Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 26

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County Commiiiionen Seek Cost of
Foodi Fnrniihed by Sheriff.
An Interesting and Truly Helpful Sale Authentic Garments Monday
Not only have we maintained our high standard of excellence, but at each price we know we have bettered the as
sortments and believe we have bettered the qualities.
1? B
'. era Mill Then Be Welahed Ar-
eordlagt Amounts Paid
! for VIrtaals a ad Help.
P unanimous vota of the board of
county commissioners, on moilon of Cnm
Jnlseloner J. C. Lynch. Sheriff Felix Mo-
Jhane, jr.,' claiming large amounts for
eedlng jail prisoners, haa been advised
that unless he will appear and mnke
Vroof of the actual coat to him of the,
meals already furnished, tha hoard will
m unable to take up the matter with the
Idee, of reaching a compromise.
McShane asked M cents a day for the
meals furnished. Later he offered to ac
tept a much lower figure, but wan not
atlafted with the 27-cent rate offered
Sy the emintjr.
Hearing ext Satardar.
Next Paturdav. to which time the board
adjourned, after adopting Commissioner
jnch'e resolution, waa et for hearing
MrShane'a figure. The resolution read
to tha effect that "the board will take
BP Sheriff McShane's claim, only If he
111 appear next Saturday and make
freof of the materials and aervlra fur
bished and the cost thereof." It throw
tha burden of proof on McShane, and
forces him to make public tha actual
sst of the meaJa he formerly asserted
were worth M oenta per day. but for
which he I now willing to accept much
District Judge George A. tay, while the
county board waa peering tha resolution
Vnaoeralng McShane. made rullnga In Me.
share's caeca against the county. These
) gone to the Jury, which returned In
structed verdlcta for tha aheriff. Judge"
tT bJ entered Judgments against the
t-ounty oo tha W-cent baala. and had over
ruled motlona of the county for new
Since the state aupreme court declalon,
Teverelng former decisions, Judge Pay haa
reconsidered hla own ruling and baa now
Ira ea ted tha Judgmenta end Bet aalde the
rVlinga denying new trlala. Bo the caaee
giow atanda In district court with only
Verdicts and not Judgmenta for the aher
Iff. and with the county's motion for
new trlala atlll pending and to be aettled
at the next term of court.
Omaha Mart Equals
Chicago Pit in the
Price of Cash Corn
On corn, tha Omaha market equaled
Chicago, one carload of No. 1 white Bell
ing at M oenta per buahel. Tha aalea were
from 7M to 0 centa per buahel. while
tha Chicago prlcea ranged from 79V4 to SO
, . Wheat ahowed considerable atrength, the
eventy-four carloads on . aale being
quickly aold at from II. M to M per
buahel, while Chicago prlcea wera from
tUOM to Jl.UM
The December .option aold at 11.18 to
and May. U 4 to I1.HV
Credit Association
Meets Here Friday
TJireetors of tha American Rural Credit
association, which la to establish head
quarters In Omaha aoon, at a meeting In
Jsw York, elected tha membera of tha
executive commlttaa aa followa: L, M.
ffalmaga of Grand Island, Jl. W. McOln
giia of Fremont, I C. Lawson of Grand
Island, F. L Gallagher of Rosalie, Judge
C T. Benson of Denver.
A meeting of tha dlrectora and executive
committee ia to be held In Omaha Bep
tember X. Additional director! and mem
ters of tha executive commlttaa will then
be elected. A viae president and treas
urer are to be elected at that time. It
la aald thee will be selected from Ne
traeka also.
Ideas in dress that reflect with accuracy the
stylos ns peon by host authorities in women 's apparel.
Scores, Hundreds of Elegant Gowns a display
in which the choicest ideas of the world's foremost
desijrners arc offered in original creations and artis-
tic copies of originals which are equally attractive.
So trouble to select a beautiful and becoming gown
for the Ak-Sar-Bcn Ball from the splendid array of
distinctive designs nt $25, $35, $45, $55 up to
i OS
A Dress Special for Monday Hundreds of pretty
Basque Dresses in channelise, satins, serge and
satin combinations; garments made to sell at $18
and $''0; all wanted colors, all sizes; on sale Mon
day at $13.75
Many other delightful specials shown.
New Fall Suits for
Men and Boys
Never before in the history
of this store have we been so
thoroughly prepared to ful
fill every wish of the most
particular dressers, both young and
old. Broad assortments of the Best
at Every Price.
7 :Hk km
Fashions in Tailored Suits that will attain favor
at once with smartly gowned women. Distinctive in
design, surpassing in quality of material and work
manship others at the prices-$23.75, $30, $35,
$45, $55 up to $175.
More New Crown Jewel Suits $23.75 Well worth
$33.00, and look worth more. The season's choicest
style ideas are revealed in these suits in quality of
material and tailonng that will surprise you. They
are truly wonderful values at. ... .' $23.75
I pi ft R.itM;'-
Try Shop
ping by
mall tt'
both aatla
factory and
, -mi
Fall Opening
! In the Domestic Room
Hard Coal Freight '
.. Advance Suspended
: The advance 'of B oenta on hard coal
freight rates haa again been auepended,
this time until March IT. 191S. Thla pro
pveed advance waa originally auapended
a; .the Instance of the Commercial club
of Omaha. Tha trafflo bureau haa Just
reoelved word that It haa been reaua
ponded, in tha meantime a hearing la to
be . held by the Interstate Commerce
commission to determine whether the
advance is Justified and whether It ahall
ba allowed to go Into effect
Bishop Frank M. Brlatot of the Metho
"dlat church haa returned from Lake
' OkoboJI. where he spent the summer
eonvaiesclng from hla aerloua aickneaa
He la much Improved, but not yet strong
enough to aaauma the full dutlee of his
position la tha church. For the present
' he will content himself with quiet and
xaeraatlon here, In order to regain hla
former health and atrength aa aoon as
possible. However, he attended the state
'conference of the church at Fremont aa
a visitor.
- Since the marked Increases In the price
, of foodstuffs, especially meats, the Fred
t Bonnesa. Provision company la alleged to
, ve been guilty of a breach of contract
aupply provisions to tha county Insti
tutions. The Board of County Commla
iBionera have therefor passed a resolu-
tkoa notifying tha Bonnesa company that
, hereafter the eounty will buy auch pro
, visions In the open market, and will atart
,au)t against tha company to collect dam
jacra for the alleged failure to keep the
10c porcale, all f
colors OC
12 He Flannelettes, beau
tiful colors,
Anderson's 10c. "7 1
outlnK flannels I
Genuine AmoskeaR
Apron Checks KJJQ
Genuine Indigo Blue
Apron Checks,
fast colors . . .
25c Bilk Strip
ed Voiles . .
18e Crepe f Ol
Wrapper cloth 1&2C
ISc Dress
10c Pure Linen
Toweling . . . .
72-ln. Damask Table
Cloth, Silver OC
bleached OOC
39c Mercerizod Of
Damank mwC
3Bc Cream " Q
Damask IOC
60c Sheets, Oft
72x90 aCeyC
C9c Sheets, A A
81x90 44C
12 He Towels, either
buck or Q T
bath 02C
10c Bleached Muslin,
8 Vic Unbleached Muslin,
yard wide, e
at i3C
Correct Millinery
Elegant and exclusive imported models.
Pattern Hats rm America's foremast de
iigners and reproductions of foreign and
domestic models as beautiful as the originals
by the skill ful fingers of our own milliners.
This is a season when black predominates but never
theless colors are in evidence including several of the
more sombre shades, such as Russian Green, Carbeau
Blue, 1 e-te-de-negre, Sphinx, Gray and Purple,
The close fitting Turbans and small Tricorns, medium and large Sailor
shapes and large roll brim effects being equally fashionable and popular.
The most critical buyer can unquestionably find a becoming style at a
New Dress .Waists, new Balmaccan Coats in
splendid assortment at most attractive low prices.
r : . .. rr. n
weany riiegant rauorea suits .Mostly sam
ples, nearly all exclusive "designs in chiffon, broad
cloths, fine gabardines and serges; suits made to
sell at and well worth $43 and $50; on sale Mon
day at, choice, $35.00
lailo'd Suits Made
to Your Measure
Splendid Broadcloth Suits
Thoroughly man tailored,
fit and workmanship guar
anteed; special. . .$35.00
I)rM SklrtA to Meiwmrf Your choice of
a number of new styles, splendidly tail
ored, special at 93.00
Inquire at Dress Goods Dept.
I M as. 1 if II
1'iail jruers
fUled from
our dally
ads and sat
isfaction guaranteed
11 jif?isy?
New Laces & Dress Trimmings
The Opening Rale of the Reason begins Monday with
Three Big Special Counters of New Laces.
Includes Net Top Oriental and Point Venice
Bands, Edges and Alio vers, regular values
up to $1.00 a yard.
Xovelty Shadow Flouncings, Bands, Edges
and Allovers, in white, black, ecru and two
tones, worth up to $2.00 a yard.
A particularly fine assortment of the Late Novelties,
ecru and two-toned effects; black and white Span
ish and Chantllly Laces and New Medallion Orlen-
tals, the latest novelties; to $3.50 values.
A splendid line of fancy Roman stripe and flowered
Silk and Satin Girdles, some worth to $1.00; on
sale at
The New Silk and Dress Goods Weaves More Varied and
Beautiful' Than Ever Here This Season
That the best place in Omaha to match colors and weaves is in this splendid north
light of our Dress Goods Section in indhpu table that it's the best place to find the col
ors or weave you're looking for is readily admitted by the throngs of visitors. See these
Monday specials:
Yard Wide French Faille A beautiful chif
fon finish, corded silk, suitable for dress
or suit, yard $1.75
Chiffon Dress Taffeta Messalines A rich,
soft, imported 6ilk, 46-in wide, one of the
season's newest weaves, in all colors; at,
yard $1.98
4 0-1 if. Silk Canton Crepes A very popular and
beautiful weave; at, yard 81.48
The New Silk Poplins In all the best colors, includ
ing the new blues, new greens and black; 36-ln.
wide; special at G8c
40-ln. wide, special at 08a
Yard Wide Press Satins Shown In every new street
and evening shade, including white and black;
$1.25 values, yard 88
New Dress Silks, Velvets and Velveteens In the rich dark shades so popular this season;
choice values, all widths; 14 and '27-in. wide 88c yd.; ,44-in. wide, $1.98; 4J-in. wide, $3.50
50 and 54-in. Imported French Broadcloths
Worth up to $3.00 yard, in olive, green,
hunters' green, Wisteria, navy, French
blues, Havana and black, $1.48, $1.98
All Wool Poplins and Pecardine Suitings
56-in. wide; two very popular weaves, in
all wanted colors; at, ynrd $1.98
All Wool Gabardues 44 to 54-ln. wide. In black,
navy, brown. Wisteria, taupe, olive green, goblin
and royal blue; on sale in two lots, l)SS 81.08
All Wool Plaid and Roman Stripe Suitings 44 to
64-in. wide, in beautiful new color combinations; at
yrd 75. 08 nd 81.48
New Cloaking Diagonals, Astrakhans. Chinchillas,
plaid novelties, Baluiacaan coatings; on sale at
from 81.50 Ip.
Blankets, Bath Robes, Indian Robes,
Auto & Steamboat Rugs, Comfortables, Baby Crib Blankets
The best variety at the lowest prices
in town.
A good large pair Cotton Blankets 505
A fine heavy pair of Cotton
Blankets 85
Extra value pair of Cottuu
Blankets .'. 08c
Wool felted Blankets, heavy,
large, worth $2.50 pair; on
sale at, pair 81.75
The best $3.00 Blanket made;
at pair 81.98
Wool filled Blankets,
neavy wool lining ana
light warp, always sells
at $4.00. pair . .82.75
A fine heavy 5-pouna
pair of blankets, made
to sell at $6.50, in this sale, at.
Pair 84.25
Blankets, pair from 50c to 825
Heavy Klderdown for winter wrap
pers and kimonos, over 100 designs,
fast colora, at yard 3Bo
We have cotton filled comforters,
well stitched, arond fast color clotlv
at esc, 75o, 8 so, yi.oo, $i.aa
We have fine carded cotton, white aa
mow, in beautiful twilled drapery,
fRKt colore, at. each Sl.fiO, $1.88,
sa.80. a.e. 3.6o,, ta.oo
We ha EidertBnwn, a lamb'a wool
comforter, made of fine aatln r
silk warp cloth, at from each 8.BO,
7.50, 98.80, 910, 918.60 and 915.00
All kinds of wool flannels, a allk
warp flannel,- at yard 85c, 36o. 3 So,
SOo up to 91.00
Mall Orders . promptly . filled at
l , these cut prices.
TbesBmnns of youth is in the
CbotaJSwceping, slender lines of
C&cse famous corsets.
See the new models.
There's a mode Just suited
to - your figure here. - Let us
prove it. '
Aa appropriation of U.t3t to tha Douclas
, County Agricultural society for the 1914
county fair, to be held at Elk horn, haa
"V passed by the board of county com
: mission rs. The amount ia baaed on a
three-teat allowance for each Inhabitant.
2a the resolution authorising the appro
priation. th eounty board declares that
f the law on the aubjert. recently paased
atnd now beta eonteetet ia tr.e aupreme
ourt. Is tipbeid and additional 3 rente
per inhabitant "111 be appropriated, rals
ii f the total amount to about 17.000.
in H ii iw o ii if
te )s
No Runcomb, no extravagant amtrrtlons, hut Just of
cracking good value that mean money saved. t
Brass Beds, large 2-lnch continuous post, five fillers; on
sale, one day $12.00
Brass Beds, 2-Inch straight posts, for $N.OO
Vernis Martin Beds. S-lnch pouts, continuous ....$.BO
Verns Martin Beds, 2-lnch posts, continuous 93.04)
WId hsve cheaper beds from
$3.50 up. Do not be skeptical.
These beds are all worth much
more than these prices for ouu
Other Articles in Furniture
Kitchen Cabinet, complete; has
everything that any good cabi
net requires; white enamel, etc.
Sliding nickeled top glass sugar
Jsr, bread and cake box; the
most perfect made 922.54)
The cheaper cabinets at 9l:2.5o,
SIS.oo and 90.00
$3.00 Genuine Glasscock Baby
Walkers 9J.-5
Good Baby Walker, In this sale
for 91.73
Children's High Chairs, with
table, for 91.0O
White Maple Sewing Table, fold
ing 91.00
Matchless Linen Values
Plain linen hemstitched Centerpieces for stamping, size
36x36, $3.00 values, each ,$2.00
Imported unhemnied Pattern Cloths, assorted sizes, $5.00
mi lues, each '.$2.90
Assorted lot hemmed and unhemmed Pattern .Tahiti
Cloths, worth $1.50, each $1.00
Cu est Towels, 14x21, hemmed with place for initial, 30c
values, each . .25c
Remarkable Reductions in High Grade
Glassware, Floor, Crockery Dept.
Grape Vine Etched Cordial
Glasses, $2.60 values" . . 10a
Wine Decanters, cut star pat
tern, $2.00 value 08
Wine Decanter and 6 Whiskey
Tumblers In grape vine etch
ing; $3.00 value, at .-31.08
Crystal Glass Sugars and
Creamers, In grape vine de
sign; $1.25 value, set . Wc
3-os. heavy cut bottom Whiskey
.Glasses; worth $3.50 per dor.,
special, per dozen 1
6-piece Cut Glass Water Set,
handsome shaped jug and 6
tumblers in cut wild rose de
sign; $4.75 value, special, per
The "Range Eternal"
Medium sire "Lisa." extra heavv all
copper bollera
Large site "Liak,"
copper bolters '. .
Extra large "Usk.'
popper bollera
extra heavy, all
extra heavy all
Tha Beat and Heart eat Malleable
Steel manga Made. Has Thirty Par
ticular Points of Sternal SxoeUeaoe.
The inaidiB walla are' made of heavy
gauge special copper bearing range
eleel and will not rust. Oven bot
toms are a quarter inch thick and
will not wasp. We have them in all
atylea and sizes up from ....935.00
Other steel ranges up from ..919.98
'Renown" Black Nickel finish Cast
ranges, up from 949.00
Other Renown Cast ranges. up
up from 931.50
Conk Stoves, up from sjl3.50
Galvanised Wash Tabs Hedaoed.
8nmil size heavy galvanized tuba 89o
Med. size heavy galvanized tubs 390
ltrge size heavy galvanized tuba 49o
Kxtra large heavy gal'ized tubs 5SO
Kull alze beat sine wash boards 19o
Folding Ironing boards aao
K-ft. plain baeswood aklrt boarda 490
o-plere aet Mra. Potts' sad irons 790
Clothes Wringers, fully warranted,
at 91.98
Iaundry etovea, special Monday 93.98
Any size Galvanized bollera 89c
poh xosoiri grxoiAZ. aaxs.
Any alze "Premier" copper bottom
bollera 91.19
Medium Size "Mak," extra heavv tin.
copper bottom bollera 191.39
Irge size "L.lsk," extra heavy tin.
copper iMiiioin oouers ....... H1.5S
Extra large ';Usk." extra heavy tin. copper bottom boiler
Our Last Car of Peaches for this Season go on Sale Monday
Boa Wart Ads Produce Results.
This car la extra fanry rtah Elberta
freestone fruit, nothing rtner grown,
Monday we will place this rr
last car on sale at, Dllf
per orate
OX.ATXS IVtll 91.00
lb atu-x best high grade flour,
made from No. 1 selected wheat,
nothing finer for bread, fir r
cakes, per sack I1JS
IS bars Beat-Em-All. Diamond C.
lennx or Laundry Quern Whit
laundry aop aso
It-ox cans condensed milk . .. .TliO
M- ox. cana condensed soups l-5o
i lbs. best hand plrked navy beans 85o
ion. lanry japan rtce, 10c quality,
Fresh, crisp ginger anapa, lb. 5e
All regular lie cookies. Monday at
pound liUo
All regular IS He cook lea, Monday, at
pound 10
AH regular 10e. cookies, Monday! at
,Pund i-3a
I-lb. cans early June peaa I0o
cans fancy aweet
augar corn.
i . , , t Vao
iT he best domestic niacaronl,"verml-
rllla or apaghettl, pkg TUe
I lbs. heat rolled breakfast oatmeal,
10 lba. white or yellow rornmeal S5a
The best tea slfllngs, lb 18ko
H'erahey'a breakfaat cocoa, lb SOo
Oolden rantoa coffee, lb goe
The Hotter, Bgr, Cheeae aad Batter
Ins Market for tha People of Omaha.
The beat Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, lb .33o
Fancy Country Creamery Butter.
lb SOo
Fancy lalry Table Butter, lb. ..Sao
Uood I'alry Butter, lb.
The ' Best Freeh. Guaranteed Eggs,
per dozen ..'....". ,.s aso
Full Cream, Young Americas or V
conain Cream Cheese, lb floo
Fancy Domestic Block gwlss Cheese.
ib aaito
t lba. good Butterlne tSo
Fancy Table Hutterlne, lb S3o
Two His. for 4.3o
The Pixel of the Season
Cape Cod Cranberries, Monday per
Attention, Wall Paper Buyers
Anothsr-Blg Special Bala Starts Monday. The factories have notified ua
of, a -60 per t ent advance on Imported oatmeals: this means that the next
shipments will coat you a stiff price advance. While present stocka last we
have splendid bargains for you. See these September anapa.
10,000 Rolls Bed Koom Patterns
With borders to match, regu
lar values to 10c roll ta
Dining Room Paper Bg assort
ment of patterns, 10,000 rolls in
the lot; up to 18c a roll values;
roll Gt
Plain Imported Oatmeals Regu
lar 40c roll values, 1$ colors to
select from, roll ........ 2 Va
15.0(H) Rolls Kitchen Blocks
Made to sell to 15c roll; on sale
. roll 5
Handsome Gilt Papers Values to
25c roll, over 10.00U rolls in the
lot, big assortment of patterns,
roll 10s
30c Dome tic Oat Meal Papers
10 colors, broad assortment, fine
quality; at. roll 12H