Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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. r V r-V , '. !
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, September' 16, 1914.
IIK dancing clubs are announcing their date for the winter sea
son. Some of the clubs of lat winter will resume their meet
Inps after Ak-Sar-Hen and will continue with po Instructor to
teach the new steps.
The studenta of the Crelghton University Dental college will give the
first student dance of the present year next Friday evening at the Omaha
Field club. The affair will ho Informal. A dancing club will be formed
at the medical department this week.
The women's social committee of the Elks' lodge have arranged for a
series of dancing parties during the coming season. The first will be
Wednesday evening, November 4, and the other dates are November IS,
December, 2, 16 and 31; January 13 and 27; February 10 and 24; March
10 and 24, and April 7.
The Week End Dancing club have announced dates for parties for
this 8eaion. the first party being Saturday, October. 31. and every two
weeks thereafter. Their dates are October 31, November 14 and 28. De
cember 12 and 26, January 9 and 23, February 6 and 20 and March 6.
Retuniiiif to College.
Frd rtyplnn Ihvii today for the eaiit
and Hohrw l nlon coung-c.
Wrr-n Hamilton will return to Armour
Innttuie of Technology t Chlca this
ymr, to complete hli course In en!neer
InR. Plngleton Pwitur will leave for Mlrh1
fin and will visit In Chlrnno with nev
rl fraternity brnthera of the Zeta I'al
before continuing to Ann Arbor.
Flag Presentation.
V. 9. Orant Woman Relief Corpi No.
VH presented a large marrhlna flag, eight
feet long and five feet wide with gold
mounting, to the Fearl Memorial Metho
dist Sunday achool, f unday morning. Mra.
Lillian Eddy, patriotic Instructor of tha
corpa. made the preaontatlon speech, to
which the Tlev. Mr. llaaa. pastor cf tha
church, reaponded. Tha flag salute was
given by the Grant poet and corps.
At Fontenelle Park.
Mleae Sndle Hlatt and Leila Crume en
tertained their Sunday school claaaea of
the Wet Fide Melhodlat church of South
Omaha Saturday afternoon and evening
at Fontenelle park. Thoee present were:
Barbara Pnokee,
Mary I'aulldon,
Arils Crume,
Margaret l'auliaon,
George faullaon,
Klmer Htaley,
Ralph Barker,
Ivan Hague,
Elmer JUoack,
Mary Hague,
Zora talev,
IOIale Paiiliaon.
Carrie I'aullson,
Eugene Ktaley,
hu'lle Staley, i
I'hlllp Crume,
Fred Btaley,
Lloyd Staley,
Impromptu Muiicale.
Mrs. Morris Strauaa was hoateaa for a
delightful Impromptu musical Saturday
afternoon, whon aha had as har guest
for tha day Miss May Julia Riley of
Chicago, head of the dramatic art de
partment of the Bush conxervatory. Mlaa
Riley read "The Man In tha Hhadow," by
Richard Waahbume Chllde, and gava
other readings. Musical numbers were
also given by Mlaa Minna Meyer, who
returned recently from Europe, whera
she bad been studying voice,' Mlaa Laura
doeta, Mia Helen Bommer and tha Mlaaes
Madge and Klota Weal. Forty guests
were present
At the Field Club. .
Mrs. C. B. Drown and Miss Walrod en
tertained at one of tha larger luncheon
at the club today. Baaketa of KUlamay
rosea formed a pretty decoration and cov
er ware placed for twenty-four gueata
Mrs. W. C. McKnlKht entertained at
luncheon today for aeveral out-of-town!
meats. Covers war placed for
Thnmian of
Anna Kogera
of Chicago,
Brown of Heattle,
il. J. McCarthy,
J. Bcnadon.
F. Conn.
F. J. Tamcart,
A. ureyrooa,
Mlaa Irene MeKnlfM
K. Ullcy, .
M. Plilrley.
N, J. Kopuld,
11, Kubel.
J. J. linger,
Herman Malchlen,
1). L. Danfurth.
Oporge Hrandela,
W. C. McKn'ght.
Entertain at Dinner.
A dinner party wa given Sunday af
ternoon by Mlaa Margaret Sinclair and
Miss Agnes Krajlcek, at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Sinclair. Cover were laid
Mary Anderaon,
t-tella Znanemacak,
Kl Prutea.
Agnea Krajlcek,
Julia Bouaka.
Al A bra in ion.
Jullua Munleo.
Frank Koror.
Arthur Johnson,
Jerry Eamaon,
Marie Krlcke,
Alga Starr,
Martha Schlottan,
Margait Sinclair.
Waiter Llckard.
Arthur Anderson,
William Ntnrlalr,
Arthur Lai eon.
prlneess lace. th4 carried . Klllarney
Mr. -Chandler Trimble was best man.
After the ceremony a wedding dinner
aas served sr.d only relatives and a few
Intimate frlenda were present.' The deco
ratlona were In Klllarney end bride's
roses with pink shaded candles.
Mr. snd Mrs. Flnley will be at home
af'er October 1 at Lincoln. Neb.
The out-of-town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Howard O. Rlllson and their daugh
ter. Miss Esther Stlllson. of Boons. la.
Warren-Mickel Weddinj.
Mrs. M. Mickel announcaa the mar
riage of her daughter, Margaret Dene
vteve, to Royal Oeorsa Warren, ann nf
Oeorge A. Warren, chief clerk of tha
Army Signal Corps supply depot In
Omaha, on Tuesday morning, September
IS. After the wedding breakfast at tha
residence of the bride1 mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren left for a short trip. They
will b at home after October 1 at BMO
North Twenty-fifth avenue.
Maple Leaf Chapter.
Maple Leaf chapter. Order of the East
ern Star, will be entertained at a ken-
elngton at the horn of Mr. W. O. Ferry.
4909 California (treat, Saturday afternoon.
D( C. K'Club. '
The D. C. N. club gave a matinee party
at the Orpheum Saturday, followed by
dinner at the Henshew. Prcasnt were
Mesdamee Andrew Anderaon, W. D. Hens-
ley. D. M Cox, Henry Zeldman, Hsrlow
Meyers, Mlssee Mlna Ooehey, Gertrude
Tracy, Effle Lannlng, Bdythe Maloney,
Mary fag.
Dinner at Fort Crook.
Major and Mrs. John S'ngleton Bwltaer
gave a dinner yesterday for Mr. and Mra.
A. B. McConnell. Major end Mr. F. V.
Krug, Mlsse Alice Coad and Federeon,
Messrs. Harold MoConnell, Singleton and
Bwltaer. ,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mra. W. FY Coleman returned to Tort
Ciook today with her mother and three
children. . , . '
Mr. B. O. Hamilton and children have
returned from Estes park, where they
had a cottage during the summer,
Mis Hssel Breeder of St. Louis, who
has been the guest of Mis Ethel Al
bach, loft Sunday to spend a short time
In western Nebraska, after which she
will return to her home.
Expected from Out
in State Wednesday
Between 00 and 7U bankers are ex
pected In Omaha Wednesday morning for
the two days' session of the Nebraska
Hunkers aseociatlon to be held at Happy
Hollow Huh. local bankera are to do
some entertaining during the altemoone.
The itionilng sessions ore to last from 10
o'clock until 1 o'clock In the afternoon.
The bankers of Omaha and .South
Omaha have arranged for a buffet lunch
eon to be aorved at the Happy Hollow
club rooms Immediately after adjourn
ment Wednesday. At 3:IS o'clock they
are to be at the base ball park to Wit
ness the fmiaha-Topeka game. In the
evening they are to be accorded a spe
cial show and Initiation at Ak-Par-Ben
den. The 'club luncheon and base ball
Kmo Is again scheduled for Thursday
On Thursdny evening there Is to be a
theater party at the Orpbeum after which
light refreshments will be aerved at the
Commercial club. W. 1. Nolan of Min
neapolis Is to speak at the meeting at the
Commercial club after the theater.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Swoboda, their
dyiughter. Miss firetchen. and son, Her
bert, have reached Omaha from Germany,
where they were delayed without means
o' communication for about a month after
the war broke out. They say thst the
Germans expect to win the conflict and
are well prepared, with plenty tit men
and ample food for the population for a
long time.
Beautify the Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
Tha Unequalcd Btautlfltf
vara and tNOoaseD '
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, pimples.
liver spots, etc. Extreme
cases about twenty days.
Rid pores and tissues of Impurities.
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy.
Two siies, 30e. and $1.00. By toilet
counter or mail.
Sold by 8tirmn MrCVeinll Drug Btorn, n.
ton I'm Co., Hrandela Drug Dti. and oihw.
Bring in Your Feet-r-We'll
Fit Them to a Nicety
You'd never have a corn, bunion or footache If yon
never wore shoes; lta the poor fitting shop that causes
all the trouble.
Don't merely put your feet In the first pair of shoes
you try and wear them off I Have your feet correctly
fitted. We have a style and size that you can wear with
ease and comfort, at a price which you will be glad to
pay. They look right feel right are right, priced from
$3.00 to $5.00
Ferional Mention.
Mr. and Mr. P. A. Wells have returned
from Moose Lode, Minn., their summer
home. (Mr. Welle has , almost entirely
recovered from the effects ofi the sural
cal operation that he underwent this
prlng . '
Entertain! at Cards.
Mr. R. B. Schuyler entertained at
card Monday afternoon. The following
gueata wer present:
Mesdames Mesdamee
H. H. Kergqulet, F. P. Olllogly,
J. P. Shea. 8. I.. Winters.
James Cummtnis. J. U. Minor,
Koy Campbell. C. j. houthard,
loan I'owell, H. F. l amubell.
ttowen, u u Helfner.
Mugan, Frank Moot.
ueursa j. macaonaia.
Sui prise Party.
A number of friends of Miss Helen
Gould Moore surprised hrr at her home,
2211 Maple street, previous to har depar
ture oq Friday for Laramie. Wyo., where
she wll apend a year with her sister,
Mr. W. Carson McConnell, on ths Heart
ranch- Thute prtaent were:
Kdlth ftiathewa,
I !le Binea.
Thalma Xmt'.h.
'liasel Hemet'xH,
Mswri- e
Robert fat tun,
l ew Kevnolds,
Harry Olnen,
AVlllard McXamara,
Tthel McCulloch,
Man a ret UN ell.
Helen Gould Muore.
Kud Rohrs.
Hali'h Chambers,
trwln Nellsin.
Finley-Shepard Wedding.
Miss Irene Dolores H'.iepard, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Frank bhetard.
became tha bride of Itobert Halbert Tin
ley Monday ertcruoon at t o'clock. Th
frmony was lerformed at the horn of
tha bride's (arenta ty Hew Huh B.
Spear of the Central United freebyierlan
The bride wore whit crepe de chine,
with tunle of whit chiffon, edged with
pearls, and trimmed with pr!iicss lace
The bodice was made of chiffon and lare.
embroidered with pear la. She rarrtrd a
bouquet of bride's roses with a showtr of
Hlles of th valley.
Mia Ulzilxth Flnley, a'.ater of the
bride, was bridesmaid and wore a gown
oi pink aatln !th tunio of pink mar
quisette, edged with pick ostrich bath
era Th deep collar of princess lace was
eleo trimmed with ostrich feather aad
the imi was finished with a cap of
Enrollment at TIni
of Omaha Greater
By Fifty Per Cent
An Increase of over 10 per cent In en
rollment over former years' waa shown al
the University of Omaha whlrn pponed
yetlerday for Its sixth echoM year. Of
th Increased attendance the largest num
ber are young women who registered for
the teachera" course, rractl ially all of
th' new studenta are gradual of hUh
achool near Omaha.
The freshman class I by far the liri
la the history of the achool.
IT JJsV'i.
PEACHES Colorado Altertas
!! they Is it,
I srr t slt
No. 21-816 No. 16 No. 23-1807 Vinton
No. 22-1406 No. 24 No. 24-2127 Farnam
We now have a little meat market going in each
one of our stores, except No. 24, and that will probably
be ready soon. We try to carry a full line of best
meats atvll times.
I JWIWWIHSS'W y !" '' IS J SUM Sin mi I III a I nii ulnliuMl.i.."
I r. ... .. v.. " . - - - .. . - . . ..j. - 1
I 1 "" -"j--"iiiMihmimi nifii I.,...,,, ttm
J ,.r - L . , ..11lri ninwi" II I I -"- HUSH siiliii ... N 1 iiiiiimejij
Voir Ipp
irfiisiisSy us
$50,000 tock of Piano and Players, now going- at price tint art irreslBtible, and on term
never before given on biffh-jrade make. Our Sale of Discontinued Styles of high grade Piano
and Player Pianos gives Piano buyers an opportunity to y
SAVE FROF.1 S85.00 TO $215.00
This is a fearless price-cutting sale; the fWd is swept clear of competition, as no other music
house in the city or state can meet such low prices and low terms on this class Of high grade
Pianos and Players. Every instrument is discounted. (1815 styles Steinway and Pianola Pianos
eacepted.) , .
Chcose from the Vorld's Dcst Makes-Pianos You Ail Know
, Sieger &
Lindeman & Son
Schmollcr & F.lucllcr
Many other makes
$300 Emerson Upright, now 9 05 I 5400 Schmoller So Mueller Upright, now.SlOS
J250 Newby & Evans Upright, now....S 75 I zoa cstey upng&t, now ; $ 85
$300 Ivers & Pond Upright, now S 05
$275 Schrimer Upright, now $100
$300 Echmoller & Mueller Upright, now. $150
$450 Emerson Upright, now 9290
1350 Steger & Co. Upright, now ...$150
$300 Wagner Upright, now $200
$275 J. Ss 0. Fisher Upright, now ;.$100
$450 8teger So Sons Upright, now $255
1350 Arion Upright, now $175
53CO Majestic Upright, now $150
$300 Vose & Son Upright, now $150
$500 Steger & Sons Upright, now. .'. . . .$275
$1,000 A. B. Chase Grand, now $325
$800 Geo. Steck Grand, now $250
$500 Schubert Player, now $235
?50 Schmoller it Mueller Player, now.. $290
evuu Btuyvesant Player, now '.$425
Schmoller Ik Mueller Piano Co.
Wednesday Sale of Sample Hats- i
Actual $5 to $7 Values (Basement)
250 show j-oom model hats from .iVbt & Co , riiiladelphia, a hiirh crrade linn, which
makes hats to retail at not less than $5 regularly. ,
There are the very newest styles of the season. Practically any effect that Is good
will be found In this lot. as they are all different no two alike. Large hate, small hate,
almple or elaborate atyles, too numerous to describe. Any woman will find a hat exactly
suited to her individual tastes and requirements.
Not a hat in the sale could ordinarily be bought at less than $3. Many are worth
$6 and $7. Your choice Wednesday, in the basement, at, only $2 50.
This Is the Rug Store of Omaha
You will find, as thousands of others have 'done, that nowhere in Omaha are there
such magnificent varieties, such pleasing patterns and such excellent qualities as here.
1 '. . -l a i ' x rm .
nu our prices are always 10 your anvaniage. Jinese nnpon
ant advantages have won for us the highest esteem of the rug
buying public of the city. . .
Axminster Rugs
An exceptionally fine selection cf
these serviceable rugs; all brand
new patterns:
9x12 ft. size, at $25.00
8-3xl0-6-ft. size, at $22.50
Body Brussels Rugs
Their many points of excellence
make these rugs much in demand:
9xl2-ft. size, at $30.00'
8-3xt0-6-ft. size, at $27.50
Seamless Wilton Rugs
They give splendid satisfaction
under hard service:
9xl2-ft. size, (at $33.00
8-3xlO-(Wt. size, at $31.00
Alexandria Seamless Wilton Rugs
We are exclusive selling agents in Omaha for
these celebrated rugs, and show them In complete
variety. ,
9x12-1 1. size at $42.50 J 6x9-fWsize at $27.50
8-3xl0-6-ft. size at $40 1 3Gx63-in. size at $7.50
27x54-in. size at $4.50
' .A nxst extensive stock
of f- dependable quality
printed and inlaid lin
oleums, in all the
and desirable pat
terns' at 55c to
$1.50 per eq
Fine. Hartford Iran Wilton Rugs
Pure worsted Wilton rugs of high quality suit
able for any home. An excellent; selection of new
and beautiful patterns In rich, harmonizing colors.
9xl2-ft. size at $42.50 4-6x7-8-ft. size at $15
8-3xl0-6-ft. size at $40 27x54-ut size at $4.50
6x9-ft. size at $27.50 36x63-in. size at $7.50
Artistic Curtains and Window Draperies
Voile Curtains
Very pretty voile cur
tains In the new Egyp
tlon shade, with neat
lace trimming, Wednes
day at, pair, $1.23.
I)rery Voile with insertion and
lace edges. A special lot for Wed
nesday at, yard, 20c and 89c.
Dainty Curtains.
Marquisette and eta
mlne curtains with lace
edges, in ivory or Egyp
tian color. Extra good
at 1.0M.
I)raiery Marqu
linen . lace edges,
sells at 60c yard
Etamine Curtains
Excellent quality eta
mine and voile curtains
trimmed with wide linen
lace. 25 new styles.
Wednesday, pr.
Isette with pretty
such as usually
special at 45c.
New Curtains
High grade marqui
sette curtains trimmed
with lace 3 and 4 Inches
wide, Every pattern is
new. -Priced, pr., Q3.M.
Etamine and Scrim in ecru and
ivory with colored borders. 36 and
40 Inches wide. Special, yard. 25c.
Buy "Munsingwear" This Fall
Munsing underwear, because of the excellent service it renders, is
the most economical underwear you can buy. It will wear. Its dur
ability and washability warrant the expression: "Satisfaction in Every
Thread." Let us supply your needs with Munsingwear, and you will
- muic an kino ujju winter.
Women's Union Suits
Munsing Union Suits for women, all
or part wool, light, medium and heavy
weights. Made with low neck and sleeve
less, Dutch neck with elbow sleeves and
high neck with long sleeves. These are
all in ankle length. Natural and white,
for Wednesday, per suit. 91.50, $2.00
up to (jjf.uu.
Munsing Suits at $1.00
The well known Women's Munslnx
Union Suits, In medium and light
weights, also heavy cottons. Plain or
fleecy lined, with low neck. Both sleeve
less and elbow sleeves, Dutch neck,
elbow sleeves and high neck with long
sleeves. All In ankle lengths, at, the
suit, 71.
I "ST 1
Women's Munsing Vests and Pants
All and part wool, plain and fleecy lined cotton Munsing Vests and Pants,
made In regular and extra sizes. These are recognized as the world'a standard ar-
For Boys and Girls
Munsing Union Suits for misses,
children and boys, In all or part wool
and fleecy lined cottons. Suit, SOc, 75c,
gl.OO up to $2.00.
Children's Garments
Vests and Pants tor misses and child
ren la all or part wool and fleecy lined
cotton. Sizes to li years, per garment,
30c, 50c and 75c.
riinixHANpe dc soto eitcovceiNarMt Hississiew MMMM-- er miiluii plw-iuw
Everybody Reads The Swapper's Column in the Bee.
i , ......
1 1