Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2-C, Image 28

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    X o
IIY hme of 7 room, partly modern, and
lot Ws?Xl feet, with shade trees and
ether shrublery. t r sule or exrhane.
Place l clear, on pivo.1 street ant only
JO minutes' walk renter of city; If
milted would r' II. .VO to Ji.oro 1lf fcrenre
for about -nvm. nil modern house. Ad
dress I) 4i. Pre
For many reasons the 'most desirable residence section .:f
the city. Florence Itoulcvnrd
'and Miller Park touches its southwest corner.
You must see this beautiful
, Water, Sewer, Walks, etc.
Every Lot Protected by
Building Restrictions
'-' ' Prices range from $550 to $1,000. Only n small cash pny
jment;' balance in easy monthly installments.
y ' Lots in this Inch class addition are being purchased by
inVESTOKS and HOME BUYERS, because they are sure to
Irapidly increase in value.
j Let us show you this addition.
! Salesmen on the ground today.
Norris & Norris
40Q Bee Building.
Special Bargains
I BOO faun, 140 per month, will buy the Hood, mod., .7-room. well built home, oak
finish down stairs, beautiful lot; flno trees. and ahruba. tiouth front on
Davenport: first houao east of 61 dt HI.
' 15,150 Cood "-room house, half lilwk of H appy Hollow Circle: 4 bedroom and slecp
" Inn porch; all oak flnlah downstairs; good garage and atone, drive. Leased
. until May lat at 1M per month. Owner needs the money btggert bargain In
f 5112 Hodge 8t.- 100x135 ft.; extra fine., well built, hrlrk bungalow with T
very large rooma; unusually well built: finely finished and a most beauti
ful home. Don't fall o Investigate thla If you want a modern, up-to-date
"brick bungalow. Would take In a smaller place.
14,8501750 cash, balance monthly will buy 4U Dodge Ht. Fine corner lot. WlxlW
-ft. with a good -room. mod., well built home. Has one bedroom with toilet
Mid lavatory downstairs. It la a bargain.
. 2K!4 So. 9th St.. within one block of the Karnam car at 9th and Bancroft;
heautirul east front lot iM.xl.'iO ft., with good 7-room house; rooma large and
coiy; modern except heat. Owner transferred from the city this week,
must make quick Bale, tan he Been today by calling at the house, l)ar
(atn for nomeone.
Creighton's First
H,(WU IX) to t rash: rooma, well built, beautifully arranged, handsome Interior,
i mw, nil modern, with garage. Just two blocka from the car, Thli la a
' . bargain.
7 Greatest Bargain Offered
v ft i Within three blocka of Burlington and V. P. freight depota, containing
I7.4M sq. ft. Track on one aide, private switch can be put on the other nldo.
. it aold quick price flrty centg per aq. ft. This la unquestionably the great
. - '"eat trackage bargain we ever advertlaed, but the owner wanta to aell qulok
and will consider any reasonable of ler. It la clear and terma can be ar
- .... ranged. Investigate sure.
West Farnam
414-411 South SMh Kt. Ideal location, eat front. BJx1H6 ft.; moat excellent,
well built, modern, hot water heated house, v rooma each; fine oak fln
" leh, oak floora downstairs, f"-ur good bedrooma and tiled bath on aeeonil
floor; maid s quarters and storage room on third floor. The property must
' be aold qulcklv. It la extra well built, splendid condition one tenant has
, 1 -occupied the aouth aido for f ourte cr yeara. tee ua for particulars.
D. V. SholeS Co.
13 City Nat Bank Bldg.
A Little Land and a Living
Acre and Half Acre Lots In
"Benson Gardens"
: :; Acres$10 Cash$10 A Month
Half Acres$10Cash-$7.50 Month
. , Our new acre addition, joining Benson on Main street and
paved .road; only G blocks to street' cur line, school and stores.
.Here you can buy a "Little Farm" and live on it while holding
.jritar position in town.
TJie advantage of living on a oce of land are many. You
' ran raise your own garden truck, fruit and poultry for yourself
.and for market.
Chickens and Eggs
You fehould Kvk at these acres right now and prepare for
next Spring, liaising poultry is most profitable; you can start
- on very little capital and within one year have a splendid flock.
' -. We can refer you to one party that is raising l!,000 chickens
on a single acre; and sold over $4,000 of joultry in one year. .
. Are You Getting Ahead?
1 If not as fast as you ought to, why rot consider a change?
. Living expenses are high and it is hard for some to make both
ends meet. Is nt an acre or two the solution of the "High
,.o'stJrf Living?"
Special Discount
To those building or who will start the construction of a
Louse on or before April 1st, a discount of 20 will be allowed.
;v,,: Come Today to Benson
,Qur salesmen with automobiles will be at the end of car
line. Let us show-you these tracts.
. Hastings & Heyden
MAI' K n.iiAlIA fTHi'.KTS, .Indexed.
also iimsha red book, vest po ket size,
free Ml (Mir offi'-e; two stamps ly mail,
rhsrles K. Williamson Co., Ileal Katala
InsijrflT're. rare of F'roo"rty tonaha. o
Kven body Rends lire Want Ac's.
winds through PAKIvWOOl)
addition to fully appreciate it. j
Phono Douglas 4270.
Doug. 49.'
Brand new homo, never occupied,
strictly modern, oak finish: has large liv
ing room, 1 1x2?!. with colonnade opening
Into dlnlne room. 11x14. which his panel
walls, plnte-rall and window sent: neiit
dn or sowing room and handy kitchen
Willi hullt-ln cupboard.! find refrigerator
loom; tront and rear stairway; three
gooij bedrooms, four closets, tiled belli
and scieened-in sleeping porch with
canvass roller awnlnts on second floor
easy talrwa- to store room In attic. Kull
basement with floor drain, fruit cellar
and enclosed coal bins: euaranteed fur
nace and plumbing; nifty combination
hKlit flxtun s, screens nni window shades
decorated throughout: yard will be sod
ded. Large lot, 4.rixl20. on paved street,
Bt 2?-H2 Laurel .Vve. Price reduced to
.i,9oi: J.trti or more cash, balance lll.iV)
monthly, timid lot taken aa part pay
ment. Key at 2139 Laurel Ave. Phone
Charles Horn, owner. Harney DUO, for
mora Information.
A. P. Tukey & Son
?W Charles St. A good 7-room, all mod
ern house. Front hall, living room, dining
room, kitchen, hed room or den atid bath
on the first floor. Three lied rooma with
large rlosets on the second floor. Kull
basement with brick foundation and
cemented floor. Ixit 40 feet front Only
one-half block from Harney cjr. Thla la
a choice residence eection of the city.
Price 2,7fA
112 No. 4M Ave Seven room, all mod
ern. Large lot running from 43d Ave. to
44th St. Only one-half block from the
Dundee car. Price I2.7;"A
:.,! Crown Point Ave Thla Is a new
7-room, strictly modern, full two-story
bungalow. Kull basement: first floor fin
ished In best quarter-sawed onk; front
and hack stairwaya; three le.rge bed
rooms and bath on the second floor. This
property is located only one block south
of MUlor park on a tret of all new
houses. Icss than a block from the
North 24th St. rar In a locstlon that la
rapidly developing, lrfit 4.'.xl30 Teet. h'uch
houses in th's location have been selling
for la.WO. .We offer this place for only
H,. ' , ,
We are In a position to sell any of the
above hoiiwa on fairly easy terma.
A. P. Tukev & Son
441-1-41 noard of Trade Bldg. Phone T). W2
Suburban Home
1U blocks to rar. high ground. 1.50x12.
R rooms down, 4 up.
Beat furnace and plumbing.
Large basement and storeroom.
Cistern Into house.
City water, gaa, electric light.
Auto house, cement floor, barn and
chicken house.
ll.Wio cash or olenr pottage for first
payment, balance monthly.
lOlii Oinnha National. Phone Douglas 2715.
O'Keefe Ileal Estate Co.
F.venlngs, H. MS or It. 6134.
7-Room Modern
For Only $3,200
Size of house Is 24xM with a full base
ment bricked up and cement floor, a good,
honest, well-built house at a sacrlce price,
south front lot, 50x128; has a 100-bbl cis
tern; located at 30U8 Fowler Ave., among
home ownera.
W. H. Gates
Roorn 617 Omaha National Bank Building.
Phone Douglas If4.
, $250 Cash
6-room cottage, partly modern: two
large lots; plenty of small fruit; fine
shade; dandy chicken house and garage.
Price only -'.!.
1015-1 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas
Good North Side
Home Cheap
K13 North JUh 8t -This la a two-story.
7-room. strictly modern frame house with
floored attic; 4 bedrooma on tne second
floor; full cemented basement, furnace
neat: new garage: all Improvements, In
excellent condition: fio cash, balance
some aa rent.. Price, 14,100.
George & Company
Phone D. 76e 902 City Natl. Bank Bldg.
Bungalow $175 Cash
Brand new, oak finished 5-room bun
nlnw. full cement cellar, furnace, laun
dry. tiled bath. Everything of the very
best, with large 101 ana in nice luisnon.
Kasily worth S3.000 but can aell for i2.1M
with paymenta like rent.
Jeff W. Bedford & Son,
509 State Bank Bldg. Doug. 3T0.
fff T.n:r
...-a-f.--f.'::ra.-.. ... . ....
Closing Out
Laurelton and Belle Isle
W are closing out these two beautiful additions, lying south of MILLER
PARK and west of 24th street car line.
Only 17 Lots
And we will sell them In thirty days.
If you hava been considering buying In this fine tract, it will pay you to ACT
We Have Sold
lid lots In these two addition In IS months, and
54 Houses
.have been built there.
These buyers, after looking at other
neighborhood, where they were protected
where ALL Improvements were In.
$750, $800, $850, $900, $950, $1,100
and $1,150
Come Out Today
And see this remarkable devtlnpmt nt. Salesmen on the ground.
Charles W. Martin & Co.
Phona Wabater. KM; Tyler 110. 742 Omaha National Bank Bldf
Beautiful Home
1808 Spencer St.
Complete and
Seven rooma and reception hall; four
generous bedrooms. Decorated throuch
out In excellent taste, having window
shades, screens and storm window for
all outside openings: water meter; front
porch all scteened In; lot sOxl-4, south
front:, beautiful lawn, covered with lota
of slirubs and flowers: paved street with
paving all paid. One block from car line.
These are the things to consider be
en use It means no additional expense.
Absolutely rcaily to occupy and posses
sion at once. Reasonable terma. Better
Investigate Immediately, aa aomc one Is
going to get a real home.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
Doug. 4!'S.
W maha Natl Hank Hidg.
Beautiful Home
Owner Will Accept
Smaller House
In Part Payment
Thla Is n new 7-room residence on F1or
encc boulevard In Norwood addition,
beautifully finished In oak; large living
room with fireplace and beam celling;
dining room with bullt-ln; four
bedrooms and bath: laundry tubs and
toilet in hnsement. Thla Is a house worth
fS.vo, and we have a price on It of t4,950.
Ve us at once.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg
Phono Dougla 4270
Big Sacrifice
Owner going on farm and must aell hla
t-rnom modern cottage and alx lots, each
M)xi:'0 ft. The entire place can be sold
for 1,io which la dirt cheap. Investigate.
Jeff W. Bedford & Son.
Mt Htnte Bank Bldg.
Doug. 3.120.
Must Be Sold
:.71 Crown Point Ave. My nw beauti
ful 8-room. two-atory, strictly modern
home. Inclosed sleeping porch; front
porch screened; faces Miller park; one
block from 21th St. enr; corner lot; shade
trees and fruit. All conveniences, $5,600.
Come out and investigate lt.
Prettiest Mile
Ho called because of the natural beauty
of Florence boulevard from Ajnes Ave.
to Miller park.
We offer on thla boulevard near Ames
Ave., a 6-room, 2-story cottage, very at
tractive In looks and arrangement, for
I1..V4I. w think It will appeal to you.
Ask us about it.
Harrison & Morton
l Omaha Nat. Bank Bfclg.
D. 314.
Living room, dining room, kitchen, den
and pantry on first floor, living rooms
finished In oak; two bedrooma and bath
on second floor, cement baaement, fur
nace; strictly all modern: paved street,
corner lot. close to school. Price onlv
12 iu. 1200 cash, balance monthly. Located
SM Blondo St. Keys at 2ti:a Blondo.
S10-3I2 Brandels Theater Bldg
A very pretty, up-to-date. 5-room, oak
finished home. The Interior of this bun
galow must he seen to be appreciated.
lt us show It to you. Open for Inspec
tion today from 2 to 6 p. m. 3011 North
30th street. . Tcrint.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Building.
Phone Douglas 4Z7t.
$2,GTjO bargain
Five-room cottage, large cemented
basement; strictly all modern except
I. cut, floored' attic, screens and storm
taxh. large cast front lot, rear lot
fenced, chicken house, fruit and shrub
bery. Located near 31st and Meredith, one
block to ear. Can arrange terms.
810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
Five Rooms and Bath
S. E. Cor. 29th and Parker Sts.
All modern except heat, new, full base
ment, walks all In, gaa heater Installed,
livlnx and dining room finished In oak.
floored attic. Price 12,360. and paving
paid. Look tliia over today and see it you
won t nav, - mint rtgnt ana priceu riKQU
Payments I you wish.
Traver Bros.
Phone Red 4721 F.venin. Webster 48S5.
70r Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Dandv 4-room house built this year,
floored attic, corner lot. electric lights,
tiled well, one block to paved street, lo
cated north of Krug park; I.1&0 cash, bal
ance, easy payments.. Adjoining lot also
for sale.
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
S splendid, new 7-room. up-to-date
houses, one on Plnkney, on on lOvans
and one, pn Emmet 1st; priced very low
B,WYo1uu'', sold.
i-a.W. INVESTMENT company,
Sd Floor Ware Block. Douglas 17S1.
lota, bought In this tract to get In a food
In Crelghton'g
Second Addition.
Price, 1375 to $1,200.
Terms, $5 cash and
$10 per month.
A few of the higher
priced lota will be sold
at $6 cash and $15 a
and continues until all
lots are sold. Take a
Deaf Institute car,
Benson car, any car
that oes on MUtary
avenue, and get off on
the corner of 44th and
Parker. Salesmen will
meet you. This addi
tion la on the car line
and haa all modern
conveniences in and
paid for. City water,
sewer and sidewalk.
All lota axe uniform,
with reasonable build
ing; restrictions.
Just enough to make
your home valuable.
Salesmen will take
you In automobiles to
- other additions where
wo have lots for sale
on terms of
If yon want a build
ing; lte com to this
ale. In the different
additions the price
will rang from
$140 TO $1,200.
Come to our clean
up sale. If you can't
coma In the day time,
coin early in the
morning before work
ing hours, or In the
and reserve a lot until
you can reach the
1011-14 City National Bank Bldg
OAS.'. Just completed, very attractive,
all modern two-atory bungalow; six large
rooms with bath, pantry, entry and fine
balcony; principal rooms finished In
selected red oak; balince maple, birch,
hard pine. Best material and construc
tion, t4.H.-i. Open today
UrKUALoW 6 rooms and bath, modern
except heat, full cement basement, lot
4.ixl2!, for sale by owner; bargain. 2VW
Caldwell, Weh. 'W
J-story house, 8 large rooms, nearly
new. Best corner lot In Koiintze Place.
Kasy payments, (.'all at 2101 Plnkney Ht.
Owner leaving city, must sell. J4.70).
Facing Kountie park. Phone V. Si!3. o.
l-room house, ( rooms down atalra. t
rooms and bath up stHlrs; located i'Rth
and Corby; modern, but heat; lot 40x1(10;
large cistern with pump at sink; bricked
cellar; fenced; aorno shade; in good re
pair; rented at $1S; tenant pays water.
Price $1,F"i cash. Applv to owner, 270S
Ike. Phone Webster 441W.
new. Best corner lot In Kountze Place.
Easy paymenta. Call at 21oi Plnkney St.
Owner lenvinr rtv mn.r uii il ?oa
Facing Kountz park. Phone W. 83. o
Nifty New
$250 Cash
nu moniniy payments same aa rent,
buys a brand new bungalow at 2321 S. 23d
AA ...
i. usiuvrtiuu imisn ana iioors through
out; lighting flitures furnished. A beau-
ttflfl. rtitrt.loln 1 , , . 1 a V. . . 1 . .
move into.
The Byron Reed Co
Tel. Douglas 297.
212 S. 17th.
Hanscom Park
Beautiful Home
A new. beautiful. noV flnlahaH T.mnm
house. Large living room with fireplace
beam ceilings and built-in book cases;
dining room with paneled walls and
built-in side board; large kitchen with
butler's pantry and entry; four nice bed
rooms and bath on the second floor;
largo attic; full baaement with laundrv
tuba and toilet; clothes chute: lot frOxl;C;
paving all paid. This house Is complete
and up-to-duto In every detail and la the
MKgest bargain we have to offer In the
Field club district. Price 16.500. Terma
136 Lincoln Ave.
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270.
New Bungalows
7th and William
Wo have Juet finished four new 5-room
bungalows on the corner of 7th and Will
iam that we can sell at the right price
and on very eaay terms. The bungalows
are Btrlctly modern In every respect,
full baaement, furnaces, electric lights,
complete bath room, five large rooms, fine
inrge attic with stairs, colonnade opening)
between parlor and dining room, bullt-ln
kitchen cablnot. These houses are In
walking dletance to the depots, street car
barn and all the wholesale houaea Corner
house already sold. Prices $2,900 and $2,960;
$f00 cash; balance monthly.
Payne & Slater Co.
618 Omaha Nat'l Bank."
Fixa's Addition
On. South Side -
Water, sewer, gas and permanent walk a
Seven new houses being built and more to
follow. Nine out of twenty-one sold this
week. If you want a lot In this new addi
tion, you should select It this week. Good
terms. Will build to suit. t
American Security Co.
Exclusive Agents.
17th and Douglas. Douglas 6011
Splendid Buy
Creighton's First
Addition. Modern
6-Room House
$5,000 for this very attractive and
well finished home at S. E. corner
32d and Martha: oak finish and
floors; splendid location for doctor.
Built about four years and alwava
occupied by owner. See us at once.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
208-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Tyler 1536.
Field Club Home
Eight rooms; heated garaga; sleeping
porch. Information on request.
Douglas 7406
Cottage Bargain
Four or five blocks from the West Side
Park car line, we have an attractive cot
tage of five large rooms, good well and
barn: location sightly, corner lot, large
ahaile trees. This la 3ith St. and one block
south of Vinton. Get off car at 3d and
Vinton. Price, tl.eoo. It is a real bargain.
Easy terms if wanted.
Harrison & Morton
! Omaha Natl. Bank.
Tel. I). 314.
FOR SALE OR RENT-10-room modern
nnuae. eo. sun Ave.'
Farnam Street
On West Farnam Street w .
large corner. lMxlM feet. It in Inc. la
on the southeast corner of Siith and Fur-
Ham ami m an Kieai corner for a build
ing such aa the Hamilton aoartment. .
24th and Farnam, leaving the corner It
self, vacant until such a time as there
Is a demand for businesa, which la not
very far In the future. 3th Ktreot I. al
ready becoming a dividing line and this
corner would stand some businesa even
at present. There are seven small cot
tages on the property which now pay the
taxes and a small per rent besides on
the price.
Farnam street corners are the beat buv
of any Omaha real estate, and there is no
sarer buy than this one. We will sell this
corner for i:t,O0O.
441-441 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone P. KB
4-Room House and
2 Lots
Fine 4-room house, on two large lota
Well improved., with fruit trees and
small fruits. Small barn. Fenced ail
around. On new car line at 4m Popple
ton Ave. Only $-50u on very eaay terms.
Peters Trust Co.
US3 Farnam rH.
Douglas Kv
For Sale
Owner leaving city, offers handsome,
thoroughly modrn 10-rooin residence on
one of the finest streets on West Farnam
hill for II6.60O. Might consider small
house or vacant lot In part payment.
HICKS. 444 Board Trade Building
Close In
5KI4 Chicago Kt., 8 rooms, modern; lot
Wxl32 feet. Near to shopping district,
and within a few blocks of High School
and Crelghton Collego. Price right. Look
thla up and If It Interests you let us know.
First Trust Co.
303-6 B. 13th St. First Nat l Bank Bldg
Phone IouglaB 1151
Whore every lot fronta on a BOITLE
An. All SPEOIAI.B in and PAID, IX
Our prices are reasonable. NO FRAME
you thla property, also the BEAUTIFUL
IK'MES now being erected. OUR TERMS
Sole Agents,
l.rp Farnam S t reet Tel. Doug. 1w4.
Close In
Only $4,000
rautiful ft-rooma and reception hall
beautiful lawn all oak, full basement,
living room way across front of house,
large dining room; fine kitchen, built-in
pantry and vestibule for refrigerator;
back poreth etc; 3 large sleeping rooma,
large closets, flno bath, nice attic: must
see to appreciate. Don't overlook this.
Easy terms.
701 Omaha National Bank Bldg. I. H74.
132 Feet On
On a corner east of 24th. ample derth
for stores. Thla Is only f per foot, $40
cheaper than any other property offered
on the street between 16th and 29th
Ave. Have tenants for space In new store
building on tlile site at rental of from
to $216 per month. Present Improve
ment, frame house, renting for $30.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. 20S-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Easy Terms
West Farnam
This Is a very attractive brick and
stucco house, located on the bill close to
some of Omaha's finest residences. The
first floor haa a large living room across
the entire front of the houee and well
arranged dining room opening out of It;
both rooms finished in selected oak. Am
ple pantry and kitchen. The second floor
has three large bedrooms and bath, be
sides an outside sleeping- porch. Servants'
quarters. Including a complete bath, on
the third floor.
Lot 60x110 feet Now being offered at
$1,100 lees than actual cost. Don't mUs
seeing; this.
George & Company
Tel. D. 756. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg
High Grade Lots
At Low Prices
Double corner facing east on 47th, Ave.,
In Clalrmont addition, one block from
boulevard and street car: 100x125; $1,400
for both, or will sell separately, & per cent
discount for cash.
66-foot lot facing east on "Prettiest
Mile," 1T5 feet deep, $2,000. No more like
this In that section. -
East front on Mth, south of Dodge, 4Sx
143; paving paid, $3,000.
West front on 3Bth Bt, south of Pop
pleton Ave.. 49xl2S, $1,660.
41st St, Just north of Davenport. 82x110,
at $56 per front foot; navlng paid.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 153. 308-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Cathedral District
$3,200, 7-room, modern home; hot
water heat; full cemented basement,
with laundry-, lot 50x128, south
front; fine shade trees and lawn;
shrubbery and fruit trees; reception
hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen
on first floor; three bedrooms and
bath on second floor. Will make
reasonable terms.
West Farnam Dis
trict Modern home, 9 rooms, furnace
heat, full cemented basement, hard
wood floors. Will take small amount
cash, balance same as rent.
1111-12 City National Bank Bldg..
Omaha, Neb.
Brand New
8 Room House
Near 36th and Burt
Built by day work and built right after
the most modern plans and speciflca
Hons, embracing all the most desirable
features and artistic Ideas of the up-to-date
architect. Large living room with
fireplace and bullt-ln bookcases; extra
large dining room, with costly bullt-ln
sideboard. Four fine bed rooma and en
closed sleeping porch. Asphaltlc ahlngle
roof, practically everlasting. Siding of
shingles and stucco. Large porch. South,
front lot Fine trees. Paving paid. Price,
$5,7M. Is so low that the house should sell
in three days.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler lf.58. 2OS-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg
Calkins Co.
1313 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1703.
-Northwest corner of Soth and Chi
cago Bis., a dandy big corner lot,
flno big maple trees, lot la fifty
six feet wide, good house, has K.OuO
building and loan mortgage; owner
would take $1.5u0 cash for his
equity; he needs the money and Is
going to sell this week.
$5,000 Field club, a very fine 8-room, hot
water heated home; beautiful light
oak flnltih: fine decorations: within
a half block of Wool worth Ave.
This is a bargain.
$6,500 Cathedral district; a brand new 8
roum home; beautifully finished
in quarter sawed oak; beamed
cellinga, fireplace, all walla doc
orated in oil, finest kind of light
ing fixtures and great big airy
liedrooms. You should see this tj
appreciate It .Let us take you out.
"west faknam district
$500 cash, balance same as rent;
10 roomg. full basement, hardwood
finish, entirely modern and In splen
did condition throughout. Act quick
if you want this fine home.
1112 City National Bank. o
BRAND NEW liUNOAIiOW, six rooms
and bath, three rooms finished in oak,
with oak floora throughout; lage living
rooms; high grade plumbing, shades,
screens; lighting ran be selected by
buyer; on corner lot, 50x133 ft.; pv'l
street; close to school and West t-ide
Park car line. Price. $3,&$4j; easy terms,
or will take vacant lot.
10 McCague Bldg. DOUGLAS 16&3.