1 TTTE BEE: OMAIIA, TTiriifclUY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1914.' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET v' Export Trade in Wheat Showi In crease Since Monday. ALL GRAINS MAKE ADVANCE Threa Prlarlpal ffimli fllmfe la llBrr Lee-els, with Hknl Lead la, Fllwv4 by Oats v aad Tor. Nr. lfMri10l: Slir. tl .ll-JH.ll. cOltV-Nn. j mli'd, 74c; No. I white , September, 72'c; Iecember, V OATs-No. I white, 47c; No. mUeOf Killer ram and Wheat Realoa Baltetln t nlted 8tatoe Department of Aerlrul- tur. weather bureau, lor the twenty-four nnura -nawg at a a. m., 7fth meridian time, fdncMiiy, Heptembrr 14, li4; OMAHA ' DISTRICT. Temp. Raln- Hlah Ixi w. nil. .... ?S .ft) M OMAHA, flept 1. 1014. Th export trade In heat In attain on lr" rrnle ehnwn hv the taklnes of over l.OOO.mn buehela at tha sraiosrd I since late Monday. . Normal nondirtwn are now to he seen In the movement 'f hreadetTiffs out of the Atlantic an well a aulf norm and ocean freight are firm In up under new and Improved condi tion Export clearances have fallen off the laM two wee ka. but they are epeotd to show an enormoui total frutn this time forward. The wheat mret was a larirely over aold affair on Monday, and when It waa seen that Uverpool refuaed to follow the pr.arp break on that dav there were many shorts, who wanted to get under rover, and they bid the price up early, but on the advance the lieam attain attacked H and drove It down considerably below the rrstirut spots of Monday. It waa a n.oat erratic market, lth the public willingly pavln for lsrre ch'inki of the lerrnber future on all price ot-lB4 ks. (.treat cautloa waa ahown by thn buying aide, and thia led mnny to believe that the wheat waa being , taker) hy afrnn hand, and that the acllInK as almost wholly by those havlne proflta. Thera wera many war minora In rlr rulatlon on the Board of Trade yes terday. but they all favored the boor aide. The moot Important n"ws to come to hand waa tha rumor via London that n Important wine of the German army waa forced to aurrender. Thre were bedKlruT sales again Increased raait wheat purchases In the country which the war news mentioned, overbalanced all elM. Kt. lunula and Kanaaa City fur , nlahed bull newa that waa riven can tderable attention ant) ronalated of re ported larae aalea of wheat and flour for export. Cable advlcei received lata yesterday report atoraite facllltlea at Liverpool aa Inadequate. There la an almoat complete abatement In the demand for wheat from tha continent and it la amaller from the 11. S. Cargoes of thia (train off the Enarllah roast were offered mora freely find In aorne caaea were helna: prcaacd , for Bala. Wheat waa 6c to 6c higher. Corn waa lc to lto higher. Oate were tn to tc higher. Thene caah aalea were reported today: wheat No. J hard winter: 1 car, 11.03; 4 earn, fl.flm; 1 oar. 11 No. 1 hard winter: 1 ear. H OT; 1 cara. 11.00V: 6 cara, II 00; 1 car. 90c; 1 cara. ftVe; 1 oar, Owe. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, Wc; 1 car. Wc. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car. 87c, No. 3 mixed: 1 car, t1.ort4. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, fe. No. I durum: ! can, fc"Ac. No, 4 durum: 1 car, 9fc. No a-rarie: 1 car, 9Cc; 1 rar. Wo. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, 7c. No. J white: 1 car, 76c. No. white: 1 car, 74Ho. No. 1 yellow: Z cara, 744c, No. S mixed: 1 car, 7i4c No. mixed: I cara, 73c. No, I mixed: 1 car (local Bale). 74c. Pample: 1 car (white), 7J (lata No. 1: I car, Itlc. No. white: 34 cara, 4uVc. No. 4 whlta: 12 cara, 444C No. grade: 1 car. Ma. Rye No. t, 1 car, Ka. Barley It, jected: 1 car, 64c. Omaha eaah pricesWheat: No. 1 hard, II 0011 (H; No. hard, 9!eil.(n: No. 4 hard, Mcfit.0l: No. 1 Bfrlng. ai.014ri.On: No. I soring:. I1.00ei.04: No. 4 spring, Mcjill 02; No. 3 durum, Wic; No. a durum. !.Vrf ,140. Com: 7ftrt7tir; No. S white, bit 7o: No. I white, 7&m7ttc: No. 4 white, Ihimbr; No. 5 white, 7rffi7r.c ; No. 6 white. 74V: No. 1 yellow, 74'4ti;Hc.: No. i yellow, 74-!f744c; No. 1 yellow, 7W4T74V: No. 4 yellow. 73VWI4C: No. S yellow, 7;i',1i 1f". No. yellow. 7.ViTOHe; No. 1 mixed. 7;tV?rn!!c; No. I mixed, TiW!3r; No. a mixed, 73'4r73Hc: No. 4 mixed, 7.Kr7.T4e; No. 6 mixed, 72V.iaWc. Oata: No. t white, 4fS!46H': standard, ViMVw, No. i white, . iHSWAic,;, No. 4 whlta. UV,lHir. Warier: Malting, .iJT72c: No. 1 feed, U,'if v. Rye: No. a. lVi??c: No. t, mfHic. CVaracce were: Wheat and flour nual to 7K1.0O0 buaheUl corn, 1,000 buah eln; oata, none. Liverpool cloned: Wliewt, l&im higher; com, 2d lower. Primary wheat receipts wera , 008,000 nuahela and ahlpmenta l,n6S,0n0 buehela, ralnat receipt a of t,ooa.0i huahele and ehlpmenta of l.Mf,0O huaheto laat year. Primary corn raoeplta were AU.OOO huahela and ahrpmant X37.000 buahela, aKalnat ret.-elpta of hunhela and nhlpmenta of 18,000 buahela laat year. Primary oata receipts were 1.4M.000 buahela and ahlpmenta 1,100,000 buahela, against receipt a of l,!M4.0r buahela and ahlpmenta of 1,172.000 btwhela laftt year. CARLOT RBCKIPTH. Wheat-Corn At ( nicago 477 Vlnneapolla tfrA iuluth , tr ( miaha M Kanaaa City 37ft Ht. Ixiula 1fl Winnipeg 1.2J0 108 11 t a 198 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROViaiOIfS Fat are a of tha Tradfaa; aa nala Prlcea oa Boars! ( Trad., CHICAGO, Sept. . Wheat went aoar ln today .largely becauaa of report of Austro-Uerman advantaKea that made the end of tha war appear remote. After riae of aa much aa 6c a buahel, the market closed nervoua with gains of 4'4 ftMSo net. Corn wound up Vf'No hlkher. and oats at an advance of lt( 1 c In provisions tha outcome ranged Irom lOcdecllne to iOo of extra coat. Although wheat aacemled sharply at the outaet and continued to enhance In price. .It waa not until Juat before rhe tloae that the market reached tha high est level of the day. A Jump In quota t.oaa at Liverpool tended front tha outaet to make buyera courageoua, and sellers more and more acarce. Heavy rises in the northwest were Ignored, hut thefo waa a temporary reacUon when uncon firmed advices wera circulated that the Oarmane in Krante and belgtum had been ordered to withdraw to the Rhine, Corn advanced with wheat and as a result of assertions that sufficient lake vessel room had been chartered to carry otf all the stock of contract corn in Chi en go. tall for cash oata seemed to be the most eager since the beginning of tha war. f nipping aales her today were aa Id i ;"' nearly 2,0W.(M bushels, chleflv for export. l-fr" nl Prk atrenthened on account f higher prices for gram and hogs, and In consequence of the bullish showing of Uie enit-moothlv statement of ware boaae slocks. Ribs were depressed bv the alowness- of demand from the south. Futures ranged as follows: ' rtlcle Open. Hlgh.l iow. j Cloaal Yea'y! VhfBt fept,l 1 ) leu..l vul(il May 1 lUi 1 It,1, 1 0'i 1 i:s 1 WVmj 7 it as w M 40 1 ST7V. 10 00 Com. ept. Vnc . May. Oata. Brut Uc..49,Sjtt60ft May.itOtf1 "ork. ttept Jan. 'Lard. I Kept. ict.. Jan.. Rlba. H-pt. 11 56-70' I 47M W!a IT U HO w t 40 -t M 10 16 I m 1 0H 71 V 1 0H i nv 1 1 T74 Oct..jll JC-371 Jan. 110 ko-(vJ t 7" 76: 1 04. 1 ots 1 1S yo Ti'w.i 11 70 ii r,' 1 HW: 4y lTffi 306 a 4 as7U 11 ES 11 1-S4 47V IT 30 t a 40 a 4th laio 11 u 10 76 4f'4 17 fO 30 a 1T714 11 ffi n mJ ii &n lo 7 ; . H4 . 7H , Mi , 04 . M . 5 . 4 . 7 , M . V . , 7 . n K1 7S 7 n so 7 In averages. twelve-hour M M 4H 71 M hi M r-4 if, M M 61 F4 71 62 62 64 hi 74 Vo .00 .00 .00 .) .00 .no .no .00 .tin .00 .oo . .o .no .00 M .on .00 Pky. Cloudy Cloudy Clear rt. cloudy (near I't. cloudy Pt. cloudy eer I't. cloudy lear Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. rloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. rloudy I't. cloudy 'londy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Minimum period end- Rain- Aahland Auburn Uroken How ,. Cnlumhna Ciilbertaoo .... Falrhury Fairmont , (irand Island . Martlngtnn Mnatlnga llolilrcge , Lincoln , North riatte., Oakdnle frniaha , Tekamah Valentine .... Carroll, la '('larlnda. Ia.... Kltley, la Woux City. Ia., Not Included temperature for Ing at a a. m DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. In Temn. Htatlon. Dlatrlct. Columhua O .... 1S TvouiavJIie, KT... 22 Indlalnolls. lnd . 13 Chicago, III 24 Pt. lula, Mo ... 13 Fea Moines. la. 24 Minncapolia r2 Knn. City. Mo.. M Omaha, Neb 17 The weather la warmer from the lakes went to the Mlnaotiti river. It la cooler west of the river, and froats with f rVea- Ing temperaturea occurred In Montana and North Iakota, Moderate raina oc curred In the Minneapolis and ft. lunula dlatrlrta. and an exceaalve rain of B.ll Inchea occurred at Kanaaa City. 1.. A. WFTIJIH, Iyal Forecaster, Weather Bureau. New York General Market. NEW TORK. Sept Id KUOAR-Raw nominal: molaaaes. 6S'!ir6.0c; centrifugal, s.Olifr 2.c: refined quiet. MUTTER Hteady, unchanged; receipts. 7,!2(t tnha. CHBBKEr-Steady, unchanged: receipts, Ift.MO caaea; fresh gathered seconds, 23Vrf 2Ac. PfTCT.TRT Preaael qnlet: weatem chickens, frnxen, lt22e; fowls, HVcT; turkeys. nrSac. POULTRY Alive, firm; western chick ens, broilers, no; fowla, lf19cj turkeys, iryf16c. lllkh. Ixw. fall. 3 4 ' .00 ) M .00 n m .oo so n . .oo 1 02 .40 0 R , .00 7 4 .00 fo m 1.40 W M .00 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET!-- and Good Feedera Steady, with Medium Feedera Lower. HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER rente 11 laker Fee ere at rearer aa Gm( Marina; De.raaaA for Deal ra hi a Klada. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 1, 114. Receipt, were "tnciai Mnntl.v ii?t,i Official Toeadav a r.a Estimate Wealnesday.. Cattle. Hog. Itheep. 1.019 a, wo 27.4d7 31. W 16,000 .72 ).o 2o. we 1720 16.0H7 76.07 W.S.T .713 0.130 70,21 143,403 Three dava hl v-nn- Same days laat week..l'wt2 Same days 3 wka. an r v ma days 3 wka. ago.l.72 Pame dava 4 wks. ago.14.W4 Barna days laat ear 23.2SI The following table afv.wa the feclr nf cattle, hogs and Sheen at tha Mouth Omaha live stock market for tha rear to data, aa uniiairn wiui last year: law 1A1 T . T" . V"1"" M0.M 17.44(l l 3g.40 Hogs 1 Tr.l 77S 1 w.l Ltsi 9n (J& 8neP 1,800.137 1. 764.0 136.R87 Tha fn Inaliia t.Ki. .k-. k. ...t..-. ... hogS St the flnllfh Hn,.!.. W-u. mtu r ei mr ma laat lew days, with compart sons: r. Honf5 ,5; good to choice 'gras rs, l ffr7 40; common to fair rang cowa, sa.xr;..; fair to good grades, b a; common to fair grades, .l i.W ftu; good to choice stockera and feedera. 37.60 04 an; fair to gocd -stockera and feeders. If 76tr7 M; common to fair BUvkers and feeder, M ( 76; stock cows and heifers, l&.2:4.76; etrK-k calves. I 0Vgil 00; veal ralvea, IOJflOSO; bulls, stage, etc.. 3a.364f TOO. BEEF STEERS. Ns. A. rr. Ka. . Pt. 1 ..ion Ik M 1T l rl 6TE1.AS AND HEIFERS. 1. 3.1 3.1 I Mi J Hi. I fl I 72H; T 64r-a 24! ! wv, a r7, Date. ) 1S14. Aug. Sept. Kept Sent. Sept Kept. Pt. Kept. Sept. tept. S'JPt. Hrpt. fpt. Sept. t-ej.t. Sept 1913., 'umiiim.ntio. nana. )oa. I a a 7 821 " i 7 7 8 3? 1 021 7 07 a 4i 7 77 a it a 7 t w a 4t 7 12i a 861 7 o a 43 1 Wl 7 3 U m (W 8 MS a 62-, 8 6.1 S 8 r. 8 2.i, 8 17 8 8.;:, n so 8 2f 8 30', 7 7:(l 7kW 7 871 8 0l 8 34 8 OKI 8 361 7 7 8 an 7 Ml, 8 36 871 g 61 T "61 0 67 a 021 i a ti a 17 7 87 i w 7 i n a ai 7j a t4 a rr) a 02 t a 131 7 a a a 7 83 a m 3 27 T 83 8 71 7 17 7 08 2i a m a 94 7 01 8 91 7 87 8 31 t 861 8 16 T x' I 8 4.11 t 7 8 76; 7 98; 8 84 7 80 8 781 8 Mi 8 tr I M 1 0; 3 431 8 Kl) 8 88! 8 OKI 8 81 Mlanea-polla Arala Market. MtlNNEA POIilft, Bent. 18. WHEAT September, ll.OO1,: Deoember, 11.13: No. 1 hard wheat, $1.13: No. t northern, $1.07o.1.094. WH KAT Advanced soon after the open ing and then declined. FIt'R-Up 30c. a barrel. FARUCY-WSfnc. . RYK-HOTW.'!. FRAN 323.00. CORN No. 8 yellow. 74Ufli7XHc. OATS No. 3 whlta, 45if4'4o. FL.AX-81.48iai.63. I Will Bay Cotton. COLUMBIA. H. C, Sept. ia-Twenly-flve thousand bales of cotton will be taken by Ht. Louis Intereata In the "buy a bale of cotton" movement being pro moted for holding the crop until the Kuropean emorgency passes over. A great meat packing house has agreed to buy a bale for each of Its 300 southern branches. Liverpool Grala Market, i LIVERPOOL, Sept. 16. WH HAT Spot, ateadv; No. 1 Manitoba. 9s 7d; No. 3, 9s 8d. Futures, steady; October, 6d; De cember, 8 8d. ' . CORN Hpot mantel nominal; luiuree weKk: Ootober. 6s 7Hd. FLOUR Winter patents. a. Rt. Leals Llrs "tork Market. RT. LOUI3. Sept. 18. CATTLK-Re-celpta. 6,000 head; market gteady; natlva beef steers, 3(.wXuno.(&; cows ana neirers, 3d.00W9.66; stockera and feedera, 36.0OSC7. 50; mithern steers. A0O.00: cows and heifers. 34.00fl4.60; native calves, 86.003 11.00. HOOS Receipts, 8,500 ' head; market hlaher: Digs and lights. 37.60ft8.30r- mixed and butchers, 89.onjV9.80; good heavy, W.90 ooo. HHRPTP AND I AMBS Receipts. 3.000 head: market higher; lambs.s 60o higher; native muttons, 840056.50; lambs, 87.00 9 00. , Kanaaa Cltr Hre Kiock Market. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 1. CATTLE Re ceipts. 11,000 head; market eteady; prime fed steers, $I0.0W10.76; dressed beef steers, 3K.0Offr.75; western steers, $i.Kf3 lr-etock-ers and feedera. K(HiI.30; bulls, 37. X 3 .75: calves. H.60iffll0.60. 8H10rn AND 14. MBS Receipts. 12,000 head: market higher; - lambs, 38.2&fr 60; yearlings, 36.7T$fa.50; wethers, I0.4iat.0i; ewes, 3.0tX&.50, Moaer Market. NT7W TORK. S-pt. 16.-MERCANTILK PAPF.R 7 per -cent. KTERLTNO EXCWANQE Easter; ca bles, 4 975c: demand, 4.97D0c. " tilLVKRBar. 68V:. LONDON, Sept 1S.-8ILVER Bar, Ui& per ounoe. Discount rates, SVk'&lH per cent. Sept. id. Sunday. Receipts and dlanoll ..... at ihn i'in. u.Z .IT" r;'" "ve arocK t the. Union Ktock yards South Omaha RKCEIPT0 CA RS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. l. ...... 9 . I 9 4 IS.. 4.. 4.. 49. . 9.. No. 47 steers. .1014 I UK! , 9S 744 t4' HI 4M a" 4 FEEDKRi. .' M IH ' '. 7.l 4 7 - k I ) 4 7 4U T 54 St. P.... C. M. A Wahaah Mlaaourt Pacific .'..'." '," I nlon Iiiciric C. A. N. W.. eaat..7...:: C. A N. W.. weat C. St P. M, A O..." 1 C, B. at Q., mat....!.;" C.. B. at Q. west C R. 1. A P.. eaat..,:U C. R I. ft P.. west...." Illinois Central Chicago Great AVewtern Total receipts i. a , i , 87 3 73 , 4 , 1 93 10 a l l -- .319 1 a 19 'a a 64 DISPOlT!ON-HEAD. Cattle.Hnga.Sheep. 48 11 13 71 R venerate Allea aaa Drte4 Pralta ,NKVV YORK. IVint. 11 EVAPORATED APPLKS Quiet DRIED FRUITS Prunes, mora active. A tricot a and peaches, quiet Raisins, steady. . I 1 I Metal Market. ffT. LOtn8, Sept. 18 LEAD Nominal, 33.70. HPELTER Lower, 8fi.3ft!r.40. Morris Co Swift fc Co Cudahy Packing Co..'.; Armour A Co Schwarts A Co .1. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co.... South Omaha Pkg Co... Independent Co Kowd Kay W. B. Vanaant Co Fenton, Vaneant A 1 Hill St Son V. B. Lewie Huston A Co....,, J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L. V. Hubs Ronenstock Bros Mot'reary A Kellogg.. V.erthelmer A Degen.. If. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros ' Rothaehlld Mo. A Kan. Calf. Co.... Christie Hlggln Huffman Roth Myera Maker, Jones A Smith Tanner Bros. ,, .', John Harvey I. A F Kline N... ........; Other buyera 763 8Sft 923 v 29 ISO 220 l.H 227 63 136 93 128 m 74 t KK 168 23 12fl 3 11 a w 37 818 124 81 730 428 603 ' 797 968 IMS XA ... 1.961 a.xoo 3.4! 4.U0 285 , 744 9 at it ... cows. into 4an i IMS I 14 4 M 6 VI 9 M 44 . 4 .... a n ...-.. ..n...! 4 40 HBIFERB TW 6 74 . -.... ...... j 4 m tm 4 is ' u , 4M 8 4S ..,'... '.. 4M 4 14 CALVB3B.- 974 . 4 40 , 3 Mn I , M..:.. STOCK ERS AND 114 (40 44 . 410 4 40 II.. 1W tH 14.. 61. 4a a... n 8 so- t... ...... KT K A WESTERNS. F. T. McRoberU Colo. Av. I'r. No. Av. .in 7 OO' 1 bull LrrO Frank Hansen Neb. 18 yearlings 780 8 00 I feeders.. 1030 1 bull 101 T 00 a. M. Bhnf1(KK 23 yearlings' 905 9 00 1 bull 1220 l cow 1340 f 60 O. M. Crumlev Neb. 7 feeders.. 9R4 8 70 i bulls 008 Si feeders.. C29 8 78 J. A. Stevenson Wo. 33 Steers ...U77 7 26 1 cow 890 The Htllnhen On tVvo ia steers.. ..1300 o a steers.... 988 Ed leaacaon Neb. 29 feeders. . 743 a 60 Marina Pederaen Neb. 8 heafsra... 908 .( 46 13 feeders.. John ftrom Neb I feeder.. 9t'4 8 86 9 heifers... a cowa 9f 8 18 - E. Lemolne Wyo. 8 feeders. .1037 8 26 16 feeders.. If. C. Paulaen Wva. 18 feeders.. 1131 8 26 14 cows... Dlamon Cattle Co.-Wvn 47 feeders.. BM H 43 cowa 960 L. L. Ashbrook Neb. Steers.. ..1?M 7 75 20 cows 971 O. Hastings Wyo,u tl steers...? 7l 8 69 . John A. Cheeeebrough Wyo. 14 steers.. ..128 8 28 , 13 teera....lo:3 1U feeders. 973 7 60 Oeorge Ullman Wyo. U steers.. ,.1fii 900 Fred Bolce Wro. 48 steers.. ..1143 8 00 38 steers.. ,.U70 C, J. Mepp, Wyoming 26 feeder.. 918 6 90 American Cattle Co.'l Wyoming. 1 9teers....1109 7 40 41 steer. ...1120 30 steers ... 1073 7 40 V Hall A Graham, Nebraska. 27 feeders... 1427 8 20 81 feeders. ..1346 17 feeders... 1809 8 24 13 feeders... 1412 NEBRASKA. 48 feeder. . 98 8 65 43 feeders.. 1030 30 feeder.. 1V45 7 76 13 heifers... 648 13 feeder.. 679 8 85 "10 feeders.. 948 Sttt. hfs.. !3, 6 2S 11 cows 9n2 18 cowa.... 880 8 90 18 cows 733 WYOMING. 67 feeder.. 104 7 70 3 feeders.. 1084 7 cows... 8i7 8 25 20 steers... .1030 II o 4 r 4 tft 4 m 7 74 ' 4 4 4, 4 U t Pr. a oo a oo 7 68 t 60 a so 7 60 738 6 36 77 8 20 943 .1038 7 60 6 80 6 66 15 7 10 ao- 23 cows. , .1920 7 40 .8 20 8 20 6 90 6 60 7 40 6 00 7 16 7 00 7 10 9 60 ers took a large share of the offerings tint ordinarily sell aa feeders. The clear ance was similar to Tueaday'a market as everything was soon disposed of once a movement wss begun on a higher basin. .Seven cars of fat lambs hit the 360 mark with a sort of about 6 per oent, which also went Into the parkera' hands. This price, la a new record since July, when lamb brought 9.25, and Is a nickel higher than the high time In August A good many lamb moved right at 835 end the range extended all the way from 37.dO to 8.6v. Owing to the continued light supply of anything In the line of mutton, aales wtt-e not numerous, but the moat of such ewes as were on sale, moved at s.2.Vrt.YM, wethers at to. 66 ana year lines st 80 00. The packer buying lambs on the feeder rdcr.left a limited supply of feeders at the disposal of feeder buyers. The feeder tinmand was very fair, homever. though not aa active aa on Mondav and Tuesday and prlcea were generally stronger. Skune feeder lambs sold esrly at 37.30 and some ewes at 34 .23. Quntatloria on rang sheep and lamba: Imbs, good to choice. 37.90t 5flf lamba, fair to good.' 87:36-57.90; ' lamb, feedera, 98.00i87.30: yearlings fair to good. S.".769 8 ": -yearllnga. feeders. aYSoffft.OO: wethers, good to -choice. 86.5o?T.V; -ae-there, fair to good. 85.306.60; wethers, feedera. KSo 4.S5; ewa. good to choice, 86 IVirt oO: ewes, fair to good;' 34 7536,2i; ewes, - feeders. 83Hj4.a&. No. . '. - 1.426 Wyoming lambs ,. 1,2X3 Idaho lajrtba 270 Idaho lamba ........ 813 Wyoming lamb. .; 1.418 Idaho lambs 341 Wyoming feeder lambs. 20 Idaho feeder lambs 831 Wynmlnv feeder , lambs. 33 Native lamba,,....' 27 Native:cwe. 145 Culls .' 23 Utah' lamb. 23 Wyomlnsr feeder ewee. Ml Wyoming feeder ewes. 112 Wyoming feeder ewes. 1M Wyoming feeder ewes. 157 Wyoming ewes W60 Idaho lambs -.''. rumoreff that primary shippers were showing renewed disposition to aell when ever bids were based on London credits; and the local iot market aa easier, with Rio 7a niinted at c and Snntoa 4a at HVc, although this decline aa re garded more In the light of a continued readjuatment to coat and freight values than aa Indicating any material change In primary markets. Santos reported a clear ance of 17,(00 bags yesterday snd an ad vene of ion rels In 4s. while the market at Kto wss unchanged. t Dry Roads Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 16-DRY GOOPS Cotton goods markets, steadier. Worterl varus firmer. Cotton yarns. In better demand. Burlaps, Irregular. F.mbrotd erle and laces, quiet. Silk markets, easier. . -n. Av. .. 4 " .. Rl .. 92 .. 66 . . 63 52 M . . 56 .. 86 ..102 .. 99 .. 90 .. 87 M .. 89 ..1(4 .. S Pr. 8 OO 8 36 9 40 9 10 7 70 7 20 7 25 7 20 7 28 4 75 3 75 7 26 4 25 4 25 4 26 4 25 6 40 8 60 Our Annual FaH Opening Display Laces. Silks, Dress Trionings. IVoncn's Gowns, Dresses, Suits, Coats, Waists snd Skirts Continues Thurs- J ! Baa. aa oaj na rriajy. ah Are. Most Cordially Invited to attend. s CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET """"" " . Cattle "teadr to Lower, Hop 8teay Stroagr to Higher. 11 steer., 33 calve. 4 bulla... 8 10 7 30 8 40 Totals s. 483 9.664 23,386 7,684 CATTLE Tha cattla run thia morning waa again very liberal. 270 car being re- inw in. ini nrings tne total for the three days thia week up jo 37,079. being the largest of any similar period thua far since the opening of the range season, and larger than for the corresponding period a year ago by 4.000 head. In spite of the large run the market aa a whol waa la fair shape. , The market opened with a good active demand for butcher stock, and eowa and heifers were about the first cattla in th yards to change hands. Th prices paid for auch cattle were fully steady with yes terday, the offerings being none too large to supply the requirements of buyers. If anything tha feeing waa strong -and the offerings for th most part changed hands In good season. Thera waa an active demand for de. alrable beef cattlef and anything along that line commanded ateady price.' Aa a matter of course, with' so many oattle received thia week buyer wera able ta dlacrlnilnate a little more cloaely and for that reason Inferior and undesirable stuff was slow and naturally weak. Strictly good, weighty feedera wer In fair demand and fully ateady. On tha other hand the medium grade of atock cattle and feeder of which ther ha been a very large aupply this week wera slow and sharply lower, price ranging anywhere from lMf&c lower, in fact in many caae fully li&o lower for th three day. Quotation oa cauiet Good ta choice cornfed beavea, 89. 6a 10.88; fair to good cornfed beavea, 88.76U 4 40; common to ffelr cornfed beeves. V fa Te; good to cboloa I rang steers, 87.40a.6o; fair to good rang! 873 6 75 .1 steer... COLORADO. ,.1180 7 36 11 cows.. ....VO) .691 8 86 11 feeders... 1078 .1328 6 76 SOUTH DAKOTA. 66 feeder... 984 7 00 19 cowa 793 1 calf 230 10 36 HOOS Heoelpta remained very mod erate today and with atronger prices all along the line, the local trade reacted lightly, the general market being all of s. nlokel higher than yesterday. Ship ping hogs wera quoted as strong to. In aom Instances, a nickel up. Thera were no real good light on sale, and a load f food weighty butcher brought the aaya high prices of M.66. Killers got going In good season, and aa ahlppera and speculator wr combing the yard for good hog, a fairly, lively trade at a niokal advanca resulted,, a complete clear ance being mad in good aeaaon. Today Is the first time since the laat day of August that price hava shown a gain of more than a fraction of a neat. Yester day price war right at 78o a hundred iT?er.Jha.n th cloM ot laat month and llr15 below last Satlrtlaya figures. . 5u'i-0 today sales w made at 88.25 IM. Of course then wer a few bunches of common stuff below this spread, and 4 sprinkling of good killers and shippers above, top reaching 88.65. Today'a estimated recelnta nf lt mm or 8800 head brinz th week' ! ,m 9,023 head. Thia 1 leas than half aa larea aa laat week, and ia almeat 1 onO iIiam nf tha same day last year. N. Aw. 6b. Pr. Ho. M tm ... 8 SB Ta... 43 l lit M 4.. .l IM I Xi 40... ,...M 10 I Mti ... ... ta awt' 1 u CHICAGO, Sept.ill CATTLB-Recelpts, 17.0OD head: market ateady to 10c lower; beeves, 37.00911.00; steers, i 369.35: Mock ers and feedera, 3o.504j8.36: cow and he'fera. fA70'a8 3."; calve, ad.6OfT13.o0. . HOGS ReeelPls, 19,000 head; market steady and strong, 6c to 10o higher; bulk of aales, $.359S 80; llrht. 38.70ffj9.4O; .mixed. M 3Mi0.40; heavy, as.06(88.10; rough, 38.053 8.20; pigs, $4 7Si4.60. SHEEP AND LAM BP Receipt, 30,000 head: market steady to 10o. higher; hep, r..60fi.26;. yearlings. 86.Jnfti7.35; lambs, 37.40 (ft.00. . .. ' ' ' IUk Cltr Live Stock Market. SlOtTX CITY. Ia.. Bept. 16. C ATTLE Receipts, 1,300 head; market steady; na tive steers, 86.25B.50: .'butcher. 36.257.60; cow and helfera, 85.06.50; cannera. 84.00 -o.w; atocKers and feeders, as.O0gi7.26; calve. Ji.2S'al0.00: bulls.- staga etc.. t5.4na hums Keceipt. 2.300 head; market, loo mgner; heavy, g.8o.56; mixed, 38.30WS36; 1 i .. l. . nmss-a , 1 1 . . . . ' ""'. ".-uno.oir, oun oi saifa, .ar(I5.S5. nruiKAf- a.ni LAMBS- Receipt. 200 no quoianons. St. Joae.ph Live Stock Market. ?T.- J,,.E?H'. P- W -CATTLE-Re- 3.o0l0.2.,; cows and heifers, K25eo.25 calves, 3.00(i 10.60. ' UOGS-Receipta, 8.800 head. ' Market strong.:, bulk of sales, 3S.4(Vri,8 66 heS.riEEM. D. LAMBS-Keceipts. 8.800 head. Market strong; lambs, 37.7&g.&0. Coffee Market. w.S51T Jl-.!rJ?-. " -COFVEE-The V. o-.-Tt """"""u looay. irm offer j WBL0 ,"ala 10 either r nnaae nigner. put It un- was at. 44. 44. 44. 44. 41. 44. 71.. 444 , 8MB ix..at S1 ,.... ,..l4 ...tn .864 40 124 SO . 10 Av. ...S64 ...364 ...t ...U ...Ms) ...840 ... ...K)3 ...14 mi.- Pt. 1H IM 140 I 10 IM 8 46 , 40 I 46 S IS ... 4 40 ... 4 4 40 44 40 4 40 as 4 8 '8 44 ... 4 4 ... 8 44 8 44 44... I ' 64... 8 17 T3... I X) , 44 M I 0 ' 44 444 I 4 44.. tl 8 4 4 344 3 44 PIGS. . 1st ... TH SHEEP-Trader seemed .to feel that prices on all kinds of fat stuff and feeder offerings had about reached a position looked top heavy, but with only some 18 000 head of shep and lamb showing up. compared with 33.245 a week ago and 48. 861 a year ago and with another moderate fun at Chicago for a Wednesday, seller thought chancea were good tor still better price. All were holding their offerings at a higher figure than yesterday and as a consequence the packers refused to do much of anything during; the first rounds but later paid prices strong to a dim higher on both fat lambs and aged aheep. Th sorting waa llrht in th. i.i,I, Pt caae and. a of lata, tb packer buv. Do You Know that we can make your last winter'g overcoat lo tvnother -year by Cleaning It and putting on a new velvet collar, and' possibly a new lin ing or sleeve lining? Do You Know - that the whole job wouldn't cost over alt or eight dollars and you would have a $250 coat? Bring or send It in and we'll ' quote you a price to fl it all up. . Do You Know that we do all kinds of alter ing, repairing and relining of both men's and women's clothes for about half what the regular tailors charge? We do and guarantee satisfac tion. Try us. THE PANT0RIUM 'Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St, Phone Doug. 9433, Gay Iiggett, Pres. J HMII ChicKHo Ceah Prices Wheat: No. 2 red 82.0641. lvH; No. 3 hard, tl.ONu 1.104. Corn:' No. 3 yellow, 7&7mc; No. 8 yellow, iSVif 7c. Oa's: No. 3 white, 474u'4-o; standard, 4',tQ4iic. Kye: No. 2, c. ltarioy; 6Vv,oc Timothy: 31 .'lor, nominal. Vork; $17.85. Lard' 80 ii. Rib; 811.IK.'Hi7U.t3 ECTTUR Ii4Ulpu. 11.602 Changed. 1 Ki3 Lower; receipts. 10 4M eases at j-tnaj-k. caw includel, a0iijc; ordinary firsts, ni 'Jc; firsts, rjv4jiic. POTATOKS-Hlgher; reoeipta, 66 car; Jerseys, fmy'-or; Jli hlgsn and Wlacooaln. 7iTi4 ; "Mitmeaota and lakota. 6Vic. rXJt'LTHlf Aiiva lower; apiinga. IV 3'ic; fowla, 16b16sc. tubs; Kaaaa City Orala aa4 Provtalaaa. KANSAS CITY, Sept. lt-BUTTEJl-Creanury, Jbo; lirst. StVic; a-soond. J4c; lJVliif, wti. ' KiiiJaV r'irst. 22c; aenonds, l!lc. !.( I.THY-Htn. 1; broilers. 15o VVUKAT-No. 3 hard. $l.oai u,;; No' red. ll.Wil US; Beptumber, ll.Ol; Decent. SOUTH OMAHA QUALITY MIGN PQJOES LOW Not on day, but every day , - mm 0x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs, tft "TP at ,50.75 i ia rt tk. vxit teamiesa .velvet Kugs, 314 5Q 9x12 xminster Rugs, 'r--- a, - ift 515.00 Coopleio line of Dody Drcssds end IVillcn Rugs in all size.. SEE OUR NEW DAYLIGHT DISPLAY ROOM 1 IX lit Lace$ and Silka Shown on Third . Floor. Let ua wel come you. MP1 J ;' a, f ' r ait taliiw iiina a innmiai Co UmS, )r4lt44 c fisf 5nr'f Shown en Scond Flor, Bring War FrUnJ$ Thartday. 00R ADTQC3U. STYLE SHOD Readily Solves Women's Prob lems of What to Wear., No haphazard selection as made of the models on view they are the best of many bests the very cream of the offerings from desisruers of highest repute. Nearly. 100 Beautiful Gowns which were expected for the open ing Monday were delayed and will be shown for the first time Thursday. You'll find tiniiHtial economy ad ran ts ee In buying gownn for, Ak-Sar-llen her, now $35, 945, $50f g(J5 "p, ; S15Q CrxwTi Jewel Null The greatest .values ever ar$23.75 offer originality and dlBtinctioa in design and quality of material and tailoring which appeals moRt strongly to the woman who knows value. They come In chiffon, broadcloths, grenadines, cheviot a, fancy Buttings, etc.. In the Redlngote and Cossack coat styles, all sizes, well worth $30 to $35 823.75 Other Splendid Tailored Bui Value, shown here now 35S45 S55 $65 $75 rP. The w aJnts Exceptionally beauti ful in design, broad assortment and attractive values at from S3.95 $5.95 87.05 to $13.50 Dre. Skirts Hundreds of the most attractive new models in all best materials and colors 83.98 88.98. $1il ud to SIR Blankets, Comforters. Bath Robes. Eiderdowns A wonderfully complete showing of the products of the very best raills, at exceptionally attractive prices. No place west of Chicago will you find assortments more com plete. Comparison rill prove values superior.. ( Authentic Millinery Styles Becoming to Every Face mm liiuidreda of beautiful new Hats displayed now at the popular price, Every one distinctive, all beauties and exceptional values at this price. Youthful looking Velvet Sailors," snug fitting Velvet Toques, Large Roll Brim Itatsi Tri corns . . , , 1 "w, inmmea m goia ana suver braid, flowers and fancies of almost every description on sale at $4.98 Close Fitting Turbans are extremely popular this season. We are showing an unusually broad assortment among: them. A GER MAN VELVET TURBAN, like cut, on special sale Thursday at $1.49 In the Domestic Room Jttyc Percales, dark or light colors, per yard .y. , 7Vc Simpson's Prints Vc Pure Indlg-o Blue Apron' Checks, ae Ainoskeaa Teaxeldown, yard .... 10c the Poplins all colors, yard. ... .18c Good Poplins, yard lSVio 25o White Goods.. 19 varieties, ltVse Fancy Wash Goods, worth up to 25c a yard .;, IOo 72x90 Sheets. 65c quality 48c 81x90 Bheela. 85c quality 63o Pillow Slips, eat'h 7Us toSo 11.00 Table Linen, 72-in. wldeVeSo 10c Tnwvls. each CMtO 16c Towels each IOo 60 Bed Spreads. $1.(0 Rrade, at $1.10 60 Wool Filled Blankets, tha regular $5.00 trade, special MJ3 Four Rousing Linen Bargains Thursday Huck Towelln. pure linen,' plain or fancy figured values r" to 78c m yard OUC Guest Towels pure flax, hem stitched, 35c values, r j each aWsDC Linen Sheeting pure Irish flax, 90 lucnes wiae, rouna thread, worth up to fi.zs a yard. $1.00 at Hemstitched Huck Towels, Webb's insn linen, worth 60c; nr sale price, each JjC The Last of the Peaches For This Season If you have not put up your Peaches we advise you, to do so this week. V will put on sale a caroad of eitra fancy Utah Elberta I'Yee stone Peacbea. This Is No. 1 qual ity, not over-ripe fruTt that Is unfit for preserving-, par erata aoa Fnt Up Italian Bins Fltuna Tola Week t -basket crates Italian Bin Plums .'. .95o Oreea Tomatoes for rioklaa. -Imtkb market basket ,,........ lio Tlon Is amu AdTaaolBt'f and - every prospect of Itolna still higher. -We advlae our cuatoinera to . tiuy now. -48-11). sacks best hitch arade Flour, made from beat selected No. 1 wheat nothlna fiuvr for bread, pien r( cakes ack ., .91.36 IS lbs. best Pur Can "Suirar. . . tt.00 10 bars Uest 'Km All, UlwJiipn.t C, Lennox or Laundry. Qaeen White ' Laundry fioi aaa 10 lla. beat Whlta or Tellow Corn- -meal t , . .tfta I lbs best Rolled White Breakf"" Oatmeal S5 4 lbs. best hand picked, Navy Bean lor 15c Itx. fancy Japan Rice in. Advo Jell for dessert, nothing like It. Per okr il. 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups ......tHa cakea 81leco Bcourin 8op....K6e fVeso Crlso Ginger Snaps, lb ,.e Corn Flakes, pk 5o Herahey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb... SOo Golden Bantos Coffee, lb t3Ve BatUr. Cheess. Bntterlss sad Xars. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb S3o Fancy Country Creamery Butter. pr lb 30c Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, per lb as Oood Dairy Table Butter, lh aso The beet No 1 EgRs. per dos ado Full Cream Wisconsin .White or Col ored Cheese, per lb , ...SOo Younar America Cheese, lb.,.-,,, aao Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb aao !-lb. roll Table Hatterlne S6o Fancy Table Butterlne, lb lsa The . best Fancy Table Butterlne. IW .. . 8 So " TKCSX TZOXTABZ.XB. 15 lbs. Red Hive liarly Ohio Potatoes to-the. peck as Demand IS lbs; tha law requires It 4 bum-hea frenh Beets or Carrots. .Ro Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb a Jersey Sweet Potatoes, market basket for 3oo V.kk Plants, each Stie and So 5 heads fresh Hothouse Leaf Lettuce for , so Larire market basket Green Peppers for , ao S atalka fresh Celery ao 3 bunchej Kohl Rabbi .....Be $ .bunches frenh Parsley '. .bo. I.aice market basket Heets ls Larae market basket Red Onions. 3&o Heart Letture. per head JOo Belinower Apples, bushel koaaa.' at, per ka .1.4S Tokay Orapa apeoial to Tlb. basketa tancy California Tokay Qrapes. baaket aoo tat w i w a iiaUI Pin