Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 27

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von SALE
PATENTS secured cr fee ret'irned. Send
low to otitaln a patent una what to in-
ent with list of Inventions wanted end
frlnes offered for Invention sent free,
'atcnts advertised free. "Wanted, new
Hrm. Pond for our Hat of patent buyer.
Victor J. Evans & Co., 127 Ninth. Waeh
Ington. D. C. o
Patents That
Protect and Pay
Pnoks, advice and searches free. Send
sketch or model for search; highest
references; beat results; promptness aa-
urcd. Watson K. Coleman, Patent Law
yer. 6'J3 F St. N. W.. Washington, l. C.-o
ItESTAl" HA NT For sale, the fixtures
and stock of a restaurant, with a good
ciintom, In a Rood location; no opposition.
Apply to C. Vyakocll. Farwell. Neb
M InrellMfieova.
its) 00 ""Vs heat coal for the money; try
J It. Weh. !4. lUrmon Weeth.
ONE cow, 2 aires corn, 1 chickens. 1
Kayo Incubator, If. Im. potatoea, thor
oughbred cocker spaniel dog, furniture,
runs, 6 rooms. W mmi, 4W1 No. 34th Ave.
NT.W Stenotype, cheap. Call 80. 2v39.
LADIES' three good tnllored suits, slse
t'nll between 7 and p. m. Sunday,
Wellington Inn, Hoom 231.
ALL WOOL Canadian blanket Winches
ter Remington 12-gauge shotgun. 1
Friedman, 131 Dodge.
WELL drills of suiierlor quality. Steam
and gasoline power. Great money-earning
capacity. Ijoomts Prill Co., Tiffin, O.
LATH model No. 9 Burroughs adding and
listing machine for sale cheap. Butla
Typewriter Exchange, 105 Farnnin St
KODAK A new Artacu folding 'sodak,
24x44, leather tourist rase for sanio
and portrait attachments. Will swap for
hard coal burner or mugs with hot water
attachment, or Rood blcyc'.e. Add rets S.
KODAK Eastman. 2444. will swap for
anything of equal value. Address S. C.
KODAK 1 new Ansoo Kodak, 2434; 1
0-Inch electric fan. good aa new; what
have you to swap. Address 8. C. 13S9, flee.
LOTS Have three lots Tn Atkinson, Neb.,
part payment for Omaha lot. W. 1M2
MOTOrKH LE'our h. p. Excelsior,
good condition. Well sell or trade. Ad
dress 8. C, 1394 Bee.
Export Clearancei in Wheat Show
Considerable Falling Off.
28 HOU.M 3, steam heated, downtown.
This place Is furnished fine and making;
money. Can handle on $700 cash.
Room 404 Pee Pldg. DoughiS 3477
TO QUICKLY sell your business or real
estate, write Kenncbeck Co., Omaha.
THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your
theater, machine and supplies through
Theater Exchange, Co., 1406 Farnatn St
louglaa 1897.
We Know How
If you want to sell your
See Us
If you want to buy a
See Us
For Shoe Stores,-Groceries,
Bakeries, Rooming Houses or
any other business, either cask
or terms
See Us
419 Bee Building, Red 3254
FOR HALF A new Tilths Truss; sine
82; right ride. Big- discount. Rwl 4094.
I OWN a $-paasenger, 40-horse-power
automobile, In very good running order.
Rnglne very good. I am about to leave
the city and wish to dispose of It Will
j consider anything 1 ran use In exchange.
Address. . c me.
WAGON umbrellas.
kolITtop" DKSK-
W a gner. 801 N. 16th.
Cheap. 1619 Dodge.
A NO. 1 BATH lUn, 4 reet Trealer
Kelly Wrecking; Co. W. t.
Horses and Vehicles.
LARGEST stock of delivery wagons la
the elty; all kinds of blacksmith work,
painting and lettering. Jnhnson-Danforth
Co.. new location. 15:9-31-3' N. liith Bt
PiirnrnCured In a few days without
iiupiuic paln Cr11 or write Dr. Wray.
SO Bee Bldg. Omaha F.stahllshed 1S94. a
WANTED An Idea. Who can think of
some simple thing to patent? Protect
your Ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Wrlto for "Needed Inventions" and "How
to Get Your Patent and Your Money."
Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash
ington. D. C.
WAR or no war, I will g-uarantee you at
least 15 per cent If you will Invest from
$5,000 to 116,000 with me. and the principal
will more than double in the next ten
years; fully secured by land and stock at
way below value; Investigate. Ulve phone.
F 411ft, Bee.
SIGNS, show cards. Clark Son. D. 1378.
YOUNG couple would buy good business
In or out of city, where both could be
employed. Address Y-155. Bee.
Students admitted any day. Unsur
passed classes Id all business and Eng
lish branches, shorthand. stenotypy.
telegraphy and typewriting. Graduates
guaranteed good positions. Places pro
vided for young people to work for board.
For a new free catalogue address
IMS Famam St.. Omaha. Douglas ;i9.
The Van Sant School
Day school, 9:00 to 4:00.
Night school, ;15 to 8:15.
Uth and Farnam BU. Douglas 6647.
Piles, Fistula Cured
Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and
other rectal diseases without surgical
operation. Cure guaranteed and no
money paid until cured. Write for book
on rectal dlseisrs with testimonials. DR.
E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.
NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service.
Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT
CO., 308 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411.
AGENTS. Investigate: 100 per cent profit
season now on; get busy. Chicken Life
Haver Co., 9)21 Cuming Bt
Mixed grain, 11.50 h'dred. Wagner, sol N. 1
good second-hand office furniture; must
be cheap for cash. Address d. C. 1240,
ONE one-horse-power International Har
vester gasoline engine. Use new; one
Burton twenty-flve-rib mandolin, and one
Keglna music box. with forty records;
will trade for late model motorcycle, or
what 7 s. c. inx.
aide player, cost I IK), and about $100
worth of music; will trade the above for
good, clear lot or acreage. 8. C. ZW7.
PHONOGRAPH Exceptional bargain
1100 Vtctrola outfit for 14. spot cash.
or will swap for something of equal value.
Address . c 1407, Ree.
PIANO Bush Iene piano player.
Would swap for lot In north part of
city. Webster 82a.
PHONOGRAPH and fifty records, to ex
change for cement work or what have
youT Cost 165. Edison. In perfect order.
good records. Address. B. C. 1400. Bee.
RANGE Hsve good six-hole range, large
slse. Will trade for a small alse heater.
Address S C UW2. care Re.
SCALE Have a Toledo l ib. candy erale.
nearly new, will exchange for anything
that can be used In a restaurant, or roli
top desk. Address 8. C. 12SH. Bee.
SWAP KQl'ITY'ln vacant Jot in Kountse
Place worth tfiOO for 5-ifmsenger auto
mobile. Must be In good condition. Call
Wh. 2.m
Karlr Hears of the Market Klad
Maay of the I.oaa-s OfferlnaT
Their Holdings, with the
Baylaer Power Slim,
RTOCK OF MDSE. Invoice tl.onn, to trade
for cottages worth about tl.MO or 11,800.
lAdress 8 C 1079. care Bee.
SHETLAND pony and outfit for trad of
sale. Phone 211, Council Bluffs. Ia.
SIGNS, showcards, Clark A Hon. D. 127S.
100 SHARES capital stock In Texas Oil
and Pipe company; value $100. and some
cash for good work team or large horse.
S. C. 1X90.
STEREOTYPE matrices make the best
and cheapest lining for Doultrr housea.
They are 17x21 Inches, stronger and more
durable than tarred felt and practically I PAPER HANGING t will do your paper
fireproof, 75o a hundred at The Bee office, I hanging and exchange for anything I
ran use. Address . c ixki, uee.
OMAHA, Sept. It. 1914
Export purchases of wrieai in the
market amounted to MC.onO bushels out of
446.0W) bushels of this grain to change
hands yesterday. These sales not only
steadied the market, but caused a change
In the feeling aa well aa in prices.
Export clearances for the week showed
a falling off of 1,(M,000 bushels, when
compared with the previous week, but
were l,IS7fc.0OO bushels In excess of the cor
responding week last ysar.
There was heavy liquidation In the
wheat market (taring the early hours of
the delivery with longs free sellers., and
the buying power at times quite slim.
The change in sentlnwnt from that of a
bearish to a bullish feeling was caused
by the export transactions, coupled with
the drying up of the offerings. The mill
ing call for cash wheat was tame, but
message from Minneapolis told of good
sales there to Illinois and Wisconsin mil
lers yesterday.
There waa an unsettled and Irregular
market In corn, and, while prices were
VkW,o lower to unchanged, the feeling
was strong as the day wore away.
Vessel room was chartered here for
100,000 bushels of oats at V. nearly all of
which will go to Georgian bay.
Provisions were quite Irregular and
showed more or less weakness early In
the lower price of hogs, coupled with the
decline for spot provisions abroad. The
cash trade In meats and lard was unsatis
factory. Hogs at the yards were five
cents lower and there were 41.000 at lead
ing western markets compared with
60.500 for the same day last year. W'heat
was He to lVe lower. Com was un
changed to lc higher. Oats were c to
Ho higher.
Clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 711.000 bu.; corn, none; osts, nine.
At Liveriool wheat closed 4d higher;
corn, Hd hlsher.
Primary wheat receipts were 2 !K1 000 bu.
and shipments 1.44.VXi bu.. aealnst re
ceipts of 1,721.000 bu. and shipments of
765.000 bu. last year.
Primary corn revelpta were 4&1.O0O bu.
and shipments iyj.ooii bu., agnlnst re
ceipts of W9.0H0 bu. and shipments of 7,
0C0 bu. last year.
Primary oats reielpls were l,Mr..ono bu.
and shipments 1.2ft3,000 bu., against re
ceipt of 1.134.0D0 bu. and shipments of
71&.000 bu. lest evar
Wheat, t orn. uii
THE Salvation Army industrial home so
licits your old clothing, furniture, mag
sines. We collect. We distribute. Phosie
L-ouglas 1135 and our wagon will call. Cull
and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114
Dodge St
NOTICE I will not be responsible for
any debts made by my wife, Mrs. John
Chrlstensen, from this date. September
12, 1914. John Chrlstensen, 2304 Douglas
street. ,
YOUNG women comlns to Omaiha as
strangers are Invited to rislt the Young
Women's Christian Association building at
17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they
will be directed to suitable boarding placet
or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav
elers' aid at the Union Station.
Mrs. Mary U Winter, scientific and pro
eressive, teacher and healer. 4912 N. 17 th.
PEDIGREED stock for sale. Airdale
Terrier puppies. Jas. Forhead. 2301 Cass.
In both the day and night aesslons. .Yet
It is not too late to enter. Begin at once
to get that mental discipline that will
double your earning capacity. Call, write
or telephone for new catalogue. Business
practice, bookkeeping, penmanship, sales
manship, banking, stenography, steno-
typy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting,
riling, private secretarial won ana many
other courses are open to you here. You
may work for board while attending.
Douglas 15.
11. H. BOYLEa. PRES.,
! OR SALE at a 'liscounc, a run unurn
Red scholarship in Boyles Business col
lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand
or business courses. Apply at the ocfids
of Omaha Bee.
Three months, $4.00.
Douglas 1W6 Farnara.
New A id nana rurr.t're, cash or terms,
reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. Hth.
fcEVERAX. van loads of furniture and
some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage
Co.. u6 Ho. lsth bL
WANTED to buy moving; picture show;
must pay well; Omaha or near. Ad
dress B 469, Bee.
WANTED Good grade dining room set.
Adaree f 473, nee."
OFFICE furniture bought and sold.
c Reed, 1H77 Farnam. Doug. 014.
NEW and second hand meat and grocery
fixtures. Phone Tyler 432, Basket
Store. 81t No. liitli St.. Omaha, Neb.
X-RAY MACHINE Fully equipped with
rectlfar and tubes for hospital or doc
tor's use; will swap for anything of
value. Address, S. S. 13D3. Bee.
Kansas City
St. Louis
Invest Your Money Witt) Us
In our new proflt-sharlrvg plan.
In amounts of $100 or mora and
be assured at leaat
ratrr-ciajw nxra&rrr.
Bee or write ua about It
Fraternal Union
and Fraternal Aid
Are Consolidated
WANTED Cash register. What have
you 7 Box 436, York, Neb.
WE BUY 2d-hnd clothes. 1421 N. 24th,
WANTED A mod am or 7-room house
In a good neighborhood for a family of
four; state rer.t wanted and when ready
to occupy. Address I IBS, ttee.
TWO unfurnished rooms fur housekeep
ing, walking uuuance. Address a. 44,
YOUNG lady would like cheerful room
with board; private finiily; will pay
right price for pleasant Home; nice sur
roundings; modern conveniences. Address
C 428. Bee.
LADY wanta two unfurnished, nicely
decorated rooms in modern home
strictly private family; desirable location)
E refer to board with family. Address,
, 463, Bee.
SHIP live stock to Sotith Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful attention.
DENVER, Sept. 12. (Special Telegram.)
A big fraternal merger wag effected
here today by the consolidation of the
Fraternal Union of America, and the Fra
ternal Aid association of Kansas. The
principal officers chosen by the new or
ganization, to be known as the Fraternal
Aid union, are: V. A. Young, supreme
president; H. M. Waring, formerly of
Omaha, first supreme vice president: L.
D. Roberts of Kansas, supreme secretary,
and T. J. Sweeney of Kansas, supreme
Denver will be headquarters of the
merged societies.
The merger Is of particular interest In
Omaha because the Fraternal Union of
America was organized there In the
eighties by Francis F. Roose. The merger
gives a membership strength of over 80,000
and assets exceeding $1,000,000.
. 700
. 434
. (
. 272
. 112
ThM iiIm were reDorted today: Wheat:
No. 2 hard winter. 2 cars, $104Vji 2 cars,
$1.04; 1 car. $1.08Vj. No. t hard winter,
J cars, $1,064; 1 car, $1.05; 1 car, $1.06; 1
car, $1.04; 2-6 car. $1.03v,; 3 cars. $1.034: 1
car. $103. No grade, J-5 car, Wc; 1 car.
We. Rejected, 1 car. SSe. Corn: No. 1
white. 1 car. 76c. No. yellow, 1 car, TS4jC.
No. S mixed. 1 car (near white), 74c;
cars, 73Hc Oats: No. 2 white, 2 ears.
4iH4c. Standard, 1 car, 4Hc; 1 car, 46c.
No. white. I cars, 46c; 15 cars, 4oc. No.
4 white, S cars, 4Mi $ cars, 45V, c. No
grade, 1 cars 44c. Barley: No. t, 1 car,
684c Rye: No. 2. 1 car. 88c.
Omaha Cash Trices-Wheat: No. 2
hard, $lVf71.08; No. hard, $1.02f(fl.o7; No.
4 hard, Wci1.064; No. t spring. $1.044fli
l.f; No. 8 spring. $1.081,08; No. 4
spring. 9c841.06; No. 1 durum. $l (ttffl.01;
No t durum, SBcigtl.OO. Corn: No. 1
white, niW: No. t white. 75ii754c:
No. S white, 75i754c; No. 4 white.
7R'4c; No. 6 white. T4C75c; No. 6 white.
74'4W4kc; No. 1 yellow, 744gC&c: No. 2
yellow, 744ai4,4c; No. 8 yellow, 74fp74'4c;
No. 4 yellow, 78ir74c; No. 5 yellow. 7aW
T3o; No. yollow, niW ; No. 1
mixed, 7S?r74'4c; no. 2 mixed, 7S43nc;
No. t mixed, 734C784e; No. 4 mixed. 71C3
78'4c; No. 6 mixed, 72l73c; No. mixed,
72Viar72c. Oats: No. 2 white, 464fi,ic;
standard, 46fNHc: No. S white. 44'5'4e;
No 4 white, 45rfM&c Barley: Malting,
7875e: No. 1 feed. autf7c. Rye: No. I
88884c; NO. I, aTVilffiSc.
l.V. Males. No. 1. V; No- X '':
No. a, ;wt.
Msiket q not st Ions furnished by Glllnskl
ruit c oniinnv ;
Klil iTS-Orsnses; Kxtra fsncy Valen
elss, (s. l:s. ls, l.vos, 1 The. Jva snd Jos,
$.1 ;.' box; lied Hall X alem les, sll slurs.
U M box. lemons. I'sm v Jikw. . ;..)
box: 4:Vs. $; IiO box. Apples: lelle! lowers,
4 tiers, 1160 box; Belleflowers, 4 tiers,
box lots II .45 box., Hrlleflowers. 4 tiers,
lo-box lots. 11.40 box: fancy sshlnxton
"V brand. Urlinrs. 11.75 box. California
seedlings, $l.M box. Cantaloupes: Colo
rado Hurwell ;5- crate Watermelons. 10
lb. Plums: Italian prunes. 11 ' crate;
ltnlian prunes, 6-crste lots. $I.W crate;
Itnlinn prunes. il-rrate lots, $1.15 crte.
Peaches: California Nalway, 6iv box;
California falway. 1rMox lots. 5.4c
box; Washington Elbertus. 6nc box,
Washington Ellwrtss, lirtbux lots. fiT1)
box; WsshliiBlon K berias. .W-lmx lots,
56c box. Pears. California Clargleus, $2 00
box; California Clarxlens. 5-box m., $!.
box: extra t'lsrgieus, pt-bos lots or more,
$1.9w box: Washtnuton fancy Uogue River
Bartlrtts. 2 S box; Washington extra
fsncv Rsrtletls. I;' 00 box; Wsshlngton
extra fancy Hartletta, pi-lrox lots, 1.90
box; Washington extra rancy iinriieiis,
25-box lots, $1 8f box. Grapes: Tokays.
$1 85 crate; Tokays. 8-crate lots, $1 SO
crate: Tokays, 10-crate lota. 1.3 crate.
Home grown grupes. per basket. !!; H
basket lots. 18c. Bananas, per bunch,
$1.75 to $.1,0.
VEtlETABLKS Cauliflower, tenver.
124- lb. Cabbage, 2 lb. Onions, tre.l).
? lb' vellow. i:ic lb. Peppers. 50c
bsskrt Fancy tomatoes. 50c bask t. Cu-
cumners, not nousc, iuwn, h,;
basket. New beets, carrots, turnips. tfc
diin. Colerv. Michigan. 85c doien. Head
lettuce. 5oc to 11.6" dot.. 1eaf lettuce, 40c.
dox. tmlons, home rown. 14o dos. Rad
ishes, 50e dos. Garlic, Italian, V dose.
Horseradish. $1.. case. Shelled popcorn,
4o lb. Asparagus, home grown, per dos ,
market price shout 30c dos. Ohio pota
toes, 850 bu.; Virginia sweet potatoes, $8.75
hi, 1
NtTS Suited pesnuta. $1.50 case. No.
1 California walnuts. l4o lb. Pecans,
124c lb. Filberts, 15c lb. Almonds, V.
lbMISCELI.ANEOrS Sugar walnut dates.
$1.15 box. Limes, $1.75 basket. Cracker
Jack, $.t.r0 case. Crackerjnck, half rase,
$1.75. Checkers, $3.5i) case; half case, $1.75.
Kansas City Orals ana Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 12.-WHEAT-Septeniber.
11 !; December, $1 054H 4;
MCORN-' iN-centoer, fiOSOWc; May, 7J
OAT! December, 4!M4tC.
W II EAT No. 2 hard, $1,024 1. 08; No. 2
red. $1.08.
CORN No. 2 mixed, ToWlte; No. 2
white. 78H1784C . , .
OATS No. I white. 48p4c; No. 3 mixed,
Minneapolis firaln Market.
uiuKPimt.m Sent. 12 WHEAT
September, $1.09; Iecember, $1 .12-4; No. 1
hard, $1.12; No. 2 northern, $l.064(f
' wheat declined lHc In the early trading.
FLOl'H Unchanged.
COHN-No, 3 yellow, 78(fr.4o.
OATS-No. 8 white, 46p464c.
FLA XII 4il 54.
JT.AX-21 4WH.54.
Most Kindt of Cattle Are Steady or
Strong-er Than La$t Week.
Fat l.amha Fifty tn sixty. Fire Cents
lllaher for Week Feeders Are
Twenty to Thirty lllaher
Fat Sheep qnartrr I p.
SOUTH OMAHA, Sept 1". 1S1I
Receipts were
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday.
tUflcial Thursday...
Official Friday
Estininte Saturday..
t sttle. Hogs Mii-'l)
.. t.V 1.40 J4.K4F.
.. .1S2 2.77
.. 4.341 4.8M
. . 4.002 11.719
,. 814 I 45 10.OH0
46 t.4i0 1.174
J.1.2M i w
Jfe lower than the clce of last week,
and tully t- 104 r iiimh two a-eeks ago.
Packing tlemnml failpd to show any Im
provement this wecK, ntnl the strong
ehlpplng snd speculative drmsni. that
wss S'ich an ImiMirtmit factor last week
sa missing, ijuuhtv ot the few hogs
lom'ng Iims been veiy poor. Very few
real good rnes showed up. the receipts
consisting largely of mixed hogs of nil
grains There bss slso been a good
prlnkllng of rowan heitvlrs, which bsve
bet n tlm object f a good deal ot dis
crimination, and m II h .1 few exceptions
hae sold well Imlow 'lie bulk.
Nn. A. Sh. Tr. Ko At. Bk. Pe
7 7 ISO JO H r ... 4t
.17 134 ... I X, J .TH 400 8 4S
Six davs this week..M.81 18.8S1 11I.5io
Same days Isst week.. 25 789 81.W2 124. 4i")
Same days 2 wks. sgo. .22.17$ 4S.J" :il.?74
Sane davs $ wks. ago. .18.210 4'.i:2 M'J
Same days 4 wks. sgo.. 11. 2S4 88.810 58.!"
Same days last year.. 26.84$ 81,141 167.073
The following table riv.s receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha
live stock msrket for the year to data, as
compared with laM year:
1H14 1011 Inc. Per.
Cattle 558. oo Ris.W 4091
Hogs ltJ.oos 1.n.( 117.894
Sheep 1,824.8m l,t.73S l.21fl
The following table shows the price) for
hogs at the South Omaha live eiorx mar
ket for the last few days, with comparisons:
M ..
40 ..
Jl ..
41 ..
... DO I J'-
.. jw, wl :
.170 l I 40
...:d . . ii
. . :." 140 40
.. J2 ... I 40
. . . :.i ... t 40
..!. IW I 40
.. l?o I o
.. VI W I 40
...tM W I 40
...lot t0 40
. . . BS 40 I M
. . 4 Ml I 40
..J.4 1S I 40
... ln I 40
...Ma 10 t 40
.. ?7t l
.. IM 10 4S
...:54 40 1 40
. ..S4 ... I 40
...ill lid I 40
.. Ml M0 I 40
. 21 I Ml I 40
rate. I 1X14. I19U llt ll91l.19i0.limB.ilX.
Aug. 29.
Aug. 80
Aug. $1.
Sept. 1
8 96-V 7 96 8 31 7 181 $ II'
I 7 99 It l 7 111 t 01
s tqu I 9i 7 na I s
8 $74 7 87 I 7 07 $ 7l
Sept. $.1 $ 4S 7 T7 8 82 7 121 $ 85
Sept. 8.1 8 84 4 1 7 HO, 8 27) I'M
t 47
7 73
7 77 8 5S
7 $2 (43
7 80 4.1
1 R1I 51
Sept 4.1 S 724 7 4 $ 24; 7 17 i 7 85 $ 67 lug to Wv,c on the general run of fat
K .
SI. . .
04 ... .
70 ..
( ..
71 ..
14 84 ... 7 10 40 S ... t 71
SHKEP-The tresh receipts on the mar
ket amounted to 1,174 head, which W'r8
practically all lambs from Idaho. Some
971 head averaged 71 pounds and Bold at
$7., this being the same price at which
a cut of the same lamis brought on Fri
day's market. The feeder end of tha ship
ment numtered 1S2 head averaging t5
pounds, that sold to a feeder buyer at
Plot. A sprinkling of Idaho ewea brought
The outstnndlng features of the week
have been a shortage In the receipts and
a conserjiirnt advance In prices, amount-
. I'4 12 I 43
.771 Ml 41
. JA1 10 I 4i
. 2S4 40 41
..S71 H I 4'.
..14 ISO I 4S
. .1-7 lfl 4S
. 7 V t 44
. 3M M I4i
.an tM 4
. .20 a m
. .its m ik
. ."! ... 14$
.Ah 13 I 45
.IK ... 141
. r7 too I u
..tM SO 8 40
. 140 I i
. r im 1
.1:1 80 I so
.140 so tn
..tM IS IS
..IM ... IM
..111 ... 17
Sept. 5.
Srpt. 8
Sept. 7
Sept. 8
8 8'J! 7 73! 8 I3 7 08 021 I 1
7 SO! 8 27! 92 17 T 8, '
8 ST. . 8 W Mi 08 7 (l 81
8 84 7 87 981 8 911 7 921 4
8 624! 8 0 g 7 tJ T : e nw
lambs, a quarter on mutton offerings and
Sotfrauc on the bulk of feeder lambs and
feeder sheep, with tha trade all around
strong nt current quotation.
The week opened on Monday generally
C . M. St. P
Missouri Pacific...
I'nlon Pacific
C. 4 N. W.. eaat...
C A N. W . west..
C St. P., M. O...
(.:., B. VI., east....
R. A Q , west....
(.'.. R. I. A P.. eaat.
Illinois Central
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
MARTIN BROS, CO.. Exchange Bldg.
FL'RNI'l'L'Rti of a 2i-room hotel for Bale
or trade; a bargain If taken at once.
Inquire of William Reevee, Red Cloud,
FOR SALE 2 base burners and a bed- A DUE BILL for $50. good as cash, as
room suito o antique oak. Call Tyer 1 first payment on any piano; will sell for
AUTO Make best cush offer on Ford
car, good order, or might consider dia
mond and cash. Address S. C. 1402, Bee.
1UGHE.ST grude solid oak dining room
suite; nearly new. Web. 3&i alter ti:30
p. m., or all day Monday.
Musical Instruiuent.
Slightly used high-grade piano. W. 3726.
pTaNO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 4711.
TYPEWRITERS ao!d, rented, .repaired.
Central 1 vnen.-lt-- Exchange, 307 S. 17th.
WE have some exceptional bargains In
typewriters. We are offering for Bale
Mondav : ...
Late Model Monarch No. 3, $4o.
No. 10 Smith Premier, $40.
No. 4 Underwood. $.H.
No. 6 Remington, lute model, $18.
No. 4 Smith Premier,
No. 3 Smith Premier. $15.
No. 6 Bilckenderier, standard keyboard.
No. 1 Royal. $22.60
No. 10 Remington, late model, $W.
No. 1 Monarch. X2.60.
1W Farnum ist.
All makes typewriters tented, sold, terma
t.uus Typewriter. 1BQ6 Farnam. D. mill.
RENT Renungtona, Monarchs and bmlth
Premiers of their makers. The Reming
ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas
j'vt. Rental credited If yuu purchase, and
oiiiy very newest and hlgheat grade ma
chines sent out. Rates, three months for
$0 for understroke machines or $8 jxgr
month for latest mod- visible writers.
" M lsceltaaeoas.
FOR SALE at a discount a full on
limited scholarship In Boyles Business
eollitiie Omaha: good for either ahort-
hand or bukineas course. Apply at the
otiice of The Omaha Bee.
BARGAIN New Long crlspette machine.
Write Harry Allen. Fremont. Neb.
tS or will consider a trade of any kind.
Address w. wa
CHICKENS 1 hawa 'M White and Buff
Orn nirton CJilcKana rrom tiue niuuoii
birds at Iowa fair in 1912 between 4 to 4
months old. What have you to offer?
I want electric light fixtures; or what
have you 1 can me. Addreas S. C. 1404.
AUTOMOBILE.' For other automobile
bargains eee the "Automobile" classifi
AUTO Want to swap for a late date
fully equipped touring car. Income
brick business property, well rented in
South Onutlia, on principal business St.,
!oth snd &. U streets. 8. C. 1344. Bee.
CARPENTER WORK Let me do your
work and repairing; will take anything
of value In exchange or give you a low
cash price. Address S. C. 1392. Bee.
DOG For Bitle or exchanKe, a thorough
bred Irish settler for a small bull pup.
Address S. i 1Q7S.
FURNITV'PiE Oolden oak chiffonier and
dresser, also complete spring bed and
oak rocking chairs. Would swap for oak
buffet or noil top desk. Address S. C.
14US, Bee. ..
Washington Affairs
The emergency currency bill, amending
the Vreeland-Aldrlch act so as to make
75 Instead of 30 per cent the amount of
commercial paper to be accepted from
banks as security for emergency cur
rency. passed the senate without a roll
call and now goes to the house. The
measure is one ot those made necessary
by the European war. One amendment
adopted today provides for the Issue of
emergency currency through state banks
and trust companies to insure wider dis
tribution of the relief extended.
Disregarding opposition from some of
their colleagues to the proposed tax on
freight transportation, democrats of the
ways and means committee completed the
war revenue bill without vital changes
and it will be introduced Monday by
Chairman t naerwooo. The Din will be
called up Tuesday for debate, when a spe
cial rule to expedite its passage probably
will be presented. Efforts were made to
day to exempt from the freight tax farm
products en route to market, but the pro
posal was rejected on the ground that it
would kill the effect of the tax entirely
and open It to amendments of all sorts.
Assured that New York City bankers
would care for more than half the $150,
000.000 due European creditors on Amer
ican obligations, the Federal Reserve
board began consideration of further
moves necessary to clear up the foreign
exchange situation. It la understood that
Governor Hamlin shall ask James B
Korean, chairman of the committee of
bankers which drafted the $lbt,00o,0u0 pool
plan, If his committee desires to suggest
changes as a result of the action of the
New York Danka. w hile it Is thought Im
probable the committee will wish to alter
the principle of an underwriting pool. It
may advise that the New York banks be
l-ft nut in any preparations made to rare
for the European debts of the rest of the
FAMILY MARE Combination bugy and
harness for sale or trade. Tyler 2234. 1204
S. 26th AtNs
Featarea of the Trading; and Closing;
Prices oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Sept. 12. Rumors that a
peace move on the part ot Austria waa
not unlikely had a oearisn atieci ioa&y
on wheat. Despite an eariy. advance In
harmony with quotations at Liverpool, the
market here Closed neavy at a aecuuc 01
3c to 24o net Corn wound up wltn a
gain 01 4o to 4c ana oats witn a rise 01
4fe'Uo to 4xc. in provisions the outcome
was a setback ranging iroin lie to $l.f.
Continued big reverses for Austria mado
the gosslo about increased chances of
peace look reasonable to many speculators
in wheat, especially as the Germans be
fore Paris seemed to have met further 111
success. The fact that the talk of an
assumed better prospect for a stopnane
of hostilities had apparently no more
definite basis than a somewhat general
opinion as to the military situation did
not deter sellers.
Corn values were helned bv signs of a
falling off In arrivals from country points.
Cool weather was also an aid in strength
ening the markets.
in the oats crowd sales of 750.000 bushels.
chiefly to exporters, lad to firmness
throughout the session. Central Illinois
dispatches said that New Orleans ahlp-
Jiers were outbidding Chicago on round
ots for Europe.
Provisions suffered a sham break on
account of liquidating Bales by discour
aged holders. Depression In wheat and
in the market for hogs received most of
the blame. vlA.
New York fieaeral Mark.
NEW YORK. Sept 12. SUGAR Raw,
gal, .27c; refined, steady,
steady; molasses sugar. S82c; centrlfu-
HCtTFR Steady; receipts, $.495 tubs.
CHEESE Steady; receipts, 1,237 boxes.
EGKlrt Irregular; receipts, 8,929 cases.
POCLTRY Live, firm; western chick
ens, broilers, 184W40; fowls, ai2c; tur
keys. 14'tflfic. Dressed, firm; western
chickens, frosen, lfB20c; fowls, 13al94c;
turkeys, lg'26c
St. Loots Grain Market.
BT t-ont. Sent. 11 WHIOAT-No. 2
red $1. 0841. 10; No. 2 hard, $1.0801.11;
September, 1.0t'ffil.04; December, $1.10
L CORN No. 2, 7S1c; No. white, 81c;
o..r,Hr 7TftiT7Uc : December. 71c.
OATS No. 2. 4748c; No. 2 white. 51c;
September. 4Sc; December, oic.
Liverpool tlrala Market.
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 12.-WHFlAT-S.pot,
market quiet: No. 1 Manitoba, s lOd; No.
2. 9s 84d. f utures, -steady; October, 8s
7di December. 8a 94d.
CORN Spot, market nominal. Futures
steady; October. ts Via.
' ('le.nrlngr Honse Bank Statement.
NEW YORK. Sept 11. The statement of
the average condition or clearing house
banks and trust companies for the ween
shows that the cash reserve Increased
$2.0ti4.300. leaving a deficit ot $15,0)15.000
below legal requirements. The statement
Amount. Increase
Iuni $2.1R2.f.4.niiO $
Hnsrlo 820,8M. 4.750.0H0
Il tender 78.6SS.OH0 l.t,000
Net deposits l,30,2M,0O0 17,90S,iKV
Circulation J24.51R.0H0 10,154,000
Tfi,.t rsHh reserve 35.0H5.000 2.(i4,8O0
Rinki' rash reserve In vaults....$128,4it,U,(
Trust companies cash reserve.. o,in.w
Article! Qn. I High. I Low. t'lose.j Mep'yi
Wheat! I
Sept. I ll',s
Deo.. 1 144 2244
Com I I
Kept. I 7'Y
Dec.. 7?V
Mar. 7514 4
Oats I I
Sept 484
May. 54fc644l
Pork I I
Sept.! 18 30 I
Jan.. I 21 00 !
1 144! 1 08 I 1 05141 1 H
1 144 1 12U 1 124 1 UK
1KI 1 141 1 20 I 1 tnl
7 I 7841 7741 78
7341 724;7rirf7J'72Stl
7641 ,541 7641 754
Aggregate cash reserve $197,42.1,000
Trust compnnlcs reserve wun clearing
house members carrying per cent casn
reserve. $Yd.l2O.0O0. .
Summary of state banks and trust com
panies In Greater New York not Included
In clearing house siaieinrni;
Amount. Increase
lxans and lniat'mts..$'.72.M7.WO $ 2 : Ki.m0
(ioA 41,547,p0 2h...900
Cur. .and bk, nts ".. .
Tnlo rinoalta .wji,tu),wv u.w.o.iw
Bank Clearlnas.
OMAHA. Sept. 12-Bank clearings for
Omaha today were .4.m,ooi.ii "F,1"
........nrlnf dav last year. $2,000,807.22.
The aummary of the clearings for the
week and the corresponding week last
year. I. a. follows:
Mnn. 12.995 219 18 Labor dsy
T.L..U v 2.854. i3.rT7 3.314,42 14
Wednesday 3,:t99,2.'2 8S 3,S61,014.S
Tliuisaay .. . 3 182.790.00 3,527.874.05
irlduy 8,l(il,8W.49 3.2rj,5ss.l6
Saturday 2,tW0,W7.22 S.-JM.8H2.27
Sept. 12 I 8 414 7 89 8 3r. l 27 7 ' 71
RecelpTs and "iTsnosltton of live stocg
at the I'nlon Stock yards. South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock
p. m. yestcrdny:
R El ' El PTS CA RS.
Cattle. Hops Sheep.
Sept. 10. 8 MS! 8 fw 8 35! I 11 " Ml M steady when the receipts were light there
Sept. Ill 8 52SI 7 78 8 .18 1 01 7 83 being no market at Chicago because or
laDor oay. mrenmn waa in eviaence on
awes and lambs during the early trade
on Tuesday and at Tuesday's close prices
on lambs were boosted PMloc. Wednes
day's market nnd a large run here, and.
in aptte or this, sellers added another
lOtt-loo to lamb prices and the packers
were ready buyers at thnt. Partly un
der the Influence of a reported Increased
consuming demand for lamb and mutton
In the east, lambs continued to soar on
Thursday and Friday, the extent of the
Improvement being as much as 25436c,
wnen iambs climbed to the 800 mark,
the highest point ever reached In the
Uionlh of September. In the case of ewes
tha supply has been small like It has been
for tha season to date and so few wethers
and yearlings have been showing- up that
not enough of them have been on hand
any one day to really make a market,
though In sympathy with ewes and lamha
they are quotablv better than a week ago.
The situation In feeders Is that It would
take a big falling off in hovers to make
any material break in prices, as the de
mand continues vigorous and current re
ceipts Indicate a shortage.
Quotstlons on range shen and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, $7. 356. 00; lambs,
fair to good, $7.10cjf7.3S; lamb.a feeders
$6 50f7.10; yearlings, good to choice, $orvf
6.25; yearllns-s. fair to good, $5.8nifM.O0;
yearling, feeders, l5.4iWi.80: wethers,
good to choice, $5.3.r.if.0; wethers, fair
to good. $5.10 85; wethers, feeders, $4.3
4 85; ewes, good to cholo, $4 80a.10; ewes,
fair to good, $4.80f(f4,0; ewes, feeders,
$8 Mr4 .10.
Retirrsentatlva sales:
Totul receipts 1
Morris A Co
Swift and Company......
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Schwarts A Co
J W. Murphy
Other buyers
.$18,134,413.42 $17, 033, 005. 00
Lard I
Ribs I
Sept. 1$ OA
Oct.! 11 M
Jan.. I 10 86
rk C4
61 50VA4
64V53V&4I 644'634&4
18 30 I 17 60 I 17 60 I 1 00
2100 I 20 06 I 20 30 3080
8 SO
10 05-477
V 35
10 074
S 80
12 00 I 11 75
11 50 I 11 30
10 8741 10 60
S SO I $20
t 15 824
534! 10 00
II 75
11 85
10 674
It 00
11 50
10 824
Pace of Operations Slaw ta ladae
trial Lines.
NEW YORK. Bept ll.-Bradstreefg to
morrow will say:
Hopes of better trade loom larger than
FOR EXCHANGE for part cash and cltv
property, or part cash and cheap land or
and noimiii; located In a live Nebraska o actual transactions, and except at a
town; saJes average $40 per day. Address 1 few western centers, the trend la tem
S C 10"7 Bee pered by conservatism, with dullness pre-
vKiuiie 11 tow uuiii, rait festivals at
DOOM. Bl'.lCKS at $1U) per M.; also 300M.
feet of lumber at works. Utb and Jack
son Sts. Buildings bougst and wrecked.
T rester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 4E3.
FOR SALE Lluuld Iceless soda fountain
In Emprens Garden, Kmprens theater
building, Omaha, for sale at a great ute
ri: ke by the manufacturer; cash or terms.
Call H. 4--10. i,
2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. tl A- Paul
FOR SALE New and seuoud-heuil carom
and pocket billiard tables am bowling
alleys and accusorlta; bar fixtures of all
kluds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collenicr
Co., 4U7-4C9 8. loth eL
FURNITURE ' for u 5-room
near C'niaha, 'l.tWI. Low rate ren
the buttling. W hat have you to o
Address S. C. 12. care Lis.
GOOD ""Elgin watch and some cash for
good visible typewriter. H. C. 131,
new. retail price $18, "Hon" brand; will
exchacge for roll top desk or anything
else m eiul value. Address 8. C. IVri,
fiovjl Have small -r.. house located In
Onatha, where It will always rent. Now
brining in $12 per month. Price Sl.otiu:
mor'aage $!0ir, will trade equity for Ford
car. S. C. l'. Bee.
noiei numerous points have made for somewhat
.ffJij heavier buying, but the improvement thus
I reflected Is only relative and In Indus
trial lines the pace of operations la slow.
as yei American mercnauta are grop
ing for foreign markets, and while pro
gress may be made In that direction the
situation Is still one of promise rather
than performance.
It is conceded that fundamental condi
tions are sound, crops being of excellent
volume, and that ultimately crop money
will make Itself felt, but oa tha other
hand high rates for money check enter
prise while high prices or, as in the case
of cotton, too low prices, hamper buying
1 " .- . . . . . . .... . . b wuj m w vna
I HAVE a 1910 model Detroit Electric In ""1' or,1,"w,1, ,ev"pments before
B'Vs'&e W'" " AM,t"tSS, for ,h. week were Vi.
p. m, cee. compared with 26s last year; in Canada
I HAVE a good patent. Will sell for cssh
or trade for an auto with latent im
pro tiuents. Address S. C. 11' 9. Bee.
fifty-four, compared with twenty-seven
last yesr. Wheat exports, 7.048,000 bush
ls. compartd with 4.473.0U0 last year.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat r No. I red.
$1,12414.14; No. 2 hard, $1,111.61.11 Corn:
ino. i yenow, dtj'c; ino. 1 yellow. IMt
1784c Oats: No. 3 white, S'.i'tM'.tc ; stand
ard, 4i(Ht4'c. nice: No. z, n'fpac. Bar
ley, tliQItc. Timothy, $4.003.o0. Clover,
nominal. Pork, $17.5018.00. Lard. $9.1&
Ribs, $11.6012.00.
BUTTER Receipts, 11.2S2 tubs; un
changed. EGGS Higher; receipts, 8.911 esses; at
mark, cbsm Included, 30(tji3c; ordinary
firsts. 21i&'J2r.; first 2affl4c.
POTATOM.' Unsettled; receipts. 66 cars;
Jerseys. Ktfl'Oc; Michigan and Wisconsin,
7u'76c; Minnesota Chios, 764y78o.
IOULTRY-Allve, higher; spring, 16e;
fowls. lo.
B1TTTER No, 1. Ho. cartona. He; No.
I, 00-11). tubs. 30c.
CHRE8B Imported Swiss. 40c; Ameri
can Swiss. 2c; block Swiss. 24c; twins,
lac; daisies. U4c; triplets, 184c; Young
Americas, 3uc; blue label brick. 19c; Urn
burger, l-lu., toe; 1-lb.. 20c; New York
while, 19c; Imported French Roquefort
FIBH Trout. 17e; large rrapplea, 10
15c; salmon, lift 15c; halibut 94c; channel
catfish, 15c: pike, 17c; pickerel. lOe.
POULTRY-Brollers, 154c; spring chick
sns. 14c; hens, 124c; cocks, 9c; ducks, lc;
geese, 8c; turkeys, 124c; pigeons, per dox.,
90c; ducks, full feathered. 10c; full
feathered, 8c; squabs, No. 1. $1.50; No. 2,
BEEF Cl.'TS Wholesale prices of
beef cuts effective September 14.
are a follows: Iclbs: No. 1, tic;
No. 2. l(c; No. 3, 13c. Loins: No.
1. 224c: No. t 174c: No. $, 144c Chucks:
No. 1. 12c; No. I. 104c; No. $, !rt,c.
Rounds: No. L 164c; No. 2, 14c; No. 1,
Coffee Marke.t.
nurkt was more or less unsettled
again today. Private cables report that!
the Brazilian governiiifm
an issue of paper money to assist growers
In holding their coffee off the market In
the Interior and no further change waa
reported in the cost and freight market.
Local spot prices, however, were a shade
lower and some operators prodlct that
values here will gradually work nearer a
parity with Braxil should the foreign ex
change altuation continue to Improve. Rio
7s were quoted at frVflflc nd Santos 4s
at 114trl2c Mtlrols prices were unchanged
In Braxil at the close yesterday.
Omaha Hay Market
Extra choice, $12 00; No. 1. $1.009
1150- No. 2. $9.00111.00; 'No. t, l7.oorrj.9 00.
Choice midland, $11.00; No. 1, $10.00fl 11.00;
No 2, $.00U'10.00; No. 3. $41.0CKi8.0O. Choice
lowland, $10."0; No. 1, $'J.0ofjt0.0; No.
2 $7iyn9 0fi; No. 3. $5.0or(f7.OO.
STRAW Choice wheat quotable at $4 00
ciivii. choice oat or rve. 85.0ii1io.50.
A UP Ai.r A rioi-, 110 w, ., m.w4t
13 00; No. 2. $10.O0Cfl2.o0; No. 3, no demand, 1
Hlonx t'ltr Stock Market.
ceipts. 100 head.
HoGS Receipts, t.oW head; market 10c
lower; heavy, $8 4a66; mixed, $8W
8 40; light, $8,304(8.30; bulk of sales, $8 3ft
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,200
head; no quotations.
Dry ftnoile Market.
Firmer cotton markets In some section
today caused mllia to refuse to sell wld
print cloths at the lowest prices. Colored
goods, firm. Fine ysrn cloths, steady.
More buying waa reported by cotton yarn
dealers. Underwear and hosiery, more
!4fvw York Money Market.
PAPER 7 per cent.
cables, $4 t-t.fcn5; for demand, $4 S7ii
SILVER Bar. 55c.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralte
APPLE-1 Eask-r; fancy, 104UHc; choice,
ISiSlOr; prime. t4c
DRIED FRUITS PTunes. steady. Apri
cots and peaches, dull. Raisins, qulst-
Be Want Ada Are Read and Used by
Ambitious Men and Women.
Totals 8.015 1.691
CATTLE There were no cattle of any
consequonce In sight this morning, but for
the week receipts have been .quite llneral
although falling short of the record of
Isst neek and a year ago.
Cornfed eteers have been In moderate
supply all week with an entire absence of
strictly rholce or prime beeves, une mar
ket has not shown much change, nemg
generally steady for the week, although
the medium grades have been rather un
satisfactory sellers, owing to the com
petition with western rangers. Grass
beef steers, which broke at the beginning
of the week, have firmed up again until
they are at the close of the week fully as
high ait the high close Inst week, or
around 25c higher than ten days ago.
Cows and heifers, which eased off at
the beginning of the week, have recov
ered all tha lost ground and are now fully
as high aa at the high time at last week's
close. If anything the canners and
medium grades are somewhat firmer than
last week.
flood feeders have been In moderate
supply all week and they are a little
stronger than last week, being In e an
cases as much as 26o higher. Tin
medium and common grades have shown
no Improvement whatrver and they might
possibly be a little easier than last week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
cornfed beeves, $1 Mtj 10.26; fair to good
cornfed beevea, 753 50; common to fair
cornfed beeves, l7.7Wil.7b; good to choice
range steers. $7.4038 50; fair to good range
steers, lfi.7ofl7.40; common to 'air range
steers, $8 mwfl 76; good to choirs grass
cows, $6. 3607.75; fair to good grades, $5.50
ir 2n; common to fair grades, $3 796 80;
good to choice stockera and feeders, $7.50
ti8 00; fair to good Blockers and feeders,
IS.7.Vq7.50: common tn fair stock ers and
feeders, S6.tX!r4t.7t; stock cows and heifers,
$u.2604.7o; stock calves, $x.O).O0; veal
calves, S.OO$fl0 50; lulls, stags, etc., l.liQ
HOGS Supplies amounted to about
fifty-four cars or 3,400 head, putting the
week a total at 18.HM head. This Is ll.OoO
smaller than a week ago, an3 more than
12.000 short of a year sgo. The week s
supply Is with one exception the smallest
of the year, the largest run of the week
coming on Wednesday, when only seventy
three cars were reported.
All points reported a fresh slump In
values this morning, and the local trade
opened out very dull, and sharply lower.
The early rounds were slow, and sales
men made an effort to check the decline,
but when the supply finally started to
move prices were largely a dim lower,
t-hlpplng ordem were very small, and as
was the case yesterday practically every
thing went to packers. Trade was dull
throughout, and It waa well along In the
forenoon before a clearance waa made.
The big end of tha sales waa made at
$8.40. as against the long string at $8.60
on Friday. A few loads sold up around
$8.45, and owing to the fact that these
were few big heavies here, not many
landed under M 40 Aa high as $866 was
Dsld early In the forenoon. later In the
day this load sold at u.w. me extreme
top ror tne oay.
In spite of the fart that the week' re
celpts have been so light, prices are about
tn Idaho lambs ...
679 Idaho lambs
173 Idaho lambs ....
146 Idaho lambs ...
1 Idaho lambs ...
253 Idaho lambs ...
24 Idaho lambs ....
( Idaho yearlings
4 Idaho yearlings .
1 runs
... 71
... 70
... 61
... 69
... 69
... 69
... f9
... 93
Ifl Idaho ewea
181 Idaho feeder lambs 66
971 Idaho lambs 71
7 76
7 76
7 00
7 00
e ti
1 00
6 00
t 75
7 9Q
Hl Mostly Ten Cegnts Letweiw
Sheep Stroaar.
CHICAGO, Sept. 11 CATTTJC Re--elpts.
500 head; beeves. $6.904011.00; steers,
56 3Tti.S5; storkers and feeders, $o.40hi.25;
noo" nd n8lf w"61; calves, $s.tXKy
HOGS-Receipts, 9.000 head; market
mostly 10c lower; bulk of sales. $8.4oj8 95;
light $8.75'B9.45; mixed. $S.S5U9.46; heavy,
$8.15A20; rough, $8.1547.!0; pigs, $4.7ilS.2.-..
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000
head; market strong; sheep, $5.2B.10; '
yearlings, $6.9094.66; lambs. $6.7638.40.
Kansas City I.It Stock Market.
ceipts, 400 heed. Market steady; prime
fed steers, $11.7547 10.76; dresstd beef steers,
$8.00ti.j; western steers, $ti.76jp9.25; stock
errand feeders, $6.008.25; calves, $6.6031
HOGS Receipts, 600 head. Market
tower; duik ot sales, xtxi;8.6; heavy,
$8.7041.86; packers and butchers, U.Wit
$.90; light. $S.VJ8.80; pigs. $7.604j8.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts.
Msrket stesdy; lambs, $7.40-p76; year
lings, $5.753Hi.60; wethers, $6.4Ao.b; awes,
St. Leal I. lye Slnek Market.
ST. I.OUIS, Sept. 12. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 800 head. Market steady; natlva
beef steers, $7.60tf10.60; cows and heifers,
$.0i.fi9.50; stockera and feedera, $5.007.60;
southern steers, $t).OOrj8.00; cows and heif
ers, $4.0Gv'f.60; native calves.. $6.00(!jll.00.
HOGS Receipts,, 8,000 head. Market
steady; pigs and lights, $7.00&9.tO; mixed
and butchers, $.0mii4.80; good heavy, $9.20
SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts.
Market stesdy; native muttons, $4 0046.10:
lambs, $r.0xa8.10.
St. Joseph Lire Stoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Sopt. 12. HOGS Receipt
2,800 head; market lower; bulk. $8 66-88.76.
CATTLE Receipts 100 head; market
steady: steers, $7.00frlfl.60: cows and heif
ers, $4 2MfO5; calves, $6 00010.50.
1 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts 600
head; market steady; lambs, r.Iiftf? 56.
Smell Fall
Get Your Coal Now
You'll soon have to begin shoveling- roal Into the etove or furnace.
Anil every shovelful will tost money. Do you want to save half the
cost? Why not buy your entire year's supply now, direct from our
mines at mine prices? .
Gst better coal for less money. Remember that Tecumseh Coal
ta being used by big companies everywehre and that It 1b guaranteed
to prove out 18,400 R. T. U.'s to the pound with only 9 ash and 9
moisture. . , ,
Taks advantage of our location and save the expense of long cost
ly freight hauls from Eastern lines.
The coal club plan ha been worked successfully by many of our
customers. They buy a carload and spilt It between them. The ear
likg la worth It.
8x3 inch Domestic Nut
1x14 Inch Domestic Nut
Inch LMimestlc Lump
Crushed Mine Run, any alse
14 Inch Lump
Freight rate to Omaha only $140 per ton.
BO a as If sat YUoeoaes, Sad.
$2 00 per ton.
$2.00 per ton.
32.00 per ton.
$1.10 per ton.
$1.00 pr ton
$1.20 per ton.
Is Carloads Only.
Martin-Howe Coal Company
Miners and Shippers
w xt Sows President. fob freeman, Tloe-Jie.
iTa-Tld XulV,Tc"r. I. at, CotUtsr. SeCy-Treea.
IMS McCormick Bolldlnf, Ohlcafo.
&oaf Wataaoe Telephone Haxrtaoa US1. Anto Thorn 4W-4VM