...K OMAHA SITN'DAY MKK: ' SKITKMMKU 'JO, 1iU. !- A AUTO PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT John N. Willys Says Conditions in Country Are Excellent. NOTHING TO FEAR FROM WAR I tin the DtnlnrH of Ilia fompnnr m Crltertoa llf Finds Month of September to Be Fur Ahead of I.aat Year. American automobile mnnufactiirrrs are facinK the brightest prospects slnre the Inception of the industry, in the opin ion of John N. Willys, president of thr Willys-Overland company and second largest manufacturer of automobiles in the world. Sine his return from the war rone, t,r. Wlllya has made a careful sur vey of business conditions in the United States and declares himself exceedingly well pleased with the outlook. Mr. Willys says: "Automobile build ers on this side of the Atlantic have noth ing to fear because of the terrible condi tions abroad. For a while, the lack of transportation facilities and abnormally high insurance ratea hampered foreign business, but since the aeaa have become practically free and insurance is more reasonable, export shipments are being resumed on a large acale. With the exception of the warring countries, the business of the entire civilized world is America's for the taking. "In drawing my conclusions I must, of necessity, use the business of my own company as a criterion, to some extent. Upon 'returning to this country after an absence of two months. I find that never in the history of the Willy a-Over-land company has business been better. For the months of September and Ooto ler our contract tschedules call for ap proximately, 75 per cent more cara than the schedules of a year sko. But a careful Investigation of conditions indi cates that If, we build every car for by the schedules we will still fall far short of the demand. "Our factory nlpn are working full force full time and full pay. Yet wo have on hand fully 1.000 more unfilled orders than we had at this time last year. We have orders for more than $5 000,000 worth of cars for Immediate shipment. And this Is In spite of the fact that our shipments are averaging more than fifty more cars per day than during the corresponding period of 1913. Firestone Men to Meet in National ( Convention Soon The third week In October will bring with it another of the annual sales con ventions of the Firestone Tire and Rub ber company. Over 2f.O men will be called In from the firing line, which extends from coast to coaBt and into many for eign countries. It Is expected that a number of the foreign representatives will be at the conventions. Since the company completed their large, new factory in 1310 there has not been a time when additions were not under construction. The visiting repre sentatives will be pleased to find that the same is true this year. 95,009 square feet additional floor space having been added since last October. It will be gratifying to them to know that the expansion is due largely to their valiant work In the field. TM convention, last October, was a grand success, which Is proven by the 78 per cent increase In output this year, but it is expected that this season's confer ence will be the greatest event of the kind ever held In the history of the or ganization.. As a result the motoring, pub lic can expect better service than ever before from the Firestone company dur ing the coming year. find tln following in order: Pctisylvanla. New York. 4I. Illinois. S4; Indlnna. TVxns, :ii; California. Si. Ov.r ;W i!alrr teueMs from Camilla and 1?." torin api'lii-nttons have been recoHcd Scrap Across the Pond Bothers Not Packard Officers With reference to the rffect of war on business, the following letter to denl ers has been sent out by Alvan Macaulny, vice president and general manager of the Tackard Motor Car company: "Our car orders are considerably ahead of what I thought possible, ami they continue to hold up In a surprising way, despite the fact that we have bee-i pass ing through a dull period of the summer, when most of our patrons are nwy from home. If we didn't know that tho wur conditions wie serious, we would con fidently exiTct a record-breaking full business. rlwi a we are gome to hc It anyway, since more than a month lias elapsed since the war stalled and our business has not suffered. "There is business In considerable cjunn tity to be had. We are getting it right along: getting more of It than we thounht It was possible to secure. Business men seem willing to deny themselves almost anything, rather than go without their cars. Perhaps that's the explanation of tho situation. If so. dealers should avail themselves of the fact." KISSEL KAR SIX NOT TO HAVE PRICE RAISED "The Kissel Kar, 4s. 'six.' U the only one of the leading medium weight 'sixes' first Introduced last year that has not been Increased In price for the 1!M" sea son," says Frank J. Kdwards. "Yet the latest series of this car has many more expensive features, ln 'iidlng a womlerfiil new 4."ln Jlssel-bu'lt mo tor, a new and original body design, a new type of spring guaranteed against center breakage, a new vacuum fuel feel sys tem, a new autonmtlo cpark advatne In stslliitlnn and a lot of other refinement s." NEW RUBBER SUPPLY HOUSE LOCATES ON AUTO ROW A new addition to Automobile row bns sprung up In the establishment of a rubber supply house at Parnate) street to be known as tho Akron Hubber and Supply company. The members of thl new firm are H. II. HeplnKle, form erly of Akron, O., and Montreal, Canada, and F. I. Ptone, formerly of Oklahoma City, Okl. They are to conduct a gen eral .lobbing and distributing business and are the exclusive agents and dis tributers for the famous Marathon tires lit Nebraska and Iowa. They will also handle the n. F. dondrleh company's mechanical goods and druggists sun dries. Tiny will carry a full line of sup plies nnd their motto will be "Kverythlng In lliibber." Tl ey will base a force of ten traveling salesmen on the road work ing out of t'ni.iba. PHILOSOPHERS RESUME SUNDAY MEETINGS SOON Heginnlng Punilay. October i tne Omaha Philosophical society will resume its ngu Inr Sunday meetings. For the following thirteen assemblies, starting with the first Sunday next month, when Thnmnn II. Tibbies will speak, the fea .urn b et ires will be respectively by I,. J. (Julnby. II. W. Morrow, Mrs IV ti. Craighead, W. F. Paster, J. V. Woodroiigh, J, inn O. Yelser, F. O. odell. Pr. U A. Morna.ni. Pr. F. W. Mllleiier, J. J, lVlnts, .1. II Shafer and lr. C. H. Atxen. Kach opening address is to last forty minutes and others arc limited to ten minutes. Lincoln Highway Feeders Posted Henry It. .loy personally seized a paint brush last Saturday and helped put Lin coln Highway feeder road signs on tele graph poles ad the wiy from Iwtrolt to Toledo, Accompanied by Knrle Welhorn, bis secretary, the Packard president unipcd li.to the extraordinary task on the day of bis return from his stiminrr home at Watch Hill. P. I., In celebration of the first anniversary of the famous highway. Tho twr. reached their destination Hun day In complete disguise, so covered were they with paint and dust They obtained food at dairy lunches and country groceries. Among Hie events to be staged by the Pittsburgh Motorcycle club at Scbcnley Park on frVitoniler iM Is a twenty-flve-mll motorcycle ree for the champion ship of western Pennsylvania. M'INTYRE REPORTS NEW OAKLAND SIXES ENROUTE Mr. Mclntytc, of the Mclntvre Auto company, reports that a carload of Oakland sixes will be received the. Slrst of this week and will be on display at the company's show rooms nil week.He reports good sales for both the Briscoe and Saxon cars, for which the company has the agency. Models of both thesa ears are on the floor of their show room. . f II I liernn 1 1 nc In Wisconsin "Send me Immediately 100 posters, show ing tbo different models." wrote a Wis consin automobile dealer to the Strido baker corporation. "I want to post them In the saloons and country stores, so sll the people will be looking at them- all winter.'' , 411-Wlnter Antomobllea ' Though the Stndebsker line Includes no closed models, dealers are being fur nished with coupe bodies, which can be mounted on almost any chassis, thus pro viding an opportunity for a year-rpund outfit for any owner desiring it. Henderson Finds Trade Conditions Good in the West ' Vice President Henderson of the Regal Motor Car company Is very optimistic concerning trade conditions. After several weeks of investigation, during which time he covered the east and middle west, he bad this to say: "General trade conditions are good, par ticularly In the central west, where tne record-breaking cropa are bringing1 high prices! Even In the east. In spite of war extras and savings bank restrictions, the trade is better than usual at tms season of the vear. "It Is surprising to note the gTowing In terest and demand for two and three niasRenirer cars. We attribute this partly to the general demand for economy and to the fact that more and more can are being used for business purposes." Big Year Expected by Saxon Company Among the leading automobile manu facturers who find that the European war Is having no deterrent effect on the motor car buslnesa In this country is M. W. Ford, president of the Saxon Motor company. "We are still behind on orders despite the fact that our factory Is working to capacity all the time." says Mr. Ford. "In the month of August, which Is gen erally considered a dull month, we shipped 00 cars. During the first half of September we shipped 600, and our out put for the month will be l,00u cars. For October our schedule calls for 1,000 cars or more. "The main difficulty we are facing Is to get the cars out fast enough. There can be only one answer, and that is that prosperity reigns In nearly all lines of business and Industry. We have been blessed with great crops, which means that the farmers have money. It also means real prosperity for the, rank and file everywhere." DCDGE SALES RIGHTS. ARE IN BIG DEMAND With the month of September well under way. the demand for sales rights for the new cars which Dodge Bros, are bringing out in October has Increased with every mail at the big Detroit plant of the com pany. "In the first nine day of September we received 838 separate requests for sales rights from dealers." says George C. Hubbs. assistant general sa les manager of Dodge Uros. "This brings the total num ber received' up to 7.602. representing a pood proportion of the entire number of dealers in America." Careful tabulation kept of the dealers' i t quests show that Ohio leads w ith 6f4 letters: Michigan next, with ii4 misblves, IMP li "4 lectrically Li Model 81) gMed and tllpftlipaSTF The unexpected! An Overland electrically started, electrically lighted, stream-line body, powerful, large five-passenger touring carpriced at only $o50. This is the first car of its size, ca, pacity, power and electrical equipment to sell below $1000 1 Certainly never before has such big and exceptional value, at such an un usually low price, been offered. Though the price is lower than ever, . the quality is maintained throughout. All materials, metals and workmanship are of the very best. We could not purchase nor produce with more precaution and precision. This new car is as fine and as finished internally as it is externally. This newest Overland has the genu ine fashionable stream-line body design. Its snappy, superb and stylish lines are the work of our master designers. The body color is Brewster green, always so rich and attractive. It is neatly trimmed with fine hair-line strip ing of pure ivory white. The electric starting and electric lighting equipment is one of the most reliable and best established , on the market. There is also a high" tension mag neto which is independent of the start ing and lighting system and requires no dry cells. This car rides just like it looks beautifully. The new, long, improved underslung rear springs $ive maximum riding comfort. No jolting or jarring on tne road just absolute ease and smoothness at all times. Tires are 33 inch x 4 inch all around. Never before has a car at this price come equipped with such large tires. It seats five adults comfortably, without crowding. It is a big, spacious five-passenger touring car. . It has the famous Overland 30 h. p. motor of remarkable strength, speed, durability and economy, developing more power than you will ever require. With left-hand drive, center con trol, 33' x 4" tires, demountable rims (with one extra) electric head, side, dash and tail lights, electric horn, top, top cover, robe rajlj speedometer and ven tilating, rain-vision type windshield, this car at this price is destined to be known as the greatest motor car achievement of the season. Orders are now being taken for immediate delivery. Overland-Omaha Co., Di stributors, parnamSt, 1 tarteci. Following are a few of the many high grade features features that are usual ly found on cars costing considerably more money. 30 H. P. motor Stream-line body Ample room for fire passenger Electrically started Electrically lighted Electric horn High-tension magneto y All electric switches on instrument board of cowl dash Ventilating, rain-vision type windshield High-grade upholstery Thermo-syphon cooling Fire bearing crankshaft Rear axle ; floating type Rear springs ; extra long, underslung, 3-4 elliptic 106 inch wheelbase 33 Inch x 4 inch tires Demountable rims One extra rim Left-hand drive Center Control Body color: Brewster green with ivory white striping Complete equipment, including speedometer, robe rail, tools, etc. The Willys-Overland Company $ Toledo, Ohio ,, y fu ..: - - v- - -nt c!!2gft Two-passenger Roadster, Delivery Wagon with closed body, if v. $795 VJ5r Delivery Wanon with ooen bodv. $895 2C The larger four-cylinder Overland Touring Car, $1075 35 II. P. four-passenger Coupe, $1600 Allprkuf. . TU4; Okit 1 f 4 31 Si : IsK Ml SaSMsJMsfjaSJsS """"r". I s i X Jt . 1 i i