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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1914)
1L TIIK HKK: OMAHA WKDXKRDAY. SEPTKMIWR Ifi, lf)14. BRIEF CITY NEWS sts oot Print It Now Bracoti rr. PlUty StotMT a Co- Donf. ilrhttaf rixturss, HurirfsK-Grancien Co. City Property For result", lift that bourn with Onborno Realty Co. D. 1471 Beautiful All Modern Home Tor ItU or. the c!y i ment iln. Hanker' Realty InveRtmrnt Co. Thone Doug. 202. Jsnssa leaks OlTOrea James P. Jen Ben alleses in a divorce petition that hla wife, Mary, called him abusive namea and cut him with a knife. Utt Visits Offloa John K. Vtt. en eral frelftht wtent of the Rock lrlnd road, stricken last week with paralysis, has so far recovered that he was at his office for a short time. ' chool Enrollment tarrr Atten dance at public schools has been steadily I... p. mini m niwnlnr HflV. Tbe tllltll- bcr enrolled shows an Increase of K over J the records of Inst' year. "Today's Compute Mori Programs'' may be found on the first puge of the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCU SIVF.I.Y. Find out what tho various moving picture theaters offer. To Count ths Backs- Orders from Washington have been received at the lo cal department of railway mail service that a general Inventory of equipment must be made and forwarded to the fourth assistant postmaster general this month. Key. Titna Low Is ChosnAt the quarterly meeting of the First Metho dist church, Rev. Titus Lowe was unani mously chosen as pastor for another year, subject to appointment by Bishop Theo dore Henderson of the Nebraska confer ence, who la presiding In place of Bishop Bristol. Decree Tavors Mn. Boucher Al though a decree of divorce has not been filed, because the costs of suit were not Immediately paid, Ubitrict Judge Sears has entered a memorandum decree In favor of Mrs. Cora Boucher, 111" South Thirty-third street, who sued for divorce from her husband, John J. Boucher, an Omaha lawyer. Mrs. Wonson Asks Dlroroe Mrs. Kuby Crumbliss Monson has sued for di vorce from Karl L.., whom she says Is a barber at the young. Men's Christian as sociation. She alleges cruelty and non support, and asks for an absolute divorce, alimony and money for the support of a 8-year-old child. She also wants her maiden name restored. Mrs. Booek Answers Husband's Suit Answering the divorce petition of Frank Bocek, hla wife, Mary, alleges cruelty, physical violence, abandonment and non support, asks that his petition be dis missed and that she be given a decree of absolute divorce, with their house, ali mony and allowance for the support and education of a 13-year-old daughter. Lewis to Drop Suit Counsel for S. Arlon Lewis, defeated democratic candi date for a legislative nomination, who pe titioned for a recount and was refused, has announced that nothing further will be done In the case. He says he has concluded, upon examination of the statutes, that the law contemplates a re count only on strictly city primary ballots. Charges Are Filed Against Officer Peterson; Assault Charges that Police Officer .Otto . P. Peterson- ' wantonly assaulted . George Cathroe, a health Inspector, and Injured him by striking him In the face with his club have been .laid before Police Com missioner A. C. Kugel and the other mem bers of the city commission. A public hearing may be given. According to Cathroe's complaint Pet erson arrested the young son of the health Inspector without cause. When Cathroe, who was reading a newspaper in his home, came out to Inquire why the boy, who had been playing In front of the house, had been arrested words followed. Cathroe says he then turned away and after his back was turned Peterson hit him with his club over the head and then struck him In the face. GERMAN CAVALRY CLASHES WITH MOTOR CAR FORCE LONDON, Sept. 15. An engagement took place yesterday near A lost, fifteen miles northwest of Brussels, between German cavalry and, a Belgian quick firing detachment In motorcars, according to an Ostend dispatch to Reuters Tele gram company. The German losses are reported to be heavy. Twenty thousand Germans, the dispatch ays hare evacuated Alost hastily to re inforce their ' troops elsewhere. Before their v departure the Germans removed their flag, which had been flying over the railway station. ' Contrary to reports previously circu lated, the prison at Louvain remains intact and still holds prisoners. NOMINATED CANDIDATES QUIT ELECTION RACE To be regularly nominated by primary election as candidates for office, and then decline to run, ia the unusual action of three Omahans Harry E. Ryan received the progressive pariy nomination for state senator, K. C. Houg got the nomina tion of that party for state representa tive, and John Mahoney was nominated for democratic Justice of the ueace, by having his name written In the blank space on the ballot. All three have sent their refusals to the election commis sioner. Since being nominated on the republican ticket to run for police Judge of Benson. John H. McGulre has died, so another candidate rnUGt also be substi tuted for him. FOSTER AND MILLER FILE FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Two more candidates for the Board of Kduratlon have filed petitions. They are Dr. J. J. Foster, present member from the Ninth ward, and August F. Miller, better known as "Gus." who lives in the Twelfth ward. Dr. W. li. Mick had pre viously filed, and Uvea In the same ward as Dr. Foster, whom be must defeat in order to be elected. . Care of ' Iaalajeatloa. Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana, Pa., was bothered with indigestion. "My stomach pained me night and day," she writes. "I would feel bloated and have headache and belching after eating. , I also suffered from constipation. My daughter had used Chamberlain's Tab lets and they did her so much good that ahe gave me a few doses of them and Insisted upon my trying them. They helped me as nothing else has done." For sal by aUdealers Advertisement. -Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M Splendid Showing of NEW FALL WAISTS IURGESS-NASH COMPANY Worren's Rcady-to-Wear Dept. Second Floor. "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Turariay, September 15, 1014. KTOKK NKWH FOK VKDM:SUY Sixteenth and Hamejr Sta. Wednesday An Almost Unlimited Array of Handsome NEW FALL SUITS at $25.00 t In the Season's Very Newest Tailored and Demi-Tailored Models THESE Suits represent the most noteworthy garments ever offered Omaha women. Early in the year we planned to have in this store a Suit for $25.00 that would instantly win favor. The Suits we offer you Wednesday are the result. Many of thorn nro copies of much hichor priced models, so when you see these garments do not he surprised to find style and quality here nt $'2.".00 that would cost you a great deal more anywhere else. All due to our splendid buying facilities. They came to us from the best designers and makers; suits that possess that distinctive style individuality that make them appeal to women who give a thought to their dress, (larments not equaled in point of style, quality or character by any other store in town at anywhere near the price. ' . 4 Mm iff A . Suit Like Picture No. 1, for $25.00 RKDINGOTE style, elegantly tailored throughout of a fine quality poplin tastily trimmed with wool braid and finish ed with new medlrt collar. The skirt is made a little wider than usual; the colors are navy, green and plum, also black. Suit Like Picture No. 2, for $25.00 MADH basque style as illus trated, with black velvet sasli, velvet cuffs and tailored collar. It's an exceptionally pretty (style and a big polling number. Plain yoke skirt, splendidly finished. The colors are navy blue and green, also black. Suit Like Picture No. 3, for $25.00 ANOTHER smt value that will appeal to you. Fine wool gabardAie, made up with Redlngote style coat, turn back cuffs, medlcl collar and braid trim med, skirt Is plain flare style.. The colors are blue, plum and green, nlso black. A rare value. Suit Like Picture No. 4 for $25.0t) A FINE tailored gar ment of broadcloth, Redingote style, ' trim med with ornaments of braid and satin.. Skiit is the new yoke style; coKrs are Rus sian mid-night blue, also black. Suit Like Picture No. 5 , for $25.00 A HANDSOME suit that you will like, made of gab ardine, directoire style; the back is trimmed with braid prnaments, new flare velvet collar and turn back cuffs. A wonderfully smart suit in colors of navy, brown and green, also black. " - - Burress-irajfe Co. Becon! TlooT. 'Jill r f r No. 6. Wff m 1 iff No. 7. Suit Like Picture No. 7 for $25.00 HERE is one of the greatest values in our entire line at this price. Made in Redingote. style, coat finished with black satin around bottom of fine Imported broad rloth.. Guaranteed satin lining, yoke skirt, black and bades of blue, green, plum and brown. Suit Like Picture No. 6 for $25.00 ONE of the smartest styles shown this season, made of fine crepe poplin, strictly man tal ored throughout. - Tailored collar and turn' bick cuffs, yoke skirt, black and shades of navy, plum and brown. An exceptionally pretty suit. Barrets-Hash Co. toond moor. Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney, iv ''"'"'J 7 A3 The Studebaker 5-Passenger Six, $1,385 (T. O. B. Detroit) Electric Starter. Electric Lights. Completely Equipped. EQUIPMENT OF FIVE-PASSENGER STUDEBAKER SIX: Electric starter, electric lights, f (Studebaker, Wagner System). Extra size tires, safety tread on the rear wheels. 34x4 on FOUR; 34x4 on SIX Goodrich. One-man type top, good quality silk mo hair. Top boot. Sizo of motor, 3Vix5. Weight of car, 2,855 pounds. Wheel-base, 121 inches. Every bearing Is a Tlmkio High grade, large size Stewart-Warner magnetic speedometer. New design locking ignition and lighting switches. Windshield made expressly for Studebaker bodteti, rain and storm proof adjust able to rain and clear vision and ventila tion. , Complete set of high grade tools, pump and jack. Extra deep upholstering. Electric horrf. with button set in center cf steering wheel. Magnotic gasoline tank gauge. Studebaker-Schebler carburetor with dash adjustment. Quick detachable, demountable rims, with extra rim carried on locking tire carrier at rear of body. Studebaker stowaway side curtains. E. IR WILSON 2429 Fa r n i m Street "Buy It Because It's a Studebaker" 8 (SI mi EcjbS mum Use the Only double Track Automatic Electric Safety Signal Line From the -s Missouri River to Chicago Eight Fast Daily Trains Lv. Omaha Ir. Chicago Hawkeyt Express - 7i40 a. m. 8:45 p. m. Atlantlo Express - - I2i30p. m. 6.45 a. m. Chleago Special Ro. 22 6:00 p. n. 7i34 a. ra. Oregon-Washington Limited 8i32 p. m. II iOO a. ra. Overland Limited (extra tare) 9iC0 p. m, 9i30 a. ra. Los Angeles United 9:55 p. ra. 11:00 a. ra. San Franclsoo Limited - 12:55 a. m. 1 130 p. m. Denver Sptelal - - 2:45 a. m. 4iC0 p. ra. Convenient schedules, direct connections at Chicago with the fast trains on all lines South and East. Newest and most luxurious equipment and unequaied dining car service. Similar excellent service westbound The Best of Everything For tickets, reaervatiom and foil particulars apply 10 yoar naarett ticks agent or stddrtM Chicago end Rcrih Western EUitosy' 1401-1403 Faroam Strt Omaha, Nsb. NWattl in P in mi i 4 ird S3 R m 4 3 r r PAY UIIEN CURED PUm mad JU1 Ksctal Msbm eud witaoal tb knUs. Vsrauutans ear awSB H li fcqpk on tWotal SInhn sod tutlmra laas of hualrads of ear4 pUut tm Nebraska, aoid Iowa. OR. E. R. TARRY - - 240 Bee Dldg., Omaha, Neb. Swap Anything in the "Swapper Column