Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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. . i i
The Fruit "Man
Copyright. I'M . Intern I Xrs S-r Ice.
By Nell Brinkley
V 1 "V TT" V II -rf S "Vv 11 A . ' . lf 7" fT'ftt- 1 - -"V VOt I J' ft-aif k V A'iwi. V -X -' I'll - V f Jl , V X "-V A . ' XI r "v . t m f T I I rlli k
"Slim girls and broad girls, girls lost In the glimmer of rich gems and girls with none at all, at all, pave (he rare
wealth of the velvet of their cheek and the shine of their eye, girls in kitten's ear and satin, and girls In flannel and calico,
girls with hair carefully coiffed in the deeply riipled, slapped-Up mode, and girls with their pretty hair twisted back in the
"busy style," here am I come to town and lovln' the look of you all; I, the big fruit man the big chubby fruit man with
grapes warmed in the sun of I,oveland, apples from Kden itself, plums that the lucky ones get when they put in their
thumbs, without a mite of the bitterness that tomes with some of Love's best fruit, cherries from the garden of Venus that
are warranted to make your lips red as their own skins, dates they stand for drra;jis and are only sweet and without tang,
peaches from the West with a smack and a zest- peeeeecher. !"
And wherever lie goes mid bis silvery voice coniesfloutlng over the towns and th hedges of the world, there's a riot of
girls, and the stubby brown ha:id that Is rough with toil, that reaches over his shoulder may grip In Its eager clutch as per
fect a piece of Love's fruit as the siitln-hackcd hand of the Idle girl that reaches beside it. In her calloused little palm she
may hold the perfect grape that Ik clear and sweet, sunshine and wine, solid and Rolden, Heart-Fortune that In the opposite
of Head Sea fruit.- -NELL, MMNKLKY.
Extravagance in Broken Hearts
fire and force that you wilt be hound to
advance; or minister to someone, who I
slcft and In trouble.
I once Knew a girl who had a really dis
astrous love affair. The man she lovrd
and had waited for through five Ions
5 cms, eloped with her joungrr sister on
Mysteries of Science and Nature....
Ilia ncnnlnit Utifna h.r nA'll WnHdilllZ fitiV. I
hr,(lf, ........ vau.-,, .vjl.h .,., ,,, ...
meaning. In the following statement.
It Is rxtravagant to 1-uy anything for
which you have no actual uc. It is ex
travagant to buy something merely be
fSHUsc it ia cheap; H In extravagant to
waste your money in any way whatever: ',
And what applies to money applies with
even ereutor force to your outh anil ca
pacity for action or feelings.
So the extravugunce of which I am
folng to toll you today Is the sad extrav
agance of wasting your affections on un
worthy or indifferent people.
Dozens of unhappy s'rls and boys write
to me dally that the one for whom they
,k. , ..ii ,hem i,n- to win tloiis. .he spent them In mothering the ! togniphy :
back the lost love.. In almost every case suffering and he:Plcs. And her wise ex- -The recent In.
these pathetically unhappy little letters' penditure of her feelings has brought her I crease In accuracy
are signed ' Heartbroken " 1 permanent happiness now at the end of Is at least tenfold,
Now. in the first place. 1 am no witch three year, even as it brought her peao or that of another
to brew a love charm. And If I were, no at the end of three months. Phe has Just place of decimals. A
lore philtre will be potent to bring back! mnnlod a splendid man whose real devo- hundredth of a sec
... . . .. .. . .1 I.. ..flimhla .if mCASlirin. , r.n.l ..F nvn nn ..niir
a fancv that has tired anu wanoereo on i'"" . . ,
. f. i. Don't waste your capacity
' Isn't the girl who wastes her emotions ! some account. If you cannot have the
on X.. and broods over him and keeps things you want, want with proportional.,
thinking how she longs for him after he, earnestness the things you can liHAe.
Professor I'ickoi injr of 1 lnrviird Discovers New Way
to I toriiiinc the I 'a ml hi x of Stars hy l'liotoj;rnliy
Memorable Victory for Arbitration
I wonder how many readers will see
Kvrrvone thought the deserted
a-..iil.l u-a nervniia nrfstration or go In
sane at the least. For a month she made by Vr t. 11-kerlng of the Harvard
wasted sorrow and regret on the itua- observatory, when
tlon she was powerless to alter. ;speaKing or the. lat-
Then she arranged to go to the chil-.est advance in the
dren s hospital and read to the little suf- determination of the
ferers for three hours every afternoon, j parallax of the stars
She was not extravagant with her cino- , by means of pho
time, six ui ntlis inter it will have passe 1 ; o "eesslely ninll as the huiuliedth of
round to the opposite side if Us orbit i H sei-ond.
If a star Is observed. Hon. at periods! Would you like to know how smsll n
,r mnih. tt,., ,iir.... m which I orc a see nd of are covers? It Is some-
It appears against the background of tin
THOMAS B. GKKCORl, but was Interacted to rhlps of war and
I to b'llldlng of maritime arsenals along
The "lllnck Sea Conference," which
was hehl by the representatives nf the
Ixiwers In lxmdon forty-three years ago,
.March W, 171, saved the world from
what would proh-
ably have been one
tMng far lielnu the range of the naked of the most appnllng
eve. If we suppose a rln's head to be 1-lii ; aia of modern
kky will have shifted because of this , (lf u, (n(.h , n(limrl,.r tlpn t,e p n's ' times,
change of lM'i.Onn.noti miles 111 the posll I in : ,r( wmili cover a second of arc If It j A glance at the
of the observer on the earth, and the' were placed at a dl'lanee of I, (ITS f"et. ' may of Kurope will
amount of shifting that the star's place .or, if oil take a bnll one fo it In din-j show any Intelligent
In the sky has undergone, as measured meter, It would c ver ono second of arc
on Hie circumference of a elide sup- j if placed nt 8 distance of thirty-nine
p .?ed to enclose the heavens, will repre- nillcs. j
In order to rover only one-hundredth
of a second, whlrh Prof. Pickering In- lilac K sea. That sea
forms us has now heroine In astronomy, muy be aald t i be
It wi ill. I have In be tl.fnu miles away. ; Russia's only outlM
has put all thought of her from his life.
foolish? And Isn't she cruel If, when V
Cares for her honestly and devotedly she
still deliberately wastes herself on her
false dream and denies herself and a
truer friend all chance cf happiness?
Love does not grow nt will, anil love
does not go by favor. Because It would
be wise to love one, and Is woefully fool-
Advice to Lovelorn
Turn tl to ,,e (leternilnetl with
greater accuracy
than a tenth of a
1 heiond twenty or thirty years ago.
This Is the statement of an exceedingly!
1 wonderful fart, but I suspect that there
Jare thousands of 'educated" persons who
; will have only a very misty notion as to
what It all means. Probably not one
U man In a hundred or tnose you meei
sent the arc that the diameter of the
earth's orbit tlMl.nno.HKi nillest would
cover as seen from that particular star.
This is called the star's parallax. In
practice it Is the radium and not the
diameter of thit earth's orhit that astrono
mers use for such operations, but that
m merely a detail which d'tes not affici
tin result.
Now, the parnllax of a star It never so
large as a stngle second of are. In the
majority of casen t Ik so small a fraction
of a second that It cannot he certainly
measured, even since the enormous Im
provement noted by Prof. Pickering,
which permits the measurement of arcs
person the supreme
Importance to Rus
sia of the body of
water knoWn as the
When Ibe astronomer has obtained the : to t'ie outside world.
paraliax of a star he finds out how farifhe fioren oceans of the north rut enm
n ay it Is hy first multlp'ylng the earth's j ,erce on that side of the great White
lilstHiife from the sun by Jfln.l'iCi. and then j empire comrbtely out of the quest'on,
dividing tin usult by (tie figures repre.
M-ntiiu; the parallax. Thu we see that a
star having a pnrallax of one one-hun-ilredih
of a second must be sunk shout
' hundred and eighteen millions
and, with the tllark sea closed against
her, Russia Is practically blockaded, shut
off, as It were, from the trade of the
Hence, from the earliest times, it has
I every day could tell you what a "second
Von Can't. j of Brc.. lH or hat it has to do with the
t. i . r.iA. 1 i. mi o vnlinff zrl ... . . i, ... .... ... r it,. A li c t
. . ' i-'ur iic-o fit... ... j - Miirn. i v n ir n i.oii t ...t. n . . .
i.h to love another does , m mean , , of QSe , have b hwptnB magnificent of all sciences and
any of Kve s daughters will do the one i m. . ,vi(n a vquhk man four years . , ,
" refrain from doing the other. Nor can ! my Liior for nine months. He call, me ; the basis of all ..r knowledge concerning
a man make his emotions fit a case where I up each evening and I am most always, the dimensions of this great universe, on
he would be sensible to cultivate ' , , hrPHk oUr frlend.s,ip and I ;
A second of arc Is a measure of spare;
habit of caring. i ufVaul he is succeeding, as he is very
Rut hero Is a slmiile and homely fact, i ,mf.r.i.t toward me. Tills bov seems to'
toothache Isn t It be telling him that 1 am going out it nas noming to no wnn ume. o in,
man that has a v.ry poor mP a degree, a rertaln part of the cir-
Supposr you have
w orse
sist on
to see Just how bad the pain Is? And
when you are occupied with something
if vou keep thinking of It and In-! a young man that nas a .r i.or mr a degree, a rertalt
,1 jou Keep mi s ...'reputation. Please let me know how 1 r.,mrrrPnre of . ctr(.i
pressing your tongue to the , l.,ce n mfrrenre of a circle.
You can't Tlie only thing you can do ;
Much Ado About Nothing
or minions ot nines in me guir or space. , ,,,,, nver th iB,.K tn,t Russia's
Hut It Is nowhere near the bottom-or the j rrrateat diplomatic battles have been
,0,. fought. Aa early aa 1T71 that aea began
, , i to figure In European politics, Russia
aiming to hold the preponderating In-
I'fluence. and the other nations, acting
upon the old principle of selfishness, try
ling to balk her purpose.
In 1SD6 the sea was opened to the com-
mrrre of the world by the treaty of Purls,
Tho somewhat more than ;.i,'(V targe
photographic uegative-nn glass plates, se
cured at great cost of energy, skill, pa
tience and momy, of the entire celestial
vault, the starry
In other words, It Is an arc, or section,
of the circumference of a circle. Most
that rlalms your attention, doesn't the sundily on as you have been ' pe"nle' '"'y. nave at least a dim lda vapor-free dark n'ghts, reveal in round
toothache faile from your conn ionsness . .. v()Urself with all clrcumspec- ", ' 1 'hnt " nrRree Is. They have heard t,umhrrB tmll, one hundred million tnl-
nlong with the chance to thing aiioui u. - himself 1 " n"mr"'' r oreaotn or ; nulp pnS r ,,,tH. Many millions of
it a
t all
. i l. , ....... ...... - n i mm iia. niK i ft 11 miw-ii i.y niraij.- ...
you keep your attention forussed on It., ' ' ' , rt YJ ' dredth of a degree, Slxtv seronds of arc '. powerful telerameraa. Knch dot Is the
the more that little black spot grows to ere neucr ou wero pari n '. , ninUe n,,nut of arc, ixty minute, of lr.age of a sun; and our sun, taken In the
missed. Two billions of sun would not
j I e illsturl ed In their motions In space
I l'ce H .
! Compared to the fjiiantlty of matter
actually known to be In existence ouri
' eartli Is Infinitesimal The meaning of;
Its shores. It was quite natural that Rus
sia should dislike such arrangement, and
In INTO the treaty of ISM was repudiated
by an Imperial circular.
As a matter of course this aot angered
the poweis, and In a twinkling all Euror
was up In arms. The prospect was a
gloomy one for the lovers of pence. It
looked as though the horrors of the
Franco-lYusslan war were to become co
extensive with tho continent.
Ami then it was that the beauty and
majesty of reason versus passion Interest
and brute force was allowed to manifest
Itself to the eyes of all men. As soon as
the first wave of astonishment caused
by the Russian circular had subsided, the
d 1 1 lomatlsta of the nations buckled down
to business, and aa the result of a free,
frank, straightforward exchange of notes,
tt was agreed to get together and settle
the difficulty by a conference that should
"assemble witoout uny foregone conclu
sions," to dcrtda upon the "simple merits
of the cane "
The result of the conference was sn ar
rangement by which the threatened war
was averted. Rut there waa a still larger
result arrurlng to humanity from tha
Rlack sea conference, for from the day
on which that conference reached Its
blessed agreement, the enthusiasm for
arbitration was to steadily grow, until
It should hecomt) absolutely supreme In
the councils of the nations, doing away
with war, and setting all International
differences by reason, rather than by
blood and death
sky of clear d .st-and- ; ll' w""' ' "'"lost exactly, but not n-tlt". L
Little Bobbie's Pa
Now. suppose you have in your heart , , m, nPPHaon. ! 'he sun or the moon, as we see them , these specks are so very small II. at
a black spot an ache o'. unfulfilled lov- , ' ' ,.f.,. ,h ky' M"0" na,f degree. Now j microscope is required to them
lug. The more you examine It the more j i h . trust vou a ecr,"t "f aro ' nno tblrtv-slx-hun- , Bttr having 1 ecu taken by means
overshadow your heart, and the more the
fore ho has a chance to make you more ;
pain of It hurts your sensitive conscious- miserable.
arr make a degr.e. and .wi degrees make1 most powerful telescope from eipial (lis
a rlrrle. so that a second of arc Is only incea of the suns whose Imnrt-ss'ons now
! the one-milllon-two-hundred-and-nlnety.
The reason men generally get over un- A "FureTtt-ll Kiss." ! six-thousandth part of the circumference
pappv love affairs with more ease than. Dear Miss Tuirfax; I am a young girl f rrrieanv rlrrle.
1 )h ,,. of I. and am acquainted with a young ,,,,
women is because men are lor xne ,n"Bl . man f(lr years my senior, whom I love Whenever we want to measure the dis
part too busy to brood. and respect highly and I feel sure ho ' tance of anv visible object that Is be-
Brooding is par, of the extravagant , leuirns ,,. He ha. gone with no o, her . yon(, ollr ,,, hBV(f ,
waste or lite. 'ago. However, he is going to return to : suh-oiv Islons of the circle. We liegln by i larger than our own sun. We know that
If there Is one path in life that yo i i mK rormer holne ()n the roast for proh. supposing the objert. or objects, to be j ,ir sun has eight worlds, as the eartli.
Ibut. vfVoTit and wildly shake he U n.ig 003' ,0 ,,v him a farew-l ",'Uot"1 "Tcumferenre of a circle
shuts you from it and wildly shake ! kiss,'' for I ferl sure he will ask. Please ! the renter of which Is orrupled by the
t srs. That Is a terrible bit of extrava-, . ., ,.on,jj,r th8 a "fooliah ijiieslion,'' 1 observer's eve
tance with your time and energy. If you fnr , nev-r inteiul to kiss hut the tight j ,f o)lJprt about j,- tlnipg own
a pear on these negatives, ami thence on
positives, would be so much smaller Ihan
the point of a fine needle that a high
power micro ope only could brln? It to
Many suns are many thousands of times
are forbidden one path, hunt yourstlf an
other. Perhaps at first you won t car
for the scenery, and It may seem rough
going. But after a while you will come
to feel a little proprietary Interest In the
path you have elected, and you will get
absorbed In studying where you are going
to arrive.
Most of the "heartbroken" people who
are grieving over the defection of recre
ant lovers will get over their sorrow In
the course of time. Wounds hsve a wav
of healing. Nature Insists on thlj. But
Your former letter must have misoar
I diameter away It rovers an arr of one
Jupiter. Saturn, etc., revolving around It.
If all suns have as many there Would
be X'X),'o,yO. Hit many suns are mas
sive enough to support as manv as a
hundred planets. It would not be un
leasonable to say that the suns known
f,,r it did not reach me. L'nless the . wcor.d. If It Is about 9.4.W times Its own
; man ham asked you to become his diameter away It covers an ar.- of one could sustain, by means of chemlsm, heat
jnd you have consented It would
If It Is about .r 3 Its own and light, at least S,Wi.(),(0 worlds, or
be w rong to give him a "farewell kiss." j """"-"'r away u rovers an arr or one an average of nrty for each.
If he values your kisses lie will want to degree. New, as we have seen, the sun I A greater eye than any teleramrra
have the exclusive right to them. andjnl tlle moon each rovers about hHlf a I mathematics-has sensed the existence of
you surelv do not want to give one to 1 "egree or arr ,.n tne svy. and the r d!s
the wrong man.
taoce might be calculated directly from
.their apparent sl.e. If we began with a
Be ,;..ded Your Parent.. j " "J'.-1 . ..
Ier Mis. Fairfax; I am IT years old, "" '"' " " "moameniany
a wound with which one Interferes ss'and in love with a young man of 1 , different. They are so far away that
nature tries to rover It over leave, a far years whom 1 nave Known ior iu """ powrriui teieseope is unable to
real unatr siuiiiiiih 110 , v.n.nv mun whom 1 nuve oniv niiuwn i"i 1
In a year or ao a sweetheart who has two month, and do not like. Please ad
nne will also be one who has been for-i vl ie tile what to lo BROWN KYKS.
gotten. In the meantime. Isn't It foolishly j You can always trust your parenta to upon the slight shift of place In the sky
and wantonly extravagant to send after j provide for your happiness; Ihfy have a e hich tlie Mrs undergo consequence
him thoughts and regrets and emotion. .' decr liiteixst in you than a stranger 1 of the earth', mofon sround the sun.
fe vour enerav In doing real things if 1 ever can have, and so you will be safe In J re eartn s orbit is lV.,w,0 mil, across.
aro sad. Do your work with such following their wlsht Wherever the earth may be at any
n..ll.l...' 'CI,.... U, On .1.,. -
ent murder of millions of humans In war!
amounts to an Inf liiltcxlmal of the second
order, much more nearly absolute noth- Pa took me trout fishing yesterday. He
ti gness than the earth iUt lf I .ct there sed wen we started out thut ll wn Jest
he trillions of p. niets whirling aroun I the rite klrd of a day for troiit No
billions of sun' then not one can he o iii(,lhPr flBn wm tilte this kind of a day,
in any te. scoe that human skill can I Pa p ,f , , , , yo
p en luit e to mHk', nave tho cvrn jlun-ti
near our tun that are visible from the J" 111 " at unrtl ,hat ' ' a lr0"t'
earth. Then, if there are lntelll-ences i I asked Pa how he knew no other fisa
on worlds In som e. 1101-e tins ever hoard! wild bile that day he scd my deer
of thr earth 11' Its Inhabitants Imbed, son
only 'astronomers, ir there aro any In ! expf 1 renr e. Kxpeereive Is a dear teacher,
si a. e, have ever seen our sun. only then but all of us base to sy her sooner or
If tin y have high-power tele, smeras and;latr. That I. h iw 1 know this Is a trout
iiiirrnKcopcs. 1 day.
Criatures of infinitesimal dimensions' Wen we got to the nvrr 1 f'xeti my
on an Infinitesimal world slay each other ; r, & 'nr heefoar Pa got his reddy
hy thousands. The ancient beast has 1 ltl( (T!ti time I threw In I ciught a little
gained ascendency; only these now mur- (huh
derlr.g creatures ar- lower than any beast I , n)1Jft , , n,lh ty ,n,.,a4
known .0 naturalist,. Not those fighllnK ,,, ,
against tlielr wills but those who forced;
to then. fiKhl These ,e they whom the' That was u mere c-i,lent. ...d Ps
1 rene.,.! ee, r.iin ,.f .it m.nki i.,. i.i then he threw In & St a bite. Now
be applied. In the universe ur ,un, w atch me land tt nice trout for you. Hob
1,310,0m! time. l.rg. r than the rartli. !.'. he ed. He a uulrk pull A out
as a molecule or atom in a bar of iron. ",lu snother Mile chub,
and tlie earth sn election. And still they! That I alngulsr, sed Pa. I newer knew
murd. r. a chub to bile on a trout day It la moat
!ln':u-lar. Then I caught a chub t .o, only
lit was a llttel bigger. Then I'a taught
1 think we mu.t have run on to a .kool
sufficient matter In spa- e to form as a
minimum number 30.eo),noo.) suns. Then
what doe. the sum total of only m.ft."r'
amount to In this majestic presence?
I Imagine that this matter Is actually) Kb t her. mother, three children and a
In .on. ... ih.i .!i. .. iluhy were at the seaside It was a floe
rannot le seen nor photographed, then
Kathrr. moth'
in tlie Munils.
there could easily be from eight to fifty
world. In the revolution around each one
like gbamlng point.. Pn we have t adopt a. a probable estimate If there are that
the method of parallax." which Is based I many planets or more, nay trillions, and
If each has 2.od, (mi.ioi Inhabitant., like
the earth nearlv, and all of them humans,
then all of these countless world, and
their Inhabitants could be together dt-
looi nihg and father whs paddling Mother,
li! U'uul, had the i iiilurcn to look 'ifte'-.
They sprawl d about her on the sand.
In a bor d sort of way. until an organ
grinder csme along, and on the organ
wus a iiionki y. The children cheered up.
When the grinder bad ground out his
stock of tunes he left his Instrument and
came mound with the monkey for pennl
The kis immediately l.e-'sn to th iw sgn
of a lomilng to make friendr wtlh the
little aiilinal. Hut mother du approve
"V.. fli.n't touch It to v iturl'nKrf (.ii
alroyed In one common ruin and not be I ani play Wnh daddy in-tead!"
ty WII.I.IA.M F. KIHK. rite ware 1 started to fish. 1 cud see Pa
down the river a llttel ways, pulling out
moar of them llttel chubs. Then I caught
another nice trout so I threw away the
llttel chub. A kep only the trout. After
I had fished for a hour I had ten nlrej
trout shout a pound each & after a while
Pa calm along. He eh i wed me his basket,
he had caught fifteen llttel chubs A a
big black bass.
It I. aggenst the law to keep that baas.
1 lerne anything m this wurld-by , I toald Pn
I know it, ed Pa. hut for onst I am
going to be a law breaker. This Is such
a fine h'g f'.sh that I wnt to talk It hoam
ft show it to youre mother. She won't
know that It Is a bass A she will think
I am s grate fisher. By the way. Bobble,
sed Ps. I made a slite mistaik wen I
toald you this was u trout day. I got
mixed up In my dlreckshuns & thought
It was a east wind blowing. I find that
It is a south wind Wen the wind Is In
the south it Is a chub day & a bssa day.
but newer a day for trout.
Are you sure of thut? I ssked Pa.
Certlnrly, sed Pa, no man ewer caught
a trout wen the wind was from the south.
It Is what you mite call a fishlcal Im.
I doant know about that, I said. Look
at whut I have here In my basket
Then I those Pa my ten nice trout A
Pa l.- oked vary cheep but he dldent aay
anv thing. He looked cheeper than wen
a man stopped him wen wa got near
hoam A looked in his basket. Aha, A
basal aed the man. That wilt coat you
In court, or you can slip ma fifteen
now & I will settel It for you. X am A
galm warden.
poor Pa. I guess then he thought tha
wind mi from the north.
of chubs by accident, sed Pa. Iet ue
move down the river a bit. So Pa went
on down the river a wuys & I atayed
ware I wa. Then I got a hard bite. A
wen I pulled thare wus a big fish on my
line. I had a strong line ao I Jrnt pulled
him out iiuirk A It w a. a nh e trout that
was a round hevvy. I put It In my basket
A dlrfent ay anything to Pa. Then 1
caught another. I waa glad that I atayed