10-B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1914. AMTJa,lEJTg. AMFSKMEWTS. MVS 1 C Sfe "RRANDEIS THEATRE "CRAWFORD. PHILLEY If ZEHRUNG. Mgr.. S NIGHTS Only, SEPT. FyjUTT TTJCB 22-23 PRICES NIGHTS 2.V", 60c, "IV, $1.00 Wednesday Matinee 23c and BOc arrosT of a ivam raoic bobthtb tJoonvAjrn ri. l it j" :V HERIF.TTA M. BEF.S. . WONDER whiit keep th study of mu!lc an continually on the move? Why la It that every year people are anxious to atart their children In the study of ome Instrument or In voire culture, or that other people rive tln'ms'lve Ipsson j and work and prartlcc for yearn on aoine j branch of th euhtect. Several reasons ! '.might be Itlven. the spread of interest j 'in muKlc generally, the commercial pros-i Jperlty which always (tors hand In hanl i -wlth art developmen!, Its value an j dvicationnl for. e. and Ha lmrortiinre as 'a aoclai accomplishment. All of theae reasons are sound. Aa an educational 'force music demands a keencss of In 'lellect. a quirk nefs of perception, and a concentration greater trmn Hny other art j r science with which the writer la! familiar. Music, of all a.irta has Ita uses r:rlnlly, and one versatile In the art la accepted uaually aa a person worth know ing. However, the real thin which ursea the new atudent to master the difficulties hlch beaet him. and which cauaea the older worker to ro on year after year ,' practicing, worklnft and studying la the ' underlying Ideal In the mind of each one. These Iceala naturally differ with In dividuals, and are the standards of desire, the ultimate object or aim for which each ra la striving. Jmmanuel Kant, apeak Ina: of them, aaya: "While the Idea mica, tba Ideal aervea aa the archetype for the . permanent determination of the copy; and ' jra. have no other rule for our actlnna but '.tit conduct of that divine man within ua. 'With which we compare ourselvea, though .' never can reach It. Theae Ideals, though they cannot claim objective Reality, are not, therefore, to be considered aa chimeras, but supply reason wlthan Indeepensable standard, because It 're quire the concept of that which la per 'lect of Its kind, In order to estimate and measure by It the degree and number of 'the defects In the Imperfect" ' ! When one beams the study of muele a a rule a general Ideal la held, the Ideal f of being a, fine ainger or player or com ljgoaer. Aa Boon aa one la fairly launched, Inore minute Ideals are formed. The Ideal f perfect technic for the selections to ' vperformed. and the ideal of perfect Interpretation for them also. Usually 1 these axe not so difficult but that with 'work the student can soon attain to them, 'but what haa happened In the meantime? The Ideal has changed, gone forward. nd the atudent now loses that ssnse of satisfaction he knew he should feel whin he had mastered the work In ques tion. It Is Just as though one had trav eled to a mountainous region. Right be fore you la a high mountain. Tour Ideal la to reach Its summit, ao you ollmb and climb, often looking up to Its peak and eelng only the deep blue aky above It. " The climbing ta hard, you are out of oreath, and you pauae, wondering If you 'will ever reach the top. You feel If you do that you will be at the top of the Vorld in very truth. ; : Finally you pull yourself up the last teep incline and then you are right on the summit But what do you discover t Why your mountain tu not a mountain at all, but only a foothllL There, beyond, t ft real mountain, vastly higher, hot Which was obscured from your view when you were In the valley. Doesn't It look beautiful on the top, almost aa If It were parked that wayT Wouldn't It j be great to ollmb it and what you . toould aeeT Will you proceed or turn ! Backward? But before you go on, pauae i-and eee what a nice view you oan get . behind you, of fertile field, pretty farm Vhouse. and the village where you are eaUylng. It la worth while oven to climb ,f foothllL When you reach the top you have a broader point of view and the Ideal you had haa changed for another ven more difficult to gain. And when you had reached the summit of the i,raountaln beyond, what would you aeeT iTerhapa a still higher one snowcapped i Just a little farther over. But look back gain and see what a different view you eheve of the valley. The house which looked large then are mere apecka now, land there la an outlook so much broader than before. So the atudent finds that aa he goes on, his point of view Is larger, he haa a Ng r mental conception and hla Ideals change. What seemed to him like large ob stacles are now but mere apecka In the .dlstanoe. Many a mountain climber con ajtantly looking up will become dlehaart ened. but If he looks back occasionally and sees how far beyond many others fee has come and the outlook which gets broader as he progresses he will soon re ew courage, it U well to not always Xeel how much more about muslo others may know than you. onoe In a while It la a good thing to look about you and see bow much more you may know than ome others. However, the ideals of all iJnualc atudenta are not always Ideal. (With many the Ideal does not mean Recognised perfection, but merely the Ultimate aim or desire, which. Interpreted, would mean "the knowledge of how to play or alng certain numbers after a sort f a faehlon." Many will modestly under ifate their own powers by saying "I could Server do that the way I feel It ought to .go," when perhaps they could If they ;would go to work with the determination ;f working It out The hopeless ones are tnoee wno ao not even reel the way it ought to go. ' itn many tne Ideal Is low. not be . cause the Ideal of accomplishment Is poor, but because they do not know what music really la. Muatc Is an art, and art deala with the expression of elevated 'thought An art work la said to possess 'value In portion to the Importance of the thought Involved and the degree of suc cess with which this thought Is presented The trouble with these students Is that they consider certain compositions music w htch undei that definition would not classify, and they cannot progress be cause they are In the wrong pasture. The difference In Ideal haa a marked effect upon the work of atudenta Some revise their Ideals upward - after doing considerable work, some revise the Ideal downward. Some who when they begin wti-h to know muslo solely as an accom plishment later become ao Interested In It that they continue, and are able to use It professionally If they choose. Some) he In the beginning deatre to become celebrated artists when they get an Idea of the work ahead of them, deride they will use what knowledge they hare for an accomplishment and go Into some 'other line of activity. But every student Lis an Ideal of aueio for himself, an By HEAD OF VOICE DEPARTMENT, OMAHA CONSERVATORY. "3 . '..'.,:' ' - . . I "( V-W I. I Alexander Emalie, director of the voice department of the Omaha Conservatory of Muslo and Art, la a former president of the Iowa State Music Teachera' aaso clatlon, and was director of the voire de partment at the Slmpnon conaervatory. For the laat seven years he haa been director of the Colorado conaervatory at Fort Colllna. Mr. Emalle has given much of hla time to opera, and was once well known aa a slnser. While at Bimpaon he dlacovered and trained the voice of Arthur T). Mlddleton, the well known American basso. Mr. Emalle Is himself posaeaaor tit a bass voice of sweetness and cultivation. Ideal hy which he measures every num ber he performs, and an Ideal toward which he works aa the objective point In his desire for knowledge. An embryo organ student, after hear ing Handel's "Largo beautifully Inter preted held that composition In mind as an Ideal to be attained, and when he could play It, found It was not the height of desire at all, but that he would give much more to be able to play a Toeatta and Fugue by Bach. ' Back of all high Ideals la a love for the truth and beauty which Is expressed through art. It Is this love which forms the Ideals and to which they are In pro portion. The people who go the farthest In this world are those who place their Ideals at, the highest point, raising them constantly aa they their vision widens, and who have the ambition to try to live up to them. The time of the annual Ak-8ar-Ben festivities la approaching. All the mer chants are decking their stores In gala attire, and promising many attractive bargain for this special season. The Board of Governors are cauaing vaat stieet decorations to be prepared to make our city beautiful both by day and night Farmers are selecting their finest pump kins and tallest stalks of corn to aend to the fair, and stock producers are care fully Judging the points of their plga and cattle, and making them ready for their star parts. The street car company la planning to do Ita share In taking care of the people. Concessionaires are busy making their shows as attractive aa pos sible. . The theatera are planning special entertainments for the wek. The news papers will get out Ak-Sar-Ben editions. Everywhere there are unwonted acenea of activity on the part of the people getting ready for the Immense crowds which flock to our city at this time. Borne special features are planned for the guests every day bub what happens on the BundajrT I'd hate to hazard a guesa aa to how many ministers were preparing a fine sermon appropriate ' to the occasion, or how many church vholra are planning special festival music, breathing of the Joy of the harvest season and directing the mind to the Power which makea this pleasure time possible. Perhaps many of the atrangera within our gates would gladly attend If they knew auch a service waa planned for them, a service which would call them In the church and at the same time not hurt the glory of Ood In the least Maatcal Notes. Mr. and "Mrs. A. M. Borglum have re turned from Colorado and resumed their teaching at the residence atudlo, SiMl IHuiglae street. Miss Florence Peteraon will assist them this year in the piano work. Mr. Cecil Berry man. as usual, will have charge of the advanced .harmony and theoretical work. Mlaa Mary Munchhoff, who waa spend ing the summer in Kurope and who re turned home several weeka earlier than she had planned, has opened her studio. The first faculty reoeption to students and friends of the Omaha Conservatory of Music. and Art was held In the con servatory building Thursday evening. The committee on reception waa Mrs. Kdith U Wagoner. Mr. Nathaniel Reed, Mr. Alexander Kmalte and Mr. Ben Stanley. President E. F. Gallup welcomed the guests, assuring them that the Institu tion stood for the very best In music and art. Mr. Alexander F.malle, head of the vocal department, opened the program with Maacheronls stirring "Soldier Song," followed by the extremely diffi cult o1o "1owb rep Within the Cellar " Mr. Kinslie displayed a bass voice of lde rantfe and sympathetic timber. Mrs. Kdith I,. Wagoner played "March Wind." hy McKowell and "In the Woods." by Stanton, on the piano and graciously rcaMnded to an enthusiastic encore with a Chopin Polonaise. Mr. Kdwtn Puis of the expression department crave a ael. tton from lvld Copperfleld, by Char lee I'K Kena, ani tor an encore read a short sketch entitled "The Oorllla." Mr. Will lam HetherliiRton was warmly welcomed n the following violin number. "Uebea Freund." hy frits Krelsler: "Andantlnn." nv i stare: "feVhon Roaniarin," hy Frits After the program refreshments were served , dancing was also Indulged In. Miss Helen Mackln has return1 fmm m vacation srwnt on a ranch In t'tah and has reopened her tudlo at Room IS. Ar lington r.lo.k. where she has resumed clasw-s in piano and Herman. Miss MacMn will also have charge of the "Ho hemian Ulrl " program of grand opera, which will be ;veii before the ruuaical department of the Woman's club o r. w.nT 1 Th. work " th" Program will be don by advanced pupils from the teichera VO ' l of Omaha Mr Jean Gilbert Jonea, Miaa Madge Mae Boume and atudenta were at home ?'ir tudto' n "oor of the Dav. i!.-f.frra ' to 11 8UX venlng. Aa Informal program was hald. I::-'"1 .: r: .'k m ' ' - ' " Kj, . . , At th 0iyety I . . ' K Nil 'is' AROARK.T ITJ.TNrtTON FROTI- l I MAN BOWES, Into the dla- I ,al K.M V. D,,nuM uB.iiT a ribald rhymester In Chicago several aeasons bko, and so aang the Omaha bill postor. aa he bundled up the sheets sent to deco rate the boarda In Omaha, announcing the coming of the temperamental actor lady In "Within the Law." The date was cancelled, no reason being assigned. Any one of several might be good. It might be the one ahe gave her first husband, ome seasons ago, when ahe nad been playing Shirley Rossmore In "The Lion and the Mouse," while that play waa yet new. The piece had had a long run at Chicago, and the tlmo had come for It to take the road. Miss Illlngton calmly told Mr. Frohman that ahe did not pro pose to go "Into the provinces," and that was the end of the matter. She left the company In Chicago. Since then she haa mad three trlpa "through the sticks," once aa leading woman for John Drew In "Hla House to Order," once aa the star In "Kindling," and once a the iter in "Within the Law." It la not recorded that ahe created anything of a furore on any of theae expeditions, nor doea memory now bring back any new height of histrionic achievement conquered by her. Mlaa Illlngton would have been wel comed by the Omaha public for herself, perhapa, but not for the play, which haa been often aeen here; yet. If ahe prefera to not come here, we will have to bear up some way under the deprivation. Beyond the equinox Ilea some encourage ment. Oeorge Arllas la coming early In October with a fine eompany In "Dla raoll," and some other good things Im pend. Therefore, w may be partially comforted. 9 "Annie Laurie," to be presented at the Brandela, September 28 and 23, might be called a study of a woman's soul. Ed ward E. Rose, the author of the play, also wrote "The Rosary." "Annie Laurie" is an analysis of. the fatal In fluence of unrestrained Impulse and pique upon a young girl's mind and life. "Annie" la a girl raised without the tender care of a mother: her surround ing are rude, primitive and dominated by the masculine sense of what Is right. Then three men com Into her life, three men of widely divergent person alities, who love her and seek to take her away from her mountain dome. And Annoe makea a mistake. Just as thou sanda of her slatera have before her; ahe bring down on herself result that color and dlatort her whole life. The pro ducer have given the play a most charm ing setting, as-Mhe four acts call for widely divergent scene. The electrical effect also are along new line. Tha Reinhart-Grossman company of well known Yiddish player will appear at the Brandela theater on September and f. A matinee will be given on Saturday and the bill wril) be changed at each per formance. A motion picture production of "Th 6ea Wolf." following very doeely Jack London'a well known book of the earn nam, will be the attraction at the Bran di for five day beginning Sunday afternoon, September 27. -9- H I aald by eome that not elnce the curtain was rung down on the careers of Henry Irving and Richard Mansfield has an audience witnessed a performance that could approach that of Mr. George Arllaa In "Disraeli," scheduled for the flrat engagement here at the Brandela theater for two daya, October I and S with matinee Saturday, under the manage ment of the IJobler company. Disraeli, one of the greatest of English statemen. authora and wits, haa been dead only about thirty years, and Is vividly remembered by many living per aona But Dlaraell waa a man of many eccentricities and a lover of dramatic effect ao that the character haa given Mr. Arils and Mr. Paiker great oppor tunities. In his portrayal of the states man. Disraeli, Mr. Arllss haa undoubtedly taken a step forward, not only for him self, but for th theatrical profession, for hi Interpretation of the character will be recalled aa one of the artistic creations of the present time. "Disraeli" deala with the statesman's I successful endcacor to gain control of tk. . ..... I V .1 . . - w piBiiwak, m sort in which he meets with the secret opposi tion of diplomatic spies. Thsr la conse quential intrigue whloh haa been aoflened by a love story and a glimpse of Dis raeli's home life. The dialogue Is clever and the costume of the period, the early 70 s, lend the play unique pictorial quail ties. Mr. Arllss' com puny Includes F.rnlta Lascelles, Margaret Dale, Florence Ar ils. UUa Campbell, Cbarlea Uarbury. Tfargaf ' v A At Or,eum 7?ose Jf ..r d?ey.4rvy ' l ' r ; : S ( I : c 1 Vincent Sternroyd. Arthur Eldred, Henry Carvel, and Dudley Dtggea. Oliver Morosco's production of Richard Walton Tully s play. "The Bird of Para dise," will again be Been at the Brandela theater for four daya beginning Sunday, tober 4. .A rapid fire succession of clever mu-aloal-comedy and vaudeville speclaltlea will be offered In the season's fun and song show hit, "Th Candy 8hop," which oomea to the Brandela on Thursday. Oc tober &, for an engagement of four per formancea Daughter of Anna Held, the well known comedienne, comes Llane Carrera to head the bill thla week at the Orpheum. She Is to offer a tabloid musical melange, es pecially designed for her by Irving Ber lin, author of om of the beat known of popular melodies. She la supported by Tyler Brooke and a chorua of alx ahow girls, choeen not only for their good looks, but also for their ability to sing and dance. New to vaudeville thla season I the act to be offered by Charles How ard, assisted by Bobby Wataon and Dor othy Hay den. They offer a ainglng and dancing melange, with a variety of com edy. One of the offering I to be the hilarious act contributed by Lancton, Lucie r and company, assisted by Eddie Allen. Billed aa the European feminine Caruso, MarRa de la Rose will exhibit bar exceptional range of vocalization. She 1 a double-voiced singer, possessing both a tenor and soprano register. Eight een distinctly different characterizations are done by Lee Bath, the dialect come dian. The vaudeville-program la to be rounded out by a novelty act of divert ing quality to be offered by Ower and Ower. The world' champion Jumper, John Hlgglna. will exhibit unusual abil ity. To maintain his title of champion he la willing to meet all camera. His record of forty-eight feet six Inchea for hop, akip and Jump wa not equalled at the Olympic games In Stockholm. Con cluding the entertainment will be the ex clusive feature, the Orpheum Travel Weekly, showing the world at work and play. The audynce Is shown curious and picturesque 'places of the globe by the Orpheum circuit moving picture pho tographers. At the Gayety theater this week Joe Hurtlg. master producer of brilliant bur lesque, will present "The Social Maids." Heading his cast are George Stone and Etta Plllerd, who range among the high est dancers and mirth-producers of the modern Stan. Mr. Hurtlg haa provided a With TaJea and Xead At the empress musical burlesque called "Busy Little Cupid,'' the Joint work of Leon Berg and Will H. Vodery. Comedy which delights la found In the efforta of two comedlana to exploit a new device for the manufac ture of noodles. Mr. Hurtlg has provided an entirely new and costly production, all of the scenery, costumes and mechanical and electrical devices being original and extravagant. He haa engaged to support hut stare, Billy Foater, Billy Baker, Jack Plllard, Marty Seamon, Jessie Hlatt and the four talented Haley alater and a chorua composed of thirty handsome girls. Starting tomorrow there will be a ladles' matinee daily. The bill at the Empress theater will be headed by Woodford's performing ani mals, with "Oacar." the man monkey. Thla Is a wonderful educated crew of animal aetora and' haa been the headline act for two seasons. Mr. and Mr. Bobyn present "Mr. Berg, or 100 Cent on the Dollar." Thla little playlet come highly recommended aa a true portrayal of the Jew. Paden and Read, black and whit funster, do torn comedy ainglng and dancing, while Brown and Barrow alng and talk side splitting comedy. "Dope" la vividly handled by Herman Lleb In the photo-play thl week. The production la in lx part and Mr. Lleb la ably assisted by an eapeclally selected arroup of stare. Thla photo-play ahown during the regular photo-play hours, 11 a m. to 2 p. m.; 4:30 to 7:30 p. m., and 10 to 11 p. m. Among th photo-dramas of conspic uous merit to be offered this week at the Hipp theater. Fifteenth and Harney streets, Is the Daniel Frohman produc tion, "The Lost Paradise." The play le a powerful pictorial argument In behalf of oppressed laborer. It wa adapted from the German by Henry C. De MlUe. The chief role I portrayed by th dra matic favorite. H. B. Warner. On Tuesday and Wednesday thla play will I be offered. Equally interesting will be the bill for today and tomorrow. It la "The Dollar Mark," a film feature devised from Georse P.roadhurst'a melodrama of finance. VlgoroQs in action, with an al luring love story. th, picture drama is one that absorbs the attention of spec tator. For Thursday and Friday, September 24 and 2S. the offering I to be a feature that has caused a stir In the motion plo ture world. It is Jack Ix)ndon's "An Odyssey of the North," a play of unique situation with the leading role faithfully done by Hohart Bosworth. Hla role that of N'aass, an Esquimau chief of powerful Influence and heroic attributes. No less forcefully dramatic la the offer ing for Saturday. September 26. On that day "Classmates" Is to be the, bill. Swift In action. It la a romance with a strong human appeal. Aa. Iavrstlgator. Th young man In the bureau of in formation laid the railroad rulde down and looked reproachfully at the woman who had turned In a volley of questions. "Madam " he aald. "you can't possibly take all those trains you are asking about" "I know It." she replied, serenely; "but aa long aa I didn't have anything else to do I thought I d Just see for niself how much you railroad men really know about your buatnsas." Washington btar. 1 mMjAr MW1MUL SaVAaLaV OT TO-SAT, PBESKTED BY A VOMTAMX OT TJBTJB1TAX ME at IT. TWO HXQ-HTB, TBTUJtSDAT A2TX nUDAT, SEPT. 04, 05, Reinhart-Grossman Co. ffiTOKS TXT BATS. BEOOTTJTCr aTOTTDAT KATXaTEB, BBPT. 07, Tho SEA WOLF Iwins. vTTwTJLT- MATINEE DAXLT 18c. 05o By JACK fcOaTPOsT. ETESIM Q8, 8:3Q P. M.. g&o. Two Rights, OCT. Malinee Saturday 2Q Mr. Ceorgo Arlistin (Th Ltblr Oo, Kara.) KAXTj Turpin's Dancing Academy OOiL J C oui anu rarnam oireeis Open tomorrow evening and Tuesday evening for beginners and advanced pupils. Monday for those who do not dance. Tuesday for thosf who waltz and two-step. NOTE Only new dances talk Tuesday evening. Class begins at 8:00 P. M. First Children's Class Saturday afternoon, Oct. 10th. First assembly Saturday evening, Oct 10th. Private lessons daily. Harney 5143. Fbon Dongla 404 Advanced Vaudeville Week Starting Kat. Boil, Sept. SO Flrat appearance in Omaha of the moat pretentloua offering In vfdevlU DANE CARRERA kU HEU'S DAUGHTER Assisted by Tyler Brook and a Chorua of American Beauties In a 81ngtng and Dancing Creation By Irving Berlin. CHARLIE KOYARD & CO. With BOBBY WATSOW and DOBO TBT XAYBBjT la "A XAPPT OOaCBmATIOB" LAKCTOtV LOCIER & CO. Assisted by Jay Melville in "Heaps of Hilarity." MARGA DE LA ROSE The European Feminine Caruso. LEE BARTH Dialect Comedian OWER & OWER Entertaining Novelty Act. JOHN HIQGIXS Th World' Champion Jumper. ORPHEUM TRAVEL "WEEKLY The World at Work and Play. Around the World With the Orpheum Photographers. Price Mat., gallery 10c Best seats (except Saturday and Sunday) 26c; Night. 10c. 25c. 60c and 76c rjn , p p wh-ry win anu Ilf-trtllC I The Son of Pstamotuxt Plotnree By sooh produoeraat rronmaa. Klaw a Erliourar, Balaaoo, Brady, Ban aabert and Xoasky Tn b picture for th beat peopla Today and Monday bow begin at 10, ll:a, 18140. 8:00, :80, 4140, too Shubert Presents... t ip, b:jo, :45 $ DOLLAR MARK Si A ttrillljur and vivid picture film la the Cobalt region during' tb Hood. Tuesday and Wednesday. Kyt. saaadM. alal Probata effsr The Eminent Star, H. B. WARNER, In Tho Lost Paradise Tb World' Pamon Brama of . . - Capital and labor. i Mr. Hobart T. Bosworth la Jack Iroadoa'a Odyssey of the North A picture of tb Yortharn Wild. Saturday On Day Only Bent aa Blew BrlinV" preeTuta Th well-known play CLASSMATES With Blaaob Sweet. Watoh our dally ad la th newspaper every day tun that la wsU pat. Reserved Seat Sale FOR THE BIG Redpath Series Auditorium Box Office Tuesday Sept. 22, 9 A.M. First Come, First Served. Mall Order Will Tie Given Careful Attention. Schumann-Heiiik Date, Oct 6 Disraeli SOW, SEAT BAXB T BIS AT. V s Ci s WEEK OF SUN. SEPT. 20TH. iWQODfDBPrllHjl I FEATURtNw OSCAR THE MAN MONKEY. m mm "OMAHA'S PXTW CEBTaiB" Dally Mat 18-35-80O. Xvsrs.. 15-25-60-750. World's Oraatest Grotesaus Duksis. GEO. STONE and ETTA PILLARS Si Social Maids 5ESSSS. BiiUlut, Tuneful Merriment of tha Msnvst Ord. PrMt1it CTiorua XJp to Yet. XJLVTBS' DIUB SCAT. WEEK SA.T8 4th Annual Opening Of Mackie's Academy On Thursday, Sept. 24th ' YOU ARE INVITED. h plao to laarn tb Bsw and Id Xanos Quick, asy acMbod. competent instructors ft 30 asstetanta. rnaaya. Private Iasou Sally. Mackie's Dancing Academy Phone B. 6444, 1B16 Barnsy S. Max Frederic McCollongh TEACHER OF S1XG1HG Ormtnlst and Obotrmaatar. Retidence Studio Now Open 1881 Blnny Bt. Tel. WebaUr 15SX Borglum Piano School Open Beptamber 0. 9661 Doua-la Strt. A 11 ni Jl f M Rnrrlntn M ,1 b pupils of Waiter Swayne, Pari, aad competent aasistant. Slsrht-readlns:. ilehr.atnoHn . n tralnina;. SchwarU method Pari Con servatory. Harmony and Publlo Performano ClaHsoa Miss Bella Robinson Concert Pianist and Taaobar of Piano and Composition Will open tha fall term of the' Rob inson Studios, at 2640 Harney Street, Beptnmber the first. Call Xarney 1384 for Kours. Louise Jansen-Wylle TEA C HEX OF SINGING After a successful year In ti east which Included) a New Turk recital Xpril 16th, haa reopened her atudio at 3g;i Farnam street. Telerjfcona llar'f-y 5J50. Luella Alien Teacher of Violin Studio as and 87 Arlington Block. lSUVs Bod Bt. Pnon Barney 8048. JEAIi P. DUFFIELD Teacher of Piano Studio, Metropolitan Bid., 2301 Hanier St. Rldno rtuxn) IL. 1442, "'"r T"TT-eB.