TUE BEK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SFJ'TKM BKK 1!?. 1!M4. 3 Bringing Up Father Copyright it. International News Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus n MNE T IN4 CN ME. e: :: .e r i r ' v I " TT 1 You DO" TO YoObE Bother Me L I J IN iOuf ' ( V v ' T ' V CF T y-TKj SOWRtlAM' VOiiAFHAiO V" S L J I v-Y ) -2 ,M v -- ' ,lL MAv To;o ' , j ' ' ' xr i "DRUMMERS TAKE FINAL ONE 1 Josies . Defeat Lincoln in Game of the Series. Tinal LINCOLN. AH. It 2 0 1b. '"mn BY POUR TO TWO SCORE :f .3eaaan Pitches tioori null for Ante l.pea, hn, .. t.lve. Poo, -.p. " port nnd Home Tram I.oaea Contest. j LINCALN, Sept. 1 St. Joseph won the jfSlnal game of the scries by a score of 4 jtn 2. Dawson pitched a food game for "the loralii, hut was Riven poor support. sJTcore: ..jiMrGaffigari, .Mcogglna .. MorM J.loyd. lb... iPetlackbiirn Williams Collins If.... JKchrelher. rf. tTAItman. rf... aOrtet. "jiiwum, p... Kehor J Totals ... J Annntl, cf rvox. it jfrltton. 2h fT attereon. lb... aK. Williams. 3b ;. Watson, rf... Jfcchang, c Stnloff. a (ftoraer, p. ....... j Totals fi 'Ran for McOafflgan In ninth. f 'Ran for Hcoggins In ninth. - III.KI ... 1 .... I . I...W ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O 1 2 ... S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 . . . . i t . a. r - ramvu runs: i.iiicnm. , i. -ivpnim, A. Two-baae hits: Brhrslber (2), Hennrtt, (Ti4terMr. Uouble plays. Lloyd to Wll llams (2). Loft oa Imuws: Unroln. t; St. )oph. 10. Stolen bapfn: MotlaflKan, -Patterson, O. Watson. Schanc. Hrarlflco hlt: -Kox. Wrui-k out: Hy liawaon, 8; by Ktrrser. 11. Hass on balls: Uf Daw. "-4on. ; off Htrrsrr. 7. Hit by pitched ball: jBjr Steraor, 1. Time: 2:10. 1'mplrr. L'ullrm. fWlCHEl DKFBAT TIIK INDIANS Two-hat-e liltfi Mlthrwn ill, Hurrrll. 1 Hiitebrr (ii. Thrro-liBfo lilt: Harlour, JoriPH. Hump runii: KdiiiKton. KlMher, Hunter. Struek out : llv rllatteiy, 1; by Kuffv. 2; bv MurUHn. 7: by Sihreibrr. 10. Uiisp'h on hHlla: l f Hlnttrry. 1; off 1'iiffy, 4; off MorKHn, VI Imnble plays: Moru.ui i Bloeh to Kinder. Hunter t" Jnnn. Hits: tiff Slattery: 7 In three Innings; off liuffv. 10 In five InnlnKs; off Thomas. 0 In one Iniilric; off Morion. 11 In eight and , two-tliirns inninRe: on nenrru'i-i. i m une-thlrl lnnln Hit hv pltihed hall: Hur- .... f..n Tim. "v I'iMiitroH' Vn Kvekln and i 1 ,on MERCHANTS TRIM BRANDEIS Store Team Makes Thirteen Errors I Behind Pitcher Potash. MOYLAN HEAVES NICE BALL Standing of Teams Sioux City. lionver St. Joseph., Ties Moines WfXTK.RN l.KAfHK. I'layeQ. Won. Lost. trr.rt Tram Ht.'k.l.le. Slufeds Take Fifth Straight Defeat 111 ' WS l, Hrpt. IS.-St. Iotils took Its fifth ronseeutlvs defeat from Buffalo by a s ore or 3 to 1 today, rne vinuors nem ST. ...ll 2 JOFK.ni, AH. R 4 .... 4 ... 6 ... I ... fc ... 3 3 .... a .... 4 ...34 II. O. A K. 0 1 1 I j a 0 o 0 1 0 0 (I j 11 4 7 .'I 0 10 1 2 .17 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 ii 0 1 2 ii 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 27 12 & TI O. A. K. 110 0 10 0 0 112 0 s l o i 12 0 0 110 0 0 12 1 o 0 13 0 10 11 1 Ti helm, Kmith and Jbi Mhk. Ii. tflisjcoln ... "i. JoMpb. (f aRrrratt Holds SIosjx Visitors to Z. Tsrrt lilts. jf WICHITA. Kan., pt. lS.-)siar llorst- r mH. tha third rn-rult plteher Wlcbhlta fhsd tried out aaalnst Bloux City In this r4rins, held tha visitors to three hits and TVon hla lime, to i. All of the Sioux ""City runs were made as tlM result of rwslks. Tydeman, with a hit over rlnht--Sfteld feme that went as a triple, senl In gftwu runa, wlnnlnn the usine. Fcore: WICHITA. i AB. R. jTTydeman, rf 6 -.jlcnolaon, if. .... ""O'Rourka. 2b. .. .yilxstmmons, ss. Jlllla. cf "uXspp, 3b. tJHiry. lb Alonas. o , tHoralHian. p. ... Ochs Tatals.... v (Icooney, 2b. JfClarke. It ... JrKane. lb. .... -Jleune. ct. Balrd. 3b Iisvldson, rf. Callahan, ss. rfMurphy, c. .. ePliaspar, p. .. CIatka. p. ... Totals ALL NATIONS TO PLAY TWO GAMES WITH STORZ The All Nations, headed for,Des Molnea, where they will disband for the season, will stop over In Omaha Saturday and Sunday and play Fred Bradford's Storx at Rourke park. "Broom" lionaldson and "Cannon Ball" Jaeksnn, two of tha most wonderful col ored pitchers In the world, will work attained the Brewers, although It Is pos sible that the All Nation management may five tho fans an opportunity to see Reeves, the Chippewa Indian, who be longs to the Philadelphia Athletics, In ac tion in Saturday's game. Manager Bradford Is holding the local star, "I'ep" Sanders, to work against the visitors mighty pitching marvel, Don aldson, thus assuring those who are anxious to ace these great slabmen op pose each other an opportunity to satisfy their desire. Both games will be started at 3 o'clock. 32 ( 8IOUX CITY. AB. R. :::::::: i 0 .24 O. A. K. 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 2 2 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 11 0 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 37 14 1 O. A. K. 3 4 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 1 Z 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 21 10 0 2 g 'Batted for liorstman In ninth. A None out when winning run scored. fWlchlU 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 l- Left on bases: Bloux City. 6; Wichita. 7. Warrlftce hits: Kane 2, 1-Jeune, linspar, VUulmniuns. Two-base hits: Bills. Three- baa hits: O Rourke Tydemun. Stolen bases: Cooney, lx-jciine, Davidson, Henry, T: .lAn.i Hits- Off fMHi.ur 8 in .lh. linings: off Clarke. 1 In one Inning Double tlss: Fltxsliuinons to O'Kourke to y Henry; Rapp to Junes to ltapp to Flti- -jstnimons. 8truck out: Ry (jaspar, 3; Shy llorslinan. 2. Bases on balls: ulf tias T. par, 2; off Hoiatnian, S. Will pitch: F liorstman, 1. lilt by pitcher: Osspar, 2, Umpire: Myers. Time: 2:Ui. to riar North i at. Panl Roys In t. Paol Kondax In r'lrat Rattle of Inter city erlea. The Vinton Street Merchants completely w I tied out the Brandels Stores In a vicious battle yesterday afternoon, surToundlne; the Stores with heavy artillery and bat tering the Inner defenses until they were a loud of one run until the eighth inning, entirely snauerca. I ne .Mercnanis orant when Buffalo hammered out a single andS'pe out the large buildings at the cor Iwo doubles, three men crossing the plnte. ( ner of Sixteenth and Douglas streets, but (4ror,: II U.K. they certainly did put the blink on the Buffalo 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 3 1 11 o' base ball team carrying the name of St. Iiiils 0 00100000 13 2l Bramlols Stores. The final count was Batteries: Anderson snd I-avlgnr, Al-1 . . Icn; Davenport iind Simon. i BALT1MOBK. Sept. 1.-Kansss City 11 """l-o ted that the Merchants vlo broke its losing streak today and wonla,'', ,h rul'" nt warfare hy using duin from Baltimore. 6 to 1. A threo-base hit d,lm bullets just, as the trusts are using snd a squeeze play gave the locals their ;,hm , raising the cost of living. Any single tally. Score: RH.K.!now " ' certain that the Brandels de Kansaa Clty. O 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1- 5 11 oj fnses were resistless before whatever Baltimore ... 0 0 0 I 0 n 0 o 0- 1 7 1 brand of bullets the Merchants did use. Batteries: -ai sard and risteriy; vu- Mltr r.rnh ..f ti.. u.u J of Potash Perlmutter, was general of the Brandels forces, but while lie was a fine general h couldn't make his sol dlers give him any support. Thirteen error" were made behind him in addition to a passed ball, six stolen bases per mitted hy Ms catchers and a bunch of punk fielding. Nine hits were made off his delivery, hut about five of them should have been easy outs if his mates had been on, their toes. About the only way Potash could put the Merchants out was to whiff 'em and ha couldn't whiff 'em all. Moylan la Fine Form, On the other hand Jim Moylan allowed but five lilts and struck out thirteen. Jim was In such neat form that when a Bran dels baiter went to bat he atuck on foot In the water bucket and waited for I mps Clark to call strike. A gent by the name of Mann, who Is a brother to I-eslie Mann of the Boston Braves, played left field for the Brandels. Maan resembles his brother greatly. Inas much ns he is so different. He whiffed four times and made a muff of his only chance. He might have whiffed more limes and muffed more chances If the game hadn't stoied. Dick Orotic and George Clark were the umpires. Clark is a regular umpire with u mask and a hreast protector, but Dick was only taking a chance. He took sev eral and miraculously escaped with his life Two thletea llnrt. R. Boyle of the Brandels forces was mortally wounded during the conflict. He and F. Moylan collided and he cgjne out of the heap with a twisted ankle. He was carried off the . field by the Red Cross corps. Tollman was also Injured In the fray. He suffered a split digit, but was fixed up with the assistance of a first-aid kit and a handkerchief. The Merchants will leave tonight for St. Paul, where they will play North St Paul In the intercity series Sunday. If they should win they will py th, w,. ner of tha Chlcago-Iulsvllle game next i.M :fi .vi isi ts 149 M Ii If2 7H 73 15H 71 a 152 71 HI iJ !i 162 .-i7 imsha Topeka Wichita NAT L LKAIH'K, I W.L Pel. I Boston 77 Mi .fvW Pbila New York. .75 f.9 .5tin' Boston ... I St. Ix)iiis....71 3 .M0 Detroit ... i Chli Hgo ....72 i .MHI Wash I'hlla 4 71 .474 CIiichko .. Pittsburgh. .fil 7? Km, St. Lnuls. I Brooklyn 74 .44 New York Pet. .29 ,.S71 .5B4 .o'J) .kK ,47 .10s .373 AMKR. LKAiJl'K. W.L Pet. 47 .KM ..81 M ..74 m . . 70 in .;,m 71 ,4iU . .r.l 74 .I.Vi ..l 74 .412 ..11 4 .311 Cincinnati. M 77 .4ili Cleveland Yesterday's Itrsnlts. WE8TKRN LKAOIK. Sioux City, 6; Wichita. 6. Dcs Moines, 15; Denver. H. St. Joseph, 4: Lincoln, 2. AMKRICAN LKAGl'E. New York, 7; Chicago, 5. Washington, 1; St. Louis 0. Philadelphia. 2; Detroit. 3. Boston, 4; Cleveland, ,1. NATIONAL LKACtl'K. St. Louts. 1; Boston. 1. Called end of twelfth; darkness. t hi' sko, 0; Brooklyn, 2. Cincinnati, 2; New York, 3. Pittsburgh. 4; Philadelphia, .. (.nines Today. Western league-St. Joseph at Denver, Des Moines at Lincoln. Sioux City at To- BRAYES AND CARDINALS TIE Battle for Twelve Innings with the Score 0n and One. DARKNESS STOPS THE COMBAT Doak llnrls f.rejit Rail' bnt Visitors Ranch Three of Hits In Kla;hth When They Score Their Han. BOSTON. Sept. lS.-St. Louis and Bos ton battled for twelve innings today In their final game of the season, darkness necessitating a suspension of hostilities with the score 1 to 1. Doak pitched great 1 all. but the visitors bunched three of their hits in the eighth Inning, when they scored their run. In the first Inning St. Louis had the bases filled with one out, hut Wllpon struck out and Wlngo forced a man. Boston's run wss the result of a pass to Moran, followed by Kvers' double to right fteld, sending the foormer home. Score: ST. TIGERS DEFEAT THE MACKS Detroit. Though Outhit. Wins by Three to Two Score. BASES ON BALLS START THINGS These Followed hy Veach's Double and Horns' ainarle Rive Home Tram All of Its nans. DKTROIT. Sept. IS. Although outhit, Detroit won from Philadelphia, 3 to 2. to day. Two bases on balls by Wyckoff In the first Inning, followed by Veach's double and Burns' single, gave the Tigers all their runs. Wyckoff, Invincible after the first, drove a home run between Cobb and Crawford in the fifth inning. He was removed In the oinhth to allow Schang to bat for him. Score: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT AB.II.O A k-. AD H O A K Caledonian Soccer Team Meets Sunday All members of the Ca'.endonian eoccer team hac been requested to be at Miller park Sunday morning at 10 o'clock for practice. Others have also been invited and new men lll be chosen t i fill tip the vacancies that may arise in the team's line up. nolan. If Hugging. b. Ma, lb... J Miller, n. Villwrn. rf... Wlngn, e..,. I'mtue, rf. l.nt ts. AR H O A T. 0 I 1 Ii 0 If. 1 4 0 0 1 I I 2 1 2 0 ftMoran. rf. 3 OKver. 2b.... 3 0- onnnlly. If. 6 IWhltled, cf.. BOSTON. AB. H O. A. B. n Schmidt, lb S stmlth. 3b . . 3 n OMar'nv'le, aa 2 4 Orinwd), r 3 6 njamen. p. . . . ( 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 1 1H 0 I 0 4 0 7 1 Murphy, Barry, . . . . Col Una, 2b Raker. 3b. . . I Mrlnnla. th. Hrrunk, rf . . Wilih. rf... Olitrlng. If... I4pp, r Wv.koff. p.. Khskey. p.. flt'bann 0 1 3 I I 2 0 I 3 t i; o o n o n o o 0 i o 4 i 1 n i 0 n o 1 I n 0 n oBuah, aa.... 4 OV'ltt. M 2 (ICohb, rf.... 2 irrawford. rt.2 ovcai-h. If... 4 ORurns, lb... 4 OM.irlarty. th 4 OMrKee. r... 1 A 'inflskl, p.. 3 0 0 Totals...-. W 0 0 0 3 n 3 0 1 1 4 2 10 I I II h o a 4 27 12 I Totsla .. St. Louts. Boston .. 38 7 3122 I Totsla.... 33 3 3S 22 1 ,.n o o o o o o i ooo o-i .0 00001 00000 0-1 neks llmnha Ml Wlchtts Anierlcan lngue New York at Chi-1 B'1''' 30 t-aaro. Washington at St. Louis. Plnladel-i 0'k. P- plus at Detroit, Boston at Cleveland. National I -ague Pittsburgh at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York. St. I Willis at Phlladeltih la. Federal !aeue Kansas Citv st Brook- Two-base hit: livers. Sacrifice hits lyn, St. Iiuls at Pittsburgh, Chicago at j Smith. Cruise. Double plays: Whittcd Baltimore. Indianapolis at Buffalo. to Schmidt to Gowdy to Kivcrs, Beck to American Association Ind',anaolis at Hoggins to Magee, Muggins to Magee. Cleveland, lOiilsvllle at Columbus. Mil-1 Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; Boston, 8. waukee at Kansas City, St. Paul at I Bases on balls: Off Doak, 8: off James, Minneapolis. 1 6. First on errors: St. Louis. 1; Bostor. il. Hit bv pitched: Whitted. Si:-.; out: Bv Doak, 4; by James, R. Wild pitch: Doak. Time: 2:35. empires: Hart and Uigler. Phils Trim Pirates. SADIE B. MAKES AWAY WITH HURON STAKE jLHorslmsn, 1 BOOSTERS & OTiioa TRIM TIIK. BKARs ie Eleven-Ran Lead aad Win Last tannic DENVER. Kept, la-Des Moines over came an eleven-run lead and won the last game of the t.eiies today from Den vr. 16 to 14. Morgan was wild and In. y tiXfertive. passing twelve men. The locals . m'-j i v t vicicii lull in iiiv luui m Hill, IIVI1 .fifteen men came un to bat. before tha V. third out was made. Score: DF-S MOINK8 AB. It .4 4 HFRON. B. D., Sept. 18. A crowd of about the same slxe as that of Wednes day attended the state fair Thursday. making another record breaker for this week. Thursday's races results follow: 3:80 trot, purse ILOnO-Sadle B. Parks. David City Neb., first; Isaac R. T. Thompson, second; v'iggim las, third. Best time 2:17V Three-year-old pace, purse J.00 Sir Francis Pratt. Denver, first; Happy Heart, Mc.Uowan, Horton, Minn., second; Peter Williams, Wright. Huron, third. Best time 2.34V Seven furlong dash, purse $1.YV-Way Mark, Kinds, lke Andes, first; Merry field, Broaddus. Varna, 111 , aecond; The Scout, Marr, DeCater, Neb., third. No time reported. Three-eightlia furlong, purse 375 Jack Curley, Martin, Oeddea, S. 1)., first; Jlm mle Hicks. Boors, Scotland, second; Billy B. third. Best time :.W. 2:15 trot, purse ii Mount Hurst. Lined, Sheldon. la., first; Spartan Queen. Thomp son, lkw Molnea, la., second: Margery Hlgga, Kdmau, Meridian, Miss., third. Best time 2.16V 2:30 pace, purse $.Vtt Sunny Hal. Wash- burn. Vermillion, Mason ity, la., imru Best time 2 1111. BAKERS BEAT CHIFEDS BY FIVE TO THREE SCORE PlTTSBl'imil. Sept. 13. Pittsburgh took advantage of two wild throws of Chicago fielders and a wild pitch by PremVergast and scored five runs in the first four Innings today, defeating Chi cago. 5 to 3. The visitors could do little with Camnltx' offerings. Score: it U.K. Chicago 0 002001 00302 I'litibuigh ...1 1 3 10000 ol Batteries: 1-ango, Prendergaat and Wil son, Cauiuitx anil Berry. ISBELL REFUSES TO TRANSFER GAME HERE WORKING AGAINST SUFFRAGE Brogan Explains Influences Seeking to Stop Women's Votes. STEP IN PROGRESS OF pejtker Declares that F.qna lotlnar Rlarhta la Development of New Era Necessitated by Conditions. Tolala.... 21 7 24 13 9 Batted for Wyckoff in eighth. Philadelphia 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 02 Detroit 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Veach. Rarrv. Home run: Wyckoff. Hits: off Wycokk, 3 in secn innings; on pnawKey, l in one in- mn. .-acnrice nu: aisn. narry. stolen bases: Vltt. 2, Cobb, Morlarty. rxmble plays: Collins to Barry to Mclnnls. lift on bases: Philadelphia, 4:, Detroit, 7. Bases on balls: Off Wyckoff, 8. Struck out: By Wyckoff. 4; bv Covelskie, 4. VXild pitch: Wyckoff. Time :1:."5. Um pires: Ugan and Dineen. Senators Blank Browns. ( ' ST. UMTS, Sept. 18. A single by Foster, j Milan's sacrifice and Oandil's one-hase hit i In the sixth inning gave Washington to day's game with St. Ixiuis. I to 0. Score: I WASHINGTON. ST. Ill'IS. AB H.O.A E. AB H O A E !?!!!!i:'''tKaf f r"ai-::i''e"'i'.i 0 3 3 10 2 2 1 7 0 0 1 1 0 0hotten. rf.. 4 1 OAuatln, .Mi... 3 (I 0 'rail, 2b ... 4 OWalker. If.. 4 OWilllama. rf.3 lb. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 18-Phlladel-uhla. won Horn l'lttsburch today. 6 to 4, I thereby making a clean sweep of the i series and getting their sixth straight vlc- . tory. Marshall was driven orr tne ruD-t.Twt-. lier In two innings, but Baumgartner and liraCi , t)eschKcr blanked the visitors the re ! malnder of the game. Adams was suc- o reeded by Kantlehner in the fourth in- t tint- Hin,v .n.f rl.ila.4Al,.Kia .,r.lr lh leuil til the sixth on singles hy Luderus and Mar ' tin. sacrifices by Burns and Paskerv. and 1 .chert's double, score: K.M.t.. oKiuiiiiFirv. oanonooo 04 s z Philadelphia. ..0 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 6 12 0! Totals.... 30 10 37 1 Totals.., !8a"ttn..::::::::o S S bbuom.., iw. i Two-base hits: Gandll. Sacrifice hit: h.' 1!'t,KT."' ".."'.'hmk M Ml,an- I'-": Austin, Alnsmlth. scored the first run on a single, Daubert's iaf hit and an error by Corriden. In Moeller, rf.. 3 0 I Koaler, 3b... 4 2 1 Milan, rf ... 2 ranitll. lb.. 4 Shanks. If... i Morgan. 2h. . 4 Alnnwnrth, c 3 M-llr1n. m. 4 JohnaoD, p.. 2 1 I lary, 1 OlAvan. 3 OVgnear, i 2 OHoch, p 0 0 6 n 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 0' 3 0 1 1' 3 0 Two Influences are relied upon to op erate against the equas suffrage amend ment this fall, according to Francis A. Brogan, who gave a talk before the r.iuai franchise ""ciety Thursday thiuth" Stengel singled-. Wheat sacrl afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clement n,.d and Cutshaw's single over second Chase. "One Influence is the dlsseinl- scored. Sehulte got on base in the ninth nation of the'imrresslon that th. busl- I wh one out. but was left when Corriden ness prospTity of Omaha will suffer from the granting of equal suffrage to I Chicago women, and the other is the Influence i Brooklyn 31 6 27 II 2' 10 0 C 1 ; 0 0 0 C 0 fanned and Sweeney was thrown out at first. Score: . . .'VV'-i O00UOUUV V V I i ....0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 9 0 of the foreign voter," said Mr. Britfun. "The same argument that Omaha would suffer was brought to bear prior to toe Double play: Hoch to I-avan to Iary. Bases on balls: Johnson, 2; Hoch, 4. Hit by pitcher: By Johnson, Agnew. Struck out: By Johnson, ti; by Hoch. 4. Left on bases: Washington, 7; Ft. Louis, s. Wild plteh: Johnson. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Evans and Slicridan. t'hlcaa-a Trims Yanks. v CHICAGO. Sept. lx.-A fifth-Inning bat ting rally gave Chicago a 7 to 5 victory over New York today. Kuhti started the Sunday. Score: VINTON MKUCHANTS. Koehler. If F. Mi)lan. 2b... Kauth, 3b Stirrer, ss Waehtler, lb McCoy, cf Sukey. rf Pates, c J. Moylan, p AB. 6 3 4 4 4 4 fi & 4 J Breen, cf-c wa Uaiin. rf ..Jones, lb a7 Hunter, cf.... f7 Haley, c J Hurrell, 2b-lf. Kwoldt. Sb.... Hartford, a... F eiattery. p...... lutfy. p a Andreas, 2b... J Thomas, p f Totals , J Matthews. 2b.. KdlnKton. rf... jj Mct.'rtjr, cf.... C. Rulcber. If Barbour, lb.... ll'Wsr, lb J Fay, sa . Swilir, c Morgan, p 'A Mlix k. -c JT rihreloer. p..., y ofley ........ J Totals Ies Moines ... Denver 30 15 DENVER. AB. R. vj .41 .0 0 .0 14 0 11 11. O. A. K. 14 0 0 2 J (I (i 1 o 0 3 12 0 14 11 3 2 4 0 110 1 1110 0 o 0 0 0 0 11 111 0 0 10 H 27 ll 3 II. O. A E. 1 I 5 0 t 1 0 : o o 3 10 0 13 3 0 t I 4 13 1 14 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 3 10 000 000 17 27 IS l 3 113 4-15 2 0 I 0- 14 Totals ; BRAN DF.1H AB. W. Boyle, ss 3 Barney, 2b 3 Hay ward, cf-lb 4 B. Boyle, lb 4 Mann. If 4 Burkenroud, 3b 4 Tollman, c-cf 2 Jensen, c 2 Holland, rf 2 Potash, p 3 ....31 ..1 0 .3 0 Pa IC'iuWe has missed out on another attempt to transfer a ball game to Omaha Rourke tried to obtain the con sent of lslx-11 to play the Tuesday game -,n scheduled for Ies Moines in Omaha aa it .-acrlflc will be Impossible for the Omaha club ! 'r tunaaslntedj. potash to B. Boyle to to play In Wichita Monday and make Totals .. Merchant Runs Hits Brandels Huns 0 0 Hits 1 1 Stolen bases: Sherer (21. Waehtler, Kauth, Sukey, F. Moylan. Tollman. Pot- W. Boyle. Sacrifice hit: F. Moylan. fly: Kauth. IKmble play: v a. ht R H. O. A. E. 3 2 0 1 10 13 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 12 0 118 4 1 12 10 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 14 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 H S 27 13 "o STORKS. I R. H. O. A. K. 0 0 2 12! 0 14 0 1 0 110 1 0 0 S 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 O S 0 1 1 0 0 16.03 10 0X0 10 14 0 3 6 34 T IS 0 3 0 i 1 3 -11 1 1 0 3 3 0 - 0 0 1 0 0 1 03 0 0 1 410 06 nd scored on Fletcher's single. CINCINNATI. NEW ".' . ill H O A K AB.H.O.A E. cUmIi Make Hwrro NEW YORK. Sept. 18,-New York made j h'Uing i this round, and after four sharp I.i;,r,TVhR series with Clncln- Vol was driven from the mountf. " """a"' vivr " ' - "JIZ.'Z .V 1..1 .umA todav 3 to 2 .ncriaie. nis ttuccessor, couia not cnecK passing of tha 8 o'clock (losing law and n.atl bv "k.n" fi.K.tT.?T Kt Jeen ! the locals and before the Inning was over k.,.i... mm .k. . -01 f'.'A ,vTi.h,lh..r: ; Chicago had counted seven runs on seven ' . - " " ' Tomme, im 7l'"y,r ,h " wi I h". sacrifice hit and a sacrifice fly put me noieis or omana out or ntisiness. ona inning. nu pi"; "; -CI Now these samo business men have ' Vin'th? nlnh. whlch Fromm raised $1,000,000 to build one of the finest I 0,,en.d with an Infield single. Snodgraas hotels In tha Mlaaourt Valley." struck out and Doyle tapped to Schneider. The speaker said that It wa- question. K like these which widened tha breach be- f.,V.H th. bases. Bescher ran for Fromme tween the state and Its metropolis. "If Omaha's prosperity has any direct con nection with state politics. Its welfare would be better promoted by a policy which cultivates harmony between the city and the state, rather than the too frequent suggestion of antagonism." Mr. Brogan warned the women that powerful Interests were at work to thwart the suffrage movement. "Political, so cial and financial pressure Is belne brought to bear to bar the door of the otlng booth to women of Nebraska. The ; Cincinnati nanlfla. of.. 3 l KlllUar, rt.. 3 1 Twomhly, It. I I Hero. aa. - 4 0 uroh. 2b . . 1 0 Nlahoff, lb.. I (ionaalaa. r.. 9 0 Kalloix. lb.. 3 brhuaioer, p 3 I Totsla. (Mitodgraaa. ct 4 1 I 01)o la. 2b... I 0 Ollurna. If... 3 0 0 t IKIetrhar. as.. 4 1 3 3 Kob rta'n, rt t 0 3 0, Irani. 3b 3 0 0 1 IMerkla. lb. . I 3 13 4 OMevrra, ... I 0 4 j at 1' fouls, p. .. 0 0 Promina, p . a 1 J I'M 12 3'Baxher a Score: RUE New York....0 00023000580 Chicago 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 11 1 Red Soa Beat Napa. CLEVELAND. Sept. IS-Boston de feated Cleveland today, 4 to 3, In ten In nings, Scott KcorlnK the winning run with two out on h's triple and Speaker's Texas leaguer. Shore allowed only one Cleve land player to reach first base to the eighth, when Cleveland made six hits, but lost the gsme through poor coaching. CI.EVEl-AND. BOSTON. AB H.O.A E. AB H O A E I.lebold. ct.. 2 I 1 DHoeper. rf... a 3 1 n 0 3 03rolt. aa 3 1 1 OSpeaker, of.. 12 4 0 .rwla. If. ... 4 1 4 24obllU'l lb 4 1 It ounvrln. 2h.. 4 1 1 Oiiardner. 3b.. 4 0 0 Totsla ... 30 2" 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 v n II U '1 u o U V . ... J . I f M III M " - - politician wno causes ine cause 01 su.-j - ,RBn for Fromm, ,n nln,h 1 rage must expect a venoeiia wnicn iu it I 0- 2 1- 3 1 bapman. at I I Jobnaton. lb & 2 12 Jarkaon, Itiole. Oraney, Parbara, Rgan, c I O'Neill, c... 2 Ktaen. p 2 4'i,uniha. p.. 1 Wambagana A 2b.. If.. 3b.. OThnmaa. Ohora. p., Totala 0 37 11 SO 16 1 a pursue him whenever he enters public life and the banker, merchant and pro- 2 1 fesslonal man must expect an attack upon his deposits, his trade and his clientele. We have In Nebraska an or ganisation which takes no polities' va cation. In my observation of a quarter of a century, no chief magistrate of this city has over been elected over the veto of this powerful Interest. The time Is ripe to end this ronditlon before we stand disgraced by It. The traffic that has made Milwaukee famous should not be allowed to make the politics of Ne -Mill . V. 1 a .- . One out when winning run s-ored. First on errors: Cincinnati. 2. To- I base hits: Merkle. 2. Home run: Schnei der. Sacrliite hits: Twombly. Daniels. . Sacrifice fly: Myers. Lett on hases: I New Yolk. 12; Cincinnati, &. Double Plays: Doyle to Merkie. Merkle to , Fletcher, bases on balls: off 0 Toole, j 4; off Schneider. H- fe'ruck out: By Fromme, 3; bv Schneider. 4. Hit b Pitched ball: By Schneider, Fletcher. Hits- Off O'Toole. none in one inning, none out In second; o".F"mm'1J ' elirnt innings. Time: 115. I mplres. oTUl' II M 30 91 I Cleveland 0 i 0000030 03 Boston 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-4 Three-base hit: Scott. Sacrifice fl : Scott. Stolen base: Uibold Hits: Off j Steen, 9 in eight innings; off Coumbe, 2 in two innings. Bases on bails: Off Couinbe. 1, off Shore, 1. Hit by pltctwr: Bv Shore iBarbarel. Struck out: By Steen. 0. by Shore. 1 Wild pitch: Steen.' First-base on errors: Boston, 1. lf t on j bases: Cleveland. 7: Boston. 0. Time: I 2:15. ITmpires: Connolly and Chill. I I THE price of a cigar is no proof of its mildness. Mildness is the re sult of correctly blending the right kinds of tobacco. For 57 years the Robert Burns has been recognized everywhere as the finest flavored, mild cigar. Sold by all firit class clubs, hotels and tobac co shops. Rob Burns CiarlO Little Bobbie Conway Cigar Co., Sioux City, Iowa Harle-Haas Drug Co. for O-rahi in 1 Ccuisil uff Des Moines by Tuesday. 1 shell, however, refused so a double bill will bo played at Wichita Sunday and no game Monday. fcuilcn hjoaei: HaJio, Matthews, BuUbar. Detroit at once Kcotla Defeats North Lonp. SCOTIA, Neb , Rent 18. - Special -Bi-olia defeated North Ioup yesterday at the Popcorn celebration. to 6, in a eleven-Inning battle, making three straight fnnii them and making the ninth straight win for Scotia. Yesterday's game was one of the hardest fought ever Played and the umps had a hard time of It Score: RHE Scotia 1001o;ft.l-io 0 Nort.i Loup 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 S 10 2 BatterlNS: Scotia. Duryea and Shannon; North Ioup. Riley and Tbetsaing. Threo base hit: Rondeau. Two-base hits: Shan non, "elk. Umpire: yiiigUajr. Roland 3,1HM TIBrj Prise. The Ietrolt club has purchased from the Nashville club of the Southern league Pitcher Bennle Boland The price is said to have been o.AAl. lie will report to .lenaeu. Left on bases: Merchants, u. Brandels, a. Struck out: Hy Moylan. l.l, by Potash. . Bases on balls: Off Moy lan. 4; off Potash. 6. Wild pitch: Potasn. Passed balls: Tollman. Pstss S). ILt by pitched balls: V. Molan, Sherer, W achl ier Time: I60. Umpires. Clark and Orotte. JESSE GARRETT DRAWS n'Cnnnor and Byron. 1 - ninn lillHll V 1 tl . i 4 Hilled for the. Mfr. j fxmT oik;k u 5,pl. Spe'cial 1 "Nick" or "Barker Cadman ,;m'r' . Telegram. )-Th All Nations, with Don- of Rourke tame and now one of tne ieaa rjmhir ., the rbicHiro biaska Infamous. Whatever the women lng Hha of the , J show I I nion Giants here today. This is the of Nebraska may do when they get the : ''u 'J'0 ',h" "gterti scribes Nick j second time the Giants have defeated him. vote. I believe there Is enough manhood j uhll(l,ng the fences something . Score: , AIVI,.'K; ! to defy this power and crunh it if wrible during the summer and ha. also Giants 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 Si ' ,. 1 been catcidng a grand game. All Nations ... S 000 1 00 004 5 2 necessary. been taici.ing a a Batteries: Whltworth and Coleman; The speaker stated that universal suf- IJ HowBrd 8tl Home flnaaT'r. I Donaldson and Schamburg. rraga was oniy a uairiuiiiireiH cue, . . iiOWard. who manages io in.iin i , times and that In he olden dajs. when ; tna gan Krandsco club and wno at one king, were allpowerful. the unfitness of .,,. aided -t'bHlIn- by the masses to rule tnemsenes oy me , lot was argued "with even greater elo quence than the lata lamented manifesto of the anti-suffragists. There Is only one cure for the evils of democracy and that RELEASE FROM ROURKE' The first militant suffragists in Eng- ' land flourished in the days of King John Jesse Garrett. Rourke twlrler. waa given hla unconditional release yesterday. Garrett contracted a aora arm and will not b able to work effectively furthor this season. Ha came hers from tha Butte club In tha now defunct Union As sociation. The Hourke squad has now been cut to thirteen men. Including but four pitchers and eight regular players and Manager Johnny Gonding Ia Rourke did not leave with the team when It left for Wichita yesterday afternoon. and gained their suffrage at Runnymeda, according to the speaker. "Not by smashing pictures In the royal gallery, but by threatening the royal person, did they obtain a votea In the affairs of government." The lata General Charles F. Mandeison and General Est a brook were pioneers in the suffrage movement and advocated eijual suffrage at tha framing of the state constitution, forts -three ears ago, according to Mr. Brogan. tans io ran inp. i time aided Pa to win a pennant Is I'ad- (-ub player threaten trouble if Presl- ' ! , -w.. ..,,.. lenarue In hitting by a -n. . iA. Thnm.. rfiiMea to sanction 1 large majority. Del Is fat and forty, but the propow(i barnstorming trip to Cuba, still whanga the three-bag bacon getters nxt montn When members of the team; with ease and nonchalance. learned In Pittsburgh that the Cub head ; . , . had announced that he would not permit , Red "oa Ranks Depleted of vets. tnp ,hey aald ,hBt hey woua make , The passing of Steve Yerkes. together lne visit to Havana regardless. ; with Stahl. O'Rrien. Hall. Pape. Ball and - I Vunamaker. makes seven of the Red Fielder Jones seeks Sonthnnw. Six championship team of two years ago who have been released. aaaM. l.iX,ff'i ? lefl lilt WMJ- Fielder J. nes, manager of the St. Ix)uis j feds. Is said to be after Wllber Cooper, j the star southpaw of the Pirates. Jones' I pitching staff needs strengthening very i barilv and the new leader for the Skill- I .oe Angeles until he haa won thinks Cooper will be the man to aid i Jo Rivers In Bad. Joe Rivera will be given no more fight a c I m AriKHlea until he haa worn decisively from s-me flgnter of real clasa n(, ciub jn the climb for a higher berth Should he win rrom joe naww Orleana. next month, be will again be considered a drawing card. !aps Have Big gqaad. Tha Cleveland basa hall team will take about alxty playera In Its training trip to San Antonio next spring. About eighteen of the squad will be pitchers. aras Parehnso iyraense Twlrler. 1 Pitcher Louts North, star hurler for the Syracuse club in the New York SlaiV league, has been purchased hv the St. Ixiuis Cardinals. North has twirled great ball thla season, winning a majority of i his games and was sought by several major league clubs. 1 atTl' liH'J;! .W Jill'lwi'asssaJ'SsnsswssssaBn