Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Methodists Will Hold Big Meeting
Here Next Tear.
ftanr rkM1a Mot Mosjater r
. rudrv Urmf n Have Dur Meet-'
Ff n (kmtri la
'J " Mlalilrn. . .
Tlth colors wsvlng and hand playing
th e churchmen and Sunday erhoola
From Our Near Neighbors
Atari. .
Mra. fl. ft. Hirmon tM at Iaiulsvllle
K. W. Past and family here from
Berlin Thursday.
Mra. Maml McOrady was at Weeping
Wntnr etneer1ay.
Mra. 1j. J. Manuardt made a trip to
Chicago tills week.
V II. Beits and family ft Ptiiart, are
visiting Avoca relatives. , -
A. y'. Nelhart. rt Klmwood, a bual
nrM visitor here Tuesday.
parades the strrete of Fremont yesterday. Edwin TromMe. of (Vdar county, wi
The procession marched In column, of ,hl" w yMiln
. , . kwi.. in Mra Ella B. Iwtrn was, here frn
m ir ...u w " Weeping Water Tuesday, night
length. Rev. jaroo Aonancr. wno Mr. and Mra. I'rotaa Ivlehar. 'of Firth
preached the first sermon in me sisjo i I spent . minds y with relatives near hern.
Colorado and organlted Trinity church. jnn II. Srhmldt. of Yitan. waa visit-
Denver, and onn of the firet preachers In I In- hla family here the fllat of the wee K
.Nebraska, represented the old-time clr- I Aaa J. John-on and Urtyd Harmon 11. ... mnl,t,A nn a horae 1 """I'". "-.
ZZ " - . . iPr.-J. F. Brenrtel. of ZJohivllle. Ind.
wim ine oia-iime prc:inr v i h.- ..w ..(.,,, i.,... mA
eajdlehsgs and carried a banner on which I trndn.
waa printed "!:.' the year ha came to I Clyde Graham haa left for Topeka,
Nebraaka to preach. I where he haa aecured a position with the
fHxhon Henderson and the pastor of the "ni rv
' I . r ww wwrt - -
cnurvn. mt. r. I.,., k. vlalMna--ilatl.aa a... r
cession, i n. cnrrnni i m,.. ,,)( week
and the cradle roll or the punaay iK-owia IUck Klrchherk and wife, of Orand
rode In automobile.. It waa a demon- I Ialaml, have been visiting relatives suutty
tmiinn worthy of the city nd the occ- west of town.
. laua v . rannesiocs wa ai L.inonin
ijn Bviun im i elate oanneri.
nta' report . were rinlahea. nr. . r. i Klmer Hhallenberger and family, ' of
Hammon of the Kearney dlatrlct U I Iowa, were vlalttng; relaUvea aoutheaet
..n.n.4 n r.iti.nnih hla work on ac- town tnia waek.
u " ' ' - .
count of falling; health. Hla emotion ovef.
came him when he epoke of hla retire
ment and he waa compelled to turn hla
report over to the blahop, who concluded
Wie reading. ' . " '
Vlalt fra RlihoB Brtatal.
A aurprlae came to the conference Frl-
jt.v mnrnlnr. When BlnhoD Brlatol at
Albert Johneon and wife left Ea.turdav
for Weeplnc Water, where they will re
side In the future.
Mleaea Bertha. Fmoota and Audrv
Mapel. have none to Bethany, where they
will attend arhool.
Charlea Ruhae 1r.. and famllv were
here, hla week from Nuckella county
vlsltln relatives wrat of town.
Carl .Carlson, J. R ' Peckhatn nd Scth
Omaha cam Into the aeaalon. He received I Meyers left Wednesday for western -Ne
v..n ,. lasted for many braska to look at real estate.
minutes and reaolutlonB of pleasure In Ms "rry ,A- Sk fnl w1f ha? moved
mrauwiira i - h I to Uncoln, where he haa aecured a -poel-
preeenee t the session were adopted by I ,lon th ijofctrlo. Creaiiery cora-
standlnf ovie. - . pany,
Th annual conference' session will he
held In First church. Omaha, nest year I Iprlaarfleld
by action of the conference. The minis- c. W. -WUInne vlirned hla father1 Rome
ters of the Omaha district held a meet-1 in Humboldt last Sunday.
Ins -and arranged for a great missionary) Ernest .Ch rlstlanaon attended tha bank
.V... . w.i i rwk. in e.Hvl6' convention In Omaha this week.
"J. -e rwmw .t wblnh thn Bishop. M- Is attending the Meth-
- . I wiw conrerence at Fremont this week
i , i uku,i,.ril duavla and urlstol
ilUI I ire, .-ii. . , - i wtmv J 1. llMn- 1 ' I -i . . i
will be preint. and Pr. II. J. Coker ahd hu brolneri t Qrwiell of "thij p!!ue""
8. Earl Taylor oi w iw w... . mri. u. i Tyler and son of nutte.
hu-e a turt In the pro gram. " " ' Wont., are Malting at H. J. Chrlatianaon'a
-I jt m A XM m a m . ...
traiTiltr Work. Z "'."7:,': -:.f uujr
I riru am I as t isii iiiiai rcmiivfli
Tb report of tha University oi e-1 mm week.
braska pastor, Rev, E. A. Worthiey, was m. a. Hurley bad a visit from his
neard and In a magnificent addres the oi -iawrenca. xseir.
t?:: r: nt to ,
rarsity worn. munaay in ouy a larm. ' lie will locate on
In the University of Nebraska and th It thia fall
preachers of the conference support on After a three weekV vlalt at hla old
of their number who la assigned tit. pas-IJl"".,10; John htt rrurned to
After, almost a. year In Osten..and
rmner parts r Utah, K. J. Smith returned
week. The two bfl not seen each other
! f or twelve years.
Rriv Coalman.' living southwest of town,
lost s (-year-old mule by lightning Sun
day afternoon. '
(Jeorge Askew wnt to Omaha Thurs
day to meet his niece, Mrs. fclla Shep
herd, of laytnn. O.
Mrs. R. It. Emart of Mandcrson. Wyo.,
Is vlsltlnr at th home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. U. II. Mills.
Miss Ruth Enstrldge has arrived from
Fryor, Ok I., to mahc her home with her
coiinln, Mrs. t'brls lltnsen.
Pave Kolts of Fouth Omaha Has a well
on his farm east of town that la & feet
Kehawfca. I deep and haa &Xi feet of water In It.
Work Is nro;reslnB nicely on the nw I rs Kne Berrymsn nd son, IJoyd, of
Auditorium. f'oxad, have ben visiting friends at this
Mrs l.lttrell of Warelo, la.. 1 visiting piare, wnicn : was incir xormer nome.
a vacation trip to Missouri by way of
Annum and several (hr Nebraska
towns where she visited relatives.
Mies Oraee BallaYd; candidate for county
Jitflae of this rotinty anl ho has been
lumping the state, lecturing In support
of the uffrag- cause. I spending the
week with her mother at her home here.
relatives this week
Mrs Jsmes' V.'llev of Vork and mother
re pcnNng a week here.-
Miss Julia Kerr visited her mother in
MatUmonth over Hunday.
The bard rains for the last few daya
have stopped the apple ilckng.
Mrs Anes Ruflner of Plattsmottth Is
vIslttnR t the Klrkpo)rlrl4 home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. IV Adama loft on Tura
day for a- trip through Colorado.
Mr. ai d Mrs Julian As-h 'of Murray
are visiting their many ' friends- here.
Mr. and Mrs, Harmon Beck of Eight
Mile Crove were in town on Haturday.
O C Hhrldon attended the v fair and
demonstrated his own Invention, a ce
ment mixer.
Mr. arid Mrs. Howie and son of Tvlneoln
are spending the week-end with Rev. Mr.
Van Buren.
' The. Booster club furnlahed the music
at th morning and evening service on
last Kunday. ' '..
Alvln McRevnolda fell from a fifteen
foot ladder while picking peaches and
broke his leg.
B. Wolph and family. Frank. Schllrhte
melr and family and many others at
tended the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Storm attended
the funeral vf Alex Papp of Berlin, who
died a tew day ago.
.Tames Neal of Bancroft attended th
Chapman funeral, also Mra. Cal Chan
man of Nebraska City.
The eighth grade pupils tndrd 1 the
.teaching- force a reception at the school
house or Thursday evening.
'Rev. Wllllnm Van Buren left on Tues
day. September 16. to attend the Meth
odist conference at Fremont.
B. Volph took We eonu Arthur and
Paul to rem ' to enter school. Merritt
Pollard also went to . Peru to attend
school.. .
jHmrs Jorce of Anoon. Panama Canal
Zone, hag come bnk to the states for a
month's visit at the home of hla father,
C. E. Joyce, of thia pla e.
The executive . (Tmimlttee of the Caas
County FVhool association met here Tues
day to further arrangements for the
county convention which occur October
22 and S3. ,
At a meeting Tuesday evening of those
intcnsted In a public library It was voted
to petition the city council to organise
a library commission ss provided for by
'statute governing this clans of city. It la
understood that the council will ronaKier
favorably a small levy to support a
library. ' '
toral labor among them.
Laymen Mol Meeting;!
. , ,. v. i last aionaay.
ini w m ' - . - - jt r i ...
braska conference held a session in insi wera called it I'.ninion M..n,i.u
fongregatlonal church yesterday. , John I in the district court.
e nmihi I. h' nrnatdent of' the I Le BlodSatt. Itwla Jnnann .nit V.irt
aaaoclatlorf and John Bexton, ecretary. I ieii iaai v eaneaaay for Wyoming
The purpose of this association 1. to 1H-
teret laymen In the work at-th cnurcn, represent Bprlngfield at the University
Mt..ui (f.tArAata of th church. Johnl John "U'orral and Frits Nicholm r.
Dal. of Omaha had charge of th. pro- gJ" i tn,y bu,lt
gram ana ouumea u as ..., . Lr. A. J, Peter. I. taking hla vacation
nt.trlct nraanlsations. Lstymen
tnral nrsacbers. i ,,- i umiAt will look after his practice.
Neglecteo oistTicis. iTniui ei r. ana sirs. . naries rouker of New
taming. wmoay ataiwia. - c . i inrsey stoppen rn ineir way . tcJr ffom
Orove meeunga u u a I " ' vl"" their cousin, J. M. Kl-
Reirular attennanne i . wi Q mis Diace - , . i-
attar In everv home. ' An advocate! r.n-.. ukk.. w .
In every horn. . Ten per cent advance Inlmobllea this week and gars them to hl
membership. ' . ' I three children In this neighborhood Will
viiinv.n . ocnoDsri. un BcnoDert and Mrs. Albert
Every salary Pia in iuiu icioii.
Benevolences paia in iuii. i a meeting of the director of tb farm
Especially our vetaraiui. I era' Institute was held last Saturday and
Mass meeting In evening. I they made preparations for the annual
Officers lectd;.. Prttlpnt, John wwil, Institute, which wlU be held aom. time
Omaha; Secretary. : John It Bexten. --.
OmahtW treasurer. BO gar uaxee; Mncoin, i .
.Vice prealdent. . imer. K. ,iosner, i Mr Reed O'Hanlon left Tuesday 'for
Omaha: 8. A. v. Itamitne, Kearney; u. I uncoin to mite up nis law ttudiea.
U. Gray.. Grand Island; B. C. Kemble, Mr. John Aye and wife arrived Tues-
r i i. rV T.'Falrbur: i O. I n " I
- - - I m. , r...-.i ... j ....
0. W.t.cott.:natUmOUth;;P U Burke. r;"j monVhT.U In Aibert
tniorioia; ,w a. isriw., iiMuma. luanaua.
'. Anderson, Iloldrega. I County Attorney Henry Mencke waa
M. D. Cameron, C. W.,De Ijamatre . and I oosing iiner a ii- case in iougias county
. . . . i r i f.v- n.i- -w n bm I - '
Horcherdlng and John BaxUm-vr.r among Upuesday and -officiated- at he Uoran-
the Omaha people present. ... I iatta wedding.
Kew c aanges sr w" .1" -.Zl-.
t . . k a I ' BSTI g IMSIJ WW BS.1. Him ff WW
There will be no important cnanges; in I ley an colleg. at Lincoln,
. th Omaha ftexsonnel of mlnlstara Mr. John "White 1s a pending this week
.i .i.le .h.u u.hul , ffAm iha I on hla Halk Cfiunlv ranch and will attenri
cabinet. Much tntereat JZZZ Xf?: Z
nccessor iiamiuu,,. ... nch of rain (ell In Mlalr and vicinity laat
ney qlatrici. , . inia w m. - i week from siomiay to Monaay.
aunerlntendent to , be appointed.', The I fclicrlff Fred Compton, aororopanted bv
Kellgh dlBtrlct was eliminated when Dr. I hla wife, tobk Mies Iura Colby of near
r n. -a ra. annalnted to the Omini
w.y , " . . on last uesaay. - , . . . . .
district and th . auperlntendenta now rt ,H.nn,- riHmm mere In at
have about forty appointment to- cars tendance at a meeting of the directors of
for and, It Is rumored that-another dls- the Burt-Washington - county drainage;
I . . a. . a .us tel. vaar bosfd at Herman on Tuesuay.
,rB """ " ' " . . .. I VI TA Cub t rimm Wl. kA
M a. l-lian. nwnnww.. ' ht. V.a Ku l. VI- -. , u
' Saloon league, presented th ' following I tr. Mra Paxton Ware, and other rela
.Wedneaday. - '
Mrs. Edward Rachs enterUlned for her
birthday -Wednesday.
J. A. Olbbona and Henry Bay were
Omaha visitors Monday"
"Mr.-C W. Baldwin of Omaha called on
friends here Wedneinay.
Mrs Minnie Deeraon entertained some
lady friends Thursuay aiternoon.
Mrs. H. A. Nolte returned j-rioay irom
the ranch to spend the-winter hore.
: Tk. hnnataini for the Douglas County
JTotv went out Wedneeday, taking the
bsnd along toi Gretna, Omaha and Ben
son. ' .
Henry Meyer and carpenters will flnlah
the PlambecK nouae near ima
week. . . . .
Mr, and Mra. J. B. ltonger- ann m.n.
Orant, of Omaha visited over Wednesday
night with the Beerus lamny,
Mrm .1 M. Btiinnnr entertained the
Ladies kenaihgton Wednemlay. There waa
a sood attendance 'ana - a nice iuncn
aerved. . '' . .
Mrs B. B. Baldwlnjroturned horns Fri
day after a alx weeks" ylslt with her
daughter. Mrs. : lioraoe ..n.niin anu-nu.
band at Batavla, N. S.
Venry Bay and wife and Mr, and Mrs,
William ncnuim weni m ..j-... ...........
Wednesday to attend th. birthday party
of Mrs. William Kcnuint. jr.
trk..r..v .nnlni aa Rose Mllkn started
home, atandlng with several other chil
dren In Herbert Helen' buggy she fell out.
breaking her arm jusi aoove mo emu-
i " 'V I" "Valley. I
"Mr" and Mr.1 Oscar jacobson returned
Paturduy from tneir weuaina inp.
Miss Beulah Bysra left Thursday for
Benson, where sue win leac.n inn jr.
nav n a. Fve returned weaneefifty
from Omaha. He. spent Kunday at Te-
Mra. T MoNtah haa been quite seri-
oualy 111 for ten days, ahe la slowly Im
Hiss Iel inflrs gave a caretuuy rre-
narcd and very complete paper on "T
Htrangrr at in. uat.. .
Miss Arthurdnle Haasenblad is taking a
two weeks' vacation. Ruth Peterson Is
taking her place1 at the store. -
Mr f.nii Mrs. J. Williams and daughters
Ada and lah." were the week-end guests
OI JUT. ann Airs. r. ... rwtrimt.'uj.
Rev. F. C. Bhawkey, formerly pastor of
the Methodist Kplscopal church, was the
guest ot C JS. nyurs xnuraaay,
Th flrat meeting of the Valley . Wom
en'a Hub for .this year waa held Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.' Martha
Bleeie.- f ' . -i . ,,. , . . v
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy of western
Nebraska were- the guests of Mr. Ken
nedy's brothers.: .C, and J. 8. Ken
nedy, last week.
The reijular monthly meeting of the
Valley Women's Christian association will
be held -Friday aftvrnoon at the b,om
of Mrs. O. U. UeLand.
The- Busy Bees held tnelr regulsr
monthlv meeting at the Hubbard hall.
Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Floyd Dud
son and Mrs. Arthur Dodson were host
Nebraska Second
in Contributions
to Eed Cross Work
The Nebraska Association Opposed to
Woman Suffrage stands second In the list
of contributors to the Red Cross fund for
war relief work, according to tha New
York Times. The local anti-suffrage so
ciety collected 13.200. . A basaar given In
Newport netted the largest sum of money.
This ' statement W as Issued from Red
Croaa headquarters:
The American Red noes hopes that
will reach all churches of whatever de (or several daya,
nomination or creed, and that they iins
ttallr In the administration ef relief to thej hes.l, Gothenburg
hundreds or thousands ot autierers in me
war-ridden countrlea.-
A board meeting of the Antl-Auf frage so
ciety was held this sfternoon to make ar
rangements for Omaha speeches by Mls
Marjort. Dorman, who speaks In Blair to
night. nd Miss I.ucy Price, who ti ex
pected In this city Monday.
School Law Revision
Body Meets Monahan
(From a Staff Coneapondent 1
TJNC0L.N. eept.' IS. (Special.) .The
hool law revision committee held a sea
rough the aid of the press. Its urgnt ,on n the room, of the normal board
TdnZ1 hrr"i .a.. U continue . session
see their way clear thua to aid substan-
The committee coqmts of P. M. White-
N. M. Uraham. South
Omalia: Charles Arne-. jc'.rivlrr; Edith f
Ijitlirop. Cls;.- Center; Karl Cll'ie, (!inp;
Jerries E. le!zll. Lincoln, and William
R tch'e. UiHoln. The kslslature provided
for the appointment f the committee,
w'th Instruction thnt they should prepare
and have printed a report, but made no
appropriation for the expenses of the
meetings or for the prlntlhg of th report.
Today Arthur C. Mojiahan. repreaentlnit
the Cnltcd States Board of EdiK-atlon,
wan her. In ci nsultatlon with th. com
mmee. . - !
- ' Bncklen's A r area Snlvo
Cured Hen Pool of Three?, Ala., after
be'.rnt -dragged over gravel roadbed.
'Pooth'ns, herling. antiseptic. 3c. All
druggist. Advertisement.
Mrs. P. R. Brewster waa an Omaha
visitor Monday. - ' - ;
Mr. and Mrs. 8. ' N. ' Thompson were
Omaha vlsltoj-e Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Brewster were
Omaha visitors Monday.
Chris Iarson of Blair Is spending the
week at the jsmes Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Nela . Rasmussen visited
their daughter at vBennlngton Monday.
John Phalan. of Oronto. Neb.. Is vlalt.
Ing at the home of his sister. Mrs. Bean
Ion. .
The ladles' aid met at the A. D. Knight
homo for supper Wednesday with a large
turnout. . ,
Mrs. Albert Anderson was entertained
at the John Cameron home for dinner
sunaay.. . ... .. . . . .
Mr. and Mrs. John Fedde were enter.
talned at the ftcanlon home for dinner
Mr. Kndmark of Arlington. Neh.'. Vaa
entertained at the James Hole home for
dinner Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Iee of Sheldon. .Neh . n
visiting at the home of their daughter
Mra. Jlackman.
Mr. Babbit of Omaha la anendina- tha
week at the horn of bis daughter, Mr.
8. R. Brewster.
Mr. and Mra. Fit Pmnn c.....
for Huron. 8. D., to attend the fair and
visit relatives thera.
Mr. and Mra. T.nrwttw n. ci...
mM f stu"day. nntlU Monday with
... auu a.ra. yaioc. jonnaon.
Miss Emma RlinHall an ui- t-
Westergard left Monday for Peru, Neb.,
where they will attend the state normal
""i mis winter.
- Papllllon.
Mrs. Emma Rtnerfal nt at r-.t j '
looking up Papllllon friends Monday.
Mrs. Tom Boyer left Friday for Wlsner
for a few days' visit with her Sister.
Miss Doris Clarke and Karl Brown left
tnig week In Lincoln, where thoy will
snter the state university.
i I o a.n5J. Mr" Lo"'" Lealetir returned
last Saturday frprn Detroit. Mich., where
they attended the (Iran, I Armv n .v.. r-
public encampment.
Mra. O. H. Magmret entertained the Wo
man a eltib at her home Wednesday after
noon. Misses Ida Frlcka and Elsie Daer
kop led an Interesting lesson on "Siberia."
...Mi"L A- ?'.l1,rdonL mho h" b" vl
ItlneJ her sister. Mrs, J. R. Wilson, during
the summer leaves today for her home at
Pueblo. Colo. Mr. A. J. Langdon. who
has -been visiting here at Gretna and
Omaha, will return with Mrs. Langdon.
The tfdles' auxiliary waa entertained
u " ,1. ' afternoon by Mesdameg Wll-
iioni Mi nnur; no rniniiMt and 'P. J.
Poatle at the home of Mrs. Elchner. Mrs.
Graham, of South Omaha gavs a
talKn ''Hot Lunches In Rural Schools"
and Mrs. John Speed I e of Benson on
"Rural Schools In General." '
In New Second
Floor Quarters
Ladles' and miseog' apparel buRin-eg now conducted
on 8econd Floor of the enlargctj Benson & Thome
store. Not the largeet departmont,' but the most
homey" place In tcwn.'and, what Is "till better,
the highest class garments In America "are here for
your selection, and the prices so modest as to put
commonplace apparel to shamo.
Women who delight in
having the new styles first
in wi.a if thav m&k their selections n
thia va.r- nwlna- to European conditions, there
1 .hin.- to ha gained by delay. Parisian fashion
the newest obtainable are here, and no further
' portationa can be expected for thia season.
Suits $17.50 to $45. Dresses, $8.75 to $49.50
"": Coats, $12.50 to $95.00.
Waists, $1.50 to $19.50. Skirts $5 to $15
Wl iBVlt.
Open Chary.
Trom Xe
gpoasibl. I
Our New Second Floor
Millinery Section Ready
And in it Is to be found the most stylish
headwear of the season at prices amus
ingly low.
Millinery for Women, $5 to $18.
Millinery for Misses, $1.50 to $10.
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
T'aisrri ii ' i "i
1 .
... V
. resolution:
Uvea here.' left for home last Saturday.
t- iim.aa nf ftenreaentatlvea at I Judge lrslle held a short aesslnn of
Washington L C Reaolvx, That we. 1 district court here this wees.-confirming
... .n.mlirra of the Nebraska ronfenrnce I some sales of real .estate', and granting
if the Methodist Kplacopal church. agre- I some naturalisation papers. .( .
gating a ineinowrsnip oi i. now ,m w- county juige I. C- Baiar ana aaugn-
(erance assembled, representing a total ter. Louise, Were In Olepwood, la., laat
church memsershlp of 6,0uu and a con- -rhurailay attending the funeral of the
litueney of many thousand more In the witt) ot Mr.. -Ellar'g brother, Anderson
stste of Neliraalca. respectiuuy iuuun i tiler. .
and -araeatiy I.ITh ab-on tolnt Mrs. Oeorse Stafford of Palrrtaaole.
txly to pass the f ,hP-Hb"hln Kla.. la vlaltW her brother. Iostmater
resolution gWInf "a stir ts a light to ,sterman. With Mra. Osterman,
vote on national prohibition. ... thy visited relative, at Fremont and Cen-
Tne reaoiuuon was Mnanuno-aijr i trl city.
adopted, .
Mrs. Annie VW Oates of th Flair Kn-
(terprlse officw returned last Saturday from
Wtrpls. Water.
Kd Murphy has gone to Central City
on bustnosa.
Jeaae Cook of Custer, Mont., la visiting
okl-tlme acquaintances ,ln town. ' . .
Henry Fisher of Joplln, Mo., was call
ing on friends her. thia week.
Mr. and Mra. James Henegar tiavn re
turned from their trip to Virginia.
O. Ev Joyce 1. enjoying a visit from hla
slater, Mrs. IS. J.. Tslniago. of Fremont,
-.Mra H. B. Woleott Is visiting at Colo
rado Springs and other points In Colo
rado. Peter I.und and family have gone to
Wayn, county to visit a, cousin of Mrs.
Harry and Maggie Kollar of .ilothen
hurg have been vloitlng their uncle, John
W. Ruhga. . .
Herman Hough enjoyed a vlidt from hla
a!ster, Kdlth, of Crawordsvlll. la., thia
Cmr V. ateafclaa.
OOTHENBURO. Neb., Sept. K. Spe
cial. ) Guy li. Blebblna. eldest son of Mr.
and Mr, f- M. Stebbins.- did In a ssnl-
tarlum at Unooln -ptember IS. following
aa operation' for appendicitis at 4he ag
of a years. If was burled mursoay.
While attending th Wesleyan unlver-
altv ha waa prominent In achol affairs.
heine- a member of the Everett society.
At the University of N.braasa h would
k. rratuated next year. He waa a
member of the Delta Upstloa fraternity.
Una Cohr. and Charles Clements wer
married by Rav. Charlea w. Bavldga
Thursday evening at I o'clock. They wei-e
accompanied by Mia Haasl B. ailpla j
- and J. II. Flets.
A iMm BaeaKI4ar Tremble
f amaea It.
It dou't take long for kidney and blad
der trouble to give you a lame back, and
even worse U not checked. Mrs. H. T.
btrsynge.. Calnsvtll. Ot., was - fairly
doan on har back with kidney trouble
and inflamed bladder. Bha say.: "i
took Kolt-y Kidney Pills and now my
bark !s stronger than In years, and kid
i.ey trotibls snd' painful bladder aansa
Uon have entirely gone." Oood drug
glsu are glad to sell Foley Kldnsy Hlls
Uetuw they .! help. They c.m'ata
no habit forming drugs All dealers
First and Best
Call for Supper
Try a Fao.t, Spaghetti dinner
one ia a while you'll surely
njoy it. Cook with red ripe
tomatoes for about 40 minute
and serve with (rated cheese.
If von don't sv this makes a
rare fecst a fine, savory P-cl
pe tiring meal, you'll be a rare
exception. A 10c package of H
thia wholesome. ox4 make a
family dinner for seven
thtt't economy for you. Send
for fro recipe book.
5c and 10c packages.
Buy today.
MAUU. BROS St. Loub. Ma.
lieFlelly Eqnlppe
Tliis New and Greater Store invites the Men
and Young Men of Omalia and vicinity to inspect
An Unparalleled "
Exhibit of Fall Clothes
YOUR; positive advantage, in clothes buying
here is demonstrated by .the'fact that we of
fer the cream of Rochester, N.Y.'s finest tailoring
- , Here's store service that gives you the unique com
bination of the best buying organization in the west;
the product of the greatest clothes making establish- i
ments in the world: and all-new 1914-15 assortments
1 ' three times larger than elsewhere.
Step-in and see these
supreme values in
Fall Suits at
V -
WM. L. HOLZM AN, Treas.
to cFe Yoi
Neckwear -
Beautiful new floral
four-in-hand that re
flect the glow of au
tumn. Thousands ot
clever new ideaa from
foremost neck-
w a a r creator
at . . . .
. 1
' 1 1
The of finest " (jnA OQC OfA
ready-to-wear aults, at vOU"yOO"JKxU
Honestly made, reliable suits at $7.50, $10 and $12.50
Expert iJwylng Enables u to Have you $3.00 to S10.O0
- .... .-On Vour New rU 8uit.
Men's New Fall Shirts
Shirt styles for fall are most distinctive. See the new diagonal
stripe mushroom pleats, new vertical stripes. New patterns
galore at Omaha's largest shirt store. (J 1q tt(
All the leading makes..... pl tO O.UU
Men's Medium Weight Sweaters. . . . ,.$1.50 to $6.00.
. Men's Hosiery, largest showing. .......15c to $1XX).
' Men's Pajamas $L00 to $5.00; Night Robes 50c to $2.00.
rtM-:--uP?S&t-' si
m mm Nf
a a a ' it. -Zk M K. -V z' i 11 aav T J
v. r. .
i limn
John B. Stetson
New Fail
. Hats
$3.50 to $10
.temn k SWA.MSOM,
The New Fall
Regal Shoes
for Men
$4, $4.50, $5
rrrv t.r vJU .Vvw