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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1914)
niK IlEK: OMAH A WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1914. 11 FOR RENT Hmin aad (ollnri. Two Beautiful Bungalows. Principal Rooms in Oak. Both houses fulK cement basement And furnace heat and re located two blocks from school an I 1 block Irnm car line. Both houses all modern. One In 6-room and rente for tt.S&O. One la l-room and rents for 2 Telerhone Douglas 2P26 for further In formation. Bankers Realty In vestment Company Ground Floor Bee Building. 6 NEW 4-room cottage. finished In oak; near car. tli 3-room. all mod. eaat front, one block to car. .f0 7-room. rarlor extending across the entire front of the house, oak finish: eolonnade openings; tour bedrooms ana bath; fine neighborhood; near car AMERICAN SECURITY rOMPAN . ITth and Douglas Sts . Intmlas 6H. tlOOP 7-room house; mod. ex. heat: nleely Papered and reftnlshod; rent reasonable. 281U Caldwell. Alse -r. cottage; modern except heat: 323 Caldwell. W r.2. Cretan Sona Cc. ce F"d- PTEAM heat, all modern, 7-room house: also 4-room flat. 2 No. 23d . FeWLT papered r and 6-room houses; stHetlir m.vlern 31n and Ho, on .4in Cl ear Una. Call D'. fcM. FOK RENT W have a complete Hat of all houses, apartmenta and flata that are for rent Thla list can be eeen frea of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co.. a" S. HRh BL Free Rental List Complete Information about every i cam nouee ana . inmu m Thla aervlee la free. Tel. Douglaa 447T. ridellty Ptorar V" Co. $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 3 ROOM BRICK 3 ROOM BRICK Gas ran;e. electric lights, alnk. t.llet. cement basement. Fine condition. ater paid. No children. So. lth. Red a-ROOM stilctiv ino.icin nouie in Al con dition, location 1X12 Pacific Pt. Call at 1060 So. 2Sth Pt. or phce Ha-ney "M. bESlRABl.K 8-room house, modern, close In, good oondition. Iteniionable rent to the right party. Harrey l-ROOM houae. all imin-rn, '04 N. 10th. Tel. P. ".M0. tre wa'r. J. C. ReedS Co.. moving storage D. I4; ing t Farnam Maggard's Large van. 2" men. 1126 Van and Stor- ga Co. Reduced rates for 60 daya. per nr.; dray, i tnen, II per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1M. DEP1RABLK ft-r. . 18. 2228 8. ISth. mod. except heat, Itont Harney f.74. Fidelity Storage Co. 6lcrage, moving, lacking and shipping. 16th. tc Jackson di Phone Doug. lMii. CORXER 24TII AND CAPITOL AVE., 3-r., part. mod. cottaee: $20- no children; a nice place. FITn'R atrlctly modern -room bungalow, beat of condition, excellent location. Phone H. 838. TOR 2th RENT Four-room cottage, 20S S. Ave. D. U Thomas, 412 Bee Eldg. lore mb4 Offices. RIGHT WOW, X SMALL OFFrCES, S13.00 to 118.00. Free Mazda Lights and Water. THE BEE BUILDING CO, Office, Room 103. Barns. GOOD barn. room for S or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St. Call Do'iflas 42, REAL ESTATE FARM 4 RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Nebraska. SCOTT'S BLUFF 1RRI- - G ATED LAND No. 4S6 There Is no better quarter In Ne braska. The aoil Is rich, it Ilea almost as level as a floor, just - enough slope to Irritate easily. , The splendid crops of alfalfa, sugar beets and grain, will open the eyes of a rain-belt farmer as to what first-ciass irrigation will do on firau-class soil. The improvements consist of a nice 6 or t-room house, with front and back porches; u (tood barn, granary, hog houses, etc.. all well painted. There is a small tenant iiouse, a hog. tight alfalfa pas ture, and a good well and wind mi)l. It's a nice home, only 2 inhes from town, and a monoy maker at that. Price (UO per acre easy terms. 10. 113 A spiL-noid su, only t miles from town, all broken vul. and ready for fall and spring crops. Junt. the place for a renter, who wants to get onto a place of bis own. It Is a nice, smooth piece of land, and tbey Just don't make any bet ter soil. Price 15 per acreeasy tarms. , Let us send ou free copy of "Ind Owner," telling all scout the country and what farmers are . doing there. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. FOR SALE-Turee fins l0-cre farms, .,,w.,.lt?.l; Stb on m'" I'W of U. M. H. R, W. L. Ulbbs, Qulncy, 111. KOR tiALB-Haasonable, 2U acres. Hayes .w,7, -fcurMnK. rnuna 10. M. rtwnjir Mantasua. . CAREY ACT IANDS-450 008 MONTA acres now open to antrv in ih Valier valley. An excellent opporTunlty for the homeseeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. Th rich soil, exhilarating climate and abundance of water for irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Qreat for grain alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for home. Writ today fur booklet and particulars. Valier Farm tales company. Valier. Wont.. Box No 17. WlaeoBstaw Upper Wisconsin Best usiry and general crop stats Id tbe union; selUerg wanted; laaJs for sals at low prices, on easy Urms. Ask for book, let 34 on Wlsoousln Central Land Grant, totals acrea wanted. Write about our grsalng lands. Jf interested In fruit lands, ask lor booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. 800 Line Rjf., Minneapolis. Minn. WILL FACRIKICE-A coming flO.MO een-' trsl Wis- 2iXk-a. farm for yi.iao; fair buildings; rtrh soil; city 8 miles: terms. J. 11. Linderman, Grand Rspld. Wig. HEAT, ESTATE rAHM BAX II FOR AALR , Tesae. FOR QUICK PA I K HOO acrea of east' Teias land, well locttel end In one bodv. O.iod sotl and well drained ami within rne mile of good town end ship rtnar point. Ksrcain tor cash. Write for Price and further particulars. Mllo E Trussell. HP9 Kress Bldg .' Houston Tea, JMUeellasit on a. IF INTRRF.WTK.P ln land In southern low nnl southern M nneeota write the T. Ij. Jones Land company. Wlntersct. I, for their liet of i'-o farne FARMS FOK KENT. FOR RENT Between l'di and acrea of land, with improvements, near Weston. C. J. Ace, Weston, la. R E A if E8T AT K FOKX E X CHANG K FOR SALE OK TRM'E Oarage and re fair ehop. 8teadv customers for repair work, alao gasoline, ohe and greaee sales, houee accessories and catalogue accessory sales. Fhop equipped wlin nunc, torse atr compressor, il-gal sunken gasoline tank Hlo. t,.t tools of every description. 40-foot pit, wash rack. etc. Reason for selling, compelled to go east. Will aell or trade for cltv property, farm or mer chandise atore. Price on application. Wyoming Auto and Supply Co., l'Jlh and Thorn", Bts.. Cheennc. Wjo. FINK 40-acre farm 5 miles from Mlnne apolla. ti acrea under cultivation, bal ance orchard and timber; 7-room brick house, etone baaemcnt oarn. windmill, chicken housr. hay ahed, granary, etc. Price $6..Wt. Will take up to Z,iM in ex change, balance aome ch and mortguge. PCHWAB PROS., in Plymouth Rldg.. Mlnneapolla. Minn. pianoa for otner musical Inrmrts. L 3011. RE.Mj ESTATE WANTED HAVE over fifty buycra with fn m t-0 to all caah for m-dom 8, 0 or i-rornn homes from K,W to M.W fall us at once. Osborne Realty Co. 701-2 Omaha Natl. Rank Hldg. Dong. 1471 HAVE customer with M.OO0 first payment on Dundee & or -room modrn home. H.500 to J4.K0. Addresa I. Its. Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loana, 6. 6W, tr cent J.K. Dumont & Co.. 1TO Farnam, Omaha. WANTEDClty loans. F'etera Trust Co, OMAHA homed. East Nebraska farm a. 101 Omaha Nat l. Douglaa 2718. el. c. ua :irsc i you warn a rarin ioa& United Slates TrustCo.. Omaha. Neh. V.'ANTKDCIty losns" and warrant W. Farnam Smith ei Co., Karnaiu. "$." HTh riiy l.Mite loana a aiecuily. oniau. State Rank Bldg. $100 to I10.W0 made promptly. F. D. Wead Wead Rldg., IS'h and Farnam 8ta. HARRISON A MORTOK. 91f. Om" MONKT on hand for cltv and farm louna. H. W. Dlnder. Ctly Nat l Bank Bldg. RrCITY I.OANB. Pemla-Carlherg Co., A RSTRACTS Or TITLE. JvF.KR Title Guarantee and Abatract Co., a modern abstract office. SO0 S. 17Ui 6L Phone Douglas M87. RKEI Abstract Co flee In Nebraska- , oldest abstract of ;" Brandels Theater. 11EAI- ESTATE ACREAGE Acre Bargains 20 arres. all In fine bearing orchard; good 5-room house. Price $16,000. li acres; 3 acres In fruit and shrubbery, 10 acres In alfalfa; extra f'ne Improve ments; (U blocks to street car line. Price J1.-..C00. 8 acres on boulevard; fine view; lm provementa iviit 16.000. Price W.EOO. b acres, lots of fruit; good location, lm provementa first class. Price 1R.00O. 3 acres, some fruit land: lays fine, Im- nrovements ver- rood. Price S4.K00. 3 acres, same location as last named; all In fruit. Price I4.2.V). acres; on paved street. 'just outside ilty limits; good 5-room house. Price 3,0 acres at Benson, unimproved. Price HOW. O 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Ageucy, 150S Farnam St. Phone Tyler 10-.-4. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE -n 4" s irx. -i.t firm All Modern 6-Room Bungalow JustFinished. Can Be Bought Easy Payments. Will Take Lot in Good Location as Part Payment. This convenient and well built bungalow has principal rooms In oak; a large sun room; large bedroom and beautifully equipped bathroom: kitchen has half Keen cement walls and built-in kitchen cabinets; There is a full cement basement and houts Is heated by furnnce. House In beautiful new building addition and sny block from car line. BE SURE TO SEE THIS PRICE REASONABLE TERMS EASY Bankers Realty In vestment Company . Phone Douglas 292. Just Finished Beautiful Five-Room Bungalow. ' Easy Payments. Bemis Park District This beautiful all modern house, located on corner 101, paved street, I blocks from school, two blocks to car line; has full cement basement, furnace heat: nrlneinul room In oak; oak huffet built In dining mumi mim tiK iftrm acraenuea-in Piirrh Will take lot In goud location In part pay. rnent. For appointment phone Douglas TSH. Bankers Realty In- vestmelnt Company Ground Floor Bee Building li : -i HEAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Big Bargain 7-Room Modern, Only $3,200 House la three years old. has full base me:it, ldft-hhl. cistern, aoiith front lot. tO 1. at .H'"JK Fowler Ave ; nlcr locution among home owner! key first door east io fr It and phone I'ouglaa l-'4 or Weh MrJM NEAR FUXTKNKliLK PAKK $250 Cash BALAKCf: $20 I'KU MOXT1I 6-room cott.ige. partly modern; two large lots, pleutv of small fruit; fine shude; dandv chicken house and garage. 1'rlce onlr 2.3. THE VtHiKL REALTY AOENCY. l'i5-l W. O. W. Ridg nouglBS yw. High Class Lots Cheap Vcbter and Pta., paving, alt Im provements; Ames Ave. and Wth Pt., all Improvements. I'hnne Pouglaa t.'-l SfNORTiTwih Ave.. moma. hall and bath; modern except neat; lot ixi4, baraaln at II at", easy teems Pavings & losn Ass n. 1HX Telephone Douflaa 1M. Nebraeka Farnam St. REAL ESTATF SOUTH SIDE Field Club Beautiful Home Jut completed, SSSd Lincoln Ave., a fine home, beautifully finished In oak; four bedroom and bath on second floor, with stairway to large attic. Thla !a an tip-lo-dste residence, complete In very de tail, and it will pay you to investigate. Price I5..VK). Terms. Norris & Norris vi r nidg Phone Douglaa 4270. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Cathedral District -Modern Home $5,550 mi N. Mth Ht., between Cuming and Rurl Hts., in a splendid neighborhood; on most beautiful lot, with grand oak trees, paving snd all other street Improvements paid for in full. House has tine living room, irx26 feet: open oak staircase; beautiful dining room. with six windows and a fine built-in dui fet; large kitchen, with built-in cabinet. On second floor three large corner bed rooms, with good closets and fine win dows, tiled bath, floored attic, beautiful oak floors and finish, special" one-panel heavy doors. You will like the construction, finish, arrangement and location of this house. It ts only one-half block from Cuming street car lines and Remls Park and Is close to the -new cathedral. Charles W. Martin & Cd. 743 Omaha National Rank Bldg. Phone Tyler 18". Must Be Sold New modern frame and stucco, oak and birch finish; thiee iKjrirooma and sleeping porch; corner lot: pavt-d street; complete throughout; big bargain. OWNER. DOITOLAS 12. Cheapest Jloine in Omaha l-room entirely modern cottage on "Wh Ave between Jackaon and Jones Sts. ; lot 4GxlS0 Recently papered throughout and In first clima condition In every re spect. Clore to school, car line and stores. Must have money ami will sell at a great big bargain. Phone owner for full particulars. H. 7165. o Fine Building Lot Retired from 31.650 to $1,360; on Cuming St between Mtli and 3ith. lot needs grading; use dirt off this lot to fill lir a'lolhcr. Linahan Realty Co., ' Phone Douglaa 2904- 210 Bee Bldg-.-o ftEAL ESTATE SVBURRAW Sonth Omaha. OWN YOUR OWN HOME; $50 CASH, , Balance 1 a month. 156 8. 13th St.. a few blocks south of Missouri Ave., four rooms with stairway to floored attic, large enough for two more rooms; east front lot; cistern; hardwood finish; In terior nicely decorated; electric lights; all for only $1,600; lot 40x130 and can rent ad joining Kround for cow or garden.. This veats paying rent. Key at Victor Lind holt, IC S. 13th Ff., South Omaha. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-212 Brandels Theater Bldg. n E A h ESTATE M ISCE LLAXEOUB Money for Building Homes or S Business Buildings We wilr furnish the money and build for you and you can pay on easy monthly payments. OI'Tt ARCHITECTS WILL 4 MAKE Y O V 8PECIAL PLANS ACCORDING TO YOl'lt OWN IDEAS AND ACCORDING TO THE AMOl'NT OF MONET -YOU WANT TO INVEST IN A BUILDING. If you are planning on A home we will be glad to have you call and talk your plans over with us. It you can t call, write. Address, Bankers Realty In vestment Company Ground Floor Bee Doug. 2:. Bldg. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY'S BARGAINS. 3109 CASH. 325 MONTHLY. New &-room atrlctly modern house, one block from the Ames Ave. car. Pur chaser must have a good record to beat this. Price onlv 2,3uO. C LI 1-TON HILL HOME. Only 31,900 for a splendid 6-room cottsge, new barn and two lots; near car; plenty of fruit and good place for chick ens. Owner will take 150 rash, balance monthly, or a good team, cow or other stork aa first payment. DANDY COTTAGE AND ONE ACRE, $4,200. Only two blocks from 24th Pt. car; Srnty of fruit and high and sightly lo cation. Will take 3 or 8-room house in exchange. WEST FARNAM COTTAGE, $2,0. tlx large rooms and bath. The lot alone worth the price asked. $ax) cash, balance $15 monthly I PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Phone Douglas 17kl. Ware Block 8 Investment on new modern up-to-date double brick dwelling: walking distance, American Security Company, prj B. M rhone DouKlaa 5n)3. P H. LANDKUYOi;, real estate, inaur anre; moved to fH Neville. l. ati-X). Bcs readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities in tho "want ad" columns. Thtiy"re worth while reading- GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Drop in Wheat Pricei Bringri About Rapid-Fire Offerings. CORN IS HOLDING UP WELL Yellow Cereal atandlna; asfta ttatly Harden of Drop la Other t.ralaa Oats 4 loee oifir Tihaf Lower. OMAHA, f-ept IN, ISM Thos sneculatois ho rfntly sd anerd the opinion that, the conflict abroad was to be a most long tfrawn out affair had cause to change their minds yesterday The aelllna of wheat was of the rapid fire description and tho best prices of yesterday were greatly below the resting spore of Maturday. Following the activity end sharp price losses of the dee and with the clearing away of the smoke of the session. It was seen that net losses of i"SifV' were made, and that there were still large amounta of wheat on the edge of the pit and which was for sale. An army of holders attempted to dls pose of their whrtit and selling ordera were held In the pit at the opening, no matter what the sacrifice inlcht be. The erv was to sell th train, as the defeat of the Austrlans and Hermans led many to hellevs that the war would soon be at an end Corn held up remarkably well when the rxireme wvasneea In wheat Is considered Corn lost lSasc. Cash waa lower with futures. There was an Increase of Md.floo bushels In the visible and stocks In creased over l.O.O0O bushels. Western re ceipts wre 47,POi bushels, which wera no.onn htishela smaller than the corres ponding day last year. Oats were off 8Tf4e along wild other grains. The cash article was off litTSc. There tvere export sales here of 176.0O0 bushels to New York and Baltimore, and more would -hare Hx-en done Except for the delay In payment asked by the sea- hoard. Many weary holders were forced to unload and many stronger bulls who aold out last wock were In the lead as buyers. These sales were reported today; Wheat: N&. hard winter. 1 car. MUc: 3 ears. 9He: 1 car. IM'ie No. 1 hard n-thter. I car, P7V, ; car. 1 car. Wr; 2 cart. w.So; t cars, Sfic; 1 car. Wic: 6 2-5 cats. 94,-; cars, V. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car. !V 1 car, 94c;' cars. 9!c; 1 car (poor!, 90c No. grade hard winter, 1 car. c. No. 4 anrlng. 1 car, 90c; j. car, fcec. No. 3 mixed, 1 ear, 1100, No. I durum. 1 car, 81o. No. 1 durum, S cars 91c. Rejected, 1 car. SV. B-ye: No 4, 1 car. 7?c. Oats: Standard, t cars. 42-;c. No. S mh.lte, ( care. 42e: 4 cars. 4ic. No. 4 white, 1 car. 42c; t cars. 41He. No grade, 1 car, 41Vsc. Corn: No. 2 White, 1 car, 7Sc. No. 1 yellow. 3 cars, 72c. No. 5 yellow, 1 tar. 73c. No. yellow. 1 car. 72o. No. I mixed, 1 car. 72c. No. mixed, 3 cars. 7114c No. 4 mixed l car, 71Sc No t mixed, i cars, 71e. No. mixed 1 car. 71c. The buying of January lard and ribs by prominent bear concerns helped the entire list early, but there were declines on freef selling, coupled with the weakness In grain later. This selling was principally In the way of liquidation, but part of 'the session the offerings were scarce. Cash trade was still unsatisfactory. Wheat was 21 to 8c lower. Corn was unrhangel to Vc lower. Oats were 14 to 2Hc lower. Clearancea were: Wheat and flour equal to 2WI,0OH bushels; corn. 78.000 bushels; oats, t.ona bushels. Prlmarv wheat receipts wert 3.347,ono htishela and shipments 1.977.000 bushels, against receipts of 2.263.000 bushels and shipments of l.lon.Onn bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were M2.fO0 bush els and shipments 39A.OOO bushels, against receipt of 1.811, 000 bushels and shipments of 767,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.2M.000 bushels and shipments of 7M.00H bushels, against receipts of 1.1M.CO0 bushels and shipments of 947,000 bushels last year. Wheat, torn. Oats Bsrley.Rjrs. Chicago ....710 S09 08 Mlnn polls .ai9 Duluth Omaha 73 5 27 87 19 37 Kan. city..v4 Zt. Ixiuls .. 03 Winnipeg .124 Omaha Cash Prices Whet : No. 2 bard. 93iWv: No- 3 hard. 924f517c; No. 4 hard, surdw'ac: No. 3 spring, 9ea 99' o : No. 3 spring. 4ftSHe: No. 4 spring. 85T0Oe; No 2 durum, 90V,flllo; No. 3 durum. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS New Book of The latest modern 'dwelling house and bungalow plans will be off the press ready for delivery October 1. The finest ever published in Omnha. Price fiOc. KlVr. HUNDRED COPIED WILL PE GIVEN AWAY FREE OF CHARGE TO THOSE APPLYING BEFORB OCTOBER 1ST. Home Builders Ground Floor, Brandels Theater Bldg., 17th and Doualaa 8ts.-o BANK STATEMENTS. No. 2775. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Tbe Merchant National Rank at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business. (September U, 1914: REDUCES. Ioans and discounts t 4,813,097. 7S Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 35.147.40 V, S. bonds to secure circulation 811O.OOO.CO U. D. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits 100,000.00 Other bonds to secure V. 8. de posits m.000.00 iBonds, securities, etc M.oon.oo Hank house 150.000.00 Jue from National pang (not. reserve agenta 3443.012.73 Due from atate and private banks and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks 3fi8,036.7 Due from approval reserve agents 649,670. M t r'hei Ks and other , cash Items 93.420. M Exchange for clear ing house 163.S26.K1 Notes of other na tions! hanks........ 11,910 00 v Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 420.17 Ppecle M7.&M.fiO Igal tender notes. 111,2W.0i 2. 130. $83.63 Redemption fund with I , treasurer (5 of circulation).. 15.000.0) s Total I 7,7iri,0P8.77 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Reserved for taxes fs'atlonal bunk note outstanding Due to other na tional banks 797.130 29 Due to state and pri 500.non On 6uO,ijOT.00 3S3.37.(19 6.M4.I2 300,000.00 vate banks and rankers T .1 ... .4 .... IIH..J 715,614. 374.00 iiiiiviuuai brpoaii subject to check. 3.1-1, N 00 Pernand certificates of deposit i 73.00 Time certificates of deposit payable within 30 days 196,14 J. 04 Time certificates of deposit after 30 days or after notice of 30 days or longer ,. Ml, 720 21 Certified checks U.'CC. Ciuihler's checks out standing 114 : S2 1". rt. deposits lxl.v.M Postal savings de posits 36,376.30 e,12R.0S7.96 Total I 7,7l5.f(9g.77 Piste of Nebraska, County of Douglas, si I, t red r. Hamilton cashier of the l hnved nam) bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement I true to the test or my 'Kncwienge ann belief. FKEI) P. HAMILTON. Correct attest: Cashier. LUTHER DRAKE. O R ROGER, FRANK T. HAMILTON. , Directors Fubsr-rlbed and sworn to be lore me this 12(u Utty of Sei'Un.iiei, .!'4 , U WE YMULLER. Notary Publir, I 91c Corn: No. 1 white. 7.Mt7f.'c; No. t while. 74.lj7; No 3 Mte, MWtjTtVl No 4 while, 74VT4'te; No. S while. 74.f 74c; No. 6 white, i.'.vn'.ic, No. 1 yellow. Ml7V; N- J yellow, 7:', ,i7V. No 1. low, T.'Uti;.-; No. 4 yellow, r:4i7-'V(-: No. (. eow, ',ln TiSc: No 4 yellow. VlVtl 2'. r. N". 1 mixed, 7:VT;"4c-; N,i 2 niixeu. 71-T?c. No .1 inlxe,:, 71Si71V. No. 4 mixed. 7IS''l7mr; No. 5 mixed, fOiric: Nil ni'teil. 7.J7lc. Outs: No 2 white, 4:,?l4;ie; standard. 1-fHJV: No. 3 white, 4;'t4.,lc; No 4 hlt". 41-TiH.C Harh-y. maititiK. 'irjc; No 1 feed. ,svirt.v. Uye: No. 2. Mass's,-; No 3. 8TVI1"". I - - t 4iRAI AMU I'KO V IMOM Peatarea of the Tradlna and ( lost est I'rlrea oa Board of Trade. flUCAliO. Frit. IS - Wheat prlcer made Slant swings with eai'h report to, lay of what f-ecmrd any Important turn in the fortunes of war After covering a range of nearly Jo. the mirkrt closed s'.roru. 2Sc to :e above last night font fin lahed IV to IS"' up. oats, with a gain of l'o to 2V. and provisions at an ad vance of V- to 4i"v,c. Most of the time the wheat market had a tendency to rally from the effects of the wild selling that characterised the dar previous, when attention centered on the chance of a possible sudden treaty of peare The chief exception today was a violent temporary downturn which took place ahmil tho mid. lie of the erssicn as a result of unconfirmed advices that a tierman army under llenersl von Klin k had surrendered outright. The bearish Influence of this news was more than off set later by assertions of a big victory for (lermany over the Russians. Corn showed strength from first to last, although much hindered by setbacks in wheat. The Iowa state report was bull ish, and widespread ralna were said to have Injured early corn in shock. Oats fluctuated with wheat, changea depend ing almost wholly on the varying outlook regarding the probable length of the war. It was raid that fully l, bushels of cash oats wcro sold here today, mainly for export. Covering by shorts gave the' provision market a sharp upturn, drain strength and the expected disclosure of a falling off In the local slock of lard furnished a good deal of the Impetus Futures ranaed as follows: Artlcle Open. High. I Low. I Close I Yes"-. Wheat I Sept. 1 02W 1 04V I OOV 1 04 1 02 !ec. 10 1 07, 103 1 07 , 1 05 May. 1 13 t 15 1 10',! 1 HS 1 US Corn. I lec. TON. T TrtSI 7r, TOWS Mav. 73WI 74 72vl 7IS 72 Oata. I lec..r 47 4 4M, 4V 4 May! M 1S! 4f-4 "US 40, 1 "jan.. 20 40 30 20 20 30 2V 30 15 L"ri rt 174 27h l!l Jan.. SI ' 9 SO S 924 0 82 ROei 11 !t?H 11 11 II 25 Jan..! 10 2S 10 77M 10 W 10 77m 10 J7v, BUTTE R- Receipts lo.ttfft tubs; un changed. ICOilS-Receipts 7,ftMI rases; unchanged. POTATOES Receipts 30 cars; un changed. vol'LTRT Alive unchanged. W H EAT No. 2 red. $1 .02 Mi l.ft'i'i: N 2 h.rrf (I1U.T1 flfcU: No. 2 nortiiern. It. 10. CORN No. 2 yellow, 76V7c; No. 3 yellow. 7frf76Sc. M . OATS No. 3 white, 4.71'4'c; standard. 44VtH7o. RVE-No. 2. 304501c: barley. ofl77c; tim othy, 34.OMI6O0; clover nominal. PORK $17. so; lard, l; rios, IV err Yetrk tieneral MarWe.t, NEW YORK. Kept. 15 PUG A R Rn w, steady; molasses sugar, $5.60 centrifugal, 36.2S; refined steady. BUTTER Firm; unchangvi. C H E E S E W e a k receipts 2.4 hoxea: atate whole milk fresh white and colored specials. irVol:'c; state whole milk fresh white and colored avenge fancy. 1;ff l.V,e, PXIOX trrerular; recelvits ,4M) cases; stale Pennsvlvania and nearby hennery whites, JTnii-eV; state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites. iKc. I POULTRY Live, firm: western chick ns. broilers. l5VP"17r; fowls, UVflHVl turkeys, lrvaific; dressed firm; western chlrkens, frozen. lMr22c; fowls, 14tllSc; turkeys, 234Kic. Kansas Clir Ktoek Market. KANPAS CITY, Sept. 16. BUTTER Creamery, 2fc; flrets, 264)C; seconds, 24c; parking, 20HC. EGGS-Flrsts, 22c; seconds. 10c. POULTRY Hens. 13'4c; broiler. 15c. WHKAT-No. 2 hard. tV?Hc; No. C red. PftrMl.flO; September, WSc; Deoem ber. 31.00S: May. Jl.OTo,. CORN No. 2 mixed, 75c; No. 3 white. 77c; December, 1c; May, 73c. OATS-No. 1 white, 43fc(344c; No. I mixed, 40c. ' St. Loots Grain Market. PT. LOUIS, fept. 15. WHEAT No. 2 red. 31.0IHai.u3V4j: No. 3 hard. 31.oriil.03(x; feptember, 31014; December, $1.01S(. t:OJlN No 2,'77ti'Sc; No. t white, 80c; September, 7c: December, iltc. OATS-No. , 46V047c; No. 3 white, 4Sc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Kept 15-WH EAT-Ppot. market weak; No. 1 Manitoba, !w 7d; No. (is Ad; futures market steady; uecember. Rs 7Hd. , CORN Spot, market nominal; futures market steady; October, 6a !. : r . ft. Loals i.ive itorK siarnet. Vt. liOUIH. Sept. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.100 head; market steady; native beef aleers, fi.MXQl.V); southern steers, 36.0O5I9.65; stockers and feeders, $6.00dT7 50; southern steers, sii.tions.wi; cows snd heif ers, $4(Xfie50: native calves, 34.00all.09. HOG.--Receipts. Ifi.lW head; market lower, closing strong. Pigs and lights. 37O04iO.30; mixed and butchers, $0,004x.20; good heavy. $fMJ64.lfi. KHEBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,700 head; market higher; native muttons, $4.00 ti.3t; iambs, 7.0o8g.0. t. Josewb l-lve llsek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 16. CATTLE Re ceipt a 3.600 head; market slow: steers, 7.oai0 2t: cows and heifers, H); calves, $401X340.60. HOGS Receipts 3,700 head; market 10 cents lowsr; bulk, W.3Mj-).u0. SHEKP AND LAM BH Receipts 3,000 head; market higher; lambs, fI.Wi.iD. Toffee Marked. NEW YORK, Kept. IS COFFEE The coffee market was steadier today, owing to reports of a further slight Improvement In the firm offers from Bratll, Early In the day sale of Santos 4s were reported in the cost end freight market at auout S'v, but later quotatlone were In the neighborhood of Sc to c on some of the bolter desrrihed coffee, while Hlo 7s were quoted at 5.76c to about &.0c. The local spot market was unchanged, with a con tinued light demand at tt7-- for Hlo 7s and 11tc for Santos 4s. The market at Hlo was TO rels higher at the close yes terday, while Santos was nominally un changed. Clearances from Rio for the United States yesterday were 11,000 bags. Mlnneapolla Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS. ISept. . WHEAT Septemtcr wss -V' above last night's close In tbe early trading, but later de clined. FLOUR 20c lower. BARLEY -5n69c. UYE KMJltC HHAN-$23.0O. CORN No. 3 yellow, 7"y7ir. OATS-No. 8 white, 43Va44V FLAX-$l-43ai.M. ' Omaha Hnr Market PRAIRIE HAY Tholce uplsnd. $12; No. 1. $U.0fr2jUl &0; No. 2, $! "! 11 00; No. $ 37 0W 9 00; choice midland. $1160; No. l' tl0.60gjU.00: No. 2. 3 i(i 10 W; No. 3, $7Vh0i; choice lowland, t'0 00; No. 1. tOOoylQOO; No. 2, 7.0ytt.00; No. 3. $5.00 7.o. BTRAW Choice wheat, quotable at $4.0ffl4 60; chobe oat or rye, $5riOi5 50. ALFA I. FA f'hoiee. quotiihle Ht $13 .50; No. 1, $120O1fl8 0n: No. 2, $10 ooj 12.0C.; No. 3, no demand. $1001000. sei York Monr;. Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 1",. M ERCANTI LE PA PER 7 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady. Ca bles, $t f7!; demand, HW. blLVER Bar, 62Sc. Bank Cleat-lass. OMAHA, Sept. 16 -R ink clearings today are 82.942.06108 ami t3.142.1J6.53 the corresponding day last year. for for ry tjonda Market. NrTW YORK. Prpt. U -Cot Ion a;iods market steady; yarn In better demand; men's wear lines firm; silks rssler. Metal Market. ST. LOC1H. Sept. 16-UiAD Nominal, U 'i): autlttr. 10.40 6. 4.0. OMAHA UYE STOCK MARKET Most Deiirable Kindt of Cattle Com mand Fully Steady Price. HOC AROUND TEN CENTS OFF Kat Kkeep and l.ambs Ten to Klf (een tents II laher reeders re tronst to l.lttle Itlakcr In gome pots. POLTH OM A fl A. rept 15. 1!H , Receipts were: t'sttle. Hogs Sheep. Of'icisl .Mnndav 11.77" 1,0 Ti M Kstlmat, Tuesdnv i 4 o00 ?o.n Two davs thla seek 10 7 Til A oil F.7 4; Same flays ImhI rlV. Il.5?l 4.'S iM.-.-H 8nie diiys 2 wks aqo . .! 4-t? 12.3.14 7.3lS Jame days i wks sko..IS.W I2.4vl 7r..l'" Same days 4 wke ago. I2.4-.4 12.4 M.071 Same days last year . .11.415 t"7 !M2 The follow ing table sii -ws the re-eipts of cattle, hogs and sheep r.t the Houth Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1KI4 1011 Inc. Te Cattle 57S.S7? siW.777 W.l'W 'logs 1.714(M 1 M7,74 W9.7J2 Nheep l.xSi'.MT 1.71H.M lh.1.Hva The follswlKg table shnws the prices for hogs at tlio South Omaha live siock mar kel for the last f.w days, with compari sons: rate. 1H14. l9ia 111! II'MI . 'Uio ln Ht. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Hept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Kept. Sept. ccpt. Sept. X Wsl I 8 r1., 7 ;i 4S 7 7 at TST J 02; 7 071 7 121 D4i 7 77 0 M I 7 7 Ml 44 I tif. 7 , tl 4.1 .t? 27 I 241 Ml 7 i ' V3 7 i r.1 7 17 17 S5 57 7 us I fr I l 4 72V, 7 64 t ti-'S 7 731 t 7 o; 8 :-7 2 17 7 7 I IK a P4 f Ohi t RSI 8 91 7 fc", i 0 4 iM'4! 7 S7 7 9: fu t no: S tWlj' K OH' ,"CS 7 7 8 417,! 7 M, I T ST, t S0 07) 021 7 , s ;is w 13 7 Mj usi 7 01 8 .Hi 1 6 91 9 ?; 7 Ml 7 w: ' 71 )l li !M S 3 6 kJi ( u; 7 :t K 4,11 fl 7NI g 711 7 !! I 7&, s fci K 0M 14 II Jrtv, 15 7 l Sunday CATTLE-Receipts were quite liberal this morning. Jlti csrs belnt reported. This msk.-s the total for the two clays i:770 head, being over 6.0H0 head larger than for the same davs last week and over I.OiO head larger thnn a year ago. It Is. In fait, the heaviest run for any similar period since the opening of the range season. In spite of the fact that there were al most 12.000 rattle here yestcrdav, the market was In splendid condition, prettv much everything being cleared up by mid-day. Thla morning the demand wns ago in good, and the market aa a whole la In very satisfactory shape from a sell er s stsndpolnt. Reef steers of good quality were gen erally steady with yesterdav. This wss true of rornfeds and westerns. Rough horned westerns were neglected to some extent and were a little easier. Cows and heifers were active sellers at fully steady prices and In some esses sellers Were quoting the market as a little stronger If anything. tlood feeders and good stockers sold quite freely at steady prices. The medium graoes were more or less neglected, and they were slow to a little lower. Quotations on csitte-. Good to eholce cornfed beeves, f.i.ooa 10.24; fair to good cornted beeves, t-V7aii.60; common to fair cornfed beeves, $7.7tVa8.76; good to choice range steers. $7 403 U; fair to gr-od range steers, fil.7Mjr7.40; common to fair .range steers, $1 nji.6;' good to choice gras cows, 36.26fi7.76; fair to good grades, $.M lSii; common to fair grades, $.1.ickH .'no; good to rhohe stockers and feeders, tl.M ys 6T fair to good stockers and feeders, $6.7Kf7.M; common to fair stockers and feeders, $.Wll "&; stock cows and helfets, $5.2?4J4.7; stock calves, $K.OOoJ.t)0; veal cslves, M0OU10.W; bulls, stags, etc., $j.Lii TOO Represented e sales: BEEF STEERS, A. IT. Ht. I 00 37......... ...Ul t Vt cowa Ne. I... 30.., A. r. . nuu' TM 1 1 CALVES, I IK ID 1.... Ik) it U 1 170 10 21 WESTERNS. H. II. Soell, Nebraska. 2 feeders.. 1064 7 F. G Blaln. Nebraska. 33 feeders.. tH t 1 heifers.. 336 6 60 4 cows 1045 5 7t Joe Sarp, Wyoming. 46 steers. .. 10..3 7 50 13 cows 1011 6 60 W. D. Iovell. Wyoming. 8 heifers...-N56 6 RS 8 heifers ., 733 7 00 John Delmer. Nebraska. 24 steers.... HAD 7 On Bert Dow. Wyoming. 80 feeders.. HI" 7 15 . L. A. Woodward, Wyoming:. 11 steers.. ..12.18 7 60 J. F. Beard, Wyoming.. 11 cows M0 6 46 26 feeders.'. 659 C. C. Coker, Nebraska. foeders..l2o4 7 80 5 feeders.. 1366 14 feeders.. 1026 7 It oJseph Bush, Nebraska. 60 feeders.. 11SS 8 10 k steers ... 1366 -F. M. Hull, Nebraska. 13 steers,... t'110 6 So 17 feeders. .1062 Ed Thomas, Wyoming. 21 steers. ...1211 7 10 27 feeders.. 899 Ross F. Johnson. Nehrsska. 36 feeders., to Wi 30X feeders.. 064 F. H. King, Neeruska. . 47 feeders. .1166 7 66 Gus Brenaman. Nebraska. 65 feeders.. 1160 7 50 23 eowe 10S2 M. O. Grantleln, Nebraska. 15 feeders.. 700 7 26 6 heifers.. 781 Simmons 4t Ifkwlst, Nebraska 26 feeders.. 619 7 10 11 rows..... 717 R. K. Thomas, Nebraska. It feeders-. 7 10 H J. Uooper, Bouth Dakota. stk. hfrs. 7ffc 6 60 12 feeders.. 664 J. W. Hupp, Colorado. U feeders.. 646 6 6f. 18 stk cows 81S Oeorge Long, Colorado. 16 sk COWB.104S 6 10 1 bull...... 1450 John Jenners. South Dakota. II feeds rs . , 836 7 15 co ws . . . . W0 j S Hull. Nebraska. 83 feeders.. 1124 1 25 Charles Avery. Nebraska. 12 feeders.. 1061 7 56 16 feeders... tOM Stott A Richardson. Nebraska 44 feeders... 1023 7 40 8 feeders... 1020 ' , NEBRASKA. 7 30 7 80 7 60 7 00 710 6 96 16 660 76 7 10 160 00 16 6 66 6 40 tl nw. M2 5 60 17 COWS 6 00 6 8a 20 feeders.-. .1036 I 2-t 7 10 6 15 6 60 7 16 7 60 6 66 6 40 6 01 7 feeders. ..I" 31eeders...l(H7 6 stockers.- 775 7 10 i 6 751 7 161 7 15 7 65' 70, 6 ' It feeders... l'W 14 cows.... t feeders. 36 steers... 16 feeders. 16 feeders. 6 heifers.. 21 cows.... 33 feeders., H26 . 573 .1157 .1160 . . 814 40 steers. 33 steers. ..1164 ..11W .. 7."0 .. Ou-1 .. bM 21 feeders. 16 feeders. 13 heifers.. 8 heifers., 6 877 6 J WYOMING. 31 cows ... rows.... 22 cows. ... 81 feeders. 48 feeders. 90 feeders. II feeders. 11 steers... 71 6 "0 16 feeders. .10S5 JO". . 978 . fti:S . 911 .1108 . 865 .1077 7 60 7 50 6 90 7 7!S 6 20 7 90 7 60 7 16 .. 7I 6 70 15 feeders . . 1W3 ..1W7 .. Hl .. K 6 65 6 60 7 80 7 60 7 60 19 steers.... ti feeders.. 9 heifers... 16 steers.... 10 feeders.. ..1121 7 20 15 feeders.. COIiORADO. 40 cows 41 cows 4 calves 23 feeders... I'l feeders... 21 rows HOGS-A showed up, two loads, two days li 715 6 06 16 cowa 633 4 4" 5 15 3!l calves.... 6U0 6 60 8 10 35 feeders... :0 7 0' 6 so 22 feeders... 674 6 76 2s4 US I 676 903 i fo 12 cows 9't6 5 50 6 46 27 cows M9 00 very moderate Tuesday run estimates calling for slxty- or 4.oou head. Total for the s 6.019 hed. being about M) Isriter than a week siro, but over 3.000 smaller than a year aco. Values continued to slump st other points, and the local trade suffered an other 10c break in spite of the very moderate supply. Quullty was a great deal better, and shippers bought quite a number of loads on the early trade. As there was no shipper market yeaterday, the beet comparison that ran be made is that today prices are kt least liftiuc lower than Baturday. Packers started out to buy their hogs at a dims decline, and while sellers were very slow to eut Ioohc, the bin end of the sui ply finally 1 moved on this basis. Owing- to the Im provement in oual ty, and to the hlirh shipper sales, the averiitfe will nut b.-tn to show the full decline, but taking every thing into consideration the Kemrsl market can be nuoted as about 10c lower. The Ion end pf the pucker sales waa made at 82'H26. while a altfc-ht spread either puta the wide bulk at tS 16u.30. There was a fair sprinkling of good hugs up to 38.4i), and shippers bought some very sood stuff, earn ing a fair weight at (1.M, while a load of prime butchers eold to a killer at 13.6), thetop for the day, and lest a dime under Saturday's hlgnest f ls-'tre 811 KEP -Both Ike packer and feeder buyers were hungry for somethlnx in their respective line SKaln tins ni'irniiiK, but ere very much opposed to pay Ins; higher prices and the consequence was slow trade during the early part of the forenoon. A continuation of moderate receipts both here and at Chicago waa a dUtitmuuttuiAile feature and a decidedly . J I bullish factor and In the end the seller were ahle t.i loin a irenerHl advance liij!.V on f.-it l.-imba. yesrllnes and ewes, and In route Instances aa much aa 8 !" f-i',e- sdvsnre was niiti-ii on fat lambs, otnretltlon srii' im buyers wss t Initiated; als.t y the piewenie of some shipping de mand ami to the fm-t tnat only moderste te- elpts nre exiei ted lor the balance of the eek t any of the western markets, including t'hlcago. Sorting wnn llisht arwl while itsile nils none too active the clear ance was in good season, in'llrstlng a healthy undertone to the general niHrket, The recrlnts amourted to some 2.OH head, atnlnst 31.CI7 Tuewlav. 33.SP7 two, weeks bk and 4.-. 4"-' a yenr aao. J1 local runs though trv moderate was blg ) er thim thst at t'hlcaan. as only some, WOO reiol were repoitel there. Quality wss good, there 1 eing some fat lambs , here as good 11s any that have been here In sometime The market on feeders was much the same its on Monday, with prohhbly the demand a little keener. The supply, an usual. .'i short. If anvtlilng. and price cor.tliiui d to show strength and in casesi a dime advun-e. Feeding lambs sold largelv at $i.7Mi7 TO for the better grades and feeding ye.irllnKs nt "i.SVri6.0". There were few feeding wetbeis or ewes to amount to anvtlilng Most everything was mapped tip as soon as sorted front the fat end of the receipts. Quotations on range sheep and lamoe. Iytnls. good to choice. $7 WHSS.:: Imh"r' fair lo good. t7 .V.ii7!0. lnmbs, feeders. iff) . .40 ; vearlinga. good to choice. 3n.067t.4": vearlin'as. fslr to kcmmI, $:.. 75416 10. yearlings. I4S ders $:, IkKi.tX); wethers, good to choice. ;. nvjii.; wethers fslr to good. t.trUM: wethers, feeders, $4 MH .; ewes, food to choice. $"t lorn 40; ewes fair to good. $4 ia4T. 5 10; ewes, feeders. $3ti4.25. j tllKACO tlVH STOCK MARKET' fatlle Steady to Sbnele Lower II oa-a Steady to Lower, CHICAGO, Sept. 15. CATTLE Receipts. 7 V hesd: market stesdy to a shadei lower: beeves, pi IWI1.09; steers, 36.S.VO 9.25: storkers and feeders. $5 '41 35: cows and heifers. S i.i.Wi; ralvea. $8.2o912.W. Mit)S Receipts, H.nTO head; market eteadv to 6c lower; bulk of selce. ft s75; llpht. $ f-vi9 ..Vi; mixed. JSIOtJ-S SO; heavy. t-.VVi.9o: rtugh, $0f.ln; pigs. s'llKKP AND LAMRS-RcceiptS. 1SV he-td; mosTlv lutj.iv hlrher: eheep. WMW 6.M; earllni(S. t 0O,T7 J5; Ismbs. $i.ltilO. Kansas City Me oek Market. KANSAS flTY, Sept. 15 CATTLE Re relrtB. 21.000 bead; market strong; prime fed steers, tl0.tnvifl0.75; dressed beef steers. (Vj" 75; western steers. $ 7570 ?6; stock ers and feeders 2MriV2;.; bulls, $ft.2bjfl 6 7; rslves. 3 5o110.iii. llou.S-Receipt-". 10.0CO head", market, lower; bulk. $ r7S..w; heavy tS.4tif.Bi rnrkers and butchers. S.3&t?.;" light. tK.2Mi.45: pigs. t7.00fls.0O. SHEEP AND 'AMa-'celpt 18JO0 bead; market higher; lambs. JTfjJ": yearlings. $6 7.Vnt.60; wethers, $j.50(U.0O, ewes, $.'i.2."Tri.0.. Slnnx ftir live. gtvck Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Sept 15. CATTLE" Receipts, 2,cfli head: market eteadv to 10o lower: butchers. $6.otVri 7.2ft: rows and heif ers n.2MK&; canners, tUl.7.VJ 5,2-' ; etock ers and feeders, 3.V2,V,i;.50: calves, 36 .3M 7.01; hulls, stalls, etc , $3.7ra6 Si- HOGS Receipts. 2.000 head: market ion lower; heavy. $K.V!I.55: mixed. $ 2iff.; lights. $n I0i.30; bulk of sales. 38.20-08.8". SHEEP AND LAMBS- None. S GomhnisU'a Caustic Balsam In Imitators Est Ko Compstltors. Bafs, Speedy and Positive- Car fat Curb, Splint weesT, Oseeel Baek, tniaes Xeaoeaa, revader, Wlsi fuffs, eat all laasBsss frest Isavla, Slngssa ao4 etber keBy tamers. Cons all ekla alseasss er rerasitas. Tkraik, tliphthsrie, fttmevst all Suselus Zramaunsuarusiua, As a EsauaVemelT far Rheimatlna, prsJaa, gere Threat, W, it la UtkUaWS i.Try itutii i vsostis vsisam Wsrmnici4 to etve sulset1oa Irli per bolli. Gobi by SVussus, er fcer press, 4irfM rla. wtlo full direct sold Is II M tier bolli. SomI er sruffsus, e-r fcent b( peass, ehsrwa pla, wtts full dlrsctlons fr Its 1 7"Bn4 for Srls4tre atrMlarS) IsiUsmbUIs, aw. Aodrsu 1 .H.L.lsllllaMfl r a TOPS BACKS ' RKAT COVERS TIRE COVERS ' LINEN COVERS 1 CUSHIONS Dl'ST HOODS RADIATOR 1IOOD8 TRANSPARENT 8HEETINQ LEATHER. REPAIRING FENDERS COVERED AND REPAIRED BOWS STRAIGHTENED , DENTS REMOVED FROM PANELS Anything in Leth4r or Fabrics That Can Be Done. Tli Holly Auto Trimming Go. "EXPERTS" 8316 Kaxasy street. Omaha, Wife. Dous. S784L Otar Work Speaks tor Itself, It Tsars With Srununoo4L Don't Gut Qui A SKDE BOIL, CAPPED KOCX 0.1 EUftSITIS FOR will remove them and leart no blemUhes. Reduces sny pufl or swelling-. Doe not blister or removs the hair, and horts can bo worked. 2bottlodeliverel Book 63 K free. ADSORDINE. JR., uta aatlKput Ontatnt fer swa. kind. Fur B--IU. lit q I in. OIJ tain. Swerlisct, VsrtcoM VelDS, Vtricvilun. AUsy Ptls. fries tl sad 62 s becus at eracriM' SciKsrcS. W1U tell taen U yes stnie. W.r.YOUNO, P.O. F..1M Ttatls tl. tprinafleld.tU(. DIVIDENDS Kerr Lake, Iron Blossom and Nip IsNing are paying splendid dividends, netting from 15 to ii snnuaMy oil the purchase price. Send for our spe cial market letter of Kttpt. nth. which contalria the latest information re garding these and 4a other good In vestments. Free on renuest "Hothiag to BsU But 8erTlaae JONES & BAKER 8TOC3C BKOIEIB. Bsnli door. h. L tails M.. M Bro4 It.. Chl.ito. Nasr York, nireet srlvsls wire te N. T sn4 Bestoo. Ha..ii,J rv