Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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' School Board Members Want Citi
zens Committee Endorsement.
'Candidates Allrmpl In lr I p e mi
me nt Their Own Rehnlf br
Attarltlaa RrrnH of the
Board of F.dnratlon.
A committee of rltlxen fWtr1 In p
Upon the eligibility of candidate fnr the
Board of Kdtiration and elct and draft
candidate. If nrrrraary, I tx'lna; IwslineJ
,'Vwlth clamor for cn1nrrnvnt by i-ortaln
srhnol board nirmb'era a ho are bailn
their chief claim fnr reroenltlnn upon the
fact that they are opposed. ! Trlnrlpal
' K C. Rumlol of the Omaha Mlnh C' hool
of Commerce.
' Thia committee met one nlltht this week
In the office of Attorney Hallerk Rose.
Vrrealdent C. T. Walker of the IWrl of
' Education vii present by reqtieat. Mem
" ber O. V. Warfleld wn Also there. An
attempt n made to aecure the endorae
ment of Warfleld and A J. H'irdln'a
' candidacy, but only two candidate were
endorsed as far aa la known HoN-rt Cow
ell and Iir. F. J. Bwohoda.
Mr. Burdln, Fifth ward member of the
"'school board, who has been aeverely
criticised for actln aa the rat a pw of
real eatate men who attempted to put
something- over on the board, let It be
- known that he was againat the board's
action In dismissing or demoting rertiiln
. , teacher for Incoordination In connection
.' with the Ruamlsel caae and Bought favor
.hy thla meana.
,( Orvei of the teacher. Mia l.oulae Bte
.'n tw. who aaaerta h waa dismissed be
cause ahe testified agalnal Mr. Ruamlael.
hai itlrred up aome of the candidate by
r announcing that aha ha filed formal
notice with the board that ah t ready
f-t perform her contract to teach. Thla
matter aa well a the' dismissal of rPof
Sf 'Bernateln of the Omaha High achool, la
jffbelng Investigated b ythe committee.
Whether thla Committee will jet behind
Sonoma of the discredited members 01 the
inboard, support fcnly a few candidates or
J, announce a complete slate of. eight ran
5 dldatea and aupport them aa a unit la a
i firotilem unsolved.
H Rome member ot the committee who
met Tuesday night In Mr. Rosea off lie
ar: Robert Fmlth, clerk of the district
court; Mr. and Mra. Jamea Richardson;
Mra. Halleck Rose and Mr. Roue; W. F.
Baxter; Mta Kate Mdlugh. former prln
clpal cf the Omaha High achool; David
Cole; C. V. Warfleld and C. T. Walker.
Mr. Baxter acted aa chairman of tha
H meeting.
Two New Cases of
Diphtheria Reported
Two new caaea of diphtheria among
achool children have been reported to the
cltv health office, one from Bancroft
aiiool. The health commissioner has or
dered Investigation and thorough fuml
gatlon to prevent contagion.
The achool hoard ahould have heeded
mr letter; children ahould have been ex
amined at the beginning of achool," said
Health Commissioner R. W. Connell. "We
re now fighting the problem of prevent
ing a contagion." .
The two deaths reported from dlptherla
this week are said by physicians to have
been caused by the disease In ft most
1 virulent form.
S Autumn Neckwear
SHand embroidered rolling collars,
special value at 23c
New vesfees in not,
organdy and Swiss In
at Mr and tip.
many s'.yles,
Sale of Ribbons
R-ln. brocade ribbons In light blue,
pink and other ltatht shades. d., 23c.
6-ln. glare taffeta and taffeta
moire rlbbong for millinery needs,
yery special at, yard, 23c,
Choose Your Fall Wardrobe from These Stocks, the Best in All the West
Democratic candldatea for office will
meet at the Dahlman Democracy club
rived from Wliconaln and today they
to receive their "marching orders." All
of the candldatea have been Invited by
Chairman John II. Bennett of the county
central committee, through lettera mailed
by 'Secretary Barney McArdle, to attend
this meeting.
Recent Fiction
Formerly told up to $1.50
Now 50c
. Seven Keys
to IUldpate
by Bitten.
II o o a t f r
Chronicle by
Inner Flaiue
by Burnbarn.
W r o n g
Woman by
I a I d o r by
Stop Thief
by Moore.
IMliulnoae of Virtue by Hamilton.
Stover at Vale by Johnson.
At Ciorxl Old Siwach by Fitch.
Ixing I'ortage by Illndloss.
John lUrn by Hough.
Northern Trails by Roberta.
Itroad HiKhway by Farnol.
Street of Aralon by Chambers,
(iordon Craig by Parrlsh.
(irey Friara Itohhy by Athlnson.
Marriage by Wells.
Mediator by Norton.
Wall of Men by Mcfarter.
Wind Before
Dawn by M lin
ger. Irory Snuff
I loir by Fred
ericks. II e e o rding
Angel by Har
ris. Quo Vadia by
Hollow of
Her Hand by
Sr stop
The Fall Suit Aristocrats
Tlifsf suits finltody all tlir stylo lVa
turfs that nrt' fouij'l in suits usually sold
nt nnl $.'!.". Thov arc rffinctl and
prnt'oful in pvory particular nothinp roninv nplaco about
thf'Tn. Mndo of 'iroadc'otlis. ahonlinos, oilin, sorpps
nnl worsteds in tli sofi tones of Russian p;roon, brown,
Coponhasron, plum, navy and black.
"''asnionsca!" suits aro rofviniizod by stylo inforniod
woinon as the very host values that can bo had at $25.
S Smart Autumn Suits at $15 and $19
This group Include the very finest tailored fiiltn we have ever of
fered at these popular prices. All the newest, up-to date styles are repre
sented, many being copies of the more exclusive hUher priced models.
You will find new long coat effects, tunic skirts, new Ideas In aloeves
and collars, and all the choicest materials and colors. All are very
exceptional values at flft and $10.
Handsome Tailor Made Suits at $35
Women who are seeking styles of unusual beauty and the artistic
little points which distinguish suits of the highest cla.s will be de
lighted at the showings we have prepared at $35. There are twenty
seven different styles to select from, so that every taste and require
ment fan be admirably suited. Every good material and color of the
season Is shown In thla line.
Showing of 'Amifrench,, Muslinwear
These dainty tindermusllns have all the beauty and merit of the
higher priced hand embroidered French lingerie, but they are made
in the new American styles, for American women want something
exceptionally nice. Gowns, teddy bears, combinations, drawers, corset
covers and skirts, at B"c, $1, 1.3ft and $!..
For Saturday xve have prepared particularly attractive
group of new long coats for women who want practical,
serviceable, smart appenrinp; styles for fall and winter.
They are cut on the new flared skirt and boxy effects,
with belted backs. Tliey are made of checks, plaids,
cheviots, zibelinos, etc. All sizes for women and misses.
Very exceptional values for Saturday at only $15.
Elegant Dancing and Afternoon Frocks
Women who are planning for attractive dresses for dancing and
afternoon occasions will be interested in this splendid selection we
have provided for Saturday shoppers at $19, $22.50 and $25. These
are made of light and dark colored charmeuse and crepe de chine;
some with beautiful shadow lace combinations. They are made In the
new basque and tunic effects principally, and are trimmed In many
bewitrhtngly pretty wayi. Every woman will find In this group Just
the style and color most becoming to her. We urge you to see them
New Street Dresses at $10 and $1250
These moderate priced dresses are really exceptional for their
beauty of design and finish. Many clever combinations of serges and
satins; also all serge dresses In black and navy. All sizes for women
and misses. Dresses that cannot be duplicated anywhere In the city at
these prices $10 and $12.60.
A New Line of Pretty Long Kimonos
Our showing of the new long kimonos for fall are now complete.
These Include crepe and flannelette In empire and straight line ef
fects. Dainty colors. Styles for large or small figures. Scores of
styles to select from Saturday at 91.
Leatherette and
Chamoisette Gloves
We now have the largest line of
leatherette and chamoisette gloves
ever brought to Omaha. They are
black and white with contrasting
stitching; chamolse, gray, tan and
biscuit shades. 00c, aicf flfc, 7Bc,
91.2-5 and 91. no.
Fine Kid G!oves
S Samples Misses' and Children
S Silk Hose worth $1 pr., only
s . . . - 7 .rrr.... r .
a line 101 01 misses , ana cnuaren s pure tnreaci siik stocxings,
manufacturers' samples, at an extreme low price. Plain or ribbed.
Black and colon. Nearly all sizes Included; qualities up to $1, on sale
Saturday at 20c.
A new Importation of white kid
gloves with fancy black stitching
and black with white stitching, on
sale at 92 a pair.
If "if
Sale of Fine Velvet Shapes, $598 Values at $298
Ten dozen smart looking fall hats of beautiful quality genuine Lyons vel
vet. Turban and sailor shapes in black only. Mostly with soft crowns. Posi
tive $5.98 values, Saturday at $2.98.
Girls' $2.50 Velour Hats, 98c
250 extra fine quality velour hats In black,
red, brown and navy. A small soft hood
shape for girls of 8 to 12, and a large shape
for misses of 14 to 18. $2.50 values, Sc.
The Rainbow Tam O'Shanter, $2.98
Absolutely new. Designed after the latest
Parisian shapes and worked out in soft Roman
stripe colorings In dark, rich tones. Especially
popular among the younger set, 92.08.
Coronet Hats, $10
A hundrfdi new models Just received all different
and nil decidedly effective. If you want an exceptlon
nlly smart list at ten dollars, we urge you to see these
White Trimmings, white flowers, mercury wings, floss stlrkups, etc., .10c, HOe, 08c.
Back Combs,
Worth to $3
Attractive new shapes In back
combs and barrettes with gold in
lay or fine quality brilliant set
tings. Combs worth up to $3, on
sale Saturday at 30c.
Jet Earrings. 50c
Jet earrings with single and
double hoops, pears and cut-Jet
drops, special at 50c; others $1
to $0 a pair.
Pearl Earrings
Fine Barrogue pearl earrlng3
in plerceless mountings, special
at SOc.
Silk Hosiery
worth to $1, at
Women's pure thread silk hos
iery In black and colors. Full
fashioned. Double sole. Spliced
heel and toe. All sizes. Worth up
to $1. Special at flOc.
50c Silk Boot Hoseffai
Special at, per pairJJ
Women's pure silk boot hos
iery In black and assorted colors.
Fashioned foot. Spliced heel.
Double garter top. Regular 50c
values, on Bale at :5c.
Women's 35c Silk Lisle Hose at 17c
A fine lot of women's silk lisle hosiery In black and white. Full
fashioned foot. Double sole, spliced heel und toe. Double garter top.
Regular 35c values, on nale at I'fic.
Children's 25c Stockings at 12c
M Uses', boys' and children's fine ribbed genuine lisle hosiery, with
double soles, heels and toes. All sizes, 25c quality, special at 12 He.
Pretty $5 Waists, Special at $3.98
Smart new blouses of soft crepe do chine, fine satins, new striped
tub silks, dressy laces and mesallnes. A special lot of these, all waists
such as usually sell at $5, to be on sale Saturday at 9-1.08. '
"Trustworthy" Shoes for Men, $3,50
These are the host shoes men can buy
at the jirice. They are better made this
season than ever. Fashioned over the
newest lasts and splendidly finished.
Tan 01 black calf leathers. Oak tanned,
long seasoned soles. Huttonand
lace models. Xew high too and
flat Ensrlish styles. Complete
assortment now ready for your
selection at $3.50.
Fashionable Bronze Shoes for Women
Bronze shoei, with leather French heels. Smart appearing,
well made shoes, of good quality, priced Saturday at 93.-V
Infants Shoes
400 pairs of infanta' soft sole
shoes, in various colors and com
binations; regularly worth up to
$1. at. pair. 8.V-.
Mary Jane Pumps
The. popular Mary Jane pumps
of patent leather in all sizes.
Low heel and ankle strap. Kxtra
good value at, pair. 9-. 18.
Silk Waists at $5
Pretty waists of Roman stripe
crepe de chine, charmeuse, mes
sallne and laces, some with the
new white pique collars, cuffs and
vestees. All in soft, pretty colors.
Very attractive styles, at 93.
Other Smart Waists
New satin blouses, crepe de
chine and pussy willow taffeta
waists in the new basque and cape
bai-k effects, with smart new
flared collars and long, set-In
sleeves, 93.08, 90.08, 98.O8, 910.
Sample -1.50 Munsing Union Suits
for Boys' and Children, on Sale
These are manufacturers' samples ot boys' and children's Munsing
union suits. Made of fine cotton and part wool. High neck and long
sleeves. Drop seat, ankle length. White and natural color. Ages 3
to 12 years. Regular $1.60 suits, on sale Saturday for 70c
50c Union Suits 29c
"M" knit union suits for boys
and girls. High neck, long sleee.
ankle length. Fleece lined and
light weight cotton. Ages 2 to
12. Regular SOc values, 29c.
50c Vests & Pants 39c
Children's and misses' Munstng
vests and pants. Fleece lined cot
ton. All slzei. Regular COc values,
on sale Saturday at 30c.
Infants' Vests 50c
Infants' silk and wool and all
wool vests regularly worth up to
$1, on sale Saturday at SOc
"M" Knit Waists
"M" knit waists for girls and
boys. All sizes. Our regular 23c
qualities, Saturday at 15c.
Great Sale of Picture Frames
The Year's Over Run of Pattern Frames
From the "Art Craft Guild" Shops, Choice. .
Netter frames cannot be made frames for oil paintings, photo
gravures, portraits, etc., $2.50, $3, $4, $5. $G and up to $10 valuer
Please do not confuse this sale of "Art Craft Guild" frames with the
ordinary salesmen's samples of gilt or painted wood frames that one
sometimes sees at special sales. These are genuine ''Art Craft Guild"
frames, known everywhere as frames of the highest order. We will
fit your pictures In any of these frames with or without velvet backs
or mats and correct site Belgium glass at nominal cost or you may
do It yourself. Every frame perfect. Urlng your pictures with you.
Following sizes: Ovals 10x12, 1 1x14, 14x20, 10x20, 12x18.
Squareti 10x20, 12x24, 1Cx20, 14x2S. 14x24.
Cut Flowers
Fine long stem Amer
ican Beauties
Iiarge Bciton Ferns; oq
75c values, for OiC
, Cut Klower Dept.
Leather Hand Bag Tfa fl
worth $2 and $2.50 $lL
Here are the most remarkable values
In leather bags we have ever offered. In
cluded are real Morocco, real safflen and
real goat seal leathers of the finest
grade, with silk or leather linings. Soma
have Inside puree and mirror. Shown
In the new small shapes In various slxea.
Leather bags actually worth $2 to
92. .10, choice at SI.
Sale of $1 and $1.50 Hand Bags, 69c ,
Real leather bags in all sizes and f
various kinds of leather with metal or (!
iici V w . r I . 1 1 n in i n . .null j i n 1 1111 1
lined. All with inside purse. Regular
$1 to $1.50 values, at fllt
$4 and $5 Hand Bags at $2.98
' These are bags of the very finest real leathers In the new shapes
and btyles, all colors. They are silk or leather lined; some have thr
and four fittings. An unusually attractive offer for Saturday, 9-.DH.
Note Also 125 of those
those convex portraits.
Sizos from 10x12
uj) to 1S2S, in
suart's, ovals ami
oblong sliapos.
None of the smaller
sizes In this sale.
14x20 oval frames In the finest finish for
We offer you a won
derfully complete as
sortment of hand
modeled, matched
corner frames In
Ktruscan gold. An
tique gold. Verdi and
burnished go'ds.
Let Us Fit Your Corset
That much of her stvle and all of her
comfort depends upon her corset, every
woman who gives attention
to matters of dress well
knows. Hence, the advis
ability of coming here to be
properly fitted before select
ing your fall suit or dress.
The Nemo corsets for fall
are designed to preserve and
enhance bodily health and
beauty. They lend poLe
and grace to the carriage;
they mold the figure to fash
ionable lines, yet are delight
fully easy to wear. They will do wonders
In reducing the figure to slender propor
tions. For the stout figure the Nemo self-reducing
auto massage and limb shaping models, are
93. 93.BO, 91, 95 and 910.
For the slender figure is a wonderful new
Nemo with the entire side insertions of Lastl
kops webbing, at 93.
Other Nemos at 92 and 93.
nrafcslere in numerous dainty models to
suit any requirements, priced at 50c to $5.
11 A
Specials in Drugs and Toilet Goods
Sloan's liniment
size bottle
Fletchers castoria.
35c size ni
bottle falC
Melorose face cream
50c size
Teroxide Vanishing
Lapactlc Pills, 100 in
Tw:. 25 c
20-Mule Team Boi-
i ax. l-iD. 0
Pkg a1
Horltck's Malted) Canthrox Shampoo,
praV8izoes:$2.65L5t0c 29c
"obe Diamond C
Kp i soap, 10 bars
Kirk's Jap
soap, 10c
Hlnkle's Cascara aeianti pow- 1 O i tion, z&e size
aers, io in box a w w
Tablets. 100 la
4 -row bristle
tooth brush, st
Shamrock corn
ters, 10c
size -.
l.ustrlte nail enamel,
;t5c. ,u.e: 15c
Peroxide toilet
soap. 10c cake
Egg shampoo, 25c
;rue: 15c
Cucumber cream. 25c
size bottle
Savoy paste
rouge, 50c size
Jergen's benzoin lo-
at Itli
White Ivory combs
and brushes at cut
Fall Garments For Children and Infants
Hundreds of new fall dresses are now ready for girls of all ages.
Pretty fall models In basque and tunic effects, made of all wool serges,
and novelty weaves, in a full range ot colors. Priced at 83.08, 95,
90.08 and $S.O.
Children's Warm Coats
A special lot of good winte
coats for girls 6 to 14 years. Very
Mtractlve styles for school wear.
Made of boucles cheviots and xtbe
lines. In navy, red, brown and
green, f'-i.OH, 93.08 and 9.
Girls' Stylish Coats
For girls w ho want the latest In
styles, we have the new cape coat
In Hired models with belts, high
collars, novelty cuffs and buttons.
The most desirable fabrics and
practically any color, 90.08, 98.08,
910, 912.30 end 913.
Winter Coats for Little Tots
The baby must have a warm coat to wear this fall and winter. No
where will be found a better variety of selections than here. We show
zibeline, perslans. chinchillas, boucles and plaids, for ages 2 to C years,
St -.", S'liUn, fo, up 10 u.otl.
Sweater Coats
Girls' and Infants'
sweater coats in ne
straight line effects,
with turn over collar
and ruffs, at 91 and
9 1. SO.
Silk Bonnets
Special lot of child
ren's silk bonnets,
made of heavy corded
silk with embroidered
and lace trimmings.
Worth SOc. at 23c.
Wool Dresses
Pretty little dresses
of serges and plaid ma-
; terlals for the wee tots.
Trimmed with tapes
and fancy edges. All
! colors, special at 91.50.
Special Group of Long Coats. $15
50c Sleepers at 39c
Children's warm knit sleeping
garments for cold nights; some
Dr. Denton's garments included.
Ages 2 to 8 years. Natural color.
60c garments, each SOc.
Baby Comfort Vests
Baby comfort vests, for cold
weather, made of all wool and
crochet trimmed. Sizes 1. 2 and 3.
Regular 50c values, each 10c.