14 A nm OMAHA ST7XDAV BKK: SKPTEMBKR 20. 1014. - . Quratity Quality -Service "'"j ' 1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, BEGINS OUR !.S EXPOSITION OF FASHIONS To Continue to Saturday, September 26th 'yHE feminine world of Omaha and vicinity is cordially invited to view the correct styles for Fall, 1914 the styles that found their origin in the ateliers of the rec ognized fashion masters of Paris and New York the styles that have successfully stood the A J. i.1 A. A ' J? 1' J 1 1 j . mm V iesi oi me most exacting cruics, ana now siana supremea most interesting assemblage ot fflUinei'.:.Wrap99 Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns and Waists ii Furs, Corsets, Lingerie, Gloves and Hosiery An exposition that will be equivalent to a shopping tour among the most exclusive shops of the fashion capitols of the old and new worlds. A style exhibit of first magnitude so important to all women who keep close step with fashion that it should 3 take preference over any and all other engagements Monday. You will be impressed with the completeness of our stocky of L m high-grade imported merchandise despite the restrictions and disturbances caused upon commerce with Europe bv the war. f ! Indeed, our stocks or lmDorted merchandise are larger this season than ever. f And to make, your: visit profitable, not only from the viewpoint of style education but by unusual buying opportunities as well we offer these special values if M Neckwear- THE newest , and, daintics crcaiioTis in fall neck-wear are slvowri Iri 'proril4ion.:' rhat which ia enjoying the most pronounced favor is a beautiful Rolling Collar, with pleated back a really charming combination of , organdy and lace--at 75c. . , ' . . ; Hand Embroidered Vestees with rolling collar are much in demand. We show many pretty' styles at 50c. Very handsome Evening Scarfs in all the dainty pastel tints and ombre combinations; a necessary accessory to the evening costume. $5. Gloves WR are pleased to announce that the highest grade makes of imported" ''gloves are shown 'here, this fall as usual, thanks to out heavy purchases and deliveries before .' the European war. Finest Kid Gloves in shades to match your gowns. Embroidered welts or fancy welts. Contrr.st and self-embroidered backs. (iloves In the popular delicate pastel shades light gray, creams, drabs, besides black and white and all staple colors. The Best lines of Glovee, Perrln'a, Kayser's and Mon ard'a are represented in our stocks with complete assort Hosiery ONE of the main points of interest here to . 1 morrow and certainly one that will be a source of delight for women who are particular about liosiery of exceptional quality. We Carry Complete Stocks of all the best brands of hosiery Kayser's, Gotham Gold Stripe, Onyx style, 700 Lorraine brand, Phoe nix, etc. Blacks and all wanted colors to match gowns of nny shade. As a Special for Mnday, we offer an extremely fine quality of pure thread silk hosiery black, white and 63 different colors the best quality obtainable at fl.OO. Remarkable Values in New Silks and Dress Goods 40-Inch Satin Majeste A 'soft, clinging fabric, ad mirably adapted for evening or afternoon wear. All the mart street shades as well as evening tints and black. Very special at $3.23 the yard, Black Satin Tailleur A superb quality for coats and tailored suits. 64 inches wide. An attractive value t S2.50 the yard. 40-Inch Crepe Meteor A beautiful, high lustre silk crepe, particularly adapted for the new basque costumes. Shown In all the fashionable evening shades, Ivory and Dlack. $1.70 the 7t&. Stunning New Silks Roman stripes, crepe d'Auteil, crepe faconne and erepe-de-chine: in beautiful three and four-tone combinations. The height of fashion for waists and combinations. 40 Inches wide. Very special at 81.03 the yard. Black Chiffon Velvets Are much in vogue. As an open ing special we offer 15 pieces of beau tiful quality black chiffon velvet, full 42 inches wide, at 82.50 the yard. Imported Tinsels and Velvet Brocades For smart street frocks and recep tion gowns. Our own direct importa tion. 4 2 Inches wide. Qualities such as 'would command up to $20.00 the yard usually. Very special Monday at 88.05 the yard. Broadcloths from the best foreign manufacturers are a special feature at Brandels. All our higher grade broadcloths are sponged, shrunk and ready for the needle. Shown In thirty-two shades, Including tho extreme French, colorings. Special at 81.50. 82.50 82.03 the yard. Gabardine Suitings are next in popularity to broad cloth. Has a special weave which differs from the ordi nary suitings. 18. shades including black. A 50-inch material at 81.50 the yard. Roman Stripes and French Plaid Suitings in beauti ful color effects, harmonizing with the plain weave suit ings. Very popular for combinations. 40 to 64 inches wide. 91.00 to $1.05 the yard. French and Costume Serges. The most practical fabric for tailored suits and dresses. Shown in 3? shades. 64 Inches wide. An unusually good value at $1 the yard. Dress Trimmings Rose and Flower Trimmings will be favored, especially for the dainty net gowns. All the delicate shades, pink and sky, with tinsel leaves, all white with silver or gold tinsel, also chiffon rose trimming in pink, yellow, red and sky. Very special at 50c and $1 tho yard. Narrow Coney Fur Bands and Edges, some with cord and bra,id edgings; also marabou in black, natural, sky, pink and red fox. Yard, 25c Among" the New Trimming Buttons are jet and fancy novelties,, silk ball buttons in all shades and black ball buttons in velvet and 6atin. Buttons of every size and variety at 25c to $1.50 the dozen. 1 l i A ill i We are exclusive agents in Omaha for Munsing Underwear Highest Grade Knit Union Suits Women's Munsing Union Suits All wool, part wool and medium and light weight cotton. Low neck and aleevelesa or elbow sleeves, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves or high neck and long sleeves. All in unkle length. Per garment 81. 81.50. 82 "P to 83. Munsing Union HuiU for Misses, (Tilldren and rtoys All wool, part wool or fleece-lined cotton. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, open crotch and drop seat. SUes up to 16 year, at 50S 75t nd up to 82. Our New Fall Line of Corsets WE Invite your inspection of our beautifully equipped corset department. All the new models designed to bring out the lines of the new modes to greatest perfection are carried In our stocks in complete assortments. Trained corsetleres In attendance. Splendid assortments of Prasslerea and Confiners. Also Rubber Corsets and Hip Confiners. Dainty Laces Our Showing of New Princess, Lierre and Ori ental Lace Flouncings is unusually attractive, the 27-inch width specially priced at $1 the vard. Black Chantilly Lace Flouncings, 18 inches wide, specially priced at $1.50 the yard. Beautiful New Effects Are Shown in Princess, Lierre, Silk Shadow and Oriental Laces, in 12, 18 and 27-ineh widths. Also 72-inch Brussels net in cream and white. Exceptional values at 59c yard. Dainty New Oriental and Shadow Laces, 3 to 6 inches wide--just what you want for the new flare collars. Cream and white. Special Mondav at 25c the vard. Latest Bags, Party Cases, Combs The Small Bags are Now In Favor. We show a new style In real morocco leather, with wide opening frame, silk lined and four fittings, including mir ror, purse, powder box and cologne bot tle. t 81.69 1'andora Party Case. Beautiful German silver vanity case, oxidized finish, silk lined, with eight fittings. $3.93 The New Canque Coinba demlrblond the latest fashion for the French wave hair dress. Opening special. .. .25 Smartest Styles in Women's Footwear The fashion in New York and now shown at Brandeis the new V Gaiter" pattern has patent kid vamp with fancy tops in black or colors; new French heels, turn or welt soles. A perfect fitting shoe, and beautifully finished. All sizes and widths. Priced, pair, $5 to $7. And with the thought of beautifying your home in mind, you will find matchless values in Rugs, Car pets, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Art Linens and Pictures on our Third Floor while all women who are on the alert for unusual values will not fail to visit Our Bargain Basement, srW 1