Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1914, Image 1

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    IBTMIIIIIII IIHWI 111 WiaWtiWWi1t MIHH iaaW,gfcMaoaaaatagiamrta HIWIIH-MUlnMllWaii
nd on ihe
The Omaha Daily
Ak-Sar-Ben Festival
Omaha, Bpt. SO to Oct. 10.
Xlaetrl F-r1. October 7.
JTratornity Frd, October St
Coroastloa Ball. October .
VOL. XL1V-X0. 76.
On tYelne end m
Hotel Kawi Stands. Sc.
Fersistcst Reports that America
Will Combine Against Ger
many Refuted.
ZJumerous JStories .of Unfriendly
Action or the United States
. . Are Denied.
, ' V
5Bombardin Outer Forts to South
After Carrying Opponents'
Bavarian Crown Prince and Von
'Heeringer in Action.
Gearral Illndeabwra- Defeat R
lana md tiptarti Tea Tb.oo
eawd Prisoner i Seoreia
ef Ffeld Piece.
BERLIN, Sept. 1. (By wireless
i to the Associated Press, by way of
Sayville, L. I.' The Headquarters
of the German army in Berlin today
fare out the following official re
port: " . . '
"The German crown prince has
captured the enemy's fortified posi
tion southwest of Verdun and is now
bombarding with heavy artillery the
outer forts lying to the smith.
"A battle is in progress between Pari
and the Marne river over a front, of 125
kilometers, stretching from Nanteull, in
the' west, where th JCngllsh forces are,
to Vltry.
"The crown prince's army Is separated
from th i main battle by the forest ' of
Arogooett. i
"Th armies of the crown prince of
Bavaria and General Von Heerlngen' are
in formal battle nesr the upper Moselle.
, 'James W. Gerard, the, American am
bassador' to Germany, has given out an
IhteWlew to lb prers denying persistent
reports that; the United States was pre
paring to join the--Slljes; that Mr. Whit
lock, the American minister at Brussels,
had attached the mayor of Brussels, to
bis staff; -that the American flag had
been raised at Ghent; that th Tuckerton
incident ' was unfriendly discrimination
against Germany, an that he is advising
Amercans to hurry away because the
United States was going to war.,
"General Hindenborg in, the east has de
feated the Russians, has crossed the Rus
sian frontier and up to the present time
hs taken 10,000 prisoners and captured
eighty guns and many machine guns and
weroplanes." ..
Clover Hay Sheaves
i PARIS, Pept. 14. A number of trains
arrivqd fit the northern and eastern sta
t'ons early today bringing cannon pro
joctiles. ammunition wagons,' aeroplanes
end so fortli, captured from the enomy'
Among the wounded arriving at (he
eastern station was a sergeant of re
servists who was Jn the righUuff at
Montmlrall. He saw a number of Ger
man soldiers made prisoners In a field
r,r yellow clover. The forage has been
tut in sheaves and when on of the
heaves was scon to mom1 la. shot fi:d
Into It brought out a German lufantry
raan. A second shof fired Into a nether
sheaf brotlght out another German and
It wss found that all d'hera in the field
concealed soldiers. All wero easily cap
tured. - .
The .Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluf fs and iclnlty
'-LiiBettled; prouswy enowcrs.
Temperature at
& a. m.
... 6J
... M
... 64
... W
... 67
... 0
... b4
... M
... 7
... 67
... -SM
... 67
... !
... i
a- m
7 a. ni ...
S a. m. -N-
a. m
10V in. .........
11 a. in
12 m
1 p. m
Z I), m
X p. m
4 p. in
5 p. rn
6 p. m
7 p. tn
8 n. m
Comparative Local Record.
. , . . 191. 1913. 191i. 1911.
Highest yesterday 70 7 ol f5
lowest yesterday........ a '64 La 6!
.Mean temperature... ... 2 v w. 77
Precipitation ! .( ; 'p
Temperature and prvolpttation departures
from the normul: ...
Xormi temperature p
Ieficiency lor the day 4
Total excess since March 1, '.'.VQ
Normal precipitation .Hlnch
F.xceps for the day fa liu-.h
Total rainfall since March 1..S0.M ImJirs
leficien tlnce March 1 3 37 Indies
pf tlelency, cor. porlo1, WIS... 7.3 Inches
i'efii iency, cor. period. 1612. . i7"S inches
-. Report treat stations at T P. M.
Elation and VUt Temp. High-Rain-
-nf Weather. 7p.m. .est. fall.
Penver, clear 64 M .
t heyenne, clear W id .
lies Mclne. cloudy 61 IAH
lender, pact cloudy w) 70 .OK
North Platte. pt7 cloudy. SO 70 .
Omaha, clear.... 66 70 .11
1 ueblo. clear to "i .im
Jiapld City, clear 62 t4 .ho
halt I.sks ity. clear.... 66 " Sd .110
hanta Fe. dear SI 6X M
-nerldTi. iluudy S x) .i
tUni 'lty. Hear 6 h p
;---alinaL clear 6- .6 .04
' .
Drawn for Th Be by Powell.
. ..... ,m
Retreat of Czar's Army in East
Prussia Appearsto Be a Rout
'' and Flight "
Petroarwd Reports' to Pari Assert
Saccesae of Mascn-rtte Sol-
- dlers la Felicia Con
' tlaae.
BERLIN, Sept 14. (Bit Wireless to ths
Associated Press, by Way or Sayrtlle, I
I.) "The retreat of tho Russian array In
East. Prussia- appears to be developing
Into flight and demoralization. General
Hlndenburg reports ' tho , capture of 1C0
guns-and between ao.000 and S0.O10 pris
oners. TTisXondon Times confesses that the
attempts st recruiting in Ireland have
failed." .
Rasa Sneeeaae pontina.. ,
PARIS, Sept. 14.-In a dispatch from
retro irrad to the Havas agency, an of
ficial communication declares that the
Russian, successes In Qaiicla are continu
ing, i '
"This oflclal coinmoplcatlon was given
by the General staf today: j .
""tt Is necessary to turn attention to
the theater of war in Qaiicla, where the
development of , our success continueST"!
Up to the present time we have been pre
vented from placing a sufficient force in
eastern Prussia to continue the invasion
so happily begun there. It was for this
reason that tho army under , General
Rennenkampf halted along th line from
Gerdauen (in East Prussia, forty miles
southeast of Koenigsberg), to Llbau. Ger
man troops on Bcptember 9 ook up a
generally off-.nslvo movement against this'
srmy,, executing advance movements
today on our southern frontier. ,
If fit n Trll Haw Maaiv. " '
It is' difficult on account' of the geo
graphical obstruction In this territory to
know exactly howmany of the enemy
were engaged. It was' not until Septem
ber 10, when th general attack on the
left wing of General Rcnnenkampf's
army wss made that the numerical
strength of the army was revealed. They
were found to be much superior to our
forces. It is along this lin thst the bst
tlo now rages."
Export Trade in,
' Cotton Destroyed
WASHINGTON. "r5ept. 14.-The extent
of thn effect of the European war on
American industry was disclosed today tn
the census bureau's August cotton con
sumption report, showing that during
August only 71,210 bales of cotton was
exported, while durjnff August last year
367.171 bales went shroud.
Great Britain took orlly 6,770 bales this
August, whllo last August It t ok 77.3S8
bales; Germany took only fifty-two bales
against 72,JS a year ago; France took
only five bales, agaitis a year ago;
Italy took 1.516, against 13,378. a year ago,
and all other countries took 13,237, sgslnst
4n.Zf a year ago. t
The supply of cotton during the year of
1914. which ended August 31, wa more
than K.noo.ono bales. The exports for the
year amounted to S.914,548 bales: the do
mestic consumption was S.17J.864 and' the
quantity on hand August 31 was about
1,K4,3 bales. , .
. An extraordinary feature of ths report
was the fact thatV more cotton was im
ported during Augitxt than was exported
by the United States, which last year
supplied almost 61 peK cent of the world's
cotton. , -'
FARJS, Sept. 14.-4Jeneral Ballloud, on
of th heroes .of th campaign for the
pacification ef Morocco, was visiting the
wounded In a hospital when Informed
that bis aon wss killed
The general grew pale and tear rolled
down his rheeka- H then became as 1m
passlv as ever and west on witn his
visit. ' 1
Tag Day for the Candidates
vt - j r x x
Russian Machine Guns Mounted in
Trees Inflict Great Losses on Foe
IOXDON. Sept. 14.-A dlsnaUh from
Copenhagen to the livening News quote
the correspondent of the Bcrlingske
Ubends, who telcgrapfis from ' Austrian
quarters ss follows: I ,
"The RuHslans have done great execu
tion with marhlne guns mounted in trios.
Austrian doctors declare that they are
unable to discover any evidence that tbe
Russians jre using expanding bullets.
London Times Correspondent Sees
, Nothing but Disaster for Teu
-tons in Future Combats.'
Halt Sflllloa .. Ready Pari to
Parsae the Retiring; Force of
Kaiser Wklch ire' Making
.-' Way Homeward.
15NDON. Sept. 14. The correspondent
of the Times at Bordeaux suggests, that
the German rout is deepening Into com
plete disaster; that the Invaders aro ra.
turning homewarb by way of St. Quentln
and Mozieres, in the Luxemburg fron
tier;' that the Gorman forces In the Ar
gonne and south of Verdun are likely to
-be cut off from the remainder, In which
vsnt they can escape only at a heavy
price. . It adds: .
'Tbe German rout Is so complete that
it is more than doubtful whether ths
enomy wiU be able to find a breathing
place on the only likely position which
runs. through Pcrroln and bt. QuefTfln.
The enemy, is making for a Una of re
treat through Charlevkll and Mesleres
and Is doing the horaeward Journey in
record time." . --
Fresh Troops to Parsae.
I-ONPON. Sep 14.-A dispatch to the
Times from Paris says:
"The general in command at Paris hss
half a million fresh troops under his con
trol, which will be used,' presumably, in
pursuing th enemy.,
" the Rrmtii fnrre from
i PylHa Mousson'to Saint Pie are fulling
back shows thai the five German armies
of Generals Von 'Kluck, Von Buelow,
Crown Prince Frederick William, the
duke of Vuitemberg and that operating
In Moselle are in retreat. There are good
chances that the' allies may annihilate
them before they reach th frontier.
"The Germans aptsear to be abandoning
their natural route, 1 the valley of the
Oise, endeavoring to withdraw further
eastward, to th deso'aie country of the
Champagne, a here roads aro poor and
provisions scant. Beyond I tho forest of
Ardennes, and to the east the wooded
and clay ridges of the forest of Argonne,
as formidable a barrier to progress as
any army cvuld havs.N
"If they actually have abandoned the
Olse valley, the German lines of commu
nication are reduced to one, passing by
Givet, Namur and I-iege,. Th other
passes Stealers, Monlmed ami Luxem
burg, the next line to the south, sod is
commanded by the guns of Verdun."
Mrs, t.. 1.. Kate. .
WEBSTER CITY, Is., Sept. 14.-6pe-clal
Telegram. Mrs. I I,. Eetn,
a prominent resident of this city
for fifty years, died this morning
.She was th. wife of T T Eetes,
president of. th First National bsnk
bere. The funeral will be held Tuesday
-afternoon at t o'clock,
Iadlrtmeat to Re Qaaahed..
HONOLULU, P. I Vcpt. r s
ruling by Judge Kanfor B. Jol of the
United 8tate district, court, the Indict
ment charging ssssnlt returned by a
federal grand Jury against Jefft-raon Mc.
Carn. United States attorney for the ter
ritory of Hawaii will be dropped. Judge
noM""lipld that his court has not urlhdlc-tlou.
Th Russian infantrymen are hiTM to fire
Lhlgh, owing to the excewsve depth of tlielr
trenches, Russian scouts are burning
houses as a means of slKnallinsc their
artillery, but To charges of brutality have
been mado sgnlnst ttvnr. .
"Vienna Is roported as much perturbed
by reports brought iy re(ug-es from
itjemberS;. and preparations are being
mado fr tho defense of the capital."
Official French Statement Says that
Invaders Still Are Retiring
Oa Rlgrht of Allied Arnr Retreating
Movement of ttrxmaaa Iteported
to Be
General from Nancy .
to the Vaoa-es,
tret.v.icf uepi. l. Jl ws officially an'
nounced this afternoon that the Ger
mans still are retiring everywhere. They
are abandoning all th positions which
they erected to cover a possible retreat.
The official statement follows:
."First-On our loft wing the enemy, had
prepared, to tho north of Aisne, between
Complegno and Soissons, a line of defense
which It was forced to abandon. Soma
detachment, which It had hel(LHrt
Amiens, now have retired on Perrono and
St. Quentln. '
"Second On the central h Germans
had taken up a defensive position behind
Rlieims, but were unable to hold It. In
tho Argonne region they turned back to
ward tho north beyond the forest of Bel
none and beyond Tralncourt.
"On tho right wing tho retreating move
ment of the Germans is generally from
Nancy to tho Vosges. Yesterday evening
French territory In this vicinity had been
completely evacuated." '
Horace H. Philpott
. Dies at Hospital
Horace H. Philpot, one of tho best
known of Nebraska newspaper men, died
at tho Omaha General hospital last night
after a short illness. Ho went to the hos
pital on Saturday and on Sunday was re
ported very low. On Monday ho ralli1,
and his general condition at noon was
thought to b encouraging, but during
the afternoon he sank rapidly- and died
early la tho evcnlnif. ,'
Mr. Philpot, who was nearly V (years
of age, was a native of Missouri, hii
home being at, Salisbury, from where lie
came In 1901 to Join the local staff pf Tin
Bee. He was employed In Omaha on gen
ernl rcportorial work and mado a very
wide acquaintance. In 1!03 ho was ap
pointed staff correspondent for Tho Bee
at Lincoln and for eight years serVed
this paper from the stale capital where
he did hl best work.- v
After the close of ths legislative ses
sion In 1V1 1 He went to Texas, where he
tstablmhed The Bee at Francitas, where
he expected to make his home. His health
failed while in Texas, and he -aiaa tolck
to Nebraska in 191o, to report the aeaslon
of the legislature for The Ilec, and In
hope that the change, of climate would
rcator his nhyslcul strength. HIm return
to Texaa was followed by a relapse in
his condition, and a fw weeks ago he
kased! his paper at Francltaa and came
again to Omaha, Intending to Join The
Lie staff once more. While waiting to
reeovVr a little strength, his vitality bav
ing been sapped as a result of brutal as
sault made upon him by a cauidat f
ftuTn, inij death followed.
Mr. Philpott was married In 1W. an-J.
leaves a wife fend one son. Mrs. Philpott
was summoned by telegraph on Sunday
evening. IMarn for the. funeral have not
yet lecii mmlr, but will bo announ-'ed
later. '
Official French Announcement As
serts Germans Are Malting-
Stand on Aisne.
-t .
Army of Frederick William Re
ported Likely to Be Surrounded
and Obliged to Yield.
Alternative Before Son of Kaiser is
to Try' to Break Through
South of Verdun.
Retreating Invaders Said to Be in
Exhausted. Condition.
Berlin Gives, Complete
t'asaaltle as 4,14
Ifl.DSrt Wounded
v . ",07 S Missing.
Mat of
Killed, ,
PAUIS, Hcpt. 11. II U of filially
nnnrtflnc(i tbytt tle Jermans( aro
making a stand on tho Aisnr.
In t'rlllcai Piislllou.
PARIS, Spt. 14. In the opinion
of tbe bfst military observers ber
the German army under command
fcrown Prince Frederick JsVilllain is
In a critical position.
The French have driven the Ger-
ans from their positions north of
helms and threaten hie line of re
treat to the west of the Argoune
region, apd it is felt that he is liable
to be surrounded and forced to ca
pitulate. This would result la break
ing tbe German host in two. The
alternative before tho crown prince
would bo to try to force his way
through south of Verdun, a desperate
expedient in view of the Imposing
array of torts at this point.
Porsalnar Coallnaes,
Unrelenting pursuit of the rapidly
retreating 'German armies by the
British and French forces continued
today with extraordinary vigor, ac
cording to the French view,
Despite the great numbers compos
ing their various armies which oper
ated together against tbe allies, flie
German withdrawing movement is
being carried out with great rapidity
and cleverness. The main body ap
pears to be approaching the Belgian
frontier, whtle the German left wing
seemingly is gaining shelter In Ger
man Lorraine.
l.enre Over SI sty C'aaaoa.
. So far as known the tiering Invaders,
who after wonderful forced msrehea Into
France, made such a stern attempt, to
break tfirougb the solid lines of the allies,
defending Paris, have abandoned morn
than sixty cannon of various calibre and
thirty thousand men because 'of their ex
hausted horses were, unable to drag thm
fast enough to keep up even with the font
weary Infantry. Enormous amounts ofl
sm munition and war stores also were left
on tho rout of the Germans, which Is
through a difficult, marshy country,
rendered almost Impassable In some places
by tho heavy rains of' the last few days
snd which threaten to continue.
The allies, 011 the other Uand, are ss.
fcerted lo have displayed no signs of
fatigue. They are represented as stirred
by unexpectedly great victories to such a
state of elation that they are aide to keep
close on the h4 ls of the retiring srmy,
harrasslng them day and night, rutting
off detachments and attempting to Inter
uose between them and tho frontier.
German Losses.
RERUN. Sept. H.-Vla Capenhagen
and I.ondon.) The most extended list of
German casualties yet published has been
made public here. It comprises 74 killed,
2.190 wounded and SI4 mlnMug The total
oMTR published loaae up tn date aie rx)w
as follows: 4,14 killed, li,!'80 wounded and
6,075 missing. t-
The commercial council , or feodoro of
Berlin lias promised j.O marks 11) to the
first Zeppelin which throws, successfully,
eight bombs on F,tigllsh soil.
NIOB, France,. Sept. 14. fvn wounded
soldiers arrived her last night and while
being tranafcrrt-4 In automobiles from the
railway station, th proprietor of a hotel
at the terminus, who Is a German, made
derogatory remarks. The crowd became
Infuriated and made a niih into his es
tabllrhment which was completely sacked.
Several arresla were made and troops
ware detailed to protect what was h-ft
of th building. Th proprietor of tiie
hotal, though a German, has been allowed
to remain In Nice because he had a na
turalisation In tbe French army.
War Summary
The rlniu end renter of the Ger
man srmy of Invasion in France
Is gradually withdrawing and the
left wing is stoutly resistinn the
advance of the allien, according
to the best obtainable informa
tion todny.
The German crown, prince hp-,
fears tojie holding bis own In the
vicinity of Verdun. , t
The capture by the Germans of
a fortified powltion squthwest of
Verdun and a battle between
I'srls and thi river Marne, de
scribed in a report from the Ger
man headquarters have been
noted earlier in "press dispatcher.
The British statement reviews
ihe operations of the Britlnh In
France, from September 4. to 10,
but' reveals nothing new.
An official com ujun leaf ion ln
sued at Paris at 3 o'clock this af
ternoon (Paris (line! declares
that the Germans are "retreating
everywhere." They nre, it is
said, abandoning all the positions
which they e)ahlluhcd to covor n
possible retreat.
Reports concerning the fighting
Lin Russian Poland and Gallcla are
conflicting. It appears that the
Austrlang have met serious re
verses: but continued . struggle!
establish that they have not been
completely overwhelmed by tho
Still less is 'definitely known of
the operations in east Prunsla.
According to a dispatch from Pct-
rograd, a Russian army Is be
fore the capitalj Koonlgsbevg,
but official advices-two days ago
stated that Russian forces wero
bombarding KoeblRslierg.
According to British reports,
the Initial succcks of Genernl Hln-
denberg In east Prussia, which
has been admitted in Petrograd,
"was followed by further German
triumphs to the south of Koen
The ' Belgian army operating
from Antwerp (a repreHented as
harassing ,. lhe Germans in" that
vicinity to prevent jhe two Ger
man army corps there moving
south to the aid of the German
main line. Belgian official re
porta admit that their forces were
obliged to retire after a counter
attack by the Germans.
The Servians claim continued
successes against the Austrlans,
the greater part of whose armies
are engaged with the Russians, to
the north. .
Withdrawal Caused I Germans to
Believe English Were Running
, Away, Says Correspondent. -
1 .
Allied Armies "Draw Tnaet her s,(ke
Blades of a Pair f Shears and
K I. erma II e rear Soon
Becomes Root.
LONDON. Hcpt. H.-A :Tline corre
spondcut. who wires In im fivo mile south
of Provlns In tlio depurtment of Bolneset
Marne, says:
I have travelled to this point practically
along the whole line of the silled army.
tllOUah. Of I'niiru ln 1 1 . - .-
General Von Kluck'a host ill comlna
down over the Marne and Grand Murine
rivers. Jo ricsanne. twenty-flva mile
southwest of Kpernay met little ,., ps.
uon, inn i onueve lime opposition was
Intended. The allies, in fuel, led their
opioneiits straight Into a lrap.s The Kn
gllsli cavalry led the tliod Columns nillti
after mile and the Germans believed the
Kngllghmen W'erc runnlrg away. When
the tremnilous advance reached Provlns
the allies plan 'jjaa accoinpllslied and It
got no further.
"The fighting 011 Hunday, Sept-iiibe)- ,
was of n terrible character and began at
dawn in the rrnlon of La Fcrte Gaucher.
Th allies' troops, who ttere drawn up to
receive the Uermuns, unilerstood It would
be their duty trr hold on their very rnt
in order that the altacklng force at Meaux
might achieve tta task in security. The
bailie lasted all uiaht and until lata Mon
day! The German iilllry fire was very
severe Irtit not ac urate. The Ficncli
ana English fought tTcrnly on. and slowly
beat 1ho enejny back.
"Tli attempta of the Gi-rrnans to ernes
thnMarnciat Meaux entailed terrible
losses. Mxteen attempts were fuilcdby
the French artillery fire cilrecte.1 on'-the
river, and in one trench 600 dead Germans
were counted. '
"The whole country wss strewn with
the dead and dying. When at last the
Germans retired they greatly elackrncd
their rifle fire and In one pluce retired
twolv miles without firing a single allot.
One prisoner declared they w.-i.i short
of ammunition and had been told i. pare
It as much as possible.
'Monday I saw a trcmudou encounter
(Continued on Page To, Column Four.)
Fwent Week May See Even Mora
Desperate Encounters Than
Battle of Marne.
Outline of Country Gives Retreating
N Invaders Good Opportunity '
for Defense.
Military Observers Predict Large.
Possibilities for More Ter
rific Fighting.
Commander-in-Chief of French
Terms it "Incontestable."
f.ermfin fiovrroor of Oceald Bel
glen Territory said to Have K
Irred Antwerp In Attempt to
Ileal nllh norernmeat. i
LONDON, Sept. 14. The official
press bureau this afternoon Issued
the following statement:
"All day yeHterday the enemy stub
bornly disputed the passage of the
Aisne by our troops, but in spite of
the difficulty of forcing the river in
the face of a strong opposition,
nenrly all the crossings were se
cured by sunset.
"On our right and left the French
troops were confronted with a simi
lar tank, ln which, like ourselves,
they were successful. Many more
prisoners were taken.'
"It. Is reportedfrom the French
headauartera that the German crown
prince's army had been driven back
and that he has moved bla head
nllurlAri f.rnm flt AlAnAhftlltd Ia
' . . I ll
ni i.MCTiJt.) '
LONDON. Sept. fl 4. Tbe first
stage of the battle of the Marne,
which, from tbo numbers of fighting
men engaged, the extent of the line
of buttle gnd the terrific slaughter.
Is perhaps correctly described as
"the battle of the ages" and appears
to have"beon won by the French and
British armies, but the main Ger
man army is still intact and ths su
preme clash Is still to come.
The present week maysee even
more desperate encounters tnan any
which have yet taken place. Met.
Ihe capital pf Lorraine, and the
chain of forts thence to Diedenhoo
fen, on the Mosello, seventeen mlle
north ,of Meuthe, form a strong
pivot for the Germans' left while
the river courses and the dense for
ests on the frontier, together with,
theTraetgic roade give the German
armyj of invasion now m retreat
a splendid opportunity, for defen
sive action, should the French pur
suit e trend this far.
Military observer of the battle Pre
dict all kinds of possibilities at the post-
I ""V" liry huld bfor hey started th
! T" ,,'"'n Particularly
T',0,"d ll"y ""' ' klng back any
U",' "rtlon of U,e,r low-
Allies' Advance Contlnaea,
"lucontcHtHble" la ihe adjective used
by General Joffre, commander-in-chief
of the French forces, in .leacrtblng th
victory claimed by the allies along th
wciitern battlefropt. The latest official
communication from Paris Indies that
(Continued on Page Iwo, Column Three.)
Wanted! Initiative
invention. It is no
time for American indus
tries to sit down and be-
Jwail the f ctthat we need
raw ma erials.
ir we need dye stuffs make) ' r
them at home. ,
if raw sugar and wool are in
demand bo much bettor for the ;
cane growersind farmers.
If we need Vertatn ores tap
our own mines the ores are
N there. "1
' Kach new want supplied by
' necessity means the creation of
a new American industry
There are fortunes to be made
on every band.
This is the Time to Plunge