16 THE BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IP, 10U. RED CRANBERRIES CHEAP Applet SeuomMe and Peaches Are Still Cheap and Grapes Up. FRESH TOMATOES COME BACK lef-reesed Ct af Sajrar Kmm Dewa the Bale ef rralta -far Canalaa? ftrMfi f he Takes A aether Drop. Tha flret cranberries of ths season ere on tha market, and rerer before have tr.ey been so cheap at Uia opening of tha season. Tha firt consignments have nr. rooms thla afternoon At 2:tt o'clock will be offered at i cents a quart They ara firm and hard, with no decaying ons in th consignment. Apples ajra coming la nice lota and ara selling at a reasonable? cheap figure. Fancy wealthlea, some of huge are offered at U.3B for a bushel crate. Bell flower' ara offered at 11. 45. Ortmea gnldens ara selling at tl.'t a bushel crate. Utah peaches are at 1 11 offered In aome rWa at oeota a crate, although they hsv irone up 10 cents a crate wholesale. Concord crapes that sold for 14 crnts a basket last week art bringing 3D cents row. ' Pea ra Cost Mora. t RartWt ream marie a Jump of fl.fe a bushel. Pears that sold at S1.7S tart week are now bringing 13 a crate. Tokay grapea of excellent quality ara heaper thsn usual. They are offered by the pound for a nlcU;l, or In 7-pound baskets for SO cents. Home grown peaches ran be had at 90 cents for a grape basket full. What are known as tha pink-meat rsntaloupea, very sweet and of excellent flavor are sld at "H tenia aplei-e. Fresh tomatoes are on tha market again since tha recent rains, in fairly good quantities. They can be had at 30 cents a market basket. Tha little yellow toma toes so much used for preserves ara sell ing at 40 cent a market basket. Big green or partially ripe mangoes are in at SO cents a market basket. ' "aaaed needs Ftarraate. Canned goods ara still fluctuating a little with the activity of tha speculators on tha prospect of tha continuance of tha war., according to M Xing of Hayden Bros.' grocery department. Corn ani peas ara holding out at a stiff price and are maintaining the steady high level they reached shortly after the war opened. Canned tomatoes are a little cheaper. Cheeae, after making a big jump with the coming of war, which cut off the supply from Switzerland. Germany and France, has eased up a bit, dropping off in the neighborhood of cents in a week. Butter Is a trifle high this week, being quoted at SO cents in Elgin. Sugar la still going at $1 for fifteen pounds. The high price of sugar Is hav ing tta effect in the fruit canning In the homes, aa many housewives will not buy the sugar to do the amount of -canning they usually do.' Thla is said to harve its effect In bringing the fresh fruit down to a reasonable price, sines the demand is not aa great as It would be If sugar was rhesper. t BRINGS SHEEP TO MARKET AND TAKES HOWIE A WIFE Pavid Mills, son 0f Jaceb Mills, one of the pioneer sheepmen , of Wyoming, brought several ears of his father's aheep to the Omaha market from lfat Creek, Wyo., this week and will return with a wife. . Sir. Mills and Mlaa Flossie M. Cngeshall, also of Hat Cret'k, were married Mon day evening at 7 o'clock at the home of the bride's slater, Mrs. J. J.' Kriis, 1710 iJavcnport street. Rer. Titus lwe of the First Methodist church performed the ceremony. Only a few relatives were present. The bride has been In Omaha, where she was born and formerly lived, visiting for aevsral weeds. Bhe and her husband will make their home on one of the elder Mr. Mills ranches near Hat Creek. SUPERIOR CEMENT PLANT RUNNING ON FULL TIME The Nebraska Portland 'cement plant at Superior, in which Omihe men are the principal stockholders has opened for business and ia now running on full time. The output Is close to i,m barrels per Amy, which, has been contracted for several months ago. The Superior plant eommenoed grind ing the cement rock several daya ago, but not until this week has It been turn ing out the finished product. The raw materia la secured from just over the state Una In Kansas and hauled to the plan at Superior la cars owned by the company. COMMITTEE ON NEW JAIL HAS BEEN ORGANIZED The committee of representatives from several organisations appointed to pass on the advisability of submitting a bond proposition of 1100.000 for a new city Jail met at the city hall and organised and then proceeded to Inspect the jail. Frank H. Myers of. the Rail Estate ex change, was elected chairman and J. J. Toms secretary of the organisation. The t ouncll has passed the ordinance." order ing the submission of the bonds, but if the committee's report Is unfavorable an effort may be made to repeal the ordi- nance. ' RAILROADS ADVERTISING AK-SAR-BEN FESTIVITIES The railroads operating out of Omaha ' have hung more than JM.OOfl advertise ments of the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben carnival during the last ten dsys. Most of them are one sheet posters of the red, yellow and green verity, and are hung in depots, hotels sad stores along ths lines, out a distance of miles from thla -ltv. To boost the Ak-8rBen festivities this ;ear the railroads have extended the ad vertising territory, and the passenger meg are anticipating a better btslneas Into the city than during any time in the past. DIVORCE MILLS GRIND" OUT SOME SEPARATIONS Decrees of divorce have been granted I district court as follows: To Grace Ann f'arrUb, from Raid M.. on grounds of iruelty and n on -support; to Kthel Klen rurg. from James, with fotW alimony set tlement snd custody of minor child. "Aims, on grounds of cruelty; lo Edna L. Haaker. from Walter It. by default, with tJ alimony settlement, on grounds cf rruelty and non-support; to Marie i.undiuit. from Walter, on grounds of it'-m tui'i oi Sheep Shipments Starting to Come The range rattle along the tine of the Vnloa Pacific have not commenced to move In large number, but there are heavy shipments of shnrp coming to the Omaha market. Those coming now are mostly from Idaho and are said to be In prime condition. The Wyoming sheep will not commence to move to market much before the first of next month. On eccount of the rsnge hsvlng been In the best condition this season, and last winter being a mild one, the flocks hsve Increased rspidly during ths Isst veer and the shipments this fsll are expected lo be the heaviest In five years. OMAKANS WILL MAKE A TRADE VISIT TO WYOMING The Omaha Commercial club has per fected plsns for Its trade trip Into Wyom ing. The party will consist of some thirty to fifty of the business men of the oity. They will occupy two standard sleepers and will leave over the Northwestern the afternoon of September 80. From here the Omahans will go direct to (Douglas, where they will put in one day at the Wyoming state fair. After that they will go to Ossper and back to Or In Junction. En route home the Omahans will come by wsy of Cheyenne, where they will remain one day, returning over the Union Pacific. GRAIN EXCHANGE WILL NOT BUILD THIS FALL The Omaha Oratn exchange has decided not to erect Its -buildings this fall. The excavating, however, will be made, and the foundation will probably be put in. Work will stop then until next spring, when construction of the building will start. The new home of the Omaha Grain ex change Is to he eight stories high and will cover a ground spaoe, 130x128 feet. Tho 130 feet will be along Harney street The srchltect is working on the plsns. but it will he nlnoty dsys before they are completed. northSide of far nam to be built soud over mile t'p'te a few days ago there was but one piece of vacant property between Twenty-fourth street and the Missouri river on the north side of Farnam street. That piece Is soon to be no' more, and the street Is to he a solid block of business places for a distance of twenty-four blocks. The vacant lot belongs to Ed Phelsn. Through the firm of A. r. Tukey ft Ron he has Just leased It to a firm for a location of an automobile establishment A brick building, one story high, to feet by 11B, Is to be erected on the alte. SOURBEER PLEADS GUILTY; SENf TO PENITENTIARY F. I Bourbeer has pleaded guilty In criminal court to the charge of lar ceny from the person of Henry Ms Kenny and haa been given an Indeter minate sentence of from one o seven years In the state penitentlsry. The prisoner admitted that hia victim was under the Influence ' of liquor at the time the $8.55 was taken. KILISZEK CHARGED WITH SELLING INDIANS LIQUOR Arrested on a charge of introducing liquor to the Indians at the government school at Genoa, Neb., John Killssek has been brought to Omaha by Chief Deputy Ntckerson and ttiraed over to United State Marshal Warner. Killssek de clares he Is not the man wanted, but evi dent to tha contrary la said to be in possession of the authorities. ' REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES TO MEET SATURDAY NOON Douglas county republican candidates are to have a fellowship luncheon at the Hotel Rome Saturday noon. They desire to get together to talk over the campaign and get acquainted with each other. Alt the candidates for county offices as well as the county legislative ticket are to be ! there. TUZ RIW liromM ooTJS?'1 mUk to your order Saturday, 1914 f.tilk Fed Spring Chickens. . . TMXfW SBIISIo CHICKS . . nf&rl' Pt0i - Fulton' Chons- r.Y.Y.'.Y.Y:. & V , "rJ. B.uti" .la Kmall Hams txZ0 YonJ vf r?i'W"t J 8""- t-ured Bacon I";: 1JJ Tent ocltvrl.s a iay a and llJk. KL aad a aad 4 . at is Mmws im mn amAwtrvArvxt ttoab. bi.oo. jo oars Heat-Km-All or Diamond C M ""P aso 4 lbs. best Navy Beans S3o fcarly June JJeaa. per can a-0 i cans Hus-ar Corn s Karo Syrup, red or' white.'Van.' !t Spaghetti or Macaroni, p.r pkg. ..TU. New Pancake Klnur ror :ur, Pk per psg.. . .avo Mall Hlurlng. per pkg. Bakers' Nut Chocolate. .BHe tocolate. I pkss. for loe ip inn paiety siatcnes, pkg He Jdo oia Lust or Naphtha Powder Mason jars of Pickles or PicllIU lOo Bnider . Cataun. per bottle le Idiewlld. Meadow Gold butter. pr pound 334 Beat Tub Butter, per lb. aso, aoe Fancy. But tertne, lbs. for aso Talile Butt.rine, per lb. )eo Oolden Santos Coffee, per lb..... Boo K"ull Cream Cheese, per lb aoe i' page, torn riakes ee THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth 5e anfl 10c Btore. ... eat ptioea are lows U at the VwbUe Market. We bar la oarloa4 lotsi tale enablee ae to aaake tta. a. low prtoee. Bimtmbiri W . .- i..i.u . i. . 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chlckoni rresn uressod Chickens PIG PORK ROAST -j tni , u, . tu... ..... . ...... ISO. Ate Pig Pork Butte 1440 Young Veal Roast 14 Ho, He Young Veal Chops ..lavse , .ltse ,.iaua ,..ai?e ...aio inib Ltess Mutton Chopa , . Kxtra Ian Hacon 20 Lbs. Ocst Fine Granulated Sugar for S1.00 With l-lb. Japan. English Breakfast. Oun Powder Tea or Best Cocoa.... CSo nest brands Flour ui Z4-IDS. publlo PHq Tlour ao Tall cans Alaska Kalmon 100 Tall cana Red Salmon l4- 4 tans busar Corn aa 10c cane Peas or Pork and Beajis. .ae Uellou cans Karo Syrup, red or wblte. tor age H-Kllos csiia Karo Pyrup. red or white .f. . aoo -f'e 1'ainake Hour, per pkg 'e PUDLIC MARKET JS.1.0. 'SSSSfAU Mrs.Rawitzcr Denied Monthly Allowance' Application of Mrs. Nellie Keellne Hawltier for a mnnPhly maintenance allowance of out of the estate of her late husbsnd. A I. It. ruwltxrr. who took his own life, has been denied by Probate Judge Bruce" Crawford. The latter ruled thsn an antenuptial "agree ment made by the two was vslld, and , mm xnrremre me widow must secure her share of the estate under that con tract. The ruling was without prejudice to the right of the minor child to apply for maintenance, the Judge explained. LABOR LEADER FEIDER STOPS 0VER IN OMAHA C. M. Feller, labor leader, who three years ego had local labor circles In a foment by reason of the proposed Sunday closing of. barber shops was in Omaha for a few hours. Mr. Feider Is now lo cated in Ioe Angeles. He Is on his wsy te Peoria. 111., to attend a oonrenion of the International Bridge and Structural Steel Workers and, later will f0 to In dianapolis to attend a barbers' conven tion. J. K Ntoodemue of Is Angeles ac eompanlel Mr. Feider. FINED FOR TRYING TO TAKE HIS SPITE OUT ON HORSES Frank I.utchal, a laborer, was fined ISO snd costs, and In default waa sent to the county Jail, because wltnews sccuaed him of having poured carbolic acid Into the menger of severs! horses belonging o Ous OrsnleweeM. I7 South Twenty, fifth street. Lotchst, It Is said, had been discharged by Oranlewskl, and used the acid for revenge. None of the horse was hurt. IOWA TRAINS ARE RUNNING ON SCHEDULE TIME AGAIN The railrosds across Iowa have about recovered from the effeerts of the floods of Monday and trains are again prac tically back on time. Railroad men re port the heaviest rains In years and con siderable damage done to the bridges and the tracks. , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. iJ?ob ,?,m'" wife of Elwood,' la . in irifi Pity. . . , of8".!". Aioml'- psssenger traffic manager of the Pennsyfvanla lines west of Pitts burgh, went through Ihsaha on the K.lr",rn-tnion Cfc. en route to Ban rrancla-o. Tom Memmlngcr. democratic state senstpr from Madieon county In 109, now a neldent iof Oklahoma, where he a loo became a stste senator. Is In Omaha and ity Clerk Thrmia J. Klynn. Mr Memmlnger Is on his way to Mndlnon """ly to look after business Inter""!!!" pervlsloa. "I never know where ny husband ia " eld the unhappy looklnrwomair ' h.J i ' u'JU the nelKhbor who h-'J'? round .to vmpathlse. "vou k!,l,tn " comfort that I have, fou know your huslwnd Is not going to cu7tvVh." UW "d rtoug dlffl. "m not sure that I don't wish John were more reckless If they put him n Jail. I d I at least know exactly how he spends his evenings.' -Washington i Btar. r f:Tto Shamrock A "Stetson" Hat Narrow II r I m Higher t Vow ti New 8tyle Hand In all New Hhadee $3.50 Browning, Ring & Co. 15th at Douglas. bivitibt wawn tto watoa we will tress 141.2c .1140 'tBt T'T Orepee, t to IbeN Per 30o .ao 10o liv, Jersey rSwee't' Potatoes 'per' il! Fancy t'elery, i stalks for rmni-y ivu Miturt. eaj ll rge bunches of Colorado Bi1lalin or Oreen Onions, for 10e Large market basket of Green Pee pers for-v. jso Fsnev pearl Pickling Onions, per basket ... 40o rr ripe Bananas, per docen ..loo Fancy Cauliflower, per lb... loo Kockyford Jems. 2 for )..... lBo lrn I.emona, per dosen 80o Fancy Kltterta Colorado Peaches, per crate ....,..! aoe Bweet Concord Orapea, basket, 17Lo P'ancy Oranges per dos.n loe Market banket Toinatoee B6e Potatoes. 1 lbs. to peck t&o We handle fresh white and Bo. nemian ltye Bread 1X3 South 18th St. Tel. D. S30T 14 L2c . . . . 12 3-4c .lHe .1T4 .ia?e Kxtra Leiui Iln)a ............ bmail liaJua ...4 arrsCLAxa rronr I P. M. to P. M Lamb Chopa 60 rYom P. M. to lo P. M Pork Chopa ,T. ..14Ue :fto bottle Cataup ja 11 bara IX C, or Beat -'Sin-All Soap With ' Washi ng" od, ! '. ! ! : JSe tie cans Calumet Baking Powder ISo 4 iurgm rolla Toilet Pitper B6e ic Matvliea or Tooih Picks I.e trolden fcantos Corfee BOe Panton's Gas Roaatrd Coffee, can Me heat Irv Peaches, S Iba. for 8&0 Heat grade Cremuerv Butter J3a 9Ui 'hee. per lb ,,,.ase MIUUJSSSS tMIMIt.IMa...u... IUB ag3B95 ft II AGAIN WE LEAD IN MILLINERY VALUES SATURDAY we further in bargain giving. THjACK velvet iiatr ah the. nwet ideas are displayed In this wonderful assortment. Trimmed with fancy feathers, wings and ribbons; sell else where at not less ttiaa $.r.ft0; Saturday at $2.95 ' Wei rIy Green Trmllng Htantp. 115 South 16th St. any I Bay I!ov.v Pay Later Scores ef pretty hats all new all different. Plenty of tha natty email and medium models, In black and tha other popular colore. Priced from $3.50 Up A WEEK . r . mm a m ' sWaitnr.ieaAi ''lin.."'.? T 111.1.111...- . ... . OCT. 1st to 1414-16 Harney. During the next two weeks we offer for sale Our entire stock of Wall. Consisting 0 independent side-walls, grass cloth papers, Tiffany blends, two-tone oatmeals, tapestries, floral and fabric effects, at prices Below Factory Cost letter- 1113-15-17 HOWARD ST. SB EE Moo Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale" column; read it demonstrate ou superiority WiKSS HATH All Of this geason 's newest and best shapes. Natty and original; beautifully trimmed. A look will convince you of the wonderful values In three hats at $4.95 Ret rimming And Order Work Specialty.' The Very Hcwcst Fall Shoe Styles Await You at This Store e? WHT FAT MOBVE for your full ehoes when you can get the eajne stvlca and . Iilgh finality here for IS. We ahuclutelv unrantee to save vou at least dollar on pair. No Charge No Deliveries 13 Vff the BEDDEO WAY - No need to pay out all your caah for Pall and Winter Oar menta for tho family. You'll need money for other cold weather heueohold necessities In a few weeks. A amall payment each weak satlefle mo. 1417 Douglas St. 20E aroer re Co. PHONE DOUG. 976. i (irngktBsrtScBsraer alius 3161 Eies for Business WHEN you reach a stage in business where you really appreciate values; when you understand perfectly that good quality pays, at any fair price; then you're ready tb understand why we say - ' Haydon's Clothes aro Boot The best of many bests, the very best in quality of mater ials, workmanship and style that our money can buy and we know that your money can buy no better: 'Hart, Schaffncr r.larx Clothes head the list with several other splendid makes to select from. All guaranteed. , Our New Fall Suits Are Ready Extraordinary values at g18.00-g20.00 and $25.00 ' en's and Young Hen's Suits at $15 W wish to call your attention to this particular lino of sulfa. Th4 best values wo have ever shown. . New Tartans and Overplalds, Checks and Stripes. Fabrics are all wool and fadeless. Every ault has a Hayden guarantee, two or three-button models; double or single breasted soft roll styles. Equal to much higher priced aulta. Be sure and see this assortment before deciding. Values in Children's Clothes That Bring Crowds All wool. 2-pant auks. $1.05. . Blue serge, fancy fall colors And corduroy suits. , All have two pair of full lined knickers. Suits that are tailored by men and designed by the best designers In America. Many different styles to choose from. Every ault at this price is guar anteed pure wool and fast color. Any suit not satisfactory will be exchanged for a new one. We invite comparison. aj re 2-pant suits at '. j)4i70 Suite for Boys at all price from $2.95 to $ib. Big value at each price. Ulackinaws Aro Ready We received- our boys mackinaws this week. They aro dandles. Sizes from 6 years to. 17 years. A big selection of plaids and plain colors. Norfolk or double breasted Raglan or Split Sleeve Shoulder ef fects. Priced for early selling at . , $3.95-54.95-05.95 G $7.50 EVEUV OXE ALL WOOL. Hen's Trouser Department Offers Hart. Schaffner & Marx trousers at S5.$0 $6.00. S8.00 i 810.0O- Good selection. Princess Trousers; every one with the maker's label, at 81,50-81.03- 83.05 and 83.05- Exceptional values at each price. Full assortment of men's and boys' rain coats, $2.50 to $15. G SPECIAL 100 Balmaacans sale Saturday at 87.50 and SlO.ftO. All rain-proof. Big value. ' Xala moor, West Boom Shirt Bargains Extraordinary Another Big Purchase of Men's Shirts. Manufacturers' gam plea and Surplus. At About Half Actual Worth BMrta Worth S3-0O to $4.M, in stlka and finest imported inad raases. newest styles and color tngs, at $1.44 and Mo bins Worth ti-OO aad SI. SO. bast materials, styles and colorings, all perfect, - In two big lots at SSo and 49c Viae Wool Sweater Coats, all best styles, best lot of values ever at S3.SO, 93.SO and S1.S8 ample Bath Mobes, worth to tlO: big special purchase on sal at. l.a, Sa.3, M-S8 to $5.93 acaia rioor, west aoom Men's Hew Fall Hats Samples in the season's new shapes. and colors; both soft and stiff felta, made to sell up to-$1.60; on sale C1 OC Saturday, choice.. $ltasO it rnv MAvnprd' IITI I U aeaw .a... ,!.m,..mmwmumnmmmmmm mnMVmsumun;!' lilliaiium u h.uku .mi,.., , , ' Ml 0 . Aters , E. R. Noodharriy Prop., D.ut.1 lust received by express, go on Main moor, Kiddle Boom' Underwear and Furn- Ishing Bargains That Mean Xztraordtaarr Soonomles. Hen's Bight Shirts. $1.00 snd 1 1.". values, cut long and full, sizes lb to 20 neck band: on sale at. I ee and 4o $9.00 and $3.00 Bight Shirts aad JPjJamae, In mercerized madrai, pongeea and aolsettes; all aiaes, at $1.45 and S6o Kea'a Uaderwear, fall an-1 winter weight garments, in- all styles and qualities; big special pur chase, on sale at ABOUT KAXf UBUAX BSTAZX, FaUCES. Msb's Silt Bocks, six pairs In ho, all colors, ail perfect, box.. 91.35 Man's Books, made to sell at lie and 2bc pair; special at.... lauo aad SHe Several other specials In which your dbllar will do almost double duty. "Mala moor. West Boom 1 Boys and Children's Hats Manufacturers samples ia cloth and felts, all newest col ors and shapes, made to sell up to $1.50; in three big lots for Saturday 25c. 50. 80 FIRST IT PAT ossai 4 s m Like cut,.brocaded quar- welted soles, Gaby heels, in patent leath er, short vamp, in all sizes. 1511 b atreet 7i