Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    THi: KKK: OMAHA, Fill DAY, SKITKMBKR is. 1914.
Twilight Sleep" and Motherhood
New Treatment Now Belna: Used in Leading
Hospitals Ofrers Hoje for American Women
Life Is What
We Make It
in . aTf
Attractive Frocks Made in the Latest Styles
ri 1 Tig. 2 Fig. 3 Tig. 4
Letters povr In upon 'me, letters In
feminine but determined hands, laying:
"I wrt to take the twlltirht sleep. You
re right In ssytng that women should
demsnd freedom
from tholr Buffer. waaaawaaawwsasr
ings. rieae tell us
how to make thn
It la easy enough
If you live within
tho boundaries of
' Greater New. York.
Four hospltnls are
giving the twi
light sleep. They
are the Jewish Ma
ternity, where the
namter of cases so
treated Is bp
proachlng 150; the
Post Oraduate and
Lying In hospitals
In Manhattan and the Ixng Island Col-leg-
Hospital In Rrooklyn. Their doors
being open to prospective mothers, you
would better make an early application
to one of then-. A private sanitarium
has recently been Incorporated and has
been opened on the West Side. And there
is always your family physician, who
should bo a rock of refuge at this time.
Perhaps your demand will fall upon
deaf ears 'as In the case of a matron
who Importunities to her physician
were met with "I haven't time to learn
this method." This not being a sufficient
argument a the woman who had a right
to ask that science spare her a descent
Into what: is often for mothers "the val
ley of the shadow of death," he replied
If your physician tells you that It
would not "pay" him to sit for many
hours at gomo woman's bedside as is
necessary In the twilight sleep you may
wrilo ilm down as unprofessional. It la
time to change your physician.
It Is true that we have no right to ask
a physician t forego many patients and
large fees, although physicians there are,
an-1 many of them, who agree that while
pain and poverty stalk the earth no medi
cal man should ever grow rich. But we
have a right to expect that the man we
pay for curing- our Ills and for counseling
us how to be healthy shall display the
scientific spirit, and shall at aome -temporary
sacrifice of time or money, inform
himself -of the discoveries that tend to
the alleviation of human suffering. And
that hat Information ahall be accural
nougtf-for'wcrkma; and saving purposes.
Dr. Rongy, of the Jewish Maternity
hospital, has told me that hurried, wor
ried physicians run into his hospital,
watch one or two cases of painless
motherhood, and rush out again to at
tempt the measure not always, as you
may be sure, with success. "The study
of ten cases ahould fit a man to use the
twilight sleep .method," said Dr. Rongy.
"but not Jeaa.'V t . ;i
A young main at his elbow apoke. The
you.mj manias the Dr. Slelcher who.for
two years studied at Freeburgh hospital
under the direction of Drs. Kronlg and
"The reason' your American physicians
failed In their first experience was that
they did not take enough time to master
the technique,' he said. "They hava been
In too much of . hurry. They have not
shown the patience." , :
There was a call from an upper ward
for Dr. Slelcher. and the broad-shouldered.
red-cheeked young man. with th kindly
eyes and sensitive mouth hurried away.
Dr. Rongy said. "He came to America
for a visit last winter and went to one
of our largest hospitals to talk to the
staff of the twilight sleep. He was told
the hospital wasn't Interested. He came
to me. I talked with him for four hours.
The method seemed reasonable, the man
ane. I resolved to try it. We "have had
one hundred and fifty cases and not one
failure. We have lost no bable and no
mothers. If you had called here under
the old regime your ear would have been
assailed by. cries of pain. We could
scarcely Jiave talked, for them,"
It la true that In the doctor's office Was
the silence of a summer emptied church.
Yet I had seen, burdened women waiting
in the ante-rjom, and in the wards above
our head .and within earshot, the old
pain-fraught - drama of maternity was
being enacted In utter quiet.
So whether you live in New York or
not It Is within your lights to ask your
physician to acquaint himself at first
hand with what seems to be the greatest
blessing modern times have vouchsafed
to woman. And,- If he declines, there are
physicians who are willing and anxious
to so acquaint themselves.
They need not brave the strife in Eu
rope. It la not neoessnry to Journey to
remote Freiberg. In New York and Ann
Arbor the twilight aleep methods may be,
Dr. Rongy. who will read at the Ameri
can Association of Gynecologists and
Obstetricians that opens at Buffalo. Bp.
tember 14, a paper on his successful tests
of the twilight aleep, doe not stand with
Ms brothers In theHef that the twtilght
sleep must be taken at a hospital. "It
Is eae:ly within the means of the woman
whose husband'a income la 16,000 a year,
even 13.000, to take the damerschlaf at
home," he said. . -
"The method Will develop a new line of
specialists, men who will administer the
Valuable Discovery in
Complexion Beautifier
Because of It peculiar power of absorp
tion, also because it serves every emol
lient purpose, ordiaary mercollxed wax is
peril a us the most valuable complexion
beautifier discovered within recent years
Hf one uses this she needs no toilet cream
Some use powder afterward, but this Is
not necessary. The rule for applying
mercolited wax has been found verv sat
isfactory: Wash the face with warm
water, drying lightly. Before thoroughly
dry,- anoint face and neck with the wax.
but don t rub it in. The favorite way is
to use before retiring, allowing It to re.
main on all '.rht and washing It off In
.he-morning with warm water. All drug
riots have the wax ia original one-ounce
. or me removal of a wrinkled or flabby
condition there's nothing better than to
bathe the face in a solution made by dis
solving 1 ounce powdered saxolite In H
pint witch haxel. Beneficial results are
quickly noticeable. Advertisement. '
scopalamin and narkophln, aa specialists
administer gas and ether; men who will
do nothing else.
"For a fee of perhaps 7i or a IlirVthte
man will dosage as needed. There will be
required besides him only the usual physi
cian and nume. The woman who wishes
to remain at home fo." the experience,
need not be rich to secure it.
"What the adoption of the twilight
sleep will do among hojpltals Is to bring
about a better hospital organisation. In
Australia, for Instance, every woman
lives within six miles of a hospital.
That Is not practicable In this large
country, but It is an ideal to be ap
proached. 1 hope it may lead to the es
tablishment of government hospitals.
And It will do away with the chief menace
to motherhood, the Ignorant and Incom
petent midwife. ,
"1 am willing to go so far as to say
that all mldwlves In this country are
Ignorant or Incompetent. You cannot
doubt It when I tell you that a woman
who ha assisted at six cases can get a
license. Fifty per cent of all tho births
in the city of Now York are attended by
mldwlves. And to tht Is chiefly at
tributable the fact that 8,000 bab'ee die
needlessly In New York every year.
"In Vienna and Berlin a mldwire must
take a hospital course of two and one.
half years before she Is allowed to take
charge of a rase.
"Ten per cent of alt births present
abnormalities The midwife cannot cope
with these. By the time she secures re.
liable medical aid It Is toe late.
Dr. Slelcher. returning from his visit
to a patient, said his patient was sinking
into a eatisfaotory sleep. He had given
her the first dose, one two-hundredth of
a grain of acopolamln and one-sixth of a
grain of narkophln.
Scopolamln. as I have before told you
on this page, ia an extract of snakeroot,
Narkophln is a derivative of morphine.
Shortly and according to her state.
whether it be lone of reatlessncse or relex-j
atlon, there may be four or six, or ten
successive doses of lesser amount, this
time one four-hundredth of a grain of
scopolamln, "unto, the patient tias sunk
Into suoh state of leaser consciousness that
if you hold two fingers before her she
will say she sees but one, or three or
more, yet be able to and will exert all
necessary muscular power. ,
"The American woman need not fear
that the twilight sleep is not for her,"
said Dr. Blelcher.. "The more highly or
ganised and Intelligent the woman the
better subject she Is for the treatment.
She takes It readily and her constitution
makes quick response to it. Her suscep
tibility to pain Is so great that unless she
la spared it ahe may become a chronic
Invalid. But ahe require different dosage
than the women 'of Bavaria. Their cases
must be studied, nationally, and Individ
ually." ' " ; ' '
"For thatr'waJKm. eW Orst ten-.caaes
were failures." said Dr. Rongy. "We had ,
not mastered pur technique, By which 1
mean that- we did not know what doses
were required.
"When. I say failures I do not mean
that either rmdtbef or child m the worse
for-the treatment, but that not having
our technique we were not able to pre
vent restlessness. After these ten eases
all patients bave responded to the treat,
ment. Thera has been no mortality. The
patients have retained their muscular
power.- but they have sunk Into a state
of forgetfulnes of what occurred a mo
ment before.. If they have suffered pain
they forget the next moment and when
they return to consciousness they have
no memory of It... The twilight sleep Is
a misnomer. It is a subconscious state."
Most women will prefer the poM
man title. Its sound is soothing, and the
woman who has set her feet upon that
path which has heretofore been the way
of agony, needs soothing.
The name suggests a peaceful dream.
8uch a dream aa that young woman had
who when her mother called at the Jew
ish Maternity hospital to see her said:
"What day la It, mother?" "It Is Friday,
my child," replied the mother, who had Just
been exalted to the rank of a grand
mother. But It can't be. I came to the
hospital yesterday, and that was Wednes
day."" For twenty hours that young wo
man had wrestled in what might other
wise have been mortal agony. .
When the doctor verified her mother's
statement the young mother lifted happy
eyes from the round, pink head that
nestled on her shoulder.
"I have lost from life a day,' ahe aald.
To which mother and doctor answered
together: "Such days were better lost."
That la what science seems to have done
for womankind. It haa lost the day of
physical torture that were better lost.
Yes, there Is scarcely a doubt that the
Edrnlc curse has been lifted. Many doc
tors are going to the hospital to learn of
the semi-slumber that ia a boon to wo
manhood. Other doctors are preparing to
go, and others should be Induced, by soft
words or sharp, of their patients, to learn
thoroughly the process of the twilight
A few of them may top their arguments
with the ancient one: "But It la the natural-process,
and one ahould not inter
fere with a natural process."
To .them make the answer that Dr.
Rongy made to me; "That waa true
while we lived In a' savage state, but not
since women have lived In steam-heated
houses and worn corsets aad eaten rich
foods and neglected exercise. ' In this age
many cases of motherhood have a distinct
Which Is a doctor's way of saying that
In 1914 and 1911 maternity preeenu some
of the aspects of a disease and should be
so treated.
Net m teetretary.
Earn had worked on the farm for nine
years, and until hla master took to poul
try farming he was quite satisfied with
life.' But this poultry business was a bit
too much. He had to take the eggs as
they were laid and write the date on
them with an indelible pencil. And. worse
than that, he had also to write on the
gg the breed of the hen that laid them.
bo one day he marched up to the farmer.
"I'm about fed UD." imM ha. "anil 1m
going to leave."
l he farmer waa astounded.
"Surely. 8am. you re not arolna- La Uua
me after all these years!"
"Yes, I am," retorted Sam. "I've done
every kind of rotten lob on this here
larm, our, i a sooner starve tnan go on
being secretary to your old hena!"Lon-
don Tit-Bits
eH5f m Ag
M lit ltw' Mu Wi;u M ftrUf
The aoma of aumptuoua- -Xc:NWi I ? VMlfi'TW I I
neaa-ermlne. metallic yj i'lt'-'f Rufflea-tlera of them t f ?' 1 Almost usurping the
laee and satin is achlev- NXr-at Ri . I -break forth at most un- V if I V -ON. 7 function of the skirt this
ed Jjrt this frock worn at f. 'f.ifM expected spota on this QJfjft KV s i tunHs of brocaded velvet
Deauvltle. A strip of the V .JU;.i ' ' :. own of parchment gray I 1 Jfy I 1 hanga to within peeping
ermine holds, but scarce- "f'JZ&it'1'" 6K "tln! P,ppl" out 11 !tl iJt ' t 4& distance of the bottom of
ly restrains, the tunlo of J,'$vR4';v-'''' wrd in the back and fall rPIj? I L-'?k the foundation eklrt. In-
lacrv another strip -out- 7UV"7 1 fttmy folds around the jf " ' '"ft M aUad of the aaUn aaah
lines the chiffon bodice . ' T,h ' tJMVi f Mi fit V 1 "; A touch of fur JfjVVXV JOl i one Of Mr encirclnt the
and narrower oands. . V V -.. ' i?1?,. -ift W 1 ppe,r' neck nd eU f.A 'X neck, . crosses and is
' ' . v-ir.-M is isy i J '
:. ) twrnw e yfs, bi-wi i 1
. : . . j (yMAjpV5 l! il n&i Nail ' '
been iermltted. In this JT ' Mfjl M i i l Vi and upward and all plait- Pill'i'P I '$ 'I Np one can Insist that
plaited net .frock.. The -" I'ltlHiifi V er, make of thla dancing IlifMtf fij ) i'i the influence of the east
nonchalance of the bod- . &Jl If It i iUil frock mld-eummer fwt j- f ' h Ped away when
Ice is enhanced by the . yAjl I ffjj'jty nlght'g dream. Of the Ev V H J ij H-vQ one of the most admired
carf of fur. which is at- rtsrVt Palest of pink tlnta-the . jj ' Ij garmenta at Deauvllle
I i nW'&rTfiaT fll'fi 1 I Iu,n ot youm-me er- I 1, i; 1 I liiil i'l t Vs I I WM ln" "rm'u" wrap, ii
anowea to tan on tne l - fl 1 I K Jfil.lJVA I at the first glance I fi l 1 1 Y')f I built on the lines of an I
j ahouldera In the - back. li X 5sfijt& a bit startling. 'ixUJlr I Oriental potenUte'g robe
u -,1 I. i ,1 1
The Art of Dressing
no. in.
One of the pretjjsst girla know made
the blunder of coming down to her place
of employment recently dressed In a ruf
fled white silk that would have been suit
able for a garden party. At a garden
party ahe would have been a deUght to
the eye. In a buslnese office she waa an
offense. " .
Lucie write me the following: "I have
nowhere to go after I leave work. I have
very few friends, as I am a stranger
alone In New York. There are eome nice
girls and young men in my office. Bo.
Instead pf getting party clothes for which
I have no uaa, I get pretty thlnga to
wear to work. And the other day one of
the girls told me that aha took a dUUke
to me because I had worn such fancy
dreasea to work.
"I like Jewelry and I have all that
belonged to my mother. I have been
wearing a necklace and two pins, some
Jeweled hairpins, rings, a bracelet and a
watch to work. And I like low-rlecked
muslin dresses better than suits and
shirtwaist. Am I doing anything wrong
to dress to please myself T"
My dear girl, you are making a grave
blunder. Wear simple linen or pongee or
taffeta dresses to work If you can afford
to dresa as you choose. But pave them
made on simple tailored or shirtwaist
lines. - And don't wear an entire collec
tion of Jewelry. It makes what la prob.
ably genuine and good look cheap and
ordinary. You will not make friend by
overdressing. In fact, you will repel the
beat of the girls and young men In your
office by the very means you era using
to attract.
Fluffy muslin and organdie and laeee
are not suitable for business. At the end
of a day's work they look crushed and
soiled and rumpled. But trim tailored
effect stand the strain of a day In a
duaty office and the heat and bumidlty
of a city's streets do not take all the
freshness from them.
The business woman ahould look neat
r Fig. 5 Fig. 6 " ' '
and business-like. This effect ahe cannot
produce with Jewels and chiffon.
Tawdry finery ha a wilted look, that
la never charming.
Wear simple, workmanlike colthes to
work. Don't try to be conspicuous, for
the attention you attract will probably
be unfavorable,
A simple hat on sailor lines and a
simple blouse of the same sort almost
always become a young woman. Clothes
of this type will give you a look of neat
ness and trlmness that will attract men
and women alike.
The woman who la modestly dressed
need never feel unpleasantly noticeable.
She haa a look of simple modesty that
attract everyone.
At a recent dance where there were
many Paris gown and Fifth avenue cre
ations no one looked more charming than
a young girl who wore a little white
crepe de chin dre with no ornament
beyond whit organdie vest and collar
and cuffs. It had cost 112 and was serving
a her "beet" summer dress and her es
cort seemed very proud of her girlish
daintiness. At the end of the evening,
when chiffon and laces were mussed
and wrinkled the wearer of the simple
white frock looked as cool and dainty
as when she had coma
The girl who la overdreaeed, however,
ha a self-conscious, arrogant appearance
that doea not attract kindly admiration.
If she gets pralae It la the grudging sort
that wonder how she can afford to dress
o elaborately en her salary.
Don't go to work or on a day'a excur
sion to river or shore In a filmy dress
that will eome borne looking sadly drag
gled and limp. Wear simple tailored
clothe that can stand a day of dust
and heat and dampness. Don't go to
danoea In starchy linen that will muss
and crumple during the evening and
make you look warm and uncomfortable.
"Pop, what do we mean by saying dis
cretion Is the better part or valor?'
"Generally speaking, my aon. we mean
that discretion can run faster." Judge.
Advice to Lovelorn
r BATmzos Aimr ax :
Take tat O staler.
Dear Miss Fairfax: When going out In
company with a girl, which Is the proper
aide to walk onf GLEN WOOD.
HI customary for the eecort to walk
on the outside of the walk, giving the pro
tection needed by keeping the young
woman on the Inside. The more rigorou
convention I to alwaya walk on the. right
Me of the young woman you are escort
ing. This come down from the day
when gentlemrn wore awords as part of
their customary dreaa, and it waa deemed
necessary to have the right arm free to
afford the needed protection In event of
an untoward encounter. In thoae days a
gentleman, when Indoor, always prof
fered hi right arm to the lady he waa
escorting a proof of security under the
roof of his host. In modern times this
practice la etill universal.
Learnlaar a Trade.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am the mother of
five children four boya and one girl who
Is the -oldest. IT, and of a very dissatis
fied nature. I do ail In my power to
please her. In drees end pleasure. We
are In very comfortable circumstances
he Is not obliged to go out to work as
many other girls: her father and 1 only
wish her to learn a trade as no one ever
knows what time she may need It and we
think it la alwaya better to know some
thing. Kit cannot or at least will not un
derstand why she should learn a trade,
rihe doe not like houacwork and refuses
to do any; ahe Is always threatening to
leave home and very disrespectful to me.
I wss so weary of alwaya hearing her
threats that on dsy when she said It to
me. I told her to go. MOTHER.
Every woman ought to have aome defi
nite meana by which she ran earn her
living, If she Is ever compelled to. Your
daughter might marry and marry well,
and then some day find herself forced to
earn her own living. I would talk It over
with her again vary patiently. Assure
her that she will be far happier If she has
some definite occupation each day, for
then her hour of relaxation will seem far
pleasanter. She might study bookkeeping
or stenography or trained nursing f the
prefers en, of these occupations to a
I would suggest millinery a a tiade
that take artistic ability, and I o In.
terestlng that some of th clevereat. wo
men I know are proud to make their own
hat. Tell th girl that you are aorry that
you were Irritable the other day, and that
you never would be satisfied If she were
to leave home, but that for her own safe
guarding a well as ber mother' peace of
mind Jou feel that she should have soma
developed talent on which he can tely If
she ever need to be self-supporting.
PR tbirty-two) yean diacriaiaating women have placed
then confidence ia my toilet preperauoas. No "just as
good" subelitute oSered bar behind them th long rx
ptrieaca, the exact knowledge of what each ingredient wul
do, and the expert aViU in coaanenjadiog, that entet into th
making oi Mw l'UW 7M 4Prtfirtt.
lYiy CMfuinU fee t'oviUr .
is afcaotirlM pure and whole.
soata ' It blend perfectly with
the aatutal lone of the com
pletion and soften tb akia
while beautifying a.
Many women have told ate
thst they aevei hay found a'
powder that car be applied to
smoothly sod evenly. Properly
applied, its at is not noticed,
yet it prodace a thoroughly
desirable el act
Watcrt or We Beautiful Red
Diafau in All Leading
Mna, ImVJ i Eae-MM Tmc Pamim, W
Mm K kU Nu. rood aaaJX-nalk rPa. 50
:" r .r v.
mad y Mmc. ise-bell, thb woilo' mot famou beauty Exstrirr
pff r I iabawMMniM "DaiMai laW-lismaiM
Pffle hltflrlrlArl krvx.d htlMiriToUti frrpmrmhemt. Ifcajui
Copyrfclit, 19H. by Star Company. -
Two women, straneers to each other,
rame to a country report and rented. ad
joining cottages. Both were new cot
tages. Both were new comera, unac
iiunlnted alth the l!
rcMtont s.
Their houses were
of RlmUnr style and
iurnislilncs, both
rented of the same
scent nml both
women atarted with
equal rprortunltlea
for rnjoymrnt, so
fat aa ' external'
tonditlens are con
cerned. But this Is
hat happened, he
fore the season had
half expired:
Ono hcure became
the center of life,
wholesome pleas-
ure. and pleasant entertainment, Pas
by found It a magnet and loved to pause
at the door or elt for a moment on the
veranda, chatting . wlt the, agreeable
boatess. Children, women and men were
alike entliiialaattc.ln this, appreciation ef
this new comer, whose smile made ua
light on the darkeet day and whose role
had ever ring of hope and a note of
praise and a chord of pleasure and never
a dissonance. ,
This Woman was gifted with th rare
quality of appreciation of everything;
good in nature or human nature, flh.
stronrtlv adcented whatever to' her In tfna
world teemed admirable and he-pastMl
lightly over whatever waa disappointing
or disagreeable; ' C
Hhe remembered every pleasant thing1
ahe heard about anyone and ahe qulcKIJ
forgot whatever was unpleasant. She re
fused to discus or be dominated t
weeka of wet weather, and In consequence
she rmanated sunshine and turned thh
pennltntstlo caller Into an optimist. Fve')'
door was open to her, and her compan
ionship was equally Bought by old and
Meantime, what war happening next
door? This woman began by criticism
of the weather, fault finding with th
house In which she dwelt sarcasm con
cerning her neighbors. She disapproved
of everything and of everybody. She de
dared the whole town out of drewlng
with whet her mental conception pictured
1 It ahould be. She objected to the habits,
dreaa, the customs and the occupant of
everybody In the place. ,
Then, because, as a very natural' con
sequence, she was left quite alone, ,ah,o
decla'ed It to be the most unsociable and
discourteous town on the map of the uni
verse. No ore waa ever seen on . hef
. verandas, and. one felt the vibration 'o'
gloom and discord, ven ,ln . passing: th
dcor. . .
Never was there a greater Illustration
or a more direct proof of th power pi
! the mind to create It own environment
than 1n this true Incident herein related.
One woman leave the town . full ot
praise for it scenery. It people and it?
social life; the other leave with up
preaeed curses and open anreaam. ' '
One carries with her the love, admira
tion and appreciation of a large circle jij
frlenis; the other will eltner be ignored
and forgotten, or remembered only tp
, her disagreeable qualltlea Each haa re
celet exactly , what h sent out fronj
. her mind and that I what all of us qV)j
uti . i .precisely wnat w maae JC
That which we give, we receive. Not aJ
way in tn aeian, nut in tne aggregate
Here and there aome old karmlc law may
caune u to be at time unfairly treated
ty thoae we bave treated fairly; to i:
cheated by thoee to whom w rave given
honest dealing, or to be neglected ,bj
those to whom we have been devoted. r,1
But If our hearts are full of good wU,
generoua Judgment, appreciation - and
love; If we see and remember the gcx4
ard pas briefly over the evil in life and.
In people we are sure to be reward
a hundred fold In th large experieooca
which life offer ua. "
Tou ran never tell what your thought1
will do. "
Tn bringing Yottdiate or love; 'f
For thought are thlnga, and their, alrj
wing ' .
Are swifter than carrier dove. '
They follow the law of tb universe-!- -
Each thing must create Its kind, f
And they speed. o'er the track to bring
you back - Z
Whatever went out from your mind.''-1
Packages on
Mas, WMTi Nator.1 BloA Rooea. (V.
Mu Ik'ImU Roa BWi Sack R.7H.
rieesj. mm vu ijbk ria
Mat ktWIi Uiac rUad Wlaieaa. ic
Miaa. U'M', FW. Wa Ejxsoml l 00.