iO Till; HKRt OMAHA. TUESDAY, SKITHM BER 15. 1014. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable f 17.. WtNnwm T Ann o t In HnAn Mfitir Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE nERCHAliTS : tlATIOnnt BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus. $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 v ' Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS J! ATlOiIAL BAKU 13th and Farnam Streets , LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier B. IL MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. l DUQDALE, Assistant Cashier NOTE Vntsa will not ts allowed "Tor ottier than bone, fla now savlncs awoiinta Full number of votea will be allowed up to alxty dmye before cIom of contest when a UmH of 10.000 will be placed on each new account. e a i " Mid-Week Drug Specials THESE PRICES NEVES CHANGE: 'Brorao Seltzer at . . . .10 18t 34 GOt 50c Bourjeols Java Rice Powder genuine ...... 19 25c Carter's Little Liver rills 12 35c Castorla 21 2pe Cuttcura Soap ....... 1 7 50c Carmen Powder . ...2J) 60c Canthrox 50c Doan's Kidney Pills . .'344? 25c Frostllla w 14C Jlorllck'a Malted Milk, at 34t G7f 82.70 25e Hydrox Peroxide Cream at 14 Kind Honey and Almond Cream 20 70 Llsterlna 9 14. 58 25c Laxative Brouio Quinine at 12t 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 14 50c Malvlna Cream 2D 25c Mennen's Talcum 4 kinds J2 Mentholatum 14 31 f 1.60 Oriental Cream Oourard's OS ' 50c Pape's Dlapepnln ...t20 $1.00 Plnkhara'a Compound t 50 $1.00- Pierce's Golden Medical Dtooovery 64 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream at 14 Sal Hepatlca 17 At 80 50c Syrup Klgs -20 $1.00 8. S. S 50 81. (IO 60c Sempre Glovlne ....20 25c Tiz for tender feet ..J4 25c 4711 White Rose Soap 12 $1.00 Wine Cardul 50 12c N0TICF TO CONTESTANTS ext Tnsetfay we will publish tbe stsnAlnr of all eoateetante who bare torn la their nomination coupons or cask ohecke for Totee la thle oea tet. Oat your recelpte In by Bator dr eTenlna. eo that yonr ataodlnf will appear la the llet. thaa letting yonr friends know that yon are com pettn for a trip to the Baaama aa-peaitloa.- .... SPECIAL Borden's Eagle 'Brand Milk . . SDEiOin & HcCOnflELL DRUG CO. yi BUSY TIME AND MONEY. A SAVING REXALL ST0RE3 mam 3 BE SURE TO ATTEND THE ? Sent Jt Sale September pjApJOg At Btftiulard Makts. 01 T Excellent Values. Easy Terms. Buy a Bramback Grand, small slie. Built since 182 3. ft(t buys a Kimball. F'amous In Nebraska for 3 aeneratlons. SiiTiO buys a Baby Nelson Piano. $450 buys a Kranlch tt Bach V'Ura Quality Piano. $350 buys a Bush & Lane. One of the best modern priced in struments. $100 buys' Hospe Piano. v " I'SED PIANOS Anyone of these, used or storeworn pianos may be returned within one year and full credit will given on purchase of any sew piano or player piano of a higher price. Every instrument has been through our factory all re- t.m.J anil Ih. nilll'll XI A US' TV fc I1U1U I I K I.? WU' 3 More than 75 bargains are offered this week! Come early. 875 kMeCammon Ebony Case is l Terms.) SloO standard vvamui case.j (Terms.) 8200. Kimball Oak and Wal nut Cases (Terms). 5 8140. Decker & Sons, 'Walnut Case' (Terms). 8175, Weser Bros., Mahogany Case. A rare bargain. $208. Boudoir Player Piano. Plays 8S-.ote Mil sic. (Terms) a S 1 I i 3 Contestants' Standing am Wo. of Yotea. ray K. Watte 3,734.887 Both A. Finney S.Sla eHS Mra. Emma Ferry... 9.6S.7 Charlea Bail 9,778,248 Wllka Ward 38S-T10 Sylvia afahne 34 1,1 OS O. A ITyetrom 177.41S Kobart r.nammn 199 981 Mary f. Aberly ., S4.141 run Wllbeck.... 388.7 lo Daniel A. Lang-fald S.649 an Stelaberir - .7.811 Boewell Potto 4,71 a Mn. BV. Bmlth 3.SS8 Olrda S Lnth.a . 1 63S Boo Bchalek l.SFfl rrul Wnra 1 7f7 Oraee Bakeri Beatrice.' Meb. . 1.000 Meroerr Oi Wella W. 3. Mettlea 1,000 Chris llmAIHAH. TT.Ina .k ... l.OOO JnJlaa Harrta ' 1.000 arry J, SaTereoa 1,000 Minor O. Xeaaedy 1.000 Herbert O. Lnndoa w. .00 Maria B Koar 1 Jennie X. Waehbnra'!! l.OOO rhaala. M tx- ' 1 fWWl Z'1 We a uwni svai . eee at,wW Wyrtle O. Xarrlaoa l.OOO Mre. Jamea Mortlmore 1,000 XeaHetta Bweneen l.OOO Mre. Bnbert X. Jonea - l.OOO Jamea I. Xolakolaky l.00 Myroa Deroreet l.OOO T. O. Thotnpaoa l.OOO Mra. Oeorire B. Zvarts 1,000 X-onlae fannlaa'berg - 1,000 aol Korton l.OOO Benry B. Blar ' l.OOO Mre. Lillian X.owde l.OOO aamnal X. Book l.00 John Flicker 1,000 Jul Waebetela l.OOO Harry Xraey l.O0 Mre. B. aar4Aa-a l.OOO Mre. Plaaa Circle 4 wuiiam winqueet l,tw Oretobea Xdfar 1,000 amee u. wieely i.uu lara l.OOO Wayne miley K. W. Bank a l.OOO aM h . - u .1 1 nftfl XVilUaa Vrtokeoa, Kearney,' Web." l.OOO i . i , . k i virus vvpitCHft, MUrWUi, aiV,, ,vrv Mre. Xattie Oibnra 1,000 Cbarlea Xanale-aa l.'-'OO aooert W. MnUln.... Koel Keealer 1.000 Xaaal Mlchalaon. rt Orook 1.000 Otto Bawald ..v. ' l.OOO .. . , -- How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana-" . ma Exposition Ralee ef Cain. . 1 The Bee ofters and will award three round-trip tlcketa and expeniea to the Panama Expoaltlon, the total cult of each trip to be )lX0, a prliee to the three con teetanta havlns the aieatest number of polnte at the close of the conteaL aThis contest open to everybody ex cept employes of advertisers oa thU pare and of Tb Bee. I The eonteat pace will be puMlahed- one day each week and will run for a perHJ of one year. e-Pointa will be flcured on the basis of on point for each 1 cent abowa on caea hecks or receipt for purchases made from advertiaera on thla put Cash check a must be deposited at or mailed to "Panama Contest "dltor" The Bee not later than thirty days from1 date of payment of same and receipts will be Issued for theio. Contest to elbs November 7. 1914. All rash tickets and receipts must be turied Into The Bee office n t later than p. in. orr'tlosln day of contest, or If nuilled, must be postmarked not later than that hour. ' ' , WOMAN ASKS DAMAGES I FROM TWO SALOON MEN tvftfmwiit In Am A IpWITp Special .,,.,..,. ., j icrm a s aj 1IS TOl"GIi.8 8THEET. "OI K FORTIETH TEAR" ) Att-nd the Wyle Show at the Auditorium,' September 2122-2:l-aH, sW Jk i La fTPl) On Sale in Annex (Entrance Douglas Street) BONBON SPOONS SUGAR SPOONS SALAD FORKS OLIVE FORK CREAM LADLES SARDINE FORKS OUVE SPOONS (long handled) ' Every article Sterling Silver,v beautiful designs, 99c, . , As Long As They Last. Tuesday and Vedn'sday we crown XuJ . Teachers of South Omaha Ask Same Pay as Those of Omaha hort"nln'of the aohool year two weeks has infant an In'Tae In py for Omaha '-hAcl fpaeliers an4 a decreaw for the Hfuth Omaha ta-hrs. The Board of KdiKation of Omaha, after ehorti'nlns; the ru, "pprmltted the salary rhedule to remain unhanad. In Hoiith Omaha the teachers' ealarife were proportionately re duced when theear was shortened. The 8Mith Omaha teachers are now at tempting to force the school authorities to reconsider the salary-reduction order and are using Omaha's action as an argu ment. Omnha teachers are paid by the yearln nine payments. The. minimum Is 1500 a year, which automatk-ally Increases hv $.V a year until It reaches the maximum of ll.Ott). The South Omaha salary ached ia la sIlKhtly under Omaha. The Janlntor In the Omaha schools, al though hired and paid by the month, will also receive the benefit of the shortened school year, for they will be .employed the entire year at the same salary. All Janltornare ordinarily kept working dOr Ins the summer vacation months. The Omaha schools will close June 4 unless there are unavoidable when all schools will be dlsmlased. In hlch case, the lost time will be added to the end of the year. Davicl. Cole Finds . British Imbued : WithWar Spirit David Cole Is home from Eurone. and. ' while he was not in the war tone, he was In touch with the excitement Inci dent to the conflict that Is belna waged. Mr. Cole returned to Omaha Saturday and was gon Just three months to a day. He reached London Julp 39 and anna tor noma August 21, In the mean time having- too red Enaland and Scot land, but did not get over on the conti nent. Paid Mr. Cole: 'Everywhere In England and Scot' land the war waa the one fopic that was always up for discussion and everywhere the ortinlonprevaila that In the end Ger many will be whipped. but aa vet no one -seems to have ventured an opinion as to what the settlement will be. ' I was surprised to see the spirit of patriotism that seemed to have nnaaen. sHn of the people of England. They seemed to feel it a duty and a privilege to enlist and rush off to war to fight." ' t Five Thousand to , Imprave Municipal Beach at Carter's Flva thoueand dollars for Improvements at the munloipal bath house at Carter lake will he set aside by the city council when the next annOal budget is prepared in January, according to City Commis sioner Butler of the department of fi nances and accounts. The municipal bVh house, trjed for the first time this year, under the super vision of Park Commissioner J. B. Hum mel, was a great success, as many as too men, women snd children patronizing it In one evening. Offerman Bros. Get ; Paving Contract Offerman Bros., contractors, were low bidders fir the Job of resetting the gran ite block pavement on Military avnue from Clifton Hill to Renson. The con tract will he let Saturday. A bid of ffl cents lier lineal foot and thirty' days' time for completion of the Job, was made by the low bidders. Nothing was dona with the Jail feeding proposition of Sheriff McShane, which will be considered later. Miss Dorman Arrives Foi;Anti Campaign Miss Marjorle Dorman of New Tork has arrived In Omaha to begin a cam paign of public speaking against woman suffrsge. She speaks under the auspices of the National Association Opposed "to Woman Suffrage. Mrs. J. W. Crum pgeker has arranged for Miss Dorman to make a number of addresses in the eastern part of the state. These two women wilt hold meetings at Blair, Plattsmotith, York and "other cities.' ' DEFENDS ACTION FOR NOT PAYING THE RENT Asserting that she moved from the house st 2704 Seward street, owned, by Miss E1la Brackln, because poison, scat tered by the latter around the premises for'the purpose of killing sparrows, was menace to the lives of her three littkt girls, Mrs. Alice Glenn successfully de fended an action in county court brought by Miss Wrackln- to collect $3J rent money, which she claimed was lost through Mrs. Glenn's sudden departure In the middle of the month. SOUTH OMAHAN SERIOUSLY " INJURED IN AUTO MIXUP T f ' In sn automobile collision at Thirteenth and Missouri Avenue Sunday afternoon, Frits Gassaer, South Omaha, was seri- ousVy Injured, necessitating his Immediate removal to the South Omaha hospital. He was attended by Dr. F. R. Simpson, 2311 Blnney street, whose jnachlne made up the other half of the collision, was slightly injured. ELECTION BOARD IS , CONSIDERING RECOUNT Tha election canvassing board-Is meet ing this afternoon to consider the applica tions of three defeated legislative candi dates for a rehearing of their petition for a recount. The applicants are S. Arlon Lewis, A. N. Tost and Henry Hackett. On their original petition the hoard re fused to grant a recount. , MAYOR HOCTOR BREAKS ARM CRANKING AN AUTO Mayor" Thomaa Hoctor. while' attempt ing to crank his automobile Sunday after noon, sustained a broken forearm. The fracture, while painful, la not complicated. HYMENEAL i Hayea-Croaklll. Minnie Crosklll of Edgerly, N. D.. and Joseph Hayes of Omaha were fnarrled by Rev. Charles - W. Savldge at his residence. T Frank B. McKepna and James Qutnn, saloon men at K24 Nicholas and 1024, 1 Vn.t1 Ql.tdnnlk I will. th.i,. knarfii.l men, have been made defendants in dls.i trtct court to a suit for by Mrs. Pearl Hurth, who alleges that her1 hus band, John Hurth, became a drunkard in their" saloons and no longer is able to support the wife and four small children. SUES CAR COMPANY FOR HEAVY DAMAGES Edgar P. Wright, formerly a conductor forthe street railway company, is suing the letter In district court for I,i0. ' He alleges in Ma petition that he was per manently Injured by receiving a heavy electrlo shock and a fall from the top of his car, when he waa fixing a trollfy. FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send ot bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest Editor' of the Bee and 'ou will receive 1000 .votes in the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will he credited to" a person. Name Addres --.r - Z'f y ", Vml f K ' " llsii . Slfcitailif -" , CHEAPEST " , DRICHTf-ST THE GREAT LIGHT Electricity, THE ORE A T LIGHT IS BRIGHEST. It gives a whiter, softer, more-inviting light than any other illuminant. We can show you. IVe don t xvant your money for wiring vki-- i v GREA T LIGHT an(i yu can ave ; twelve months to pay. Call Doug- j ' las lOG2 or write us and find out VV SW -V 1 Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Ai A Peerless Winter Cleaning Service and Very- Safe, Too "8nrl It to Dreher and Surround Tooi-mM With Safety" -"-Know that your work will com back. when pronlsed; In Just the shape promised; at just the price promised. Know that you will be reimbursed if the garments burn up or myster iously disappear from Dresners wagons or work rooms. A score or more of apparently "cheap" side street cleaning; es , tabllshments are NOT responsible; you couldn't ret a cent out of them If you thought you had a claim against them. Send DRESHERS yonr winter overcoat, suit, hat or fur to be altered, cleaned, pressed, dyed or put into general repair for the frigid weather. YouH never know what wonders Dresners can work with your LAST year's garments until you TRY them out and See. ' ' " ! v v ' Qaick Action Phone Tyler 34S DresheF Birds. Dry Cleaners---Dyers v 2211-2213 Farnam Street Omaha. ' ', '.Have. -Yonr v Fainily -UJashifig one the : Kimball Day . .. . and eliminate all the former wash day worries ad cares. ; - . Call us up and we will glady tell you more antral our scientific method of doing family washings. . iIMBALL IMti'lRvru romir cur cms bomj BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUGLAS 019. Lvilake Your Nome Dy Installing Elootrlc Lights We can wire your house, old or new, and furnish you Up-to-Date LIGHTING FIXTURES at reasonable prices. Our workmanship as well -as material is always first ' class. Call us, Tyler 1414 and have us figure for you. E3E ELECTRB6: WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. TYLER 1414. v 1810 FARNAM ST. WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE. Day iii and you eat somewhere and you go some where that yon call home. ' You want that place to be a real home and not just a name.' ' ' j ' ' N Especially if you're a stranger in Omaha you want to live, where there's comfort and cheer where N you will meet' congenial people, y then aelect your home from the j "Board and Rooms" column of. ; The Bee, . , v v Don't waste any more time wondering wbero 1 you will find a satisfactory place to live, and if youU really be satiafied after you have found it, go out todny to any one of the places advertised in The Bee's Want .Ad Cferamns and you can be sur -' . you have found a goodjhome. s , TUphon0 TyUr 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Ha. -. "a"v ar m Co !6T.rt L Dohclai Sts. h 1 ts.s. . jL.