Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    10 A
Choiea Head cf the Republican j Noted Aviator Ambitious to Carve
Central Committee. i Hit Name in World's Annali.
rrildfi for "election nt EirrKUf.
( nmlltrr kr Chalrsaaa and a
Rrprraril atlTe from
F.nrk Ward.
The men rKommtndM by the county
candidates for the offices of the repub
lican county central committee, were
elected at a meeting of the county com
mittee at the Hotel Rome Saturday aft
ernoon. They are Amoi Thomas, chair
man: Silwinl Simon, secretary; W. K.
Rhode, treasurer. James Chltok of
Hnuth Omaha wa added to the lit as
Aloe chairman.
The meeting vn called to order by
Vice Chairman John I.rson. Charles
Yaunde re being called upon read the
recommendation of the candidate naming
the alate they had made no for the of
fices, recommending that the chairman
he authorised to appoint th member of
1he executive committee. K. W. Hlmeral
moved Ita adoption. An amendment was
offered supplying the name of James
Chizek aa vice chairman.
Mould artall Power.
1. J. Greevy offered a resolution rutting
e.ff from the chairman the primer to ap
point the member of the executive com
mittee. Ilia resolution provided for nn
executive committee of eighteen member,
ne from each ward In Omaha and fouth
t'tnaha, selected by raucuiua. and three
to be appointed from the country dls
trlcta at life 1'V the chairman after a
inference and caucua with the com
mitteemen of Omaha and Month Omaha.
James O. Klnsler made substitute
motion, wHrh carried, providing for the
selection of the executive committer by
the chairman, one member from ea-li
tard IH Omaha and Houth Omaha, one
from each of Dundee,, Ilmson,
mid the county at large, making twenty
three In all.
llerlMuitloiin of three committee men
who are now candidate were accepted.
They are J. f Palmer, John 1 .arson and
M'. R. Ptockham. They were succeeded
by Herman Aye. J. I. Dore and Iwrcncc
To Make I Mailt llarlnai tk-Sr-Hn
i nrnlvnl l:ipri-t Rlaf !' for
Taking- Life Into MU
Una Hand.
"driving for a nbho In the av latl.iii
hwll of fame, " that I what I.Iih oIii
Hearhey I doing, according to hi own
word Thl during aviator, who I to
make IkjUi morning and afternoon flight
over the Ak-Sar-lti n carnival ground In
Omali. Monday, Tuee.Iiiy and Wednes
day, October 6, and i, Hy ho I cer
tainly ,ut aftrr the nrmcy and Intend
to get It. hut that he I no faker and
that when he advertise to do a thing
he will do It. "I want the people to re
member not Hoachry, tho darevll, but
Tleachey tlie scientist," he say In hi
aancr moment, when he flu scientific
Then aKuirr when the crate for ilollura
get hold of him ho forget all about
science and hla aspiration and hu a-
i Xk y mi
I ill
i I ii
I al Tew rV-". I
I 1 sWn ' II
Taminbsian Is Being
Held by Authorities
Because of Land Deal
J. I. Tamlnoalan, 12 Chicago atr'et I
Wing held by tha federal authorltle
rharged with attempting to Influence, oh
atruct and Impede th due administration
cf Justice.
According to the evidence, It aeema that
Jtorrl Caer of Whitman, Neb., took a
lolm near that place In the name of hla
aged father and In proving hi father'
eligibility for the land algned hla pai-enl'a
name before the latter had secured nat
uralization papers.
In the tiouble resulting from thia. dur
ing which Caarer waa approhivle-l and
held pending a hear'ng at Grand 'aland,
Tamlnoalan prevailed up n the fatner to
relinquish hla t'.tla to the roper ly end
then took the land for himself. 1 '
Tamlnoalan la now being held aa tha
result of a letter which he wrote to Hel
per asking the latter to give his fathir
ITjOO and send him back to the old coun
try, and In this way be rll of the gov.
ernmenfs only witness against Casper.
Incidentally- the old man would! have
been a witness against Tamlnoalan.
Tamlnoalan was released on ball of 11.000,
furnished by hla wife.
He Is an Armenian and recently jour
neyed to Washington, passed tne civil
eervlee examination and filed for the po
altlon of United States Interpreter In the
Turkish and Armenian languagea. Ho
also was brought In the public eye lev
eral weeks back when he changed his
religion again from that of a Chrlatlan
to a follower of Mohammed.
"Suityourself " is
a Novel Add of the
I King-Peck Company
The puixle editor, as well as thousands
jet the readers of The Bee had on their
a-iieislng cava all last week figuring out
oirrerent angles found In a space that
. iFrlday developed Into an artlstlo adver-
, tiaement of the Klng-Pcck Clothing com
J rany. Early In the week this enterprls-
; mg company that believes In a libers)
I distribution of printers' Ink to al l In
! makng the business wheels turn, bought
1 apace In The Bee and therein Inserted an
I advertisement that was more puntlng
man a cntneae pussle.
e L'lotning coinpa'K ad-
, . . . w..nv .lanaa wun a l t of let 'era
rnopped up and then jumbled together.
jeopie sua it was th? work of some
icrasy man. The neit day a c-xiple of
. letters got around Into shape an. I form
land the next day to. or three more
rigmea themaelvea. By Thurlay the
worui. auii yourself. ' apnare1 aa
, mm pmiv tu.i, mere was nothing
i .u uucve wnere you could -suit your
1 inn me guessing commence
' earnest.
: German Aeroplanes
Are Out of Action;
; iney LacK uasonne
BORDEAUX, Bept. Ti.-The Troyea cor
respondent or the Temps haa sent the
following dispatch:
"According to wounded prisoners, the
sjerman aeroplanes have been put out of
action through lack of gasoline. The
French aviators, on the other hand, have
I en doing excellent work. One French
airman succeeded In dropping bombs at
an Important railroad junction with the
result that ten trains filled with retreat
lug Prussians were stalled.
"In tlie last convoy of prisoners brought
to Troyea were seventeen Imperial guards,
Iun who were captured in the wood near
Vilry-le-Francola, Department of Ma me.
I attached to their sleeves by pins were
d Cross Inslgna, to which It la suspected
they had no right. They have been sent
to a French ambulance corps where their
qualifications may be tested.
Milftary automobiles report that the
tountry ground the battlefield Is teeming
with German stragglera who frequently
lire upon French convoys, '
ia st
Comet Rediscovered.
I-nikes comet was rediscovered
, iilrhl by Prof. Barnard of the Terkea
tioeerveiory on ptiotugraphe taken by
noii, v. uraini 10 an announcement toaay,
I 'he comet a poaJUon was i ttcht asuensioo.
, noun. minutes, u Htunat; deUtae
, swris fit acgree, m miautes.
plratlona only to collect big fees for
daring aerial exploit.
"We are living In a fast age." he says.
and the professional athiete, who I wlll-
g to sacrifice hla bone and gore on
he altar of a highly aranoned aport, I
the one crowds will go miles to :ee per-
Art ajid science? Hah! the only
science that ever appealed to me la the
ull thud of the dollars an they bounce)
the strong box. Hut I never cheat
the spectators. I glvo the pumpkin fair
patrons Just as much for their 'two-bits,'
I give those wl)o pay IX for boxes
the big olty meets.
Always a G'tusuce.
"It Is no exaggeration to ay that If
promoter advertised that Hearhey would
fall thouaands of feet and get killed on
certain afternoon, that the stunt would
raw a better and bigger crowd, than
any other event. The Hreet cars could
not haul thorn nor could any house houao
them. 1 let the promoters dangle before
the eyes of the people, the bait that
there Is a chance to witness Heachey'e
final drop. I get big money for It,
"I made up my mind If I do tumble
out from the sky, I do not wsnt my
final drop to stamp me as a piker. When
does come, my time to bow to the
scythe-wlelder, I Want the drop to bo
thouaands of feet. I want the grand
stands and grounds to be packed with a
uge cheering mob and the band to be
crashing out the latent rag, and when
the ambulance or worse, hauls me away,
wan them all to say. aa they file out
of the gates, 'Welt he was certainly fly
ing some.'
I know I am skillful, I have every con
fidence In my ability to combine thought
nd action to a degree suflcicnt to check
mate any treacherous trick of wind or
eather, 1 urn never afraid of myself.
But I kvrTbw as sure as fate that some duy
there will be a tluy flaw In a piece of
teel. Just a little speck, but It will not
ake longer than just a tick of a watch,
and then It will be all over, that Is if
stick to It forever. When I make 11,000,-
. I quit."
Nebraska" City.
Pliiltsniouth ..
done their full duly as patrons of the
In defense of their argument, Mrs. J.
v. C riimpHcker point to the result of
local school rle.tlon In county seats
throughout Ni brnska. Partial return
have been received, us follows:
Number of
Total Vote. Voting.
1.27 73
62 S
xwt ra
1Vi 10
7s; i
In the following towns In which school
board election were held, no women
avalh d themselves of the nri, iic.
St. Taul
"leaving Omaha, as well as all towns
lit which no women, voted, out of the
computation, we find but 6 per cent of
the total vote in the representative
towns given above was cant by women.
It la fair to presume this Is Indicative of
the, degree In which the women of the
state aie disposed to make use of the
Most Interesting: Publication Telli
of Lftureli Won by University.
History nt the Debaters la Pedlcated
to. Prof. I'mi, lira or tne
Hheiorle llepartmrnt of
the I nlversltr.
Ore of the most Interesting publication
that ha ever come from the 1 nIVerslty
of Nrbraka undergardiiMt body . is-
:od Salurdy by the !einaKa emptor
of l'elia Sigma Klio. the national honor
ary sofletv of Intercollegiate dehiler
1'nlverslly of Nebraska lntercnlleg'ate
Iebatlng, ivi'-ini.t." Bound In scarlet and
cream, this Illustrated publication give a
cr inplrte history of the Nebraska system
of training In nrgumenatlve composition
and debate since the system was organ
ized In 1101.
An Omaha al'ininnfl, Auan rtayinond,
II, law. '13, contribute the main article,
'Arma Vlruimiue," which traces the
early debater (1170 1WI. Tho "System"
1901 ) and Ita development. Clifford I
rteln, '13, law, 'IT., of Loup City, secretary
of I'elta Mlgma Ttho, gives an explanation
of the "s.vBtern."
Picture of Trams.
Tho picture of lie twenty-elx Nebraska
debating team the last thirteen years.
with a concise account of each contest,
are given, followed by a list of the one
hundred and twenty-two student who
eld membership In the intercollegiate
lebate seminary; academic prises, honor,
advanced degree and position at Ne
braska and at eighteen other unlverfles;
biographical sketches of the hundred
and twenty-two member of the seminary.
and a Hat of the high school repreented
In the seminary
The Omaha High school has seven grad
uates In this list and South Omaha two,
Lincoln lead with seventeen. The Omaha
representative are;
Burdette U. Iwls, 04, A. M (Wiscon
sin) 'Wi, deputy commissioner of correc
tion, New York City; Frank A. Peter
sen, '06, law 'HI, Lincoln; Arthur JorRen
sen, 'OK, Toklo, Japan; Joseph M. Swen
sen, 'OS, ex-Law 'in, Sidney; Herbert B.
Potter, 'ID, San Diego, Cnl.; Hen M.
Cherrlngton, '11. Young Men's Christian
association secretary, l'nlverUy of Call
fornla; Maurice Clark, '17, of the uni
Prof. K. A. TVoss of the Cnlvcralty of
Nebraska from 1901 to 15. contributes
"On tlie Squad." which appeared In the
Dally Nebraekan In irx3:
There wa a young freshle from Lincoln
gsnlsatlnn of the lvile system of disci
pline In logical, orderly thinking
Ing and writing. followed prnfe-r
Fogg s advent. In interooll'-gl-a debut--this
organization was felt llh special
pS! Passenger Steamer
Bnrno af Unnnlron i
going repa'r.
firemen, the
escaped .
Its first officer and eight
only i-ersons on board,
More Omaha Firms
Subscribe to the
King's Parade Fund
Another nice list of subscriptions to the
Ak-ar-Bcn parade fund was received
during the lust week. The taking of those
subscription began two week ago, and
they have been coining in nicely, I!er
la the list that subscribed during '.he
last week:
O. N. All ihaugli,
Hum in Iron Co.,
Central al &
Coke Co.,
L. K. Doty Co.,
Ford Hup ply Co.,
Ktk Hublier Co..
II. J. llUKhea Co..
ininha Tribune,
True Voice,
Journal Stockman,
South Omaha.
Pokrok Xopadu,
Trade Kxhiblt,
Western lAhorer.
i 'ally News.
Three Conventions
Attracted to City '
by Publicity Bureau
Three conventions for next year have
been won for Omaha by the bureau of
publicity. They are the Methodist Kpls-
copal conference, the Missouri Valley
Medical society and the Nebraska Fed
eration of 1-ahor. The Methodist confer
ence was held at Fremont. K. V. Parrtsh,
manager of the bureau of publicity, went
there personally to extend the Invitation
to the body to meet In Omuha next year.
Itev. Mr. McUaskll! of 1 Unicom Park
Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Titus
Ixiwe. of the First Methodist and Rev.
Thomas Blthell of Trinity Methodist also
extended their efforts to get the confer
ence for Omaha next year.
As the conference next year to to In
clude lay delegates from every Meth
odist church In the state, besides the
ministers of every Methodist church, the
conference Is to be doubly as large ss It
was this year. It Is expected iat this
conference will bring 1,000 miniature and
laymen to Omaha.
The Missouri Valley Medical society
was in session at Colfax, la., where invi
tations were sent from the bureau or
publicity to hold the next convention In
Omaha. They were favorably acted upon.
The Federation of Labor w as In session
at Lincoln.
Noyea Auto Co..
'ell s Bestaurant, Florence Tribune,
lv' A l1'i- Nebraska Farm
Powell Auto Sup. Co., Journal.
Banford and BachelorOmaha Boston
liulel. Publishing Co.,
Thomas Ousark Co., Standard Oil Co.,
.....i.,!..! (imtu., .jMKjin rnsnenes.
Msrtln Bros. t.
Maine I rug Co.,
Brown Bealty &
Investment Co.,
Henry F. Wyman,
vt oman a toggery,
Fred Hr.Mlegaard
Jewelry Co.,
Borne Miller.
Bee Publishing Co.,
Bramlcla Theater.
F. P. Kirkemiall Co.,
Omaha Taxi Co.,
The Nediator,
llayden Bros.
Thought debating a easy as wlnkoln,
Hut a week on tlie souod
Made him murmur. "( lxrd!
I'm better at talkln' than thlnkoln!"
Dedicated in Prof. Foil.
The history is dedicated to Prof. Mllle
Moore Fogg, professor of rhetoric.
In the Introductory article "The. Sys
tem" Mr. Rein remarks:
" The riystem,' as we are accustomed
to call the method of debate at Ne
braaka. was established to achieve throe
rather large purpuse, and the publlca
tlon of this booklet by the local chapto
of Delta Sigma Uho i a tovtimonlal of
Its belief that, all three of theMe object
have been substantially accomplished
The syatohi haa afforded tlie general
student body a fine opportunity to Ve
come acquainted with the first principles
of argumentation and debate. It has
given special capacity and extra oratori
cal power to many persons whose profes
sional equipment must Include a very
considerable fluency and effectiveness In
public speech. Finally, It has brought
Intercollegiate debate much above the
level of ordinary college sports and made
It an Intellectual performance of a very
high type."
1'itlveralty Debate,
"University debate." says M. Raymond,
In "Arlna Vlrunenue" (the deed and the
heroes), "and the 'System' of which It is
a part, are now ao thoroughly Incorpor
ated Into the university's existence, and
So effectively correlated with the other
necessary features of Its work, that It Is
natural, especially for ihoxe who are In
a very potent sene little los graduates
of the 'System' than of tho university It
self, to think of them as always having
extatea. no to mink or them, h'ever,
Is aa great a mistake as to Imagine them
as having sprung like Athena, 'full armed
from the heel of'
Before 1901, Mr. Raymond continues,
there had been at Nebraska little train
ing In logical rhetoric, and the univer
sity's means of Inducing close reasoning
through classroom instruction were scanty
In the- extreme. Chancellor Andrews,
realising the need and appreciating the
value of Instruction along these line,
called to the University Professor Miller
M. Fogg, who since the autumn of W1
has borg 1.4 1 VI head of this part of the
unlversU.y .activities. A thorough reor-
Wetbod of Instruction.
"Tho most eonspicuou difference, how
ever, between the new system and th."
old la'-k of system I a difference m
method of Instruction Before the sys
tem' there was no Instruction except for
the necessHiily Insufficient slftanio
gained from Independent coaching. In
1lc, however, there occurred a radical
rhange, both In methods and In their
application. The obiei t of the new system
was not to win debates was not oven
shaped toward the primery end of an ap
pearance en, the platform. Its primary
object wa the mnstfry of subject nml
thought train'ng In the methods of scion- j
tiflc research necessary to produce that
mustory. The Instrument for applying this I
method wa and I the Intercollegiate de- '
bale seminary. or o.iiad,' to which some ;
sixteen men are elected through a gen-- !
eral tryout. When Inaugurated by Pro- I
fcrsor Fogg th" 'sriiiad system' was n
Iifv departure west of the Mlssl's'ppl. '
but since Its sd.iptlon hae been general '
throughout the nest. i
Nebraska Debater I'.xeel.
"Nebraska debaters have excelled not j
alone In debate; they have boon loader j
In scholaifhlp and In college affairs as
well." Klghteen of the forty-five teum
members eligible to Phi Beta Kappa have
won that scholiiiship honor. Thirteen
of the twenty-one delators graduating j
from the college of law hnve won Thcfi
Kappa Nu to which the highest tenth r
of the classes arc elected, and throe of J
the four Rhodes scholars to Oxford tint- !
versltv selected from the university, have
been members of debating team. H. N.
Blnaker, ex-'fO.of Beatrice. Horace B.
English, ex-'13 of Lincoln, and Paul V.
Good of Lincoln.
Relation to "late.
.Mr. Raymond conclude with the rela
tion of the Nebrimka High school debat
ing to tho commonwealth:
More remarkable, however, than any
strict university phase of the 'system's'
ovelopment ha been Its growth through
out the state. Of this growth tho most
ptriklni? 'feature -and one unique not
only In the middle west, but throughout
tho country us well in the Nebraska I
High School Debating lengue. Organized
by Prof. Fogg with a membership of
only thirty achools. It has grown within
five years to a membership of seventy-
five b y far the largest league of the
kind In the Vnlted States. ..
Tho growth of the league Is the last
and the conclusive, word on tho hletory
of Intercollegiate debate at Nebraska. As
a moans of bringing tho university into
touch with Its constituency and of car
rying the university discipline to the poo
plo of tho state, the relation of the 'sys
tem' to the progress of tho Institution
is direct and vital. Of greater value,
however, and of wider slculf Icanoe, I it
contribution, through the trained mind
ami quickening imaginations of hundred
of young citizen, to the material and
moral upbuilding of the state itself.
Straight thought, and ability to distin
guish tlie essential from the non-essential
these, in tho broader culture, which la
part of Nebraska's future, must be neces
sary Ingredients; and tbose are the 'sys
tem'' permanent contribution to tho
greatness of the commonwealth."
HOBOKKN. N. J.. Sept. R-The passen
ger steamship Nueces of the Mallory line
burned to the water' ode at a floiNon
rlor dock here tonight In a fire which LONDON, Sept. 1t.-The war office haa
for a time threatened extensive damage I received from headquarters at the front,
to shipping. I under dte of September 1.1. the names of
The Nueres, which run between Now twelve officer killed, thirty-four wounded
York and Tampa and Mobile, was under- I and seven missing.
yi It
What Will the Saxon Do for Me?
What you are most interested in
is what the Saxon car will metually
do under the conditions in which
you would use it.
The best answer is what it has
done in public tests Mid in the grill
ing grind of daily service for 6500
users in every part of the country.
One Saxon owner writes us that he
averages 30 miles per day at a cost
of 16c.
Another owner says that he just
finished a trip of 248 miles and
consumed only 7 gallons of gasoline.
He says: Thia ride convinced me
that the Saxon will do anything
any other car wtttand a little
bit more.
3389 miles in 30 days, from New
York to San Francisco, sped
Saxon recently on its now famous
Lincoln Highway tour, making a
record of 30 miles per gallon of
Sturdily built, handsome in appearance,
uncommonly smooth riding and with a
rotied, powerful motor, the Saxon i thm
Sm t f ie-fajnf r mutomektlt In thm
mhelt morld mt enyirsiare naer th
We war.t yon to know the Saxon better
la pmrmonmlly inmpmct it ily
ture. Don't delay, for the demand
fer Saxon h increasing daily.
I :: I 1 l r Omaha,
LaMiuger- iiupieuieiu vu. Neb.
The Most for Your Money
S785 F. O. B. OMAHA
Industrial Garage Co.
20th and Harney Douglas 5251.
Antis Seek to Prove
Women Uninterested
in Actually Voting
Tha anti-auffrags organisation is
doing all It can to prove that tit women
do not want the billet, and is showing
evidence of their Indifference to school
board elections. So th Nebraska Asso
ciation Opposed to Woman Suffrage bat
decided to take aetlv ateps In th sup
port of th movement to hava Miss Ktrg
ner reinstated as teacher in tha High
School of Cumnierc. Tha leaders of th
association bellav that an injustice ha
been don alias Btegner. which would
have been Imposslbl If th women of
Omaha who were eligible to vol
school board ' lctlona had la lb past
INlON, Hept. 18.-A dispatch to th
Exchange Telegraph company from
Ostend says:
"Th Hermans are entrenching them
selves strongly on the river Sambre front
Maubeuge to Namur. I have seen Impor
tant defensive works at Thuln, Farcl
ennes and Floreffo. Many Inhabitants
of these places had been forced to per
form labor on the works.
"I have been told that th same kind
of fortlftcatlona are being erected on the
Msuse from Olvrt to Namur, but It la
Impossible to rros tlie Sambre to see for
myself. I bolleiv, however, my Informa
tion Is accurate."
tlmy V. Stebblas.
QOTHENBURO. Neh Sept. W. Spe
cial.) Guy I.. tebblns, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Stebbtns. died In a sani
tarium at Lincoln September 15, following
an operation for appendicitis at th ag
of 21 years. He was buried Thursday.
While attending the Wesleyan univer
sity he was prominent In scliol affairs,
be'ng a member of the Bverett society.
At the 1'nlvrrslty of Nebraska h would
have graduated next year. II was i
member of the Delta Vpsllon fraternity.
BEATTl.B. Wash.. Sept. 1.-Th Ja
panese consul her waa notified tonight
by the Japanos cruiser Idxumo that It
had been In a collision with vessel south
of the Columbia river.
Dr. KlBK'a Ken Life Pills
Cured Mr. K. W. oondloe. Dallas. Tsx.,
of malaria and tdllousness; boat regula
tor of liver, stomach and bowels. 2.V.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Get Into
business via th "Business
Similar to Ringworm. Tiny Clear
Blisters. Skin Rough and Cracked
Open. Could Scarcely Use Hands.
Used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment. Completely Rid of Trouble.
Cassvllle, Ma "My hands and feet
were affected with a trouble similar to ring
worts for a number of year. It first ap
peared as tiny clear blisters
tod In aln th blisters wars
so no together ib they
almost formed on largo
blltwc. Th skin was rough
and cracked opao. At times
It was so bad that It disabled
me; my hands became so sor
that I could srarrely us
I used every remedy that I eould find
but nothing seemed to do any good. Finally
I sent fur a samiUe of Cuticura Heap and
Ointment and I then got a raks of Cuticura
Soap and a box of Cuticura Oinuneot which
completely rid me of th trouble." (Signed)
Bay Bryant. Mar. 14, 1U14.
Samples Free by Mall
A t alloc of mothers has found no soap
So well suited for cleansing and purifying th
skin and hair of Infant and children as
Cuticura 8osp. Its absolute purity and re
freshing fragrance alone are enough to rse
ramand It abor ordinary skin soap, but
trier are added to these qualities dellcat
' jret effective emollient properties derived
from Cuticura Ointment, which render II
' most valuable in overcoming a tendency to
! dlatrs Ing eruptions and promoting akin
and hair health. Cuiicura 8oap and Olnt
! ment sold everywhere. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 32-p. book. Address
posweard "Cuticura. Dpt. T, Boston."
Real quality such as made Firestone
tires famous belongs to no place and
is subject to no conditions of war or
peace. There will always be the
same extra measure of quality rub
ber in Firestone Tires and Tubes.
Firestone quality is a question of the Fire
stone O.K. on material and product This
is only given when the tire meets the high
standard of Firestone perfection.
Don't be confused by hysterical claims.
Don't be misled by bargain appeals. Ever
since motor cars have been running, Fire
stone Tires have delivered most miles per
That's a fact Ask Firestone users. Your
dealer has Firestones or can get them at
once at the same price as ever.
Firestone Tire and
Rubber Co.
"America's I-argeat Exelueiv Tlr
and Klru Makers."
2220 farnam Street.
Omaha. Neb,
Horn Office and Factory, aVkroa O.
Branches and
Dealers Everywhere
tSOrv : v