Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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New Black Silks for Fall
Complete is the only word which properly describes
our Black Silk Section-
Satin de Meteor,
Satin Duchess,
Satin de Luxe,
Silk Section,
The Store for Shirtwaists
In tomorrow (Friday) night's paper will
appear the announcement of a remarkable
sale of silk and chiffon blouses.
Remnants of Dress Goods,
Colored and Black Friday
Almost every style of fabric
serge, wool crepe, batiste, suiting
and soft , fine weaves for dress
wear. Lengths for misses' and
children's school dresses, separate
skirts and many full dress lengths.
Don't miss Friday's opportunity.
Pre Goods Section, Main Floor.
" in -ru' ; - k ' X: -rrr, r tt .11 sr.
4J fa'jteMJfcjKi liar amm'f arA
Kan Conriotei of Omaha Harder
Reads for Another Chance.
Jcaacea, rmt
Kebraeka Foot
Ball riayer, Aeeare la tne Stale Bear 4 f
Health la Session.
(Prom a Buff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Bept. t7.-Spcll.)-Whcther
tha atata will have to buy an electrocu
tion chair this year will depend upon the
action of the supreme court, argument
having teen submitted to the court today
on the application for a new trial for
John Jonea, convicted of the murder of
Bam Leone, an Italian pool hall proprietor
la Omaha.
Jonea shot Leone after a quarrel In tha
pool hall of the latter something over
a year ago and waa sentenced to be
electrocuted - August. 4 last. .An apepal
waa made to the supreme court for a
lay of electrocution pending a submis
sion of the caee'trf the . higher' court
which Was granted and Attorneys Carrot
H. Wright, John A. McKenal and Will
N. John, the latter colored attorney
and wall known In Nebraska as thg
sensational colored end of tha University
fjot ball team a few years ago, Were ap-
l-olnted st attorneya for Jonea.
. Grenade Advance.
The grounds given In tbe brief and
a loo In the argument made today before
tha court for a . new trial are that tbe
court erred In admitting testimony show
Ing that tha case was premeditated. They
admit that Jones made a written confes
sion at the erlraa in which he admitted
premeditation, but attempt to show that
after the crime waa eommlttced and Jones
waa brought back to Omaha that he was
forced to sign the confession under the
application of the third degree by Chief
ct Detectlvea Steve Melon 0 Omaba
and hi assistants. .
It la alleged that Jones waa threatened
wtth being beaten up If ha did not make a
confession and under such threat be wrote
ut a oonfeaston. The confession did not
ult Helonay, aooordlng to the argument,
and he wrote out a confession himself
d forced Jonea to sign it.
Jones claims he did not Intend to shoot
Leone and fired law to scare, him but tha
rebound threw up the mussla of tha gun
and tha bullet struck eLona In tha ab
domen. He also claimed that Leone waa
trying to get bold of a Winchester rifle
which he had la file desk.
B)ar ( Health Meets.
The State Board of Health held a ees
alon this) morning and appointed J. II.
Bleotntngkamn, who has been aaslstlag
In the Mate laboratory at tha state house.
asartctant state bacteriologist at a salary
ct 81.a per month. Mr. Bloomlngkamp la
a graduate of Rush Medical college.
Brown Leads la Voting;.
The referendum vote taken to glva the
democratic president a ttp aa to whom he
ought to have the aenvta confirm aa Lin
coln's new poatmaatar shows that A. V,
Johnson, recommended by Congreaman
Magulre la third In the race while 8am
Whittlng hea stepped up to aeoood place
However, F. W. Brown la so far ahead of
both that It looks as If he had the cnll
for the place If the people have anything
Everyone Needs'J
The Great War Manual
In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and places
and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict
now shaking Europe and the workK
will send you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This grent
War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The
World's "Work, which is a guarantee of its unquestioned
( s
Tear off this coupon and bring it to The Bee
I office with 50 cents for your copy. Add 1
fire cents for postage when sent by mail.
; mm J
Crepe de Chines,
Crepe Poplins,
New Cord Effects.
Main Floor.
to ny. The vote this morning shows
Drown, 42S; Whiting, 71, and Johnson, M
New Strejet Car.
The IJncoln Traction company has
given the people something new In the
line of transportation, four "trailers" of
the latest modern type being put on '.he
runa yesterday. The four cara coat about
Great Britain
Apologizes for the
U. S. Criticisms
WASHINGTON. Bept. 17.-Flr Cecil
Forlng-Rlce, the British ambasssdor,
called at tha State department today and
formally expressed his regret for the pub
lication of an Interview attributed to 81 r
Lionel Car den. British minister to Mexico,
criticising the United Htatee for with
drawing troopa from Vera Crui.
Auetrians Advance
. Against Servians
' PARIS, Sept. 17.-A Nlah, Bervla, dis
patch to the Havaa agency aaya:
"Resuming tha offenalva tha Auatrlana
leased the Drtna river to the couth and
southwest and marched toward
and Vallevo (Servian town about ten
and thirty-five mtlee respectively from
the Bosnia border). -
"On a front of more than sixty miles,
comprising Leubovla, Svornlk. Losnltsg
gnd Leanitra along the Bosnian frontier,
desperate battle have been fought for
four days.
The latest new declared the position
Is favorable deaplte desperate attacks."
(From a Staff Correapondent.)
LINCOLN. Bept. 17.-(Rpeelal.)-Oov.
crnor Morehead laaued a proclamation to
tha votera Informing them that there will
be an election thla year and that on No
vember 8.1P14, the people may select one
governor, one lieutenant governor, one
secretary of atate, on state auditor, one
treasurer, one state superintendent, one
lend commissioner, one railway commis
sioner, two regent of the university and
one member of congress from each of the
six congressional districts.
They may also select thirty-three mem
ber of th state senate from the twenty
eight district of the atate and loo rep
resentatives from . the seventy-seven
representative districts. One Judge of the
nonpartisan flavor will be required In the
Becond and Fourth Judicial districts and
a chief Justice of thj state supreme court
will be required.
Three constitutional amendments must
be voted for.
L.s.a Sheakta gale.
LONDON. Pept. 17,-At a sale of sheep
skin held here today there were l.a
bale offered, principally New Zealand.
West Australia and Punta Arenas. There
waa no continental or American demand,
but home traders were fair buyers. Price
declined from 1H to 1 pence per pound
for cross breds and from 1 to 1H pence
for merinos, or about 10 cent respectively.
Get Into
business via
t. "
Xff X rill ,Y K IE, V
Nine Day. After Leering with
Troopi on Special Train, the
Last Word ii Written.
F"reneh "-Cnm" K sf !
r ftreat la St ere Thejrc
Diary End..
(Copyright. 1P14, by Preaa Publishing Co.)
FRANKFURT. Bet. 17. (Special Cable
blegram to the New York World and
Omaha Bee.) A corporal In the French
army. Who had been wounded In battle,
left hla diary In an ambulance. It had
been kept from the day he left home,
and contalna the following entries:
Thursday, August Departure from
Lodeve by special train.
Friday, August 7 Travel through the
valley of the Baoma and arrived at
Martlnrourt field.
Faturday, August I First march toward
the front, crossing Mlrecourtho, visits
made by General Tauerne Vldal and
Sunday, August (Rise at t a, m., start
for the drill grounds it 7 a m., return to
our quarters at I a. m. Almost without
any change we get beans and canned
Men Drop frem Heat.
Monday, August 10 Leave for a new
place, to be designated later, march Is
very badly led. Fearful heat Our bag
gage very heavy. Everything helps to
Weaken us. Men drop In large numbers.
A number of companies are lyinx In the
gutters. Victim of the day, two dead, of
the One Hundred and Forty-second and
one dead of the One hundred and Twenty-second
regiments. Arrive at Bayon.
Tuesday, August 11 We are marching
end marching again and again. Today
too many remain behind. My poor core
feet carried me with great pain.
Wednesday, August 13 Arrive at Lune-
vllle. Wine, coffee, fruit are being dis
tributed by the Inhabitants. We get first
sight of the Germans three prisoner.
Cannon roar constantly.
Thursday,- August 18 Remain on the
qulv viva the entire day, but don't march.
Friday, August 14 Departure of the en
tire corps In the direction of the fron
tier. We arc to go to battle with the
Bavariana. That ' will be an awful en
counter. If I should die. I shall do so
with the awful feeling that I did not get
a' message from you.
Eight o'clock In the evening, we are
on the battlefield and sleep in the oat
fields. The thunder of the heavy artil
lery can be heard uninterruptedly. Within
five hundred metres from here, a village
Is In flamea, aet afire by the Prussians
before they retired from the scene. Some
thing very great la In atore for ua to
morrow. x
This Is tha end cf the diary.
German Wounded
.No Longer, Stoics
(Copyright, 1914, Press Publishing Co.)
BORDEAUX. Bept 1. (Special Cable
gram to New Tork World and Omaha
Bee.)-There I on marked difference
wholly psychological, between the Ger
man and the French wounded." who arc
constantly arriving here now. r v'
Physically there I little difference be
tween the German wounded eoldter being
tarried by, and hi wounded French an
tagonist on th nearby cot. The bullet
or shrapnel has torn the! German" flesh
no more cruelly than It has torn th
But almost all th German prisoner
are suffering extremely from nervous
exhaustion. Therefore the popular opin
ion of the outlander of the characteristics
of the two la wholly reversed.
The French wounded Instead of show
ing signs of nervous excitement, is eom
tmratlvcly calm, whereaa the woundeu
among th Germans, despite their reputed
stoicism, spend th greater part of their
waking hour sobbing plteously.
(From a Btaft Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN, Neb., Bept 17. (Special TeW
gram.)-Th labor unions appear to be
after the scalp of Labor Commissioner
Charles Pool. Resolution were paased at
the meeting of the State Federation of
Labor thla afternoon calling upon Gov
ernor Morehead to let tha commissioner
out . ..
A resolution opposing th workman's
compensation law was also passed. .Those
opposing the Us claim that the Jaw was
Introduced by th Insurance lobby to give
th business' liability Insurance a boost
Most of the opposition to th law cam
from th Omaha delegatea.
Another resolution is aimed at the
Dodge convict labor law. Thla resolution
la expected to come up after the com
mlttea ha taken sufficient time to discusa
It and la liable to bring on a fight In the
Woman suffrage waa endorsed.
foaatlaatloa Poison Yes
Dr. King New Life Pill regulate your
bowel, prevent constipation and stimu
late the liver to healthy action. c. All
druggist Advertisement.
Echoes of the Strife
To Dlalnfeet Battlefields.
LONDON. Sept 1.--Reuler' Parla cor
respondent aaya ft firemen left Paris
today to carry out under direction of the
army medical service such sanitary meaa-
urea on the recent battlerteid aa will
free the ranital and the region round-
abount from all danger of Infectious
Veaaelc Coaasaaadoered. '
SEATTLE. Wash.. Bent. 1. -The British
admiralty haa commandeered not only all
the Canadian Pacifio liners on the Pacific
ocean, but haa also taken the Union
nteajnshlD oomoeny a new Australian
liner WUIochra and the new ttnvr Tehtia
from the Ban Francisco-Australia run.
No Battle Oft Coloa.
COliON Bept 11 There la no truth In
the report published In the I'nlted Btatee
that there has been a naval engagement
off Colon. The report that there had
bean a battle at aea arose from th fact
thai tbe big guns on Toro Point Were
being fired lor testing purpose
Note Aataoc Boraoaaa
BORDEAUX. Bar. 11 Max Nordeauz
tha author and Dbyalclan. and Count
Michael Karolyl, president of the Hun-.
arlan Independent party, are among the
f urate nera who arc being temporarily de
tained her.
Norrte Aeka Prone.
I WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 Congreo
I atonal Investigation of campaign coliec
I tluna and expendliuree In the recent aen-
I atorlai primaries In Pennsylvania, and
. Illinois aaa proposed In a resolution In
troduced today by Senalo Noma, re
fiubllcan of Nvbraeka.
Germans Returning
East Prussia
LONDON, Or ft. IT - A petrogrsd special
dispatch to the Times says: "According
to the Litest Information available here
the German, realising the futility of the
withdrawal of eight army corps from
their western front are returning their
first line of troops from Kent Prussia
."Military writers here are still pustllng
over the problem why Germany should
have made the blunder of sending such
(Continued from Page One.)
lty of the Russians, whose army divtslens
are composed of sixteen battalions of In
fantry, wtth cavalry and artillery anO un
limited supplies of ammunition. Tha Rus
sian divisions are considerably stronger
than the Auatrsns, especially aa regards
Austrian soldiers declare that for every
ten Rueslan soldiers killed twenty came
In their plaoes. The Russian art! Hey 'fire
they said waa wonderfully good, but the
Infantry work waa of an Inferior kirfd.
It Is anticipated hero that there will
be a temporary lull in the fighting, as
both sides are apparently exhausted. The
Viennese Journals
of Tuesday are ' en-
tlrely without new
of any Austrian
. Wocaded Nsmber Thoasaadc.
The wounded continue to arrive In
Vienna In great numbera. Slght thousand
were brought In on (Sunday alone. The
hospitals and the varloua public buildings,
converted Into temporary nursing homes,
are terribly crowded. Ten thouaand
wounded are being cared for In the ro
tunda of the exhibition building In ' the
Prater, the Imperal park. Sunday after
noon 10,000 person Visited the soldiers in
the General hospital.
The bank statement shows that with
drawals during August aggregated over
Nearlnar Prsemysl.
fNDON, Bept 17.- dispatch from
Pelrograd to the Reuter Telegraph com
pany give this outline of. the situation
In Galicla: . ,
"The postlon of'Orodek, occupied ' by
tho Russians. Is eighteen mile west . of
Lemberg and I situated on the heights,
under which a chain of sis .almost con
necting lakes stretch out toward the
Russian frontier, forming a natural de
fense for fourteen miles, running north
and couth. The Austrians abandoned this
position after the capture of Lemberg.
"Mosclska, to which the Russians have
advanced, Is a little over forty miles weat
of Lemberg, on the main line between
Pmemysl and Lemberg. The shattered
second Austrian army was evidently In
capable of staying th advance and took
refuge in Frxemayl. from which the Rus
sians, according to the latest official re
port are only nineteen milee away.
. "Great enthusiasm continue to prevail
throughout Russia and all classes are
doing their utmost to help In the present
smergency. At Moscow the Barbers'
guild have offered to shave and cut the
hair of soldiers free of charge, while. at
Vllna fifteen cab drivers have offered
their services tor the transport of tha
St. Clair Vanishes
After His Parole
t ' (Trent a Btaff Correspondent )
LINCOI.N, Bet 17. 8eclaJ Telegram.)
George A. St. Clair, the convict at tho
state penitentiary, who received notoriety
last winter by refusal to obey the rules
of the prison, providing 'that prisoners
should attend church and whose case waa
taken before the State Board of Control
by Charlec Wooeter, the Silver Creek
statesman, has decamped.
8t Clair became suddenly good after
the board decided he had to obey the
rule and for hi conversion he waa a few
day ago given a parole. ' After being
placed on the train he ha not been aeen.
PARIS, Sept. 17. The pitiable sUte of
most of tha Oerman wounded la explained
by some of the prisoner a due to a lack
of nursing. .They aay th Oerman were
convinced that they would creas
Prance and take Pari at the douole
quick, that they . did . not . provide for
wounded. When the famoua '76" gun of
the French began to make ravage th
Oerman oommander took from th rank
men beat , qualified for th work of car
Ing for the wounded, but their services
were quite Insufficient.
Yesterday a train load of wounded.
comprising a large number of men In the
Imperial guard, arrived In Bordeaux.
Nearly all are In a grave atate. They
were accompanied by a Oerman surgeon
and one nurse of the Imperial guard. All
of these wounded recognised the good
care they have bad since falling In the
hands of the French.
NEW TORK. Sept 17.-Consular repre
sentative of twenty Latin-American re
public who have formed an association
for th purpose ot encouraging trad re
latione with thla country, win mi m
Saturday for the purpose or lormsjiy
launching their plane
Tho Diana of the conauiar representa
tive Include the opening her ot a per
manent exhibit of what their reapectivc
countrlee have to cell, inia oanitmwn
will aleo have a bureau for tne nenani
of American wienufeeturere Co that they
can learn the needc of the Lauin Ameri
cana In thic way the concular repreeen.
tatlvcc hope to create aa Increased Inter
change of trade between thla country and
their wn.
WASHINGTON. Bept 17.-Preldcnt
Wilson wa asked today to order th re
instatement of lnon 3. Lonsrgan of Ne
braska and M. Jemall ot Rhode Island,
wh recently resigned from the naval
academy at the request of officials. Rep
roaentatlvcc Klnkead of Nebraska and
O'Bhauaeeey of Rhode Island asked for
th reinstatement and' the president prom-
teed to take th case under advisement
Bee reader are to intelligent to over
look the opportunities In the "want ad"
columna. They're worth while reading.
Troops from
to Western Field
an army to East Truss's, where It waa
Iwund to remain either inactive or make
an attempt to Invade Russia with the
almost complete certainty of sharing the
fate of the Austrian forces In Galicla.
"The real explanation teemi to be that
when half the population of Kest Prussia
stsmpe'led before General Rennenkempff,
carrying the panic to Berlin. Germany
felt compelled to tranquillse the popula
tion by sending a great army to area
occupied by the Ruesfsns "
3,000000 FIGHT
(Continued from Page One.)
oentive of knowing that should th Oer
man right be again turned there are no
great defensive positions behind the In
vaders until they reach the Meuse river.
The poeltlon of the army of the Oerman
crown prince, making Its way toward the i
Stenay gap, remains full of Interest. The
French army which barred the exit of
the crown prince by Toul I ctlll hurry
Ing In pursuit of htm.
There Is no confirmation of the reported
would not be surprising. In the opinion of
observer In London to see the Germans
quit Belgium altogether If there Is any
truth In the report that the eastern area
of the war ha become the declelve posi
tion In German eyec and that Germany
will be content to maintain a defensive
attitude tn the west.
.Italy and Rsmaals Bnay.
Italian and Roumanian activities seem
today to point to decisive action In the
near future. Should these countries take
the field against Austria-Hungary. H 1
argued hero that Busta would have Its
hand freed and that Germany would be
thrown entirely on Itc own resources to
repel the Russian hosts thus strongly re
inforced. Italy seem to hav called IU reservists
to the colors and to be on the point of
occupying Avlona In orfler to safeguard
Its Interest In the Adriatic.
French Official View.
" PARIS, Sept. 1T.-The text of an of
ficial communication today I aa follows:
."First, on our left wing th resistance
of. the enemy on th height to the north
of the river Aisne he continued In plte
of tho fact that the 'enemy gave back
lightly at certain point..
Second, on the center between Berry-Au-Bac,
on the Alsne and the Argonne
the situation shews no change.- The
enemy continue to fortify itself along
the line prevtou Indicated. Between the
Argonne and the Meuse the Germans .are
entrenching themselves in the vicinity
of Mont Faucon. In the Woevre dldtrlet
we have come in contact with several
detachment of the enemy between Etant
and Thlaucourt.
"Third, on our right wing. In Lorraine
and the Vosges, there has been no
change. .
"Summing up, the battle Is being con
tinued along the entire front between
the river Otse and the' river Mouse,- the
Germans occupying positions organised
for defense and armed wtth heavy
artillery. .
"Our progress Is of necessity slow, but
our troops are animated by a spirit of
offensive action and they are 'giving
evidence of vigor and enthusiasm. They
have repulsed with success the counter
attacks undertaken by tre enemy both
during the day and at night. The morale
of the French soldiers Is excellent.
'The . Austrian armies evacuating
Galicla arc tn full rout. Their losses In
killed, wounded and prisoners are esti
mated at several hundred thousand men.
The German army corps which went t'o
their succor are retreating."
beny Allied Victory.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 17.-The German
embassy today received the followlnr
wireless from Berlin:
- "All th French and English report of
victories of battle in France are untrue.
The German retreat of the western wing
wa a tactical maneuver not affecting the
strategical poeltlon. The French attempt
to break through the center, of the Ger
man Bosition was victoriously repulsed.
"There I confirmation of German
successes at several points of the long
extended battlefield. The Temp report
that the losse of the British army In the
recent fighting amount to 15,000 dead and
wounded." .
German Ship Sinks
Five British Vessels
TOKIO. Bept. 17. (9:56 p. m)-It 1 re
ported here that the German cruiser Em
den lis sunk five British steamer oft
the const of India. The paaaengers of
the veeael are said to have been caved.
teavoaer Arrives.
NEW TORK, Sept. I7.-The ateamer
Patrla from JJarselllta, with 418 paaaen
gera, and the ateamerc Theasalonikl and
Athlnai. from Piraeus, the latter having
16A passengers, arrived in port today.
Tha steamship Baltic Is due late today
or early tornorrow, with passengers from
Liverpool and the Lusitania, - from th
same port, la due tonight.
Those who know our service
recommend us to their friends.
That is why our business has
grown, we are not in' com
petition on the price question
st all, and yet comparison
of our bills with those of other
undertakers will always show
our charges to be the lowest.
And you are told the itemized
eost in advance.
24th mmd Dodg thomm Don. 3901
Teething Badies
Krc.WinsIow's Soothing Syrc?
Wonderful Defense Being Made by
Garrison of French Force
Against Siege.
Direct Assault I pon Fortifications
Abandoned Rrraoae of Tremead
oce Toll of Lives that
Waa tbe Reaalt.
(Copyright, 1914. Press f ubllshlng Co.)
t MiT roe.f ne. -. . . -
aepi. it. -(special Cablegram check to facilitate the retreat of the mass
to the New York World and Omaha Bee.) of the armies of Generals Von Itluck
-Berlin officially announced the fall of ' ,nd Von Buelow, has ccveloped fnto
V! n 8I'mbr wltn 409 "WWhat will probably be called In history
ard. 4,000 pr.eonera. j th, of Ant Wnetner tn. Qer-
A correspondent of the London Tele-, , found lt necessary or advisable to
..-....- xjuuiuans uiai
was In the vicinity of Maubeuge Sep
tember U and that the forta were still
holding out. The German report of the
fall of Maubeuge ha never been con
finked. "The defense of Maubeure by
I a few hundred Intrepid French aoldiera,"
says the correspondent, "seems to have
been overlooked, almost Ignored, during
the advance of the German to th gates
of Paris and their subsequent repulse.
But the resistance of Maubeuge has been
one of the finest feats of In the
campaign. The Germans Invested Mau
beuge on August 23.
Bonibardm-ai Ceglna.
"The bombardment ot the forta by the
big Oerman siege guns began on Xentem-
ber 1 and has been continued with brief
Intervals of rest ever since. Maubeuge
Is defended by seven forts and each con
tained on August 25 Na garrison of 210
men. It -1 Impossible to say how many
turvlve, but It la known that in one or
two of the fort th casualties were large
In proportion.
"Ten thousand of the kaiser' troops
were detached from the main armies to
Invest and attack Maubeuge. Each day
at dawn th huge Oerman siege gun be
gan to hurl missiles at the forta. The
German gunner dropped shell after shell
right on the foru and defenses. The
bombardment Is Inceesent all the morn
ing, then an Interval of rest and the bom
bardment is resumed. So It goes on,
hour after hour, day after day. -
"Occasionly the artillery attack is var
ied by a rush of German infantry at the
fort and then the" machine gun of the
defender mow down the rank of the
advancing army with terrible precision.
Attempt to carry the forts by atorm
were frequent at the outset, but heavy
losses inflicted on the Germans led to
their abandonment In favof cf th steady
hall of shells from their , Krupp siege
"On September 9 the Oerman embassy In
Washington gave out two official mes
sages received by wireless from Berlin as
follows: .
As. salts Too Co.tly.
" 'Maubeuge has fallen. We have cap
tured 400 guna and 4.000 prisoners Includ
ing four general.' "
"All the papers (In Berlin) emphasised
the Importance ot the capture of Mau
beuge. The German military lines are
now free. Also the rapture of so great
a number of prisoners means an 4mport
ant weakening of the enemy."
WASHINGTON,- . Pept." 17.-Presldent
Wlls,on has no Intention at present . of
sending American battleships to Turkey
to relieve the fears of missionaries, ac
cording to statement today by official.
Friday Sale of Afternoon and Evening Dresses
Values to $35.00
"Th Store for Gentlewomen"
1613 Farnam Street
At Elkhorn,Neb., Sept. 23-2614
Bigger and Better Than Ever
$3,000.00 IN PREMIUMS
New grounds have been secured, new building erected, and
the agricultural end live stock exhibit will be the beat ever held
in the county.
Bad lea' Health Contest, under auperviaion of Mias Ruth A.
Bailey, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb.
First and last carnival attractions and many free entertain
ments in connection with the fair. Come and kpend one day at
President CHA8. WITTE. Elkhorn, Neb.
Secretary J. F. McArdlo, South Omaha.
Thla week. "Taklag Thlnga Easy,"
Minnie Allen. Woodman l.i vlngaton.
The Kandalla. Harry Bieen. H. li. Murtin,
Jack A forla. The Orpheum Travel
Vrteaa'' Matlase Oallety, lt; beet Mta tuB
etir as ud C. Nlahia 10c-2c-4v-lc
Ability cf Him and Hii Army to
Stand and Fight May Determina
Engagement at Aiine.
Constant Stream nt Woaaded frens
the Front Disproves Kaiser's
Rnmored Desire to Listen to
SngSeatlon of Peaces
PARIS, gept. 17. The rear gusrd action,
supposed at first to be Intended as a
turn and enraee in a eeneral action, thif
grent battle wages fiercely and rivals In
Importance the battle of the Ma me.
The war office aaya that the French
have not flinched at any point. ThU
aounda as If. they were on. the defensive
and this micht be so In view of the
strength of the pos tlon the Germans oc
cupy. The official communication Sunday
said that the French and English had
crossed the Alsne. If so they have the
river at their back, while the Germans
are strongly entrenched on the heights
of Laon and Rhelms with their right
protected by the Otse and the Alsne at
In Parsnlt of t wwi Prince.
The undetermined element In this tight
Is the allies' right which Is In pursuit of
the crown rlnre' army. All report In
dicate that the latter Is quite as de
riiorallied as was Von Kluck'a army and
I suffering equally from lack of pro
visions and ammunition. While Von
iCluck has no doutt received what he
need in this respect It 1 doubtful if the
crown prince haa.
The battle may depend on what condi
tion the crown prince reaches the front
and whether he can make a stand and
prevent the allies from turning the Oer
man left.
Some of the military experts "till think
that the Germans hope by this action only
to check the onrush of the allies and that,
later they will take up the defensive on
the Namur line. There was credit even
for a rumor current yerterdey that Km
peror William had ordered General Von
Kluck not to resist In France and that he
was ready to listen to offers of truce
through Pope Benedict XV jr President
Wilson, but the steady stream of wounded
coming from the front seems to disprove
this and Indicate that the battlo will be
to a finish.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7. The pro
gressives having Joined forces with the
democrats In the fight for the governor
ship, leaders of all parties and factions
today said that the political campaign
in Pennsylvania will be prosecuted with
greater vigor than ever. William Draper
Lewi, the Washington party nominee
for governor, who yesterday withdrew
In favor of Vance C. McCormlck, the
democratic candidate, haa placed himself
on record to support Mr. McCormlck
against Martin O. Brumbaugh, the te
publican gubernatorial candidate.
Colonel Roosevelt will come into Penn
sylvania soon and "big guns" of the
lather parties are expected to speak In
I the state next month.
at. ICat, and Might,
"Tha -Winning of Worth"
Frioce. Cat. Hat, Soo-SOo-TSci Sec. S5e-Sl
COKXBTO. BepkMj3TjAaaic lunt
Sept. 17th g Pay "Th Baa W1T
and every one of them looks th
yn lewis & cody v:r
(Nut) Nelson, Flo Talbot. Walter John
son. Marcel Cnerie, Cliff Wormaa
end Beauty Cherus of SO Baby Dolls tn
"Thf Phoney Ietectlvee.'
LAOXXS' BOO MA. Will fwa