Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1914, Page 2, Image 2
t-tT- r i ti nil-: HEK: OMAHA, TCEsUW, September m. ECZEi SPREAD E OVER' 11 &u!d lv Clssl; and" Swell. Could Not hj Utods in Vyatef flor-IJo Work.. UrhilTg end Duwng liiK rible, Used Cut'cura Soap and Ointment Hands Well. HIGHLANDERS ON THE SKIRMISH LINE WORKINd THEIR MACHINE GUNS None of the British troops who. are participating in the military movements on the continent have proved more effective than those who have been called in with the Scottish regiments. IOi B. doou St., Martoa, Tadi M fin. Mm wb m Martd no my ftnrx tbV; prvod kU ow my huKU It brolc.ou Us rrt t r- Unjr bllstm. thoa would 9V (far mm) oraak uxi hpiiU. eoald bot ny tuuKtatla. warm ml (hav bin M, twtly. b rcKilil iok )ty vay vork. tiUJiUfc ftdi tf won K made Uxmk "Eboy T.r w bad t could uo baliK Mrd1 We Invite You to Attend Our Fall Opening Display of Apparel, Millinery, Fabrics, Etc. Tuesday Afternoon 2 to 5 O'clock Living Models Flowers, Music t HOWARD J AMD Ml II Bit ,d1 SIXTEENTH ; ATREKT2S UHIIIIIilMIIIHIWIlllWMM' IIMUMIW III IHIM I '1 " " T""'Tr"Tr 1 1"'l ) 1 III" r''TV :' "'" F'l'lf """ "' if -y-pT--y n III un MMlohla taosi nnd would valk tjwt. Owe Winy annoy "at v I oould X qlasv., lost asany ,o-h of reafc oa aooouoia, araoiaa. My iiaods n sot 6t to ba-aaan,' imd I kaat - baat ifwapaad BP and wooa, 3lttPoaWathartoutof'j;d-Hnaa., : "I waa aou oo yanr uaiua KoauwUaa,, limi I narw ra t)4-niHiawan kta.apa. anylnil V)Q' Tutionra Soj aad OiaMaaoa. war food,. wratm U oooa foe. aowla.. men I bougliO on CJ" pf-9utimsa Sqajt, and ona bos of fcXrtioura OtotoMa aad Idm tbey w half (jooo I ooukk aj laolwr6 betacr. wfaa tfia Bnrnti)oa.o(' OuUcura CHoUnnnt waooo baada vwa, well and bava romalDod waU war slaoa.;'.-, CHSffned) Mr. O. W. ftbarp, Ooa. 3a, U. i Samples Free by Mail Although Cutlcnra Soaa (260. aad Oo eura Otntment (50c)-are aold throuhout the world, a nample of aach wiU 82-d Skla Book will be peat flws upon raquoat. Ad-, draa poatHcard "CuUcura, Dept. T, Bortoo. Bull Moose Vota in Maine Slumps PORTLAND. Ma.. Sept. H.-Ileturna foT governor from 1' out of 3i election dla trlcta In the tat give: . Ifalna, ' republican, 1S.030;-Curtla. demo-' cratK.TO; Oardner. 1roweiilve, llfil. .The eprrrtpontllns yota fot preeldcnt In 4U waa;,. ' ' '' ' ' ' 'TaXt. 'republican, C.9961 Wllaon, demo 'crat,"ll.4S; rtobevelt proitresaU-a. 11.377. truoe In the mlnera' itrlka. . J. F. wal- born, president of the. Colorado Fuel and Iron company, aald that all operator, In cluding thoaa having contrata with th United Mlna Workers of Anuria, had been Invited to participate. . A Wiatrr Crack. ' To neglect may mean consumption; Dr. king's New Discovery gives sure relief. Buy a boitle today. 50c and U.W). All druggists. Advertisement. COAL OPERATORS TO TALK OF PRESIDENTS PROPOSAL DENVER, . Colo., Bept. .H.-Announce-ment was made today that a conference 'of'Coloardo coal operators would b' held ;in Dnvr 'Saturday,' td eonsldrt" Trsl- ' dent wnaon'e rropoeiO for a three-year Stops-Headache, y Pain, Neuralgia . - Tou ran clear your, head and relieve ' . l dull, splitting oV violent throbbing ' headtach in a moment with 1 a Dr. James Headache Powder. This 'old-time - headache' relief acta almoat magically. send' aomaon to the drug store now ; fof a dime package and a few moments .. after you take a powder yow will won- - der what became of the heartache,, neu - Tmlgla and pain. ' Stop suffering it's needle. , B sure you get what you ask ( tgr Advertisement. KLUCK AND BUELOW ARMIES IN RETREAT 0 Kaiser'i Forces, with Heavy Mor tars, Are Retiring Toward the Belgian Frontier. OUT OF FRENCH LORRAINE Tftton SoMtere, Aceordtaa; to Paris Dispatches, Reaiortad to Have -Qalt the Captared Territory. ' NEWS OF VICTORY IN MIDST OF RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA LONDON, Sept. U-A Fetrograd dls patch to tha Central Newr describes a scene of tremendous enthusiasm on the first night" of the imperial grand opera I halt their retreat before reaching season when a bulletin dercriblng thai glum. They have already made destruction of the opposing grrny between I thlrda of tha distance from Pjrovins, In PARIS, Sept, H.-(l: a. m.)-The re treat of the armies of Generals von Kluck and von Buelow continued at last ac counts with considerable rapidity, The only official comment last night was that tha allies were keeping In con- fact with tha enemy and had crossed the river Alsne. ' not revealed. but It la evident that they don't Intend to make a stand on tha Una from Rhelms to 8oiascns. and it Is hardly likely; It Is thought hero, that they will Bel- two- operated for four days In the Brussels, I on this Tuesday morning was broken, t Louvaln and Mallnes triangle, forcing tne i heard 'the news in two ways. The Uer FSB Germans to abandon much of that portion of Belgium. In connection with this move ment. It Is reported that the Belgians are cutting German communications. Other sources declare that the Belgians were compelled to return because the Germans were strongly reinforced from Liege. The retirement la also said to have been ex pedited by a threat to burn Brussels. Attempt to Deal with Belgrlams, Ona of the most Interesting rumors com ing out of Belgium Is a report in a Paris newspaper that the German governor of tha occupied Belgian territory entered Antwerp under an agreement of safe con duct In a fruitless attempt to come to an agreement with the Belgian government. Italy is atlU preserving neutrality, but has joined the triple entente ambassadors In a protest against tha revocation of the capitulations by Turkey. Austria evidently fears hostile action on tha part of Italy, according to newspaper reports from Roma, for feverish efforts are being mode to fortify Trieste against attack and the coast in that vicinity Is being mined tha livers Bug and Ulster was read In tha middle of the JerformancB. , ' Tha Russian' proclamation- was , sung over and over again and the national the department of Zlna Et Marne, to the frontier. ' The. heavy rains of Saturday and Sunday are not likely to facilitate tha movement of the famous 430-mllll- anthems also were song, while the am- meter mortars that were to reduce Paris and which require forty horses to draw I newspapers. i bassadors and ministers of those coun tries bowed from their boxes. Tumulous I them. demonstrations took plsca In tha streets, I The armlrs of General Von Hausan tha crowds almost fighting to get thend the prince of Wucrttemberg, which constituted the center, seern to be headed toward Rethel and Meaecres, though part of this force Is reported as still resisting at tha south end of the forest of the Argonne. Ersriat Preach Lorraiae. It was reported last night that the armies of tha crown prince, the prince of Bavaria and General Von Herrlngen had been forced across the frontier and Elect rle- Broad, Bitters. Sure relief for Indigestion, dyspepsia. liver and kidney complaints. Gives ap petite, adds tone to system. 60c and fl.OO. All druggists Advertisement. Reader Loses Wateau Ing tbe loss' of his 1013 world's series tt tha entire territory of French Lor- watch. Ha lost It recently while golfing. '.""'ii r S I. -ft "- a j i ' I " i I ' ' I, . .. . mi, . I' I ', il i ,H I, ralne had been liberated, This disposition of the German armies, if confirmed, makes Another concentra tion in Franca, as suggested by certain critics. Impossible. It leaves. Generals Von Kluck and Von Buelow hotly pur sued by the allies and menaced by an enveloping - movement on-the left and without hope of rescue except, perhaps, from, the 60,000 troops which occupy Bel glum. , Iateat reports from Antwerp, however, show that these are likely to be needed there to stand off the offensive movement taken by King Albert's army. Taken altogether, the situation bera Is viewed with equanimity, -. while tha gov ernment la busying Itself with ways and moans-for reviving trad and commerea, OPENING RETREAT OF ': ALLIES CLEYER TRAP (Continued from Page One.) on the Ourcq. Jn one- village, which the Germans hurriedly vacated, the French, In a largo house found a dinner table beaufrfullr et with candles still burning on the table, where evidently the German staff had been dining. A woman occu pant said they r.ed precipitately. "There was a great deal of hand to hand fighting and bayonet work on tha Ourcq, which resulted in the Madgeburg regiment 'beating a retreat. "On Monday night General von Kluck army had een thrown back from the Marne and from the Morln and to the region of Sesanna and his position was serious. Immediate steps were necessary to save his line of communlcatidns and retreat. To this end reinforcements were hurried north to the Meaux district and to Ourcq and tremendous efforts made to break up the French realatanca In this quarter, for. Meaux la to Parla as Reading Is to London. "The second attempt on the Ourcq shares tha fate of the first. - Though all Monday night 'and well on lnt' Tuesday the great German guns boomed along this river, the resistance of the allies could not be broken. 'Hold' was the com mand, and every man braced himself to obey. While tha Ouroq was being held, tha struggle of Besanns was bearing splendid fruit Tha German resistance - Moat Modern and Banltarf Brewery La tfe West. -Family trade supplied by! South Omaha WM. J17TTER, sooa Bf Street TcJcDhona Houtli 863. Omaha HVtrO Y. BILZ. 1924 DouxUa Street: Phono Douglas 8040. Council Iilulfa OLD AWE BAH, bouth hUiit gtreett Phone 8U2S. - , Everyone' Needs The Great War Manual In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and places and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict now ehaking Europe and the world. . THE OMAHA BEE will send you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of i maps and pictures und data about the war. This great War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The World's, Work, which is a guarantee of its unquestioned authority. - '. . i '. . " Tad rift fVifa rftriTAn mrA VtM w nr i s TV. 1)aa 1 V W l A Ul VUid WWUVU ISUU .U V aV sV 9 JJGQ I of f ice " with ' 50 cents for your copy. Add ' fivA rpnts for nostare when sent bv maU man gun were silent and from the wounded who poured down to the bases. r French ' Rejoice at News. "The wounded men were no longer downhearted, but eager to rejoin the fray. On every French Hp was the ex! clamatlon that 'they are In full retreat' and 'they are rushing back home' and in the same breath came generoua recogni tion of the great help given by the Brit ish army. "I am convinced that the full extent of this rout Is nt yet appreciated in Eng land. It was of a truly terrific character and such a blow will not fail to have lasting effect N "The number of wounded ' entailed colossal transportation work I, myself, counted fifteen trains In eight hours, a fine grim set of men, terribly 'weary but very amiable except the officers. "The enemy crossed the Marne on the return Journey north under great diffi culties and beneath a withering fire from the British troops, ' who pursued them hotly. The German; artillery . operated from a height there was again much hand-to-hand fighting, and the river was swollen with dead "On Tuesday night th British were In possession cf Laferte Sous Jouar'r' and Chateau Thierry and the Germans had fallen back forty miles, leaving a long train of spoils behind them. Beat Imperial Gaard. "On the same day in the neighborhood of Le Francois, the French troops achieved a splendid victory. . Incidentally they drove back the famous Imperial guard of Germany from. Bexsjine towards , tha swamps of Saint Gonor. where, a century ago, Napoleon achieved, ona of his last successes. Tha main body of tha guard passed to the north of the swamps, but 1 heard of men and horses engulfed and destroyed. " It Is our revenge for 1514,' the French officers said. If ony the emperor were here to see. "On Wednesday the English army con tinued the pursuit towards the north; tak ing guns and prisoners. "On that day I found myself In a new .France. The good news had spread. Girls threw flowers at tha passing sol diers and Joy was manifested everywhere "the Incidents, of Wednesday will as tound the world when made known In full. I know that two German detach ments of 1,000 men each, which were aur rounded and cornered, but which refused to surrender, were wiped out almoat to the last man., The knoie of these operations was the tremendoua attack of the allies along the Ourcq on Tuesday, which ahowed the German commanoer that his lines were threatened. ' Than came the crowning stroke. "The army of the Ourcq and of Meaux and the army of Seaanne drew together like tha blades of a pair of shears, the pivot of which was In the region of the Grand Morln'-' The German retreat was thus forced toward the cast lind It speeds lly became a rout 1 j "I repeat that England scarcely rea-1 Uses yet' what has been achieved, alike i In breaking up the enemy and In hearten-1 Ing our troops. The tactics of Mont and Charlerol are completely Justified." I NO OFFICIAL INFORMATION OF ALLEGED ATROCITIES LONDON. . Sept. 14. Premier Asqulth told the House of Commons -today that no official InformaUon had reached the j ministry of war concerning the repeated stories that German soldiers had abused the Red Cross flag,' killed and ' maimed the wounded and killed women and children. Only Oil "liROMO To get the genuine, call for full-name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. ,W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 3Ec. ' Department Orders. WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. (8peclal Tel egram.) Iowa postmasters - appointed : Lowden. Cedar county, Peter H. Jur-gonoon,- vice C. H. Held: St. Anthony, Marshall county, Wlnnlfred C. Gannon, vice ). S. Hlxon: Stout. Grundy county, John G. F.llinger, vice P. J. - Pbeer; gwan. Marlon countv, Samuel J. Koons, vice Jane Ptradloy; Elyaie Brown reap pointed postmaster at Viola. Lewis county. - . ( ' . ' DECISIVE CLASH ". OF WAR IN WEST YET TO BE SEEN (Continued from Page One ) Dependable Tailoring AT MODERATE PRICES Correct Styles For Fall Now Being .Shown the al value is continuing all along the line with the allies' left wing now across tha river Alsne, J .But Uttla news and that of tha vaguest sort filters through from Germany re garding the operations In the west, though It Is evident from the tone of Berlin of- flrlal statements that the people are be ing warned not to be too optimistic, as certain reverses may be expected The lateat actual battle news 1n ttertta 'de scribes a sortie from Paris oa September 4, which. It is stated, has been repulsed. Dispaches from many aourcea. Including Vienna. Indicate that the Austrian army in Oallela is in aors airaita, but tha story of its complete destruction Is evidently exaggerated, as the lateat Russian re ports Indicate that General Russky'a forces are atlll meeetlng with organised resistance. It Is evident however, from tha disposition of the combatants, that the Austrian renter was crumpled up, while the left wing was hurled back Into the marshes of tha river San. Aastrtaaa stay Bo Botrappod. This left wing, composed of the flower of the Austrian troopa, may be eaught In a trap, making unconditional surrender the only alternative to destruction. Tbe official statement given out In fetrograd aar that General Rennenka-mpft. a east Prussia, la stubbornly retiring before a superior force rather than risk the turn ing of his left flank by tha Oerraaae. The lielglan mobile force haa returned to Its Antwerp baae with tha official ex. planatloa that it has served its purpose la preventing German reinforcements from g ths army In France. This force lSlIS'a DODGE STREET JJ Joining SUGA JR. 15tf $6.85 Sl.OO BY THE SACK' BEST BEET . Ib 2S - AT ANY pP THE JOim BASKET STORES No. 21-816 No. 18 Ho. 23-1807 Vinton No. 22-1406 Ho. 24 -No. 24-2127 Farnam We now have a little meat market going in each one of our stores, except No. 24, and that will probably be ready soon. We try to carry a full line of toest' meats at all times. . The House of Menagh's FIRST nnniuEEisnnv SALE- Commences Weduesday at 9:30 Just -one year ago we made plana to open our bouse In Omaha. Our success has so far excelled our first ideas that already we have planned for more space. . Our first Anniversary Sale will be the greatest sale since we have been in business. . ' Complete announcement In Tuesday evening's Bee. The House of Menagh Located at 1613 Farnam. '. ID) ST0I Suffering With Foot Troubles ' Plenty of room tor enlarged jolnrfe, closely fitting elsewhere. This describes in a . few words Drezel's Bunion ' Shoes. i For th foot with a bunion extra room is required in certain Joints in others no extra room is requir ed, therefore it Is im possible to get fitted In a regular lot. Drexel's Bunion Shoe Is scientifically con- structed for the foot " with a Bunion.- In all sizes and widths made of soft, plump, glased kid. v ' - - For Women, in but- , ton anid.lace-rrfor men. in lace only, . The only shoes in the Vorld ' .. that, will fit a foot with a bunion or en- . Urged .Joint. , Price, $4.00 Parcel Poet Paid. k Drexel 1419 Farnam BUYS BUT ONCE You never beard of a ir. a. tt.i: iKUtsuu 06 aauuui purchaser buy ing A.HospeCo Douglas St. 1 AMt'SEMEKTS. AUl 8RMEXTS. ()VlaVarVw!a DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR 1 At Elkhorn, Neb., Sept. 23-26, '14 . Bigger and Better Than Ever $5,000.00 IS PREMIUMS New grounds have been secured, new building erected, and the agricultural and lire stock exhibit will be the best'ever held in the county. OMAHA DAY,- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.5. Bad lee' Health Oonteat, under supervision of Miss Ruth A. Railey, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neh. ATTRACTIONS First and last carnival attractions and many free entertain, ments in connection with the fair. Come and spend one day at least. President CUAS. W1TTE, Elkhorn, Neb. Secretary J. F. McArdle, South Omaha. AsntBTTB nuxaMtss ta "aimm s pAoaatsa. . gapers BraadeU Orchestra TrUes, ataw. ISo-SSei Bei CaUd. 10a 9aya. Bept. IT, 18. IS. Stat. Batardayi Perfect ramat1iatlnn of Harold bU Wrlght'a Tae Wtnalag of - Barbara Wort a." loaglaa Vbeao ASTaJrczn taosbttxxa - Thie week. "Taking Things Essy," Minnie Allen. Woodmun Livingston. The Randaila. Harry Breen, H. B. Martin, ack at rls. Tha Orpheum Travel V'ekly. FMom: Malts Oellarr. lSr; kat u innM jsalurasr aa4 8udr) 3ku K ishts l-a ..c-itc "OMAJaa-a TV OXsTTBB" Bu2iaQtrB MILLION DOLLAR DOLLS and every one of them looks the money. Lwis at Doty. Florence Belmont, E.1dle iNut) Nelson. Flo Talhot, Walter Johnson. Marcel Chert e. Cliff Worman and Beautv Chorus of JO Baby bolls in rThe Phoney I et-t1vea' . tvADXZa' Distn MAT. WUC BATS). DASE DALL Omaha vs Topcka 1U1'RKEPARK fiept, 1, 10, 17, 17. ' Two Games Thursday bept. 17. First Game Called 3 P. M. Game Called 8 P. M,