charge to our investors. Tax free in Nebraska. Peters Trust Co., 1622 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE TEN ACRES Home people are advertising and selling one-half and one-acre 'Harden traits . tl lUtn i.ah r..-A ur.,1 liti'..a lit ttlht I prices will probably make money. How- ever, if you want one 01 me most neauti ful garden tracts, here is an opportunity to get one: Practically adjoining the city i of Omaha on the west, high and sightly. this tract will make an ideal place for tt suburban home. This tract Is as close to Omaha and mll.h .cr. . tnoao ah0ve mentioned, but the owner must raise some money the only reason for selling at a price of $4ii0 per acre, As an Investment. It would be both safe ! nrl Pr?'tab'?- J"1'1 hesitate to ask me about this;, the owner is anxious to sell. C. M. Ryland 8M Omaha National Bank Bldg. Florence Acreage Bargain Twenty acres miles northwest of Florence and but a short distance from the macadam road. Seven-room house, In good condition, good barn and other outbuildings; nice orchard, full bearing. One and one-quarter acres in vineyard. The owner of this property, on account of family reasons, is compelled to move to the city and will take as part payment a good residence in the city; and will price this property right. O 'Noil's R. K. & I n8. Agency Tyler 1024. irA"i Farnam St. Acreage Bargains Nine acres northwest of Benson, mostly In alfalfa; has running water, large shade trees; fine place for little farm; near Omaha, where you can grow most any thing you wish. Small payment down, and small monthly payments will start you on your way to Independence Four acres northwest of Benson: lay level: finest kind of soil: fine fpr rden- Ing. Price $1,700. Easy terms, ''"'i Hastings & Heyden li'.H Harney St Acreage Acreage Pome esnecially good bargains in 5, 10, 20 and 40-acre Improved tracts, especially In 20 and 4o-acre tracts. Cull In forenoons If convenient. ORIN W. MERILL COMPANY, N. K. Cor. 23d and N. Sts. South Omaha An Acre Bargain Facing on S. 13th St. (Hellevue Boule ivard), fifteen minutes' ride from Farnam St. Just a fraction less than un acre, and two Khort blocks to the car line. Oood soil, high ground, affording a fine view; water and gas In street; you will have to act quickly to get this bargain acre at only $H70. It's Just what you have been waiting for. We will take a small pay ment down and arrange terms to suit. SHULl'R & CAREY. Tel. PoticlaH 4J.!3 224 Sta!- Hank Bldg. 20 ACRES RICH UPLAND S miles from city. New 6-rooiu house, cave-cellar, good barn, chicken house, wagon shed; 4' acres alfalfa, all kinds of fruit. Owner must sell and for quick sales prices It at l I'D us show it to you. A. F. SMITH CO., (Fay mith.) 23 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. 40-ACRE FA ISM. 3 miles of Council Bluffs. Well im proved with 8-room house, barn, water works; 5 or 6 acres alfalfa, good orchard and a nice yard; balance of the place all good rich gurden land, flood road to city. Possession at once, with crop if desired. Price $n.Wi0. Will divide and sell one-hulf with buildings, $'!'0; other one-half. $4,uoo. MO EE REAL ESTATE CO. 106 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la HEAL KSTATK WAXTKD Free Advertising Give us exclusive agency for your farm or city property, cash or ex change, and we will advertibe weekly until gold. W. T. SMITH CO.. U1-T2 City National Hank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. o S-ROOM bouse, to be sold by owner; 1 years old; all modern, oak and birch finish: corner lot, south front; $4.S"0. Ad- o dres 31i2 Chicago St. Tel. Harney 1704. HEAL ESTATE WANTED K otT fifty huvria with from l-'Xi to all cash for m xlrrn S, $ or 7-room homes trom $.'.i0 to $4,iX. fall us at once. osi.orne ucaity i'e , uinana section of bind t lear of Incumbrances f'T nHillf. ddless 11 ;-T7 1 l'.er o with us .1 11 PVMONT CO.. Ka..,,, st -o KKAI. i:si'ATK LOANS IdONKY to loan on faims or city prop ertv anywhere in the I nlted Stales at only 5 per cent simple Interest, buv, build, or pav off inert ill tcs, long time, easy pa ments. Kmplre Ue.iity & .Mortgage i o., HIS Gas and Electric Hldg.. Denver. Colo. o CITY and farm loans, 5. 5', per cent. J.H. Duniont Co . lww h arnani. vniana. VANTK.i City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. OKKEFl. HEAL ESTATE t'U.. I0l Omaha jt l; Douglas 371 7j"TfV'l V I' lflW Loans, J..00 and up. llAK liNJillU?.,,,,,,,., Nat 1 Hank. ilARRisON MORTON. lf im Nat'L WA NTKl City loans ind warrantaT W. Karnam Smith Co.,lXM Karnam. CITV proprtv. Large loans a specialty. W. II. Thomas. 21 State Hank Hldg fioo'to $io.W made promptly. F. D. ead, Wea d Hldg., is l h mi d Farnam S t s MONEY" on hnnd for citv and farm loans. H W. Hinder. ( 'It yNst'JIJ'nk Hldg. JTrCTTY LOANS.' Hemls-Carlberg Co., ' v r S10-3I2 Hrandeis Theater Hldg. 8EFfTisffist if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Nab. . - - . . ... -a REAL. ESTATE FARM ltASSMf lAXIM FOR AI.K LITTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap. 6n railroad. Sessions Co., Wtnth- rop, Ark o California. IX") YOU INTEND OOINO Tt' CALIFORNIA tJOON? IF SO, REA D THIS: I am in position to offer a ad vantage to the first sixteen purchasers of Irrigated tracts., Each trait JO acres. No exerlment, as ample supply of water Is proved and now bcltig pumped. Wajit sixteen actual settlers who will move there within ono year. To such will make eeclal arrangements for planting and de veloping. Main lino Banta re and all conditions first class. Prices right. Wrtta for particulars. James 0. Parker 407 W. 23d M.. Iis Angeles, Cal. Colorado. $17 AN ACRE, Improved farm, 320 acree:, closei to Denver, improvements are new. fine well und water; gas enirlne. fenced and cross-fenced; one-half under culti vation', good terms can bu made. This Is offered at low price, as owner ni"els money. W. T. HMITIl 131).. 1111 City Nat. Hunk Hldg. Omaha, Neb o Florida. WANTED A high-class salesman (prefer man experienced in selling Florida land) to represent us In your community. Our land la splernlldly located, well drained and exceptionally desirable. Many in quiries are being received and we must have live agents to give them proper at Itention. Liberal coinnilsalon. Write at once for further particulars giving ex perience and reference. Volusia Ie velopment Co., Volusia, Ha.' V LO It 1 1 1 A V I n t e7 homes farms, gar dens, timber lands, orange, grapefruit groves. Thirty miles wet of Tampa, on liult of Mexico. Write H. A. Kllgore and Company, Clearwater, Kla. $2,000 Cash Makes First Payment On 120-AcreIowa Farm If you want a good Iowa farm, located cloie to town and within forty-five miles of Omaha, on tlie main line of the North western road, you should Investigate this 120-acre farm. It is located 4" miles north of Woodbine, la. There are about ninety acres under cultivation, about one half acre In orchard, and the balance pasture. Has 6-room house and other outbuildings. Price, $100 an acre. Here Is an opportunity to own a splendid Iowa farm that you will be able to sell before long for $125 to $150 per acre. Owner might take some Omaha property In trade for parL Hastings & Heyden 1C14 HARNEY ST. For Sale 100-Acre Farm. Twelve miles from Council Bluffs, V miles Horn Folsom station, cm the way to (ileiiwood. tiO acres In corn, 20 ucres could be cultivated, balance in pasture. Small orchard, new good well, 5-room cottage and few other buildings. Oooil soil. Tenant raised 3,000 bushels of corn this year. Will take city property if price is good. J. B. Robinson Phone Doug. 8W. 442 Bee Bldg.' 46 ACRES, 2' miles north of Bartlett. la. Fine little farm. Price $h0 per acre. PK acres, 1 mile north of Bartlett, la.. Mills county. Fine Improvements. Price 12,(0. 4H acres, 3 miles north of Pacific. June. Lull. $10o per ai re. 240 acres, l',i miles to Pacific Junction, Ia. loo per acre. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 413 Km bach Block. Omaha, Neh Idaho. FORTY acres Irrigated land for sale cheap at Burley, Ida. Owner, Oeo. A. Reed. Newport, Wash o. Ksbiu, STOCK FARM 240 acres, Improved, 80 acres fine corn and alfalfa bottom, rest pasture; $4) per acre, worth t''i. Widow, must sell. Box 20, Leon, Kan Montana. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS 0 000 acres now open to entry in the famous Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the homsseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. Ths rich soil, exhilarating climate and abundanco of water for irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Great for grain, slfulfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a home. Write today for buoklet a no particulars. Valler Farm MONTANA produces natural grass that makes prime beef for the block. 10.UH) to ai.'OO-aere trans In our large holdings, some equipped for business. Owner. 10. B. Towers. Mhes City. Mont. o. Minnesota. 11 1 ' ' C'l'I" I- 1 . 1. V. . .. land In tho staTe for tunothy clover and potatoes. Always plenty of 'rain. Can . be beat or stock country. I.and selling st $12 to $20 per acre. Buy before prl. es advance. (,eo. Boyer. Sandstone, Minn CHOICE CORN BELT FARMS in Central Minnesota, where crops never fail; dairy and stock section, fine black soil, $h& per acre and up; reasonable terms at & per cent W. H. JENSEN, lfi23 Linden Ave., Minneapolis. Minn o Mlr.sourl. MISSOURI FARMS FOR HENT-23J acres, $1 ,s0 cash: 11' acres, $f.uO; well improved; everlasting water; possession this fall. Also Henry county i.Mo.) farms for sale. W. S. Duncan, Clinton, Mo. Nebraska. Farms Farms Farms All within one hour's automobile ride of Omaha; bargulns. I-ct us show you the goods; all sizes, all prices, all terms. Call in forenoons If convenient. No trades considered. ORIN S MERRILL COMPANY, N. E. Cor. 23d and N Sts., South Omaha. HEAL ESTATE V II M A It A Mil lMI I ll MI.H Nebraska. Sales conipsny, Vsller. Mont . Hot No 17. KIMHALI. COUNTY FARMS. All tilltible 4Sii-acre farm nine miles from Klnibnll; in) acres under cultivation. :.ii fine young tree.- in orchard and round buildings Fine house imd barn ami K'Ut b.iihlinKe. well and null. Land Is all fenced and cross-f enc-d. Mile to s lionl. mini delivered within one mile six times a wi ek 1'ruv $' per a re. This Is a bargain. Also have o'.her choice improved ami un ion rovcil farms. HANK OF MMRM.L. Kimball. Neb. DID YOU SUE HI 11 EX HI HIT AT THE ST A IF. t'UIr no Ckop "FAHTrlii-is ix T11K M'OTT'S UAdT JHKl- (iATi:i rorNTWY No. 514- Here y s tnluhty fine piece of bind. Go. d soil, lbs well and eary to IrrUrate. About on-thlid Is broken and ready for crops. It Is as smooth ns a floor and will make a dandy farm. All around It on the same kind of so you will see some of the finest crops of alTalta. sugar beets, potatoes and grain to be found In the stat. It Is only four miles to town and is a big snap at per lure; $1,110 down an(l long time on balance. K.vou want a quarter section Improved or unimproved, we have It. Send today for "twind Owner." It tells nil aooiit the Scott's I till rf country, an, I li s tree. PAYNK 1NYKSTMKXT CO., OMAHA. o WILL S.CRil;IC.rMi)acrcs In western Nebraska, mostly all rich, level farming land; will take Jl.l.iii tin acre, owner. Box 2,"i7, Omaha Special Sale We can offer ten of the finest pit-acre tracts, smooth, rich farming land, in Morrill county, western Nebraska, AT $17. SO AN ACRE. If you want one of the biggest bargains In Nebraska land, write us and arrange to go out Wednesday, Sept. ;w, to look It over. Railroad fare refunded If you buy. HICKS LAND AUKXl'Y. 44H Hoard of 'I rude Hldg., Omaha. FOR SAD-; MM acres choice land In Deuel and Harden counties, Neb., all well lo cated. Will divide. For particulars write to Hrviwn Mfg. Co, 54 est Luke So., Chi cago, 111. NEBRASKA RANCH AND FARM 4.S4H acres choice land, well Improved, water piped to all buildings and corrals; running water in paslura, fine gulden ami orchard. Ix-vel tarm land with rich, black soil, partly in cultivation now; abundant land suitable for alfalfa; wide nay valley through entire ranch; well grassed hills (not sand hills) with spring "t aim suciier lor stock; all combined III this ono ranch. PRICK 1M..U ACRE. LIBERAL TERMS. This Is one of the best ranches In Nebraska and If you want a ranch you will buy It after Ins liectlon. Write for full description. J. II. DUMONT & CO., 1003 Farnam St. Phone Douglas ff1. Sheep Feeding THE BEST well-equipped sheep feeding yards at South Omaha. Hood 7-r. house, Including bath room; water works with hot and colli water in house. Large grain elevator, K.IKKI to 10,0i) bu. rapacity, be sides plenty alfalfa room; equipped with grinding mill, hay cutler, etc.; 2 gasoline unt'ltmu' Imrii foe A head, besides auto room, hay, etc.; anoiner griinaij, .,"" bu.; good sheep sheds for t.rn) to .'t.u.Hi sheep. Plenty good spring ami well water; cement troughs throughout yards; 9 acres of ground; drainage good. In fact, these ynrda cannot be beat. All ready to move Into. Buv now while you run. before the season begins. Price only JO.OuO; $-.1110 rash, balance long time, 6 per cent, (let into the game. i ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, N. E. Cor. 23d and Mts. South Omahn Bargain! Bargain! Make $H,UH) In 4 years by Inlying thla 240-ucre upland farm, 7 miles from city limits of Omaha, proper. Well Improved, practically every loot tillable. Price $140 per acre. Hero Is the one chance of a lifetime to get a well located farm. Right terms. Don't delay. Graham-Peters Realty Co. E29 Omaha Nat l B k Hldg. Omaha, Neb. $750 Cash $1,250 Mar. 1 73 ACRES UPLAND Well Improved pouglaa Co. farm; gently rolling; best of soil; choice location; extra good goods for the money. Pine $l.::i per acre; $.00 ensh. $1.2.i0 more Mar. 1. bulance 5 years at 5'a per ACT AT u.VL'K. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. N. E. Cor. 23d and M Sis.. SoiUh jmiaha 12ii or 100 acres.12 mill's of Oinuha P. O. ; tali improvements; $1.".0 acre. JOHN N. FREN7.ER. Ill S. 15th St. North llakoin. 320-AC R E FARM FOR SALE. Choice fiirin of 320 acres, 2mi under cul tivation, balance can bu broken, blui loam, with clay subsoil, nearly new L.r....m bouse with good cellar and cis tern; barn 40x 40. neaily new, two good granaries; hog and chicken house; nice grove of trees. 41-. miles Hum two towns, imir mile from schuol. Rural mail and telephone In liounc. Situated In Cavalier count V, North Dakota. Price, !.. pjr acre, "terms. Alao 24 other quarters. I am the .owner ot sJld lands. K. H. 1 1 u rt On, lngilon, N. I Texas. FOR QUICK SALE K,000 acres of east Texas land, well loci.ted and ii: one body. Oood soil and well drained and within one mile ot good lown and ship ping point. Bargain for cush. Write for price and further particulars. Milo E. Trussell, Kress Bldg., Houston, lex. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Bkt u..y and geuciui cloy ndit lu Iba union; .enters wanted, iauUs lor amo at low pilots, on easy leiuia. Asa tor book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Laud UiauL State acres wanted. Unto about our grazing lands, ll Interested lu fruit lands, ask lor booklet on APl'le Orciiards in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. Suo Lifia Ry.. Minneapolis, Minn. Mlaccllaut oun. IF INTEREST ED in land In southern Iowa ur.J suuthern Minnesota write ths F L. Jones Land company, V lulerset. la. for their I st f 2.1 farms ONE of the prlncija. owner. i of the two l -rge.t rei, estate corporations in the. vv ".,ahklm,i ntT i ! sell ng agency contracts with In uentlal real estaLe men tor the sale In small I tracts IHU ei ll racj iciitio m l' I fruit, pineapple and winter vegetable lanuS. Ldoerttl counuiBniuilo, am cli-uvq and convincing literature. A high class proposition for high class people. C. J. Wall, 634 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago. FOB KENT Apartments and Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in the city. 'Phone us for further Information. Douglus :8 Fidelity Storage A Van Co. ' THE HUDSON. FIVE ROOMS. located 207 S. 2tith Ave., new; close-in; bullt-ln buffet; panel walls In dintng room; H block to Farnam car; $46 sum mer and $r winter. HAST1NUS & HEYDEN, 1014 Harney Kt. EOlt It EXT Apartment and Klnts. THE NEW "TRAVERTON" APARTMENTS 24TM AND LA NOPON COURT. n car line; 7 blocks of court house. FIR F.PI ()( )F, SAN I TART, COMFORTABLE THE TRAVERTON HAS fi.MAf.Tj APARTMENTS WITH PRIVATE BATH, H El'l E RATION IN FACT. EVERY FACILITY. APPOINTMENT AND CON VENIENCE THAT CAN BE PESIRED. FURNISHED Olt UNFURNISHED t'.VDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE OWNERS. Traver Bros. Bed 4721. TOfi Omaha Nat. Bank Bide Highland Court Heated Apartments Northwest corner 3Mh Avenue and Har- nev St. This In one of the finest apartment houses In the city; only recently com pleted and up-to-date In every partlcu lar. Consists of six apartments, six and seven rooms. We have closed lease on lour of these during the last week. Many special teatures exist hero that are not found elsewhere. The Janitor will show you through, or call at our office and see plat showing all the details. A. P. Tt'KEY SON. 411-442 Board of '1 rude Bldg. Phone P. W CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS. THE CARPATHIA, S:i4 S. 24TH ST. Two and three-room apartments at very reasonable rents. THE FLORENTINE. !07 S. aVTH ST. Three and four-room apartments, strictly modern and up-to-date, very rea sonable rents. Janitor will show you, through at anv time. THE LEONE, ' 8.12 S. i4TH ST. Five-room apartments, modern and up-to-date in every respect; $30 summer, $40 winter. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, Klfi Omaha National Bank Bldg MiDKTKN'bTlcirflaT.-1S0S N. lfith 6t In A No. 1 shape, $20. THOMAS V. HAZF.N, 207 McCague Hldg. Phone Douglas 110ft. ROOT APARTMENTS 32d and Pacific 3125 Paclfle, St., beautiful B-room. strictly modern, up-to-date heated apart ment, finished In quarter sawed oak: throughout, tiled floor In hath room, private laundry, private front and rear entrance, private porch, large yard. $50. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY. til e. omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. lvr. modern brick. 2707-9 Farnam; $85. K r. modern house ia fine repair, 2343 Davenport St.; $30. .Vr. modern apartment, Davldge Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam Sts.; $40. 7-r. flat, PJ07 Cuming, good repair: $25. 7-r. house, good repair, 3o21 N. 28th; $13. .Till IN W. BOBBINS, 112 FARNAM ST. iTTroOM, steam heated modern flat; will decorate to suit tenant; $2S In winter, $li In summer. 921 South 13th St. FELL & P1NKERTON CO.. 213 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE IN MODERN BRICKS. Five rooms, heated, over drui store, 21th and California. Eiglit-rooni, two-story. 1D13 Webster. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1010 Omaha National. Tel. Douglaa 2715.' FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. iom chinniffi Kt . ft rooms, modern. $o0. 2:4 Ha.rncy St.. 6 rooms, brick, fine con dition, very desiraoie. .u.. 2D."3 Harney St., k roonia, mod. choloe, $45. "211 S. 24th St., 9 moms, modern, good for rooming house, $36. 1717 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern, lawn, faces Hansoom Park. $5. .21 s. 20th St.. 4 rooms, brick, oath, ffu, city water. $12. r23 s. 20 St.. 4 rooms, brtck, bath, (U, ltt. Kalnr 110 ?fln Lake, 5 rooms, hath gas. $18. 3014 Ames Ave., 4 rooms, city water, Jll. 2201 N. 27th St., 4 rooms, city water, $9. OARV1N MKOB.. S45 Omaha National Bank Pldg." JUST COMPLETED. 211 SOUTH 33D STREET. A beautiful brick. 6-room apartment, finished In quarter-sawed oak throughout, large fireplace In living room, sun room. private laundry, large yard. Heat, hot ami cola water ana jaimur raovo "'"""PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Men, 618 omaha Nat. Bank Bldg SIX ROOM brick, 2M1 Charles St! first floor oak finish, new and up-to-the-minute; gas, hot water heater, screens, window shades, elaborate electric light fixtures furnished. Just finished deco rating walls, stenciled and painted with flalone. Ixok this over today. This ia the best 0-room new building, and can be had tor $30 per month. Traver Bros. 705 Omaha National Bank Bldg Red 472f "s'T. CLARE APARTMENTS, 2'ld and Harney Sts., 3 room apartments. Call H. 47 or D. 6M6. FINE 7-room brick, nil modern, no heat, lim S. Pith, $20; 8-room, all mod. apart ment no heat, 2327 S. 11th, $lt. P. 789. iu-rooM flat. 1SU Podge Kckles, 03ii Paxton Blk. St. G. A. 4-H., mo.i. ex. heat; $14. H. 2111. SJ1X AND SEVEN ROOMS 2117-19 NORTH SIXTEENTH. The' are the cheapest apartments in the city for the money, $25 in summer and $32. ."j0 iii winter. 11 AST1NOS & HEYDEN, lfiU Harney St FCU'R-ROOM FLAW $lfr-1501 VINTON. OQDEN ANNEX looms, witn rii.i Council Bluffa Gordon Van Co 25 6 tors re. 19 N Hth St. Phone D X.4 or K. (Oil. J.iH-6-RM mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 4A59. ONE 5-rooni apartment; St. George, $i0; ST 113 N. 31st Avenue. Phone Webster 1S74. $U Coud 5-room apartments, mod. except heat. 2S:iS Davenport. H. 435. Modern, 4-room flat $16. 1417. Vinton St. P h one Red 6418. tl'21'iM niodern flat. 1112 So. lllh. 7-ROOM flat, modern. 230S Cuming. 13 ruuin house, modern, 4219 N. 24th, O. C. REDU'K, Attorney. 224 Omaha National Bank Bids. Telephone Douglas 1612. " six rooms. the Douglas. located at 213 S. 2rtth Ave., raeant October 1st; has sleeping porch, close-in. walking distance, very choice, $S0 In sum mer, $.Vi In winter. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Mi Harnay gt TWO ROOMS. THE HARNEY. 30O.J Harnev, disappearing bed la Uvlnc , rom iJfl ier arund HASTINGS At HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. Apartment No. 2, b'21 R 24th, a 4-Toom strictly modern and up-to-date apart ment; $23 summer, $3u winter. PAINE & SLATER COMPANT, ' tilt! Omaha National Bank Bldg. "sl X - ROO M H EAT ED APARTMENT, 703 K lbth St. Good condition. PETERS TRl'ST CO., D. 89. DOWNTOWN APARTMENT FOR RENT. $17.50 7-r., 51S S. Pith St. J.Vi.i 0 7-r., M4 S. liitn St. Steam heat; Janitor servlca. GEORGE & COMPANT. Tel. D 7A 9tr2 City Nat. Bank Bldg ATHLON E. Large. 4-room apaitment, convenient, light rooms, tiled baths, kitchen well ar ranged, with Icebox and gas range, fin Ulied lu beautiful light oak. Vacuum cleaner service. The Alhlone ia well lo cated i-'tih and Douglas Sts.), In walking" dltitunce. Rental $40 in summer gJid $w in winter. Janitor will show the or call PETERS TRUST COMPANT. 1622 Farnam gt. . Tel. Dou. ttf THREE and. 4-room. with bath, close In, In first-class condition; newly decorated and cleaned. $i. $10, $11 Phone W. tm-o