Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Thompson, Belden & Co.
Announce the Arrival of a Showing of Im
ported Coats for Street and Auto Wear
From V. Manheimer
Berlin Paris London
It is one of the few authentic displays of Imported
Model Coats in the United States and was obtained
only after the greatest effort.
The showing includes fur textiles of leopard, civet
cat, tiger and sealskin, besides fancy mixtures and rich
striped wool velours.
The prices are exceptionally reasonable:
$19.50, $29.75, $35.00, $55.00, $85.00
New Suits
We have just received
many new suit 6tyles includ
ing many for small women.
You wall be pleased with the
comprehensive display.
$19.50 up to $85.00
The Store For
Always something new
very 'reasonable in price'.
; -Two-Piece.. .
Wash Dresses
For Little Girls -
Combinations of white and
blue and ' white and Scotch
plakT,- 3, 4; 5' and' 6 years
prices, $1.35 $2.35.
Aliens in United
Kingdom Bother to
Government Heads
LONDON, Pept 1 Tha number of
"alien enemies"' In ' the United Kingdom,
'which la estimated at from M.000 to 80,000.
Including women and children, dally W
cornea a matter of more concern.
Host of the better, class have received
polloa permits to remain at liberty, re
port In a" at elated times to the txnoa sta
tions. Of thee many continue In em
ployment, but the discharging of clerks,
teacbera, covamewea and servant - of
German or Austrian birth la becoming
mora common aa the war feeling grown.
The women, who are required to regis
ter with the police, are supported by
charitable funda or out of the 100,000
marka appropriated by the Clerman gov
ernment for the relief of eubjecta In Eng
land. But the vast majority of unem
ployed and penniless, who are a charge
on society and a source of concern to
the police, have been, .gathered Into var
ious detention camps.
At one of these camps at Aldershot
there are over t.000 Inmates. They live
In a tent city within, a barbed wire en
closure. Aa an extra Inducement to re
main Inside the barbed wire, the pris
oners are deprived of their shoes. Other
large camps are at L4v;rpool and Man
chester. It Is expected that the prisoners
will soon be put to work In the fields.
The Great War Manual
In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and places
and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict
now shaking Europe and the world.
will send you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This great
War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The
World's Work, which is a guarantee pf its unquestioned
( " - " n
Taos fC L. S 1 I . a ml- I
&o.j vi i uus wupua auu onug ii vo me oee
office with 50 cents for your copy. Add
five cents for DOEtarra when .nt hv mall
September Bedding Sale
Plaid Bed Blankets, all wool, pretty assorted plaids, full
size, regular $6.50 values $5.78 a pair
White Wool Blankets, full sire, heavy quality
regular $5.00 values $4.29 a pair
Silkoline and Challie Covered Comforts in pretty new pat
terns and colors, filled with pure white corded cotton;
85c quality 69c each
Pillow Cases, 42 and 45-inch cases, good quality of blenched
worth up to $3.50, at $2.69, $2.19, $1.33 and 08c each
Sheets, Extra Quality, full bleached seamless sheets, full
double bed size 81x90. Limit of 6 to a customer,
muslin 10c each
New Autumn Silks and Dress Goods
and They're at the Old Prices
We may. have to come to the higher prices later, but as
long -as-we can do so we will give customers the benefit of
oarly purchases. Black and navy blue have the call.
Broadcloth is again very much in demand. Plaids and
Iioman stripes are favored. All light weight wool and
silk -and wool fabrics are fashionable. Practically every
thing in colored fabrics is duplicated in black.
juat aa all the detaJnd aliens have In
In the great steel and glass pavilion
known aa the Olmpla, where fashion and
nobility gathered for the annual military
tournament and the horse show recently,
aome coo Germans, Austrlans and Hun
garians are detained.
. Tha prisoners have plenty of space for
exercise, which takes generally the form
of children's games. They run after each
btfier and shout like boys In a play yard.
Although tho prisoners look the worse
for lack of batha and laundries, they are
for the larger part of the foreign riff
raff of .London and are anything but dis
contented at having a day of liberty, with
three meals Included.
WASHINGTON. Sept. .-Possibilities
of Ilournanla entering the European con
flict on the side of Austria aro reported
in brief official advices today from neu
tral ot servers In Bucharest No reasons
war given from the probable action of
. Bulgaria, llkewlee. la reported showing
strong sympathies for Russia. On the
receipt of news of Russian victories In
Austria a few days ago, there were bis;
demonstrations against Austria through
out Bulgaria, which had to be suppressed
by the police.
Advices similarly show that Italy la
having considerable difficulty In sup
pressing popular demonstration In favor
of the triple entente.
Forts Made Useless
by .Germans' New
Siege Guns
BERLIN, Kept. 4. Correspondence of the
Aaaoclated Press.) It la atlll too early to
baaa general predictions concerning war
in the future upon the engagenienta of
the present great European struggle. One
prediction, however, does seem fairly Jus
tified already. It la that the day of
fortresses baa passed. The new 42-centl-meter
tlfi Uncli) siege gun of the Gor
man forcca appears to have demonstrated
Its ability to demolish the strongest forti
fications ever made. Pictures of the
demolition at Liege bear striking testi
mony to the power of this new arm. A
single projectile demolished utttorly walls
of reinforced cement and steel, ripped
open steel towers and piled the masa
upon the fort'a defenders.
This new siege gun has been the sur
prise of the war. It ha been repeated ly
asserted that no nation has any military
secrets that are not In the possession of
all other important nations, but events
have proved not only that the existence
of this terrible weapon was not known
to foreign natlona, but that only a lim
ited number of high German army of
ficiate themselves had ao much as heard
of It.
Filibuster Against
Pork Barrel Bill
. Eesults in Victory
WASHINGTON. Sept. 19 The day and
night fight on the river and harbor bill
In tha senate showed signs of a break
today with victory for tha filibustering
republicans, when it became known that
President Wilson favored abandoning the
bill and aubetltutlng a new resolution to
appropriate IH.0O0.00 to $12,000,000 to con
tinue only those projects under way. The
original bill proposed 03,O00,G0u,
Officials said the president believed the
bill ahould be abandoned In Its present
form, because government revenues, al
ready falling becauae of the Kuropean
war, must be supplemented by a war
tax. Tha economy measure will extend
all alonf the line, even increasee In sal
aries to off trials wilt be abandoned.
No Change in News
from Eastern Side
LONDON, Sept. 19. New from the
eastern theater continues to I of the
same character; that Is. further report
of overwhelming Russian victories
agalnat the Austrlans ta Uallrls and of
tba stubborn pressure on tha Russian
frontier to tba north, where the Russians,
I vwtver, appear to be holding their own.
(Continued from Page One)
duel. That 1b takn to Indicate that
today's struggle may be marked by a
tremendous advance of Infantry, such
as made the battlefield of the Marne
a scene of indescribable horror and
The news from Berlin corxluding
the position of the German forces has
a more confident ring. The admis
sion has been made that the German
army was short of ammunition, - but.
this shortage has been rectified and
supplied and reinforcements are
being sent forward without trouble.
A French officer who has Just returned
from the bftttle front. Is authority for the
statement that' the strain on both sides
of the line In France promises soon to
get beyond human endurance. He likens
the antagonistats to two exhausted pugil
ists and says that soon they will be un
able to inflict further punishment on
each other. If this situation develops,
tho only possible way for the allies to
prevent a weary rid disheartening winter
campaign, It IS argued here, would be a
successful assault on the German com
munications. Buch an assault, it Is ad
mitted, will not be an easy matter.
Allies Hope to Break Line.
Tha Belgian army. In harrying the In
vader, probably prevents the dispatch' of
any great part of the German army now
occupying Belgium to ' reinforce their
countrymen In France, but the Belgian
forces are not strong enough seriously to
Interfere with communications, while the
allies must break aome part of the line
or turn the German right before they
can effectively threaten the communica
tion of the Invader. ..
Fetrograd reports that General Ren
nenkampf has definitely arrested the
German advance. This movement haes been
assisted by river excursion boats changed
Into what the soldiers termed a "one
horse" navy and has driven the Rus
sians back into the marsh country along
the border.
Aaatrlans Reorganised.
The Austrlans, In a perelstett effort to
save the remnants of their army and re
establish It as a fighting force, have, ac
cording to reports from Vienna, fortified
their extended new defensive front from
Dohodyei, southwest of Imberg, to
Cracow, with the center on I'rxtimysl. An
attack on tho Triemys) fortress Is ex
pected at once from the Russians under
command of Oenersls Ttusiky and Brus
slloff. One report which reaches London
from Gallcla declares that the Austrian
cavalry has been entirely wiped out. This
may account for tho fortification of the
Austrian line instead of Its continued re
treat toward Cracow.
From many points in the dual monarchy
come disquieting reports. Pola, the naval
baae on tho Adriatic, Is said to be In
revolt, while the people of Vienna, re
fusing longer to have their attention di
verted towards the west, are demanding
news of the situation in Gollila, from
which district hordes of refugee Poles
and wounded Austrian soldiers are pour
ing into the capital dally. Violent scenes
outside 'the ministry of war building at
Vienna iysi repprtedT
British Dread Casnalty List.
The most cruel aspect, from the British
standpoint, of the terrible battle now rag
ing In the western area of tha war Is the
dreadful apprehension with which the
British public awaits the publication of
the casualty list or the last week's fight
ing. Many qf Great Britain s most fa
moua regiments are reported to have been
mowed down in the terrific assault on the
heights held by the Germans above the
River Alsne. Tha German public may
also expect a shock In thla regard, for
the battlefields already swept over, glv
evidence, according to reports received
here, that the famous Prussian Guards
corps has been virtually wiped out.
Japanese Imperials
Land at Laoshan Bay
TOKIO, Sept. 19. The Japanese Imperial
troops, co-operating with the Japanese
fleet, lam'od at laoshan bay September
It, according to official announcement
made today.
The cavalry on September 17 captured
Kaio Chow station and aetied a train.
Among the passengers was the president
of tha Shan Tung railway, who was mad
a prisoner.
The Bhan Tung railroad, the president
of which was made a prUoner by the
Japanese, la German-owned and was
opened in 19M. The main Una extends
from Tslng Tau weat to Tslnan. The
rapture of the station at Kaio Chow was
earlier reported In news dispatches.
The National Capital
atardar, aptesakea 1, 1S14.
The Srsatf,
The filibuster on the river and harbor
bill continued In the session which con
tinued frm last night.
Met at noon.
Iehata reumeJ on general land leaning
a-T- A -J La Y. tO
r i.-W .4 .4 A. ak l!3 7 I aVauaxsjCsaKiKsk
ixsr a -i V . s. . aa m. I BSJ VJ
1 .
New Battle Line of the Fighting Forces
IF? 1
Those Being Brought Back from
Battlefield Giving Best Accounts.
MUnles Addressed to Relatives by
Helpless and Dylnar Give De.
tails of Awfal Carnage
.. at the. Front.
PARIS, Sept. 1.-The principal sources
of really graphic information of opera
tions at the front are, for the moment,
accounts given by returning wounded and
prisoners and by private letters.
They all go to show that the" worst
predictions as to the bloody character of
the war are being1 realized.
The ravages In the German ranks are
due In part. It Is declared, ta furious
charges with the bayonet, but mostly to
the "j-mtllimeter guns.
A German of fleer. Interviewed on his
way to on of the Interior military pr's
ons, declared "The French cannon isn't
a war cannon. It's a butchery cannon."
One of the latest battles at Ramblllers
In the Vosges was fought on the edge
of a forest between two regiments of In
fantry supported by artillery, and so
fierce became the fire on both sides that
the two regiments were obliged to retire
at the same time, leaving the field to
grape and caniHter.
From the Sergeant Aviator Decaen It
la teamed thnt six German flying ma
chines sucoumbed to musketry fire at th
Luxemburg frontier. "We are in France
for Uie moment," he writes, "and the
Germans are retiring, burning Belgian
villages as. they pass. GasUnger, on a
Belgian aeroplane, came back from the
frontier wltji a-ball In his back; fortu-'
nately the German bullets don't seem to
do much damage; this one was stopped
by a, loaf of bread. Our squadron's going
ahead, and very aoon. a letter dated
Sswelmra ef Letter.
The following letter from a brigadier of
dragoons Is a specimen of a certain clans
of letters that have begun to arrive in
"My Pear Parents: Tf you receive this
letter It will be because I have been
killed, but don't weep for me, since my
fate will have been the noblest a French
man can dream of to die for his country
on the eve of victory. We shall be the
victors becauae we have right and confi
dence on our side. I shall have done my
duty to the end and I hope my death will
have been useful to my country. My last
thoughts will be for you."
With this letter there came another
from the cure of a little Belgian village
Riving the details of the death of the
writer of the above. It was In a Belgian
lorest that a party of dragoons were sur
prised by an ambush and all shot down
excepting three and on these three the
Prussians rushed to complete their work.
The brigadier, already wounded In the
leg, managed to master his pain ant
charged alone, and tha cure adds that
there was other than French blood shed
upon the field.
"His body Is not lost," the cure con
tinues. "It reposes In the little cemetery
of our village, where you will come to
visit his tomb after the war."
A letter from a wounded soldier to his
wife in Paris reads:
"We were in the first rank with our
lieutenant. Jean Kbrard, at the head.
He received six bullets. First wounded
In the thigh, ha got up again, collected
his men and went on ahead. Another ba!l
! struck him In the shoulder and four
others were stopped by his knapsack. He
found another later in his belt. 'Precious
I souvenirs.' tie said. He went to have his
I wounds dressed on returning to the place
i of assembling. There's a sample of the
conduct of our officers."
LONDON, Rept. lfc.-OO a. m ) The Star
lhas published a dispatch from Rome say
ing that warship cruising in tha Adriatic
have captured an Austrian ateamer fly
ing the Greek flag, loaded with arm and
ammunition destined for Albania.
Doctor Recommended
"I have great fuJth In your remedy.
My first husband's mother, Mrs. Mary C
Weat, had a bad case of kidney trouble,
bhe waa In bed one year. Three (Doctors
attended her, and after a consultation
they told her husband she could not live
i five hours, aa one of her kidneys was
I gone. Then he railed an old doctor who
had previously attended liar.' He told
her that all ha knew to do waa to try
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver' Rem
edy, and If thla remedy Hi not do her
any good, nothing would. So she started
to take Warner's and In lesa than three
weeks aha was on bar feet again and uhe
was thoroughly eured by your remedy."
Mrs. itaorge Armstrong,
Lynn, Mass.
The experience of thirty
five years has demonstrated
tha fact that Warner
acts specifically upon the
kidney and liver In such s
manner that It eatabllahea a
hsaltiiy condition of thcao
vital organs. It Is acid by
all druggiata la tOc and 1.)
sties, or me will send you a
free sample If yeu addrwsa
Warner s Hxfe Remile.s Co.,
Itpt. lii Rochester. N. V.
1 ' "'''
(Continued from Page One.)
gear until he and his observer had safely
landed within the German lines. He then
collapeed. As a result of the trip the
observer was able to deliver a valuable
report. The well known sculptor, Fried
rich Pfannschmldt. captain of the Fourth
Foot Guards, was killed In the battle
near Chalons. Herman Wendel, the so
cialist member of the Relchstsg. who
caused a sensation during the budget de
bate by closing hia speech with the words
"Long Live France." has volunteered
In tho Frankfurter landstrum battalion
and has ; seen service In Belgium.
Fear the Arlators.
A shower of steel arrows, released by
French aviators over a mile high in the
ale, Is the modern terror of war, accord
ing to accounts of German wounded,
printed In the Munich Medical Weekly.
The arrows, which are of pressed steel,
from four to six inches long and a quar
ter of an Inch tn diameter, have a heavy
pointed head and a skeletonized shaft.
The arrows seem to have caused more
surprise than actual damage. Only one
man was killed by a head wound in tho
attack described, the others causing I
mostly flesh wounds.
The regiment to which the wounded be
longed, resting, in clone battalion forma
tion, paid little attention to two aviators
circling over a mile overhead until tha
novel projectiles suddenly rained down,
scattering rar. and wide. Men were
wounded in three companies. The battery
in .the rear, at first nonplussed, later
realized tho service of the missiles, and
as many as possible crawled under the
wsj.-ms and escaped another shower of
; Crhwn Prince Geoirge and Prince Fred
erlk Christian of' Faxony have boen
awarded t.hs.Ixon Cross.
BERLIN, r-ept. W.-The twentyVlghtn
casualty list Just published shows 1.03H
dead. 4.039 wounded and 1.0:9 missing. The
tctal losses as given by all the lists is
now 7.4S3 dead, 28.5M wounded and 9,900
The list Just published seems to include
the casualties from the recent battle at
Tannenberg, East Prussia.
Count Anton Slgray. lieutenant of the
Third Hungarian Hussars, and who Is a
brother-in-law of Mrs. Gerard, wife of
the American ambassador. Is believed to
be a prisoner of the Russians, and it Is
rumored that he has been taken to
Our painless
extractl om
and filling
is the talk of
the town.
Our satisfied
patients are
pre a d 1 n g
the Glad
Crown and
bridge teeth
as low
A eat rv
SO years a dentist. Sk Kll
20-year guarantee. CU,UU
- 7 Oil City Xat'l Hank
8k y Scraper.
j Great Inventions of the Day 1
The last
A weight prohibited their being carried. The
OORONA overcomes this disadvantage entirely. It has all
the features of the larger machines without their bulklness.
You cannot appreciate this wonderful typewriter unless you
see It and that's what you should do at the earliest possible mo
ment. If you cannot call, phone us and we will send one of our
representatives with a CORONA nd demon8trte u t0 ou
We'll put our time against yours and show one of the wonders ot
modern times.
We want a few more live agents In unallotted territory. Write
us for our agency proposition.
Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. I
3O7-300 South 17th St, rttone Douglas 4121.
NOTE: We have taken a number of good second band ma
chine of different makes in exchange for the COROIA
These we have thoroughly overhauled and we offer them at very
low prices. Investigate. We doubtless have just what you want.
bwsmsb e sMaaass)
(Continued from Taxe One.)
Throughout j-eoterday the a hole front
was engaged, the fight again being hot
test on the left flank, where the turning
movement is becoming defined. The
enemy mnde a series of vigorous counter
"General French's army has again been
sighted out for the enemy's particular at
tention, but their three attempts to get
hold upon it have been In vain. While
the flshtlng Is hard on the eastern half
of their front, the Germans are digging
hard Into the renter from nhelms to Ar
gonne and this probably will form the)
pivot of the battle."
High Salaried Traveling Sales
man Boosts Dresher Bros.
Cleaning Establish
ment to the Skies. ;
All this transpired In the lobby of the
Paxton Hotel. "Al" Dresher. of the firm
of Dresher Bros.. Dry Cleaners anr(
Dyers at 2211-221 3 Farnam Pt.. for once
had a minute or two to spare and put in
the time smoking a clga.r and Incidental
ly picking up the acquaintance of trav
eling men who needed suits of clothes
Now "Al" Is long on this acquaintance
making business and it was not two
minutes before lie was In earnest con
versation with a "drummer;" one of the
highest priced paint and oil salesmen In
the country.
"So YOU are one of the Dreshers of
Dresher Bros, the Cleaners, are you?"
queried the drummer.
"You bet I be." answered) the voluble
"Well, I've got o hand it to you boys."
answered the traveling- salesman. "I
used to think there was at least one
other American cleaning plant us good
as yours a plant that used to do mv
work In Philadelphia but I'm denied if
I think fo now. You folks have done
eome of the cleverest cleaning work l'v
ever aeen. Klrst time I landed in old
Omaha about three years ago I sent you
a job of cleaning through one of the
hotela here. And SAY. do you know
that Job tickled me ao that I've man
aged to a1g up some work for you every
trip since."
Etc.. Etc.. Etc. Praise and commen
dation galore. Not all the praise w-s
"Salve" or "Jolly" either. The travel
ing man meant It and so did "Al" when
he stated that he had a $57,000 cleaning
plant, the liveliest, finest equipped,
ublest, promptest cleaning plant in tho
entire glorious U. 8. A.
All of which goes to show that you
have at vour fingers' ends, an institu
tion that is a credit to Omaha.
Dreshers are Just now busy In making
last year's clothes do duty this year;
they are going to aave Omahana thou
sands of dollars through this operation,
for every Omahan who has a last years
garment cleaned, pressed am remodeled
at Dresliera' Inimitable plant will scare
find it necessary to buy a new garment
this year. "Plenty good enough" is the
universal expression of those who have
DreBhers fix up their old duds.
Remember the words of that traveling
man. Dresher'a Cleaning Plant has It
over any other concern of the Kind.
When all this sinks In Phone Tyler J45
that's Dreshers' private exchange
number and tell Dreshers to send a
man at once Advertisement.
The higher we advaoce In civili
zation more investigating Is re
quired Into new inventions and
better sanitary methods.
NOT ENOUGH will be told of Dr.
Todd's teeth until every dentist in
the United States and the public has
investigated and found the great ad
vantage in Dr. TodU'a new sanitary
porcelain teeth.
Mr. H. D. Rogers said today: "After
wearing four sanitary bridges for six
months I can't say enough good about
your teeth. I have found this out,
since having the old teeth removed'
and new sanitary teeth put In "
Dr. Todd will stay In the practice
of dentistry for many years and his
agents will advertise and sell the new
teeth. Come In and Investigate.
403-495-433-491-489-467 Br an dais
ten years have seen some great in
perfected, none, however, more than
"Tinlliirih Hi I1' f
the Typewriter, We are able today to show
the most wonderful product of. the typewriter
Industry the CORONA fold,ns typil"
writer, weight six pounds. Formerly type
writers were heavy and cumbersome. Their
ama saasaSB easasaeas e i