Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
the nr.r.: omatta. septe-miiki. 1014. 10 WAN J ADS Want art received t any time, hut to Insure prnner rleifioat'on must be pre sented before II o'clocn noon for evening erttttcn and 7 p. m. for morning and Sunder edition wart ad wnvnl after eurh hour will hp under ths head Inn, Too Late to OWfr " CASH RATES. - One time. 12 wnm a i'ne. Three time within on fk, t cent a lre mc)i Insertion. Seven consecutive times, 7 cent a line each insertion. tHAROB RATF1. Three time within one week. 10 cent a line Mrh insertion. " Seven conecutlvs time, I cents a line erh Insertion. Count six average word to a, line. Minimum charge, 20 crnte. The Rea will not he responsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typo graphical error. Claima for error must be promptly marie. An advertisement lnerted to he run tin til discontinued mutt be stopped bjr writ ten order. You. pan placa your want d In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER WHO. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It In reasonable to suppose (hat all of the people below have nut the des'red iwiih-therefore, do not rail for the bal ancs of their answers. Be Want Ada aure ret results. C. 8 C. SO. SC. B C F. C. m 4i nc ijnz 12M 00 M M 1111 1304 12T.7 "1 I 111 1H 18 w im 1211 i:u ii n?i n 124 11 "71 lent H2 122S 1?7 1 74 inn-; ji7 UTS 12 a m i ins 12 2 wro ?7 878 in 117S 12.' 1271 ? M) MM 11S 12.17 ' 1771 11 ti un iMO i M 88 ll'fl 11H3 KMJ 1) not use 121 im DRATII AID FtftKHAL NOTICRH HF.DORKN August, September 1. aged 41 yrare. Funeral Wedndav at i p. m. from rea Idence. 424 Hnuth Thirteenth atreet. In terment, Graland Park cemetery. Frtenda Invited. CARD OP TIIAXKS. WE WISH to thank our frlenda for the floral offering and sympathy (riven at the death of my eon, George BcotV Mr. Fred Myer. M ARRIAOB Lit EffK. John R. Bishop, Extra, la M Manraret Mayer, Anita. Ia. U RoraJ O. Warren. Omaha..... 81 Margaret O. Mlrkel, Omaha... tU Charlea F. MainellL Bouth Omaha... over 21 Adeline Rubin, South Omaha over U Jeaale Rogera, Akron, la 17 Anna McGinnl. Akron, la. 3 Flossie M. CosjMhall, Hat Creek, Wyo., David A. Mill. Hat Creek. Wyo.. ..over 11 over la Francla Dananskl, South Omaha 23 Sophia Kuxlarkla, South Omaha Its nelae E. Muffltt, Omaiia ZJ Kathleen Welsh. Omaha JO TODAY'S COMPLETK I MOVIE PKQtiltAMS ,1 Exdnaivejly In The line DOTairva. CAMERA PHKTNB. ., 1401 DOTTOLA8. Beven Beaied Order, 2-reel Kesanay, Kidnaped by 'Indiana, Kalem. . The Widow and the Twine, Lubtn. KUTH NO. 1. 1811 FARNAM. The Oil Well ConaptracT. t-rel Kalem. What Beoame of Jane, Fellg. , Buster and HI Ooat. EJlaon. ' FARNAU THEATER, lili FARNAM ST. Trey ' Hearts No. 1 t-ree4 Gold Baal; Jam and Jealousy, Joker comedy. HIPP THEATER, HARNEY AND 16TH. Mary Ploktord In Tee of the Storm Coun try. . ; FARK TliKATKK. IU NORTH 19TH. The Idle Rich, l-real society drama, and a good comedy. PARIXR THATEH, 1408 XXCTULAA IJght L'naeen, Part 1. -Serial with Marion Leonard, Society drama. Part I. PRINCESa THEATER. 1317-U DOUGLAS. Feventh atory of the Trey o' Hearts. Fcarecrow and the Chaperone, eomedy. Animated Weekly, lle( current event. North. AIM MO THEATER. 24TI AND FORT. Trey o' Heart No. S. Beach Romance, Sterling eomedy. Thre I a Ieetlny, VIctAr. ' ALHAMBRA THEATER, 1(14 NO. 24TH. Mutual Girl, Reliance drama.' Jim Cameron' Wife, Domino drama. !1H' Job, Keystone comedy, F l AMOND tTTeaTER; 2410 LAKE FT. I'Piv. Ike Jr.' Fortune, 1'nlv. Ik com. A Frontier Romance, Front. Million Dollar MyKtery No. . l-r. Than. FRANKLIN. 24T1C ANi FRANKLIN Tlia Vampire' Trail, 1 reel. . Kalem. Broncho Billy Win Out. Hsaanay. On Touch of Natur. Kdlsow. ' Vl PrODROME THEATER. 2o-OXTMINO. The Ftolen Code, 2-reel drama. Tha Wild Olrl. comedy. . Ihe Million Dollar. Mystery, t parts, 1 IT, 16TJi AND LOCUBT. Ilearat-riellg, No. U. His Btnlen Fortune, 1 reel. Essanay, fiey Hougnt a Hoat. Iubln. 1XITHROP THEATETt. 24th and Lothrop. i he New Housekeeper, Koyal Comedy. Fued of Beaver Creek, Kay Bee. Her Duty, Prlnoea. l.OTAI. THEATER, 2410 CALDWELL, S Hey' Buav Ty. Joker comedy, i Trlhal War In South Seaa. two-reeL4Rlaon. llnd Awakening, Frontier. PARK THEATER, Uti N. 1TH BT. Air Tcr,edo, , three parts. PALACE THEATER. ij2 DAVEJsTOR'T". Polo Champions. Joker comedy, ltanch Romance, Nestor. The Ta ngle. Powers comedy. SUBURBAN, " 24T1I AND AMk The Birth of the 8tar Spangled Baner. , reel Edlaon. Slippery Shra and the Ftor tune Teller, Fjaanay. Ttie Orde, Kellg -Saath. APOLIjO. 224 LEAVENTVORTH. The On Who Loved Him Beet. 1 reel. Ed. Busy Business Hoy and Droppere-ln. -Eaa. The Condemning Hand. Bio. . OMFOHT. 24TH & VINTON. i nm niiiuun iHiiisr asvaiery. jno. 19 Thr Trap. 1-reel American. That Minstrel Man. Keyatone comedy. COLUMBIA, 1710 SO. 10TH BT. a oemteman or leisure, I-reel Essanay The Jungie Samaritan, Fellg. The Mix Up at Murphy' a. Rlograph. FA ORITE. 171 VINTON BT, i ns aiomr tsuocansera, z-reel Esaansy Such a Hunter. Vitagraph. v la 1 leu of Damages, hxllson. PABTIME THE A. 1303 LEAVENWORTH Allah 3311. 3-reel Eclair. GEM THEATER, lfcfc 8. 12TH Lucille Jjov No., 12. I.OU la a MtVidlo, Sterling comedy. HANSOOM 'l HEATER. 2-CABTELLAR, nii'n May went lo the Front, Nestor cornea y. Mexican Fpy In Amerlea. 1-reel B I son . LYRIC THEATER, 1W7 VINTON Fnookee a Disguise, Sterling eomedy. Miners Romanes, Nestor western. Man of Her Choios, Powera drama. PASTIMK THE., 24 St LEAVEN WORTH. Itectlvs Dan Cupid. Nestor comedy. When the Heart Calls, !reel Imp. "V L.NLZ1A THEATER. 12U a. 1JTH bX Cight Unseen, thro reoL TODAY'S .W'Hi'LETK MOVIK PKLMIAMS Exclusively In Tlio He' West. ATRDOMe"THEA. FARNAM A FAHK. 1 (tjiey Turvy Saeedle, K.sssnsy. The Bond Eternal, 3-rerl Hairm. Hack to the Farm. I.uhln. MONlioVVH kXtKRT FARNAM For the Secret BctAlce, ?-reel Hex. Koreman'a Trencliery, Nestor i'l'rn, When Smalts Ixives, Sterling comedy. 15 llrnaoa. KKXTO tli MAIN FT. Re ii-d br Wlrelree, 2-re Itison S hat Mapien'd to rU hiit. wlih M. Aaher. The llfrtre Hlwi-rn, with Hob lonerd. I nntirtl lllaffa. KOPER THKATKR, 6.17 HIWADWAT. Our Enemjr'a Fpy, 1-reel Fleon. . L oath Umka. HRH.IB. 24TK AND N. When the Vfit Wti Young, 2-rrel Helig. Iove anl Soda, lMimy. For the t'auee, Ttl'iKrHph. WAU? THEATtB, 24T1I ANU O. Myaterjr of Wtckham Hall, 1-reel Power. Vaudeville. ORrHKTTkf. fITH AND M, 80. OMAHA. Beriea No. )1 of the Million Dollar My- tory will appear Wednesday next; two thrilling parts. A VXOUNCEMKNT9 A Message to Omaha People 1 Owing to the ateady Increase of our business we are rompellrd to double our working fore. This enables us to give you good SERVICE, good WORK, low prices. WF. HAVE THROWN THE KBT A WAT Btartlng Monday, September 14, we will be open day and night. You can have your suit sponged and preeaed while you sleep. Olve me a trial and you will be con vinced that the Corbett Cleaning Co. doe the work. Call ua up and we will send our delivery boys after your order promptly. Corbett Cleaning Co. 1505 Harney St. Douglas 1804. C1IA11LES C. IjuVNDERYOU, Tailor Cegg to announce that ha is ready to rece're hts friends at his new lo cation 108 North 15th St. Oppo site the Union Pacific Bid. He is showing all that is new, for fall and winter wear for men. Globe' Van&Storage Btnrea, moves parka, ahlps; 1-horsei van and 2 men, 1125 per nr. ; storage 12 per mo. Satisfactory guar. D. 4;ew A Ty. 2. Gibson's Buffet 123 Bouth 16th St. HAZEL Ui( Pile Conea. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; 60o postpaid; sample -free. Bberman & MoOonm-ll Drug Co., Omaha. LUCKY wedding ringa, rirodegaard'. Wedding announcements. Dong. Ptg. Co. SIGNS, ehowcarda. Clark & Son. D. 1378, OUT a prlvata booth In my grill room for noon luncn. rfeTlo lajck. ui a. nth BL AK-SAR-BEN HINTS. " 10c PLATfC LUXCTf for Ak-Rar-Ben visitors. ' Headquarter for Willow Spring beer, beat grade of whlsklea nnd wines. Our lOn plate dinner beau them all. Henry PollocJi, 123-14 N. lMhSt. ; SWITCHES made from- combings, $1, li5 N. lAlh St. Douglas 20i8. 1T.T J ' ,'. '1 LIVE W1KI5 DL SIN ESS MEX OF OMAHA A, B, Cof Omaha A' LL WATV'IIES, diamonda and J. w. eiery, special prices, pt. and Oct. Buy now. 11 a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217, Kar- nacn oiock. f ORBKTT. the man that clean every- l . thing, llat cleaned and ulmked. Get your fall clothea cleaned now. Ixiw prices, neat work, prompt aervlce, Delivery free. 1M6 Harney St Doug. )8!M. FOR auctioneering of ewe)ry and general write H. A. Roth. 13 T all klnda of 1 merchandise. 311 Dougia Bt Doug. 3H. Twenty yeara' experlenne. X T E W and acond-hand electrlo fan l and motora iKron Electrlo work, 818 S. U'th. Dnuglaa 217rt. 0' M AHA fiU-uW CO. iui Cumlug Doug. 34ti7. Renovates feather and mattreaaea of all- kinds, make feather mat reuses and down covers. PIANO tuning, R. Brandon. 7 years at Hayden'a. Recommended by beat mualclana. W. 4:ui. 418 N. 2Mb Ave. VACUUM cleaners for sale, vaouum cleaning done In the. home. Sanitary Service Co., KH Bee Bldg. w E rent, repair, sell needles and ph eta for all sewing machines. IN lv BRABKA CYCLE Ct.. "Mlck lfiU and Harney. Douglas 102. el'a,1 Acrosatasti. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COM PANT, liiT-3H t:tty Nat. Hank Uldg. Tyler 1S19. Addlaa Maehlaea. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. IB. D. 1449. Adder Mch Co. (Wales! W. O. W. D. MM. Magneto repair work a apectalty. D. 2418. Aactluarrre. Dowd Auction Co., 113 W. O. W. Red 1285. Arehiteet. Clarencs W. Wlglngton. t 8. ISth. T. 4S8T. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Psxton. D. 2SH1. Attractions. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargaina Markers. 13 Chair.' 10c shave, neck ahavs. 117 Far. BATHS, 16c; BHAVR 10c. 830 N. lth. Bkae Prist lag. HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under nw ownership. 102 Omaha Nat. Hk. 11. il57. Brass Faaadrles. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Ft. ttaliaiBsT aad Heaatrlas;. E. FRANTA, 11 Paxton Hlk. Doug. IUT, tallferaUi Laads. W. T. Smith Co., 1UI City Nat Bk. D. 3frt. lard Sla-aa. Office door let'g. Mynater, Pa. Bk. D. 5151, 4 hlravrairtars. J. C. lswrnxv, D C.23 Howard. D. US1, L. Geddis, D. C. iai Bee Bldg. Inug. 4.'iS. W E Purvlance, D C. Pax. Blk. D. 4Stf. L. C. HATKJi, D. O., 6 Bea Bldg. R. r.M. tkisa Palatlac Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 44l 4 Ivll Kaartaeera. M. i. LACT, 618 BEE BIJJG. D. 4715. teal Dealers. sfc rt( Johnson's special: also Victor V.OV Iion D. l.OS 4 ream seasralsrs. The Sharplea Separator Co . 12th Fsrn llssrlsg last radios. Turpln's Dsnelng Academy1th at Farn. Mackis's Academy, now open. 1S1 Hr" 1,1 VK W1HK KIMNKSS u;.n Ol OM.tllA llrmUli. I'r. Jire'lhtiry No peln IVfl Fernam. l'r. T'!'l'e Mlvntr ('iitiM ry. 'fl HrenHrt. the lw-nllf-1. ',' 'iiy N at 'I Hank. Ta't fw-ntHl Itonmn, IFii? I oiik1hs! OI. vi I re KHi-r"l ) 'i rjir "7 7:4t ' i t y a 1 1 Hunk. Itrtrrtlvre. JAMKS A 1.1. a N. V2 Neville R!k. Fv t'enre swnreil in ell esses. Tyler 11W lrvBSfnNl.lnai. Terry 1 iressnink'g rollene. 2Xh Fsmsm. j M I1H M'NOTT, tsilorlhg end rir'smaking. ;:;0 s. 2-'(li Ft. "fill I Isrney r7 .M KS I.AT'i'l.M h-It, 1KI1 Knrnain, for fall costumes. ii-t-late styles, perfect fit. Iout;lns i2l. Irni rItr;H at cut prices; freight paid en J10 orders: cntaloxuee free. Sherman A Md'onnell Irug .. Omaha. Neb. Klertrle applies. LEHRON Klec. Wke., ,111 ft. lh. TV 317. Kvrrythtna; for W omen. IIKMSTITCIUXO Ideal Button and Pleating Ov, 107 S. Idth. Woman s" Kxehange. 4:2Pax Yilk. R. 4!.I2T lenrrrte Knarlneera, Oagnebln-Wells Co. i2D Ftste Bk. n. Carrlen, B E N FKNSTFR. 1410 N. 2th Ft. W, 2W.i. Kaorlats. L. HENDKRFON, 1S19 Farnam. D. 125S. Member Florist Telegraph Del, Assn. UF.P3 A HWOnoi'A, 141S Karnam Ft. A I ON A HI E. 1?2 Harney Doug 10ni. BATH'S florleta. 1M Farnnm Ft Hair l)reeani(. 1 1 arpcr Meth'Hl R. . Balrd Bldg. P.'MU. II. UlniiL ltM.j(lM OMAHA Remedy fo., Hft g. HthRed. 42.-.1 l.nss Of flora. NATHAN'S loan office, broker. VK Fo. nth. licensed pawn Lighting; Flstnres and Wlrln. THOMAS DURKIN Klectrlc fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasnnnbla. 2413 Cl'MIN'J. DUl 'il.AS Mfra. Nnd W lidnif 9had Cleaner. OLD ahades made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Har. 4M. Maaaenaea. Massage, Miss Walton, R. 214. Neville Blk. Miss Jacobs, Mass., Bath, EIpc. Trt. D.7l AVVA AffivSi "BATHS, bTk.n- 1803 Farnam St.. Apt. 6, Id floor. I. S41. Mis F7nher, mass., elect, treat't. Red ftMH? MAHSAOE, 1 S, 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snydi r, eler. trt. 14n F. Kth. D. 4:R0. At ASiSiAfllO, Fwedish movement. - 41'4 CLARA LEE. massage. Iou1hb g751. Miss Oould, m ae., 224 Neville Blk; 10 to 8. K. Mack, mussage and mHiilcuring. D.7f2. Mesaenarr and Transfer. WHITE LINK, WH Ho. nth. Douglas XH2. Millinery. SWITCHES from romblnga, Psycha tree. Mr, n. rvi . f:ck, m4 H. lmn. i. Wi7. Mavlnar, Stnrasre sad ilesnlaa. W. C. FERBIN, IMh and Capital. Ty. 12K. Oculists. Eye examined, glasws fitted, pay a vou can. lira. McCarthy, nil w. ti. w. Bldg, lislepathla I'll) slolens. Dr. Rerucha, 201-4 MnCague Bldg. D. Sfi;. trots. I. A. Pturgea, (! Prandela Theater BTdg. . Barne.ll, Paxlon Blk. Tel. Red 7117. stent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 3. 11th St I'loran Renovated. PLUMES A flower made over, cleaned & nyen. iierina cruger, yaxton. bwi. Printing;, WATF.RH-BARNHART P Co., quality printing. Tel. loug. zio. 24 n. latn wt, tOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. COREY A M'KEN.IE PTG. Co. D. 2B44. RIES-HAI.L Ptg. Co., 1620CHpltol. D. 1103. CENTRAL pThNTING CO. DOUG. 3764. Hoach. Kxtermlnator. B. B. B. Roach Towdsr at your druggist Safe and Tims Lock Experts. f a Tvnrt Opened, repaired, comb. SAH H S changed. F. E.. Daven 'A 11 AV- ,., 1 40R Dndin. t mil Sieve Repalrlaa. Klectrln Shoe Rep. Co.. 180t St Mary's Av. REASONABLE, KHrna.mW.ep. CoTlll 8721 (Igaa nnd Mhowcarda. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES. F,. M. CLARK & SON, 14th and Dodie. D. 1378. Kterl Celllnas. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. tore and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Ws buv. sell. Omiha Flxtur and Supply Co., 414-W-W 8. L'th. D. 3i24. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supplv. 207 B. 11th. p. t28. t ranks asd alraaes. FRELINO 6TEINLE, 1808 Farnam St Tailors. ('HAS, C. LANDKRTOTJ, 108 N. lEth Bt Vetvrsetarlaas. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 40S Center. -H. M aa I.l..ra, ALEX JETE8. SolS. 11th Bt "Wines. minora, cigars, t-iste atnner U to , luc. GLOBE Liquor. IIouae.-4i2 No. 16th, 1 qta. cold beer. aV. Write for Vrlce list D. 43ii HENRY POLIXK'K UQUOK HOUSE" 15th and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. BUY Voui'. famllv Honors at Kleini Liquor Houaa. bl N. 16th. Douglas 103. HELP AVANTElJFEruIic" X'lerlcaUand Off lew. - NO FILING FEE. Bookkeeper, ITS to 19u: cashier and bkpr., 10; office clerk, $40; sleno., ir; leno.. Ii0; eteno.. I RutJERS REFERENCE CO,. in Stats Bank Bldg. 17th and Harney. bTKNO., out of town. In), steiia. and (kpr.. its); steno.. w. steno.. Vju; steuu.. 140. . WATTS REF. CO., 140-42 Brandels Thei STF.NO., with R. R. exp., dealrsd. 115 "WATTS REF. CO., K40-43 Brnndels Then. fc i K.NOG KA rh v. It Willi rallroaij ex perience daeliwd. ITS. Wat Is lUfereuce Co., 8W-43 Bruudels Theater. Factory sad 1 radea. APPRENTICE girl. Oppenhslm Parlors. MlIOJNtlltY apprentice at once. Apply Mrs It. M r:'K, a a. itn. ii. x o WANTED F.xperlencod pressers on laiMsa garment. It you want to earn PI to 130 per wk. ana this ad In person. Dresher Bros., r-arnam St. Uaaseksepers mad liosaeatlea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dnatrtd reaulta Tina applies to reaulent of Omaha, bourn Omaha and Council Blurts, tiring ao ti Ths Be office or telephone Tyler Uw. WANTED Olrl for general housework Good home offered. l'hon "liaruey Lea. Call at 3aoHruey jbt. WANTED A'glrl for general housework; must be -good cook; good wages. Apply 40.4 I sard or can it. s. ... : ...;.ttt: l- i - n AHir.lh-wTii:i,. ... .yr housework. UU1 Jackson St., Mj-s. R. W Breckenrldge WVNTEIi An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wanes, small fain tly. Mrs. Rubel, 3M1 Farnam. GIRL wanted for general housework. Mrs. G. W. Noble, S.nifi Hawthorne Ave. HOUSE K EEPER wanted bv a young widower, with t amall boys. 9 and T vears, on a farm, near Gering. Neb. R F. D. 1, Box T, tiering, Nrb. WANTED A good mla ror general bouaework, rail Sunday or auyday next week. 114 N. Hith St. WANTED Girl or woman to care for chlldera an I be seuend mstd In private fam'lv. Cell i'ra. J, E. Sandurs, liuuin Al, Rome Hotel. , lli:l.P VA-p; KKMAI.K llonaekeepera and Imeattr. GOo alrl for arnrrnl houwork: Dr mnn or lanlh preferred 7i H. Kd Pt. WANTKftA yotina; to" help with thn hnupework: no vtaehlnar, no cook- tnif. Cull H. m;f.. WAN' white girl for genernl liousenmk. small family. 322 Parlflc St. or rnll Mairipy ;.!. Ci1 sM fo' penrrnl housework lrr fam ily of 2; good wages. Oorman or I'anlh ueff rred. :in 17 l.rwey Ave, or rail Har n v 4? WANTED Jlrl for general housework; no washing. .Tfi-4 Iyfette Ave. Call H. i (iooji pirl for general housework, V; email family. X.IX Cuming. WANTED A food second girl. German, English or Danlch preferred. $7 per week. Tel. Hairiey ti'. WANTKD-tTlrl for general housework App'y nt nno, in ft. !iih Ft WANTED Exp. second girl, per week. Hnrney '!T. Mrs. .1. E. Kennedy. WANTED 'ompetent Sweillnh or Oer mnn Kill for gen. housework; good wngea and home for right party. H. :4. A fjryjf) girl for gener-il housework. Mrs. raul Fklnner, ll! N. d. Harney 5142. MUreilsheaat, YOl'.VO women coming to Omaha as slranaers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Ft. Mary'a Ave. and 17th Ft., where they will be illreolod- to salrahle boarding places or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' guide at Vr.fon station. WOMEN Get government yoV-i; thousands vacancies yearly; I let positions open to women free. Franklin Institute, Dept. H. Rochester, N. Y. II KI.P WA NTKD l A I E A-nt." Nnlesmeji and Sollpltora. WANTED - SALESMEN BY LARUE CORPORATION. YOUXO MAN 20' TO . 23 YEARS, EXPERIENCE PRE FERRED BUT NOT NECES SARY. CHANCE FOR RAPID' ADVANCEMENT. MUST FURNISH BEST OF REFER ENCE CALL 2210 FARNAM STREET. ' IF YOU are making less trfan $3.00 daily. call and get puitlculara of our uutclt selling household neceasitv. GANSON, 1721 South 29th treet, Omaha. WANTED Agents. Have posltinn for two nustmrs SHlary and comiiilsslon. Call 11. R POTEE, Millard Hotel. Clerical and office. HIGH-GRADE commercial poslttons. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN. 7S3 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. - NO FILING FEE. Bookkeeper. I7f to 1100; steno., 176; steno., $6; Junior clerk. .".0 to $. ROGERS REFERENCE CO., 62 State Bank Bldg. 17th and Harney. IF you are looking for a high grade po sition see the , CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 10ir.-ia City Natl. Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps; job. Knelst. Bee Bldg. W A N t1TdAT T) NCE MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Exceptional opportunities Just now. Hundreds of for eign barbers working here drafted for European" w'ar. Their Dl'c must bo filled. Can prepare you In few weeks. Tool included. ' Earn while learning. Country or city applicants accepted, Write or call today. MOLKR BARBER COL LF.O.rc. 110 8. 14th W. WANTED Experienced general furniture and store repair man. State -Furniture Co.. 14th and Dodge. Ittlacellaneaoa. PAXTON Blk.. Lettering 8chool. Rm. HI YOUNG MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Good men earn big money; largest and best college. Big new bldg., elcc, II, and starting systems, big machine shop. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto college. 1H9 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business. th demand Is great for our graduates; we nave trained hundreds or mnn; let us train you. Writs for free- booklet. Nat 1 Auto Training Ass'n. 2814 N. 2nth Ft, Omaha, Neb. MEN with patentable Ideaa write Ran- iioipn sr Co.. w aslilngton. D C THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL hss turned out more, successful graduate than any school In this country. "There' a reason." (Write today for our catalogue (C), 1417 Dodge. Omaha. Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, lib; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College. Uth and Douglas Fts. THOUSANDS government jobs open to men and woment-blg pay, Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions free. Address Yl IM Bee. 'WANTED 1,000 men to eat ound steak, loo. Coffae JoTin. 14th and, Capitol. HELP WANTED MALE AD FEMALE. id EN WOM EN Get government Jobs. $t to $160 month. Write for Hat of do. sitlons available. Franklin Institute. Dept. 22-R, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS T AWYER: Young man, good educa- i . lion, law graduate, excellent aten n.r- Ftli.r iI-bIm, t,n.l.l..., 1 .. ... A- fic or with large corporation where op portunity will be given to obtain practical experience, or as private secretary. In uniena. Age it. Auaress a-ouu. KLIKREY lady wishes position In pri vate house in Omaha. Address B-447, Bee. i POSITION desired In confinement cases. Web. 373K. vV ANTE1 poailioa as dishwasher,, cook or -cnamoermaia, or any Hotel ,Work Csll Doug. (114:1. BOOK KEEPER with several years' ex perience oeairea position with whole. ale or retail firm in the city. Reference rurnisneo. Addresa A-4W, Bee. HANDY man with carpenter tools. Amur lean, past middle age, experienced janitor ana nouse repair man, would like employment witn good party. Reference. Auuress 4o. tiee. r I"OSITION desired as Janitor Jn an apart ment house or flat, by colored man and iaiy. experienced, references. J. 478, Be. WANTED Pobitlou as house aaleamarT bookkeeper or correspondent with wholesale concern bv experienced man, 2j ynttrs vi age. Auurvaa a jv, i-iee. COMPETENT, energetic man. 26, with college education, wants connection with sdveitielng agency, real estate or special tirm: ruiumanUa Enxllsh. German and s'auaiusvian Isnguagea; experienced; fu ture advancement Imperative. M 4ii, Bee. YOUNG man want place to work for board while attending lioylea college. I eiepnone .1 Kiugiaa i;no. IAT 'work wanted. Phons Douglas 827V WANTED Work s chambermaid In hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phons S. DAT WORK, bundle washing. H. T879, YOUNG lady stenographer wishes com mercial position: have knowledge of dook keeping. Address W7 tiurdetta Bt, Omaha. - i i l1 i ii eiuciii.n nn goon anaress ana of good health would Ilka nerni.n.n leltiou. curies work and ran use type writer, or as companion. Address It 4V& ties WANTEI-Posltion as nurse Will take any Hum or a case, i an . Z!.v. Colr.KP man and wife wants Job cook lug in town or out; have good refer ence, t an w. i'.u, Mrs. Logan. AUTOMOlilLrUS GOOD 1.M2 Cadillac, electric lights and starter, fine condition, new. Urea Call D. (i"!l. Grevnough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. $100 forfeit fur any magneto we can't pair. I oil repar g O Baysdorfer. 2J0 N. It . .: Lindocrs- tort dovr. body bldg.. 40 at. Far. AITO.MOIULFJ VMS Ol.DSMOKlI.E COITE, prartlenllv" new. driven only Lft'l mile; will sell at a bargain. Tyler 107..1 FOR a hlKh grade, used car at prlce see Howes, 22l Farnam. a right D. l.s;t. Industrial Uarase ' o , Wth Harney Fts. COVERED truck wfth solid rubber tires, l.MM lbs. capacity. Harney ,7M. rTlAVrE a 1'lo"m"o.iel Detroit Electric, In good shape. Will sell for I'WQ, Address A -y-X Hec. Molsrf yelew. HA RI.EY-I'A VIDSON MOTORCTCT.KR. I nrcsins in uned machines. Victor Rooa, "The .Motorcycle Msn." lsvenworth 114 INDIAN, 2-epeed mo(or ycle and aide. car; good condition. Call Fouth 241. l,lndlwrgBros.. 2,72 lv.( F'lylpg Merkle). 11M INDIAN AIJ'lT)K0Tcl.E now ready; bargaina In ued machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. lfith nnd Chicago. D. 372a. 1P14 H.-D., 2-speed motor; Rogers' side car; run 4 mos. Call HA K,. BE QCICK For A-l oil Investment write Frank Nevllelr, Box .)7. West Union, la. C. J. CANAN, Heal Estate and Exchange CA PITA LI ST wanted for ArtTilcialRub ber fact6ry. lr. George Kitard, Coun cil Bluffs, la. DRUG store, suburban, old established trade, new. up-to-date stock, yeb. 1 rm HA LE 18,0X1 stock of hard wars and modern store building, located In good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixtures for (1.000 less than they cost two years ago. No trade. Address, Y 173. Bee. GENERAL STORE Stock of good con sisting of groceries and dry goods. In land town, store and posfofflre. Will, In voice at to $l,0i). Reason for selling. Want to go cast 11. C. Kelttrcr, Wagner. Neb. -x HIGH-CLASS business openings. Westeri. Ret. & Bond Asa'u. &4 On. Nat. Bk. Bldg INSURANCE that Insure Is the right of fice location In the best building, easy of access and where service Is good. THE BEE BUILDING, insures just these things to all It tenant. A suite of ooms Just right for an Insur ance business Is available no.w. ) Office -Room 101. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY, , 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 3254 PATENTS secured or fee returned. Send sketch for free opinion of, patentability how. to obtain a patent aitd what to In vent with list of inventions wanted and prizes offered for Inventions, sent free. I'atenta advertised free. Wanted, new ideas. Send for our list of patent Buyers. Vic tor J. Evan & Co., 127 Ninth, Wash ington, O. C o RESTAURANT For sale, the fixtures and stock of a restaurantr-with a good custom, in a gooa location; no opposition Apply to C. Vyskocil, Farwell. Neh. SIGNS, show carda Clark & Son. D. 1378. TO GET in or nut of nusiness. rail on UANUSTAP, 404 Bee Bldg. DM77. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kenneneck Co., Omaha THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., ,1408 Farnam St Dougia 1897. WA N TED An Idea. Who can think of aomo simplo thing to patent? Protect your Idea; thev may bring you wealth. Writo for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent nnd Your Money," Randolph & Co., Patent Attorney, Wash ington, D. C. EDUCATIONAL MOSIIER-LAMPMAN ' COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur passed classes In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand, etenotvpy. telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates fuarameea gooa positions. Ilaces pro Idcd for young people to work for board. ror a new tree caiaioruc anoress MOSIIER-LAMPMAN , COLLEGE 1815 Farnarii St., Omaha, Douglas WIS. The Van Sunt Schooi Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. ' Night echool.6:15 to 9":15. 18th and Farnam Sta. Douglas 4S647. 1914 FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE - IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night sessions.. Yet It Is not too late to enter. " Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Cull, write or telephone for new catalogue. Business prsctlce, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales manship, banking, stenography, steno typy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work aid many other cnurees are open to you here. You may work for board whllo attending. Douglas lbd. UOYLES COLLEGE, BOYLES BUILPINO, H, H. BOYLES. PRES.. OMAHA. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unllm Ited scholarship ia Boyle Business col lege. Omaha; good tor either shorthand or bualness coursea. Apply at tha oRlcs of Orasha Bee. LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months. $4.00. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITING :0.. Douglas 2919. 190b Farnam. O m Mia Musical Art Institute. Assoi-tated Masle Instructors.' Raldrldaje Block, 30th and Karnam. MARTIN W. BUS H. PlanoT If. ix3 B. l.andsb'rg. Piano, Harmony. D. trtHM, Francis Potter, Mandolin, Banjo. D. 3SF.3. 1 IEN RIETTA Rees, Piano. DoifRlaa 4SK FLORENCE BASLE R, Voloe andTcoach lug. Bed fiOKl. GRACE KlttaC-OCK. Piano. H. IKsO. J H. SIMMS, I'luuo. Harmony. H. 41 tig. I xu lee Zahriskie. Violin, Piano! H. 6. Jessie F. Ciiway, Dramatic Art- D. ho, it. ' - FOR BALE . ' . Knrattarsw New 4V Id hand're, cash or terms, reasonable. Furn. Co., 606 N. 18th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture snd spm pianos. Croatia Van and Storage .-o., m ho. mn isu V Musical Inatraaaeats. WILL trade ray $370 equity In a $7-10 new Baby Grand Chickering piano for dia mond or $1 cash. Call Webster SiiT. Slightly used high-grade piano. W. 87 Jg. HAND player; a bargain. Tel. H,4711. Ty Dwrl4er TYPKWRI'V-ERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Tvnewrite- Exchange. 107 S. nth- All makes typewriter rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, 18 Karnam. D. eu31. RENT Hejuiagtons, Monarch arm bmitn Premiers of their uiakura. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. . Telephone Douglas li"S4 Rental credited If you purchase, snd only. very newest and his heat grade ma chine aent out Rates, three month tor fi for unueratroke machinea or 14 Pe4 mouth for latest moo-1 visible writers. MlsreUaaeona. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyle Justness college. Omaha; good for either short- band or business course. .Apply at tha tjfiice of The uinaha te. BARGAIN New Long erisnett machine. Writ Harry Allen. Fremont, r-eo. tOOM BRICKS at $.1.60 per M. ; also 900M feet of lumter at works. Ulta and Jack son Sts. Buildings bouUt and wrockeU. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co Web. 4joW. t-hand mch. Gross Wrack Co.. 21 A Paul. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and povket billiard tables aud bowling 1 !' "nd accesoortrg; bar fistui kinds; eay payments. Th Br I Balke-Collen Lt Co . hl-M 6. loti of ail unawick- 10th BL FOR FtALK M I ae I la n r ana. t"i (Ml Buys best coal for the monev; try T-J.v'V ,t Wrb s,, jiarmon Weeth. NEW Ftenotype. cheap Call Fo. tAI.I. Wtxtl. t'aniidlan hlxnket, Winches ter Remington 12-gauge shotgun. I Friedman, l.'Ot lodge. LATE model No. 9 Burrough'B adding and listing machine for ss'e cheap. Butts Typewriter Exchange, ltT6 Farnam Ft. FOR BALE A new I'lithe Truaa; sixe S2; right ride Big discount. Red 4094. WAGON umbrellas Wagner. 801 N. lth. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. veet Tresler Kelly Wrecking Co W. 4. FOR 8ALE-I will sell my patent scoop endgate and rod and holder tor casn or on royalt". It will pav to investigate. Address P. A. Ftohl, Aurora, Neb. AN eight-inch electric fan. Price 16. K 477. Bee. FOR SALE Anaco camera. 3'4X4',; new. Will sell for less than half price. H. R. I'OTEE. Millard Hotel. MVK RTOTR FOR SALE. Horses asd Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery "wagons In tbe city; ull kinds of blackmim wore, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co.. new '.oration. 16?-31-3 N. 16th St "-YEAR-OLD horse, del. wagon and 2 sets single harness; must sell togetner. O K. Hdw. Co.. 415 N. 24th St.. Fo. Omaha LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, rersons-having lost some 'article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Muff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lelt It In the etreet cars. Many articles each cay ara turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 4?. LOST Brooch with diamond set In cen ter. Call Harney Win. '15 reward. LOST Pansy scarf pin. Doug. 5992 or Doug.- 23o6. Reward. LOST Brtndle and white English bull dog; ears not trimmed and long tall. 3104 Dewey Ave. Reward. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal - dines sea without surgical operation. Cure . guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial, fit E. R. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. TfnrvriirtiCured In a few days without iiuiJt,tucpain t.B orwrltsDr. Wray, XX Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894.- MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. , Douglas 1411. POULTRY AND 8UPPLEES AGENTS, investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Lite Faver Co.. 2021 Cuming St Mixed grain. $1.60 h dred. Wagner, 801 N. 16 STEREOTYPE matrices make OJe best and cheapest lining for poultry house. They are 47x23 inches, stronger end mor durable trmn tarred felt and practically fireproof, '76c a hundred at Tha Bee office. TERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines.. We collect. We distribute. Phone Dongla 4135 and our wagon will call. Call end inspect our new homo. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as straggera are Invited to visit the' Youngl " omen a v nrisuan Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Ststlon. CONSUMPTION For those who have it Do you want to get well? It you do. address O 423 Bee. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold.. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6149. J. NEW and second hand meat and grocery fixtures. Phone Tyler 4a, Basket Store, 816 No. lUth St., Omaha, Ne b. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 34th. WANTED Restaurant and confectionery combined In town not less thsn- l.OoO population and prefer county seat Ad dress P. O. Box 488. Brush, Colo ' WANTED TO RENT TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, walking distance. Address B. 4M, Bee. YOUNG ludy would like cheerful room with board; private family; will pay right price for pleasant home; nice sur roundings; modern conveniences. Address C 4.K. Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stouk to South Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stack. Commission Merchants. MARTEN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO Make beat cash offer on Ford car, good order, or might consider dia mond and cash. Address s. u. Wee, A DUE B1L.I, for J.V0. good as cash, as first payment on any piano: will sell for i::t or win consiner a iraae oi any ainu. Address s. t:. nr.'s. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the ' Automobile ' classifi cation. AUTO Want to swap for a lata date fully equipped touring car, , incoma brick business property, well rented in t-outh Omaha, on principal business bt, Kth and & J streets. H. C. 1344. Bee. BOOKS For sale or exchange, one set of 7 -of Andells engineer" books, A-l condl tion. for tviewriter or caaU or what have you. Ad adress It 1, Bee. -I havetao White snd chl..Unnl from Mine T?l UHICKENS I haveiao White snd Buff Ornington chickens, from Ail lie Ribbon Kirds at Iowa fair ln 1913 between 4 to months old. What have) you to otter? I want, electric lighll fixtures; or what have you I can use. i Address B. u. I4t4. DOG For sale or exshange, a thorough bred Irish settler Ivf a small bull pup. Address f. l Wis. 1 I Fl'RNltURE Golden oak chiffonier afd dresser, also complete spring bed and oak rocking chairs, iould swap for oak buffet or roll top dcik. Address o. c. 1406. Bee. FOR EXCHANGE fori part cash and cltv property, or part ca.-a and cheap land or automobile $.',8U) stock groceries, shoes and notions; located la a live Nebraska town; sales average $4 per day. Address S. C. 1077. Bee. FURNITURE for -room hotel near Omaha, l.00. w rata rem on the building. Whst b iv yuu to offer? Address S C. 128. cs GAS. HOT WATER HEATER Brand IJrtn" brand; will desk or anything new. retail price lis. exchange for roll topi rise of equal value. Bee. ddress 8. C. 1406. HOME Have small 6-rL bouae lcated in Omaha, where It will always renu oow In 112 ner m,itll. frice si.miu mortgage r.Os will tra je equity for Ford car. S. C. 10K8, Bee. I HAVE a 11110 model ifetroit Electric in good shape. Will sell (for 1300. Address S. C. 1036, Bee. 1 HAVE a good patent. -VIII sell for cash or trade for an autoJ with latent iin '. !.). Bee. provements. Addresses. KODAK A new Ansc folding kodak, lxt1. leather tourit case for same Will swap for and portrait attachment hard coal burner or rang with hot water attachment or good b'.c C. l'TSl- Co. Addrsas a. KoDA K Eastman. 2 '.ml VbJ. anything of eyual valul Address 14"i. Bee. KODAK 1 new Ansio Lodak. 23i.,; 1 8-lnch electric fan, gool as new; what S. C. 13W. Bee. hsve you to wap. Aildre- LET ine repair up than 'old house and Paint it; will take in xenange any tiling 1 can use. t lx it t" men you urn vU It AdJrc 8. C. lUXiBoe. SWAPPERS' CDLUMX MOTORCYCLE Four h. p. Excelsior. good condition Well sell or Hade, Ad dress F C, 13!'4 Bee. I OWN a e-passenger, 40-horse. power automobile. In very good running order. Engine very good. I nm about to leave the city and wish to dispose of It. Will consider anything 1 can use In exchange. Address, S. C. 1403. Bie, OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy soma good second-hand office furniture; must be cbetp fur cash. Address S. C. 140, Bee. - , ONE one-horsepower International Har vester gasoline engine, like new; one. Burton twenty-five-rib mandolin, and ona Begins music box, with forty records; will trade for late model motorcycle, or what? 8. C. 13!H. ONE Decker at Fon piano, cost lt0; out side player, cost liso, and about 1100 worth of music; will trade the above for goon, ciear lot or acreage. F. C. :39T. PIANO Have dandy piano will exchange for equity In small cottage. Address 8. C 1411. Bee. PIANO Party owntng mahogany Cable Player piano, having moved from the city, will sacrifice same with muslo. Ad- x dresa B. C. 1414, Bee. PIANO Account of deatlv will sacrifice)- my $400 Reed & Son piano: Circassian walnut case, 1135. Cash only at this prlc Addresa 8. C. 1413, Bee. PIANO 1 have a t70 equity In a new" l..w Baby Qraifd Chickering piano which I will swap for a diamond or 11 rash. i-aaares k. t. 1024, Bee. SIGNS, showcard, Clark or Son. D. 1378 SHETLAND pony and outfit for trads or sale. Phone 21081. Council Bluffs. Ia. PHONOGRAPH and fifty records, to ex- change for cement work or what have. you? Cost 15S. Edison. In perfect order, good records. Address. 8. C. 1400, Bee RANGE Hsve good six-hole range, large size. Will trade for a small size heater. Addresa 8 C 1082, -rare Bee. SCALE Have a Toledo Zlb. candy scale, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used in a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address 8. C. 128S. Bes. STOCK OF MbjiE. Invoice $1,000, to trads for cottages worth about 11,500 or $1,800.' Adress S C 1079, care Bee. STOVEPIPE RADIATOR New, to heat an upstairs room without anv cost. Ad dress S.C. 1410, Bee TYPEWRITER-Remlngton for sale cheap or will trade for anything I can use; here la a snap for somebody that wants a typewriter. Address 8. C. 1409. Res. WATCH 21-tewel Swiss movement jeweis set in rubies. What have you to trade? Perfect timekeeper. Will allow test Ad dreaa 8. C. 1415, Bee. "fokrknt .Agartmeats and Flats. The Knickerbocker Omaha's Finest Apt. Hou'se ONLY ONE WITH HEATED GARAGES. 8 and 7-room apartments of ex,tra large rooms. Marble and tile entrances, large verc-ndas, reception halls wtlh coat clos ets, sun rooms, faience tile flrepracos, cornice ceilings, oak, mahogany and white enamel finish, mirror doors, tiled In bath tubs, pedestal lavatories, elegant lighting fixtures, big closets, white en- amel refrigerators, double-oven gjfcS"" stoves,; beautiful lawn; low rentals com pared with others POSITIVELY THE BEST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE APART MENTS IN THE CITY. Handsomely decorated to suit tenants. Full Informa tion from Ed Johnston. Phone Harney -J16A, or at residence next door to apart ments, or from Payne & Slater Co., Phone Douglas 1018. o Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in inecny. "Phone us fnr further Information. Doug las 4477. . Fidelity Storage & Van Co. Rooming House for Rent Lrrwm modern twft-atnrv brick hOUSS gt 21st and Harney Sts. Will be put In fc-ood repair for permanent tenant J. H. DUMONT & CO., lfinj Farnam St Phone Douglas 69a SIX ROOMS. NEW, SaV22 N. 83D ST. Just rnmnleted. In a good location, on car line; nice sleeping porch; rooms nloelv decorated; oak riniah tnrougnoui. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1B14 Harney Ft. . SIX AND SEVEN, 2117-19 N. ISTH ST. ' Cheapest apartments in the city for the money; hot water neai; janitor itrutc. $25 summer. $32.50 winter. HASTINGS HKYDEM. IBM rismey or. FOUR-ROOM F1.A1V 11B-1.V1 VINTON. OGDEN ANNEX looms, witft kitchen ettes Council Bluffa 10-ROOM flat, modern. H. 647. Gordon, Van Co Storage $19 N. 11th St Phone D. 894 or H MIX $28-B-RM mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 4:. TWO 4-room flat, 141j-1417 v inton bt.. modern except heat, kpo mw. (-ROOM FLAT 412 No. 2Mh Ft. ONE o-rotm apartment; Ft. George, ?.; 113 N. 31et Avenue. IMvpne rosier inn. HURRY! HURRYI Just one 4-room and bath left In the. modern California apartment, fodr Hockd t, fodr H . D.5237. 'rom poatofflce. See janitor. ATHLON'E 4-room apartments, 2th and Dofftlas; close In, new and fresh throughout. riiicfiv i iiui , w 123 Fsrn am St. Phone D. 898. IN looking for a desirable 3 or 4-room apartment, strictly modern. ee those In the Wright Block. 318 N. lth St. OREIGH, SONS & lOrM, Dongla 2O0. 608 Bee Bldg. , THREE-ROOM flat partly furnished. $13 per month. 242f Leavenworth St Apply J. I. Kemp, Douglas 887. 610" S. Z7TH ST. Six-room modern St. Liiula flat. t C. G. CARLBERG, J10-813 Brandels Theater Bldg. Board and Hoema. PRIVATE family. $6 week. 6&4 S. 21. Har- ney-6407. - Farnlsbrd Rooms. MOD., prlv. family. 25B1 Pinkney. W. 33T.8. MODERN, front; $12 month. 3001 Dodge1. NEWLY furn., with slcove; tiOo S. 28th. FURN. room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, on car line, board optional. Cftll Benson 881 J. 1 en suite. 14 week. Bed 4114. REDDEN aht:m, reasonable. Neatly furn., mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20tn. Mod., private home, references. H. 6138. Fur. mil. modern. 16 & Cass. Apt. . STUDENTS, quiet, mod. rooms; walking dist. to schools. THK KIMAl-r, ll. aP.. 2 front, modern, tumlstied. Call W. 4o2. COZY room for four young men in mod ern home; ressonshle. -30 N . fltn M. LARGE, modern: pnvate rainuy. ti. w, Unfaralshed Kooma. THREE rooms and bath; modern, $1L 4 Webster THREE npdern. Unfurnished housekeep ing room, with kitchenette, SS11 Pq pleton Avenue. Hsrney 4:xi. , Famished Hsssekeeplsg Bs FRONT room with kitchenette. P. 78P3. Honsekedplnsj liaoms. APTS.. furnished for light housekeep ing; steam heated; mod. 4738 N. 24th. CLOriE In. mod., reasonable, ytoa Farnam. llatels and Annrtmenta, CALIFORNIA Hotel. 11th and California, .Weekly rates $3 sr.d up. Douglas TuH 20-KOOM hotel that has been successfully run for yesrs for rent. PETERS TRUST CO Doug. 898. OGDEN HOTEL, rooms 13 per Council Bluffa week. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reaonabl. Uonaes and Cottages. 2S3t CAPITOL Ava, 8-r.', modem, $ ' Tl Spencer, &-r., mod. ex. beat, $13. 1M7 N. 3lt St., T-r.. city water. $17. 1616 N. 32d St., $-r city water. $11, 4.14 N. 4Kh St., -r.. city water, (10. 3.' 4 Maple. 4-r , city water, $. HA Emmet &-r.. well, $V. ' 37.3 Ohio. -r.,' well. $8. CREIGH, SONS & COSrPAVT. Douglas 200. tut Bee Bids. f f i 1 La 1